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| <territory type="AM">Armeńska</territory> |
| <territory type="AO">Angola</territory> |
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| <territory type="AR">Argentinska</territory> |
| <territory type="AS">Ameriska Samoa</territory> |
| <territory type="AT">Awstriska</territory> |
| <territory type="AU">Awstralska</territory> |
| <territory type="AW">Aruba</territory> |
| <territory type="AX">Åland</territory> |
| <territory type="AZ">Azerbajdžan</territory> |
| <territory type="BA">Bosniska a Hercegowina</territory> |
| <territory type="BB">Barbados</territory> |
| <territory type="BD">Bangladeš</territory> |
| <territory type="BE">Belgiska</territory> |
| <territory type="BF">Burkina Faso</territory> |
| <territory type="BG">Bulgarska</territory> |
| <territory type="BH">Bahrain</territory> |
| <territory type="BI">Burundi</territory> |
| <territory type="BJ">Benin</territory> |
| <territory type="BL">St. Barthélemy</territory> |
| <territory type="BM">Bermudy</territory> |
| <territory type="BN">Brunei</territory> |
| <territory type="BO">Boliwiska</territory> |
| <territory type="BQ">Karibiska Nižozemska</territory> |
| <territory type="BR">Brazilska</territory> |
| <territory type="BS">Bahamy</territory> |
| <territory type="BT">Bhutan</territory> |
| <territory type="BV">Bouvetowa kupa</territory> |
| <territory type="BW">Botswana</territory> |
| <territory type="BY">Běłoruska</territory> |
| <territory type="BZ">Belize</territory> |
| <territory type="CA">Kanada</territory> |
| <territory type="CC">Kokosowe kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="CD">Kongo-Kinshasa</territory> |
| <territory type="CD" alt="variant">Kongo (Demokratiska republika)</territory> |
| <territory type="CF">Centralnoafriska republika</territory> |
| <territory type="CG">Kongo-Brazzaville</territory> |
| <territory type="CG" alt="variant">Kongo (Republika)</territory> |
| <territory type="CH">Šwicarska</territory> |
| <territory type="CI">Côte d’Ivoire</territory> |
| <territory type="CI" alt="variant">Słonowokósćowy pśibrjog</territory> |
| <territory type="CK">Cookowe kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="CL">Chilska</territory> |
| <territory type="CM">Kamerun</territory> |
| <territory type="CN">China</territory> |
| <territory type="CO">Kolumbiska</territory> |
| <territory type="CP">Clippertonowa kupa</territory> |
| <territory type="CR">Kosta Rika</territory> |
| <territory type="CU">Kuba</territory> |
| <territory type="CV">Kap Verde</territory> |
| <territory type="CW">Curaçao</territory> |
| <territory type="CX">Gódowne kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="CY">Cypriska</territory> |
| <territory type="CZ">Česka republika</territory> |
| <territory type="DE">Nimska</territory> |
| <territory type="DG">Diego Garcia</territory> |
| <territory type="DJ">Džibuti</territory> |
| <territory type="DK">Dańska</territory> |
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| <territory type="ES">Špańska</territory> |
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| <territory type="FR">Francojska</territory> |
| <territory type="GA">Gabun</territory> |
| <territory type="GB">Zjadnośone kralejstwo</territory> |
| <territory type="GB" alt="short">UK</territory> |
| <territory type="GD">Grenada</territory> |
| <territory type="GE">Georgiska</territory> |
| <territory type="GF">Francojska Guyana</territory> |
| <territory type="GG">Guernsey</territory> |
| <territory type="GH">Ghana</territory> |
| <territory type="GI">Gibraltar</territory> |
| <territory type="GL">Grönlandska</territory> |
| <territory type="GM">Gambija</territory> |
| <territory type="GN">Gineja</territory> |
| <territory type="GP">Guadeloupe</territory> |
| <territory type="GQ">Ekwatorialna Gineja</territory> |
| <territory type="GR">Grichiska</territory> |
| <territory type="GS">Pódpołdnjowa Georgiska a Pódpołdnjowe Sandwichowe kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="GT">Guatemala</territory> |
| <territory type="GU">Guam</territory> |
| <territory type="GW">Gineja-Bissau</territory> |
| <territory type="GY">Guyana</territory> |
| <territory type="HK">Wósebna zastojnstwowa cona Hongkong</territory> |
| <territory type="HK" alt="short">Hongkong</territory> |
| <territory type="HM">Heardowa kupa a McDonaldowe kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="HN">Honduras</territory> |
| <territory type="HR">Chorwatska</territory> |
| <territory type="HT">Haiti</territory> |
| <territory type="HU">Hungorska</territory> |
| <territory type="IC">Kanariske kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="ID">Indoneziska</territory> |
| <territory type="IE">Irska</territory> |
| <territory type="IL">Israel</territory> |
| <territory type="IM">Man</territory> |
| <territory type="IN">Indiska</territory> |
| <territory type="IO">Britiski indiskooceaniski teritorium</territory> |
| <territory type="IQ">Irak</territory> |
| <territory type="IR">Iran</territory> |
| <territory type="IS">Islandska</territory> |
| <territory type="IT">Italska</territory> |
| <territory type="JE">Jersey</territory> |
| <territory type="JM">Jamaika</territory> |
| <territory type="JO">Jordaniska</territory> |
| <territory type="JP">Japańska</territory> |
| <territory type="KE">Kenia</territory> |
| <territory type="KG">Kirgizistan</territory> |
| <territory type="KH">Kambodža</territory> |
| <territory type="KI">Kiribati</territory> |
| <territory type="KM">Komory</territory> |
| <territory type="KN">St. Kitts a Nevis</territory> |
| <territory type="KP">Pódpołnocna Koreja</territory> |
| <territory type="KR">Pódpołdnjowa Koreja</territory> |
| <territory type="KW">Kuwait</territory> |
| <territory type="KY">Kajmaniske kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="KZ">Kazachstan</territory> |
| <territory type="LA">Laos</territory> |
| <territory type="LB">Libanon</territory> |
| <territory type="LC">St. Lucia</territory> |
| <territory type="LI">Liechtenstein</territory> |
| <territory type="LK">Sri Lanka</territory> |
| <territory type="LR">Liberija</territory> |
| <territory type="LS">Lesotho</territory> |
| <territory type="LT">Litawska</territory> |
| <territory type="LU">Luxemburgska</territory> |
| <territory type="LV">Letiska</territory> |
| <territory type="LY">Libyska</territory> |
| <territory type="MA">Marokko</territory> |
| <territory type="MC">Monaco</territory> |
| <territory type="MD">Moldawska</territory> |
| <territory type="ME">Carna Góra</territory> |
| <territory type="MF">St. Martin</territory> |
| <territory type="MG">Madagaskar</territory> |
| <territory type="MH">Marshallowe kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="ML">Mali</territory> |
| <territory type="MM">Myanmar</territory> |
| <territory type="MN">Mongolska</territory> |
| <territory type="MO">Wósebna zastojnstwowa cona Macao</territory> |
| <territory type="MO" alt="short">Macao</territory> |
| <territory type="MP">Pódpołnocne Mariany</territory> |
| <territory type="MQ">Martinique</territory> |
| <territory type="MR">Mawretańska</territory> |
| <territory type="MS">Montserrat</territory> |
| <territory type="MT">Malta</territory> |
| <territory type="MU">Mauritius</territory> |
| <territory type="MV">Malediwy</territory> |
| <territory type="MW">Malawi</territory> |
| <territory type="MX">Mexiko</territory> |
| <territory type="MY">Malajzija</territory> |
| <territory type="MZ">Mosambik</territory> |
| <territory type="NA">Namibija</territory> |
| <territory type="NC">Nowa Kaledoniska</territory> |
| <territory type="NE">Niger</territory> |
| <territory type="NF">Norfolkowa kupa</territory> |
| <territory type="NG">Nigerija</territory> |
| <territory type="NI">Nikaragua</territory> |
| <territory type="NL">Nižozemska</territory> |
| <territory type="NO">Norwegska</territory> |
| <territory type="NP">Nepal</territory> |
| <territory type="NR">Nauru</territory> |
| <territory type="NU">Niue</territory> |
| <territory type="NZ">Nowoseelandska</territory> |
| <territory type="OM">Oman</territory> |
| <territory type="PA">Panama</territory> |
| <territory type="PE">Peru</territory> |
| <territory type="PF">Francojska Polyneziska</territory> |
| <territory type="PG">Papua-Neuguinea</territory> |
| <territory type="PH">Filipiny</territory> |
| <territory type="PK">Pakistan</territory> |
| <territory type="PL">Pólska</territory> |
| <territory type="PM">St. Pierre a Miquelon</territory> |
| <territory type="PN">Pitcairnowe kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="PR">Puerto Rico</territory> |
| <territory type="PS">Palestinski awtonomny teritorium</territory> |
| <territory type="PS" alt="short">Palestina</territory> |
| <territory type="PT">Portugalska</territory> |
| <territory type="PW">Palau</territory> |
| <territory type="PY">Paraguay</territory> |
| <territory type="QA">Katar</territory> |
| <territory type="QO">wenkowna Oceaniska</territory> |
| <territory type="RE">Réunion</territory> |
| <territory type="RO">Rumuńska</territory> |
| <territory type="RS">Serbiska</territory> |
| <territory type="RU">Ruska</territory> |
| <territory type="RW">Ruanda</territory> |
| <territory type="SA">Saudi-Arabiska</territory> |
| <territory type="SB">Salomony</territory> |
| <territory type="SC">Seychelle</territory> |
| <territory type="SD">Sudan</territory> |
| <territory type="SE">Šwedska</territory> |
| <territory type="SG">Singapur</territory> |
| <territory type="SH">St. Helena</territory> |
| <territory type="SI">Słowjeńska</territory> |
| <territory type="SJ">Svalbard a Jan Mayen</territory> |
| <territory type="SK">Słowakska</territory> |
| <territory type="SL">Sierra Leone</territory> |
| <territory type="SM">San Marino</territory> |
| <territory type="SN">Senegal</territory> |
| <territory type="SO">Somalija</territory> |
| <territory type="SR">Surinamska</territory> |
| <territory type="SS">Pódpołdnjowy Sudan</territory> |
| <territory type="ST">São Tomé a Príncipe</territory> |
| <territory type="SV">El Salvador</territory> |
| <territory type="SX">Sint Maarten</territory> |
| <territory type="SY">Syriska</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ">Swasiska</territory> |
| <territory type="TA">Tristan da Cunha</territory> |
| <territory type="TC">Turks a Caicos kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="TD">Čad</territory> |
| <territory type="TF">Francojski pódpołdnjowy a antarktiski teritorium</territory> |
| <territory type="TG">Togo</territory> |
| <territory type="TH">Thailandska</territory> |
| <territory type="TJ">Tadźikistan</territory> |
| <territory type="TK">Tokelau</territory> |
| <territory type="TL">Timor-Leste</territory> |
| <territory type="TL" alt="variant">Pódzajtšny Timor</territory> |
| <territory type="TM">Turkmeniska</territory> |
| <territory type="TN">Tuneziska</territory> |
| <territory type="TO">Tonga</territory> |
| <territory type="TR">Turkojska</territory> |
| <territory type="TT">Trinidad a Tobago</territory> |
| <territory type="TV">Tuvalu</territory> |
| <territory type="TW">Taiwan</territory> |
| <territory type="TZ">Tansanija</territory> |
| <territory type="UA">Ukraina</territory> |
| <territory type="UG">Uganda</territory> |
| <territory type="UM">Ameriska Oceaniska</territory> |
| <territory type="US">Zjadnośone staty Ameriki</territory> |
| <territory type="US" alt="short">USA</territory> |
| <territory type="UY">Uruguay</territory> |
| <territory type="UZ">Uzbekistan</territory> |
| <territory type="VA">Vatikańske město</territory> |
| <territory type="VC">St. Vincent a Grenadiny</territory> |
| <territory type="VE">Venezuela</territory> |
| <territory type="VG">Britiske kněžniske kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="VI">Ameriske kněžniske kupy</territory> |
| <territory type="VN">Vietnam</territory> |
| <territory type="VU">Vanuatu</territory> |
| <territory type="WF">Wallis a Futuna</territory> |
| <territory type="WS">Samoa</territory> |
| <territory type="XK">Kosowo</territory> |
| <territory type="YE">Jemen</territory> |
| <territory type="YT">Mayotte</territory> |
| <territory type="ZA">Pódpołdnjowa Afrika (Republika)</territory> |
| <territory type="ZM">Sambija</territory> |
| <territory type="ZW">Simbabwe</territory> |
| <territory type="ZZ">njeznaty region</territory> |
| </territories> |
| <keys> |
| <key type="calendar">kalender</key> |
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| <key type="currency">pjenjeze</key> |
| <key type="numbers">licby</key> |
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| <type key="calendar" type="iso8601">iso-8601-kalender</type> |
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| <type key="calendar" type="roc">kalender republiki China</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="ducet">sortěrowański slěd pó Unicoźe</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="search">powšykne pytanje</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="standard">standardny sortěrowański slěd</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="arabext">rozšyrjone arabisko-indiske cyfry</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="armnlow">armeńske cyfry małopisane</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="ethi">etiopiske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="fullwide">połnošyroke cyfry</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="greklow">grichiske cyfry małopisane</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="gujr">gujarati-cyfry</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="hanidec">chinske decimalne licby</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hans">zjadnorjone chinske cyfry</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="hant">tradicionalne chinske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hantfin">tradicionalne chinske financne cyfry</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="jpan">japańske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="jpanfin">japańske financne cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="khmr">khmerske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="knda">kannada-cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="laoo">laotiske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="latn">arabiske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mlym">malayalamske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mymr">burmaske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="orya">oriya-cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="roman">romske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="romanlow">romske cyfry małopisane</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="taml">tradicionalne tamilske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tamldec">tamilske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="telu">telugu-cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="thai">thaiske cyfry</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tibt">tibetske cyfry</type> |
| </types> |
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| <measurementSystemName type="US">ameriski</measurementSystemName> |
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| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">d.M. – d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d.M. – d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d.M. – E, d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d.M. – E, d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">LLL – LLL</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">d. – d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. MMM – d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d. – E, d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">d.M.y – d.M.y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d.M.y – d.M.y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d.M.y – d.M.y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">LLL – LLL y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">LLL y – LLL y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">d. MMM y – d. MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">LLLL y – LLLL y G</greatestDifference> |
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| <month type="9">sep.</month> |
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| <month type="4">apryla</month> |
| <month type="5">maja</month> |
| <month type="6">junija</month> |
| <month type="7">julija</month> |
| <month type="8">awgusta</month> |
| <month type="9">septembra</month> |
| <month type="10">oktobra</month> |
| <month type="11">nowembra</month> |
| <month type="12">decembra</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">jan</month> |
| <month type="2">feb</month> |
| <month type="3">měr</month> |
| <month type="4">apr</month> |
| <month type="5">maj</month> |
| <month type="6">jun</month> |
| <month type="7">jul</month> |
| <month type="8">awg</month> |
| <month type="9">sep</month> |
| <month type="10">okt</month> |
| <month type="11">now</month> |
| <month type="12">dec</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">j</month> |
| <month type="2">f</month> |
| <month type="3">m</month> |
| <month type="4">a</month> |
| <month type="5">m</month> |
| <month type="6">j</month> |
| <month type="7">j</month> |
| <month type="8">a</month> |
| <month type="9">s</month> |
| <month type="10">o</month> |
| <month type="11">n</month> |
| <month type="12">d</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">januar</month> |
| <month type="2">februar</month> |
| <month type="3">měrc</month> |
| <month type="4">apryl</month> |
| <month type="5">maj</month> |
| <month type="6">junij</month> |
| <month type="7">julij</month> |
| <month type="8">awgust</month> |
| <month type="9">september</month> |
| <month type="10">oktober</month> |
| <month type="11">nowember</month> |
| <month type="12">december</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <days> |
| <dayContext type="format"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">nje</day> |
| <day type="mon">pón</day> |
| <day type="tue">wał</day> |
| <day type="wed">srj</day> |
| <day type="thu">stw</day> |
| <day type="fri">pět</day> |
| <day type="sat">sob</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">n</day> |
| <day type="mon">p</day> |
| <day type="tue">w</day> |
| <day type="wed">s</day> |
| <day type="thu">s</day> |
| <day type="fri">p</day> |
| <day type="sat">s</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">nj</day> |
| <day type="mon">pó</day> |
| <day type="tue">wa</day> |
| <day type="wed">sr</day> |
| <day type="thu">st</day> |
| <day type="fri">pě</day> |
| <day type="sat">so</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">njeźela</day> |
| <day type="mon">pónjeźele</day> |
| <day type="tue">wałtora</day> |
| <day type="wed">srjoda</day> |
| <day type="thu">stwórtk</day> |
| <day type="fri">pětk</day> |
| <day type="sat">sobota</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| <dayContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">nje</day> |
| <day type="mon">pón</day> |
| <day type="tue">wał</day> |
| <day type="wed">srj</day> |
| <day type="thu">stw</day> |
| <day type="fri">pět</day> |
| <day type="sat">sob</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">n</day> |
| <day type="mon">p</day> |
| <day type="tue">w</day> |
| <day type="wed">s</day> |
| <day type="thu">s</day> |
| <day type="fri">p</day> |
| <day type="sat">s</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">nj</day> |
| <day type="mon">pó</day> |
| <day type="tue">wa</day> |
| <day type="wed">sr</day> |
| <day type="thu">st</day> |
| <day type="fri">pě</day> |
| <day type="sat">so</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">njeźela</day> |
| <day type="mon">pónjeźele</day> |
| <day type="tue">wałtora</day> |
| <day type="wed">srjoda</day> |
| <day type="thu">stwórtk</day> |
| <day type="fri">pětk</day> |
| <day type="sat">sobota</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| </days> |
| <quarters> |
| <quarterContext type="format"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">Q1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">Q2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">Q3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">Q4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">1. kwartal</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2. kwartal</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3. kwartal</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4. kwartal</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| <quarterContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">Q1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">Q2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">Q3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">Q4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">1. kwartal</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2. kwartal</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3. kwartal</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4. kwartal</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| </quarters> |
| <dayPeriods> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="format"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">dopołdnja</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">wótpołdnja</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">dop.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">wótp.</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">dopołdnja</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">wótpołdnja</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| </dayPeriods> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0">pśed Kristusowym naroźenim</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">pśed našym licenim casa</era> |
| <era type="1">pó Kristusowem naroźenju</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">našogo licenja casa</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">pś.Chr.n.</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">pś.n.l.c.</era> |
| <era type="1">pó Chr.n.</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">n.l.c.</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>EEEE, d. MMMM y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d. MMMM y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d.M.y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d.M.yy</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
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| <timeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm:ss zzzz</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm:ss z</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm:ss</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| </timeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
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| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">ccc</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">E, d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">E, h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">E, 'zeg'. H:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E, h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">E, HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">y G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">MMM y G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">d. MMM y G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">E, d. MMM y G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">h a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">'zeg'. H</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">'zeg'. H:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">H:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">L</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">d.M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">E, d.M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">LLL</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">d. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">E, d. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">d MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yM">M.y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMd">d.M.y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMEd">E, d.M.y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMM">MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMd">d. MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMEd">E, d. MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMM">LLLL y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQ">QQQ y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQQ">QQQQ y</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <appendItems> |
| <appendItem request="Timezone">{0} {1}</appendItem> |
| </appendItems> |
| <intervalFormats> |
| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d. – d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="H"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">'zeg'. H–H</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">'zeg'. H:mm – H:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">'zeg'. H:mm – H:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">'zeg'. H:mm – H:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">'zeg'. H:mm – H:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H–H v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M. – M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d.M. – d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d.M. – d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d.M. – E, d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d.M. – E, d.M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">LLL – LLL</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d. – d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. MMM – d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d. – E, d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y–y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M.y – M.y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M.y – M.y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d.M.y – d.M.y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d.M.y – d.M.y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d.M.y – d.M.y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">LLL – LLL y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">LLL y – LLL y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d. – d. MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. MMM – d. MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d. MMM y – d. MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d. – E, d. MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">LLLL – LLLL y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">LLLL y – LLLL y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| </calendar> |
| </calendars> |
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| <displayName>epocha</displayName> |
| </field> |
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| <relative type="0">lětosa</relative> |
| <relative type="1">znowa</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} lěto</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} lěśe</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} lěta</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} lět</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} lětom</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} lětoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} lětami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} lětami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
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| <displayName>l.</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-narrow"> |
| <displayName>l.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} l.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
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| <displayName>kwartal</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} kwartal</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} kwartala</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} kwartale</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} kwartalow</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} kwartalom</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} kwartaloma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} kwartalami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} kwartalami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
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| <displayName>kwart.</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} kwart.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-narrow"> |
| <displayName>kw.</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} kw.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
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| <displayName>mjasec</displayName> |
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| <relative type="0">ten mjasec</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy mjasec</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} mjasec</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} mjaseca</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} mjasecy</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} mjasecow</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} mjasecom</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} mjasecoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} mjasecami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} mjasecami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-short"> |
| <displayName>mjas.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-narrow"> |
| <displayName>mjas.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} mjas.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week"> |
| <displayName>tyźeń</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny tyźeń</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten tyźeń</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy tyźeń</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} tyźeń</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} tyźenja</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} tyźenje</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} tyźenjow</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} tyźenjom</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} tyźenjoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} tyźenjami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} tyźenjami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-short"> |
| <displayName>tyź.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-narrow"> |
| <displayName>tyź.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} tyź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day"> |
| <displayName>źeń</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">cora</relative> |
| <relative type="0">źinsa</relative> |
| <relative type="1">witśe</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} źeń</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} dnja</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} dny</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} dnjow</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} dnjom</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} dnjoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} dnjami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} dnjami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-short"> |
| <displayName>źeń</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} źeń</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} dnj.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} dny</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} dnj.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} dnj.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} dnj.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} dnj.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} dnj.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-narrow"> |
| <displayName>ź</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} ź</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} ź</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} ź</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} ź</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} d</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} d</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} d</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} d</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday"> |
| <displayName>źeń tyźenja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu njeźelu</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu njeźelu</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu njeźelu</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu nje.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu nje.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu nje.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu nj.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu nj.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu nj.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědne pónjeźele</relative> |
| <relative type="0">to pónjeźele</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiduce pónjeźele</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědne pónj.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">to pónj.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiduce pónj.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědne pó.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">to pó.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiduce pó.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu wałtoru</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu wałtoru</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu wałtoru</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu wałt.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu wałt.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu wałt.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu wa.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu wa.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu wa.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu srjodu</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu srjodu</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu srjodu</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu srj.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu srj.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu srj.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu sr.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu sr.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu sr.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny stwórtk</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten stwórtk</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy stwórtk</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny stw.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten stw.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy stw.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny st.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten st.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy st.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny pětk</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten pětk</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy pětk</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny pět.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten pět.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy pět.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědny pě.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ten pě.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducy pě.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu sobotu</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu sobotu</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu sobotu</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu sob.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu sob.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu sob.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">slědnu so.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">tu so.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">pśiducu so.</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod"> |
| <displayName>połojca dnja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour"> |
| <displayName>góźina</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} góźinu</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} góźinje</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} góźiny</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} góźin</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} góźinu</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} góźinoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} góźinami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} góźinami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-short"> |
| <displayName>góź.</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} góź.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-narrow"> |
| <displayName>g</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} g</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute"> |
| <displayName>minuta</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} minutu</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} minuśe</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} minuty</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} minutow</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} minutu</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} minutoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} minutami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} minutami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-short"> |
| <displayName>min.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} min.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-narrow"> |
| <displayName>m</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} m</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second"> |
| <displayName>sekunda</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} sekundu</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} sekunźe</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} sekundy</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} sekundow</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} sekundu</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} sekundoma</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} sekundami</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} sekundami</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-short"> |
| <displayName>sek.</displayName> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} sek.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-narrow"> |
| <displayName>s</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">za {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">za {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">za {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">za {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">pśed {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="two">pśed {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">pśed {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">pśed {0} s</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="zone"> |
| <displayName>casowe pasmo</displayName> |
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| <regionFormat type="daylight">{0} lěśojski cas</regionFormat> |
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| <fallbackFormat>{1} ({0})</fallbackFormat> |
| <zone type="Etc/Unknown"> |
| <exemplarCity>Njeznate</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
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| <exemplarCity>Tirana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
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| <exemplarCity>Jerewan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
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| <exemplarCity>Wostok</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/DumontDUrville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dumont D’Urville</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vienna"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wien</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Brussels"> |
| <exemplarCity>Brüssel</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ouagadougou"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wagadugu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Porto-Novo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Porto Novo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Barthelemy"> |
| <exemplarCity>St.Barthélemy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Bermuda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bermudy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sao_Paulo"> |
| <exemplarCity>São Paulo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Coral_Harbour"> |
| <exemplarCity>Atikokan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Johns"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. John’s</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zurich"> |
| <exemplarCity>Zürich</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Easter"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jatšowne kupy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bogota"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bogotá</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Havana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Havanna</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Cape_Verde"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kap Verde</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Curacao"> |
| <exemplarCity>Curaçao</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Christmas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Gódowne kupy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Nicosia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nikosia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Prague"> |
| <exemplarCity>Praga</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Busingen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Büsingen</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Djibouti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Džibuti</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Copenhagen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kopenhagen</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Algiers"> |
| <exemplarCity>Algier</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Cairo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kairo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/El_Aaiun"> |
| <exemplarCity>El Aaiún</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Asmera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Asmara</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Canary"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kanary</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Addis_Ababa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Addis Abeba</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fiji"> |
| <exemplarCity>Fidži</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Truk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Chuuk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Ponape"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pohnpei</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Faeroe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Färöje</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/London"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>Britiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tbilisi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tbilisi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Accra"> |
| <exemplarCity>Akkra</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Godthab"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nuuk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Scoresbysund"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ittoqqortoormiit</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Athens"> |
| <exemplarCity>Athen</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/South_Georgia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pódpołdnjowa Georgiska</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hong_Kong"> |
| <exemplarCity>Hongkong</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jayapura"> |
| <exemplarCity>Port Numbay</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Dublin"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>Iriski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Calcutta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kalkutta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baghdad"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bagdad</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tehran"> |
| <exemplarCity>Teheran</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Reykjavik"> |
| <exemplarCity>Reykjavík</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Rome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Rom</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jamaica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jamaika</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tokyo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tokio</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bishkek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Biškek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Comoro"> |
| <exemplarCity>Komory</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Kitts"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Kitts</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pyongyang"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pjöngjang</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kaimaniske kupy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtobe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Aktobe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Lucia"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Lucia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vilnius"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wilna</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Luxembourg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Luxemburg</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tripoli"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tripolis</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Chisinau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kišinau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Macau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Macao</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Maldives"> |
| <exemplarCity>Malediwy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mexico_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mexiko-město</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Katmandu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kathmandu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Muscat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Muskat</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Warsaw"> |
| <exemplarCity>Waršawa</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Azores"> |
| <exemplarCity>Acory</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Lisbon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lissabon</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Asuncion"> |
| <exemplarCity>Asunción</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Katar</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Reunion"> |
| <exemplarCity>Réunion</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bucharest"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bukarest</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Belgrade"> |
| <exemplarCity>Běłogrod</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Moscow"> |
| <exemplarCity>Moskwa</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Volgograd"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wolgograd</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yekaterinburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jekaterinburg</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novosibirsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nowosibirsk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novokuznetsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nowokuznjetsk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Krasnojarsk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yakutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jakutsk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vladivostok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wladiwostok</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Sakhalin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Sachalin</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kamchatka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kamčatka</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Riyadh"> |
| <exemplarCity>Riad</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Khartoum"> |
| <exemplarCity>Khartum</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Singapore"> |
| <exemplarCity>Singapur</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/St_Helena"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Helena</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mogadishu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mogadišu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Sao_Tome"> |
| <exemplarCity>São Tomé</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/El_Salvador"> |
| <exemplarCity>El Salvador</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lower_Princes"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lower Prince’s Quarter</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Damascus"> |
| <exemplarCity>Damaskus</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lomé</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dushanbe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dušanbe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port_of_Spain"> |
| <exemplarCity>Port-of-Spain</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Taipei"> |
| <exemplarCity>Taipeh</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Daressalam</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Uzhgorod"> |
| <exemplarCity>Užgorod</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kiev"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kiew</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zaporozhye"> |
| <exemplarCity>Saporižja</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Beulah"> |
| <exemplarCity>Beulah, North Dakota</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"> |
| <exemplarCity>New Salem, North Dakota</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Center"> |
| <exemplarCity>Center, North Dakota</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vincennes"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vincennes, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Petersburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Petersburg, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Tell_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tell City, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Knox"> |
| <exemplarCity>Knox, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Winamac"> |
| <exemplarCity>Winamac, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Marengo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Marengo, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vevay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vevay, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kentucky/Monticello"> |
| <exemplarCity>Monticello, Kentucky</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tashkent"> |
| <exemplarCity>Taškent</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vatican"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vatikan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Vincent"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Vincent</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Thomas"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Thomas</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Saigon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ho-Chi-Minh-město</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <metazone type="Afghanistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Afghaniski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Srjejźoafriski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnoafriski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódpołdnjowoafriski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódwjacornoafriski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornoafriski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódwjacornoafriski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Alaska"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Alaskojski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Alaskojski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Alaskojski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Amazon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Amaconaski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Amaconaski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Amaconaski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódpołnocnoameriski centralny cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódpołnocnoameriski centralny standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódpołnocnoameriski centralny lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódpołnocnoameriski pódzajtšny cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódpołnocnoameriski pódzajtšny standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódpołnocnoameriski pódzajtšny lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Mountain"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódpołnocnoameriski górski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódpołnocnoameriski górski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódpołnocnoameriski górski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódpołnocnoameriski pacifiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódpołnocnoameriski pacifiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódpołnocnoameriski pacifiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Apia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Apiaski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Apiaski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Apiaski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Arabian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Arabiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Arabiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Arabiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Argentinski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Argentinski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Argentinski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódwjacornoargentinski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornoargentinski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódwjacornoargentinski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Armenia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Armeński cas</generic> |
| <standard>Armeński standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Armeński lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Atlantic"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Atlantiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Atlantiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Atlantiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Srjejźoawstralski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Srjejźoawstralski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Srjejźoawstralski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_CentralWestern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Srjejźopódwjacorny awstralski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Srjejźopódwjacorny awstralski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Srjejźopódwjacorny awstralski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódzajtšnoawstralski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnoawstralski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódzajtšnoawstralski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódwjacornoawstralski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornoawstralski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódwjacornoawstralski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azerbaijan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Azerbajdžaniski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Azerbajdžaniski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Azerbajdžaniski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azores"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Acorski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Acorski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Acorski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bangladesh"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Bangladešski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Bangladešski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Bangladešski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bhutan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Bhutański cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bolivia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Boliwiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brasilia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Brasília cas</generic> |
| <standard>Brasília standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Brasília lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brunei"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Bruneiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cape_Verde"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Kapverdski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Kapverdski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Kapverdski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chamorro"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Chamorrski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chatham"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Chathamski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Chathamski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Chathamski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chile"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Chilski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Chilski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Chilski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="China"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Chinski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Chinski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Chinski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Choibalsan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Choibalsański cas</generic> |
| <standard>Choibalsański standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Choibalsański lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Christmas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Gódownych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cocos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Kokosowych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Colombia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Kolumbiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Kolumbiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Kolumbiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cook"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>cas Cookowych kupow</generic> |
| <standard>Standardny cas Cookowych kupow</standard> |
| <daylight>lěśojski cas Cookowych kupow</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cuba"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Kubański cas</generic> |
| <standard>Kubański standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Kubański lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Davis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Davis cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="DumontDUrville"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>DumontDUrville cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="East_Timor"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnotimorski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Easter"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>cas Jatšowneje kupy</generic> |
| <standard>standardny cas Jatšowneje kupy</standard> |
| <daylight>lěśojski cas Jatšowneje kupy</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ecuador"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Ekuadorski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Srjejźoeuropski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Srjejźoeuropski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Srjejźoeuropski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>MEZ</generic> |
| <standard>MEZ</standard> |
| <daylight>MESZ</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódzajtšnoeuropski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnoeuropski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódzajtšnoeuropski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>OEZ</generic> |
| <standard>OEZ</standard> |
| <daylight>OESZ</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Further_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Kaliningradski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódwjacornoeuropski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornoeuropski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódwjacornoeuropski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>WEZ</generic> |
| <standard>WEZ</standard> |
| <daylight>WESZ</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Falkland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Falklandski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Falklandski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Falklandski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Fiji"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Fidźiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Fidźiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Fidźiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Guiana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Francojskoguyański cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas francojskego pódpołdnjowego a antarktiskeho teritoriuma</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Galapagos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Galapagoski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gambier"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Gambierski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Georgiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Georgiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Georgiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gilbert_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Gilbertowych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="GMT"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Greenwichski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódzajtšnogrönlandski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnogrönlandski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódzajtšnogrönlandski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pódwjacornogrönlandski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornogrönlandski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pódwjacornogrönlandski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gulf"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Persiskego golfa</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Guyana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Guyański cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hawaii_Aleutian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Hawaiisko-aleutski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Hawaiisko-aleutski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Hawaiisko-aleutski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hong_Kong"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Hongkongski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Hongkongski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Hongkongski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hovd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Chowdski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Chowdski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Chowdski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="India"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Indiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indian_Ocean"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Indiskooceaniski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indochina"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Indochinski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Srjejźoindoneski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnoindoneski</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornoindoneski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Iran"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Irański cas</generic> |
| <standard>Irański standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Irański lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Irkutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Irkutski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Irkutski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Irkutski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Israel"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Israelski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Israelski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Israelski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Japan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Japański cas</generic> |
| <standard>Japański standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Japański lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódzajtšnokazachski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódwjacornokazachski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Korea"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Korejski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Korejski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Korejski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kosrae"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Kosraeski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Krasnojarski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Krasnojarski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Krasnojarski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kyrgystan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Kirgiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Line_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Linijowych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Lord_Howe"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>cas kupy Lord-Howe</generic> |
| <standard>Standardny cas kupy Lord-Howe</standard> |
| <daylight>lěśojski cas kupy Lord-Howe</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Macquarie"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas kupy Macquarie</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Magadan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Magadański cas</generic> |
