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| <language type="mgh">makua-metó</language> |
| <language type="mgo">meta’</language> |
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| <language type="ms">maláj</language> |
| <language type="mt">máltai</language> |
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| <language type="rap">rapanui</language> |
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| <language type="rn">kirundi</language> |
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| <language type="rof">rombo</language> |
| <language type="rom">roma</language> |
| <language type="root">ősi</language> |
| <language type="ru">orosz</language> |
| <language type="rup">aromán</language> |
| <language type="rw">kinyarvanda</language> |
| <language type="rwk">rwo</language> |
| <language type="sa">szanszkrit</language> |
| <language type="sad">szandave</language> |
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| <language type="sux">sumér</language> |
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| <territory type="143">Közép-Ázsia</territory> |
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| <territory type="154">Észak-Európa</territory> |
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| <territory type="BH">Bahrein</territory> |
| <territory type="BI">Burundi</territory> |
| <territory type="BJ">Benin</territory> |
| <territory type="BL">Saint-Barthélemy</territory> |
| <territory type="BM">Bermuda</territory> |
| <territory type="BN">Brunei</territory> |
| <territory type="BO">Bolívia</territory> |
| <territory type="BQ">Holland Karib-térség</territory> |
| <territory type="BR">Brazília</territory> |
| <territory type="BS">Bahama-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="BT">Bhután</territory> |
| <territory type="BV">Bouvet-sziget</territory> |
| <territory type="BW">Botswana</territory> |
| <territory type="BY">Belarusz</territory> |
| <territory type="BZ">Belize</territory> |
| <territory type="CA">Kanada</territory> |
| <territory type="CC">Kókusz (Keeling)-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="CD">Kongó – Kinshasa</territory> |
| <territory type="CD" alt="variant">Kongó (KDK)</territory> |
| <territory type="CF">Közép-afrikai Köztársaság</territory> |
| <territory type="CG">Kongó – Brazzaville</territory> |
| <territory type="CG" alt="variant">Kongó (Köztársaság)</territory> |
| <territory type="CH">Svájc</territory> |
| <territory type="CI">Elefántcsontpart</territory> |
| <territory type="CI" alt="variant">↑↑↑</territory> |
| <territory type="CK">Cook-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="CL">Chile</territory> |
| <territory type="CM">Kamerun</territory> |
| <territory type="CN">Kína</territory> |
| <territory type="CO">Kolumbia</territory> |
| <territory type="CP">Clipperton-sziget</territory> |
| <territory type="CR">Costa Rica</territory> |
| <territory type="CU">Kuba</territory> |
| <territory type="CV">Zöld-foki Köztársaság</territory> |
| <territory type="CW">Curaçao</territory> |
| <territory type="CX">Karácsony-sziget</territory> |
| <territory type="CY">Ciprus</territory> |
| <territory type="CZ">Csehország</territory> |
| <territory type="CZ" alt="variant">Cseh Köztársaság</territory> |
| <territory type="DE">Németország</territory> |
| <territory type="DG">Diego Garcia</territory> |
| <territory type="DJ">Dzsibuti</territory> |
| <territory type="DK">Dánia</territory> |
| <territory type="DM">Dominika</territory> |
| <territory type="DO">Dominikai Köztársaság</territory> |
| <territory type="DZ">Algéria</territory> |
| <territory type="EA">Ceuta és Melilla</territory> |
| <territory type="EC">Ecuador</territory> |
| <territory type="EE">Észtország</territory> |
| <territory type="EG">Egyiptom</territory> |
| <territory type="EH">Nyugat-Szahara</territory> |
| <territory type="ER">Eritrea</territory> |
| <territory type="ES">Spanyolország</territory> |
| <territory type="ET">Etiópia</territory> |
| <territory type="EU">Európai Unió</territory> |
| <territory type="EZ">Eurózóna</territory> |
| <territory type="FI">Finnország</territory> |
| <territory type="FJ">Fidzsi</territory> |
| <territory type="FK">Falkland-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="FK" alt="variant">Falkland-szigetek (Malvin-szigetek)</territory> |
| <territory type="FM">Mikronézia</territory> |
| <territory type="FO">Feröer szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="FR">Franciaország</territory> |
| <territory type="GA">Gabon</territory> |
| <territory type="GB">Egyesült Királyság</territory> |
| <territory type="GB" alt="short">UK</territory> |
| <territory type="GD">Grenada</territory> |
| <territory type="GE">Grúzia</territory> |
| <territory type="GF">Francia Guyana</territory> |
| <territory type="GG">Guernsey</territory> |
| <territory type="GH">Ghána</territory> |
| <territory type="GI">Gibraltár</territory> |
| <territory type="GL">Grönland</territory> |
| <territory type="GM">Gambia</territory> |
| <territory type="GN">Guinea</territory> |
| <territory type="GP">Guadeloupe</territory> |
| <territory type="GQ">Egyenlítői-Guinea</territory> |
| <territory type="GR">Görögország</territory> |
| <territory type="GS">Déli-Georgia és Déli-Sandwich-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="GT">Guatemala</territory> |
| <territory type="GU">Guam</territory> |
| <territory type="GW">Bissau-Guinea</territory> |
| <territory type="GY">Guyana</territory> |
| <territory type="HK">Hongkong KKT</territory> |
| <territory type="HK" alt="short">Hongkong</territory> |
| <territory type="HM">Heard-sziget és McDonald-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="HN">Honduras</territory> |
| <territory type="HR">Horvátország</territory> |
| <territory type="HT">Haiti</territory> |
| <territory type="HU">Magyarország</territory> |
| <territory type="IC">Kanári-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="ID">Indonézia</territory> |
| <territory type="IE">Írország</territory> |
| <territory type="IL">Izrael</territory> |
| <territory type="IM">Man-sziget</territory> |
| <territory type="IN">India</territory> |
| <territory type="IO">Brit Indiai-óceáni Terület</territory> |
| <territory type="IQ">Irak</territory> |
| <territory type="IR">Irán</territory> |
| <territory type="IS">Izland</territory> |
| <territory type="IT">Olaszország</territory> |
| <territory type="JE">Jersey</territory> |
| <territory type="JM">Jamaica</territory> |
| <territory type="JO">Jordánia</territory> |
| <territory type="JP">Japán</territory> |
| <territory type="KE">Kenya</territory> |
| <territory type="KG">Kirgizisztán</territory> |
| <territory type="KH">Kambodzsa</territory> |
| <territory type="KI">Kiribati</territory> |
| <territory type="KM">Comore-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="KN">Saint Kitts és Nevis</territory> |
| <territory type="KP">Észak-Korea</territory> |
| <territory type="KR">Dél-Korea</territory> |
| <territory type="KW">Kuvait</territory> |
| <territory type="KY">Kajmán-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="KZ">Kazahsztán</territory> |
| <territory type="LA">Laosz</territory> |
| <territory type="LB">Libanon</territory> |
| <territory type="LC">Saint Lucia</territory> |
| <territory type="LI">Liechtenstein</territory> |
| <territory type="LK">Srí Lanka</territory> |
| <territory type="LR">Libéria</territory> |
| <territory type="LS">Lesotho</territory> |
| <territory type="LT">Litvánia</territory> |
| <territory type="LU">Luxemburg</territory> |
| <territory type="LV">Lettország</territory> |
| <territory type="LY">Líbia</territory> |
| <territory type="MA">Marokkó</territory> |
| <territory type="MC">Monaco</territory> |
| <territory type="MD">Moldova</territory> |
| <territory type="ME">Montenegró</territory> |
| <territory type="MF">Saint Martin</territory> |
| <territory type="MG">Madagaszkár</territory> |
| <territory type="MH">Marshall-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="MK">Észak-Macedónia</territory> |
| <territory type="ML">Mali</territory> |
| <territory type="MM">Mianmar</territory> |
| <territory type="MN">Mongólia</territory> |
| <territory type="MO">Makaó KKT</territory> |
| <territory type="MO" alt="short">Makaó</territory> |
| <territory type="MP">Északi Mariana-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="MQ">Martinique</territory> |
| <territory type="MR">Mauritánia</territory> |
| <territory type="MS">Montserrat</territory> |
| <territory type="MT">Málta</territory> |
| <territory type="MU">Mauritius</territory> |
| <territory type="MV">Maldív-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="MW">Malawi</territory> |
| <territory type="MX">Mexikó</territory> |
| <territory type="MY">Malajzia</territory> |
| <territory type="MZ">Mozambik</territory> |
| <territory type="NA">Namíbia</territory> |
| <territory type="NC">Új-Kaledónia</territory> |
| <territory type="NE">Niger</territory> |
| <territory type="NF">Norfolk-sziget</territory> |
| <territory type="NG">Nigéria</territory> |
| <territory type="NI">Nicaragua</territory> |
| <territory type="NL">Hollandia</territory> |
| <territory type="NO">Norvégia</territory> |
| <territory type="NP">Nepál</territory> |
| <territory type="NR">Nauru</territory> |
| <territory type="NU">Niue</territory> |
| <territory type="NZ">Új-Zéland</territory> |
| <territory type="OM">Omán</territory> |
| <territory type="PA">Panama</territory> |
| <territory type="PE">Peru</territory> |
| <territory type="PF">Francia Polinézia</territory> |
| <territory type="PG">Pápua Új-Guinea</territory> |
| <territory type="PH">Fülöp-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="PK">Pakisztán</territory> |
| <territory type="PL">Lengyelország</territory> |
| <territory type="PM">Saint-Pierre és Miquelon</territory> |
| <territory type="PN">Pitcairn-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="PR">Puerto Rico</territory> |
| <territory type="PS">Palesztin Autonómia</territory> |
| <territory type="PS" alt="short">Palesztina</territory> |
| <territory type="PT">Portugália</territory> |
| <territory type="PW">Palau</territory> |
| <territory type="PY">Paraguay</territory> |
| <territory type="QA">Katar</territory> |
| <territory type="QO">Külső-Óceánia</territory> |
| <territory type="RE">Réunion</territory> |
| <territory type="RO">Románia</territory> |
| <territory type="RS">Szerbia</territory> |
| <territory type="RU">Oroszország</territory> |
| <territory type="RW">Ruanda</territory> |
| <territory type="SA">Szaúd-Arábia</territory> |
| <territory type="SB">Salamon-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="SC">Seychelle-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="SD">Szudán</territory> |
| <territory type="SE">Svédország</territory> |
| <territory type="SG">Szingapúr</territory> |
| <territory type="SH">Szent Ilona</territory> |
| <territory type="SI">Szlovénia</territory> |
| <territory type="SJ">Svalbard és Jan Mayen</territory> |
| <territory type="SK">Szlovákia</territory> |
| <territory type="SL">Sierra Leone</territory> |
| <territory type="SM">San Marino</territory> |
| <territory type="SN">Szenegál</territory> |
| <territory type="SO">Szomália</territory> |
| <territory type="SR">Suriname</territory> |
| <territory type="SS">Dél-Szudán</territory> |
| <territory type="ST">São Tomé és Príncipe</territory> |
| <territory type="SV">Salvador</territory> |
| <territory type="SX">Sint Maarten</territory> |
| <territory type="SY">Szíria</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ">Szváziföld</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ" alt="variant">Eswatini</territory> |
| <territory type="TA">Tristan da Cunha</territory> |
| <territory type="TC">Turks- és Caicos-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="TD">Csád</territory> |
| <territory type="TF">Francia Déli Területek</territory> |
| <territory type="TG">Togo</territory> |
| <territory type="TH">Thaiföld</territory> |
| <territory type="TJ">Tádzsikisztán</territory> |
| <territory type="TK">Tokelau</territory> |
| <territory type="TL">Kelet-Timor</territory> |
| <territory type="TL" alt="variant">Timor-Leste</territory> |
| <territory type="TM">Türkmenisztán</territory> |
| <territory type="TN">Tunézia</territory> |
| <territory type="TO">Tonga</territory> |
| <territory type="TR">Törökország</territory> |
| <territory type="TT">Trinidad és Tobago</territory> |
| <territory type="TV">Tuvalu</territory> |
| <territory type="TW">Tajvan</territory> |
| <territory type="TZ">Tanzánia</territory> |
| <territory type="UA">Ukrajna</territory> |
| <territory type="UG">Uganda</territory> |
| <territory type="UM">Az USA lakatlan külbirtokai</territory> |
| <territory type="UN">Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete</territory> |
| <territory type="UN" alt="short">ENSZ</territory> |
| <territory type="US">Egyesült Államok</territory> |
| <territory type="US" alt="short">USA</territory> |
| <territory type="UY">Uruguay</territory> |
| <territory type="UZ">Üzbegisztán</territory> |
| <territory type="VA">Vatikán</territory> |
| <territory type="VC">Saint Vincent és a Grenadine-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="VE">Venezuela</territory> |
| <territory type="VG">Brit Virgin-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="VI">Amerikai Virgin-szigetek</territory> |
| <territory type="VN">Vietnám</territory> |
| <territory type="VU">Vanuatu</territory> |
| <territory type="WF">Wallis és Futuna</territory> |
| <territory type="WS">Szamoa</territory> |
| <territory type="XA">Pszeudo-nyelvjárások</territory> |
| <territory type="XB">Pszeudo-kétirányú</territory> |
| <territory type="XK">Koszovó</territory> |
| <territory type="YE">Jemen</territory> |
| <territory type="YT">Mayotte</territory> |
| <territory type="ZA">Dél-afrikai Köztársaság</territory> |
| <territory type="ZM">Zambia</territory> |
| <territory type="ZW">Zimbabwe</territory> |
| <territory type="ZZ">Ismeretlen körzet</territory> |
| </territories> |
| <subdivisions> |
| <subdivision type="gbeng">Anglia</subdivision> |
| <subdivision type="gbsct">Skócia</subdivision> |
| <subdivision type="gbwls">Wales</subdivision> |
| </subdivisions> |
| <variants> |
| <variant type="1901">Hagyományos német helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="1994">Szabványosított reziján helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="1996">1996-os német helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="1606NICT">Késői közép francia 1606-ig</variant> |
| <variant type="1694ACAD" draft="contributed">Korai modern francia</variant> |
| <variant type="1959ACAD" draft="contributed">Akadémiai</variant> |
| <variant type="ALALC97" draft="contributed">ALA-LC romanizáció, 1997-es kiadás</variant> |
| <variant type="ALUKU" draft="contributed">Aluku dialektus</variant> |
| <variant type="AREVELA">Keleti örmény</variant> |
| <variant type="AREVMDA">Nyugati örmény</variant> |
| <variant type="BAKU1926">Egyesített türkic latin ábécé</variant> |
| <variant type="BAUDDHA" draft="contributed">Bauddha</variant> |
| <variant type="BISCAYAN" draft="contributed">Biszkajan</variant> |
| <variant type="BISKE">San Giorgo/Bila tájszólás</variant> |
| <variant type="BOONT">Boontling</variant> |
| <variant type="FONIPA">IPA fonetika</variant> |
| <variant type="FONUPA">UPA fonetika</variant> |
| <variant type="FONXSAMP" draft="contributed">Fonxsamp</variant> |
| <variant type="HEPBURN" draft="contributed">Hepburn romanizáció</variant> |
| <variant type="HOGNORSK" draft="contributed">Hongorszk</variant> |
| <variant type="ITIHASA" draft="contributed">Itihasa</variant> |
| <variant type="JAUER" draft="contributed">Jauer</variant> |
| <variant type="JYUTPING" draft="contributed">Jyutping</variant> |
| <variant type="KKCOR" draft="contributed">Meghatározatlan helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="LAUKIKA" draft="contributed">Laukika</variant> |
| <variant type="LIPAW">Reziján lipovaz tájszólás</variant> |
| <variant type="LUNA1918" draft="contributed">Luna1918</variant> |
| <variant type="MONOTON">Monoton</variant> |
| <variant type="NDYUKA" draft="contributed">Ndyuka dialektus</variant> |
| <variant type="NEDIS">Natisone dialektus</variant> |
| <variant type="NJIVA">Gniva/Njiva tájszólás</variant> |
| <variant type="OSOJS">Oseacco/Osojane tájszólás</variant> |
| <variant type="PAMAKA" draft="contributed">Pamaka dialektus</variant> |
| <variant type="PETR1708" draft="contributed">Petr1708</variant> |
| <variant type="PINYIN">pinjin átírás</variant> |
| <variant type="POLYTON">Politonikus</variant> |
| <variant type="POSIX">Számítógép</variant> |
| <variant type="PUTER" draft="contributed">Puter</variant> |
| <variant type="REVISED">Átdolgozott helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="ROZAJ">Reziján</variant> |
| <variant type="RUMGR" draft="contributed">Rumgr</variant> |
| <variant type="SAAHO">Saho</variant> |
| <variant type="SCOTLAND">Skót szabványos angol</variant> |
| <variant type="SCOUSE">Scouse</variant> |
| <variant type="SOLBA">Stolvizza/Solbica tájszólás</variant> |
| <variant type="SURMIRAN" draft="contributed">Surmiran</variant> |
| <variant type="SURSILV" draft="contributed">Sursilv</variant> |
| <variant type="SUTSILV" draft="contributed">Sutsilv</variant> |
| <variant type="TARASK">Taraskijevica helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="UCCOR" draft="contributed">Egyesített helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="UCRCOR" draft="contributed">Egyesített átdolgozott helyesírás</variant> |
| <variant type="ULSTER" draft="contributed">Ulster</variant> |
| <variant type="VAIDIKA" draft="contributed">Vaidika</variant> |
| <variant type="VALENCIA">Valencia</variant> |
| <variant type="VALLADER" draft="contributed">Vallader</variant> |
| <variant type="WADEGILE">Wade-Giles átírás</variant> |
| </variants> |
| <keys> |
| <key type="calendar">Naptár</key> |
| <key type="cf">Pénznemformátum</key> |
| <key type="colAlternate">Szimbólumokat figyelmen kívül hagyó rendezés</key> |
| <key type="colBackwards">Ékezetek fordított rendezése</key> |
| <key type="colCaseFirst">Rendezés nagy- vagy kisbetűk szerint</key> |
| <key type="colCaseLevel">Kisbetű-nagybetű érzékeny rendezés</key> |
| <key type="collation">Rendezési sorrend</key> |
| <key type="colNormalization">Normalizált rendezés</key> |
| <key type="colNumeric">Numerikus rendezés</key> |
| <key type="colStrength">Rendezés erőssége</key> |
| <key type="currency">Pénznem</key> |
| <key type="hc">Óraformátum (12 – 24)</key> |
| <key type="lb">Sortörés stílusa</key> |
| <key type="ms">Mértékegységrendszer</key> |
| <key type="numbers">Számok</key> |
| <key type="timezone">Időzóna</key> |
| <key type="va">Földrajzi helyvariáns</key> |
| <key type="x">Privát használatra</key> |
| </keys> |
| <types> |
| <type key="calendar" type="buddhist">Buddhista naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="chinese">Kínai naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="coptic">Kopt naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="dangi">Dangi naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic">Etióp naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic-amete-alem">Etióp amete alem naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="gregorian">Gergely-naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="hebrew">Héber naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="indian">Indiai nemzeti naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic">Iszlám naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic-civil">Iszlám civil naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic-umalqura" draft="contributed">Iszlám Umm al-Qura naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="iso8601">ISO-8601 naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="japanese">Japán naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="persian">Perzsa naptár</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="roc">Kínai köztársasági naptár</type> |
| <type key="cf" type="account">Könyvelési pénznemformátum</type> |
| <type key="cf" type="standard">Normál pénznemformátum</type> |
| <type key="colAlternate" type="non-ignorable" draft="contributed">Szimbólumok rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colAlternate" type="shifted" draft="contributed">Rendezés szimbólumok figyelmen kívül hagyásával</type> |
| <type key="colBackwards" type="no" draft="contributed">Ékezetek normál rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colBackwards" type="yes" draft="contributed">Ékezetek szerinti fordított rendezés</type> |
| <type key="colCaseFirst" type="lower" draft="contributed">Kisbetűs szavak rendezése előre</type> |
| <type key="colCaseFirst" type="no" draft="contributed">Kisbetűs-nagybetűs szavak normál rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colCaseFirst" type="upper" draft="contributed">Nagybetűs szavak rendezése előre</type> |
| <type key="colCaseLevel" type="no" draft="contributed">Kis- és nagybetűket meg nem különböztető rendezés</type> |
| <type key="colCaseLevel" type="yes" draft="contributed">Rendezés kisbetű-nagybetű szerint</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="big5han">Hagyományos kínai sorrend - Big5</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="compat" draft="contributed">Előző rendezési sorrend a kompatibilitás érdekében</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="dictionary">Szótári rendezési sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="ducet">Alapértelmezett Unicode rendezési sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="emoji" draft="contributed">Emodzsi rendezési sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="eor">Európai rendezési szabályok</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="gb2312han">Egyszerűsített kínai sorrend - GB2312</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="phonebook">Telefonkönyv sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="phonetic" draft="contributed">Fonetikus rendezési sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="pinyin">Pinyin sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="reformed">Átalakított rendezési elv</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="search">Általános célú keresés</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="searchjl" draft="contributed">Keresés hangul kezdő mássalhangzó szerint</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="standard">Normál rendezési sorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="stroke">Vonássorrend</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="traditional">Hagyományos</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="unihan">Szótővonás rendezési sorrend</type> |
| <type key="colNormalization" type="no" draft="contributed">Rendezés normalizálás nélkül</type> |
| <type key="colNormalization" type="yes" draft="contributed">Unicode szerinti normalizált rendezés</type> |
| <type key="colNumeric" type="no" draft="contributed">Számjegyek egyedi rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colNumeric" type="yes" draft="contributed">Számjegyek numerikus rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="identical" draft="contributed">Összes rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="primary" draft="contributed">Csak az alapbetűk rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="quaternary" draft="contributed">Ékezetek/kisbetű-nagybetű/szélesség/kanák rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="secondary" draft="contributed">Ékezetek rendezése</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="tertiary" draft="contributed">Ékezetek/kisbetű-nagybetű/szélesség rendezése</type> |
| <type key="d0" type="fwidth">Teljes szélesség</type> |
| <type key="d0" type="hwidth">Fél szélesség</type> |
| <type key="d0" type="npinyin" draft="contributed">Szám</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h11">12 órás rendszer (0–11)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h12">12 órás rendszer (0–12)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h23">24 órás rendszer (0–23)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h24">24 órás rendszer (0–24)</type> |
| <type key="lb" type="loose">Tág stílusú sortörés</type> |
| <type key="lb" type="normal">Normál stílusú sortörés</type> |
| <type key="lb" type="strict">Szűk stílusú sortörés</type> |
| <type key="m0" type="bgn">BGN</type> |
| <type key="m0" type="ungegn">UNGEGN</type> |
| <type key="ms" type="metric">Méterrendszer</type> |
| <type key="ms" type="uksystem">Angolszász mértékegységrendszer</type> |
| <type key="ms" type="ussystem">Amerikai mértékegységrendszer</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="arab">Arab-indiai számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="arabext">Kibővített arab-indiai számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="armn">Örmény számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="armnlow">Örmény kisbetűs számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="beng">Bengáli számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="deva">Dévanágari számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="ethi">Etióp számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="finance" draft="contributed">Pénzügyi számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="fullwide">Teljes szélességű számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="geor">Grúz számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="grek">Görög számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="greklow">Görög kisbetűs számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="gujr">Gudzsaráti számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="guru">Gurmuki számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hanidec">Kínai tizedes számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hans">Egyszerűsített kínai számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hansfin">Egyszerűsített kínai pénzügyi számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hant">Hagyományos kínai számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hantfin">Hagyományos kínai pénzügyi számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hebr">Héber számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="jpan">Japán számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="jpanfin">Japán pénzügyi számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="khmr">Khmer számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="knda">Kannada számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="laoo">Lao számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="latn">Nyugati számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mlym">Malajálam számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mong">Mongol számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mymr">Mianmari számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="native" draft="contributed">Natív számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="orya">Orija számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="roman">Római számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="romanlow">Római kisbetűs számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="taml">Hagyományos tamil számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tamldec">Tamil számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="telu">Telugu számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="thai">Thai számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tibt">Tibeti számjegyek</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="traditional" draft="contributed">Hagyományos számok</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="vaii" draft="contributed">Vai számjegyek</type> |
| </types> |
| <measurementSystemNames> |
| <measurementSystemName type="metric">metrikus</measurementSystemName> |
| <measurementSystemName type="UK">angol</measurementSystemName> |
| <measurementSystemName type="US">amerikai</measurementSystemName> |
| </measurementSystemNames> |
| <codePatterns> |
| <codePattern type="language">Nyelv: {0}</codePattern> |
| <codePattern type="script">Írásrendszer: {0}</codePattern> |
| <codePattern type="territory">Régió: {0}</codePattern> |
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| <contextTransform type="stand-alone">titlecase-firstword</contextTransform> |
| <contextTransform type="uiListOrMenu">titlecase-firstword</contextTransform> |
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| <characters> |
| <exemplarCharacters>[a á b c {cs} {ccs} d {dz} {ddz} {dzs} {ddzs} e é f g {gy} {ggy} h i í j k l {ly} {lly} m n {ny} {nny} o ó ö ő p r s {sz} {ssz} t {ty} {tty} u ú ü ű v z {zs} {zzs}]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="auxiliary">[à ă â å ä ã ā æ ç è ĕ ê ë ē ì ĭ î ï ī ñ ò ŏ ô ø ō œ q ù ŭ û ū w x y ÿ]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="index">[A Á B C {CS} D {DZ} {DZS} E É F G {GY} H I Í J K L {LY} M N {NY} O Ó Ö Ő P Q R S {SZ} T {TY} U Ú Ü Ű V W X Y Z {ZS}]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="numbers">[ \- ‑ , % ‰ + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="punctuation">[\- ‑ – , ; \: ! ? . … ' ’ " ” „ « » ( ) \[ \] \{ \} ⟨ ⟩ § @ * / \& # ~ ⁒]</exemplarCharacters> |
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| <moreInformation>?</moreInformation> |
| <parseLenients scope="date" level="lenient"> |
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| <parseLenient sample=":" draft="contributed">[\:∶]</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| <parseLenients scope="general" level="lenient"> |
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| <parseLenient sample="’" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="%" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
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| </parseLenients> |
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| <parseLenient sample="-" draft="contributed">[\-‒⁻₋−➖﹣-]</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="," draft="contributed">[,،٫、︐︑﹐﹑,、]</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="+" draft="contributed">[+⁺₊➕﬩﹢+]</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| <parseLenients scope="number" level="stricter"> |
| <parseLenient sample="," draft="contributed">[,٫︐﹐,]</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="." draft="contributed">[.․﹒.。]</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| </characters> |
| <delimiters> |
| <quotationStart>„</quotationStart> |
| <quotationEnd>”</quotationEnd> |
| <alternateQuotationStart>»</alternateQuotationStart> |
| <alternateQuotationEnd>«</alternateQuotationEnd> |
| </delimiters> |
| <dates> |
| <calendars> |
| <calendar type="buddhist"> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">BK</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">BK</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">BK</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="chinese"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="coptic"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Thot</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Paophi</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Athür</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Koiak</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Tübi</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Mehir</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Phamenóth</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Pharmuthi</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Pakhónsz</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pauni</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Epip</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Meszoré</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pi Kogi Enavot</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">13</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Thot</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Paophi</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Athür</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Koiak</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Tübi</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Mehir</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Phamenóth</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Pharmuthi</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Pakhónsz</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pauni</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Epip</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Meszoré</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pi Kogi Enavot</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Thot</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Paophi</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Athür</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Koiak</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Tübi</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Mehir</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Phamenóth</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Pharmuthi</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Pakhónsz</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pauni</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Epip</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Meszoré</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pi Kogi Enavot</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Thot</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Paophi</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Athür</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Koiak</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Tübi</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Mehir</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Phamenóth</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Pharmuthi</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Pakhónsz</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pauni</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Epip</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Meszoré</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pi Kogi Enavot</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ERA0</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">ERA1</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ERA0</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">ERA1</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ERA0</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">ERA1</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="ethiopic"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Meskerem</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Tekemt</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Hedar</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Tahsas</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Ter</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Yekatit</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Megabit</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Miazia</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Genbot</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sene</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Hamle</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Nehasse</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pagumen</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">13</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Meskerem</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Tekemt</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Hedar</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Tahsas</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Ter</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Yekatit</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Megabit</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Miazia</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Genbot</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sene</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Hamle</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Nehasse</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pagumen</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Meskerem</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Tekemt</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Hedar</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Tahsas</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Ter</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Yekatit</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Megabit</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Miazia</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Genbot</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sene</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Hamle</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Nehasse</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">Pagumen</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ERA0</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">ERA1</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ERA0</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">ERA1</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ERA0</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">ERA1</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="generic"> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>G y. MMMM d., EEEE</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>G y. MMMM d.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>G y. MMM d.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>GGGGG y. M. d.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
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| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
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| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bh">B h</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhm">B h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhms">B h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">ccc</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhm">E h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhms">E h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">E h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">E HH:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">E HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">G y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">G y. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">G y. MMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">G y. MMM d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">a h</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">H</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">a h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">H:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">a h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">H:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">L</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">M. d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">M. d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">LLL</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">MMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">MMM d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">MMMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">G y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyy">G y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyM">G y. MM.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMd">G y. MM. dd.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMEd">G y. MM. dd., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMM">G y. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMd">G y. MMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMEd">G y. MMM d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMM">G y. MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQ">G y. QQQ</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQQ">G y. QQQQ</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <intervalFormats> |
| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bh"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm – h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Gy"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h – a h</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h–h</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="H"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H–H</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h:mm – a h:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h:mm–h:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">a h:mm–h:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H:mm–H:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">H:mm–H:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h:mm – a h:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h:mm–h:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">a h:mm–h:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H:mm–H:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">H:mm–H:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h – a h v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h–h v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H–H v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M–M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MM. dd–dd.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM. dd. – MM. dd.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MM. dd., E – MM. dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM. dd., E – MM. dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d. – MMM d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d., E – d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d., E – MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y–y.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MM–MM.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MM. – y. MM.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">G y. MM. dd–dd.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MM. dd. – MM. dd.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MM. dd. – y. MM. dd.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">G y. MM. dd., E – dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MM. dd., E – MM. dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MM. dd., E – y. MM. dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MMM – y. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">G y. MMM d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MMM d. – MMM d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MMM d. – y. MMM d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">G y. MMM d., E – MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MMM d., E – MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MMM d., E – y. MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y. MMMM–MMMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y. MMMM – y. MMMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| </intervalFormats> |
| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="gregorian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">jan.</month> |
| <month type="2">febr.</month> |
| <month type="3">márc.</month> |
| <month type="4">ápr.</month> |
| <month type="5">máj.</month> |
| <month type="6">jún.</month> |
| <month type="7">júl.</month> |
| <month type="8">aug.</month> |
| <month type="9">szept.</month> |
| <month type="10">okt.</month> |
| <month type="11">nov.</month> |
| <month type="12">dec.</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">J</month> |
| <month type="2">F</month> |
| <month type="3">M</month> |
| <month type="4">Á</month> |
| <month type="5">M</month> |
| <month type="6">J</month> |
| <month type="7">J</month> |
| <month type="8">A</month> |
| <month type="9">Sz</month> |
| <month type="10">O</month> |
| <month type="11">N</month> |
| <month type="12">D</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">január</month> |
| <month type="2">február</month> |
| <month type="3">március</month> |
| <month type="4">április</month> |
| <month type="5">május</month> |
| <month type="6">június</month> |
| <month type="7">július</month> |
| <month type="8">augusztus</month> |
| <month type="9">szeptember</month> |
| <month type="10">október</month> |
| <month type="11">november</month> |
| <month type="12">december</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">jan.</month> |
| <month type="2">febr.</month> |
| <month type="3">márc.</month> |
| <month type="4">ápr.</month> |
| <month type="5">máj.</month> |
| <month type="6">jún.</month> |
| <month type="7">júl.</month> |
| <month type="8">aug.</month> |
| <month type="9">szept.</month> |
| <month type="10">okt.</month> |
| <month type="11">nov.</month> |
| <month type="12">dec.</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">J</month> |
| <month type="2">F</month> |
| <month type="3">M</month> |
| <month type="4">Á</month> |
| <month type="5">M</month> |
| <month type="6">J</month> |
| <month type="7">J</month> |
| <month type="8">A</month> |
| <month type="9">Sz</month> |
| <month type="10">O</month> |
| <month type="11">N</month> |
| <month type="12">D</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">január</month> |
| <month type="2">február</month> |
| <month type="3">március</month> |
| <month type="4">április</month> |
| <month type="5">május</month> |
| <month type="6">június</month> |
| <month type="7">július</month> |
| <month type="8">augusztus</month> |
| <month type="9">szeptember</month> |
| <month type="10">október</month> |
| <month type="11">november</month> |
| <month type="12">december</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <days> |
| <dayContext type="format"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">V</day> |
| <day type="mon">H</day> |
| <day type="tue">K</day> |
| <day type="wed">Sze</day> |
| <day type="thu">Cs</day> |
| <day type="fri">P</day> |
| <day type="sat">Szo</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">V</day> |
| <day type="mon">H</day> |
| <day type="tue">K</day> |
| <day type="wed">Sz</day> |
| <day type="thu">Cs</day> |
| <day type="fri">P</day> |
| <day type="sat">Sz</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">V</day> |
| <day type="mon">H</day> |
| <day type="tue">K</day> |
| <day type="wed">Sze</day> |
| <day type="thu">Cs</day> |
| <day type="fri">P</day> |
| <day type="sat">Szo</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">vasárnap</day> |
| <day type="mon">hétfő</day> |
| <day type="tue">kedd</day> |
| <day type="wed">szerda</day> |
| <day type="thu">csütörtök</day> |
| <day type="fri">péntek</day> |
| <day type="sat">szombat</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| <dayContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">V</day> |
| <day type="mon">H</day> |
| <day type="tue">K</day> |
| <day type="wed">Sze</day> |
| <day type="thu">Cs</day> |
| <day type="fri">P</day> |
| <day type="sat">Szo</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">V</day> |
| <day type="mon">H</day> |
| <day type="tue">K</day> |
| <day type="wed">Sz</day> |
| <day type="thu">Cs</day> |
| <day type="fri">P</day> |
| <day type="sat">Sz</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">V</day> |
| <day type="mon">H</day> |
| <day type="tue">K</day> |
| <day type="wed">Sze</day> |
| <day type="thu">Cs</day> |
| <day type="fri">P</day> |
| <day type="sat">Szo</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">vasárnap</day> |
| <day type="mon">hétfő</day> |
| <day type="tue">kedd</day> |
| <day type="wed">szerda</day> |
| <day type="thu">csütörtök</day> |
| <day type="fri">péntek</day> |
| <day type="sat">szombat</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| </days> |
| <quarters> |
| <quarterContext type="format"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">I. n.év</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">II. n.év</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">III. n.év</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">IV. n.év</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">I.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">II.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">III.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">IV.</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">I. negyedév</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">II. negyedév</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">III. negyedév</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">IV. negyedév</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| <quarterContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">1. n.év</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2. n.év</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3. n.év</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4. n.év</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4.</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">1. negyedév</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2. negyedév</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3. negyedév</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4. negyedév</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| </quarters> |
| <dayPeriods> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="format"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">éjfél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">dél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">reggel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning2">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">este</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">éjjel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night2">hajnal</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">éjfél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">dél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">reggel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning2">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">este</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">éjjel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night2">hajnal</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">éjfél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">dél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">reggel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning2">délelőtt</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">délután</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">este</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">éjjel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night2">hajnal</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">éjfél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">dél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">reggel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning2">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">este</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">éjjel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night2">hajnal</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">éjfél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">dél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">reggel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning2">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">este</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">éjjel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night2">hajnal</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">éjfél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">de.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">dél</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">du.</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">reggel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning2">délelőtt</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">délután</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">este</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">éjjel</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night2">hajnal</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| </dayPeriods> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0">Krisztus előtt</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">időszámításunk előtt</era> |
| <era type="1">időszámításunk szerint</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">i. sz.</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">i. e.</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">i.e.</era> |
| <era type="1">i. sz.</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">i.sz.</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">ie.</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">isz.</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>y. MMMM d., EEEE</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>y. MMMM d.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>y. MMM d.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>y. MM. dd.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
| <timeFormats> |
| <timeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm:ss zzzz</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm:ss z</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm:ss</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>H:mm</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| </timeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bh">B h</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhm">B h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhms">B h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">ccc</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhm">E B h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhms">E B h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">E h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">E HH:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">E HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">G y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">G y. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">G y. MMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">G y. MMM d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">a h</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">H</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">a h:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">H:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">a h:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">H:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmsv">a h:mm:ss v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmsv">HH:mm:ss v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmv">a h:mm v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmv">HH:mm v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">L</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">M. d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">M. d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">LLL</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">MMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">MMM d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">MMMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="one">MMMM W. 'hete'</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="other">MMMM W. 'hete'</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="mmss">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yM">y. M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMd">y. MM. dd.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMEd">y. MM. dd., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMM">y. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMd">y. MMM d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMEd">y. MMM d., E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMM">y. MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQ">y. QQQ</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQQ">y. QQQQ</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="one">Y w. 'hete'</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="other">Y w. 'hete'</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <appendItems> |
| <appendItem request="Timezone">{0} {1}</appendItem> |
| </appendItems> |
| <intervalFormats> |
| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bh"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Gy"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h – a h</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h–h</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="H"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H–H</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h:mm – a h:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h:mm–h:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">a h:mm–h:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H:mm–H:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">H:mm–H:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h:mm – a h:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h:mm–h:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">a h:mm–h:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H:mm–H:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">H:mm–H:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">a h – a h v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">a h–h v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">H–H v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M–M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">M. d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M. d. – M. d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">M. dd., E – M. d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M. d., E – M. d., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d. – MMM d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d., E – d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d., E – MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y–y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MM–MM.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MM. – y. MM.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">y. MM. dd–dd.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MM. dd. – MM. dd.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MM. dd. – y. MM. dd.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">y. MM. dd., E – dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MM. dd., E – MM. dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MM. dd., E – y. MM. dd., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MMM – y. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">y. MMM d–d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MMM d. – MMM d.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MMM d. – y. MMM d.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">y. MMM d., E – d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MMM d., E – MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MMM d., E – y. MMM d., E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">y. MMMM–MMMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y. MMMM – y. MMMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| </intervalFormats> |
| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="hebrew"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Tisri</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Hesván</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Kiszlév</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Tévész</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Svát</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Ádár I</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Ádár</month> |
| <month type="7" yeartype="leap" draft="contributed">Ádár II</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Niszán</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Ijár</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sziván</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Áv</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Tisri</month> |
| <month type="2">Hesván</month> |
| <month type="3">Kiszlév</month> |
| <month type="4">Tévész</month> |
| <month type="5">Svát</month> |
| <month type="6">Ádár I</month> |
| <month type="7">Ádár</month> |
| <month type="7" yeartype="leap">Ádár II</month> |
| <month type="8">Niszán</month> |
| <month type="9">Ijár</month> |
| <month type="10">Sziván</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">Áv</month> |
| <month type="13">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Tisri</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Hesván</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Kiszlév</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Tévész</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Svát</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Ádár I</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Ádár</month> |
| <month type="7" yeartype="leap" draft="contributed">Ádár II</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Niszán</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Ijár</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sziván</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Áv</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Tisri</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Hesván</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Kiszlév</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Tévész</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Svát</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Ádár I</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Ádár</month> |
| <month type="7" yeartype="leap" draft="contributed">Ádár II</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Niszán</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Ijár</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sziván</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Áv</month> |
| <month type="13" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">TÉ</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">TÉ</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">TÉ</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="indian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Chaitra</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Vaisakha</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Jyaistha</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Asadha</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Sravana</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Bhadra</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Asvina</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Kartika</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Agrahayana</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pausa</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Magha</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Phalguna</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Chaitra</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Vaisakha</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Jyaistha</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Asadha</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Sravana</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Bhadra</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Asvina</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Kartika</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Agrahayana</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pausa</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Magha</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Phalguna</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Chaitra</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Vaisakha</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Jyaistha</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Asadha</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Sravana</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Bhadra</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Asvina</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Kartika</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Agrahayana</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Pausa</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Magha</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Phalguna</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="islamic"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">Moh.</month> |
| <month type="2">Saf.</month> |
| <month type="3">Réb. 1</month> |
| <month type="4">Réb. 2</month> |
| <month type="5">Dsem. I</month> |
| <month type="6">Dsem. II</month> |
| <month type="7">Red.</month> |
| <month type="8">Sab.</month> |
| <month type="9">Ram.</month> |
| <month type="10">Sev.</month> |
| <month type="11">Dsül k.</month> |
| <month type="12">Dsül h.</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Moharrem</month> |
| <month type="2">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="3">Rébi el avvel</month> |
| <month type="4">Rébi el accher</month> |
| <month type="5">Dsemádi el avvel</month> |
| <month type="6">Dsemádi el accher</month> |
| <month type="7">Redseb</month> |
| <month type="8">Sabán</month> |
| <month type="9">Ramadán</month> |
| <month type="10">Sevvál</month> |
| <month type="11">Dsül kade</month> |
| <month type="12">Dsül hedse</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">Moharrem</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">Safar</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">Rébi I</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">Rébi II</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">Dsemádi I</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">Dsemádi II</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">Redseb</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">Sabán</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">Ramadán</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">Sevvál</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">Dsül kade</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">Dsül hedse</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">MF</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">MF</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">MF</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="japanese"> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>G y. MMMM d., EEEE</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>G y. MMMM d.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>G y.MM.dd.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>GGGGG y.MM.dd.</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="persian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">farvardin</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">ordibehesht</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">khordad</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">tir</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">mordad</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">shahrivar</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">mehr</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">aban</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">azar</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">dey</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">bahman</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">esfand</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1" draft="contributed">1</month> |
| <month type="2" draft="contributed">2</month> |
| <month type="3" draft="contributed">3</month> |
| <month type="4" draft="contributed">4</month> |
| <month type="5" draft="contributed">5</month> |
| <month type="6" draft="contributed">6</month> |
| <month type="7" draft="contributed">7</month> |
| <month type="8" draft="contributed">8</month> |
| <month type="9" draft="contributed">9</month> |
| <month type="10" draft="contributed">10</month> |
| <month type="11" draft="contributed">11</month> |
| <month type="12" draft="contributed">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">farvardin</month> |
| <month type="2">ordibehesht</month> |
| <month type="3">khordad</month> |
| <month type="4">tir</month> |
| <month type="5">mordad</month> |
| <month type="6">shahrivar</month> |
| <month type="7">mehr</month> |
| <month type="8">aban</month> |
| <month type="9">azar</month> |
| <month type="10">dey</month> |
| <month type="11">bahman</month> |
| <month type="12">esfand</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">farvardin</month> |
| <month type="2">ordibehesht</month> |
| <month type="3">khordad</month> |
| <month type="4">tir</month> |
| <month type="5">mordad</month> |
| <month type="6">shahrivar</month> |
| <month type="7">mehr</month> |
| <month type="8">aban</month> |
| <month type="9">azar</month> |
| <month type="10">dey</month> |
| <month type="11">bahman</month> |
| <month type="12">esfand</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">farvardin</month> |
| <month type="2">ordibehesht</month> |
| <month type="3">khordad</month> |
| <month type="4">tir</month> |
| <month type="5">mordad</month> |
| <month type="6">shahrivar</month> |
| <month type="7">mehr</month> |
| <month type="8">aban</month> |
| <month type="9">azar</month> |
| <month type="10">dey</month> |
| <month type="11">bahman</month> |
| <month type="12">esfand</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="roc"> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">R.O.C. előtt</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">R.O.C.</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">R.O.C. előtt</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">R.O.C.</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0" draft="contributed">R.O.C. előtt</era> |
| <era type="1" draft="contributed">R.O.C.</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| </calendars> |
| <fields> |
| <field type="era"> |
| <displayName>éra</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="era-short"> |
| <displayName>éra</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="era-narrow"> |
| <displayName>éra</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year"> |
| <displayName>év</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző év</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez az év</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő év</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} évvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} évvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-short"> |
| <displayName>év</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző év</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez az év</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő év</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} évvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} évvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-narrow"> |
| <displayName>év</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző év</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez az év</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő év</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} évvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} évvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter"> |
| <displayName>negyedév</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző negyedév</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a negyedév</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő negyedév</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} negyedév múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} negyedév múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} negyedévvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} negyedévvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-short"> |
| <displayName>n.év</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző negyedév</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a negyedév</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő negyedév</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} negyedév múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} negyedév múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} negyedévvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} negyedévvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-narrow"> |
| <displayName>n.év</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző negyedév</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a negyedév</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő negyedév</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} n.év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} n.év múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} negyedévvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} negyedévvel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month"> |
| <displayName>hónap</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hónap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hónap</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hónap</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hónap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hónap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hónappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hónappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-short"> |
| <displayName>hónap</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hónap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hónap</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hónap</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hónap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hónap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hónappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hónappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-narrow"> |
| <displayName>hónap</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hónap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hónap</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hónap</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hónap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hónap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hónappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hónappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week"> |
| <displayName>hét</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hét</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hét</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hét</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hét múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hét múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} héttel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} héttel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>{0} hete</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-short"> |
| <displayName>hét</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hét</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hét</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hét</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hét múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hét múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} héttel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} héttel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>{0} hete</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-narrow"> |
| <displayName>hét</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hét</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hét</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hét</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hét múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hét múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} héttel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} héttel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>{0} hete</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekOfMonth"> |
| <displayName>hónap hete</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekOfMonth-short"> |
| <displayName>hónap hete</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekOfMonth-narrow"> |
| <displayName>hónap hete</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day"> |
| <displayName>nap</displayName> |
| <relative type="-2">tegnapelőtt</relative> |
| <relative type="-1">tegnap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ma</relative> |
| <relative type="1">holnap</relative> |
| <relative type="2">holnapután</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} nap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} nap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} nappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} nappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-short"> |
| <displayName>nap</displayName> |
| <relative type="-2">tegnapelőtt</relative> |
| <relative type="-1">tegnap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ma</relative> |
| <relative type="1">holnap</relative> |
| <relative type="2">holnapután</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} nap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} nap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} napja</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} napja</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-narrow"> |
| <displayName>nap</displayName> |
| <relative type="-2">tegnapelőtt</relative> |
| <relative type="-1">tegnap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ma</relative> |
| <relative type="1">holnap</relative> |
| <relative type="2">holnapután</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} nap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} nap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} napja</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} napja</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear"> |
| <displayName>év napja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear-short"> |
| <displayName>év napja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear-narrow"> |
| <displayName>év napja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday"> |
| <displayName>hét napja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday-short"> |
| <displayName>hét napja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday-narrow"> |
| <displayName>hét napja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth"> |
| <displayName>hónap hétköznapja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth-short"> |
| <displayName>hónap hétköznapja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth-narrow"> |
| <displayName>hónap hétköznapja</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző vasárnap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a vasárnap</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő vasárnap</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} vasárnap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} vasárnap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} vasárnappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} vasárnappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző vasárnap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a vasárnap</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő vasárnap</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} vasárnap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} vasárnap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} vasárnappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} vasárnappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző vasárnap</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a vasárnap</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő vasárnap</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} vasárnap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} vasárnap múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} vasárnappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} vasárnappal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hétfő</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hétfő</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hétfő</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hétfő múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hétfő múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hétfővel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hétfővel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hétfő</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hétfő</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hétfő</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hétfő múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hétfő múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hétfővel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hétfővel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző hétfő</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a hétfő</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő hétfő</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hétfő múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hétfő múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} hétfővel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} hétfővel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző kedd</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a kedd</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő kedd</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} kedd múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} kedd múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} keddel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} keddel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző kedd</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a kedd</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő kedd</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} kedd múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} kedd múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} keddel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} keddel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző kedd</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a kedd</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő kedd</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} kedd múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} kedd múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} keddel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} keddel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző szerda</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a szerda</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő szerda</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szerda múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szerda múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szerdával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="wed-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző szerda</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a szerda</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő szerda</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szerda múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szerdával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="wed-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző szerda</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a szerda</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő szerda</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szerda múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szerda múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szerdával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szerdával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző csütörtök</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a csütörtök</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő csütörtök</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} csütörtök múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} csütörtök múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} csütörtökkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző csütörtök</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a csütörtök</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő csütörtök</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} csütörtök múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} csütörtök múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} csütörtökkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző csütörtök</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a csütörtök</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő csütörtök</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} csütörtök múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} csütörtök múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} csütörtökkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="fri"> |
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| <relative type="1">következő péntek</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} péntek múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} péntek múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} péntekkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző péntek</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a péntek</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő péntek</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} péntek múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} péntek múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} péntekkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző péntek</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a péntek</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő péntek</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} péntek múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} péntekkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} péntekkel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző szombat</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a szombat</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő szombat</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szombat múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szombat múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szombattal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szombattal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="sat-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző szombat</relative> |
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| <relative type="1">következő szombat</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szombat múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szombat múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szombattal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="sat-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">előző szombat</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ez a szombat</relative> |
| <relative type="1">következő szombat</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szombat múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szombat múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} szombattal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} szombattal ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod-short"> |
| <displayName>napszak</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod"> |
| <displayName>napszak</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod-narrow"> |
| <displayName>napszak</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour"> |
| <displayName>óra</displayName> |
| <relative type="0">ebben az órában</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} óra múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} óra múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} órával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} órával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-short"> |
| <displayName>óra</displayName> |
| <relative type="0" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} óra múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} óra múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} órával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} órával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-narrow"> |
| <displayName>ó</displayName> |
| <relative type="0" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} óra múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} óra múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} órával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} órával ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute"> |
| <displayName>perc</displayName> |
| <relative type="0">ebben a percben</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} perc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} perc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} perccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} perccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-short"> |
| <displayName>perc</displayName> |
| <relative type="0" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} perc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} perc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} perccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} perccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-narrow"> |
| <displayName>p</displayName> |
| <relative type="0" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} perc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} perc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} perccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} perccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second"> |
| <displayName>másodperc</displayName> |
| <relative type="0">most</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} másodperc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} másodperc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} másodperccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} másodperccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-short"> |
| <displayName>másodperc</displayName> |
| <relative type="0" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} másodperc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} másodperc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} másodperccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} másodperccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-narrow"> |
| <displayName>mp</displayName> |
| <relative type="0" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} másodperc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} másodperc múlva</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">{0} másodperccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} másodperccel ezelőtt</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="zone-short"> |
| <displayName>időzóna</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="zone-narrow"> |
| <displayName>időzóna</displayName> |
| </field> |
| </fields> |
| <timeZoneNames> |
| <hourFormat>+HH:mm;-HH:mm</hourFormat> |
| <gmtFormat>GMT{0}</gmtFormat> |
| <gmtZeroFormat>GMT</gmtZeroFormat> |
| <regionFormat>{0} idő</regionFormat> |
| <regionFormat type="daylight">{0} nyári idő</regionFormat> |
| <regionFormat type="standard">{0} zónaidő</regionFormat> |
| <fallbackFormat>{1} ({0})</fallbackFormat> |
| <zone type="America/Santa_Isabel"> |
| <exemplarCity>Santa Isabel</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Honolulu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Honolulu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Etc/UTC"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>koordinált világidő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Etc/Unknown"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ismeretlen város</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Andorra"> |
| <exemplarCity>Andorra</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dubai"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dubai</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kabul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kabul</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Antigua"> |
| <exemplarCity>Antigua</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Anguilla"> |
| <exemplarCity>Anguilla</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Tirane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tirana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yerevan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jereván</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Luanda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Luanda</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Rothera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Rothera</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Palmer"> |
| <exemplarCity>Palmer</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Troll"> |
| <exemplarCity>Troll</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Syowa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Syowa</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Mawson"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mawson</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Davis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Davis</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Vostok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vosztok</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Casey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Casey</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/DumontDUrville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dumont d’Urville</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/McMurdo"> |
| <exemplarCity>McMurdo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Río Gallegos</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mendoza"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mendoza</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/San_Juan"> |
| <exemplarCity>San Juan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Ushuaia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ushuaia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/La_Rioja"> |
| <exemplarCity>La Rioja</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/San_Luis"> |
| <exemplarCity>San Luis</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Catamarca"> |
| <exemplarCity>Catamarca</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Salta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Salta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jujuy"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jujuy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Tucuman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tucumán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cordoba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Córdoba</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Buenos_Aires"> |
| <exemplarCity>Buenos Aires</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Pago_Pago"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pago Pago</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vienna"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bécs</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Perth"> |
| <exemplarCity>Perth</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Eucla"> |
| <exemplarCity>Eucla</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Darwin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Darwin</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Adelaide"> |
| <exemplarCity>Adelaide</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Broken_Hill"> |
| <exemplarCity>Broken Hill</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Currie"> |
| <exemplarCity>Currie</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Melbourne"> |
| <exemplarCity>Melbourne</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Hobart"> |
| <exemplarCity>Hobart</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Lindeman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lindeman</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Sydney"> |
| <exemplarCity>Sydney</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Brisbane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Brisbane</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Macquarie"> |
| <exemplarCity>Macquarie</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Lord_Howe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lord Howe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Aruba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Aruba</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Mariehamn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mariehamn</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baku"> |
| <exemplarCity>Baku</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Sarajevo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szarajevó</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Barbados"> |
| <exemplarCity>Barbados</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dhaka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dakka</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Brussels"> |
| <exemplarCity>Brüsszel</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ouagadougou"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ouagadougou</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Sofia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szófia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bahrain"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bahrein</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bujumbura"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bujumbura</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Porto-Novo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Porto-Novo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Barthelemy"> |
| <exemplarCity>Saint-Barthélemy</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Bermuda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bermuda</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Brunei"> |
| <exemplarCity>Brunei</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/La_Paz"> |
| <exemplarCity>La Paz</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kralendijk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kralendijk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Eirunepe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Eirunepé</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rio_Branco"> |
| <exemplarCity>Río Branco</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Porto_Velho"> |
| <exemplarCity>Porto Velho</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Boa_Vista"> |
| <exemplarCity>Boa Vista</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Manaus"> |
| <exemplarCity>Manaus</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cuiaba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Cuiabá</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santarem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Santarem</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Campo_Grande"> |
| <exemplarCity>Campo Grande</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Belem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Belém</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Araguaina"> |
| <exemplarCity>Araguaína</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sao_Paulo"> |
| <exemplarCity>São Paulo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bahia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bahia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Fortaleza"> |
| <exemplarCity>Fortaleza</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Maceio"> |
| <exemplarCity>Maceió</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Recife"> |
| <exemplarCity>Recife</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Noronha"> |
| <exemplarCity>Noronha</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nassau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nassau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Thimphu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Thimphu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Gaborone"> |
| <exemplarCity>Gaborone</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Minsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Minszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Belize"> |
| <exemplarCity>Belize</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dawson"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dawson</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Whitehorse"> |
| <exemplarCity>Whitehorse</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Inuvik"> |
| <exemplarCity>Inuvik</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Vancouver"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vancouver</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Fort_Nelson"> |
| <exemplarCity>Fort Nelson</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dawson_Creek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dawson Creek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Creston"> |
| <exemplarCity>Creston</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Yellowknife"> |
| <exemplarCity>Yellowknife</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Edmonton"> |
| <exemplarCity>Edmonton</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Swift_Current"> |
| <exemplarCity>Swift Current</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cambridge_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Cambridge Bay</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Regina"> |
| <exemplarCity>Regina</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Winnipeg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Winnipeg</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Resolute"> |
| <exemplarCity>Resolute</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rainy_River"> |
| <exemplarCity>Rainy River</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rankin_Inlet"> |
| <exemplarCity>Rankin Inlet</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Coral_Harbour"> |
| <exemplarCity>Atikokan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Thunder_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Thunder Bay</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nipigon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nipigon</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Toronto"> |
| <exemplarCity>Toronto</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Iqaluit"> |
| <exemplarCity>Iqaluit</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Pangnirtung"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pangnirtung</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Moncton"> |
| <exemplarCity>Moncton</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Halifax"> |
| <exemplarCity>Halifax</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Goose_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Goose Bay</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Glace_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Glace Bay</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Blanc-Sablon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Blanc-Sablon</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Johns"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. John’s</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Cocos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kókusz-sziget</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kinshasa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kinshasa</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lubumbashi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lubumbashi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bangui"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bangui</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Brazzaville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Brazzaville</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zurich"> |
| <exemplarCity>Zürich</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Abidjan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Abidjan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Rarotonga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Rarotonga</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Easter"> |
| <exemplarCity>Húsvét-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Punta_Arenas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Punta Arenas</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santiago"> |
| <exemplarCity>Santiago</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Douala"> |
| <exemplarCity>Douala</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Urumqi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ürümqi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Shanghai"> |
| <exemplarCity>Sanghaj</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bogota"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bogotá</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Costa_Rica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Costa Rica</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Havana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Havanna</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Cape_Verde"> |
| <exemplarCity>Zöld-foki szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Curacao"> |
| <exemplarCity>Curaçao</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Christmas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Karácsony-sziget</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Nicosia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nicosia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Famagusta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Famagusta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Prague"> |
| <exemplarCity>Prága</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Busingen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Büsingen</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Berlin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Berlin</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Djibouti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dzsibuti</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Copenhagen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Koppenhága</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dominica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dominika</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santo_Domingo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Santo Domingo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Algiers"> |
| <exemplarCity>Algír</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Galapagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Galapagos-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guayaquil"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guayaquil</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Tallinn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tallin</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Cairo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kairó</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/El_Aaiun"> |
| <exemplarCity>El-Ajún</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Asmera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Asmera</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Canary"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kanári-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ceuta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ceuta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Madrid"> |
| <exemplarCity>Madrid</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Addis_Ababa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Addisz-Abeba</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Helsinki"> |
| <exemplarCity>Helsinki</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fiji"> |
| <exemplarCity>Fidzsi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Stanley"> |
| <exemplarCity>Stanley</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Truk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Truk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Ponape"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ponape-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kosrae"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kosrae-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Faeroe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Feröer</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Paris"> |
| <exemplarCity>Párizs</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Libreville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Libreville</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/London"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>brit nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <exemplarCity>London</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Grenada"> |
| <exemplarCity>Grenada</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tbilisi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tbiliszi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayenne"> |
| <exemplarCity>Cayenne</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Guernsey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guernsey</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Accra"> |
| <exemplarCity>Accra</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Gibraltar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Gibraltár</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Thule"> |
| <exemplarCity>Thule</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Godthab"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nuuk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Scoresbysund"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ittoqqortoormiit</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Danmarkshavn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Danmarkshavn</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Banjul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Banjul</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Conakry"> |
| <exemplarCity>Conakry</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guadeloupe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guadeloupe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Malabo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Malabó</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Athens"> |
| <exemplarCity>Athén</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/South_Georgia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Déli-Georgia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guatemala"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guatemala</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Guam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guam</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bissau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bissau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guyana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guyana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hong_Kong"> |
| <exemplarCity>Hongkong</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tegucigalpa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tegucigalpa</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zagreb"> |
| <exemplarCity>Zágráb</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port-au-Prince"> |
| <exemplarCity>Port-au-Prince</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Budapest"> |
| <exemplarCity>Budapest</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jakarta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jakarta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pontianak"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pontianak</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Makassar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Makasar</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jayapura"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jayapura</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Dublin"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>ír nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <exemplarCity>Dublin</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jerusalem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jeruzsálem</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Isle_of_Man"> |
| <exemplarCity>Man-sziget</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Calcutta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kalkutta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Chagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Chagos</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baghdad"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bagdad</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tehran"> |
| <exemplarCity>Teherán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Reykjavik"> |
| <exemplarCity>Reykjavík</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Rome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Róma</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Jersey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jersey</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jamaica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jamaica</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Amman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ammán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tokyo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tokió</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Nairobi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nairobi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bishkek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Biskek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Phnom_Penh"> |
| <exemplarCity>Phnom Penh</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Enderbury"> |
| <exemplarCity>Enderbury</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kiritimati"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kiritimati-sziget</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tarawa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tarawa</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Comoro"> |
| <exemplarCity>Komoró</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Kitts"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Kitts</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pyongyang"> |
| <exemplarCity>Phenjan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Seoul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szöul</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuwait"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kuvait</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kajmán-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Aktau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Oral"> |
| <exemplarCity>Oral</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Atyrau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Atirau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtobe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Aktöbe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qostanay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kosztanaj</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qyzylorda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kizilorda</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Almaty"> |
| <exemplarCity>Alma-Ata</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vientiane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vientián</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Beirut"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bejrút</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Lucia"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Lucia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vaduz"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vaduz</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Colombo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Colombo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Monrovia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Monrovia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Maseru"> |