| <standard>Magadański standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Magadański lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Malaysia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Malajziski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Maldives"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Malediwski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marquesas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Marqueski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marshall_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Marshallowych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mauritius"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Mauriciski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Mauriciski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Mauriciski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mawson"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Mawson cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Northwest"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Mexiski dłujkowjacorny cas</generic> |
| <standard>Mexiski dłujkowjacorny standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Mexiski dłujkowjacorny lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Mexiski pacifiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Mexiski pacifiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Mexiski pacifiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mongolia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Ulan-Batorski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Ulan-Batorski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Ulan-Batorski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Moscow"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Moskowski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Moskowski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Moskowski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Myanmar"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Myanmarski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nauru"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Nauruski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nepal"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Nepalski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Caledonia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Nowokaledoniski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Nowokaledoniski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Nowokaledoniski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Zealand"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Nowoseelandski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Nowoseelandski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Nowoseelandski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Newfoundland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Nowofundlandski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Nowofundlandski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Nowofundlandski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Niue"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Niueski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Norfolk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic draft="contributed">cas kupy Norfolk</generic> |
| <standard draft="contributed">standardny cas kupy Norfolk</standard> |
| <daylight draft="contributed">lěśojski cas kupy Norfolk</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Noronha"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>cas Fernando de Noronha</generic> |
| <standard>standardny cas Fernando de Noronha</standard> |
| <daylight>lěśojski cas Fernando de Noronha</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Novosibirsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Nowosibirski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Nowosibirski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Nowosibirski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Omsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Omski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Omski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Omski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pakistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Pakistański cas</generic> |
| <standard>Pakistański standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Pakistański lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Palau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Palauski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Papua_New_Guinea"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Papua-Nowoginejski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Paraguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Paraguayski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Paraguayski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Paraguayski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Peru"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Peruski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Peruski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Peruski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Philippines"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Filipinski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Filipinski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Filipinski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Phoenix_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Phoenixowych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pierre_Miquelon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>St.-Pierre-a-Miqueloński cas</generic> |
| <standard>St.-Pierre-a-Miqueloński standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>St.-Pierre-a-Miqueloński lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pitcairn"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Pitcairnowych kupow</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ponape"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Ponapski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Reunion"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Reunionski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Rothera"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Rothera</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Sakhalin"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Sachalinski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Sachalinski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Sachalinski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Samoa"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Samoaski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Samoaski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Samoaski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Seychelles"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Seychelski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Singapore"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Singapurski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Solomon"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Salomoński cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="South_Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Pódpołdnjowogeorgiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Suriname"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Surinamski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Syowa"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Syowa cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tahiti"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Tahitiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Taipei"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Tchajpejski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Tchajpejski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Tchajpejski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tajikistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Tadźikiski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tokelau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Tokelauski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tonga"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Tongaski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Tongaski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Tongaski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Truk"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Chuukski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Turkmenistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Turkmeniski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Turkmeniski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Turkmeniski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tuvalu"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Tuvalski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uruguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Uruguayski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Uruguayski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Uruguayski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uzbekistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Uzbekiski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Uzbekiski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Uzbekiski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vanuatu"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Vanuatski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Vanuatski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Vanuatski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Venezuela"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Venezuelski cas</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vladivostok"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Wladiwostokski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Wladiwostokski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Wladiwostokski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Volgograd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Wolgogradski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Wolgogradski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Wolgogradski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vostok"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas Wostok</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wake"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas kupy Wake</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wallis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>cas kupow Wallis a Futuna</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yakutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Jakutski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Jakutski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Jakutski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yekaterinburg"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Jekaterinburgski cas</generic> |
| <standard>Jekaterinburgski standardny cas</standard> |
| <daylight>Jekaterinburgski lěśojski cas</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| </timeZoneNames> |
| </dates> |
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| <displayName count="two">ZAE dirhama</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">afghaniskej afganija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">afghaniske afganije</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">albańskej leka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">albańske leki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">albańskich lekow</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">armeński dram</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">armeńskej drama</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">armeńske dramy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">armeńskich dramow</displayName> |
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| <displayName>nižozemsko-antilski gulden</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nižozemskoantilski gulden</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">nižozemskoantilskej guldena</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">nižozemskoantilske guldeny</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">angolskej kwanzy</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">angolska kwanza (1977–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">angolskej kwanzy (1977–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">angolske kwanze (1977–1990)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">angolska nowa kwanza (1990–2000)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">angolskej nowej kwanzy (1990–2000)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">angolske nowe kwanze (1990–2000)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">angolska kwanza reajustado (1995–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">angolskej kwanzy reajustado (1995–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">angolske kwanze reajustado (1995–1999)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">argentinskej australa</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">argentinski peso (1983–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">argentinskej peso (1983–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">argentinske peso (1983–1985)</displayName> |
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| <displayName>argentinski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">argentinski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">argentinskej peso</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">aruba-florina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">aruba-floriny</displayName> |
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| <displayName>azerbajdžaniski manat (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">azerbajdžaniski manat (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">azerbajdžaniskej manata (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">azerbajdžaniske manaty (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">azerbajdžaniskich manatow (1993–2006)</displayName> |
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| <displayName>azerbajdžaniski manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">azerbajdžaniski manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">azerbajdžaniskej manata</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">azerbajdžaniske manaty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">azerbajdžaniskich manatow</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">bosniskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bosniske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bosniskich dinarow</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">bosniska konwertibelna marka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">bosniskej konwertibelnej marce</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bosniske konwertibelne marki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bosniskich konwertibelnych markow</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">barbadoskej dolara</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">bangladešskej tace</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bangladešske taki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bangladešskich takow</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">belgiski frank (konwertibelny)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">belgiskej franka (konwertibelnej)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">belgiske franki (konwertibelne)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">belgiskej franka</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">belgiskej financnej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">belgiske financne franki</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">bulgarski lew (1962–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">bulgarskej lewa (1962–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bulgarske lewy (1962–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bulgarskich lewow (1962–1999)</displayName> |
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| <displayName>bulgarski lew</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bulgarski lew</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">bulgarskej lewa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bulgarske lewy</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">bahrainskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bahrainske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bahrainskich dinarow</displayName> |
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| <displayName>burundiski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">burundiski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">burundiskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">burundiske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">burundiskich frankow</displayName> |
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| <displayName>bermudaski dolar</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">bermudaskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bermudaske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bermudaskich dolarow</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">bruneiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bruneiske dolary</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">boliwiskej bolivianje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">boliwiske boliviana</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">boliwiskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">boliwiske peso</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="two">brazilskej nowej cruzeira (1967–1986)</displayName> |
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| <displayName>brazilski cruzado (1986–1989)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">brazilski cruzado (1986–1989)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">brazilskej cruzaźe (1986–1989)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">brazilske cruzada (1986–1989)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">brazilski cruzeiro (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">brazilskej cruzeirje (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">brazilske cruzeira (1990–1993)</displayName> |
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| <displayName>brazilski real</displayName> |
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| <displayName>brazilski nowy cruzado (1989–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">brazilski nowy cruzado (1989–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">brazilskej nowej cruzaźe (1989–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">brazilske nowe cruzada</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">brazilskich nowych cruzadow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRR"> |
| <displayName>brazilski cruzeiro (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">brazilski cruzeiro (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">brazilskej cruzeirje (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">brazilske cruzeira (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">brazilskich cruzeirow (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BSD"> |
| <displayName>bahamaski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bahamaski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">bahamaskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bahamaske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bahamaskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BTN"> |
| <displayName>bhutański ngultrum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bhutański ngultrum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">bhutańskej ngultruma</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">bhutańske ngultrumy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bhutańskich ngultrumow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BUK"> |
| <displayName>burmaski kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">burmaski kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">burmaskej kyata</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">burmaske kyaty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">burmaskich kyatow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BWP"> |
| <displayName>botswaniska pula</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">botswaniska pula</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">botswaniskej puli</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">botswaniske pule</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">botswaniskich pulow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYB"> |
| <displayName>běłoruski rubl (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">běłoruski rubl (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">běłoruskej rubla (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">běłoruske ruble (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">běłoruskich rublow (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYN"> |
| <displayName>běłoruski rubl</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">běłoruski rubl</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">běłoruskej rubla</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">běłoruske ruble</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">běłoruskich rublow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYR"> |
| <displayName>běłoruski rubl (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">běłoruski rubl (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">běłoruskej rubla (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">běłoruske ruble (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">běłoruskich rublow (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BZD"> |
| <displayName>belizeski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">belizeski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">belizeskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">belizeske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">belizeskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CAD"> |
| <displayName>kanadiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kanadiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kanadiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kanadiske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kanadiskich dolarow</displayName> |
| <symbol>CA$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CDF"> |
| <displayName>kongoski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kongoski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kongoskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kongoske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kongoskich frankow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CHF"> |