| <exemplarCity>Maseru</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vilnius"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vilnius</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Luxembourg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Luxemburg</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Riga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Riga</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tripoli"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tripoli</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Casablanca"> |
| <exemplarCity>Casablanca</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Monaco"> |
| <exemplarCity>Monaco</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Chisinau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Chisinau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Podgorica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Podgorica</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Marigot"> |
| <exemplarCity>Marigot</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Antananarivo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Antananarivo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kwajalein"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kwajalein-zátony</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Majuro"> |
| <exemplarCity>Majuro-zátony</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Skopje"> |
| <exemplarCity>Skopje</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bamako"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bamako</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Rangoon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Yangon</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hovd"> |
| <exemplarCity>Hovd</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ulaanbaatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ulánbátor</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Choibalsan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Csojbalszan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Macau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Makaó</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Saipan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Saipan</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Martinique"> |
| <exemplarCity>Martinique</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Nouakchott"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nouakchott</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Montserrat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Montserrat</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Malta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Málta</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mauritius"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mauritius</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Maldives"> |
| <exemplarCity>Maldív-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Blantyre"> |
| <exemplarCity>Blantyre</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tijuana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tijuana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Hermosillo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Hermosillo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mazatlan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mazatlán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Chihuahua"> |
| <exemplarCity>Chihuahua</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bahia_Banderas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bahia Banderas</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Ojinaga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ojinaga</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Monterrey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Monterrey</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mexico_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mexikóváros</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Matamoros"> |
| <exemplarCity>Matamoros</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Merida"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mérida</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cancun"> |
| <exemplarCity>Cancún</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kuala Lumpur</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuching"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kucseng</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Maputo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Maputo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Windhoek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Windhoek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Noumea"> |
| <exemplarCity>Noumea</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Niamey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Niamey</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Norfolk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Norfolk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lagos</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Managua"> |
| <exemplarCity>Managua</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Amsterdam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Amszterdam</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Oslo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Oslo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Katmandu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Katmandu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Nauru"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nauru</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Niue"> |
| <exemplarCity>Niue</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Chatham"> |
| <exemplarCity>Chatham-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Auckland"> |
| <exemplarCity>Auckland</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Muscat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Muscat</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Panama"> |
| <exemplarCity>Panama</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lima"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lima</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tahiti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tahiti</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Marquesas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Marquesas-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Gambier"> |
| <exemplarCity>Gambier-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Port_Moresby"> |
| <exemplarCity>Port Moresby</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Bougainville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bougainville</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Manila"> |
| <exemplarCity>Manila</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Karachi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Karacsi</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Warsaw"> |
| <exemplarCity>Varsó</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Miquelon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Miquelon</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Pitcairn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pitcairn-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Puerto_Rico"> |
| <exemplarCity>Puerto Rico</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Gaza"> |
| <exemplarCity>Gáza</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hebron"> |
| <exemplarCity>Hebron</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Azores"> |
| <exemplarCity>Azori-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Madeira"> |
| <exemplarCity>Madeira</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Lisbon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lisszabon</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Palau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Palau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Asuncion"> |
| <exemplarCity>Asunción</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Katar</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Reunion"> |
| <exemplarCity>Réunion</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bucharest"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bukarest</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Belgrade"> |
| <exemplarCity>Belgrád</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kaliningrad"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kalinyingrád</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Moscow"> |
| <exemplarCity>Moszkva</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Volgograd"> |
| <exemplarCity>Volgográd</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Saratov"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szaratov</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Astrakhan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Asztrahán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Ulyanovsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Uljanovszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kirov"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kirov</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Samara"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szamara</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yekaterinburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jekatyerinburg</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Omsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Omszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novosibirsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Novoszibirszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Barnaul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Barnaul</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tomsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tomszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novokuznetsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Novokuznyeck</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Krasznojarszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Irkutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Irkutszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Chita"> |
| <exemplarCity>Csita</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yakutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Jakutszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vladivostok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vlagyivosztok</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Khandyga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Handiga</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Sakhalin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szahalin</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ust-Nera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Uszty-Nyera</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Magadan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Magadán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Srednekolymsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szrednekolimszk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kamchatka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kamcsatka</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Anadyr"> |
| <exemplarCity>Anadir</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kigali"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kigali</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Riyadh"> |
| <exemplarCity>Rijád</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Guadalcanal"> |
| <exemplarCity>Guadalcanal</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mahe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mahe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Khartoum"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kartúm</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Stockholm"> |
| <exemplarCity>Stockholm</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Singapore"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szingapúr</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/St_Helena"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szent Ilona</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Ljubljana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ljubljana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Arctic/Longyearbyen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Longyearbyen</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bratislava"> |
| <exemplarCity>Pozsony</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Freetown"> |
| <exemplarCity>Freetown</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/San_Marino"> |
| <exemplarCity>San Marino</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dakar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dakar</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mogadishu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mogadishu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Paramaribo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Paramaribo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Juba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Juba</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Sao_Tome"> |
| <exemplarCity>São Tomé</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/El_Salvador"> |
| <exemplarCity>Salvador</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lower_Princes"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lower Prince’s Quarter</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Damascus"> |
| <exemplarCity>Damaszkusz</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mbabane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mbabane</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Grand_Turk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Grand Turk</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ndjamena"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ndjamena</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Kerguelen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kerguelen</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lome</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bangkok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Bangkok</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dushanbe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dushanbe</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fakaofo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Fakaofo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dili"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dili</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ashgabat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Asgabat</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tunis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tunisz</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tongatapu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tongatapu</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Istanbul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Isztanbul</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port_of_Spain"> |
| <exemplarCity>Port of Spain</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Funafuti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Funafuti</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Taipei"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tajpej</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Dar es-Salaam</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Uzhgorod"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ungvár</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kiev"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kijev</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Simferopol"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szimferopol</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zaporozhye"> |
| <exemplarCity>Zaporozsje</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kampala"> |
| <exemplarCity>Kampala</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Midway"> |
| <exemplarCity>Midway-szigetek</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Wake"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wake-sziget</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Adak"> |
| <exemplarCity>Adak</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Nome</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Johnston"> |
| <exemplarCity>Johnston</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Anchorage"> |
| <exemplarCity>Anchorage</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Yakutat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Yakutat</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sitka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Sitka</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Juneau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Juneau</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Metlakatla"> |
| <exemplarCity>Metlakatla</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Los_Angeles"> |
| <exemplarCity>Los Angeles</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Boise"> |
| <exemplarCity>Boise</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Phoenix"> |
| <exemplarCity>Phoenix</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Denver"> |
| <exemplarCity>Denver</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Beulah"> |
| <exemplarCity>Beulah, Észak-Dakota</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"> |
| <exemplarCity>New Salem, Észak-Dakota</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Center"> |
| <exemplarCity>Center, Észak-Dakota</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Chicago"> |
| <exemplarCity>Chicago</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Menominee"> |
| <exemplarCity>Menominee</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vincennes"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vincennes, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Petersburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Petersburg, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Tell_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tell City, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Knox"> |
| <exemplarCity>Knox, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Winamac"> |
| <exemplarCity>Winamac, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Marengo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Marengo, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indianapolis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Indianapolis</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Louisville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Louisville</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vevay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vevay, Indiana</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kentucky/Monticello"> |
| <exemplarCity>Monticello, Kentucky</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Detroit"> |
| <exemplarCity>Detroit</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/New_York"> |
| <exemplarCity>New York</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Montevideo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Montevideo</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Samarkand"> |
| <exemplarCity>Szamarkand</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tashkent"> |
| <exemplarCity>Taskent</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vatican"> |
| <exemplarCity>Vatikán</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Vincent"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Vincent</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Caracas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Caracas</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tortola"> |
| <exemplarCity>Tortola</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Thomas"> |
| <exemplarCity>St. Thomas</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Saigon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ho Si Minh-város</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Efate"> |
| <exemplarCity>Efate</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Wallis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Wallis</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Apia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Apia</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aden"> |
| <exemplarCity>Áden</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mayotte"> |
| <exemplarCity>Mayotte</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Johannesburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Johannesburg</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lusaka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Lusaka</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Harare"> |
| <exemplarCity>Harare</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <metazone type="Acre"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Acre idő</generic> |
| <standard>Acre zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Acre nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Afghanistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>afganisztáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>közép-afrikai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kelet-afrikai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>dél-afrikai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>nyugat-afrikai időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>nyugat-afrikai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>nyugat-afrikai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Alaska"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>alaszkai idő</generic> |
| <standard>alaszkai zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>alaszkai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Almaty"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Almati idő</generic> |
| <standard>Almati zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Almati nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Amazon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>amazóniai idő</generic> |
| <standard>amazóniai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>amazóniai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>középső államokbeli idő</generic> |
| <standard>középső államokbeli zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>középső államokbeli nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>keleti államokbeli idő</generic> |
| <standard>keleti államokbeli zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>keleti államokbeli nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Mountain"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>hegyvidéki idő</generic> |
| <standard>hegyvidéki zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>hegyvidéki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>csendes-óceáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>csendes-óceáni zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>csendes-óceáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Anadyr"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Anadiri idő</generic> |
| <standard>Anadíri zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Anadíri nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Apia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>apiai idő</generic> |
| <standard>apiai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>apiai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Aqtau"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Aqtaui idő</generic> |
| <standard>Aqtaui zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Aqtaui nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Aqtobe"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Aqtobei idő</generic> |
| <standard>Aqtobei zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Aqtobei nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Arabian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>arab idő</generic> |
| <standard>arab téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>arab nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>argentínai idő</generic> |
| <standard>argentínai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>argentínai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>nyugat-argentínai időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>nyugat-argentínai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>nyugat-argentínai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Armenia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>örményországi idő</generic> |
| <standard>örményországi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>örményországi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Atlantic"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>atlanti-óceáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>atlanti-óceáni zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>atlanti-óceáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>közép-ausztráliai idő</generic> |
| <standard>közép-ausztráliai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>közép-ausztráliai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_CentralWestern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>közép-nyugat-ausztráliai idő</generic> |
| <standard>közép-nyugat-ausztráliai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>közép-nyugat-ausztráliai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>kelet-ausztráliai idő</generic> |
| <standard>kelet-ausztráliai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>kelet-ausztráliai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>nyugat-ausztráliai idő</generic> |
| <standard>nyugat-ausztráliai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>nyugat-ausztráliai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azerbaijan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>azerbajdzsáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>azerbajdzsáni téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>azerbajdzsáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azores"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>azori időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>azori téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>azori nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bangladesh"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>bangladesi idő</generic> |
| <standard>bangladesi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>bangladesi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bhutan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>butáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bolivia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>bolíviai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brasilia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>brazíliai idő</generic> |
| <standard>brazíliai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>brazíliai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brunei"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Brunei Darussalam-i idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cape_Verde"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>zöld-foki-szigeteki időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>zöld-foki-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>zöld-foki-szigeteki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chamorro"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>chamorrói téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chatham"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>chathami idő</generic> |
| <standard>chathami téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>chathami nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chile"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>chilei időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>chilei téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>chilei nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="China"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>kínai idő</generic> |
| <standard>kínai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>kínai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Choibalsan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>csojbalszani idő</generic> |
| <standard>csojbalszani téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>csojbalszani nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Christmas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>karácsony-szigeti téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cocos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kókusz-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Colombia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>kolumbiai idő</generic> |
| <standard>kolumbiai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>kolumbiai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cook"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>cook-szigeteki idő</generic> |
| <standard>cook-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>cook-szigeteki fél nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cuba"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>kubai időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>kubai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>kubai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Davis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>davisi idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="DumontDUrville"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>dumont-d’Urville-i idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="East_Timor"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kelet-timori téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Easter"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>húsvét-szigeti időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>húsvét-szigeti téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>húsvét-szigeti nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ecuador"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>ecuadori téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>közép-európai időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>közép-európai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>közép-európai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>CET</generic> |
| <standard>CET</standard> |
| <daylight>CEST</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>kelet-európai időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>kelet-európai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>kelet-európai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>EET</generic> |
| <standard>EET</standard> |
| <daylight>EEST</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Further_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>minszki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>nyugat-európai időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>nyugat-európai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>nyugat-európai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>WET</generic> |
| <standard>WET</standard> |
| <daylight>WEST</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Falkland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>falkland-szigeteki idő</generic> |
| <standard>falkland-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>falkland-szigeteki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Fiji"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>fidzsi idő</generic> |
| <standard>fidzsi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>fidzsi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Guiana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>francia-guyanai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>francia déli és antarktiszi idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Galapagos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>galápagosi téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gambier"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>gambieri idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>grúziai idő</generic> |
| <standard>grúziai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>grúziai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gilbert_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>gilbert-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="GMT"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>greenwichi középidő, téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <standard>GMT</standard> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>kelet-grönlandi időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>kelet-grönlandi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>kelet-grönlandi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>nyugat-grönlandi időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>nyugat-grönlandi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>nyugat-grönlandi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Guam"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Guami zónaidő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gulf"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>öbölbeli téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Guyana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>guyanai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hawaii_Aleutian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>hawaii-aleuti időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>hawaii-aleuti téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>hawaii-aleuti nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hong_Kong"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>hongkongi időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>hongkongi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>hongkongi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hovd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>hovdi idő</generic> |
| <standard>hovdi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>hovdi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="India"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>indiai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indian_Ocean"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>indiai-óceáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indochina"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>indokínai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>közép-indonéziai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kelet-indonéziai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>nyugat-indonéziai téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Iran"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>iráni idő</generic> |
| <standard>iráni téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>iráni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Irkutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>irkutszki idő</generic> |
| <standard>irkutszki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>irkutszki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Israel"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>izraeli idő</generic> |
| <standard>izraeli téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>izraeli nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Japan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>japán idő</generic> |
| <standard>japán téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>japán nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kamchatka"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Petropavlovszk-kamcsatkai idő</generic> |
| <standard>Petropavlovszk-kamcsatkai zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Petropavlovszk-kamcsatkai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kelet-kazahsztáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>nyugat-kazahsztáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Korea"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>koreai idő</generic> |
| <standard>koreai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>koreai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kosrae"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kosraei idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>krasznojarszki idő</generic> |
| <standard>krasznojarszki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>krasznojarszki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kyrgystan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>kirgizisztáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Lanka"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Lankai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Line_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>sor-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Lord_Howe"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Lord Howe-szigeti idő</generic> |
| <standard>Lord Howe-szigeti téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>Lord Howe-szigeti nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Macau"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Macaui idő</generic> |
| <standard>Macaui zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Macaui nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Macquarie"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>macquarie-szigeti téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Magadan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>magadáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>magadani téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>magadáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Malaysia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>malajziai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Maldives"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>maldív-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marquesas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>marquises-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marshall_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>marshall-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mauritius"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>mauritiusi időzóna</generic> |
| <standard>mauritiusi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>mauritiusi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mawson"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>mawsoni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Northwest"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>északnyugat-mexikói idő</generic> |
| <standard>északnyugat-mexikói zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>északnyugat-mexikói nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>mexikói csendes-óceáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>mexikói csendes-óceáni zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>mexikói csendes-óceáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mongolia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>ulánbátori idő</generic> |
| <standard>ulánbátori téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>ulánbátori nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Moscow"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>moszkvai idő</generic> |
| <standard>moszkvai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>moszkvai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Myanmar"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>mianmari idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nauru"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>naurui idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nepal"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>nepáli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Caledonia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>új-kaledóniai idő</generic> |
| <standard>új-kaledóniai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>új-kaledóniai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Zealand"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>új-zélandi idő</generic> |
| <standard>új-zélandi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>új-zélandi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Newfoundland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>új-fundlandi idő</generic> |
| <standard>új-fundlandi zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>új-fundlandi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Niue"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>niuei idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Norfolk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>norfolk-szigeteki idő</generic> |
| <standard>norfolk-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>norfolk-szigeteki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Noronha"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Fernando de Noronha-i idő</generic> |
| <standard>Fernando de Noronha-i téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>Fernando de Noronha-i nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="North_Mariana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Észak-mariana-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Novosibirsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>novoszibirszki idő</generic> |
| <standard>novoszibirszki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>novoszibirszki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Omsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>omszki idő</generic> |
| <standard>omszki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>omszki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pakistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>pakisztáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>pakisztáni téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>pakisztáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Palau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>palaui idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Papua_New_Guinea"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>pápua új-guineai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Paraguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>paraguayi idő</generic> |
| <standard>paraguayi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>paraguayi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Peru"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>perui idő</generic> |
| <standard>perui téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>perui nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Philippines"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>fülöp-szigeteki idő</generic> |
| <standard>fülöp-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>fülöp-szigeteki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Phoenix_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>phoenix-szigeteki téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pierre_Miquelon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Saint-Pierre és Miquelon-i idő</generic> |
| <standard>Saint-Pierre és Miquelon-i zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Saint-Pierre és Miquelon-i nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pitcairn"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>pitcairn-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ponape"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>ponape-szigeti idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pyongyang"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>phenjani idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Qyzylorda"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Qyzylordai idő</generic> |
| <standard>Qyzylordai zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Qyzylordai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Reunion"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>réunioni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Rothera"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>rotherai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Sakhalin"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>szahalini idő</generic> |
| <standard>szahalini téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>szahalini nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Samara"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Szamarai idő</generic> |
| <standard>Szamarai zónaidő</standard> |
| <daylight>Szamarai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Samoa"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>szamoai idő</generic> |
| <standard>szamoai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>szamoai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Seychelles"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>seychelle-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Singapore"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>szingapúri téli idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Solomon"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>salamon-szigeteki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="South_Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>déli-georgiai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Suriname"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>szurinámi idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Syowa"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>syowai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tahiti"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>tahiti idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Taipei"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>taipei idő</generic> |
| <standard>taipei téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>taipei nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tajikistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>tádzsikisztáni idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tokelau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>tokelaui idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tonga"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>tongai idő</generic> |
| <standard>tongai téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>tongai nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Truk"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>truki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Turkmenistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>türkmenisztáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>türkmenisztáni téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>türkmenisztáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tuvalu"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>tuvalui idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uruguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>uruguayi idő</generic> |
| <standard>uruguayi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>uruguayi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uzbekistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>üzbegisztáni idő</generic> |
| <standard>üzbegisztáni téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>üzbegisztáni nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vanuatu"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>vanuatui idő</generic> |
| <standard>vanuatui téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>vanuatui nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Venezuela"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>venezuelai idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vladivostok"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>vlagyivosztoki idő</generic> |
| <standard>vlagyivosztoki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>vlagyivosztoki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Volgograd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>volgográdi idő</generic> |
| <standard>volgográdi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>volgográdi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vostok"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>vosztoki idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wake"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>wake-szigeti idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wallis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Wallis és Futuna-i idő</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yakutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>jakutszki idő</generic> |
| <standard>jakutszki téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>jakutszki nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yekaterinburg"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>jekatyerinburgi idő</generic> |
| <standard>jekatyerinburgi téli idő</standard> |
| <daylight>jekatyerinburgi nyári idő</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| </timeZoneNames> |
| </dates> |
| <numbers> |
| <defaultNumberingSystem draft="contributed">latn</defaultNumberingSystem> |
| <otherNumberingSystems> |
| <native draft="contributed">latn</native> |
| </otherNumberingSystems> |
| <minimumGroupingDigits draft="contributed">1</minimumGroupingDigits> |
| <symbols numberSystem="adlm"> |
| <timeSeparator draft="contributed">↑↑↑</timeSeparator> |
| </symbols> |
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| <currency type="ADP"> |
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| <displayName count="other">Andorrai peseta</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AED"> |
| <displayName>EAE-dirham</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="other">EAE-dirham</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">AED</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AFA"> |
| <displayName>afgán afghani (1927–2002)</displayName> |
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| </currency> |
| <currency type="AFN"> |
| <displayName>afgán afghani</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">afgán afghani</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">afgán afghani</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">AFN</symbol> |
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| <currency type="ALK"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">albán lek (1946–1965)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">albán lek (1946–1965)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName count="other">albán lek</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ALL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AMD"> |
| <displayName>örmény dram</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">örmény dram</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">örmény dram</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">AMD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ANG"> |
| <displayName>holland antilláki forint</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">holland antilláki forint</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">holland antilláki forint</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ANG</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AOA"> |
| <displayName>angolai kwanza</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">angolai kwanza</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">angolai kwanza</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">AOA</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Kz</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AOK"> |
| <displayName>Angolai kwanza (1977–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Angolai kwanza (1977–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Angolai kwanza (1977–1990)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AON"> |
| <displayName>Angolai új kwanza (1990–2000)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Angolai új kwanza (1990–2000)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Angolai új kwanza (1990–2000)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AOR"> |
| <displayName>Angolai kwanza reajustado (1995–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Angolai kwanza reajustado (1995–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Angolai kwanza reajustado (1995–1999)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ARA"> |
| <displayName>Argentín austral</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Argentin austral</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Argentin austral</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ARP"> |
| <displayName>Argentín peso (1983–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Argentín peso (1983–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Argentín peso (1983–1985)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ARS"> |
| <displayName>argentin peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">argentin peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">argentin peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ARS</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ATS"> |
| <displayName>Osztrák schilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Osztrák schilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Osztrák schilling</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AUD"> |
| <displayName>ausztrál dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ausztrál dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ausztrál dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>AUD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AWG"> |
| <displayName>arubai florin</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">arubai florin</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">arubai florin</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">AWG</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AZM"> |
| <displayName>azerbajdzsáni manat (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">azerbajdzsáni manat (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">azerbajdzsáni manat (1993–2006)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="AZN"> |
| <displayName>azerbajdzsáni manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">azerbajdzsáni manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">azerbajdzsáni manat</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">AZN</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BAD"> |
| <displayName>Bosznia-hercegovinai dínár (1992–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Bosznia-hercegovinai dínár (1992–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Bosznia-hercegovinai dínár (1992–1994)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BAM"> |
| <displayName>bosznia-hercegovinai konvertibilis márka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bosznia-hercegovinai konvertibilis márka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bosznia-hercegovinai konvertibilis márka</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BAM</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">KM</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BAN"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">bosznia-hercegovinai új dínár (1994–1997)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">bosznia-hercegovinai új dínár (1994–1997)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">bosznia-hercegovinai új dínár (1994–1997)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BBD"> |
| <displayName>barbadosi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">barbadosi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">barbadosi dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BBD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BDT"> |
| <displayName>bangladesi taka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bangladesi taka</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bangladesi taka</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BDT</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">৳</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BEC"> |
| <displayName>Belga frank (konvertibilis)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Belga frank (konvertibilis)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Belga frank (konvertibilis)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BEF"> |
| <displayName>Belga frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Belga frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Belga frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BEL"> |
| <displayName>Belga frank (pénzügyi)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Belga frank (pénzügyi)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Belga frank (pénzügyi)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BGL"> |
| <displayName>Bolgár kemény leva</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Bolgár kemény leva</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Bolgár kemény leva</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BGM"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">bolgár szocialista leva</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">bolgár szocialista leva</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">bolgár szocialista leva</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BGN"> |
| <displayName>bolgár új leva</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bolgár új leva</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bolgár új leva</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BGN</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BGO"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">bolgár leva (1879–1952)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">bolgár leva (1879–1952)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">bolgár leva (1879–1952)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BHD"> |
| <displayName>bahreini dinár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bahreini dinár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bahreini dinár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BHD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BIF"> |
| <displayName>burundi frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">burundi frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">burundi frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BIF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BMD"> |
| <displayName>bermudai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bermudai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bermudai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BMD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BND"> |
| <displayName>brunei dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">brunei dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">brunei dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BND</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BOB"> |
| <displayName>bolíviai boliviano</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bolíviai boliviano</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bolíviai boliviano</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BOB</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Bs</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BOP"> |
| <displayName>Bolíviai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Bolíviai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Bolíviai peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BOV"> |
| <displayName>Bolíviai mvdol</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Bolíviai mvdol</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Bolíviai mvdol</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRB"> |
| <displayName>Brazi cruzeiro novo (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Brazi cruzeiro novo (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Brazi cruzeiro novo (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRC"> |
| <displayName>Brazi cruzado (1986–1989)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Brazi cruzado (1986–1989)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Brazi cruzado (1986–1989)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRE"> |
| <displayName>Brazil cruzeiro (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Brazil cruzeiro (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Brazil cruzeiro (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRL"> |
| <displayName>brazil real</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">brazil real</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">brazil real</displayName> |
| <symbol>BRL</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">R$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRN"> |
| <displayName>Brazil cruzado novo (1989–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Brazil cruzado novo (1989–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Brazil cruzado novo (1989–1990)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRR"> |
| <displayName>Brazil cruzeiro (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Brazil cruzeiro (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Brazil cruzeiro (1993–1994)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BSD"> |
| <displayName>bahamai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bahamai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bahamai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BSD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BTN"> |
| <displayName>bhutáni ngultrum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">bhutáni ngultrum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">bhutáni ngultrum</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BTN</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BUK"> |
| <displayName>Burmai kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">burmai kjap</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">burmai kjap</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BWP"> |
| <displayName>botswanai pula</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">botswanai pula</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">botswanai pula</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BWP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">P</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYB"> |
| <displayName>Fehérorosz új rubel (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">fehérorosz új rubel (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">fehérorosz új rubel (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYN"> |
| <displayName>belarusz rubel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">belarusz rubel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">belarusz rubel</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BYN</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">р.</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYR"> |
| <displayName>fehérorosz rubel (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">fehérorosz rubel (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">fehérorosz rubel (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BYR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BZD"> |
| <displayName>belize-i dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">belize-i dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">belize-i dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">BZD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CAD"> |
| <displayName>kanadai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kanadai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kanadai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>CAD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CDF"> |
| <displayName>kongói frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kongói frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kongói frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CDF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CHE"> |
| <displayName>WIR euro</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CHF"> |
| <displayName>svájci frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">svájci frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">svájci frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CHF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CHW"> |
| <displayName>WIR frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CLF"> |
| <displayName>Chilei unidades de fomento</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CLP"> |
| <displayName>chilei peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">chilei peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">chilei peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CLP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNH"> |
| <displayName>kínai jüan (offshore)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kínai jüan (offshore)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kínai jüan (offshore)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CNH</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNY"> |
| <displayName>kínai jüan</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kínai jüan</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kínai jüan</displayName> |
| <symbol>CNY</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">¥</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="COP"> |
| <displayName>kolumbiai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kolumbiai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kolumbiai peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">COP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="COU"> |
| <displayName>Unidad de Valor Real</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CRC"> |
| <displayName>Costa Rica-i colon</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Costa Rica-i colon</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Costa Rica-i colon</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CRC</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₡</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CSD"> |
| <displayName>szerb dinár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">szerb dinár (2002–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">szerb dinár (2002–2006)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CSK"> |
| <displayName>Csehszlovák kemény korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">csehszlovák kemény korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">csehszlovák kemény korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CUC"> |
| <displayName>kubai konvertibilis peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kubai konvertibilis peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kubai konvertibilis peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CUC</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CUP"> |
| <displayName>kubai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kubai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kubai peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CUP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CVE"> |
| <displayName>Zöld-foki escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Zöld-foki escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Zöld-foki escudo</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CVE</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CYP"> |
| <displayName>Ciprusi font</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CZK"> |
| <displayName>cseh korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">cseh korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">cseh korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CZK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Kč</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DDM"> |
| <displayName>Kelet-Német márka</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DEM"> |
| <displayName>Német márka</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DJF"> |
| <displayName>dzsibuti frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dzsibuti frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dzsibuti frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">DJF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DKK"> |
| <displayName>dán korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dán korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dán korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">DKK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DOP"> |
| <displayName>dominikai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dominikai peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dominikai peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">DOP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DZD"> |
| <displayName>algériai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">algériai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">algériai dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">DZD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ECS"> |
| <displayName>Ecuadori sucre</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ECV"> |
| <displayName>Ecuadori Unidad de Valor Constante (UVC)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EEK"> |
| <displayName>Észt korona</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EGP"> |
| <displayName>egyiptomi font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">egyiptomi font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">egyiptomi font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">EGP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">E£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ERN"> |
| <displayName>eritreai nakfa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">eritreai nakfa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">eritreai nakfa</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ERN</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ESA"> |
| <displayName>spanyol peseta (A–kontó)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">spanyol peseta (A–kontó)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">spanyol peseta (A–kontó)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ESB"> |
| <displayName>spanyol peseta (konvertibilis kontó)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ESP"> |
| <displayName>Spanyol peseta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">spanyol peseta</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">spanyol peseta</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ETB"> |
| <displayName>etiópiai birr</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">etiópiai birr</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">etiópiai birr</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ETB</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EUR"> |
| <displayName>euró</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">euró</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">euró</displayName> |
| <symbol>EUR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">€</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FIM"> |
| <displayName>Finn markka</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FJD"> |
| <displayName>fidzsi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">fidzsi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">fidzsi dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">FJD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FKP"> |
| <displayName>falkland-szigeteki font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">falkland-szigeteki font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">falkland-szigeteki font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">FKP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FRF"> |
| <displayName>Francia frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GBP"> |
| <displayName>angol font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">angol font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">angol font</displayName> |
| <symbol>GBP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GEK"> |
| <displayName>Grúz kupon larit</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GEL"> |
| <displayName>grúz lari</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">grúz lari</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">grúz lari</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GEL</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₾</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="variant" draft="contributed">₾</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GHC"> |
| <displayName>Ghánai cedi (1979–2007)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GHS"> |
| <displayName>ghánai cedi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ghánai cedi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ghánai cedi</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GHS</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GIP"> |
| <displayName>gibraltári font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">gibraltári font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">gibraltári font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GIP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GMD"> |
| <displayName>gambiai dalasi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">gambiai dalasi</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">gambiai dalasi</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GMD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GNF"> |
| <displayName>guineai frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">guineai frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">guineai frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GNF</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">FG</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GNS"> |
| <displayName>Guineai syli</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GQE"> |
| <displayName>Egyenlítői-guineai ekwele guineana</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Egyenlítői-guineai ekwele</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Egyenlítői-guineai ekwele</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GRD"> |
| <displayName>Görög drachma</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">görög drachma</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">görög drachma</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GTQ"> |
| <displayName>guatemalai quetzal</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">guatemalai quetzal</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">guatemalai quetzal</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GTQ</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Q</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GWE"> |
| <displayName>Portugál guinea escudo</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GWP"> |
| <displayName>Guinea-Bissaui peso</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GYD"> |
| <displayName>guyanai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">guyanai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">guyanai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">GYD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HKD"> |
| <displayName>hongkongi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">hongkongi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">hongkongi dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>HKD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HNL"> |
| <displayName>hodurasi lempira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">hodurasi lempira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">hodurasi lempira</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">HNL</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">L</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HRD"> |
| <displayName>Horvát dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">horvát dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">horvát dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HRK"> |
| <displayName>horvát kuna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">horvát kuna</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">horvát kuna</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">HRK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kn</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HTG"> |
| <displayName>haiti gourde</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">haiti gourde</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">haiti gourde</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">HTG</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="HUF"> |
| <displayName>magyar forint</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">magyar forint</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">magyar forint</displayName> |
| <symbol>Ft</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Ft</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IDR"> |
| <displayName>indonéz rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">indonéz rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">indonéz rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">IDR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rp</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IEP"> |