| <displayName>šwicarski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">šwicarski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">šwicarskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">šwicarske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">šwicarskich frankow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CLP"> |
| <displayName>chilski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">chilski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">chilskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">chilske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">chilskich peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNY"> |
| <displayName>chinski yuan</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">chinski yuan</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">chinskej yuana</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">chinske yuany</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">chinskich yuanow</displayName> |
| <symbol>CN¥</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="COP"> |
| <displayName>kolumbiski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kolumbiski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kolumbiskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kolumbiske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kolumbiskich peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CRC"> |
| <displayName>kosta-rikański colón</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kosta-rikański colón</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kosta-rikańskej colóna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kosta-rikańske colóny</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kosta-rikańskich colónow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CUC"> |
| <displayName>kubański konwertibelny peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kubański konwertibelny peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kubańskej konwertibelnej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kubańske konwertibelne peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kubańskich konwertibelnych peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CUP"> |
| <displayName>kubański peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kubański peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kubańskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kubańske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kubańskich peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CVE"> |
| <displayName>kapverdski escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kapverdski escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kapverdskej escuźe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kapverdske escuda</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kapverdskich escudow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CZK"> |
| <displayName>česka krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">česka krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">českej kronje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">česke krony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">českich kronow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DJF"> |
| <displayName>dźibutiski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dźibutiski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">dźibutiskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">dźibutiske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dźibutiskich frankow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DKK"> |
| <displayName>dańska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dańska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">dańskej kronje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">dańske krony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dańskich kronow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DOP"> |
| <displayName>dominikański peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dominikański peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">dominikańskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">dominikańske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dominikańskich peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DZD"> |
| <displayName>algeriski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">algeriski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">algeriskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">algeriske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">algeriskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EGP"> |
| <displayName>egyptojski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">egyptojski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">egyptojskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">egyptojske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">egyptojskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ERN"> |
| <displayName>eritrejska nakfa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">eritrejska nakfa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">eritrejskej nakfje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">eritrejske nakfy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">eritrejskich nakfow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ETB"> |
| <displayName>etiopiski birr</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">etiopiski birr</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">etiopiskej birra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">etiopiske birry</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">etiopiskich birrow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EUR"> |
| <displayName>euro</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">euro</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">euro</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">euro</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">euro</displayName> |
| <symbol>€</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">€</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FJD"> |
| <displayName>fidźiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">fidźiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">fidźiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">fidźiske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">fidźiskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FKP"> |
| <displayName>falklandski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">falklandski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">falklandskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">falklandske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">falklandskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GBP"> |
| <displayName>britiski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">britiski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">britiskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">britiske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">britiskich puntow</displayName> |
| <symbol>£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GEL"> |
| <displayName>georgiski lari</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">georgiski lari</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">georgiskej lari</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">georgiske lari</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">georgiskich lari</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GHS"> |
| <displayName>ghanaski cedi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ghanaski cedi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">ghanaskej cedi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ghanaske cedi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ghanaskich cedi</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GIP"> |
| <displayName>gibraltiski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">gibraltiski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">gibraltiskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">gibraltiske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">gibraltiskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GMD"> |
| <displayName>gambiski dalasi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">gambiski dalasi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">gambiskej dalasi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">gambiske dalasi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">gambiskich dalasi</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GNF"> |
| <displayName>guineski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">guineski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">guineskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">guineske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">guineskich frankow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GTQ"> |
| <displayName>guatemalski quetzal</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">guatemalski quetzal</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">guatemalskej quetzala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">guatemalske quetzale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">guatemalskich quetzalow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GWP"> |
| <displayName>Guinea-Bissau peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Guinea-Bissau peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">Guinea-Bissau peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">Guinea-Bissau peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Guinea-Bissau peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GYD"> |
| <displayName>guyański dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">guyański dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">guyańskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">guyańske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">guyańskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HKD"> |
| <displayName>hongkongski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">hongkongski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">hongkongskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">hongkongske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">hongkongskich dolarow</displayName> |
| <symbol>HK$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HNL"> |
| <displayName>honduraska lempira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">honduraska lempira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">honduraskej lempirje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">honduraske lempiry</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">honduraskich lempirow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HRK"> |
| <displayName>chorwatska kuna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">chorwatska kuna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">chorwatskej kunje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">chorwatske kuny</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">chorwatskich kunow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HTG"> |
| <displayName>haitiska gourda</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">haitiska gourda</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">haitiskej gourźe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">haitiske gourdy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">haitiskich gourdow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HUF"> |
| <displayName>madźarski forint</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">madźarski forint</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">madźarskej forinta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">madźarske forinty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">madźarskich forintow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IDR"> |
| <displayName>indoneska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">indoneska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">indoneskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">indoneske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">indoneskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ILS"> |
| <displayName>israelski nowy šekel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">israelski nowy šekel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">israelskej nowej šekela</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">israelske nowe šekele</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">israelskich nowych šekelow</displayName> |
| <symbol>₪</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="INR"> |
| <displayName>indiska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">indiska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">indiskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">indiske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">indiskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IQD"> |
| <displayName>irakski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">irakski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">irakskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">irakske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">irakskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IRR"> |
| <displayName>irański rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">irański rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">irańskej riala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">irańske riale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">irańskich rialow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ISK"> |
| <displayName>islandska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">islandska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">islandskej kronje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">islandske krony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">islandskich kronow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JMD"> |
| <displayName>jamaiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">jamaiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">jamaiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">jamaiske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jamaiskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JOD"> |
| <displayName>jordaniski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">jordaniski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">jordaniskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">jordaniske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jordaniskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JPY"> |
| <displayName>japański yen</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">japański yen</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">japańskej yena</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">japańske yeny</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">japańskich yenow</displayName> |
| <symbol>¥</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KES"> |
| <displayName>keniaski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">keniaski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">keniaskej šilinga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">keniaske šilingi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">keniaskich šilingow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KGS"> |
| <displayName>kirgiski som</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kirgiski som</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kirgiskej soma</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kirgiske somy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kirgiskich somow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KHR"> |
| <displayName>kambodžaski riel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kambodžaski riel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kambodžaskej riela</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kambodžaske riele</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kambodžaskich rielow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KMF"> |
| <displayName>komorski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">komorski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">komorskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">komorske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">komorskich frankow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KPW"> |
| <displayName>pódpołnocnokorejski won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pódpołnocnokorejski won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pódpołnocnokorejskej wona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pódpołnocnokorejske wony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pódpołnocnokorejskich wonow</displayName> |
| <symbol>KPW</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KRW"> |
| <displayName>pódpołdnjowokorejski won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pódpołdnjowokorejski won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pódpołdnjowokorejskej wona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pódpołdnjowokorejske wony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pódpołdnjowokorejskich wonow</displayName> |
| <symbol>₩</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KWD"> |
| <displayName>kuwaitski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kuwaitski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kuwaitskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kuwaitske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kuwaitskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KYD"> |
| <displayName>kajmaniski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kajmaniski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kajmaniskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kajmaniske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kajmaniskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KZT"> |
| <displayName>kazachski tenge</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kazachski tenge</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">kazachskej tenge</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">kazachske tenge</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kazachskich tenge</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LAK"> |
| <displayName>laoski kip</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">laoski kip</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">laoskej kipa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">laoske kipy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">laoskich kipow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LBP"> |
| <displayName>libanoński punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">libanoński punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">libanońskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">libanońske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">libanońskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LKR"> |
| <displayName>sri-lankaska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">sri-lankaska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">sri-lankaskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">sri-lankaske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">sri-lankaskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LRD"> |
| <displayName>liberiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">liberiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">liberiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">liberiske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">liberiskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LTL"> |
| <displayName>litawski litas</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">litawski litas</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">litawskej litasa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">litawske litasy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">litawskich litasow</displayName> |
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| <currency type="LVL"> |
| <displayName>letiski lat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">letiski lat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">letiskej lata</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">letiske laty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">letiskich latow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LYD"> |
| <displayName>libyski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">libyski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">libyskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">libyske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">libyskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MAD"> |
| <displayName>marokkoski dirham</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">marokkoski dirham</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">marokkoskej dirhama</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">marokkoske dirhamy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">marokkoskich dirhamow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MDL"> |
| <displayName>moldawiski leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">moldawiski leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">moldawiskej leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">moldawiske leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">moldawiskich leu</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MGA"> |
| <displayName>madagaskarski ariary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">madagaskarski ariary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">madagaskarskej ariary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">madagaskarske ariary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">madagaskarskich ariary</displayName> |
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| <currency type="MKD"> |
| <displayName>makedoński denar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">makedoński denar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">makedońskej denara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">makedońske denary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">makedońskich denarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MMK"> |
| <displayName>myanmarski kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">myanmarski kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">myanmarskej kyata</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">myanmarske kyaty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">myanmarskich kyatow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MNT"> |
| <displayName>mongolski tugrik</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mongolski tugrik</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mongolskej tugrika</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mongolske tugriki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mongolskich tugrikow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MOP"> |
| <displayName>macaoska pataca</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">macaoska pataca</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">macaoskej pataca</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">macaoske pataca</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">macaoskich pataca</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRO"> |
| <displayName>mauretański ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mauretański ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mauretańskej ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mauretańske ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mauretański ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRU"> |
| <displayName>mauretański ouguiya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mauretański ouguiya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mauretańskej ouguiya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mauretańske ouguiya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mauretański ouguiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MUR"> |
| <displayName>mauriciska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mauriciska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mauriciskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mauriciske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mauriciskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MVR"> |
| <displayName>malediwiska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">malediwiska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">malediwiskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">malediwiske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">malediwiskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MWK"> |
| <displayName>malawiski kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">malawiski kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">malawiskej kwaše</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">malawiske kwachy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">malawiskich kwachow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXN"> |
| <displayName>mexiski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mexiski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mexiskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mexiske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mexiskich peso</displayName> |
| <symbol>MX$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MYR"> |
| <displayName>malajziski ringgit</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">malajziski ringgit</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">malajziskej ringgita</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">malajziske ringgity</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">malajziskich ringgitow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZE"> |
| <displayName>Mozabicke escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mozabicke escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mozabickej escuźe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mozabicke escuda</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mozabickich escud</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZM"> |
| <displayName>mosambikski metical (1980–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mosambikski metical (1980–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mosambikskej meticala (1980–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mosambikske meticale (1980–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mosambikskich meticalow (1980–2006)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZN"> |
| <displayName>mosambikski metical</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mosambikski metical</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">mosambikskej meticala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">mosambikske meticale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mosambikskich meticalow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NAD"> |
| <displayName>namibiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">namibiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">namibiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">namibiske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">namibiskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NGN"> |
| <displayName>nigeriska naira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nigeriska naira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">nigeriskej nairje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">nigeriske nairy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nigeriskich nairow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NIO"> |
| <displayName>nikaraguaska cordoba</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nikaraguaska cordoba</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">nikaraguaskej cordobje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">nikaraguaske cordoby</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nikaraguaskich cordobow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NOK"> |
| <displayName>norwegska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">norwegska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">norwegskej kronje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">norwegske krony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">norwegskich kronow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NPR"> |
| <displayName>nepalska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nepalska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">nepalskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">nepalske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nepalskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NZD"> |
| <displayName>nowoseelandski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nowoseelandski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">nowoseelandskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">nowoseelandske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nowoseelandskich dolarow</displayName> |
| <symbol>NZ$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="OMR"> |
| <displayName>omański rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">omański rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">omańskej riala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">omańske riale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">omańskich rialow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PAB"> |
| <displayName>panamaski balboa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">panamaski balboa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">panamaskej balboa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">panamaske balboa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">panamaskich balboa</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PEN"> |
| <displayName>peruski sol</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">peruski sol</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">peruskej sola</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">peruske sole</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">peruskich solow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PGK"> |
| <displayName>papua-neuguinejska kina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">papua-neuguinejska kina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">papua-neuguinejskej kinje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">papua-neuguinejske kiny</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">papua-neuguinejskich kinow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PHP"> |
| <displayName>filipinski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">filipinski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">filipinskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">filipinske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">filipinskich peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PKR"> |
| <displayName>pakistańska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pakistańska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pakistańskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pakistańske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pakistańskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PLN"> |
| <displayName>pólski złoty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pólski złoty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pólskej złotej</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pólske złote</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pólskich złotych</displayName> |
| <symbol>zł</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PYG"> |
| <displayName>paraguayski guarani</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">paraguayski guarani</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">paraguayskej guaranija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">paraguayske guaranije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">paraguayskich guaranijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="QAR"> |
| <displayName>katarski rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">katarski rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">katarskej riala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">katarske riale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">katarskich rialow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RON"> |
| <displayName>rumuński leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">rumuński leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">rumuńskej leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">rumuńske leu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">rumuńskich leu</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RSD"> |
| <displayName>serbiski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">serbiski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">serbiskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">serbiske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">serbiskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RUB"> |
| <displayName>ruski rubl</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ruski rubl</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">ruskej rubla</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ruske ruble</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ruskich rublow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RWF"> |
| <displayName>ruandiski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ruandiski frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">ruandiskej franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ruandiske franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ruandiskich frankow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SAR"> |
| <displayName>saudi-arabiski rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">saudi-arabiski rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">saudi-arabiskej riala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">saudi-arabiske riale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">saudi-arabiskich rialow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SBD"> |
| <displayName>salomoński dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">salomoński dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">salomońskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">salomońske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">salomońskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SCR"> |
| <displayName>seychelska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">seychelska rupija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">seychelskej rupiji</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">seychelske rupije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">seychelskich rupijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDG"> |
| <displayName>sudański punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">sudański punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">sudańskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">sudańske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">sudańskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SEK"> |
| <displayName>šwedska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">šwedska krona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">šwedskej kronje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">šwedske krony</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">šwedskich kronow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SGD"> |
| <displayName>singapurski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">singapurski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">singapurskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">singapurske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">singapurskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SHP"> |
| <displayName>St. Helena punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">St. Helena punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">St. Helena punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">St. Helena punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">St. Helena puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLL"> |
| <displayName>sierra-leoneski leone</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">sierra-leoneski leone</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">sierra-leoneskej leone</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">sierra-leoneske leone</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">sierra-leoneskich leone</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SOS"> |
| <displayName>somaliski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">somaliski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">somaliskej šilinga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">somaliske šilingi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">somaliskich šilingow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SRD"> |
| <displayName>surinamski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">surinamski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">surinamskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">surinamske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">surinamskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SSP"> |
| <displayName>pódpołdnjowosudański punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pódpołdnjowosudański punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pódpołdnjowosudańskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pódpołdnjowosudańske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pódpołdnjowosudańskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STD"> |
| <displayName>são-tomeska dobra (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">são-tomeska dobra (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">são-tomeskej dobrje (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">são-tomeske dobry (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">são-tomeskich dobrow (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STN"> |
| <displayName>são-tomeska dobra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">são-tomeska dobra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">são-tomeskej dobrje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">são-tomeske dobry</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">são-tomeskich dobrow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SVC"> |
| <displayName>el-salvadorski colón</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">el-salvadorski colón</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">el-salvadorskej colóna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">el-salvadorske colóny</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">el-salvadorskich colónow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SYP"> |
| <displayName>syriski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">syriski punt</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">syriskej punta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">syriske punty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">syriskich puntow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SZL"> |
| <displayName>swasiski lilangeni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">swasiski lilangeni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">swasiskej lilangenija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">swasiske lilangenije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">swasiskich lilangenijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="THB"> |
| <displayName>thaiski baht</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">thaiski baht</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">thaiskej bahta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">thaiske bahty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">thaiskich bahtow</displayName> |
| <symbol>฿</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TJS"> |
| <displayName>tadźikiski somoni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tadźikiski somoni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">tadźikiskej somonija</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">tadźikiske somonije</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tadźikiskich somonijow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TMT"> |
| <displayName>turkmeniski manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">turkmeniski manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">turkmeniskej manata</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">turkmeniske manaty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">turkmeniskich manatow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TND"> |
| <displayName>tuneziski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tuneziski dinar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">tuneziskej dinara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">tuneziske dinary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tuneziskich dinarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TOP"> |
| <displayName>tongaski paʻanga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tongaski pa’anga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">tongaskej pa’anga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">tongaske pa’anga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tongaskich pa’anga</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TRY"> |
| <displayName>turkojska lira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">turkojska lira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">turkojskej lirje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">turkojske liry</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">turkojskich lirow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TTD"> |
| <displayName>trinidad-tobagoski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">trinidad-tobagoski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">trinidad-tobagoskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">trinidad-tobagoske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">trinidad-tobagoskich dolarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TWD"> |
| <displayName>nowy taiwański dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nowy taiwański dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">nowej taiwańskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">nowe taiwańske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nowych taiwańskich dolarow</displayName> |
| <symbol>NT$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TZS"> |
| <displayName>tansaniski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tansaniski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">tansaniskej šilinga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">tansaniske šilingi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tansaniskich šilingow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UAH"> |
| <displayName>ukrainska griwna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ukrainska griwna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">ukrainskej griwnje</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ukrainske griwny</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ukrainskich griwnow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGX"> |
| <displayName>ugandaski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ugandaski šiling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">ugandaskej šilinga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ugandaske šilingi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ugandaskich šilingow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USD"> |
| <displayName>ameriski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ameriski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">ameriskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ameriske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ameriskich dolarow</displayName> |
| <symbol>$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYU"> |
| <displayName>uruguayski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">uruguayski peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">uruguayskej peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">uruguayske peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">uruguayskich peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UZS"> |
| <displayName>usbekiski sum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">usbekiski sum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">usbekiskej suma</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">usbekiske sumy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">usbekiskich sumow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VEF"> |
| <displayName>venezuelski bolívar (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">venezuelski bolívar (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">venezuelskej bolívara (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">venezuelske bolívary (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">venezuelskich bolívarow (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VES"> |
| <displayName>venezuelski bolívar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">venezuelski bolívar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">venezuelskej bolívara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">venezuelske bolívary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">venezuelskich bolívarow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VND"> |
| <displayName>vietnamski dong</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">vietnamski dong</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">vietnamskej donga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">vietnamske dongi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">vietnamskich dongow</displayName> |
| <symbol>₫</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VUV"> |
| <displayName>vanuatski vatu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">vanuatski vatu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">vanuatskej vatu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">vanuatske vatu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">vanuatskich vatu</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="WST"> |
| <displayName>samoaska tala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">samoaski tala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">samoaskej tali</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">samoaske tale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">samoaskich talow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAF"> |
| <displayName>CFA-frank (BEAC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">CFA-frank (BEAC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">CFA-franka (BEAC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">CFA-franki (BEAC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">CFA-frankow (BEAC)</displayName> |
| <symbol>FCFA</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XCD"> |
| <displayName>pódzajtšnokaribiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pódzajtšnokaribiski dolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pódzajtšnokaribiskej dolara</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pódzajtšnokaribiske dolary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pódzajtšnokaribiskich dolarow</displayName> |
| <symbol>EC$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XOF"> |
| <displayName>CFA-frank (BCEAO)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">CFA-frank (BCEAO)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">CFA-franka (BCEAO)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">CFA-franki (BCEAO)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">CFA-frankow (BCEAO)</displayName> |
| <symbol>CFA</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPF"> |
| <displayName>CFP-frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">CFP-frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">CFP-franka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">CFP-franki</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">CFP-frankow</displayName> |
| <symbol>CFPF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XXX"> |
| <displayName>njeznate pjenjeze</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">njeznate pjenjeze</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">njeznate pjenjeze</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">njeznate pjenjeze</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">njeznatych pjenjez</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YER"> |
| <displayName>jemeński rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">jemeński rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">jemeńskej riala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">jemeńske riale</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jemeńskich rialow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>pódpołdnjowoafriski rand</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pódpołdnjowoafriski rand</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">pódpołdnjowoafriskej randa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">pódpołdnjowoafriske randy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pódpołdnjowoafriskich randow</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>sambiska kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">sambiska kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="two">sambiskej kwaše</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">sambiske kwachy</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">sambiskich kwachow</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} jadnotkow zemskego póspěšenja</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>metry na kwadratnu sekundu</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} metry na kwadratnu sekundu</unitPattern> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} wobłukowych sekundow</unitPattern> |
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| <displayName>kwadratne kilometry</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>kwadratne metry</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kwadratnych centimetrow</unitPattern> |
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| <displayName>kwadratne mile</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kwadratne mile</unitPattern> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>akry</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} akrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>kwadratne yardy</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>karaty</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} karatow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>litry na kilometer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} liter na kilometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} litra na kilometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} litry na kilometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} litrow na kilometer</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>mile na gallonu</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mila na gallonu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mili na gallonu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mile na gallonu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milow na gallonu</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>terabyte</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>minuty</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} minuty</unitPattern> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="one">{0} volt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} volta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} volty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} voltow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>kilokalorije</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilokalorija</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilokaloriji</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilokalorije</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilokalorijow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>kalorije</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kalorija</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kaloriji</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kalorije</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kalorijow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>kilokalorije</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilokalorija</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilokaloriji</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilokalorije</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilokalorijow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>kilojoule</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilojoule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilojoule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilojoule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilojoule</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>joule</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} joule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} joule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} joule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} joule</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>kilowattowe góźiny</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilowattowa góźina</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilowattowej góźinje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilowattowe góźiny</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilowattowych góźin</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>gigahertzy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gigahertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} gigahertza</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} gigahertzy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gigahertzow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>megahertzy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megahertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} megahertza</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} megahertzy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megahertzow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>kilohertzy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilohertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilohertza</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilohertzy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilohertzow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>hertzy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} hertza</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} hertzy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hertzow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>kilometry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilometra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilometry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilometrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>metry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} meter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} metra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} metry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} metrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName>decimetry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} decimeter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} decimetra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} decimetry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} decimetrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>centimetry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} centimeter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} centimetra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} centimetry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} centimetrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>milimetry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milimeter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} milimetra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} milimetry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milimetrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>mikrometry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mikrometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mikrometra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mikrometry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mikrometrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>nanometry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nanometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} nanometra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} nanometry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nanometrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>pikometry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pikometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} pikometra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} pikometry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pikometrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>mile</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mila</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mili</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mile</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>yardy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yard</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} yarda</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} yardy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yardow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>stopy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} crjej</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} crjeja</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} crjeje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} crjej</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>cole</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} col</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} cola</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} cole</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} colow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>parsec</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} parsec</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} parsec</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} parsec</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} parsec</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>swětłowe lěta</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} swětłowe lěto</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} swětłowej lěśe</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} swětłowe lěta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} swětłowych lět</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>astronomiske jadnotki</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} astronomiska jadnotka</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} astronomiskej jadnotce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} astronomiske jadnotki</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} astronomiskich jadnotkow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>nawtiske mile</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nawtiska mila</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} nawtiskej mili</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} nawtiske mile</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nawtiskich milow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>lux</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} lux</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} lux</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} lux</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lux</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName>tony</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} tona</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} tonje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} tony</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tonow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>kilogramy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilogram</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilograma</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilogramy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilogramow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>gramy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gram</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} grama</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} gramy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gramow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>miligramy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} miligram</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} miligrama</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} miligramy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} miligramow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>mikrogramy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mikrogram</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mikrograma</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mikrogramy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mikrogramow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>ameriske tony</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ameriska tona</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ameriskej tonje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ameriske tony</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ameriskich tonow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>punty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} punt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} punta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} punty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} puntow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>unce</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} unca</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} uncy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} unce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} uncow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>troyske unce</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} troyska unca</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} troyskej uncy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} troyske unce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} troyskich uncow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>karaty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} karat</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} karata</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} karaty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} karatow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>gigawatty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gigawatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} gigawatta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} gigawatty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gigawattow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>megawatty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megawatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} megawatta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} megawatty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megawattow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>kilowatty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilowatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilowatta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilowatty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilowattow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>watty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} watt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} watta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} watty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} wattow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>miliwatty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} miliwatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} miliwatta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} miliwatty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} miliwattow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>kónjece mócy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kónjeca móc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kónjecej mócy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kónjece mócy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kónjecych mócow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>milimetry słupika žywego slobra</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milimeter słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} milimetra słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} milimetry słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milimetrow słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>punty na kwadratny col</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} punt na kwadratny col</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} punta na kwadratny col</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} punty na kwadratny col</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} puntow na kwadratny col</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>cole žywoslobrowego słupika</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} col słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} cola słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} cole słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} colow słupika žywego slobra</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>milibary</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milibar</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} milibara</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} milibary</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milibarow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>hektopascale</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hektopascal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} hektopascala</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} hektopascale</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hektopascalow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>kilometry na góźinu</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilometer na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kilometra na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kilometry na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilometrow na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>metry na sekundu</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} meter na sekundu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} metra na sekundu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} metry na sekundu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} metrow na sekundu</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>mile na góźinu</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mila na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mili na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mile na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milow na góźinu</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>stopnje celsiusa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} stopjeń