| <displayName>Ír font</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ILP"> |
| <displayName>Izraeli font</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ILS"> |
| <displayName>izraeli új sékel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">izraeli új sékel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">izraeli új sékel</displayName> |
| <symbol>ILS</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₪</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="INR"> |
| <displayName>indiai rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">indiai rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">indiai rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol>INR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₹</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IQD"> |
| <displayName>iraki dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">iraki dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">iraki dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">IQD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="IRR"> |
| <displayName>iráni rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">iráni rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">iráni rial</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">IRR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ISK"> |
| <displayName>izlandi korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">izlandi korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">izlandi korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ISK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ITL"> |
| <displayName>Olasz líra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">olasz líra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">olasz líra</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JMD"> |
| <displayName>jamaicai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">jamaicai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jamaicai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">JMD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JOD"> |
| <displayName>jordániai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">jordániai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jordániai dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">JOD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JPY"> |
| <displayName>japán jen</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">japán jen</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">japán jen</displayName> |
| <symbol>¥</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">¥</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KES"> |
| <displayName>kenyai shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kenyai shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kenyai shilling</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KES</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KGS"> |
| <displayName>kirgizisztáni szom</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kirgizisztáni szom</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kirgizisztáni szom</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KGS</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KHR"> |
| <displayName>kambodzsai riel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kambodzsai riel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kambodzsai riel</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KHR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">៛</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KMF"> |
| <displayName>comorei frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">comorei frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">comorei frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KMF</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">CF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KPW"> |
| <displayName>észak-koreai won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">észak-koreai won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">észak-koreai won</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KPW</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₩</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KRW"> |
| <displayName>dél-koreai won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dél-koreai won</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dél-koreai won</displayName> |
| <symbol>KRW</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₩</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KWD"> |
| <displayName>kuvaiti dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kuvaiti dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kuvaiti dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KWD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KYD"> |
| <displayName>kajmán-szigeteki dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kajmán-szigeteki dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kajmán-szigeteki dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KYD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KZT"> |
| <displayName>kazahsztáni tenge</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kazahsztáni tenge</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kazahsztáni tenge</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">KZT</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₸</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LAK"> |
| <displayName>laoszi kip</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">laoszi kip</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">laoszi kip</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LAK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₭</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LBP"> |
| <displayName>libanoni font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">libanoni font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">libanoni font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LBP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">L£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LKR"> |
| <displayName>Srí Lanka-i rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Srí Lanka-i rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Srí Lanka-i rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LKR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LRD"> |
| <displayName>libériai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">libériai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">libériai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LRD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LSL"> |
| <displayName>Lesothoi loti</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LTL"> |
| <displayName>litvániai litas</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">litvániai litas</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">litvániai litas</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LTL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LTT"> |
| <displayName>Litvániai talonas</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LUC"> |
| <displayName>luxemburgi konvertibilis frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LUF"> |
| <displayName>Luxemburgi frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LUL"> |
| <displayName>luxemburgi pénzügyi frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LVL"> |
| <displayName>lett lats</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">lett lats</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">lett lats</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LVL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LVR"> |
| <displayName>Lett rubel</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LYD"> |
| <displayName>líbiai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">líbiai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">líbiai dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">LYD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MAD"> |
| <displayName>marokkói dirham</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">marokkói dirham</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">marokkói dirham</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MAD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MAF"> |
| <displayName>Marokkói frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MDC"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">moldáv kupon</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">moldáv kupon</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">moldáv kupon</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MDL"> |
| <displayName>moldován lei</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">moldován lei</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">moldován lei</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MDL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MGA"> |
| <displayName>madagaszkári ariary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">madagaszkári ariary</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">madagaszkári ariary</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MGA</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Ar</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MGF"> |
| <displayName>Madagaszkári frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MKD"> |
| <displayName>macedon dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">macedon dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">macedon dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MKD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MKN"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">macedón dénár (1992–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">macedón dénár (1992–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">macedón dénár (1992–1993)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MLF"> |
| <displayName>Mali frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MMK"> |
| <displayName>mianmari kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mianmari kyat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mianmari kyat</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MMK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">K</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MNT"> |
| <displayName>mongóliai tugrik</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mongóliai tugrik</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mongóliai tugrik</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MNT</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₮</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MOP"> |
| <displayName>makaói pataca</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">makaói pataca</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">makaói pataca</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MOP</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRO"> |
| <displayName>mauritániai ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mauritániai ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mauritániai ouguiya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MRO</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRU"> |
| <displayName>mauritániai ouguiya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mauritániai ouguiya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mauritániai ouguiya</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MTL"> |
| <displayName>Máltai líra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">máltai líra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">máltai líra</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MTP"> |
| <displayName>Máltai font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">máltai font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">máltai font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MUR"> |
| <displayName>mauritiusi rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mauritiusi rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mauritiusi rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MUR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MVR"> |
| <displayName>maldív-szigeteki rufiyaa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">maldív-szigeteki rufiyaa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">maldív-szigeteki rufiyaa</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MVR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MWK"> |
| <displayName>malawi kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">malawi kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">malawi kwacha</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MWK</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXN"> |
| <displayName>mexikói peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mexikói peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mexikói peso</displayName> |
| <symbol>MXN</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXP"> |
| <displayName>Mexikói ezüst peso (1861–1992)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXV"> |
| <displayName>Mexikói Unidad de Inversion (UDI)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MYR"> |
| <displayName>malajziai ringgit</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">malajziai ringgit</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">malajziai ringgit</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MYR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">RM</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZE"> |
| <displayName>Mozambik escudo</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZM"> |
| <displayName>Mozambik metical</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZN"> |
| <displayName>mozambiki metikális</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">mozambiki metikális</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">mozambiki metikális</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">MZN</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NAD"> |
| <displayName>namíbiai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">namíbiai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">namíbiai dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">NAD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NGN"> |
| <displayName>nigériai naira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nigériai naira</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nigériai naira</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">NGN</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₦</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NIC"> |
| <displayName>Nikaraguai cordoba</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NIO"> |
| <displayName>nicaraguai córdoba</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nicaraguai córdoba</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nicaraguai córdoba</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">NIO</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">C$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NLG"> |
| <displayName>Holland forint</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NOK"> |
| <displayName>norvég korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">norvég korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">norvég korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">NOK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NPR"> |
| <displayName>nepáli rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nepáli rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nepáli rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">NPR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NZD"> |
| <displayName>új-zélandi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">új-zélandi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">új-zélandi dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>NZD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="OMR"> |
| <displayName>ománi rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ománi rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ománi rial</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">OMR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PAB"> |
| <displayName>panamai balboa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">panamai balboa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">panamai balboa</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PAB</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PEI"> |
| <displayName>perui inti</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PEN"> |
| <displayName>perui sol</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">perui sol</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">perui sol</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PEN</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PES"> |
| <displayName>perui sol (1863–1965)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PGK"> |
| <displayName>pápua új-guineai kina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pápua új-guineai kina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pápua új-guineai kina</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PGK</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PHP"> |
| <displayName>fülöp-szigeteki peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">fülöp-szigeteki peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">fülöp-szigeteki peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PHP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₱</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PKR"> |
| <displayName>pakisztáni rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">pakisztáni rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">pakisztáni rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PKR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Rs</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PLN"> |
| <displayName>lengyel zloty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">lengyel zloty</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">lengyel zloty</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PLN</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">zł</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PLZ"> |
| <displayName>Lengyel zloty (1950–1995)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">lengyel zloty (PLZ)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">lengyel zloty (PLZ)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PTE"> |
| <displayName>Portugál escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">portugál escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">portugál escudo</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PYG"> |
| <displayName>paraguayi guarani</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">paraguayi guarani</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">paraguayi guarani</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">PYG</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₲</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="QAR"> |
| <displayName>katari rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">katari rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">katari rial</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">QAR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RHD"> |
| <displayName>rhodéziai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Rhodéziai dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Rhodéziai dollár</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ROL"> |
| <displayName>román lej (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">román lej (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">román lej (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RON"> |
| <displayName>román lej</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">román lej</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">román lej</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">RON</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">lei</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RSD"> |
| <displayName>szerb dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szerb dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szerb dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">RSD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RUB"> |
| <displayName>orosz rubel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">orosz rubel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">orosz rubel</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">RUB</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₽</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RUR"> |
| <displayName>orosz rubel (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">orosz rubel (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">orosz rubel (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RWF"> |
| <displayName>ruandai frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ruandai frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ruandai frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">RWF</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">RF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SAR"> |
| <displayName>szaúdi riyal</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szaúdi riyal</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szaúdi riyal</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SAR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SBD"> |
| <displayName>salamon-szigeteki dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">salamon-szigeteki dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">salamon-szigeteki dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SBD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SCR"> |
| <displayName>seychelle-szigeteki rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">seychelle-szigeteki rúpia</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">seychelle-szigeteki rúpia</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SCR</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDD"> |
| <displayName>Szudáni dínár (1992–2007)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Szudáni dínár (1992–2007)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Szudáni dínár (1992–2007)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDG"> |
| <displayName>szudáni font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szudáni font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szudáni font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SDG</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDP"> |
| <displayName>Szudáni font (1957–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Szudáni font (1957–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Szudáni font (1957–1998)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SEK"> |
| <displayName>svéd korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">svéd korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">svéd korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SEK</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">kr</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SGD"> |
| <displayName>szingapúri dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szingapúri dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szingapúri dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SGD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SHP"> |
| <displayName>Szent Ilona-i font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Szent Ilona-i font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Szent Ilona-i font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SHP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SIT"> |
| <displayName>Szlovén tolar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">szlovén tolár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">szlovén tolár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SKK"> |
| <displayName>Szlovák korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">szlovák korona</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">szlovák korona</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLL"> |
| <displayName>Sierra Leone-i leone</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Sierra Leone-i leone</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Sierra Leone-i leone</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SLL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SOS"> |
| <displayName>szomáli shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szomáli shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szomáli shilling</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SOS</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SRD"> |
| <displayName>suriname-i dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">suriname-i dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">suriname-i dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SRD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SRG"> |
| <displayName>Suriname-i gulden</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SSP"> |
| <displayName>dél-szudáni font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dél-szudáni font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dél-szudáni font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SSP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STD"> |
| <displayName>São Tomé és Príncipe-i dobra (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">São Tomé és Príncipe-i dobra (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">São Tomé és Príncipe-i dobra (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">STD</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STN"> |
| <displayName>São Tomé és Príncipe-i dobra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">São Tomé és Príncipe-i dobra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">São Tomé és Príncipe-i dobra</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">STN</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Db</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SUR"> |
| <displayName>Szovjet rubel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">szovjet rubel</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">szovjet rubel</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SVC"> |
| <displayName>Salvadori colón</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SYP"> |
| <displayName>szíriai font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szíriai font</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szíriai font</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SYP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">£</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SZL"> |
| <displayName>szvázi lilangeni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">szvázi lilangeni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">szvázi lilangeni</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">SZL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="THB"> |
| <displayName>thai baht</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">thai baht</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">thai baht</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">THB</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">฿</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TJR"> |
| <displayName>Tádzsikisztáni rubel</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TJS"> |
| <displayName>tádzsikisztáni somoni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tádzsikisztáni somoni</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tádzsikisztáni somoni</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TJS</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TMM"> |
| <displayName>türkmenisztáni manat (1993–2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">türkmenisztáni manat (1993–2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">türkmenisztáni manat (1993–2009)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TMT"> |
| <displayName>türkmenisztáni manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">türkmenisztáni manat</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">türkmenisztáni manat</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TMT</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TND"> |
| <displayName>tunéziai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tunéziai dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tunéziai dínár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TND</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TOP"> |
| <displayName>tongai paanga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tongai paanga</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tongai paanga</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TOP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">T$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TPE"> |
| <displayName>Timori escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">timori escudo</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">timori escudo</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TRL"> |
| <displayName>török líra (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">török líra (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">török líra (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TRY"> |
| <displayName>török líra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">török líra</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">török líra</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TRY</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₺</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="variant" draft="contributed">TL</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TTD"> |
| <displayName>Trinidad és Tobago-i dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Trinidad és Tobago-i dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Trinidad és Tobago-i dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TTD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TWD"> |
| <displayName>tajvani új dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tajvani új dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tajvani új dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>TWD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">NT$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TZS"> |
| <displayName>tanzániai shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">tanzániai shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">tanzániai shilling</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">TZS</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UAH"> |
| <displayName>ukrán hrivnya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ukrán hrivnya</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ukrán hrivnya</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">UAH</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₴</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UAK"> |
| <displayName>Ukrán karbovanec</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">ukrán karbovanec</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">ukrán karbovanec</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGS"> |
| <displayName>Ugandai shilling (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Ugandai shilling (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Ugandai shilling (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGX"> |
| <displayName>ugandai shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">ugandai shilling</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ugandai shilling</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">UGX</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USD"> |
| <displayName>USA-dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">USA-dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">USA-dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>USD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USN"> |
| <displayName>USA dollár (következő napi)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USS"> |
| <displayName>USA dollár (aznapi)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYI"> |
| <displayName>Uruguayi peso en unidades indexadas</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Uruguayi peso en unidades indexadas</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Uruguayi peso en unidades indexadas</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYP"> |
| <displayName>Uruguay-i peso (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Uruguayi peso (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Uruguayi peso (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYU"> |
| <displayName>uruguay-i peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">uruguayi peso</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">uruguayi peso</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">UYU</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UZS"> |
| <displayName>üzbegisztáni szum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">üzbegisztáni szum</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">üzbegisztáni szum</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">UZS</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VEB"> |
| <displayName>Venezuelai bolivar (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Venezuelai bolivar (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Venezuelai bolivar (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VEF"> |
| <displayName>venezuelai bolivar (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">venezuelai bolivar (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">venezuelai bolivar (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">VEF</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">Bs</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VES"> |
| <displayName>venezuelai bolivar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">venezuelai bolivar</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">venezuelai bolivar</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">VES</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VND"> |
| <displayName>vietnámi dong</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">vietnámi dong</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">vietnámi dong</displayName> |
| <symbol>VND</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">₫</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VNN"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">vietnámi dong (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">vietnámi dong (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">vietnámi dong (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VUV"> |
| <displayName>vanuatui vatu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">vanuatui vatu</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">vanuatui vatu</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">VUV</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="WST"> |
| <displayName>nyugat-szamoai tala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">nyugat-szamoai tala</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">nyugat-szamoai tala</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">WST</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAF"> |
| <displayName>CFA frank BEAC</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">CFA frank BEAC</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">CFA frank BEAC</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">FCFA</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAG"> |
| <displayName>Ezüst</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAU"> |
| <displayName>Arany</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBA"> |
| <displayName>Európai kompozit egység</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Európai kompozit egység</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Európai kompozit egység</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBB"> |
| <displayName>Európai monetáris egység</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Európai monetáris egység</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Európai monetáris egység</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBC"> |
| <displayName>Európai kontó egység (XBC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Európai kontó egység (XBC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Európai kontó egység (XBC)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBD"> |
| <displayName>Európai kontó egység (XBD)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Európai kontó egység (XBD)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Európai kontó egység (XBD)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XCD"> |
| <displayName>kelet-karibi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">kelet-karibi dollár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">kelet-karibi dollár</displayName> |
| <symbol>XCD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XDR"> |
| <displayName>Special Drawing Rights</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XEU"> |
| <displayName>európai pénznemegység</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Európai pénznemegység</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Európai pénznemegység</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XFO"> |
| <displayName>Francia arany frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XFU"> |
| <displayName>Francia UIC-frank</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XOF"> |
| <displayName>CFA frank BCEAO</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">CFA frank BCEAO</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">CFA frank BCEAO</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CFA</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPD"> |
| <displayName>palládium</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Palládium</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Palládium</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPF"> |
| <displayName>csendes-óceáni valutaközösségi frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">csendes-óceáni valutaközösségi frank</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">csendes-óceáni valutaközösségi frank</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">CFPF</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPT"> |
| <displayName>platina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Platina</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Platina</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XRE"> |
| <displayName>RINET tőke</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XTS"> |
| <displayName>Tesztelési pénznemkód</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XXX"> |
| <displayName>ismeretlen pénznem</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">(ismeretlen pénznem)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">(ismeretlen pénznem)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YDD"> |
| <displayName>Jemeni dínár</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YER"> |
| <displayName>jemeni rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">jemeni rial</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jemeni rial</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">YER</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUD"> |
| <displayName>Jugoszláv kemény dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">jugoszláv kemény dinár (1966–1990)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">jugoszláv kemény dinár (1966–1990)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUM"> |
| <displayName>Jugoszláv új dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">jugoszláv új dinár (1994–2002)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">jugoszláv új dinár (1994–2002)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUN"> |
| <displayName>Jugoszláv konvertibilis dínár</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">jugoszláv konvertibilis dinár (1990–1992)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">jugoszláv konvertibilis dinár (1990–1992)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUR"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">jugoszláv reformált dinár (1992–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="contributed">jugoszláv reformált dinár (1992–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="contributed">jugoszláv reformált dinár (1992–1993)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZAL"> |
| <displayName>Dél-afrikai rand (pénzügyi)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZAR"> |
| <displayName>dél-afrikai rand</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">dél-afrikai rand</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">dél-afrikai rand</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ZAR</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">R</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMK"> |
| <displayName>Zambiai kwacha (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ZMK</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMW"> |
| <displayName>zambiai kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">zambiai kwacha</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">zambiai kwacha</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">ZMW</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">ZK</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZRN"> |
| <displayName>Zairei új zaire</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZRZ"> |
| <displayName>Zairei zaire</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWD"> |
| <displayName>Zimbabwei dollár (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Zimbabwei dollár (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Zimbabwei dollár (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWL"> |
| <displayName>Zimbabwei dollár (2009)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWR"> |
| <displayName>Zimbabwei dollár (2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">Zimbabwei dollár (2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">Zimbabwei dollár (2008)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| </currencies> |
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| <pattern type="range">{0}–{1}</pattern> |
| </miscPatterns> |
| <minimalPairs> |
| <pluralMinimalPairs count="one">A kosár tartalma: {0} X. Megveszi?</pluralMinimalPairs> |
| <pluralMinimalPairs count="other">A kosár tartalma: {0} X. Megveszi őket?</pluralMinimalPairs> |
| <ordinalMinimalPairs ordinal="one">Az {0}. lehetőségnél forduljon jobbra.</ordinalMinimalPairs> |
| <ordinalMinimalPairs ordinal="other">A {0}. lehetőségnél forduljon jobbra.</ordinalMinimalPairs> |
| </minimalPairs> |
| </numbers> |
| <units> |
| <unitLength type="long"> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">négyzet{0}</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">köb{0}</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
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| <displayName>g gyorsulás</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} g gyorsulás</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} g gyorsulás</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-square-second"> |
| <displayName>méter per másodpercnégyzet</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} méter per másodpercnégyzet</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} méter per másodpercnégyzet</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>fordulat</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fordulat</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fordulat</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>radián</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} radián</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fok</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>ívperc</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ívperc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ívmásodperc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>négyzetkilométer</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
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| <perUnitPattern>{0}/négyzetcentiméter</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>négyzetmérföld</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} négyzetmérföld</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} négyzetmérföld</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/négyzetmérföld</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>hold</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hold</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hold</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>négyzetyard</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} négyzetyard</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} négyzetyard</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>négyzetláb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} négyzetláb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} négyzetláb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>négyzethüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} négyzethüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} négyzethüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/négyzethüvelyk</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>karát</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} karát</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} karát</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>milligramm/deciliter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milligramm/deciliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milligramm/deciliter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <displayName>millimól/liter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} millimól/liter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} millimól/liter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permillion"> |
| <displayName>részecske/millió</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} részecske/millió</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} részecske/millió</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>százalék</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} százalék</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} százalék</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName>ezrelék</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ezrelék</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ezrelék</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <displayName>tízezrelék</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} tízezrelék</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tízezrelék</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <displayName>mól</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mól</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mól</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>liter per kilométer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} liter per kilométer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} liter per kilométer</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>liter/100 km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} liter/100 km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} liter/100 km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>mérföld per gallon</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mérföld per gallon</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mérföld per gallon</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>mérföld/birodalmi gallon</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mérföld/birodalmi gallon</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mérföld/birodalmi gallon</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName>petabájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} petabájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} petabájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>terabájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} terabájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} terabájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>terabit</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} terabit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} terabit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>gigabájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gigabájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gigabájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>gigabit</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gigabit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gigabit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>megabájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megabájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megabájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>megabit</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megabit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megabit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>kilobájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilobájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilobájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>kilobit</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilobit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilobit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName>bájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>bit</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>évszázad</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} évszázad</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} évszázad</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <displayName>évtized</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} évtized</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} évtized</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>év</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} év</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} év</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/év</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>hónap</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hónap</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hónap</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/hónap</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>hét</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hét</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hét</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/hét</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>nap</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nap</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nap</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/nap</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>óra</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} óra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} óra</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/óra</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>perc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} perc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} perc</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/perc</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>másodperc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} másodperc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} másodperc</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/másodperc</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>ezredmásodperc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ezredmásodperc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ezredmásodperc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName>mikroszekundum</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mikroszekundum</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mikroszekundum</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName>nanoszekundum</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nanoszekundum</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nanoszekundum</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName>amper</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} amper</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} amper</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName>milliamper</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milliamper</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milliamper</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName>ohm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ohm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ohm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName>volt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} volt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} volt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>kilokalória</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilokalória</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilokalória</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>kalória</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kalória</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kalória</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>kalória</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kalória</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kalória</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>kilojoule</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilojoule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilojoule</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>joule</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} joule</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} joule</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>kilowattóra</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilowattóra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilowattóra</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>elektronvolt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} elektronvolt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} elektronvolt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>brit hőegység</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} brit hőegység</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} brit hőegység</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>amerikai therm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} amerikai therm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} amerikai therm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>fonterő</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fonterő</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fonterő</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <displayName>newton</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} newton</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} newton</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>gigahertz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gigahertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gigahertz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>megahertz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megahertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megahertz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>kilohertz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilohertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilohertz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>hertz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hertz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hertz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName>nyomdai em</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kvirt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kvirt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <displayName>képpont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} képpont</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} képpont</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName>millió képpont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} millió képpont</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} millió képpont</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>képpont per centiméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} képpont per centiméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} képpont per centiméter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>képpont per hüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} képpont per hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} képpont per hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>pont per centiméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pont per centiméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pont per centiméter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>pont per hüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pont per hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pont per hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot"> |
| <displayName>képpont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">képpont</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} képpont</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-earth-radius"> |
| <displayName>földsugár</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} földsugár</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} földsugár</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>kilométer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilométer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilométer</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/kilométer</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>méter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} méter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} méter</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/méter</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName>deciméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} deciméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} deciméter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>centiméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} centiméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} centiméter</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/centimeter</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>milliméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milliméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milliméter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>mikrométer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mikrométer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mikrométer</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>nanométer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nanométer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nanométer</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>pikométer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pikométer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pikométer</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>mérföld</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mérföld</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mérföld</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>yard</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yard</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yard</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>láb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} láb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} láb</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/láb</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>hüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/hüvelyk</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>parszek</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} parszek</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} parszek</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>fényév</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fényév</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fényév</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>csillagászati egység</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csillagászati egység</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csillagászati egység</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-furlong"> |
| <displayName>furlong</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} furlong</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} furlong</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-fathom"> |
| <displayName>öl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} öl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} öl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>tengeri mérföld</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} tengeri mérföld</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tengeri mérföld</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName>svéd mérföld</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} svéd mérföld</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} svéd mérföld</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-point"> |
| <displayName>pont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pont</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pont</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-solar-radius"> |
| <displayName>Nap-sugár</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Nap-sugár</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Nap-sugár</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>lux</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} lux</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lux</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-candela"> |
| <displayName>kandela</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kandela</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kandela</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lumen"> |
| <displayName>lumen</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} lumen</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lumen</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>Nap-fényerő</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Nap-fényerő</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Nap-fényerő</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName>metrikus tonna</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} metrikus tonna</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} metrikus tonna</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>kilogramm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilogramm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilogramm</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/kilogramm</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>gramm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gramm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gramm</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/gramm</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>milligramm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milligramm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milligramm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>mikrogramm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mikrogramm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mikrogramm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>amerikai tonna</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} amerikai tonna</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} amerikai tonna</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-stone"> |
| <displayName>stone</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} stone</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} stone</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>font</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} font</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} font</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/font</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>uncia</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} uncia</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} uncia</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/uncia</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>troy uncia</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} troy uncia</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} troy uncia</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>karát</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} karát</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} karát</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>dalton</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} dalton</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dalton</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>Föld-tömeg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Föld-tömeg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Föld-tömeg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>Nap-tömeg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Nap-tömeg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Nap-tömeg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-grain"> |
| <displayName>grain</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} grain</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} grain</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>gigawatt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gigawatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gigawatt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>megawatt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megawatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megawatt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>kilowatt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilowatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilowatt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>watt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} watt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} watt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>milliwatt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milliwatt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milliwatt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>lóerő</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} lóerő</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lóerő</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>higanymilliméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} higanymilliméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} higanymilliméter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>font per négyzethüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} font per négyzethüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} font per négyzethüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>higanyhüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} higanyhüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} higanyhüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>millibar</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} millibar</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} millibar</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <displayName>atmoszféra</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} atmoszféra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} atmoszféra</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName>pascal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pascal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pascal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>hektopascal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hektopascal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hektopascal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <displayName>kilopascal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilopascal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilopascal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName>megapascal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megapascal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megapascal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>kilométer per óra</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kilométer per óra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kilométer per óra</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>méter per másodperc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} méter per másodperc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} méter per másodperc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>mérföld per óra</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mérföld per óra</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mérföld per óra</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>csomó</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csomó</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csomó</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <displayName>°</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>Celsius-fok</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Celsius-fok</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Celsius-fok</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>Fahrenheit-fok</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Fahrenheit-fok</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Fahrenheit-fok</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>kelvin</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kelvin</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kelvin</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-force-foot"> |
| <displayName>fontláb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fontláb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fontláb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <displayName>newtonméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} newtonméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} newtonméter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>köbkilométer</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbkilométer</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbkilométer</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>köbméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbméter</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/köbméter</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>köbcentiméter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbcentiméter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbcentiméter</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/köbcentiméter</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>köbmérföld</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbmérföld</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbmérföld</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>köbyard</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbyard</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbyard</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>köbláb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbláb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbláb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>köbhüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} köbhüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} köbhüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>megaliter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} megaliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} megaliter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>hektoliter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hektoliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hektoliter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>liter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} liter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} liter</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/liter</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>deciliter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} deciliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} deciliter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>centiliter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} centiliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} centiliter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>milliliter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} milliliter</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} milliliter</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <displayName>metrikus pint</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} metrikus pint</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} metrikus pint</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <displayName>bögre</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bögre</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bögre</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>hold-láb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hold-láb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hold-láb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-bushel"> |
| <displayName>véka</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} véka</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} véka</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>gallon</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gallon</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gallon</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/gallon</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>birodalmi gallon</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} birodalmi gallon</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} birodalmi gallon</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/birodalmi gallon</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>quart</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} quart</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} quart</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>pint</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pint</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pint</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>csésze</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csésze</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csésze</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>folyadékuncia</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} folyadékuncia</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} folyadékuncia</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>bir. folyadék uncia</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bir. folyadék uncia</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bir. folyadék uncia</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>evőkanál</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} evőkanál</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} evőkanál</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>kávéskanál</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kávéskanál</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kávéskanál</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-barrel"> |
| <displayName>hordó</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hordó</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hordó</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon"> |
| <displayName>desszertkanál</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>bir. desszertkanál</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bir. desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bir. desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-drop"> |
| <displayName>csepp</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csepp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csepp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dram"> |
| <displayName>dram</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} dram</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dram</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-jigger"> |
| <displayName>adagolópohár</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} adagolópohár</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} adagolópohár</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pinch"> |
| <displayName>csipet</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csipet</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csipet</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart-imperial"> |
| <displayName>birodalmi kvart</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} birodalmi kvart</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} birodalmi kvart</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <coordinateUnit> |