celsiusa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} stopnja celsiusa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} stopnje celsiusa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} stopnjow celsiusa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>stopnje Fahrenheita</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} stopjeń Fahrenheita</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} stopnja Fahrenheita</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} stopnje Fahrenheita</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} stopnjow Fahrenheita</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>stopnje Kelvina</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} stopjeń Kelvina</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} stopnja Kelvina</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} stopnje Kelvina</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} stopnjow Kelvina</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>kubikne kilometry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikny kilometer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej kilometra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne kilometry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych kilometrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>kubikne metry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikny meter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej metra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne metry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych metrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>kubikne centimetry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikny centimeter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej centimetra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne centimetry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych centimetrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>kubikne mile</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikna mila</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej mili</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne mile</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych milow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>kubikne yardy</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikny yard</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej yarda</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne yardy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych yardow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>kubikne crjeje</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikny crjej</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej crjeja</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne crjeje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych crjejow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>kubikne cole</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kubikny col</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kubiknej cola</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kubikne cole</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kubiknych colow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>megalitry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megaliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} megalitra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} megalitry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megalitrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>hektolitry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hektoliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} hektolitra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} hektolitry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hektolitrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>litry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} liter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} litra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} litry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} litrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>decilitry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} deciliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} decilitra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} decilitry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} decilitrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>centilitry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} centiliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} centilitra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} centilitry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} centilitrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>mililitry</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mililiter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mililitra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mililitry</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mililitrow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>aker-crjeje</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} aker-crjej</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} aker-crjeja</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} aker-crjeje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} aker-crjej</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>gallony</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gallona</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} gallonje</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} gallony</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gallonow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>quarty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} quart</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} quarta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} quarty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} quartow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>pinty</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pint</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} pinta</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} pinty</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pintow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>taski</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} taska</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} tasce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} taski</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} taskow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>žydke unce</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} žydka unca</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} žydkej uncy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} žydke unce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} žydkych uncow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>łžyce</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} łžyca</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} łžycy</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} łžyce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} łžycow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>łžycki</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} łžycka</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} łžycce</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} łžycki</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} łžyckow</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="short"> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <displayName>G</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-square-second"> |
| <displayName>m/s²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m/s²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} m/s²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} m/s²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m/s²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <displayName>rad</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} rad</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} rad</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} rad</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>°</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} °</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <displayName>′</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ′</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <displayName>″</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ″</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>km²</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <displayName>ha</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <displayName>m²</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>cm²</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} cm²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cm²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>mi²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>ac</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd²</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} yd²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} yd²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>ft²</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>in²</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>kt</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>l/km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l/km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} l/km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} l/km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l/km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>mpg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>TB</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} TB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} TB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} TB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>Tb</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} Tb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} Tb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Tb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>GB</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} GB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} GB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>Gb</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} Gb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} Gb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Gb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>MB</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} MB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} MB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>Mb</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} Mb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} Mb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Mb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>kB</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>kb</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>byte</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} byte</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} byte</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>bit</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>l.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} l.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} l.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>mjas.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mjas.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mjas.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mjas.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mjas.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>tyź.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} tyź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} tyź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} tyź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tyź.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>dny</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} dn.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} dn.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dn.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>góź.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} góź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} góź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} góź.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} góź.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/h</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>min.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} min.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} min.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} min.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} min.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>sek.</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} sek.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} sek.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} sek.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/s</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>ms</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ms</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ms</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>μs</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} μs</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>ns</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>A</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mA</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Ω</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kcal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kWh</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>kHz</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>Hz</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>pm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>mi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>ft</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>in</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} in</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>pc</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} pc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>ly</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>au</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} au</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>nmi</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} nmi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} nmi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nmi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>lx</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} lx</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} lx</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lx</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName>t</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} t</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} t</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} t</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>kg</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>g</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>mg</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>µg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>am.tony</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} tn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} tn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} tn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tn</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>lb</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} lb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} lb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>oz</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} oz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} oz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} oz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>oz. tr.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} oz. tr.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} oz. tr.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} oz. tr.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} oz. tr.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>Kt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} Kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} Kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Kt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>GW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>MW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} MW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} MW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} MW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>kW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>W</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>mW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>PS</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} PS</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} PS</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} PS</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} PS</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>mm Hg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mm Hg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mm Hg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mm Hg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mm Hg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>psi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>inHg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>mbar</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mbar</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mbar</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mbar</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mbar</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>hPa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>km/h</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>m/s</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} m/s</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m/s</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>mph</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>°C</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°C</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>°F</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0}°F</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°F</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>K</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>km³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} km³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>m³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} m³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>cm³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} cm³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} cm³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cm³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>mi³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} yd³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>ft³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ft³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ft³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>in³</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} in³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>Ml</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} Ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} Ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Ml</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>hl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} hl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} hl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>l</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>dl</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} dl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} dl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>cl</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} cl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} cl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>ml</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ml</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>ac ft</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ac ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ac ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ac ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ac ft</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>gal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>qt</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} qt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} qt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} qt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>pt</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>c</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} c</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} c</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} c</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>fl. oz.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fl. oz.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} fl. oz.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} fl. oz.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl. oz.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>łž.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} łž.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} łž.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} łž.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} łž.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>łžk.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} łžk.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} łžk.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} łžk.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} łžk.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="narrow"> |
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| <unitPattern count="one">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="two">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="two">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mjas.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="few">{0} d</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} d</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>min</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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