| <displayName>kardinális irány</displayName> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="east">{0} K</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="north">{0} É</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="south">{0} D</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="west">{0} Ny</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| </coordinateUnit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="short"> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Ki{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Mi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Gi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p4"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Ti{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p5"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Pi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Ei{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p7"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Zi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p8"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Yi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="per"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>{0}/{1}</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power2"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">{0}²</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">{0}²</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power3"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">{0}³</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">{0}³</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="times"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <displayName>g gyorsulás</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-square-second"> |
| <displayName>m/s²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m/s²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m/s²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-revolution"> |
| <displayName>ford.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ford.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ford.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <displayName>rad</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} rad</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} rad</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-degree"> |
| <displayName>fok</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fok</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fok</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <displayName>ívperc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <displayName>ívmásodperc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>km²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/km²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <displayName>ha</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <displayName>m²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/m²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>cm²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cm²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cm²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/cm²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>mi²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/mi²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>kh</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kh</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kh</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yd²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>ft²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>in²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} in²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/in²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>kt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>mg/dl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mg/dl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mg/dl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <displayName>millimól/liter</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mmol/l</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mmol/l</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permillion"> |
| <displayName>részecske/millió</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ppm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ppm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>százalék</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}%</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}%</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName>ezrelék</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}‰</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}‰</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>l/km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l/km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l/km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>l/100 km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l/100 km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l/100km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>mpg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>mérföld/bir. gallon</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mpg bir.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg bir.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName>PB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} PB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} PB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>TB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} TB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} TB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>Tb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Tb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Tb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>GB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} GB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>Gb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Gb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Gb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>MB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} MB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>Mb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Mb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Mb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>kB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kB</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>kb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName>bájt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bájt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bájt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>bit</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bit</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>sz.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} sz.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} sz.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <displayName>dek</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} dek</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dek</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>év</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} év</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} év</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/év</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>hónap</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hónap</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hónap</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/hó</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>hét</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hét</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hét</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/hét</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>nap</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nap</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nap</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/nap</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>h</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ó</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ó</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/ó</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>p</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} p</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} p</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/p</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>s</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} s</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} s</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/s</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>ms</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ms</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ms</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName>μs</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} μs</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} μs</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName>ns</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ns</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ns</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName>A</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} A</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} A</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName>mA</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mA</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mA</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName>Ω</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Ω</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Ω</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName>V</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} V</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} V</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>kcal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kcal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kcal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>cal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>cal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>kJ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kJ</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kJ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>J</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} J</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} J</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>kWh</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kWh</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kWh</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>USA therm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} USA therm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} USA therm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>GHz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} GHz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>MHz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} MHz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>kHz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kHz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>Hz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Hz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Hz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName>em</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} em</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} em</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <displayName>képpont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName>megapixel</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>dpcm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} dpcm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot"> |
| <displayName>képpont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} képpont</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} képpont</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-earth-radius"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/km</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>m</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/m</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName>dm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} dm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>cm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cm</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/cm</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>mm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>µm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} µm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} µm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>nm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>pm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>mf</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mf</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mf</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>láb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} láb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} láb</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/láb</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>hüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/in</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>pc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pc</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>fényév</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fényév</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fényév</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>CsE</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} CsE</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} CsE</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-furlong"> |
| <displayName>furlong</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fur</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fur</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-fathom"> |
| <displayName>öl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} öl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} öl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>nmi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nmi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nmi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName>mil</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mil</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mil</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-point"> |
| <displayName>pont</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-solar-radius"> |
| <displayName>Nap-sugár</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>lx</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} lx</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lx</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-candela"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lumen"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName>t</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} t</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} t</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>kg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/kg</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>gram</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/g</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>mg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>µg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>tn</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} tn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tn</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-stone"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>lb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} lb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lb</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/lb</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} oz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} oz</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/oz</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>oz t</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} oz t</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} oz t</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>Kt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Kt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Kt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-grain"> |
| <displayName>grain</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} grain</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} grain</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>GW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>MW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} MW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>kW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>W</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>mW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>LE</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} LE</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} LE</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>Hgmm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Hgmm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Hgmm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>psi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>inHg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>mbar</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <displayName>atm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} atm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} atm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName>Pa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Pa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Pa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>hPa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>km/h</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>m/s</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m/s</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m/s</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>mph</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>kn</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kn</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <displayName>°</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>°C</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} °C</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} °C</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>°F</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} °F</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} °F</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>K</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-force-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <displayName>Nm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Nm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>km³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>m³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m³</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/m³</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>cm³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cm³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cm³</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/cm³</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>mi³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yd³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>ft³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ft³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>in³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} in³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>Ml</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Ml</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>hl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>l</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/l</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>dl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} dl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>cl</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cl</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cl</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>ml</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ml</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ml</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <displayName>mpt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mpt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <displayName>bg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>ac ft</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ac ft</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ac ft</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-bushel"> |
| <displayName>véka</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} véka</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} véka</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>gal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/gal</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>bir. gal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bir. gal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bir. gal</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/bir. gal</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>qt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} qt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} qt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>pt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>cs.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cs.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cs.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>fl oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fl oz</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl oz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>bir. f. uncia</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bir. f. uncia</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bir. f. uncia</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>ek.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ek.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ek.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>kk.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kk.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kk.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-barrel"> |
| <displayName>hordó</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hordó</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hordó</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon"> |
| <displayName>desszertkanál</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>bir. desszertkanál</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bir. desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bir. desszertkanál</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-drop"> |
| <displayName>csepp</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csepp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csepp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dram"> |
| <displayName>fluid dram</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fl dram</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl dram</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-jigger"> |
| <displayName>adagolópohár</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} adagolópohár</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} adagolópohár</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pinch"> |
| <displayName>csipet</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} csipet</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} csipet</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart-imperial"> |
| <displayName>bir. qt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} bir. qt</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} bir. qt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <coordinateUnit> |
| <displayName>irány</displayName> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="east">{0} K</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="north">{0} É</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="south">{0} D</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="west">{0} Ny</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| </coordinateUnit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="narrow"> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Ki{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Mi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Gi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p4"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Ti{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p5"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Pi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Ei{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p7"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Zi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p8"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>Yi{0}</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="per"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>{0}/{1}</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power2"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">{0}²</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">{0}²</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power3"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">{0}³</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">{0}³</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="times"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-revolution"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-degree"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ft²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>%</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}%</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}%</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">‰</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>l/100 km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l/100 km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l/100 km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">{0} B</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0} B</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>sz.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} sz.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} sz.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>év</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} év</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} év</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>hónap</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} h.</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} h.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>hét</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hét</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hét</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>nap</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} nap</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nap</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/nap</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>ó</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ó</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} h</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/h</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>p</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} p</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} p</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/min</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>s</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} s</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} s</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/s</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>ms</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ms</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ms</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">{0}/km</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>m</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">{0}/m</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">dm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">{0} dm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0} dm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>cm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} cm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cm</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">{0}/cm</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>mm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">mf</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mf</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mf</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">yd</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">láb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} láb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} láb</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">{0}/láb</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">hüvelyk</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hüvelyk</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern draft="contributed">{0}/in</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fényév</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fényév</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">mil</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">{0} mil</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0} mil</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>kg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kg</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/kg</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>g</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} g</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/g</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-stone"> |
| <displayName>st</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} st</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} st</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>lb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} font</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/lb</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} uncia</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/oz</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} W</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} LE</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} LE</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>Hgmm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Hgmm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Hgmm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>psi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">Hgin</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mb</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>hPa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>km/h</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km/h</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">m/s</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} m/s</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} m/s</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName draft="contributed">mph</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mph</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <displayName>°</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>°C</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} °C</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} °C</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>°F</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>K</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} K</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} km³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} km³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="one" draft="contributed">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" draft="contributed">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>l</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} l</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| </durationUnit> |
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| <nostr>nem:n</nostr> |
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| <characterLabel type="american_scripts">amerikai írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="box_drawing">grafikus karakterek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="braille">braille</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="building">épület</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="bullets_stars">felsorolásjelek és csillagok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="consonantal_jamo">mássalhangzói jamo</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="currency_symbols">pénznemek szimbólumai</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="dash_connector">gondolatjel/kötőjel</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="digits">számjegyek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="dingbats">dingbatok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="divination_symbols">jóslási jelek</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="downwards_upwards_arrows">felfelé-lefelé mutató nyilak</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="east_asian_scripts">kelet-ázsiai írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="emoji">emodzsi</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="european_scripts">európai írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="female">nő</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="flags">zászlók</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="format">formátum</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="format_whitespace">formátum és térköz</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="geometric_shapes">geometriai alakzatok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="half_width_form_variant">félszélességű formavariációk</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="han_radicals">han gyökök</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="hanja">handzsa</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="hanzi_simplified">hanzi (egyszerűsített)</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="hanzi_traditional">hanzi (hagyományos)</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="heart">szív</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="historic_scripts">történelmi írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="ideographic_desc_characters">ideografikus leíró karakterek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="japanese_kana">japán kana</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="kanbun">kanbun</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="kanji">kandzsi</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="keycap">gombfej</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="leftwards_arrows">balra mutató nyilak</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="leftwards_rightwards_arrows">jobbra-balra mutató nyilak</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="letterlike_symbols">betűszerű szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="limited_use">korlátozott használat</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="male">férfi</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="math_symbols">matematikai szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="middle_eastern_scripts">matematikai szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="miscellaneous">egyéb</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="modern_scripts">modern írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="modifier">módosító</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="musical_symbols">zenei szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="nature">természet</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="nonspacing">szóközt nem alkalmazó</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="numbers">számok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="objects">tárgyak</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="other">egyéb</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="paired">párosított</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="person">ember</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="phonetic_alphabet">fonetikus ábécé</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="pictographs">piktogramok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="place">hely</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="plant">növény</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="punctuation">írásjel</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="rightwards_arrows">jobbra mutató nyilak</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="sign_standard_symbols">jelek/normál szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="small_form_variant">kis formavariánsok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="smiley">hangulatjel</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="smileys_people">hangulatjelek és emberek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="south_asian_scripts">dél-ázsiai írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="southeast_asian_scripts">délkelet-ázsiai írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="spacing">szóközt alkalmazó</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="symbols">szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="technical_symbols">műszaki szimbólumok</characterLabel> |
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| <characterLabel type="travel_places">utazás és helyek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="upwards_arrows">felfelé mutató nyilak</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="variant_forms">variánsformák</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="vocalic_jamo">magánhangzói jamo</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="weather">időjárás</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="western_asian_scripts">nyugat-ázsiai írásrendszerek</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="whitespace">térköz</characterLabel> |
| </characterLabels> |
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| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="200" alt="extended">ultra kibővített</styleName> |
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| <featureName type="dlig">kiegészítő ligatúrák</featureName> |
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| </ldml> |