| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
| <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> |
| <!-- Copyright © 1991-2022 Unicode, Inc. |
| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| SPDX-License-Identifier: Unicode-DFS-2016 |
| CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) |
| |
| Warnings: All cp values have U+FE0F characters removed. See /annotationsDerived/ for derived annotations. |
| --> |
| <ldml> |
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| <annotations> |
| <annotation cp="{">ቅንፍ | ብሬስ | ከርሊ ቅንፍ | ኩርሊ ብሬስ | ክፍት ኩርሊ ቅንፍ | ጉሊንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="{" type="tts">ክፍት ኩርሊ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏻">ሜት ገላጭ አሻሻይ | ቆዳ | የቆዳ ዓይነት-1-2 | ድምፀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏻" type="tts">የቆዳ ዓይነት-1-2</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏼">መሃከለኛ ቀላ ያለ የቆዳ ቀለም | ስሜት ገላጭ አሻሻይ | ቆዳ | ድምፀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏼" type="tts">መሃከለኛ ቀላ ያለ የቆዳ ቀለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏽">ስሜት ገላጭ አሻሻይ | ቆዳ | የቆዳ ዓይነት-4 | ድምፀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏽" type="tts">የቆዳ ዓይነት-4</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏾">ስሜት ገላጭ አሻሻይ | ቆዳ | የቆዳ ዓይነት-5 | ድምፀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏾" type="tts">የቆዳ ዓይነት-5</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏿">ስሜት ገላጭ አሻሻይ | ቆዳ | የቆዳ ዓይነት-6 | ድምፀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏿" type="tts">የቆዳ ዓይነት-6</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‾" draft="contributed">መስመር ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‾" type="tts" draft="contributed">መስመር ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="_">ዝቅተኛ መስመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="_" type="tts">ዝቅተኛ መስመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="-">ሃይፈን | ሃይፈን-ማይነስ | ማይነስ | ዳሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="-" type="tts">ሃይፈን-ማይነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‐">ቃል አቆራኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‐" type="tts">ቃል አቆራኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="–">ሰረዝ | ኢኤን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="–" type="tts">ኢኤን ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="—">ሰረዝ | ኢኤም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="—" type="tts">ኢኤም ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="―">አግዳሚ ሠረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="―" type="tts">አግዳሚ ሠረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="・">ሚዶት | ነጥቦች | ኢንተርፓንት | ካታካና | ካታካና መካከለኛው ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="・" type="tts">ካታካና መካከለኛው ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=",">ነጠላ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="," type="tts">ነጠላ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="،">የአረብኛ ነጠላ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="،" type="tts">የአረብኛ ነጠላ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="、">ምስላዊ ምልክት ነጠላ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="、" type="tts">ምስላዊ ምልክት ነጠላ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=";">ድርብ ዘረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=";" type="tts">ድርብ ዘረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="؛">የአረብኛ ድርብ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="؛" type="tts">የአረብኛ ድርብ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=":">ሁለት ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=":" type="tts">ሁለት ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="!">ቃል አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="!" type="tts">ቃል አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¡">የተገለበጠ ቃል አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¡" type="tts">የተገለበጠ ቃል አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="?">ጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="?" type="tts">ጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¿">የተገለበጠ ጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¿" type="tts">የተገለበጠ ጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="؟">የአረብኛ ጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="؟" type="tts">የአረብኛ ጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‽" draft="contributed">ኢንተርሮባንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‽" type="tts" draft="contributed">ኢንተርሮባንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=".">ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="." type="tts">ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="…">ሞላላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="…" type="tts">ሞላላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="。">አራት ነጥብ | አይድዮግራፊክ | ፔሪየድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="。" type="tts">አይድዮግራፊክ ፔሪየድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="·">ማእከላዊ | ማእከላዊ ነጥበ | ማእከላዊነጥብ | ማዕከላዊምልክት | ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="·" type="tts">ማእከላዊ ነጥበ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="'">ታይፕራይተር አፖስትሮፍ | ነጠላ ኮት | አፖስትሮፍ | ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="'" type="tts">ታይፕራይተር አፖስትሮፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‘">ሲንግ ኮት | ስማርት ኮት | አፖስትሮፍ | ኮት | የግራ አፖስትሮፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‘" type="tts">የግራ አፖስትሮፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="’">ሲንግ ኮት | ስማርት ኮት | ቀኝ አፖስትሮፍ | አፖስትሮፍ | ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="’" type="tts">ቀኝ አፖስትሮፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‚">አፖስትሮፍ | ኮት | የቀኝ ታዝኛው አፖስትሮፍ | የታዝኛው ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‚" type="tts">የቀኝ ታዝኛው አፖስትሮፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="“">ስማርት ኮቴሽን | ኮቴሽን | ኮት | የግራ ኮቴሽን ማርክ | ዳብል ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="“" type="tts">የግራ ኮቴሽን ማርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="”">ስማርት ኮቴሽን | ኮቴሽን | ኮት | የቀኝ ኮቴሽን ማርክ | ደብል ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="”" type="tts">የቀኝ ኮቴሽን ማርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="„">ስማርት ኮቴሽን | ኮቴሽን | ኮት | የቀኝ ታዝኛው ኮቴሽን ማርክ | የታዝኛው ኮቴሽን | ደብልኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="„" type="tts">የቀኝ ታዝኛው ኮቴሽን ማርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="«">ምእዘን | ቅንፎች | ትእምርተ ቅጥያ | ድፋቶች | ግራ | ግራ ጥቅስ ምልክት | ጥቅስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="«" type="tts">ግራ ጥቅስ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="»">ምእዘን | ቀኝ | ቀኝ ጥቅስ ምልክት | ቅንፎች | ትእምርተ ቅጥያ | ድፋቶች | ጥቅስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="»" type="tts">ቀኝ ጥቅስ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=")">ራውንድ ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ክሎዝ ፓረንተንሲስ | ወላጆች | ፓረን | ፓረንተንሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=")" type="tts">ክሎዝ ፓረንተንሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="[">ስኩየር ብራኬየት | ብራኬት | ክሮትቸት | ክፍት ስኩየር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="[" type="tts">ክፍት ስኩየር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="]">ስኩየር ብራኬየት | ብራኬት | ክሎዝ ስኩየር ቅንፍ | ክሮትቸት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="]" type="tts">ክሎዝ ስኩየር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="}">ቅንፍ | ብሬስ | ከርሊ ቅንፍ | ከርሊ ብሬስ | ዝግ ከርሊ ቅንፍ | ጓልዊንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="}" type="tts">ዝግ ከርሊ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〈">ሹልታፕል | ቅንፍ | ታፕል | ቼቨሮን | አንግል ቅንፍ | ክፍት አንግል ብራኬት | ዲያመንድ ቅንፈ,ፎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〈" type="tts">ክፍት አንግል ብራኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〉">ሹል ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ታፕል | ቼቨሮን | አንግልቅንፍ | ዝግ አንግል ቅንፍ | ዲያመንገ,ድ ቅንፎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〉" type="tts">ዝግ አንግል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="《">ቅንፍ | ክፍት ደብል አንግል ቅንፍ | ደብል አንግል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="《" type="tts">ክፍት ደብል አንግል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="》">ቅንፍ | ዝግ ዳብል አንግል ቅንፍ | ደብል አንግል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="》" type="tts">ዝግ ዳብል አንግል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="「">ቅንፍ | ክፍት ኮርነር ብራኬት | ኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="「" type="tts">ክፍት ኮርነር ብራኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="」">ቅንፍ | ኮርነር ቅንፍ | ዝግ ከኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="」" type="tts">ዝግ ከኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="『">ሆለው ክፍት ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ክፍት ሆለው ኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="『" type="tts">ክፍት ሆለው ኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="』">ሆለው ኮርነር ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ዝግ ሆለው ኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="』" type="tts">ዝግ ሆለው ኮርነር ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="【">ለንቲኩላር ቅንፍ | ሌንስ ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ክፍት ጥቁር ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="【" type="tts">ክፍት ጥቁር ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="】">ሌንስ ቅንፍ | ሌንቲኩላር ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ዝግ ጥቁር ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="】" type="tts">ዝግ ጥቁር ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〔">ሼል ብራኬት | ቅንፍ | ቶርቶይዝ ሼል ቅንፍ | ክፈት ተርተይዝ ሸል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〔" type="tts">ክፈት ተርተይዝ ሸል ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〕">ሼል ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ቶርቶይዝ ሼል ቅንፍ | ክሎዝ ቶርቶይዝ ሼል ብራኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〕" type="tts">ክሎዝ ቶርቶይዝ ሼል ብራኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〖">ሆለው ሌንስ ቅንፍ | ሆለው ሌንቲኩለር ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ክፍት ሆለው ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〖" type="tts">ክፍት ሆለው ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〗">ሆለው ሌንስ ቅንፍ | ሆለው ሌንቲኩለር ቅንፍ | ቅንፍ | ዝግ ሆለው ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〗" type="tts">ዝግ ሆለው ሌንስ ቅንፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="§">ሲልክሮውን | አንቀጽ | ክፍል | ጉርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="§" type="tts">ጉርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¶">አንቀፅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¶" type="tts">አንቀፅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="@">የ@ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="@" type="tts">የ@ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="*">ኮከቢት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="*" type="tts">ኮከቢት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="/">እዝባር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="/" type="tts">እዝባር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="\">የኋሊት እዝባር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="\" type="tts">የኋሊት እዝባር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="&">እና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="&" type="tts">እና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="#">የሃሽ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="#" type="tts">የሃሽ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="%">ፐርሰንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="%" type="tts">ፐርሰንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‰">በማይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‰" type="tts">በማይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="†">ሓወልት | መስቀለኛ | መስቀል | የመስቀል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="†" type="tts">የመስቀል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‡">ሓወልት | መስቀለኛ | መስቀል | ድርብ | ድርብ መስቀል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‡" type="tts">ድርብ መስቀል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="•">ነጥበ | ነጥበ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="•" type="tts">ነጥበ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‧">ሃይፈን | ሃይፍኔሽን ነጥብ | ነጥብ | ዳሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‧" type="tts">ሃይፍኔሽን ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="′">ብቸኜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="′" type="tts">ብቸኜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="″">ሁለቴ ብቸኜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="″" type="tts">ሁለቴ ብቸኜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‴">ሶስቴ ብቸኜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‴" type="tts">ሶስቴ ብቸኜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‸" draft="contributed">የሚመከር ነገር የሚጠቁም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‸" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሚመከር ነገር የሚጠቁም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="※">ማጣቀሻ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="※" type="tts">ማጣቀሻ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁂" draft="contributed">የከዋክብት አቀማመጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁂" type="tts" draft="contributed">የከዋክብት አቀማመጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="`">ቶን | ዘዬ | ግሬቭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="`" type="tts">ግሬቭ ዘዬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="´">ቶን | አክሰንት | አክዩት | አክዩት ዘዬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="´" type="tts">አክዩት ዘዬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="^">ሃት | መቆጣጠር | ቼቨሮን | አነጋገር | ኤክሶርሳይን | ካሬት | ወጅ | ዘዬ | የአነጋገር ዘዬ | ፓወር | ፖይንተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="^" type="tts">የአነጋገር ዘዬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¨">ትሪማ | አምላት | ዲያረሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¨" type="tts">ዲያረሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="°">ማስረጃ | ሰዓት | ዲግሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="°" type="tts">ዲግሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="℗">ቀረጻ | ቅጂ መብት | የድምጽ ቀረጻ ቅጂ መብት | ድምጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="℗" type="tts">የድምጽ ቀረጻ ቅጂ መብት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="←">ቀስት | ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክት ቀስት | ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="←" type="tts">ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↚" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የቀስት ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↚" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የቀስት ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="→">ቀስት | ቀኝ | ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="→" type="tts">ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↛" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↛" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↑">ላይ | ቀስት | ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↑" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↓">ቀስት | ታች | ወደ ታች የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↓" type="tts">ወደ ታች የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↜" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ማውለብለብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↜" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ማውለብለብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↝" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ማውለብለብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↝" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ማውለብለብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↞" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↞" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↟" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↟" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↠" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↠" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↡" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↡" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ባለ-ሁለት ራስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↢" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የቀስት ጅራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↢" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የቀስት ጅራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↣" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ጅራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↣" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ጅራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↤" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ግራ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↤" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ግራ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↥" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ላይ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↥" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ላይ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↦" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↦" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↧" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ታች ቀስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↧" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ታች ቀስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↨" draft="contributed">ከመሰረት ጋር ወደ ላይ ታች ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↨" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከመሰረት ጋር ወደ ላይ ታች ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↫" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የቀስት ጥምልምል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↫" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የቀስት ጥምልምል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↬" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ጥምልምል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↬" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ጥምልምል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↭" draft="contributed">ግራ ቀኝ ሞገድ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↭" type="tts" draft="contributed">ግራ ቀኝ ሞገድ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↯" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ዚግዛግ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↯" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ዚግዛግ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↰" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ጫፍ ወደ ግራ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↰" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ጫፍ ወደ ግራ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↱" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ጫፍ ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↱" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ጫፍ ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↲" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ጫፍ ወደ ግራ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↲" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ጫፍ ወደ ግራ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↳" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ጫፍ ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↳" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ጫፍ ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↴" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ጥግ ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↴" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ጥግ ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↵" draft="contributed">ወደታች የቀስት ጥግ ወደ ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↵" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደታች የቀስት ጥግ ወደ ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↶" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የሚዞር የላይኛው ግማሽ ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↶" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የሚዞር የላይኛው ግማሽ ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↷" draft="contributed">በሰዓት አቅጣጫ የሚዞር ከላይ ግማሽ ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↷" type="tts" draft="contributed">በሰዓት አቅጣጫ የሚዞር ከላይ ግማሽ ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↸" draft="contributed">የሰሜን ምዕራብ ቀስት ከላዩ ረጅም ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↸" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሰሜን ምዕራብ ቀስት ከላዩ ረጅም ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↹" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ዘንግ ላይ የግራ ቀስት ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↹" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የቀስት ዘንግ ላይ የግራ ቀስት ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↺" draft="contributed">ወደግራ የሚዞር ክፍት ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↺" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደግራ የሚዞር ክፍት ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↻" draft="contributed">በሰዓት አቅጣጫ የሚዞር ክፍት ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↻" type="tts" draft="contributed">በሰዓት አቅጣጫ የሚዞር ክፍት ክብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↼" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ሃርፖን ባርበን ወደ ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↼" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ሃርፖን ባርበን ወደ ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↽" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የሃርበን ባርብ ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↽" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የሃርበን ባርብ ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↾" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ የሃርበን ባርብ ወደ ቀኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↾" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ የሃርበን ባርብ ወደ ቀኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↿" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ቀኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↿" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ቀኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇀" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇀" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇁" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇁" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇂" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ቀኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇂" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ቀኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇃" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇃" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች የሃርፖን ባርብ ወደ ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇄" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ቀስት በላይ የቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇄" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ቀስት በላይ የቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇅">ቀስት | ወደ ላይ | ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክት ቀስት እና ወደ ታች የሚያመለክቱ ቀስቶች | ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክት ቀስት እና ወደ ታች የሚያመለክት ቀስት | ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇅" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክት ቀስት እና ወደ ታች የሚያመለክት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇆">ቀስት | ቀኝ | ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክት ቀስት በወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክት ቀስት ላይ | ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇆" type="tts">ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክት ቀስት በወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክት ቀስት ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇇" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇇" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇈" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇈" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇉" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇉" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇊" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇊" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ጥንድ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇋" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ሃርፖን በላይ ወደ ግራ ሃርፖን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇋" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ሃርፖን በላይ ወደ ግራ ሃርፖን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇌" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ሃርፖን በላይ ወደ ቀኝ ሃርፖን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇌" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ሃርፖን በላይ ወደ ቀኝ ሃርፖን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇐" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇐" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇍" draft="contributed">ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ግራ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇍" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ግራ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇑" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇑" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇒" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇒" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇏" draft="contributed">ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇏" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇓" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇓" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇔" draft="contributed">ግራ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇔" type="tts" draft="contributed">ግራ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇎" draft="contributed">ሰረዝ ያለበት ግራ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇎" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰረዝ ያለበት ግራ ቀኝ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇖" draft="contributed">ሰሜን ምዕራብ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇖" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰሜን ምዕራብ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇗" draft="contributed">ሰሜን ምስራቅ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇗" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰሜን ምስራቅ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇘" draft="contributed">ደቡብ ምስራቅ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇘" type="tts" draft="contributed">ደቡብ ምስራቅ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇙" draft="contributed">ደቡብ ምዕራብ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇙" type="tts" draft="contributed">ደቡብ ምዕራብ ድርብ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇚" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ባለሶስት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇚" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ባለሶስት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇛" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ባለሶስት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇛" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ባለሶስት ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇜" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የተወዛወዘ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇜" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ የተወዛወዘ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇝" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የተወዛወዘ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇝" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ የተወዛወዘ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇞" draft="contributed">ድርብ ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ላይ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇞" type="tts" draft="contributed">ድርብ ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ላይ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇟" draft="contributed">ድርብ ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ታች ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇟" type="tts" draft="contributed">ድርብ ሰረዝ ያለበት ወደ ታች ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇠" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇠" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇡" draft="contributed">ወደላይ ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇡" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደላይ ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇢" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇢" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇣" draft="contributed">ወደታች ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇣" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደታች ሰረዝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇤" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ቀስት ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇤" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ቀስት ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇥" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇥" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ቀስት ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇦" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇦" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ግራ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇧" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇧" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ላይ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇨" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇨" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ቀኝ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇩" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇩" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ታች ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇪" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ላይ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇪" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከዘንግ ወደ ላይ ውስጡ ባዶ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇵" draft="contributed">ወደታች ቀስት ወደግራ ወደቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⇵" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደታች ቀስት ወደግራ ወደቀኝ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∀" draft="contributed">ለሁሉም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∀" type="tts" draft="contributed">ለሁሉም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∂" draft="contributed">ከፊል ዲፈረንሺያል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∂" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከፊል ዲፈረንሺያል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∃" draft="contributed">ይገኛል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∃" type="tts" draft="contributed">ይገኛል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∅" draft="contributed">ባዶ ስብሰብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∅" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ስብሰብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∆">ሶስት ማአዘን | ጭማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∆" type="tts">ጭማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∇">ሶስት ማአዘን | ናብላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∇" type="tts">ናብላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∈">አባልነት | አካል | አካል ነው | አዘጋጅ | ይዟል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∈" type="tts">አካል ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∉" draft="contributed">አካል አይደለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∉" type="tts" draft="contributed">አካል አይደለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∋" draft="contributed">እንደ አባል ይይዛል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∋" type="tts" draft="contributed">እንደ አባል ይይዛል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∎" draft="contributed">የመጨረሻ ማስረጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∎" type="tts" draft="contributed">የመጨረሻ ማስረጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∏" draft="contributed">n-ary ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∏" type="tts" draft="contributed">n-ary ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∑" draft="contributed">n-ary ድምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∑" type="tts" draft="contributed">n-ary ድምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="+">መደመር | የመጨመር ምልክት | ጨምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="+" type="tts">የመጨመር ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="±">መጨመር-መቀንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="±" type="tts">መጨመር-መቀንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="÷">መስቀለኛ | ማካፈል | አካፍል | የማካፈል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="÷" type="tts">የማካፈል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="×">ማባዛት | አባዛ | የማባዛት ምልክት | ጊዜ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="×" type="tts">የማባዛት ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="<">ታግ | ክፍት ታግ | የሚያንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="<" type="tts">የሚያንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≮" draft="contributed">አያንስም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≮" type="tts" draft="contributed">አያንስም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="=">እኩል | እኩል ይሆናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="=" type="tts">እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≠">እኩል አይደለም | እኩል ያልሆነ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≠" type="tts">እኩል አይደለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=">">ታግ | ወደ ታግ የሚጠጋ | የሚበልጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp=">" type="tts">የሚበልጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≯" draft="contributed">አይበልጥም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≯" type="tts" draft="contributed">አይበልጥም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¬">አሉታነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¬" type="tts">አሉታነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="|">ላይንፒክ | ስትሪክ | ስትሮክ | ሸፈር ስትሮክ | ቀጥተኛ መስመር | ቀጥተኛ ባር | ባር | ቪባር | ፓይፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="|" type="tts">ቀጥተኛ መስመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="~">ቲልድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="~" type="tts">ቲልድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="−">መቀነስ | የመቀነስ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="−" type="tts">የመቀነስ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁻">መቀነስ | ራስጌ ምልክት | ራስጌ ምልክት መቀነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁻" type="tts">ራስጌ ምልክት መቀነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∓" draft="contributed">መቀነስ-ወይም-መጨመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∓" type="tts" draft="contributed">መቀነስ-ወይም-መጨመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∕" draft="contributed">የማካፈል ሰያፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∕" type="tts" draft="contributed">የማካፈል ሰያፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁄" draft="contributed">የክፍልፋይ ሰያፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁄" type="tts" draft="contributed">የክፍልፋይ ሰያፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∗" draft="contributed">አስተሪክ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∗" type="tts" draft="contributed">አስተሪክ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∘" draft="contributed">የቀለበት ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∘" type="tts" draft="contributed">የቀለበት ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∙" draft="contributed">የነጥብ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∙" type="tts" draft="contributed">የነጥብ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="√">ራዲካል | ራዲክስ | ዋልታ | ዘር | ዳግም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="√" type="tts">ራዲካል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∝" draft="contributed">የተመጣጠነ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∝" type="tts" draft="contributed">የተመጣጠነ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∞">ማለቂያ የሌለው | ማለቂያ የሌለው ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∞" type="tts">ማለቂያ የሌለው ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∟" draft="contributed">የቀኝ አንግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∟" type="tts" draft="contributed">የቀኝ አንግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∠" draft="contributed">አንግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∠" type="tts" draft="contributed">አንግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∣" draft="contributed">ይከፍላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∣" type="tts" draft="contributed">ይከፍላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∥" draft="contributed">ተጓዳኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∥" type="tts" draft="contributed">ተጓዳኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∧" draft="contributed">ሎጂካል እና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∧" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሎጂካል እና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∩">መገናኛ | ስብስብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∩" type="tts">መገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∪">ህብረት | ስብስብ | ጥርቅም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∪" type="tts">ህብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∫" draft="contributed">ኢንተግራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∫" type="tts" draft="contributed">ኢንተግራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∬" draft="contributed">ድርብ ኢንተግራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∬" type="tts" draft="contributed">ድርብ ኢንተግራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∮" draft="contributed">ኮንቹር ኢንተግራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∮" type="tts" draft="contributed">ኮንቹር ኢንተግራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∴" draft="contributed">ስለዚህ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∴" type="tts" draft="contributed">ስለዚህ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∵" draft="contributed">ምክንያቱም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∵" type="tts" draft="contributed">ምክንያቱም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∶" draft="contributed">ጥምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∶" type="tts" draft="contributed">ጥምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∷" draft="contributed">ምጥጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∷" type="tts" draft="contributed">ምጥጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∼" draft="contributed">ቲልድ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∼" type="tts" draft="contributed">ቲልድ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∽" draft="contributed">ተገላቢጦሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∽" type="tts" draft="contributed">ተገላቢጦሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∾" draft="contributed">የተገለበጠ lazy s</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="∾" type="tts" draft="contributed">የተገለበጠ lazy s</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≃" draft="contributed">ጥጉ በማይነካበት እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≃" type="tts" draft="contributed">ጥጉ በማይነካበት እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≅" draft="contributed">እኩል ሊባል የሚችል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≅" type="tts" draft="contributed">እኩል ሊባል የሚችል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≈">ተቀራራቢ | ወደ እኩል የሚጠጋ | የሚጠጋጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≈" type="tts">ወደ እኩል የሚጠጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≌" draft="contributed">ሁሉም እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≌" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሁሉም እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≒" draft="contributed">በግምት የምስሉን እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≒" type="tts" draft="contributed">በግምት የምስሉን እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≖" draft="contributed">በእኩል ቀለበት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≖" type="tts" draft="contributed">በእኩል ቀለበት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≡">ሶስቴ | በትክክል | ተመሳሳይ | ተመሳሳይ ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≡" type="tts">ተመሳሳይ ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≣" draft="contributed">በጥብቅ እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≣" type="tts" draft="contributed">በጥብቅ እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≤">ያንሳል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≤" type="tts">ያንሳል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≥">ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≥" type="tts">ይበልጣል ወይም እኩል ይሆናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≦">ሒሳብ | እኩል ያልሆነ | ከእኩል ያነሰ | ያነሰ ከእኩል በላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≦" type="tts">ያነሰ ከእኩል በላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≧" draft="contributed">ከእኩል በላይ ይበልጣል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≧" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከእኩል በላይ ይበልጣል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≪" draft="contributed">በጣም ያንሳል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≪" type="tts" draft="contributed">በጣም ያንሳል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≫" draft="contributed">በጣም ይበልጣል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≫" type="tts" draft="contributed">በጣም ይበልጣል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≬" draft="contributed">መካከል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≬" type="tts" draft="contributed">መካከል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≳" draft="contributed">ከእኩል የበለጠ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≳" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከእኩል የበለጠ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≺" draft="contributed">ይቀድማል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≺" type="tts" draft="contributed">ይቀድማል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≻" draft="contributed">ይከተላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="≻" type="tts" draft="contributed">ይከተላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊁" draft="contributed">አይከተልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊁" type="tts" draft="contributed">አይከተልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊂">ስብስብ | ንዑስ ስብስብ | ንዑስ ስብስብ ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊂" type="tts">ንዑስ ስብስብ ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊃" draft="contributed">ሱፐርሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊃" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሱፐርሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊆" draft="contributed">ንዑስ እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊆" type="tts" draft="contributed">ንዑስ እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊇" draft="contributed">ሱፐርሴት እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊇" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሱፐርሴት እኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊕" draft="contributed">ክበብ ሲደመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊕" type="tts" draft="contributed">ክበብ ሲደመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊖" draft="contributed">ክበብ ሲቀነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊖" type="tts" draft="contributed">ክበብ ሲቀነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊗" draft="contributed">ክበብ ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊗" type="tts" draft="contributed">ክበብ ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊘" draft="contributed">በክብ የማካፈል ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊘" type="tts" draft="contributed">በክብ የማካፈል ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊙" draft="contributed">የክብ ሰረዝ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊙" type="tts" draft="contributed">የክብ ሰረዝ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊚" draft="contributed">የክብ ቀለበት ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊚" type="tts" draft="contributed">የክብ ቀለበት ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊛" draft="contributed">የክብ አስተሪክ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊛" type="tts" draft="contributed">የክብ አስተሪክ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊞" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ሲደመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊞" type="tts" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ሲደመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊟" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን መቀነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊟" type="tts" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን መቀነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊥" draft="contributed">ወደላይ ታክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊥" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደላይ ታክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊮" draft="contributed">አያስገድድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊮" type="tts" draft="contributed">አያስገድድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊰" draft="contributed">በግንኙነት ይቀድማል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊰" type="tts" draft="contributed">በግንኙነት ይቀድማል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊱" draft="contributed">በግንኙነት ይከተላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊱" type="tts" draft="contributed">በግንኙነት ይከተላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋭" draft="contributed">እንደ መደበኛ ንዑስ ቡድን እኩል አያካትትም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋭" type="tts" draft="contributed">እንደ መደበኛ ንዑስ ቡድን እኩል አያካትትም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊶" draft="contributed">ኦሪጅናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊶" type="tts" draft="contributed">ኦሪጅናል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊹" draft="contributed">hermitian conjugate ማትሪክስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊹" type="tts" draft="contributed">hermitian conjugate ማትሪክስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊿" draft="contributed">የቀኝ ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⊿" type="tts" draft="contributed">የቀኝ ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋁" draft="contributed">n-ary ሎጂካል ወይም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋁" type="tts" draft="contributed">n-ary ሎጂካል ወይም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋂" draft="contributed">n-ary መገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋂" type="tts" draft="contributed">n-ary መገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋃" draft="contributed">n-ary ህብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋃" type="tts" draft="contributed">n-ary ህብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋅" draft="contributed">የዶት ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋅" type="tts" draft="contributed">የዶት ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋆" draft="contributed">የኮከብ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋆" type="tts" draft="contributed">የኮከብ ኦፕሬተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋈" draft="contributed">የተለመደ መቀላቀል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋈" type="tts" draft="contributed">የተለመደ መቀላቀል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋒" draft="contributed">ድርብ መገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋒" type="tts" draft="contributed">ድርብ መገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋘" draft="contributed">በጣም ያነሰ-ከ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋘" type="tts" draft="contributed">በጣም ያነሰ-ከ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋙" draft="contributed">በጣም የበለጠ-ከ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋙" type="tts" draft="contributed">በጣም የበለጠ-ከ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋮" draft="contributed">ቋሚ ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋮" type="tts" draft="contributed">ቋሚ ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋯" draft="contributed">የመካከለኛ መስመር አግድም ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋯" type="tts" draft="contributed">የመካከለኛ መስመር አግድም ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋰" draft="contributed">ወደላይ ቀኝ ሰያፍ ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋰" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደላይ ቀኝ ሰያፍ ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋱" draft="contributed">ወደታች ቀኝ ሰያፍ ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⋱" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደታች ቀኝ ሰያፍ ኤሊፕሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="■" draft="contributed">የተሞላ አራት አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="■" type="tts" draft="contributed">የተሞላ አራት አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="□">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን | ባዶ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="□" type="tts">ባዶ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▢" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን ከክብ ጎኖች ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▢" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን ከክብ ጎኖች ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▣" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን የያዘ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▣" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን የያዘ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▤" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ከአግድም መሙላት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▤" type="tts" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ከአግድም መሙላት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▥" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ከአቀባዊ መሙላት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▥" type="tts" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ከአቀባዊ መሙላት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▦" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ኦርታግኖል መስቀለኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▦" type="tts" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ኦርታግኖል መስቀለኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▧" draft="contributed">የአራት ማዕዘን የግራ ላይኛ የቀኝ ታችኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▧" type="tts" draft="contributed">የአራት ማዕዘን የግራ ላይኛ የቀኝ ታችኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▨" draft="contributed">የአራት ማዕዘን የቀኝ ላይኛ የግራ ታችኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▨" type="tts" draft="contributed">የአራት ማዕዘን የቀኝ ላይኛ የግራ ታችኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▩" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ሰያፍ መስቀለኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▩" type="tts" draft="contributed">አራት ማዕዘን ሰያፍ መስቀለኛ መሙላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▬" draft="contributed">የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▬" type="tts">የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▭" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▭" type="tts">ባዶ አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▮" draft="contributed">አቀባዊ የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▮" type="tts" draft="contributed">አቀባዊ የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▰">የተሞላ አራት ማዕዘን | የተሞላ ፓራለሎግራም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▰" type="tts">የተሞላ ፓራለሎግራም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▲">ሶስት ማእዘን | ቀስት | የተሞላ | የተሞላ ወደላይ የሚጠቁም ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▲" type="tts">የተሞላ ወደላይ የሚጠቁም ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="△" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="△" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▴" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▴" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▵" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▵" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ላይ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▷" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▷" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▸" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▸" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▹" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▹" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="►" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው አመልካች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="►" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው አመልካች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▻" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው አመልካች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▻" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ቀኝ የሚያመለክተው አመልካች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▼">ሶስት ማእዘን | ቀስት | ወደ ታች | የተሞላ | የተሞላ ወደታች የሚጠቁም ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▼" type="tts">የተሞላ ወደታች የሚጠቁም ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▽" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ታች የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▽" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ታች የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▾" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ታች የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▾" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ታች የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▿" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ታች የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▿" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ታች የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◁" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◁" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◂" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◂" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◃" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◃" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ትንሽ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◄" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ማመልከቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◄" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ማመልከቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◅" draft="contributed">የባዶ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ማመልከቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◅" type="tts" draft="contributed">የባዶ ወደ ግራ የሚያመለክተው ማመልከቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◆" draft="contributed">የሞላ ዳይመንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◆" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ዳይመንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◇" draft="contributed">ባዶ ዳይመንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◇" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ዳይመንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◈" draft="contributed">የሞላ ዳይመንድ የሞላ ዳይመንድ የያዘ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◈" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ ዳይመንድ የሞላ ዳይመንድ የያዘ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◉" draft="contributed">ባዶ ክብ የሞላ ክብ የያዘ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◉" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ክብ የሞላ ክብ የያዘ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◊">ሉል ቅርጽ | ሮምበስ | አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◊" type="tts">ሉል ቅርጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="○">ቀለበት | ባዶ ክብ | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="○" type="tts">ባዶ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◌" draft="contributed">ክብ ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◌" type="tts" draft="contributed">ክብ ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◍" draft="contributed">ክብ ከአቀባዊ ሙላት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◍" type="tts" draft="contributed">ክብ ከአቀባዊ ሙላት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◎" draft="contributed">ጋራም ብርታዊ ክቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◎" type="tts" draft="contributed">ጋራም ብርታዊ ክቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="●">ክብ | የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="●" type="tts">የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◐" draft="contributed">ግራ ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◐" type="tts" draft="contributed">ግራ ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◑" draft="contributed">ቀኝ ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◑" type="tts" draft="contributed">ቀኝ ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◒" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◒" type="tts" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◓" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◓" type="tts" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግማሽ የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◔" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ቀኝ አራት መአዘን የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◔" type="tts" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ቀኝ አራት መአዘን የተሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◕" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግራ አራት መአዘን የተሞላ ግን ሁሉም ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◕" type="tts" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግራ አራት መአዘን የተሞላ ግን ሁሉም ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◖" draft="contributed">ግራ ግማሽ የሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◖" type="tts" draft="contributed">ግራ ግማሽ የሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◗" draft="contributed">ቀኝ ግማሽ የሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◗" type="tts" draft="contributed">ቀኝ ግማሽ የሞላ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◘" draft="contributed">የወፍራም ነጥብ ተቃራኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◘" type="tts" draft="contributed">የወፍራም ነጥብ ተቃራኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◙" draft="contributed">ባዶ ክብ ይያዘ የተሞላ አራት መአዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◙" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ክብ ይያዘ የተሞላ አራት መአዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◜" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግራ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◜" type="tts" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግራ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◝" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ቀኝ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◝" type="tts" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ቀኝ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◞" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ቀኝ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◞" type="tts" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ቀኝ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◟" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ግራ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◟" type="tts" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ግራ አራት ማዕዘን ክብ ቅሥት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◠" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግማሽ ክበ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◠" type="tts" draft="contributed">የላይኛው ግማሽ ክበ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◡" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ግማሽ ክበ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◡" type="tts" draft="contributed">የታችኛው ግማሽ ክበ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◢" draft="contributed">የሞላ የታችኛው ቀኝ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◢" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ የታችኛው ቀኝ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◣" draft="contributed">የሞላ የታችኛው ግራ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◣" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ የታችኛው ግራ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◤" draft="contributed">የሞላ የላይኛው ግራ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◤" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ የላይኛው ግራ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◥" draft="contributed">የሞላ የላይኛው ቀኝ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◥" type="tts" draft="contributed">የሞላ የላይኛው ቀኝ ሶስት ማዕዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◦" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወፍራም ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◦" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ወፍራም ነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◯">ቀለበት | ትልቅ ባዶ ክብ | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◯" type="tts">ትልቅ ባዶ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◳" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት መአዘን ከላይኛው ቀኝ ማዕዘን ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◳" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ አራት መአዘን ከላይኛው ቀኝ ማዕዘን ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◷" draft="contributed">ባዶ ክብ ከላይኛው ቀኝ ማዕዘን ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◷" type="tts" draft="contributed">ባዶ ክብ ከላይኛው ቀኝ ማዕዘን ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◿" draft="contributed">ዝቅተኛ የቀኝ ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◿" type="tts" draft="contributed">ዝቅተኛ የቀኝ ሶስት ማእዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♪">ስምንተኛ ኖታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♪" type="tts">ስምንተኛ ኖታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⨧" draft="contributed">መደመር ግርጌ አደር ሁለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⨧" type="tts" draft="contributed">መደመር ግርጌ አደር ሁለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⨯" draft="contributed">የቬክተር ክሮስ ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⨯" type="tts" draft="contributed">የቬክተር ክሮስ ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⨼" draft="contributed">ውስጣዊ ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⨼" type="tts" draft="contributed">ውስጣዊ ብዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⩣" draft="contributed">ሎጂካዊ ወይም ድርብ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⩣" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሎጂካዊ ወይም ድርብ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⩽" draft="contributed">ከ እኩል ያነሰ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⩽" type="tts">ከ እኩል ያነሰ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⪍" draft="contributed">ከ እኩል ተመሳሳይ በላይ ያንሳል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⪍" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከ እኩል ተመሳሳይ በላይ ያንሳል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⪚" draft="contributed">ሁለት መስመር እኩል ከ ይበልጣል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⪚" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሁለት መስመር እኩል ከ ይበልጣል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⪺" draft="contributed">ከላይ ሰክሲድስ እኩል አይደለም ማለት ይቻላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⪺" type="tts" draft="contributed">ከላይ ሰክሲድስ እኩል አይደለም ማለት ይቻላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♭">ፍላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♭" type="tts">ፍላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♯">ሻርፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♯" type="tts">ሻርፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥹">መቃወም | መከፋት | እንባ ያቀረረ ፊት | ኩራት | የሚያለቅስ | የተቆጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥹" type="tts">እንባ ያቀረረ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧌">ቅዠት | ተረት | አስቃያሚ ጭራቅ | ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧌" type="tts">አስቃያሚ ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩻">ሃኪም | አጥንቶች | አፅም | ኤክስ-ሬይ | የህክምና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩻" type="tts">ኤክስ-ሬይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩼">በትር | ተጎዳ | አገዳ | ክራንች | የአካል ጉዳት | የእንቅስቃሴ ድጋፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩼" type="tts">ክራንች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪩">ብልጭልጭ | የመስታወት ኳስ | ዲስኮ | ዳንስ | ድግስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪩" type="tts">የመስታወት ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪪">መታወቂያ | መታወቂያ ካርድ | ምስክርነቶች | ደህንነት | ፈቃድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪪" type="tts">መታወቂያ ካርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪫">አነስተኛ ባትሪ | ኤሌክትሮኒክ | ዝቅተኛ ኃይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪫" type="tts">አነስተኛ ባትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪬">ሐመሳ | መከላከያ | ሚሪም | ማርያም | አሙሌት | እጅ | ፋጢማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪬" type="tts">ሐመሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪷">ሂንዱይዝም | ህንድ | ሎተስ | ቅድስና | ቡዲዝም | ቬትናም | አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪷" type="tts">ሎተስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪸">ሪፍ | ቋጥኝ | ውቅኖስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪸" type="tts">ቋጥኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪹">ባዶ የወፍ ጎጆ | ጎጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪹" type="tts">ባዶ የወፍ ጎጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪺">እንቁላል የያዘ ጎጆ | ጎጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪺" type="tts">እንቁላል የያዘ ጎጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫃">ሆድ | ሙሉ | እርጉዝ | እርጉዝ ወንድ | ያበጠ ሆድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫃" type="tts">እርጉዝ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫄">ሆድ | ሙሉ | እርጉዝ | እርጉዝ ሰው | ያበጠ ሆድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫄" type="tts">እርጉዝ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫅">ንጉሣዊ | ንጉሳዊ | አገዛዝ | ዘውድ ያደረገ ሰው | የተከበረ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫅" type="tts">ዘውድ ያደረገ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫗">መድፋት | መጠጥ | ባዶ | ብርጭቆ | ፈሳሽ መድፋት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫗" type="tts">ፈሳሽ መድፋት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫘">ምግብ | ባቄላዎች | አባዝርት | ኩላሊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫘" type="tts">ባቄላዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫙">መያዣ | መደብር | ማጣፈጫ | ስልስ | ባዶ | ብልቃጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫙" type="tts">ብልቃጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫠">መሟሟት | መቅለጥ | መጥፋት | እየቀለጠ ያለ ፊት | ፈሳሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫠" type="tts">እየቀለጠ ያለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫡">ሰላምታ የሚሰጥ ፊት | ታዛዥ ነኝ | አዎ | እሺ | ወታደሮች | ፀሐያማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫡" type="tts">ሰላምታ የሚሰጥ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫢">መሸማቀቅ | መደነቅ | መፍራት | አለማመን | ከፈጠጡ ዓይኖች እና አፍ ላይ እጅ የጫነ ፊት | ፈራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫢" type="tts">ከፈጠጡ ዓይኖች እና አፍ ላይ እጅ የጫነ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫣">ማፍጠጥ | አጮልቆ ማየት | የሚያጮልቅ አይን ያለበት ፊት | የተማረከ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫣" type="tts">የሚያጮልቅ አይን ያለበት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫤">ሜህ | ሰያፍ አፍ ያለው ፊት | ተጠራጣሪ | እርግጠኛ አይደለሁም | የተናደደ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫤" type="tts">ሰያፍ አፍ ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫥">መደበቅ | አይናፋር | ዙሪያውን ሰረዝ ያለው ፊት | የማይታይ | የተደበረ | የጠፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫥" type="tts">ዙሪያውን ሰረዝ ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫦">መደናገጥ | ማሽኮርመም | ከንፈር መንከስ | የማይመች | የሰጋ | የተጨነቀ | ፍርሃት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫦" type="tts">ከንፈር መንከስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫧">ሳሙና | ሽፋኖች | በርፕ | ንፁህ | የከሰርሰ ምድር ውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫧" type="tts">ሽፋኖች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫰">ልብ | ቀልጣፋ | አውራ እና ጠቋሚ ጣት የተጠመሩበት እጅ | ውድ | ገንዘብ | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫰" type="tts">አውራ እና ጠቋሚ ጣት የተጠመሩበት እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫱">ቀኝ | እጅ | ወደ ቀኝ የዞረ | ወደ ቀኝ የዞረ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫱" type="tts">ወደ ቀኝ የዞረ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫲">እጅ | ወደ ግራ የዞረ እጅ | ግራ | ግራ የዞረ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫲" type="tts">ወደ ግራ የዞረ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫳">መዳፍ ወደታች እጅ | መጣል | ማሰናበት | ማባረር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫳" type="tts">መዳፍ ወደታች እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫴">መያዝ | መዳፍ ወደላይ እጅ | ማቅረብ | ማበረታታት | ና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫴" type="tts">መዳፍ ወደላይ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫵">መጠቆም | አንተ | ወደ ተመልካቹ በጣት መጠቆም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫵" type="tts">ወደ ተመልካቹ በጣት መጠቆም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫶">የልብ ቅርፅ የሰሩ እጆች | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫶" type="tts">የልብ ቅርፅ የሰሩ እጆች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛝">መጫወቻ | መጫወቻ ሸርተቴ | የመዝናኛ ፓርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛝" type="tts">መጫወቻ ሸርተቴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛞">መታጠፊያ | ክብ | ጎማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛞" type="tts">ጎማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛟">ህይወት ጠባቂ | ሕይወት አድን | መታደግ | ተንሳፋፊ | አንሳፋፊ ቀለበት | ደህንነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛟" type="tts">አንሳፋፊ ቀለበት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟰">ሂሳብ | እኩል ይሆናል | ወፍራም የእኩል ይሆናል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟰" type="tts">ወፍራም የእኩል ይሆናል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😀">ፈገግ ያለ ፊት | ፈገግታ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😀" type="tts">ፈገግ ያለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😃">ሣቅ | አፉ የተከፈተ ሣቂታ ፊት | አፍ | ክፍት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😃" type="tts">አፉ የተከፈተ ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😄">ሣቅ | አፍ | ከተከፈተ አፍ ጋር ሣቂታ ፊት እና ሣቂታ ዓይኖች | ክፍት | ዓይን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😄" type="tts">ከተከፈተ አፍ ጋር ሣቂታ ፊት እና ሣቂታ ዓይኖች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😁">ሣቂታ ዓይኖች ያሉት ፊት | ሣቅ | ዓይን | ፈገግታ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😁" type="tts">ሣቂታ ዓይኖች ያሉት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😆">ሣቅ | አፍ | ከተከፈተ አፍ ጋር ሣቂታ ፊት እና የተጨፈኑ ዓይኖች | ክፍት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😆" type="tts">ከተከፈተ አፍ ጋር ሣቂታ ፊት እና የተጨፈኑ ዓይኖች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😅">ላብ | ሣቅ | ቀዝቃዛ | ከተከፈተ አፍ ጋር ሣቂታ ፊት እና ቀዝቃዛ ላብ | ክፍት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😅" type="tts">ከተከፈተ አፍ ጋር ሣቂታ ፊት እና ቀዝቃዛ ላብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤣">መሬት | መሽከርከር | ሳቅ | በሳቅ መሬት ላይ መሽከርከር | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤣" type="tts">በሳቅ መሬት ላይ መሽከርከር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😂">ሐሤት | እንባ | ከባድ ሣቅ | የሐሤት እንባ ያሉት ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😂" type="tts">የሐሤት እንባ ያሉት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙂">ሣቅ | በትንሹ ሣቂታ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙂" type="tts">በትንሹ ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙃">የተገለበጠ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙃" type="tts">የተገለበጠ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😉">የሚጣቀስ ፊት | ጠቀሳ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😉" type="tts">የሚጣቀስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😊">ሣቂታ ዓይኖች ያሉት ሣቂታ ፊት | ሣቅ | ዓይን | ዕፍረት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😊" type="tts">ሣቂታ ዓይኖች ያሉት ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😇">ላዩ ላይ ክብ ያለበት ሣቂታ ፊት | መልዓክ | ምናባዊ | ታማኝ | የዋህ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😇" type="tts">ላዩ ላይ ክብ ያለበት ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥰">አፈቀረ | ከፍ ያለ ክብር ሰጠ | ወደደ | የሚስቅ ፊት ከ 3 ልብ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥰" type="tts">የሚስቅ ፊት ከ 3 ልብ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😍">ሣቅ | ዓይን | የልብ ቅርጽ ያላቸው ዓይኖች ያሉት ሣቂታ ፊት | ፊት | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😍" type="tts">የልብ ቅርጽ ያላቸው ዓይኖች ያሉት ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤩">ኮከብ | ዓይኖች | የተዋንያን አድናቂ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤩" type="tts">የተዋንያን አድናቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😘">ልብ | መሳም | የሚስም ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😘" type="tts">የሚስም ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😗">መሳም | እየሳመ ያለ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😗" type="tts">እየሳመ ያለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☺">ሣቂታ ፊት | ሣቅ | የተነደፈ | የተዝናና | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☺" type="tts">ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😚">መሳም | ዓይን | የሚስም ፊት ከተዘጉ ዓይኖች ጋር | የተዘጋ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😚" type="tts">የሚስም ፊት ከተዘጉ ዓይኖች ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😙">መሳም | ሣቅ | ዓይን | የሚስም ፊት ከሣቂታ ዓይኖች ጋር | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😙" type="tts">የሚስም ፊት ከሣቂታ ዓይኖች ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥲">ከእንባ ጋር የሚስቅ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥲" type="tts">ከእንባ ጋር የሚስቅ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😋">ሣቅ | በጣፋጭ ምግብ የጎመጀ ፊት | አስጎምጂ | ጣፋጭ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😋" type="tts">በጣፋጭ ምግብ የጎመጀ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😛">ምላሱን ያወጣ ፊት | ምላስ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😛" type="tts">ምላሱን ያወጣ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😜">ምላሱን ያወጣ እና ዓይኑ የሚጣቀስ ፊት | ምላስ | ቀልድ | ዓይን | ጠቀሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😜" type="tts">ምላሱን ያወጣ እና ዓይኑ የሚጣቀስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤪">እብድ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤪" type="tts">እብድ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😝">ምላሱን ያወጣ እና ዓይኑን የጨፈነ ፊት | ምላስ | አስቀያሚ | ዓይን | ጣዕም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😝" type="tts">ምላሱን ያወጣ እና ዓይኑን የጨፈነ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤑">አፉ ላይ ገንዘብ ያለበት ፊት | አፍ | ገንዘብ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤑" type="tts">አፉ ላይ ገንዘብ ያለበት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤗">መተቃቀፍ | ማቀፍ | እያቀፈ ያለ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤗" type="tts">እያቀፈ ያለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤭">እጁን ከንፈሩ ላይ ያደረገ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤭" type="tts">እጁን ከንፈሩ ላይ ያደረገ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤫">የጸጥታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤫" type="tts">የጸጥታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤔">ሃሳቢ ፊት | ማሰብ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤔" type="tts">ሃሳቢ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤐">ባለዚፕ አፍ ፊት | አፍ | ዚፕ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤐" type="tts">ባለዚፕ አፍ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤨">ቅንድብ የተነሳ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤨" type="tts">ቅንድብ የተነሳ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😐">ኮስተር ያለ | ገለልተኛ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😐" type="tts">ገለልተኛ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😑">ምንም ስሜት የሌለው ፊት | ስሜት የለሽ | ስሜት የማይገልጽ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😑" type="tts">ምንም ስሜት የሌለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😶">አፍ | አፍ የሌለው ፊት | ዝም ያለ | ጸጥታ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😶" type="tts">አፍ የሌለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😶🌫" draft="contributed">ደመናማ ገጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😶🌫" type="tts" draft="contributed">ደመናማ ገጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😏">ምጸት | በምጸት ፈገግ የሚል ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😏" type="tts">በምጸት ፈገግ የሚል ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😒">ያልተደሰተ | ያልተገረመ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😒" type="tts">ያልተገረመ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙄">ዓይኖች | የሚሽከረከሩ | የሚሽከረከሩ ዓይኖች ያሉት ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙄" type="tts">የሚሽከረከሩ ዓይኖች ያሉት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😬">ታሞ የተጨማደደ | ታሞ የተጨማደደ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😬" type="tts">ታሞ የተጨማደደ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😮💨" draft="contributed">ወደ ውጭ የሚተነፍስ ገጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😮💨" type="tts" draft="contributed">ወደ ውጭ የሚተነፍስ ገጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤥">ውሸት | የሚዋሽ ፊት | ፊት | ፒኖኪዮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤥" type="tts">የሚዋሽ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😌">እፎይ ያለ | እፎይ ያለ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😌" type="tts">እፎይ ያለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😔">ሐሳብ የገባው | እያሰበ ያለ ፊት | ገለል ያለ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😔" type="tts">እያሰበ ያለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😪">እንቅልፉ የመጣ ፊት | እንቅልፍ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😪" type="tts">እንቅልፉ የመጣ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤤">ለሀጭ | የለሀጭ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤤" type="tts">የለሀጭ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😴">እንቅልፍ | የሚያንቀላፋ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😴" type="tts">የሚያንቀላፋ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😷">ቀዝቃዛ | የሕክምና ጭንብል ያደረገ ፊት | የታመመ | ዶክተር | ጭንብል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😷" type="tts">የሕክምና ጭንብል ያደረገ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤒">በሽተኛ | ቴርሞሜትር | ቴርሞሜትር የያዘ ፊት | የታመመ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤒" type="tts">ቴርሞሜትር የያዘ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤕">ቁስል | እራሱ ላይ ፋሻ የጠቀለለ ፊት | ጉዳት | ፊት | ፋሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤕" type="tts">እራሱ ላይ ፋሻ የጠቀለለ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤢">ማስታወክ | ያስታወከ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤢" type="tts">ያስታወከ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤮">የሚያስታውክ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤮" type="tts">የሚያስታውክ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤧">መልካም ጤና | ማስነጠስ | የሚያስነጥስ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤧" type="tts">የሚያስነጥስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥵">ሙቀት | ማላብ | ቀይ ፊት | የሙቀት ግፊት | የቀላ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥵" type="tts">የቀላ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥶">ሰማያዊ ፊት | ቀዝቃዛ | በራዳ | በቅዝቃዜ የተጎዳ አፍንጫ | የቀዘቀዘ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥶" type="tts">የቀዘቀዘ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥴">አጥወልዋይ ፊት | የሰከረ | የተሸዋረረ አይን | ድንዝዝ | ግልብጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥴" type="tts">አጥወልዋይ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😵">የደበተው | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😵" type="tts">የደበተው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😵💫" draft="contributed">የዞሩ ዓይኖች ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😵💫" type="tts" draft="contributed">የዞሩ ዓይኖች ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤯">የፈነዳ ጭንቅላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤯" type="tts">የፈነዳ ጭንቅላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤠">ከብት ጠባቂ | ኮፍያ | የከብት ጠባቂ ኮፍያ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤠" type="tts">የከብት ጠባቂ ኮፍያ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥳">ቀንድ | ክብረ በዓል | ኮፍያ | የድግስ ፊት | ድግስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥳" type="tts">የድግስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥸">አሳሳች ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥸" type="tts">አሳሳች ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😎">ብሩህ | አሪፍ | የፀሐይ መነጽር ያደረገ ሣቂታ ፊት | ፀሐይ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😎" type="tts">የፀሐይ መነጽር ያደረገ ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤓">መነጽራም | የገጠጠ | ያገጠጠ ባለመነጽር ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤓" type="tts">ያገጠጠ ባለመነጽር ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧐">የዓይን ባጅ ያደረገ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧐" type="tts">የዓይን ባጅ ያደረገ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😕">ግራ የተጋባ | ግራ የተጋባ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😕" type="tts">ግራ የተጋባ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😟">የተጨነቀ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😟" type="tts">የተጨነቀ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙁">በከፊል የተኮሳተረ ፊት | የተኮሳተረ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙁" type="tts">በከፊል የተኮሳተረ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☹">የተኮሳተረ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☹" type="tts">የተኮሳተረ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😮">ሐዘኔታ | አፍ | አፍ የከፈተ ፊት | ክፍት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😮" type="tts">አፍ የከፈተ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😯">ተደመመ | ተገረመ | አንሾካሾከ | አንሾካሿኪ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😯" type="tts">አንሾካሿኪ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😲">ሙሉ በሙሉ | የተገረመ | የደነገጠ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😲" type="tts">የተገረመ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😳">የተደበረ | የደነበረ ፊት | ያፈረ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😳" type="tts">የደነበረ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥺">ልመና | ምህረት | የሙግት ፊት | የትንንሽ ውሾች አይን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥺" type="tts">የሙግት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😦">አፉ የተከፈተ የተኮሳተረ ፊት | አፍ | ክፍት | የተኮሳተረ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😦" type="tts">አፉ የተከፈተ የተኮሳተረ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😧">ተማሮ የሚያለቅስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😧" type="tts">ተማሮ የሚያለቅስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😨">የፈራ | ፈሪ | ፊት | ፍርሃት | ፍርሃት የተሞላ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😨" type="tts">ፍርሃት የተሞላ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😰">ላብ | ሰማያዊ | ቀዝቃዛ | አፉ የተከፈተ እና ቀዝቃዛ ላብ ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😰" type="tts">አፉ የተከፈተ እና ቀዝቃዛ ላብ ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😥">አሰይ | እፎይ ያለ | የተከፋ | የተከፋ ግን የተጽናና ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😥" type="tts">የተከፋ ግን የተጽናና ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😢">ለቅሶ | እንባ | የሚያለቅስ ፊት | ያዘነ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😢" type="tts">የሚያለቅስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😭">ለቅሶ | መንሰቅሰቅ | በከባድ የሚያለቅስ ፊት | እንባ | ያዘነ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😭" type="tts">በከባድ የሚያለቅስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😱">በፍርሃት የሚጮኽ ፊት | የተሳቀቀ | ጥርስ መንከስ | ጩኸት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😱" type="tts">በፍርሃት የሚጮኽ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😖">እንባው የመጣ | እንባው የመጣ ከንፈሩ የሚንቀጠቀጥ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😖" type="tts">እንባው የመጣ ከንፈሩ የሚንቀጠቀጥ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😣">ጽናት | ጽናትን አንጸባራቂ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😣" type="tts">ጽናትን አንጸባራቂ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😞">የተከፋ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😞" type="tts">የተከፋ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😓">ላብ | ቀዝቃዛ | ቀዝቃዛ ላብ ያለው ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😓" type="tts">ቀዝቃዛ ላብ ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😩">ምርር ያለው ፊት | የተሰላቸ | የደከመው | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😩" type="tts">ምርር ያለው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😫">የደከመ | የደከመው ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😫" type="tts">የደከመው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥱">መደበር | መድከም | ማዛጋት | የሚያዛጋ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥱" type="tts">የሚያዛጋ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😤">ማሸነፍ | ከአፍንጫ እንፋሎት የሚወጣው ፊት | ድል | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😤" type="tts">ከአፍንጫ እንፋሎት የሚወጣው ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😡">ቀይ | ቁጣ | የበገነ ፊት | የተቆጣ | የተናደደ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😡" type="tts">የበገነ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😠">እብድ | የተናደደ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😠" type="tts">የተናደደ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤬">የአፍ ምልክት ያለበት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤬" type="tts">የአፍ ምልክት ያለበት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😈">ሣቅ | ቀንድ ያለው ሣቂታ ፊት | ቀንዶች | ተረት ተረት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😈" type="tts">ቀንድ ያለው ሣቂታ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👿">ምናባዊ | ተረት ተረት | ዲያብሎስ | ጋኔን | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👿" type="tts">ጋኔን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💀">ሞት | ተረት ተረት | የራስ ቅል ዓፅም | ጭራቅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💀" type="tts">የራስ ቅል ዓፅም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☠">የራስ ቅል | የራስቅል ከተጣመረ ዓፅም ጋር | የተጣመረ ዓፅም | ጭራቅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☠" type="tts">የራስቅል ከተጣመረ ዓፅም ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💩">አስቂኝ | አዛባ | የካካ ክምር | ጭራቅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💩" type="tts">የካካ ክምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤡">አስቂኝ ተዋናይ | የአስቂኝ ተዋናይ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤡" type="tts">የአስቂኝ ተዋናይ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👹">ተረት ተረት | የጃፓን | ጭራቅ | ፊት | ፍጡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👹" type="tts">ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👺">ተረት ተረት | የጃፓን | ጆሮ ቆራጭ | ጭራቅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👺" type="tts">ጆሮ ቆራጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👻">ተረት ተረት | የሙት መንፈስ | ጭራቅ | ፊት | ፍጡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👻" type="tts">የሙት መንፈስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👽">ምናባዊ | የሌላ ዓለም ፍጡር | ጭራቅ | ፊት | ፍጡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👽" type="tts">የሌላ ዓለም ፍጡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👾">ምናባዊ | የሌላ ዓለም ጭራቅ ፍጡር | የሌላ ዓለም ፍጡር | ጭራቅ | ፊት | ፍጡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👾" type="tts">የሌላ ዓለም ጭራቅ ፍጡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤖">ሮቦት | የሮቦት ፊት | ጭራቅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤖" type="tts">የሮቦት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😺">አፍ | አፏን የከፈተች ሣቂታ ድመት ፊት | ክፍት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😺" type="tts">አፏን የከፈተች ሣቂታ ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😸">ዓይን | ዓይኖቿ ሣቂታ የሆኑ ፈገግ ያለች ድመት ፊት | ድመት | ፈገግታ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😸" type="tts">ዓይኖቿ ሣቂታ የሆኑ ፈገግ ያለች ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😹">ሐሤት | እንባ | የሐሤት እንባ ያላት ድመት ፊት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😹" type="tts">የሐሤት እንባ ያላት ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😻">ልብ ቅርጽ ያላቸው ዓይኖች ያላት ሣቂታ ድመት | ሣቅ | ዓይን | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😻" type="tts">ልብ ቅርጽ ያላቸው ዓይኖች ያላት ሣቂታ ድመት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😼">ምጸት | ምጽታዊ ሣቅ | የብልጥ ሣቅ የምትሥቅ ድመት ፊት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😼" type="tts">የብልጥ ሣቅ የምትሥቅ ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😽">መሳም | ዓይን | ዓይኖቿን የጨፈነች የምትስም ድመት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😽" type="tts">ዓይኖቿን የጨፈነች የምትስም ድመት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙀">የተገረመ | የደከመው | የደከማት ድመት ፊት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙀" type="tts">የደከማት ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😿">ማልቀስ | እንባ | የምታለቅስ ድመት ፊት | ያዘነ | ድመት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😿" type="tts">የምታለቅስ ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😾">ወሲብ የጠማት | የምታለከልክ ድመት ፊት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="😾" type="tts">የምታለከልክ ድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙈">ማየት | ምንም ክፉ አላይም | ክፉ | የተከለከለ | ጦጣ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙈" type="tts">ምንም ክፉ አላይም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙉">ምንም ክፉ አልሰማም | ክፉ | የተከለከለ | ጦጣ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙉" type="tts">ምንም ክፉ አልሰማም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙊">መናገር | ምንም ክፉ አልናገርም | ክፉ | የተከለከለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙊" type="tts">ምንም ክፉ አልናገርም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💋">መሳም | ምልክት | ከንፈሮች | የመሳም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💋" type="tts">የመሳም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💌">ልብ | የፍቅር ደብዳቤ | ደብዳቤ | ፍቅር | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💌" type="tts">የፍቅር ደብዳቤ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💘">ልብ | ቀስት | ቀስት የሰነጠቀው ልብ | የተሰነጠቀ | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💘" type="tts">ቀስት የሰነጠቀው ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💝">ልብ | ሪባን | በሪባን የታሰረ ልብ | ቫለንታይን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💝" type="tts">በሪባን የታሰረ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💖">ልብ | አንጸባራቂ | የጓጓ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💖" type="tts">አንጸባራቂ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💗">እያደገ የሚሄድ ልብ | የልብ ምት | የሚያድግ | የጓጓ | የፈራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💗" type="tts">እያደገ የሚሄድ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💓">ልብ | መምታት | እየመታ ያለ ልብ | የልብ ምት | የልብ አመታት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💓" type="tts">እየመታ ያለ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💞">ልብ | የሚሸከረከር | የሚሽከረከሩ ልቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💞" type="tts">የሚሽከረከሩ ልቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💕">ሁለት ልቦች | ልብ | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💕" type="tts">ሁለት ልቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💟">ልብ | የልብ ጌጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💟" type="tts">የልብ ጌጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❣">ልብ | ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ቃለ አጋኖ | በልብ ቅርፅ የተዘጋጀ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❣" type="tts">በልብ ቅርፅ የተዘጋጀ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💔">ልብ | ሰበረ | የተሰበረ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💔" type="tts">የተሰበረ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❤🔥" draft="contributed">በበስጭት ላይ ያለ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❤🔥" type="tts" draft="contributed">በበስጭት ላይ ያለ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❤🩹" draft="contributed">የተጠገነ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❤🩹" type="tts" draft="contributed">የተጠገነ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❤">ልብ | ቀይ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❤" type="tts">ቀይ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧡">ብርቱካናማ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧡" type="tts">ብርቱካናማ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💛">ልብ | ቢጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💛" type="tts">ቢጫ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💚">ልብ | አረንጓዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💚" type="tts">አረንጓዴ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💙">ልብ | ሰማያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💙" type="tts">ሰማያዊ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💜">ልብ | ወይን ጠጅ | ወይን ጠጅ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💜" type="tts">ወይን ጠጅ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤎">ልብ | ቡናማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤎" type="tts">ቡናማ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖤">ልብ | ሰይጣን | እርጉም | ጥቁር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖤" type="tts">ጥቁር ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤍">ልብ | ነጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤍" type="tts">ነጭ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💯">100 | መቶ | መቶ ነጥቦች | ሙሉ | ውጤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💯" type="tts">መቶ ነጥቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💢">ንዴት | አስቂኝ | እብድ | የንዴት ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💢" type="tts">የንዴት ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💥">አስቂኝ | ግጭት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💥" type="tts">ግጭት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💫">አስቂኝ | ኮከብ | ድብት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💫" type="tts">ድብት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💦">ላብ | አስቂኝ | የውሃ መረጨት | ጣፋጭ ጠብታዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💦" type="tts">ጣፋጭ ጠብታዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💨">ሩጫ | ሰርዝ | አስቂኝ | እየቦነነ ያለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💨" type="tts">እየቦነነ ያለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕳">ቀዳዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕳" type="tts">ቀዳዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💣">ቦምብ | አስቂኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💣" type="tts">ቦምብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💬">ንግግር | አረፋ | አስቂኝ | አፉፋ | ወሬ | የንግግር አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💬" type="tts">የንግግር አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👁🗨">ምስክር | ንግግር | አይን | ዓይን በንግግር አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👁🗨" type="tts">ዓይን በንግግር አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗨">ንግግር | ወሬ | የግራ ንግግር አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗨" type="tts">የግራ ንግግር አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗯">ንዴት | አረፋ | አፉፋ | እብድ | የቀኝ የንዴት አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗯" type="tts">የቀኝ የንዴት አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💭">ሐሳብ | ሐሳብ ገላጭ አፉፋ | አረፋ | አስቂኝ | አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💭" type="tts">ሐሳብ ገላጭ አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💤">አስቂኝ | እንቅልፍ | ዝ ዝ ዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💤" type="tts">ዝ ዝ ዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👋">ሞገድ | ተወዛዋዥ እጅ | አካል | እጅ | እጅ ማወዛወዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👋" type="tts">ተወዛዋዥ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤚">ወደ ኋል | ወደ ኋል የተዘረጋ እጅ | የተዘረጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤚" type="tts">ወደ ኋል የተዘረጋ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖐">ለሰላምታ ወደ ላይ የተዘረጉ የእጅ ጣቶች | መዘርጋት | አካል | እጅ | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖐" type="tts">ለሰላምታ ወደ ላይ የተዘረጉ የእጅ ጣቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✋">አካል | እጅ | ወደ ላይ የተደረገ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✋" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የተደረገ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖖">ቩልካን | ቩልካን ሰላምታ | አካል | እጅ | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖖" type="tts">ቩልካን ሰላምታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👌">አካል | እሺ | እሺ ምልክት እጅ | እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👌" type="tts">እሺ ምልክት እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤌">የቆነጠጡ ጣቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤌" type="tts">የቆነጠጡ ጣቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤏">ትንሽ መጠን | እጅ መቆንጠጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤏" type="tts">እጅ መቆንጠጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✌">አካል | እጅ | የድል አድራጊነት ምልክት እጅ | ድል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✌" type="tts">የድል አድራጊነት ምልክት እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤞">ማጣመር | እድል | እጅ | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤞" type="tts">ጣት ማጣመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤟">ምልክትህን ወድጀዋለሁ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤟" type="tts">ምልክትህን ወድጀዋለሁ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤘">ቀንዶች | አካል | እጅ | የቀንዶች ምልክት | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤘" type="tts">የቀንዶች ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤙">እጅ | ደውልልኝ | ደውልልኝ የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤙" type="tts">ደውልልኝ የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👈">ነጥብ | እጅ | ወደ ኋላ መገልበጥ | የግራ አይበሉባ እጅ የተቀሰረ አመልካች ጣት | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👈" type="tts">የግራ አይበሉባ እጅ የተቀሰረ አመልካች ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👉">ነጥብ | እጅ | ወደ ኋላ መገልበጥ | የቀኝ አይበሉባ እጅ የተቀሰረ አመልካች ጣት | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👉" type="tts">የቀኝ አይበሉባ እጅ የተቀሰረ አመልካች ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👆">ላይ | ነጥብ | እጅ | ወደ ላይ የተቀሰረ አይበሉባ በኩል አመልካች ጣት | ወደ ኋላ መገልበጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👆" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የተቀሰረ አይበሉባ በኩል አመልካች ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖕">አካል | እጅ | የመሃል ጣት | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖕" type="tts">የመሃል ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👇">ታች | ነጥብ | እጅ | ወደ ታች የተቀሰረ አይበሉባ በኩል አመልካች ጣት | ወደ ኋላ መገልበጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👇" type="tts">ወደ ታች የተቀሰረ አይበሉባ በኩል አመልካች ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☝">ላይ | ነጥብ | እጅ | ወደ ላይ የተቀሰረ አመልካች ጣት | ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☝" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የተቀሰረ አመልካች ጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👍">ላይ | አውራ ጣት | አውራ ጣት ወደ ላይ | እጅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👍" type="tts">አውራ ጣት ወደ ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👎">ታች | አውራ ጣት | አውራ ጣት ወደ ታች | እጅ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👎" type="tts">አውራ ጣት ወደ ታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✊">ቡጢ | እጅ | ወደ ላይ የተያዘ ቡጢ | የተጨበጠ | ጡጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✊" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የተያዘ ቡጢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👊">ቡጢ | እጅ | የተሰነዘረ ጡጫ | የተጨበጠ | ጡጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👊" type="tts">የተሰነዘረ ጡጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤛">ቡጢ | ወደ ግራ | ወደ ግራ የዞረ ቡጢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤛" type="tts">ወደ ግራ የዞረ ቡጢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤜">ቡጢ | ወደ ቀኝ | ወደ ቀኝ የዞረ ቡጢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤜" type="tts">ወደ ቀኝ የዞረ ቡጢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👏">ማጨብጨብ | አካል | አጨብጫቢ እጆች | እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👏" type="tts">አጨብጫቢ እጆች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙌">እጅ | እጆቹን በቃ ብሎ ያነሳ ሰው | ከፍ ያደረገ | ክብረ በዓል | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙌" type="tts">እጆቹን በቃ ብሎ ያነሳ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👐">አካል | እጅ | ክፍት | የተከፈቱ ሁለት እጆች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👐" type="tts">የተከፈቱ ሁለት እጆች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤲">መዳፍ አንድ ላይ ወደላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤲" type="tts">መዳፍ አንድ ላይ ወደላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤝">መጨባበጥ | ስምምነት | ስብሰባ | እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤝" type="tts">እጅ መጨባበጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙏">መጠየቅ | መጸለይ | ምስጋና | እጅ | የተጣመረ | የእጅ መዳፎቹን ያጣበቀ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙏" type="tts">የእጅ መዳፎቹን ያጣበቀ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✍">መጻፍ | አካል | እየጻፈ ያለ እጅ | እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✍" type="tts">እየጻፈ ያለ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💅">እንክብካቤ | ኮስሞቲክስ | የጣት ውበት ጥበቃ | የጥፍር ቀለም | ጥፍር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💅" type="tts">የጥፍር ቀለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤳">ስልክ | እራስ ፎቶ ማንሳት | ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤳" type="tts">እራስ ፎቶ ማንሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💪">ታጥፎ የተወጠረ የእጅ ጡንቻ | አስቂኝ | አካል | የእጅ ጡንቻ | ጡንቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💪" type="tts">ታጥፎ የተወጠረ የእጅ ጡንቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦾">ሰው ሰራሽ | ተደራሽነት | አውቶማቲክ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦾" type="tts">አውቶማቲክ እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦿">ሰው ሰራሽ | ተደራሽነት | አውቶማቲክ እግር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦿" type="tts">አውቶማቲክ እግር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦵">መምታት | አካላት | እግር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦵" type="tts">እግር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦶">መምታት | መርገጥ | እግር የታችኛው ክፍል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦶" type="tts">እግር የታችኛው ክፍል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👂">አካል | ጆሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👂" type="tts">ጆሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦻">መስማት መቸገር | ተደረሽነት | ጆሮ መስማት ከሚራዳ መሳሪያ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦻" type="tts">ጆሮ መስማት ከሚራዳ መሳሪያ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👃">አካል | አፍንጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👃" type="tts">አፍንጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧠">አእምሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧠" type="tts">አእምሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫀">የልብ አካል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫀" type="tts">የልብ አካል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫁">ሳንባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫁" type="tts">ሳንባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦷">የጥርስ ሃኪም | ጥርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦷" type="tts">ጥርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦴">አጥንት | ዐፅም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦴" type="tts">አጥንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👀">አካል | ዓይን | ዓይኖች | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👀" type="tts">ዓይኖች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👁">አካል | ዓይን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👁" type="tts">ዓይን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👅">ምላስ | አካል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👅" type="tts">ምላስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👄">አካል | አፍ | ከንፈሮች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👄" type="tts">አፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👶">ሕጻን | ጨቅላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👶" type="tts">ሕጻን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧒">ልጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧒" type="tts">ልጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👦">ተባዕት/ወንድ ልጅ | ወንድ ልጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👦" type="tts">ወንድ ልጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👧">ልጃገረድ | ቪርጎ | ኮረዳ | ዞድያክ | ድንግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👧" type="tts">ልጃገረድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑">ጎልማሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑" type="tts">ጎልማሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👱">ሉጫ | ሉጫ ጸጉር ያለው ሰው | ጎልማሳ/ሉጫ ጸጉር ያለው | ጸጉር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👱" type="tts">ጎልማሳ/ሉጫ ጸጉር ያለው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨">ሰው | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨" type="tts">ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧔">ጺማም ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧔" type="tts">ጺማም ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧔♂" draft="contributed">ሰው: ጺም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧔♂" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰው: ጺም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👱♂">ሰው | ወርቃማ | ወርቃማ ጸጉር ያለው ወንድ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👱♂" type="tts">ወርቃማ ጸጉር ያለው ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩">ሴት | እንስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩" type="tts">ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧔♀" draft="contributed">ሴት: ጺም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧔♀" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሴት: ጺም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👱♀">ሰው | ሴት | ወርቃማ | ወርቃማ ጸጉር ያላት ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👱♀" type="tts">ወርቃማ ጸጉር ያላት ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧓">ያረጀ ጎልማሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧓" type="tts">ያረጀ ጎልማሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👴">ሽማግሌ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👴" type="tts">ሽማግሌ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👵">ሴት | ሽማግሌ | አሮጊት ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👵" type="tts">አሮጊት ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙍">የተኮሳተረ | የተኮሳተረ ሰው | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙍" type="tts">የተኮሳተረ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙍♂">ወንድ | ወንድ ተኮሳትሮ | የተኮሳተረ | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙍♂" type="tts">ወንድ ተኮሳትሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙍♀">ሴት ተኮሳትራ | ወንድ | የተኮሳተረ | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙍♀" type="tts">ሴት ተኮሳትራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙎">ሁኔታው ያልጣመው ሰው | ወሲብ የጠማት | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙎" type="tts">ሁኔታው ያልጣመው ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙎♂">ማለክለክ | ወንድ | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙎♂" type="tts">ወንድ ማለክለክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙎♀">ማለክለክ | ሴት | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙎♀" type="tts">ሴት ማለክለክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙅">እጅ | ክልክል | የተከለከለ | የእጅ ምልክት | የእጅ ምልክት ለአይሆንም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙅" type="tts">የእጅ ምልክት ለአይሆንም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙅♂">እጅ | ወንድ | የተከለከለ | የእጅ ምልክት | የእጅ ምልክት ለአይሆንም ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙅♂" type="tts">የእጅ ምልክት ለአይሆንም ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙅♀">ሴት | እጅ | ክልክል | የተከለከለ | የእጅ ምልክት | የእጅ ምልክት ለአይሆንም ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙅♀" type="tts">የእጅ ምልክት ለአይሆንም ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙆">እሺ | እጅ | የእጅ ምልክት | የእጅ ምልክት ለእሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙆" type="tts">የእጅ ምልክት ለእሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙆♂">እሺ | እጅ | ወንድ | የእጅ ምልክት | የእጅ ምልክት ለእሺ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙆♂" type="tts">የእጅ ምልክት ለእሺ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙆♀">ሴት | እሺ | እጅ | የእጅ ምልክት | የእጅ ምልክት ለእሺ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙆♀" type="tts">የእጅ ምልክት ለእሺ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💁">መረጃ | መረጃ ሰጪ | መረጃ ሰጪ ግለሰብ | እጅ | እገዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💁" type="tts">መረጃ ሰጪ ግለሰብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💁♂">መረጃ ሰጪ | ሴት | እጅ | እገዛ | ወንድ መረጃ ሰጪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💁♂" type="tts">ወንድ መረጃ ሰጪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💁♀">መረጃ ሰጪ | ሴት | ሴት መረጃ ሰጪ | እጅ | እገዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💁♀" type="tts">ሴት መረጃ ሰጪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙋">እጅ | ከፍ ያደረገ | የእጅ ምልክት | ደስ ያለው እጁን የሚያወጣ ሰው | ደስተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙋" type="tts">ደስ ያለው እጁን የሚያወጣ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙋♂">እጅ | ከፍ ያደረገ | ወንድ | የእጅ ምልክት | የወንድ እጅ ማውጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙋♂" type="tts">የወንድ እጅ ማውጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙋♀">ሴት | እጅ | ከፍ ያደረገ | የሴት እጅ ማውጣት | የእጅ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙋♀" type="tts">የሴት እጅ ማውጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧏">መስማት | መስማት የተሳነው ሰው | ተደራሽነት | ደንቆሮ | ጆሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧏" type="tts">መስማት የተሳነው ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧏♂">ወንድ | ደንቆሮ | ደንቆሮ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧏♂" type="tts">ደንቆሮ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧏♀">ሴት | ደንቆሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧏♀" type="tts">ደንቆሮ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙇">ማጎንበስ | ከወገቡ ጎንበስ ብሎ ሰላምታ የሚሰጥ ሰው | የእጅ ምልክት | ይቅርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙇" type="tts">ከወገቡ ጎንበስ ብሎ ሰላምታ የሚሰጥ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙇♂">ማጎንበስ | ወንድ | የእጅ ምልክት | ይቅርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙇♂" type="tts">ወንድ ማጎንበስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙇♀">ማጎንበስ | ሴት | የእጅ ምልክት | ይቅርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🙇♀" type="tts">ሴት ማጎንበስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤦">መደነቅ | መዳፍ | ማዘን | አለማመን | እጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤦" type="tts">ማዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤦♂">መደነቅ | መዳፍ | አለማመን | ወንድ ፊት መቅላት | ፊት መቅላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤦♂" type="tts">ወንድ ፊት መቅላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤦♀">መደነቅ | መዳፍ | ሴት | ሴት ፊት መቅላት | አለማመን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤦♀" type="tts">ሴት ፊት መቅላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤷">ልዩነት | መጠራጠር | ንቆ መተው | አለማወቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤷" type="tts">ንቆ መተው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤷♂">ልዩነት | መጠራጠር | ንቆ መተው | አለማወቅ | ወንድ አለማወቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤷♂" type="tts">ወንድ አለማወቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤷♀">ልዩነት | መጠራጠር | ሴት አለማወቅ | ንቆ መተው | አለማወቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤷♀" type="tts">ሴት አለማወቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑⚕" draft="contributed">የጤና ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑⚕" type="tts">የጤና ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨⚕">ሐኪም | ተባዕት | ቴራፒስት | ነርስ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨⚕" type="tts">ወንድ ነርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩⚕">ሴት | ቴራፒስት | ነርስ | ኪም | የጤና እንክብካቤ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩⚕" type="tts">ሴት ነርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎓" draft="contributed">ተማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎓" type="tts">ተማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🎓">ተመራቂ | ተማሪ | ተባዕት | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🎓" type="tts">ወንድ ተመራቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🎓">ሴት | ተመራቂ | ተማሪ | እንስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🎓" type="tts">ሴት ተመራቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🏫" draft="contributed">አስተማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🏫" type="tts">አስተማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🏫">ተባዕት | አስተማሪ | ወንድ | ፕሮፌሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🏫" type="tts">ወንድ አስተማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🏫">ሴት | አስተማሪ | ፕሮፌሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🏫" type="tts">ሴት አስተማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑⚖" draft="contributed">ዳኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑⚖" type="tts">ዳኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨⚖">ሚዛን | ተባዕት | ወንድ | ወንድ ዳኛ | ፍትህ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨⚖" type="tts">ወንድ ዳኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩⚖">ሚዛን | ሴት | እንስት | ዳኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩⚖" type="tts">ሴት ዳኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🌾" draft="contributed">ገበሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🌾" type="tts">ገበሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🌾">ሰው | ተክል | ወንድ | ገበሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🌾" type="tts">ወንድ ገበሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🌾">ሰው | ሴት | ተክል | ገበሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🌾" type="tts">ሴት ገበሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🍳" draft="contributed">ማብሰል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🍳" type="tts">ማብሰል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🍳">ማብሰል | ሰው | አብሳይ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🍳" type="tts">ወንድ አብሳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🍳">ማብሰል | ሴት | አብሳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🍳" type="tts">ሴት አብሳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🔧" draft="contributed">ሜካኒክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🔧" type="tts">ሜካኒክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🔧">ሜካኒክ | ሰው | ወንድ | የቧንቧ ሰራተኛ | የኤሊክትሪክ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🔧" type="tts">ወንድ ሜካኒክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🔧">ሜካኒክ | ሰው | ሴት | የቧንቧ ሰራተኛ | የኤሊክትሪክ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🔧" type="tts">ሴት ሜካኒክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🏭" draft="contributed">የፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🏭" type="tts">የፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🏭">መገጣጠሚያ | ሰራተኛ | ኢንዱስትሪ | ወንድ | ወንድ የፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ | ፋብሪካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🏭" type="tts">ወንድ የፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🏭">መገጣጠሚያ | ሰራተኛ | ሴት የፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ | ኢንዱስትሪ | ፋብሪካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🏭" type="tts">ሴት የፋብሪካ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑💼" draft="contributed">የቤሮ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑💼" type="tts">የቤሮ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨💼">መሐንዲስ | ንግድ | አስተዳዳሪ | ወንድ | ወንድ የቢሮ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨💼" type="tts">ወንድ የቢሮ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩💼">መሐንዲስ | ሴት | ሴት የቢሮ ሰራተኛ | ንግድ | አስተዳዳሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩💼" type="tts">ሴት የቢሮ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🔬" draft="contributed">ሳይንቲስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🔬" type="tts">ሳይንቲስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🔬">ሳይንቲስት | ባዮሎጂስት | ኢንጂነር | ኬሚስት | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🔬" type="tts">ወንድ ሳይንቲስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🔬">ሳይንቲስት | ሴት | ባዮሎጂስት | ኢንጂነር | ኬሚስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🔬" type="tts">ሴት ሳይንቲስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑💻" draft="contributed">ቴክኖሎጂስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑💻" type="tts">ቴክኖሎጂስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨💻">ሶፍትዌር | ቴክኖሎጂ አዋቂ | ወንድ | ወንድ ቴክኖሎጂ አዋቂ | ፈጣሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨💻" type="tts">ወንድ ቴክኖሎጂ አዋቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩💻">ሴት | ሴት ቴክኖሎጂ አዋቂ | ሶፍትዌር | ቴክኖሎጂ አዋቂ | ፈጣሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩💻" type="tts">ሴት ቴክኖሎጂ አዋቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎤" draft="contributed">ዘፋኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎤" type="tts">ዘፋኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🎤">ተዋናይ | አዝናኝ | ኮከብ | ወንድ | ዘፋኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🎤" type="tts">ወንድ ዘፋኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🎤">ሴት | ተዋናይ | አዝናኝ | ኮከብ | ዘፋኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🎤" type="tts">ሴት ዘፋኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎨" draft="contributed">አርቲስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎨" type="tts">አርቲስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🎨">ሠዓሊ | ሰው | ወንድ | የሥዕል ቅብ ሥራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🎨" type="tts">ወንድ ሠዓሊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🎨">ሠዓሊ | ሰው | ሴት | የሥዕል ቅብ ሥራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🎨" type="tts">ሴት ሠዓሊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑✈" draft="contributed">ፓይለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑✈" type="tts">ፓይለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨✈">ሰው | አውሮፕላን | አውሮፕላን አብራሪ | ወንድ | ወንድ አውሮፕላን አብራሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨✈" type="tts">ወንድ አውሮፕላን አብራሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩✈">ሰው | ሴት | ሴት አውሮፕላን አብራሪ | አውሮፕላን | አውሮፕላን አብራሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩✈" type="tts">ሴት አውሮፕላን አብራሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🚀" draft="contributed">የጠፈር ተመራማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🚀" type="tts">የጠፈር ተመራማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🚀">ህዋ | ሮኬት | ሰው | ወንድ | ወንድ የህዋ ተመራማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🚀" type="tts">ወንድ የህዋ ተመራማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🚀">ህዋ | ሮኬት | ሴት የህዋ ተመራማሪ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🚀" type="tts">ሴት የህዋ ተመራማሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🚒" draft="contributed">የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🚒" type="tts">የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🚒">ሰው | ወንድ | ወንድ የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ | የእሳት አደጋ መኪና | የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🚒" type="tts">ወንድ የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🚒">ሴት | ሴት የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ | የእሳት አደጋ መኪና | የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🚒" type="tts">ሴት የእሳት አደጋ ተከላካይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👮">የፖሊስ ሹም | ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👮" type="tts">ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👮♂">ሰው | ወንድ | ወንድ የፖሊስ ሹም | የፖሊስ ሹም | ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👮♂" type="tts">ወንድ የፖሊስ ሹም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👮♀">ሰው | ሴት | ሴት የፖሊስ ሹም | የፖሊስ ሹም | ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👮♀" type="tts">ሴት የፖሊስ ሹም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕵">መርማሪ ፖሊስ | ሰላይ | ክትትል ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕵" type="tts">መርማሪ ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕵♂">መርማሪ ፖሊስ | ሰላይ | ክትትል ፖሊስ | ወንድ | ወንድ መርማሪ ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕵♂" type="tts">ወንድ መርማሪ ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕵♀">መርማሪ ፖሊስ | ሰላይ | ሴት | ሴት መርማሪ ፖሊስ | ክትትል ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕵♀" type="tts">ሴት መርማሪ ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💂">ጠባቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💂" type="tts">ጠባቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💂♂">ሰው | ወንድ | ጠባቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💂♂" type="tts">ወንድ ጠባቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💂♀">ሰው | ሴት | ጠባቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💂♀" type="tts">ሴት ጠባቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥷">ኒንጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥷" type="tts">ኒንጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👷">ሠራተኛ | ኮፊያ | የግንባታ ሥራ ሠራተኛ | ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👷" type="tts">የግንባታ ሥራ ሠራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👷♂">ሠራተኛ | ሰው | ወንድ | ወንድ የግንባታ ሰራተኛ | ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👷♂" type="tts">ወንድ የግንባታ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👷♀">ሠራተኛ | ሴት | ሴት የግንባታ ሰራተኛ | ወንድ | ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👷♀" type="tts">ሴት የግንባታ ሰራተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤴">ልዑል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤴" type="tts">ልዑል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👸">ልዕልት | ምናባዊ | ተረት ተረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👸" type="tts">ልዕልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👳">ወንድ | ጥምጣም | ጥምጣም ያደረገ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👳" type="tts">ጥምጣም ያደረገ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👳♂">ሰው | ወንድ | ጥምጣም | ጥምጣም ያደረገ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👳♂" type="tts">ጥምጣም ያደረገ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👳♀">ሰው | ሴት | ጥምጣም | ጥምጣም ያደረች ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👳♀" type="tts">ጥምጣም ያደረች ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👲">ኮፍያ | ወንድ | የቻይና ኮፍያ ያደረገ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👲" type="tts">የቻይና ኮፍያ ያደረገ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧕">ሴት በስካርፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧕" type="tts">ሴት በስካርፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤵">ሙሽራ | ሰው | ሱፍ ልብስ የለበሰ ሰው | ቶክሲዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤵" type="tts">ሱፍ ልብስ የለበሰ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤵♂">ሰው | ሰው በቶክሲዶ | ቶክሲዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤵♂" type="tts">ሰው በቶክሲዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤵♀">ሴት | ሴት በቶክሲዶ | ቶክሲዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤵♀" type="tts">ሴት በቶክሲዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👰">ሙሽሪት | ሰርግ | ቬሎ | ቬሎ ያደረገች ሙሽራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👰" type="tts">ቬሎ ያደረገች ሙሽራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👰♂">ወንድ | ወንድ በዓይነ እርግብ | ዓይነ እርግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👰♂" type="tts">ወንድ በዓይነ እርግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👰♀">ሴት | ሴት በዓይነ እርግብ | ዓይነ እርግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👰♀" type="tts">ሴት በዓይነ እርግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤰">ሴት | እርጉዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤰" type="tts">እርጉዝ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤱">ጡት ማጥባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤱" type="tts">ጡት ማጥባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🍼">ህጻን | ምገባ | ሴት | ሴት ህጻን ስትመግብ | ነርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🍼" type="tts">ሴት ህጻን ስትመግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🍼">ህጻን | ምገባ | ነርስ | ወንድ | ወንድ ህጻን ሲመግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🍼" type="tts">ወንድ ህጻን ሲመግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🍼">ህጻን | ምገባ | ሰው | ሰው ህጻን ሲመግብ | ነርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🍼" type="tts">ሰው ህጻን ሲመግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👼">ሕፃኑ መልዓክ | ሕፃን | መልዓክ | ምናባዊ | ተረት ተረት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👼" type="tts">ሕፃኑ መልዓክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎅">አባባ ገና | አባት | ክብረ በዓል | የገና አባት | ገና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎅" type="tts">አባባ ገና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤶">እናት | ወ/ሮ ከላውስ | የገና እናት | ገና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤶" type="tts">የገና እናት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎄">ሚክስ ክላውስ | ክላውስ, ገና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🎄" type="tts">ሚክስ ክላውስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦸">ጀግና | ጀግና ሴት | ጥሩ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦸" type="tts">ጀግና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦸♂">ወንድ | የወንድ ጀግና | ጀግና | ጥሩ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦸♂" type="tts">የወንድ ጀግና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦸♀">ሴት | የሴት ጀግና | ጀግና | ጥሩ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦸♀" type="tts">የሴት ጀግና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦹">ሃያል | ተንኮለኛ | ክፉ | ወንጀል | የጀግና ምስል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦹" type="tts">የጀግና ምስል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦹♂">ሃያል | ሰው | ተንኮለኛ | ክፉ | ወንጀለኛ | የወንድ ጀግና ምስል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦹♂" type="tts">የወንድ ጀግና ምስል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦹♀">ሃያል | ተንኮለኛ | ክፉ | ወንጀል | የሴት ጀግና ምስል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦹♀" type="tts">የሴት ጀግና ምስል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧙">አስማት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧙" type="tts">አስማት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧙♂">አስማተኛ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧙♂" type="tts">አስማተኛ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧙♀">አስማተኛ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧙♀" type="tts">አስማተኛ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧚">ጠንቋይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧚" type="tts">ጠንቋይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧚♂">ጠንቋይ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧚♂" type="tts">ጠንቋይ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧚♀">ጠንቋይ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧚♀" type="tts">ጠንቋይ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧛">ጥርስ ያለው ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧛" type="tts">ጥርስ ያለው ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧛♂">ጥርስ ያለው ወንድ ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧛♂" type="tts">ጥርስ ያለው ወንድ ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧛♀">ጥርስ ያላት ሴት ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧛♀" type="tts">ጥርስ ያላት ሴት ጭራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧜">ግማሽ ሰው ግማሽ ዓሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧜" type="tts">ግማሽ ሰው ግማሽ ዓሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧜♂">ወንድ ግማሽ ሰው ግማሽ ዓሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧜♂" type="tts">ወንድ ግማሽ ሰው ግማሽ ዓሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧜♀">ሴት ግማሽ ሰው ግማሽ ዓሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧜♀" type="tts">ሴት ግማሽ ሰው ግማሽ ዓሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧝">ኤልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧝" type="tts">ኤልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧝♂">ወንድ ኤልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧝♂" type="tts">ወንድ ኤልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧝♀">ሴት ኤልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧝♀" type="tts">ሴት ኤልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧞">ጅኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧞" type="tts">ጅኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧞♂">ወንድ ጅኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧞♂" type="tts">ወንድ ጅኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧞♀">ሴት ጅኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧞♀" type="tts">ሴት ጅኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧟">ዞምቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧟" type="tts">ዞምቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧟♂">ወንድ ዞምቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧟♂" type="tts">ወንድ ዞምቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧟♀">ሴት ዞምቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧟♀" type="tts">ሴት ዞምቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💆">ማሳጅ | ሳሎን | የፊት ማሳጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💆" type="tts">የፊት ማሳጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💆♂">ማሳጅ | ሳሎን | ወንድ | ወንድ የፊት ማሳጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💆♂" type="tts">ወንድ የፊት ማሳጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💆♀">ማሳጅ | ሳሎን | ሴት | ሴት የፊት ማሳጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💆♀" type="tts">ሴት የፊት ማሳጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💇">እንግዳ መቀበያ | ውበት | ጸጉር መቆረጥ | ጸጉር ቆራጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💇" type="tts">ጸጉር መቆረጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💇♂">ሰው | ወንድ | ወንድ ጸጉር መቆረጥ | ጸጉር ቆራጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💇♂" type="tts">ወንድ ጸጉር መቆረጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💇♀">ሴት | ሴት ጸጉር መቆረጥ | ጸጉር ቆራጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💇♀" type="tts">ሴት ጸጉር መቆረጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚶">መራመድ | በእግር መሸራሸር | እግረኛ | የእግር ረዥም ጉዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚶" type="tts">እግረኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚶♂">መራመድ | በእግር መሸራሸር | የእግር ረዥም ጉዞ | የወንድ እግር ጉዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚶♂" type="tts">የወንድ እግር ጉዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚶♀">መራመድ | በእግር መሸራሸር | የሴቶች እግር ጉዞ | የእግር ረዥም ጉዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚶♀" type="tts">የሴቶች እግር ጉዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧍">መቆም | ሰው ቆሞ | ቁም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧍" type="tts">ሰው ቆሞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧍♂">ቆሞ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧍♂" type="tts">ወንድ ቆሞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧍♀">መቆም | ሴት | ሴት ቆማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧍♀" type="tts">ሴት ቆማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧎">መንበርከክ | ሰው ተንበርክኮ | በመንበርከክ ላይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧎" type="tts">ሰው ተንበርክኮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧎♂">መንበርከክ | ወንድ | ወንድ ተንበርክኮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧎♂" type="tts">ወንድ ተንበርክኮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧎♀">ሴት | ሴት ተንበርክካ | ተንበርከክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧎♀" type="tts">ሴት ተንበርክካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🦯">ሰው ከመምሪያ አገዳ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🦯" type="tts">ሰው ከመምሪያ አገዳ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🦯">ተደራሽነት | እውር | ወንድ | ወንድ በከዘራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🦯" type="tts">ወንድ በከዘራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🦯">ሴት | ሴት በከዘራ | ተደራሽነት | እውር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🦯" type="tts">ሴት በከዘራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🦼" draft="contributed">ሰው ከባለሞተር መቀመጫ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🦼" type="tts">ሰው ከባለሞተር መቀመጫ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🦼">ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተደራሽነት | ወንድ | ወንድ በሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🦼" type="tts">ወንድ በሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🦼">ሴት | ሴት በሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተደራሽነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🦼" type="tts">ሴት በሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🦽" draft="contributed">ሰው በባለእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🦽" type="tts">ሰው በባለእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🦽">ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተደራሽነት | ወንድ | ወንድ በእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👨🦽" type="tts">ወንድ በእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🦽">ሴት | ሴት በእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተደራሽነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👩🦽" type="tts">ሴት በእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏃">ማራቶን | ሩጫ | ሯጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏃" type="tts">ሯጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏃♂">ማራቶን | ሩጫ | ውድድር | የወንድ ሩጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏃♂" type="tts">የወንድ ሩጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏃♀">ማራቶን | ሩጫ | ውድድር | የሴት ሩጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏃♀" type="tts">የሴት ሩጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💃">መደነስ | ሴት | ሴቶች ሲደንሱ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💃" type="tts">ሴቶች ሲደንሱ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕺">ሰው | ሰው ሲደንስ | ዳንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕺" type="tts">ሰው ሲደንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕴">ሙሉ ልብስ | ሽክ ብሎ የለበሰ የሥራ ሰው | ንግድ ሥራ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕴" type="tts">ሽክ ብሎ የለበሰ የሥራ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👯">ልጃገረድ | ሰዎች ሲጨፍሩ | ሴት | ሹራብ ኮፍያ | ዳንሰኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👯" type="tts">ሰዎች ሲጨፍሩ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👯♂">ልጃገረድ | ሴት | ሹራብ ኮፍያ | ወንዶች ሲጨፍሩ | ዳንሰኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👯♂" type="tts">ወንዶች ሲጨፍሩ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👯♀">ልጃገረድ | ሴት | ሴቶች ሲጨፍሩ | ሹራብ ኮፍያ | ዳንሰኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👯♀" type="tts">ሴቶች ሲጨፍሩ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧖">ሰው በእንፋሎት ክፍል ውስጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧖" type="tts">ሰው በእንፋሎት ክፍል ውስጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧖♂">ወንድ በእንፋሎት ክፍል ውስጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧖♂" type="tts">ወንድ በእንፋሎት ክፍል ውስጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧖♀">ሴት በእንፋሎት ክፍል ውስጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧖♀" type="tts">ሴት በእንፋሎት ክፍል ውስጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧗">ሰው ተራራ ሲወጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧗" type="tts">ሰው ተራራ ሲወጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧗♂">ወንድ ተራራ ሲወጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧗♂" type="tts">ወንድ ተራራ ሲወጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧗♀">ሴት ተራራ ስትወጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧗♀" type="tts">ሴት ተራራ ስትወጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤺">ሰው | ስፖርት | ሻቦላ | ሻቦላ መጫወት | ሻቦላ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤺" type="tts">ሻቦላ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏇">እሽቅድምድም | የእሽቅድምድም ፈረስ | የፈረስ እሽቅድምድም | ጆክሎክ | ፈረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏇" type="tts">የፈረስ እሽቅድምድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛷">ስኪ | ስኪ ተጫዋች | በረዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛷" type="tts">ስኪ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏂">ስኪ | በረዶ | በረዶ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች | የበረዶ መንሸራተቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏂" type="tts">በረዶ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏌">ኳስ | ጎልፍ | ጎልፍ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏌" type="tts">ጎልፍ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏌♂">ሰው | ወንድ | ወንድ ጎልፍ ተጫዋች | ጎልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏌♂" type="tts">ወንድ ጎልፍ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏌♀">ሴት | ሴት ጎልፍ ተጫዋች | ጎልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏌♀" type="tts">ሴት ጎልፍ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏄">የውሃ ሸርተቴ | የውሃ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏄" type="tts">የውሃ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏄♂">ወንድ | ወንድ የውሃ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች | የውሃ ሸርተቴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏄♂" type="tts">ወንድ የውሃ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏄♀">ሴት | ሴት የውሃ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች | የውሃ ሸርተቴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏄♀" type="tts">ሴት የውሃ ሸርተቴ ተጫዋች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚣">ተሽከርካሪ | የታንኳ ቀዘፋ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚣" type="tts">የታንኳ ቀዘፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚣♂">ተሽከርካሪ | ወንድ | የወንድ ጀልባ ቀዛፊ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚣♂" type="tts">የወንድ ጀልባ ቀዛፊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚣♀">ሴት | ተሽከርካሪ | የሴት ጀልባ ቀዛፊ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚣♀" type="tts">የሴት ጀልባ ቀዛፊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏊">ዋና | ዋናተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏊" type="tts">ዋናተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏊♂">ሰው | ወንድ | ዋና | የወንድ ዋናተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏊♂" type="tts">የወንድ ዋናተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏊♀">ሴት | ዋና | የሴት ዋናተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏊♀" type="tts">የሴት ዋናተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛹">ኳስ | ኳስ የያዘ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛹" type="tts">ኳስ የያዘ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛹♂">ኳስ | ኳስ የያዘ ወንድ | ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛹♂" type="tts">ኳስ የያዘ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛹♀">ሴት | ኳስ | ኳስ የያዘች ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛹♀" type="tts">ኳስ የያዘች ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏋">ክብደት | ክብደት አንሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏋" type="tts">ክብደት አንሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏋♂">ክብደት | ወንድ | ወንድ ክብደት አንሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏋♂" type="tts">ወንድ ክብደት አንሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏋♀">ሴት | ሴት ክብደት አንሺ | ክብደት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏋♀" type="tts">ሴት ክብደት አንሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚴">ብስክሌት | ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚴" type="tts">ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚴♂">ብስክሌት | ወንድ | ወንድ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚴♂" type="tts">ወንድ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚴♀">ሴት | ሴት ብስክሌት ጋላቢ | ብስክሌት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚴♀" type="tts">ሴት ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚵">ብስክሌት | ብስክሌት ጋላቢ | ተራራ | የተራራ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚵" type="tts">የተራራ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚵♂">ብስክሌት | ብስክሌት ጋላቢ | ተራራ | ወንድ | ወንድ የተራራ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚵♂" type="tts">ወንድ የተራራ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚵♀">ሴት | ሴት የተራራ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ | ብስክሌት | ብስክሌት ጋላቢ | ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚵♀" type="tts">ሴት የተራራ ብስክሌት ጋላቢ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤸">ሰው | ስፖርት | አክሮባት | ጅምናስቲክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤸" type="tts">አክሮባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤸♂">ሰው | ስፖርት | አክሮባት | ወንድ | የወንድ አክሮባት | ጅምናስቲክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤸♂" type="tts">የወንድ አክሮባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤸♀">ሴት | ስፖርት | አክሮባት | የሴት አክሮባት | ጅምናስቲክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤸♀" type="tts">የሴት አክሮባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤼">ሰው | ስፖርት | ነጻ ትግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤼" type="tts">ነጻ ትግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤼♂">ሰው | ስፖርት | ነጻ ትግል | ወንድ | የወንድ ነጻ ትግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤼♂" type="tts">የወንድ ነጻ ትግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤼♀">ሰው | ሴት | ስፖርት | ነጻ ትግል | የሴት ነጻ ትግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤼♀" type="tts">የሴት ነጻ ትግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤽">ሰው | ስፖርት | ውሃ | የውሃ ላይ ገና ጨዋታ | የገና ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤽" type="tts">የውሃ ላይ ገና ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤽♂">ስፖርት | ወንድ | ውሃ | የወንድ የውሃ ላይ ገና ጨዋታ | የገና ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤽♂" type="tts">የወንድ የውሃ ላይ ገና ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤽♀">ሴት | ስፖርት | ውሃ | የሴት የውሃ ላይ ገና ጨዋታ | የገና ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤽♀" type="tts">የሴት የውሃ ላይ ገና ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤾">ሰው | ስፖርት | ኳስ | የእጅ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤾" type="tts">የእጅ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤾♂">ስፖርት | ኳስ | ወንድ | የእጅ ኳስ | የወንድ የእጅ ኳስ ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤾♂" type="tts">የወንድ የእጅ ኳስ ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤾♀">ሴት | ስፖርት | ኳስ | የሴት የእጅ ኳስ ጨዋታ | የእጅ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤾♀" type="tts">የሴት የእጅ ኳስ ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤹">ሚዛን | ስራብዙ | ቅልልቦሽ | ችሎታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤹" type="tts">ቅልልቦሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤹♂">ስራብዙ | ቅልልቦሽ | ችሎታ | ወንድ | የወንድ ቅብብሎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤹♂" type="tts">የወንድ ቅብብሎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤹♀">ሴት | ስራብዙ | ቅልልቦሽ | የሴት ቅብብሎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤹♀" type="tts">የሴት ቅብብሎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧘">በሎታስ ኣቀማመጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧘" type="tts">በሎታስ ኣቀማመጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧘♂">በሎታስ ኣቀማመጥ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧘♂" type="tts">በሎታስ ኣቀማመጥ ወንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧘♀">በሎታስ ኣቀማመጥ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧘♀" type="tts">በሎታስ ኣቀማመጥ ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛀">የገላ መታጠቢያ ገንዳ | ገላን መታጠብ | ገላውን የሚታጠብ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛀" type="tts">ገላውን የሚታጠብ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛌">ሆቴል | አልጋ ላይ የተኛ ሰው | እንቅልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛌" type="tts">አልጋ ላይ የተኛ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🤝🧑">መያዝ | ሰዎች እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘው | እጅ | እጅ ለእጅ መያያዝ | ጥንዶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧑🤝🧑" type="tts">ሰዎች እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👭">መያዝ | ሴት | እጅ | እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ሴቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👭" type="tts">እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ሴቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👫">ሴት | እጅ | እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ወንድ እና ሴት | ወንድ | ጥንዶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👫" type="tts">እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ወንድ እና ሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👬">መንትዮች | መያዝ እጅ | እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ሰዎች | እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ወንዶች | ዞድያክ | ጄምኒ | ጥንዶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👬" type="tts">እጅ ለእጅ የተያያዙ ወንዶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💏">መሳም | ጥንዶች | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💏" type="tts">መሳም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💑">ልብ | ልብ በመሃላቸው ያሉ ጥንዶች | ጥንዶች | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💑" type="tts">ልብ በመሃላቸው ያሉ ጥንዶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👪">ልጅ | ቤተሰብ | አባት | እናት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👪" type="tts">ቤተሰብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗣">መናገር | ራስ | ባለ አንድ ቀለም ምስል | እየተናገረ ያለ ራስ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗣" type="tts">እየተናገረ ያለ ራስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👤">ሐውልት | የሰው ጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👤" type="tts">የሰው ጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👥">ሐውልት | የሰው ጥላ | የሰው ጥላዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👥" type="tts">የሰው ጥላዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫂">ሰዎች ሲተቃቀፉ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫂" type="tts">ሰዎች ሲተቃቀፉ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👣">አልባሳት | አሻራ | አካል | የእግር ዱካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👣" type="tts">የእግር ዱካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦰">ቀይ ጸጉር | ጂንጀር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦰" type="tts">ቀይ ጸጉር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦱">አፍሮ | የተጠቀለለ | የተጠቀለለ ጸጉር | ጉንጉን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦱" type="tts">የተጠቀለለ ጸጉር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦳">ነጭ | አሮጌ | ገብስማ | ጸጉር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦳" type="tts">ነጭ ጸጉር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦲">መላጣ | ኬሞቴራፒ | የተላጨ | ጸጉር የሌለው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦲" type="tts">መላጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐵">የጦጣ ፊት | ጦጣ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐵" type="tts">የጦጣ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐒">ጦጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐒" type="tts">ጦጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦍">እንስሳ | ጉሬላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦍" type="tts">ጉሬላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦧">ኦራንጉታን ዝንጀሮ | ዝንጀሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦧" type="tts">ኦራንጉታን ዝንጀሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐶">ውሻ | የቤት እንስሳ | የውሻ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐶" type="tts">የውሻ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐕">ውሻ | የቤት እንስሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐕" type="tts">ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦮">መመሪያ | ተደራሽነት | እውር | የሚመራ ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦮" type="tts">የሚመራ ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐕🦺">ተደራሽነት | አገልግሎት | አገልግሎት ሰጪ ውሻ | እርዳታ | ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐕🦺" type="tts">አገልግሎት ሰጪ ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐩">ውሻ | ጸጉራም ፑድል ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐩" type="tts">ጸጉራም ፑድል ውሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐺">ተኩላ | የተኩላ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐺" type="tts">የተኩላ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦊">ቀበሮ | የቀበሮ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦊" type="tts">የቀበሮ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦝">ራኩን | ተንኮለኛ | ጉጉ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦝" type="tts">ራኩን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐱">የቤት እንስሳ | የድመት ፊት | ድመት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐱" type="tts">የድመት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐈">የቤት እንስሳ | ድመት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐈" type="tts">ድመት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐈⬛">እድለ ቢስ | ድመት | ጥቁር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐈⬛" type="tts">ጥቁር ድመት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦁">ሊዮ | አንበሳ | ዞዲያክ | የአንበሳ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦁" type="tts">የአንበሳ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐯">ነብር | የነብር ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐯" type="tts">የነብር ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐅">ነብር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐅" type="tts">ነብር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐆">አነር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐆" type="tts">አነር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐴">የፈረስ ፊት | ፈረስ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐴" type="tts">የፈረስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐎">እሽቅድምድም | የእሽቅድምድም ፈረስ | ፈረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐎" type="tts">ፈረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦄">ባለ አንድ ቀንድ ፈረስ | ባለ አንድ ቀንድ ፈረስ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦄" type="tts">ባለ አንድ ቀንድ ፈረስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦓">የሜዳ አህያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦓" type="tts">የሜዳ አህያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦌">አጋዘን | እንስሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦌" type="tts">አጋዘን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦬">የሰሜን አሜሪካ ጎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦬" type="tts">የሰሜን አሜሪካ ጎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐮">ላም | የላም ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐮" type="tts">የላም ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐂">በሬ | ታውረስ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐂" type="tts">በሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐃">ውሃ | የውሃ አውራሪስ | ጎሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐃" type="tts">የውሃ አውራሪስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐄">ላም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐄" type="tts">ላም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐷">ዓሣማ | የዓሣማ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐷" type="tts">የዓሣማ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐖">አርያ | ዓሣማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐖" type="tts">ዓሣማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐗">ዓሣማ | የጫካ ዓሣማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐗" type="tts">የጫካ ዓሣማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐽">አፍንጫ | ዓሣማ | የዓሣማ አፍንጫ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐽" type="tts">የዓሣማ አፍንጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐏">ሙክት በግ | በግ | ኤሪስ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐏" type="tts">ሙክት በግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐑">ሴት በግ | በግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐑" type="tts">በግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐐">ካፕሪኮርን | ዞዲያክ | ፍየል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐐" type="tts">ፍየል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐪">ሻኛ | ግመል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐪" type="tts">ግመል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐫">ሻኛ | ባለሁለት ሻኛ ግመል | ባክትሬን | ግመል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐫" type="tts">ባለሁለት ሻኛ ግመል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦙">ላማ | ሱፍ | ቪኩና | ግመል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦙" type="tts">ላማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦒">ቀጭኔ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦒" type="tts">ቀጭኔ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐘">ዝሆን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐘" type="tts">ዝሆን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦣">የዝሆን ዝርያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦣" type="tts">የዝሆን ዝርያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦏">አውራሪስ | እንስሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦏" type="tts">አውራሪስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦛">ጉማሬ | ጎማሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦛" type="tts">ጉማሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐭">አይጥ | የአይጥ ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐭" type="tts">የአይጥ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐁">አይጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐁" type="tts">አይጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐀">አይጠሞጎጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐀" type="tts">አይጠሞጎጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐹">ሚጢጢ አይጥ | ሚጢጢ አይጥ ፊት | የቤት እንስሳ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐹" type="tts">ሚጢጢ አይጥ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐰">ባኒ | የቤት እንስሳ | የጥንቸል ፊት | ጥንቸል | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐰" type="tts">የጥንቸል ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐇">ባኒ | የቤት እንስሳ | ጥንቸል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐇" type="tts">ጥንቸል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐿">ቺፕመንክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐿" type="tts">ቺፕመንክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦫">የአይጥ ዝርያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦫" type="tts">የአይጥ ዝርያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦔">አጥቢ እንስሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦔" type="tts">አጥቢ እንስሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦇">አስፈሪ | እንስሳ | የሌሊት ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦇" type="tts">የሌሊት ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐻">የድብ ፊት | ድብ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐻" type="tts">የድብ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐻❄">ነጭ | አርክቲክ | የዋልታ ድብ | ድብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐻❄" type="tts">የዋልታ ድብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐨">ካኦላ | ድብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐨" type="tts">ካኦላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐼">የፓንዳ ፊት | ፊት | ፓንዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐼" type="tts">የፓንዳ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦥">ሰነፍ | ስንፍና | ዘገምተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦥" type="tts">ስንፍና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦦">ትንሽ አውሬ | ዓሣ ማጥመድ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦦" type="tts">ትንሽ አውሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦨">መጥፎ ሽታ | ሸለምጥማጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦨" type="tts">ሸለምጥማጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦘">መዝለል | አውስትራሊያ | ኪሴ | ካንጋሮ | ደስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦘" type="tts">ካንጋሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦡">ውሻ የሚመስል እንሰሳ | ጥርኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦡" type="tts">ውሻ የሚመስል እንሰሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐾">አሻራ | እግር | የእንሳሳ መዳፍ ዱካዎች | የእንስሳ መዳፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐾" type="tts">የእንሳሳ መዳፍ ዱካዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦃">ቆቅ | ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦃" type="tts">ቆቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐔">ሴት ዶሮ | ዶሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐔" type="tts">ዶሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐓">አውራ ዶሮ | ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐓" type="tts">አውራ ዶሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐣">ሕፃን | መፈልፈል | ከእንቁላል ተፈልፍላ የምትወጣ ጫጩት | ጫጩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐣" type="tts">ከእንቁላል ተፈልፍላ የምትወጣ ጫጩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐤">ሕፃን | ሚጢጢ ጫጩት | ጫጩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐤" type="tts">ሚጢጢ ጫጩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐥">ሕፃን | ጫጩት | ፊት ለፊት የምትታይ ሚጢጢ ጫጩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐥" type="tts">ፊት ለፊት የምትታይ ሚጢጢ ጫጩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐦">ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐦" type="tts">ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐧">ፔንግዊን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐧" type="tts">ፔንግዊን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕊">ሰላም | ብረር | እርግብ | ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕊" type="tts">እርግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦅">ንስር አሞራ | ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦅" type="tts">ንስር አሞራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦆">ወፍ | ዳክዬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦆" type="tts">ዳክዬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦢">ትንሽ ዝዬ | አስቀያሚ ዳክዬ | ወፍ | የውሀ ዶሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦢" type="tts">የውሀ ዶሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦉">አዋቂ | ወፍ | ጉጉት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦉" type="tts">ጉጉት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦤">ትልቅ ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦤" type="tts">ትልቅ ወፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪶">ላባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪶" type="tts">ላባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦩">ብልጭልጭ | ትሮፒካል | ፍላሚንጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦩" type="tts">ፍላሚንጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦚">ኩራት | ወፍ | የሚመካ | ፒኮክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦚" type="tts">ፒኮክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦜">ቀፍ | በቀቀን | ንግግር | ጠላፊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦜" type="tts">በቀቀን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐸">እንቁራሪት | የእንቁራሪት ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐸" type="tts">የእንቁራሪት ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐊">አዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐊" type="tts">አዞ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐢">ኤሊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐢" type="tts">ኤሊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦎">በደረታቸው የሚሳቡ እንስሳት | እንሽላሊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦎" type="tts">እንሽላሊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐍">ተሸካሚ | እባብ | ኦፊዩከስ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐍" type="tts">እባብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐲">ተረት ተረት | ዘንዶ | የድራጎን ፊት | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐲" type="tts">የድራጎን ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐉">ተረት ተረት | ድራጎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐉" type="tts">ድራጎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦕">ዳይኖሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦕" type="tts">ዳይኖሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦖">ታይኖሳረስ | ታይኖሳረስ ዳይኖሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦖" type="tts">ታይኖሳረስ ዳይኖሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐳">ውሃ የሚያንቦጫርቅ | ውሃ የሚያንቦጫርቅ ዓሣ ነባሪ | ዓሣ ነባሪ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐳" type="tts">ውሃ የሚያንቦጫርቅ ዓሣ ነባሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐋">አሣ ነባሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐋" type="tts">አሣ ነባሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐬">ዶልፊን | ፍሊፐር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐬" type="tts">ዶልፊን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦭">ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦭" type="tts">ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐟">ዓሣ | ዞዲያክ | ፖይሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐟" type="tts">ዓሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐠">ዓሣ | የምድር ወገብ አካባቢ | የምድር ወገብ አካባቢ ዓሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐠" type="tts">የምድር ወገብ አካባቢ ዓሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐡">ብሎውፊሽ | ዓሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐡" type="tts">ብሎውፊሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦈">ሻርክ | አሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦈" type="tts">ሻርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐙">ኦክቶፐስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐙" type="tts">ኦክቶፐስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐚">ሺል | ሽብልል የቀንድ አውጣ ሼል | ጥቅልል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐚" type="tts">ሽብልል የቀንድ አውጣ ሼል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐌">ቀንድ አውጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐌" type="tts">ቀንድ አውጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦋">ቆንጆ | ቢራቢሮ | ነፍሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦋" type="tts">ቢራቢሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐛">ትኋን | ነፍሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐛" type="tts">ትኋን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐜">ነፍሳት | ጉንዳን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐜" type="tts">ጉንዳን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐝">ትንኝ | ንብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐝" type="tts">ንብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪲">ጥንዚዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪲" type="tts">ጥንዚዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐞">ሌዲበርድ | ሌዲባግ | ሴት ጢንዚዛ | ነፍሳት | ጢንዚዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🐞" type="tts">ሴት ጢንዚዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦗">ክሪኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦗" type="tts">ክሪኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪳">በረሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪳" type="tts">በረሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕷">ነፍሳት | እንሸረሪት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕷" type="tts">እንሸረሪት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕸">እንሸረሪት | የእንሸረሪት ድር | ድር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕸" type="tts">የእንሸረሪት ድር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦂">ስኮርፒየስ | ስኮርፒዮ | ዞዲያክ | ጊንጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦂" type="tts">ጊንጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦟">በሽታ | ቫይረስ | ትኩሳት | ነፍሳት | ወባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦟" type="tts">ወባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪰">ዝንብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪰" type="tts">ዝንብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪱">ትል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪱" type="tts">ትል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦠">ባክቴሪያ | ቫይረስ | ተህዋሳት | አሜባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦠" type="tts">ተህዋሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💐">ተክል | አበባ | እቅፍ አበባ | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💐" type="tts">እቅፍ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌸">ተክል | ቼሪ | አበባ | የሚፈካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌸" type="tts">የሚፈካ ቼሪ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💮">ነጭ አበባ | አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💮" type="tts">ነጭ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏵">ሮዜት | ተክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏵" type="tts">ሮዜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌹">ተክል | አበባ | ጽጌሬዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌹" type="tts">ጽጌሬዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥀">መጠውለግ | አበባ | የጠወለገ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥀" type="tts">የጠወለገ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌺">ሂቢስከስ አበባ | ተክል | አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌺" type="tts">ሂቢስከስ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌻">ተክል | አበባ | የሱፍ አበባ | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌻" type="tts">የሱፍ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌼">ተክል | አበባ | የአበባ ፍካት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌼" type="tts">የአበባ ፍካት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌷">ተክል | ቱሊፕ አበባ | አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌷" type="tts">ቱሊፕ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌱">ተክል | ችግኝ | አፍላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌱" type="tts">ችግኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪴">በሸክላ የተተከለ አትክልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪴" type="tts">በሸክላ የተተከለ አትክልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌲">ሁሌም አረንጓዴ | ተክል | ዛፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌲" type="tts">ሁሌም አረንጓዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌳">ባለ ጥላ ተክል | ባለጥላ ዛፍ | ዛፍ | ጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌳" type="tts">ባለጥላ ዛፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌴">ተክል | ዘንባባ | ዛፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌴" type="tts">ዘንባባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌵">ቁልቋል | ተክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌵" type="tts">ቁልቋል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌾">ሩዝ | ተክል | የሩዝ ተክል ዞላ | ጆሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌾" type="tts">የሩዝ ተክል ዞላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌿">ቅጠል | ተክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌿" type="tts">ቅጠል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☘">ሻምሮክ ቅጠል | ተክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☘" type="tts">ሻምሮክ ቅጠል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍀">4 | ቅጠል | ተክል | አራት | ድንብላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍀" type="tts">ድንብላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍁">ማፕል | ቅጠል | ተክል | የሚወድቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍁" type="tts">ማፕል ቅጠል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍂">ቅጠል | ተክል | የሚወድቅ | የረገፈ ቅጠል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍂" type="tts">የረገፈ ቅጠል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍃">ቅጠል | በአየር ላይ የሚንሳፈፉ ቅጠሎች | ተንሳፋፊ | ተክል | ነፋስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍃" type="tts">በአየር ላይ የሚንሳፈፉ ቅጠሎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍇">ተክል | ወይን | የወይን ዛላዎች | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍇" type="tts">የወይን ዛላዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍈">ሆምጣጤ | ተክል | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍈" type="tts">ሆምጣጤ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍉">ሐብሐብ | ተክል | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍉" type="tts">ሐብሐብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍊">መንደሪን | ብርትኳናማ | ተክል | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍊" type="tts">መንደሪን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍋">ሎሚ | ተክል | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍋" type="tts">ሎሚ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍌">ሙዝ | ተክል | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍌" type="tts">ሙዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍍">ተክል | አናናስ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍍" type="tts">አናናስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥭">ማንጎ | ወይናደጋ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥭" type="tts">ማንጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍎">ቀይ | ቀይ አፕል | ተክል | ቱፋሕ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍎" type="tts">ቀይ አፕል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍏">ተክል | ቱፋሕ | አረንጓዴ | አረንጓዴ አፕል | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍏" type="tts">አረንጓዴ አፕል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍐">ተክል | ፍራፍሬ | ፖም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍐" type="tts">ፖም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍑">ተክል | ኮክ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍑" type="tts">ኮክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍒">ተክል | ቼሪ | ቼሪ ፍሬ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍒" type="tts">ቼሪ ፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍓">ተክል | እንጆሪ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍓" type="tts">እንጆሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫐">ብሉቤሪስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫐" type="tts">ብሉቤሪስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥝">ምግብ | ኪዊ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥝" type="tts">ኪዊ ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍅">ተክል | ቲማቲም | አታክልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍅" type="tts">ቲማቲም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫒">የወይራ ዘይት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫒" type="tts">የወይራ ዘይት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥥">ኮኮናት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥥" type="tts">ኮኮናት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥑">ምግብ | አቦካዶ | ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥑" type="tts">አቦካዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍆">ተክል | አታክልት | ኡበርጂን | ኤግፕላንት ፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍆" type="tts">ኤግፕላንት ፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥔">ምግብ | አትክልት | ድንች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥔" type="tts">ድንች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥕">ምግብ | አትክልት | ካሮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥕" type="tts">ካሮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌽">በቆሎ | ተክል | የበቆሎ ዛላ | ጆሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌽" type="tts">የበቆሎ ዛላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌶">ሚጥሚጣ | ተክል | የሚያቃጥል | የሚጥሚጣ ቃሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌶" type="tts">የሚጥሚጣ ቃሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫑">የፈረንጅ ቃሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫑" type="tts">የፈረንጅ ቃሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥒">ምግብ | አትክልት | ዱባ | ፒክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥒" type="tts">ዱባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥬">ሰላጣ | ቅጠላ ቅጠል | አሜሳ | የቻይና ሰላጣ | ጥቅል ጎመን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥬" type="tts">ሰላጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥦">ብሮኮሊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥦" type="tts">ብሮኮሊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧄">ማጣፈጫ | ነጭ ሽንኩርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧄" type="tts">ነጭ ሽንኩርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧅">ማጣፈጫ | ሽንኩርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧅" type="tts">ሽንኩርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍄">ተክል | እንጉዳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍄" type="tts">እንጉዳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥜">ምግብ | ነት | አትክልት | ኦቾሎኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥜" type="tts">ኦቾሎኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌰">ተክል | የለውዝ ፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌰" type="tts">የለውዝ ፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍞">የዳቦ ቁራሽ | ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍞" type="tts">ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥐">ምግብ | ክሬሰንት | ክሬሰንት ሙልሙል | የፈረንሳይ | ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥐" type="tts">ክሬሰንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥖">ምግብ | ባክዌት | የፈረንሳይ ዳቦ | ዳቦ | ፈረንሳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥖" type="tts">የፈረንሳይ ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫓">ሽልጦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫓" type="tts">ሽልጦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥨">ደረቅ ብስኩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥨" type="tts">ደረቅ ብስኩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥯">መጋገሪያ | የሚገፋፋ ነገር | ጣፋጭ ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥯" type="tts">ጣፋጭ ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥞">ምግብ | ትኩስ ኬክ | ክሬፕ | ፓንኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥞" type="tts">ፓንኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧇">ብረት | ኬክ | የማያጠግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧇" type="tts">ኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧀">የቺዝ ቁራጭ | ፒዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧀" type="tts">የቺዝ ቁራጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍖">ሥጋ | ሥጋ የለው አጥንት | ሥጋ ያለው አጥንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍖" type="tts">ሥጋ ያለው አጥንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍗">ሥጋ የለው አጥንት | ሴት ዶሮ | እግር | የዶሮ እርባታ | የዶሮ እግር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍗" type="tts">የዶሮ እግር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥩">ቁራጭ ስጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥩" type="tts">ቁራጭ ስጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥓">ምግብ | ስጋ | ቤከን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥓" type="tts">ቤከን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍔">ሃምበርገር | በርገር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍔" type="tts">ሃምበርገር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍟">የፈረንሳይ | ፍራይስ | ፍሬንች ፍራይስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍟" type="tts">ፍሬንች ፍራይስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍕">ቁራሽ | ቺዝ | ፒዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍕" type="tts">ፒዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌭">ሃት ዶግ | ሃትዶግ | ቋሊማ | ፋራንክፉተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌭" type="tts">ሃት ዶግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥪">ሳንድዊች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥪" type="tts">ሳንድዊች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌮">ታኮ | የሜክሲኮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌮" type="tts">ታኮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌯">ቡሪቶ | የሜክሲኮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌯" type="tts">ቡሪቶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫔">ታማሌ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫔" type="tts">ታማሌ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥙">ምግብ | በምግብ የተሞላ ዳቦ | ከባብ | የተሞላ | ጅይሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥙" type="tts">በምግብ የተሞላ ዳቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧆">ሽምብራ | ብስኩት | የስጋ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧆" type="tts">ብስኩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥚">ምግብ | እንቁላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥚" type="tts">እንቁላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍳">መጥበሻ | ማብሰል | ምግብ ማብሰል | እንቁላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍳" type="tts">ምግብ ማብሰል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥘">ምግብ | ሳህን | የምግብ ማቅረቢያ | ጎድጓዳ | ጎድጓዳ ሳህን ለምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥘" type="tts">ጎድጓዳ ሳህን ለምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍲">ምንቸት | ቅቅል | የምግብ ሳሕን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍲" type="tts">የምግብ ሳሕን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫕">ፎንዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫕" type="tts">ፎንዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥣">ሳህን ሙሉ ማንኪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥣" type="tts">ሳህን ሙሉ ማንኪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥗">ምግብ | ሰላጣ | አረንጓዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥗" type="tts">አረንጓዴ ሰላጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍿">ፈንድሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍿" type="tts">ፈንድሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧈">ቅቤ | የወተት ምርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧈" type="tts">ቅቤ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧂">መወዝወዣ | ቅመም | ጨው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧂" type="tts">ጨው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥫">የታሸገ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥫" type="tts">የታሸገ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍱">ሣጥን | ቤንቶ | ቤንቶ ቦክስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍱" type="tts">ቤንቶ ቦክስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍘">ሩዝ | ብስኩት | የሩዝ ብስኩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍘" type="tts">የሩዝ ብስኩት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍙">ሩዝ | ኳስ | የሩዝ ኳስ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍙" type="tts">የሩዝ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍚">ሩዝ | የበሰለ | የተቀቀለ ሩዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍚" type="tts">የተቀቀለ ሩዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍛">ሩዝ | ከሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍛" type="tts">ከሪ ሩዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍜">ማጥለል | ማጥለያ ጎድጓዳ ሳሕን | ሼፕዊን | ኑድል | ጎድጓዳ ሳሕን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍜" type="tts">ማጥለያ ጎድጓዳ ሳሕን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍝">ስፓጌቲ | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍝" type="tts">ስፓጌቲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍠">የተጠበሰ | የተጠበሰ ስኳር ድንች | ድንች | ጣፋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍠" type="tts">የተጠበሰ ስኳር ድንች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍢">ስቲክ | ስኬወር | ኦዴን | ክባብ | የባሕር ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍢" type="tts">ኦዴን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍣">ሱሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍣" type="tts">ሱሺ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍤">ሽሪምፕ | ቴምፑራ | የተጠበሰ | የተጠበሰ ሽሪምፕ ዓሣ | ፕራውን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍤" type="tts">የተጠበሰ ሽሪምፕ ዓሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍥">ኬክ | ኬክና ብስኩት | ዓሣ | የተሸረካከፈ | የዓሣ ኬክ ከተሸረካከፈ ክፈፍ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍥" type="tts">የዓሣ ኬክ ከተሸረካከፈ ክፈፍ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥮">መከር | በዓል | የጨረቃ ኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥮" type="tts">የጨረቃ ኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍡">ስቲክ | ስኬወር | የጃፓን | ዳንጎ | ጣፋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍡" type="tts">ዳንጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥟">ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥟" type="tts">ፍራፍሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥠">ፎርቹን ኩኪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥠" type="tts">ፎርቹን ኩኪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥡">ምግብ መውሰጃ እቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥡" type="tts">ምግብ መውሰጃ እቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦀">ሸርጣን | ካንሰር | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦀" type="tts">ሸርጣን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦞">ሎብስተር | ማጉርጥ | ቢስክ | የባህር ምግቦች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦞" type="tts">ሎብስተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦐">ምግብ | ትንሽ | ትንሽ አሣ | ጠንካራ ሽፋን ያለው አሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦐" type="tts">ትንሽ አሣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦑">ምግብ | ሞሉስክ | ስክዊድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦑" type="tts">ስክዊድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦪">ሉል | መጥለቅ | ሼል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦪" type="tts">ሼል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍦">ለስላሳ | ቀላል አይስክሬም | በረዶ | አይስክሬም | ክሬም | ጣፋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍦" type="tts">ቀላል አይስክሬም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍧">አይስ | የተሸለተ | የተሸለተ አይስክሬም | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍧" type="tts">የተሸለተ አይስክሬም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍨">አይስ | አይስክሬም | ክሬም | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍨" type="tts">አይስክሬም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍩">ዶናት | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍩" type="tts">ዶናት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍪">ኩኪስ | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍪" type="tts">ኩኪስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎂">ኬክ | ክብረ በዓል | የልደት ቀን | የልደት ኬክ | ጣፋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎂" type="tts">የልደት ኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍰">ቁራሽ | ኬክ | ኬክና ብስኩት | የልደት ኬክ ቁራሽ | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍰" type="tts">የልደት ኬክ ቁራሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧁">መጋገሪያ | የኩባያ ኬክ | ጣፋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧁" type="tts">የኩባያ ኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥧">ፓይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥧" type="tts">ፓይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍫">ቸኮላታ | ቸኮላት | አሞሌ | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍫" type="tts">ቸኮላታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍬">ከረሜላ | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍬" type="tts">ከረሜላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍭">ሎሊፖፕ ከረሜላ | ከረሜላ | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍭" type="tts">ሎሊፖፕ ከረሜላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍮">ካስታርድ ኬክ | ጣፋጭ | ጣፋጭ ምግብ | ፑዲንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍮" type="tts">ካስታርድ ኬክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍯">ማር | ማሰሮ | የማር ማሰሮ | ጣፋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍯" type="tts">የማር ማሰሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍼">ሕፃን | ወተት | የህጻን ጡጦ | ጠርሙስ | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍼" type="tts">የህጻን ጡጦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥛">መጠጣት | ብርጭቆ | ወተት | የወተት ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥛" type="tts">የወተት ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☕">ማጥለል | ሻይ | ቡና | ትኩስ | የሚጠጣ ትኩስ ነገር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☕" type="tts">የሚጠጣ ትኩስ ነገር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫖">የሻይ ስኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🫖" type="tts">የሻይ ስኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍵">ማንጠልጠያ የሌለው የሻይ ስኒ | ስኒ | ሻይ | የሚጠጣ ነገር | የሻይ ስኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍵" type="tts">ማንጠልጠያ የሌለው የሻይ ስኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍶">ማሰሮ | ስኒ | አሞሌ | የሚጠጣ ነገር | ጠርሙስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍶" type="tts">ማሰሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍾">አሞሌ | ኮርኪ | ጠርሙስ | ጠርሙስ ከነመክፈቻው | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍾" type="tts">ጠርሙስ ከነመክፈቻው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍷">መነጽር | ወይን | የሚጠጣ ነገር | የወይን ብርጭቆ | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍷" type="tts">የወይን ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍸">መነጽር | አሞሌ | ኮክቴል | የኮክቴል ብርጭቆ | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍸" type="tts">የኮክቴል ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍹">ትሮፒካል | ትሮፒካል መጠጥ | አሞሌ | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍹" type="tts">ትሮፒካል መጠጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍺">ቢራ | አሞሌ | ኩባያ | የድራፍት ብርጭቆ | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍺" type="tts">የድራፍት ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍻">ቢራ | አሞሌ | ኩባያ | ክሊንክ | የሚጋጩ የድራፍት ብርጭቆዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍻" type="tts">የሚጋጩ የድራፍት ብርጭቆዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥂">መጠጣት | ማንቃጨል | ማክበር | ብርጭቆ | የብርጭቆ ማንቃጨል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥂" type="tts">የብርጭቆ ማንቃጨል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥃">መለኪያ | መጠጥ | ብርጭቆ | አልኮል | ውስኪ | የመጠጥ ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥃" type="tts">የመጠጥ ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥤">ብርጭቆ ከመጠጫ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥤" type="tts">ብርጭቆ ከመጠጫ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧋">የአረፋ ሻይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧋" type="tts">የአረፋ ሻይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧃">የመጠጥ ሳጥን | የጭማቂ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧃" type="tts">የመጠጥ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧉">መጠጥ | ግጣም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧉" type="tts">ግጣም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧊">ቀዝቃዛ | በረዶ | የበረዶ ክምር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧊" type="tts">በረዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥢">ቾፕስቲክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥢" type="tts">ቾፕስቲክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍽">ማንኪያ እና ሹካ ከሳሕን ጋር | ምግብ ማብሰል | ሳሕን | ሹካ | ቢላዋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍽" type="tts">ማንኪያ እና ሹካ ከሳሕን ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍴">ምግብ ማብሰል/ቢለዋ/ሹካ/ሹካና ቢለዋ/ቢለዋ | ሹካና ቢለዋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🍴" type="tts">ሹካና ቢለዋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥄">ማንኪያ | የቤት ዕቃዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥄" type="tts">ማንኪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔪">ሆቾ | ምግብ ማብሰል | ቢላዋ | የወጥ ቤት ቢላዋ | ጦር መሣሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔪" type="tts">የወጥ ቤት ቢላዋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏺">መጠጣት | ማሰሮ | ምግብ ማብሰል | አምፎራ ማሰሮ | አኳይረስ | ጆግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏺" type="tts">አምፎራ ማሰሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌍">ሉል | መሬት | አውሮጳ | አውሮፓና አፍሪካ የሚያሳይ ሉል | አፍሪካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌍" type="tts">አውሮፓና አፍሪካ የሚያሳይ ሉል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌎">ሉል | መሬት | ሰሜንና ደቡብ አሜሪካ | ሰሜንና ደቡብ አሜሪካ የሚያሳይ ሉል | ዓለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌎" type="tts">ሰሜንና ደቡብ አሜሪካ የሚያሳይ ሉል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌏">ሉል | መሬት | አውስትራሊያ | እስያ | እስያና አውስትራሊያ የሚያሳይ ሉል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌏" type="tts">እስያና አውስትራሊያ የሚያሳይ ሉል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌐">ሉል | መሬት | ሜሪዲያኖች | ሜሪዲያኖች ያሉበት ሉል | ዓለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌐" type="tts">ሜሪዲያኖች ያሉበት ሉል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗺">ካርታ | ዓለም | የዓለም ካርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗺" type="tts">የዓለም ካርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗾">ካርታ | የጃፓን ካርታ | ጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗾" type="tts">የጃፓን ካርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧭">ማሰስ | ማቅጠጥ | ማግኔቲክ | ኮምፓስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧭" type="tts">ኮምፓስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏔">ቀዝቃዛ | በረዶ | ተራራ | ጫፉ በረዶ ያለበት ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏔" type="tts">ጫፉ በረዶ ያለበት ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛰">ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛰" type="tts">ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌋">ተራራ | እሳተ ጎመራ | የአየር ንብረት | ፍንዳታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌋" type="tts">እሳተ ጎመራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗻">ተራራ | የፉጂ ተራራ | ፉጂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗻" type="tts">የፉጂ ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏕">ሰፈራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏕" type="tts">ሰፈራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏖">ዣንጥላ | የባሕር ዳርቻ | የባሕር ዳርቻ ከዣንጥላ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏖" type="tts">የባሕር ዳርቻ ከዣንጥላ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏜">በርሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏜" type="tts">በርሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏝">በርሃ | የበርሃ ደሴት | ደሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏝" type="tts">የበርሃ ደሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏞">ብሔራዊ ፖርክ | ፖርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏞" type="tts">ብሔራዊ ፖርክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏟">ስታዲየም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏟" type="tts">ስታዲየም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏛">ሕንጻ | ጥንታዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏛" type="tts">ጥንታዊ ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏗">ሕንጻ | የሕንጻ ግንባታ | ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏗" type="tts">የሕንጻ ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧱">ሞርታር | ሸክላ | ግድግዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧱" type="tts">ሸክላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪨">አለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪨" type="tts">አለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪵">እንጨት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪵" type="tts">እንጨት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛖">ጎጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛖" type="tts">ጎጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏘">ሕንጻ | ቤት | የመኖሪያ ቤቶች ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏘" type="tts">የመኖሪያ ቤቶች ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏚">ሕንጻ | ቤት | የተተወ የቤት ግንባታ | ደርሊክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏚" type="tts">የተተወ የቤት ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏠">ሕንጻ | መኖሪያ ቤት | ቤት | የቤት ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏠" type="tts">የቤት ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏡">ሕንጻ | መናፈሻ | መናፈሻ ቦታ ያለው ቤት | መኖሪያ ቤት | ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏡" type="tts">መናፈሻ ቦታ ያለው ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏢">ሕንጻ | የቢሮ ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏢" type="tts">የቢሮ ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏣">ሕንጻ | የጃፓን | የጃፓን ፖስታ ቤት | ፖስታ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏣" type="tts">የጃፓን ፖስታ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏤">ሕንጻ | የአውሮጳ | ፖስታ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏤" type="tts">ፖስታ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏥">ሆስፒታል | ሕንጻ | ሕክምና | ዶክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏥" type="tts">ሆስፒታል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏦">ሕንጻ | ባንክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏦" type="tts">ባንክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏨">ሆቴል | ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏨" type="tts">ሆቴል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏩">ሆቴል | ሕንጻ | የፍቅር ሆቴል | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏩" type="tts">የፍቅር ሆቴል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏪">24 ሰዓት የሚሰራ ገበያ አዳራሽ | ሕንጻ | መደብር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏪" type="tts">24 ሰዓት የሚሰራ ገበያ አዳራሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏫">ሕንጻ | ትምህርት ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏫" type="tts">ትምህርት ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏬">ሕንጻ | መኖሪያ አፓርታማ | መደብር | ዲፓርትመንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏬" type="tts">መኖሪያ አፓርታማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏭">ሕንጻ | ፋብሪካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏭" type="tts">ፋብሪካ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏯">ሕንጻ | የቤተ መንግሥት ሕንጻ | የጃፓን | የጃፓን ቤተመንግሥት ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏯" type="tts">የጃፓን ቤተመንግሥት ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏰">ሕንጻ | የቤተመንግሥት ሕንጻ | የአውሮጳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏰" type="tts">የቤተመንግሥት ሕንጻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💒">ሰርግ | ቻፔል | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💒" type="tts">ሰርግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗼">ማማ | ቶክዮ | የቶክዮ ማማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗼" type="tts">የቶክዮ ማማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗽">ሐውልት | ነጻነት | የነጻነት ሐውልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗽" type="tts">የነጻነት ሐውልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛪">ሕንጻ | መስቀል | ቤተክርስትያን | ኃይማኖት | ክርስትያን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛪" type="tts">ቤተክርስትያን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕌">መስጂድ | ሙስሊም | ኃይማኖት | እስላም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕌" type="tts">መስጂድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛕">ሂንዱ | ምኩራብ | የሂንዱ ምኩራብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛕" type="tts">የሂንዱ ምኩራብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕍">ቤተ መቅደስ | ኃይማኖት | አይሁዳዊ | አይሁድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕍" type="tts">ቤተ መቅደስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛩">ሺንቶ | ኃይማኖት | የሺንቶ መካነ መቃብር | የተቀደሰ መካነ መቃብር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛩" type="tts">የሺንቶ መካነ መቃብር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕋">ሙስሊም | ኃይማኖት | እስላም | የሙስሊም ካባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕋" type="tts">የሙስሊም ካባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛲">ፏፏቴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛲" type="tts">ፏፏቴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛺">በድንኳን መስፈር | ድንኳን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛺" type="tts">ድንኳን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌁">የአየር ንብረት | ጭጋጋማ | ጭጋግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌁" type="tts">ጭጋጋማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌃">ሌሊት | ከዋክብት ያሉበት ለሊት | ኮከብ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌃" type="tts">ከዋክብት ያሉበት ለሊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏙">ሕንጻ | ከተማ | የከተማ መልክዓ ምድር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏙" type="tts">የከተማ መልክዓ ምድር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌄">በተራሮች አናት ላይ የምትወጣ ፀሐይ | ተራራ | የአየር ንብረት | ጠዋት | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌄" type="tts">በተራሮች አናት ላይ የምትወጣ ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌅">የአየር ንብረት | የፀሐይ ውጣት | ጠዋት | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌅" type="tts">የፀሐይ ውጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌆">መልክዓ ምድር | ምሽት | ከተማ | የከተማ መልክዓ ምድር በምሽት | የፀሐይ ግባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌆" type="tts">የከተማ መልክዓ ምድር በምሽት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌇">ሕንጻ | የአየር ንብረት | የፀሐይ ግባት | ጨለማ | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌇" type="tts">የፀሐይ ግባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌉">ሌሊት | የአየር ንብረት | ድልድይ | ድልድይ በለሊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌉" type="tts">ድልድይ በለሊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♨">ምንጮች | ትኩስ | እንፋሎት | ፍልውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♨" type="tts">ትኩስ ፍልውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎠">ካሮሴል | ፈረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎠" type="tts">ካሮሴል ፈረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎡">መዘውር | መዝናኛ ፖርክ | ትልክ መርከብ | ፌሪስ ዊል እሽክርክሮሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎡" type="tts">ፌሪስ ዊል እሽክርክሮሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎢">መዝናኛ ፖርክ | ሮለር | ሮለር ኮስተር እሽክርክሮሽ | ኮስተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎢" type="tts">ሮለር ኮስተር እሽክርክሮሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💈">ስልክ እንጨት | የጸጉር አስተካካይ ስልክ እንጨት | ጸጉር መቆረጥ | ጸጉር ቆራጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💈" type="tts">የጸጉር አስተካካይ ስልክ እንጨት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎪">ሰርከስ | የሰርከስ ድንኳን | ድንኳን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎪" type="tts">የሰርከስ ድንኳን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚂">ሞተር | ባቡር | ተሽከርካሪ | እንፋሎት | የባቡር መንገድ | የባቡር ፉርጎ ጎታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚂" type="tts">የባቡር ፉርጎ ጎታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚃">መኪና | ባቡር | ተጎታች | ኤሌክትሪክ | የባቡር መንገድ | ፉርጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚃" type="tts">ፉርጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚄">ሺንካንሰን | ባቡር | የባቡር መንገድ | ፈጣን ባቡር | ፍጥነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚄" type="tts">ፈጣን ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚅">ሺንካንሰን | ባቡር | አፍንጫው ጥይት መሳይ ፈጣን ባቡር | የባቡር መንገድ | ፍጥነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚅" type="tts">አፍንጫው ጥይት መሳይ ፈጣን ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚆">ባቡር | ተሽከርካሪ | የባቡር መንገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚆" type="tts">ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚇">ተሽከርካሪ | የመሬት ውስጥ ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚇" type="tts">የመሬት ውስጥ ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚈">ቀላል ባቡር | ተሽከርካሪ | የባቡር መንገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚈" type="tts">ቀላል ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚉">ባቡር | ተሽከርካሪ | የባቡር መንገድ | ጣቢያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚉" type="tts">ጣቢያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚊">ባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ | ተሽከርካሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚊" type="tts">ባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚝">ተሽከርካሪ | የባቡር መሄጃ ድልድይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚝" type="tts">የባቡር መሄጃ ድልድይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚞">መኪና | ተራራ | ተሽከርካሪ | የባቡር ሐዲድ ያለው ተራራ | የባቡር መንገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚞" type="tts">የባቡር ሐዲድ ያለው ተራራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚋">መኪና | ባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ | ተሽከርካሪ | ተጎታች | የባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ ፉርጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚋" type="tts">የባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ ፉርጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚌">ተሽከርካሪ | አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚌" type="tts">አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚍">መጪ | ተሽከርካሪ | አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚍" type="tts">መጪ አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚎">በኤሌትሪክ የሚጎተት አውቶቡስ | በኤሌክትሪክ የሚጎተት | ተሽከርካሪ | ተጎታች | አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚎" type="tts">በኤሌትሪክ የሚጎተት አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚐">ሚኒባስ | ተሽከርካሪ | አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚐" type="tts">ሚኒባስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚑">ተሽከርካሪ | አምቡላንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚑" type="tts">አምቡላንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚒">ሞተር | ተሽከርካሪ | እሳት | የእሳት አደጋ መኪና | የጭነት መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚒" type="tts">የእሳት አደጋ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚓">መኪና | ተሽከርካሪ | የፖሊስ መኪና | ፓትሮል | ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚓" type="tts">የፖሊስ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚔">መኪና | መጪ | መጪ የፖሊስ መኪና | ተሽከርካሪ | ፖሊስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚔" type="tts">መጪ የፖሊስ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚕">ተሽከርካሪ | ታክሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚕" type="tts">ታክሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚖">መጪ | ተሽከርካሪ | ታክሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚖" type="tts">መጪ ታክሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚗">መኪና | ተሽከርካሪ | አውቶሞቢል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚗" type="tts">አውቶሞቢል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚘">መኪና | መጪ | ተሽከርካሪ | አውቶሞቢል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚘" type="tts">መጪ አውቶሞቢል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚙">ተሽከርካሪ | የመዝናኛ | የመዝናኛ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚙" type="tts">የመዝናኛ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛻">የመሰብሰቢያ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛻" type="tts">የመሰብሰቢያ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚚">ማድረሻ | ተሽከርካሪ | የዕቃ ማድረሻ መኪና | የጭነት መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚚" type="tts">የዕቃ ማድረሻ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚛">ሽፍን የጭነት ማመላለሻ መኪና | ተሽከርካሪ | አነስተኛ የጭነት መኪና | ከፊል | የጭነት መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚛" type="tts">ሽፍን የጭነት ማመላለሻ መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚜">ተሽከርካሪ | ትራክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚜" type="tts">ትራክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏎">መኪና | እሽቅድምድም | የውድድር መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏎" type="tts">የውድድር መኪና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏍">ሞተርሳይክል | እሽቅድምድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏍" type="tts">ሞተርሳይክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛵">ሞተር | ሳይክል | ቀላል ሞተር ሳይክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛵" type="tts">ቀላል ሞተር ሳይክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦽">ተደራሽነት | የእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦽" type="tts">የእጅ ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦼">ባለሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር | ተደራሽነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦼" type="tts">ባለሞተር ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛺">ራስሰር ሪክሻው | ባጃጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛺" type="tts">ራስሰር ሪክሻው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚲">ብስክሌት | ተሽከርካሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚲" type="tts">ብስክሌት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛴">መግፋት | ሳይክል | የግፊ ሳይክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛴" type="tts">የግፊ ሳይክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛹">ስኬትቦርድ | ቦርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛹" type="tts">ስኬትቦርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛼">ተሽከርካሪ ስኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛼" type="tts">ተሽከርካሪ ስኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚏">አቁም | አውቶቡስ | አውቶቡስ ማቆሚያ | የአውቶቡስ ማቆሚያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚏" type="tts">የአውቶቡስ ማቆሚያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛣">መንገድ | አውራ ጎዳና | የመኪና መንገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛣" type="tts">የመኪና መንገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛤">ባቡር | የባቡር ሐዲድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛤" type="tts">የባቡር ሐዲድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛢">ከበሮ | ዘይት | የዘይት ከበሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛢" type="tts">የዘይት ከበሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛽">መቅዳት | ቤንዚን | ነዳጅ | የነዳጅ መቅጃ | ጣቢያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛽" type="tts">የነዳጅ መቅጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚨">መብራት | መኪና | ቤከን | የሚሽከረከር | የፖሊስ መኪና መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚨" type="tts">የፖሊስ መኪና መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚥">መብራት | ሲግናል | ትራፊክ | አግድማዊ የትራፊክ መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚥" type="tts">አግድማዊ የትራፊክ መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚦">መብራት | ሲግናል | ተቆልቋይ የትራፊክ መብራት | ትራፊክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚦" type="tts">ተቆልቋይ የትራፊክ መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛑">ምልክት | ስምንት ማዕዘን | ቁም | የቁም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛑" type="tts">የቁም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚧">መሰናክል | ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚧" type="tts">ግንባታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚓">መልህቅ | መሣሪያ | መርከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚓" type="tts">መልህቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛵">ባሕር | ተሽከርካሪ | ታንኳ | እንግዳ ማረፊያ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛵" type="tts">ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛶">ታንኳ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛶" type="tts">ታንኳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚤">ተሽከርካሪ | ጀልባ | ፈጣን ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚤" type="tts">ፈጣን ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛳">መርከብ | መንገደኛ | ተሽከርካሪ | የመንገደኞች መርከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛳" type="tts">የመንገደኞች መርከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛴">ከባድ የመንገደኞች መርከብ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛴" type="tts">ከባድ የመንገደኞች መርከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛥">ሞተር ጀልባ | ባለሞተር ጀልባ | ተሽከርካሪ | ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛥" type="tts">ባለሞተር ጀልባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚢">መርከብ | ተሽከርካሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚢" type="tts">መርከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✈">ተሽከርካሪ | አይሮፕላን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✈" type="tts">አይሮፕላን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛩">ተሽከርካሪ | ትንሽ አይሮፕላን | አይሮፕላን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛩" type="tts">ትንሽ አይሮፕላን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛫">መነሳት | ተመዝግቦ መግባት | ተሽከርካሪ | አይሮፕላን | የአይሮፕላን አነሳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛫" type="tts">የአይሮፕላን አነሳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛬">በማረፍ ላይ | ተሽከርካሪ | አይሮፕላን | እየደረሰ ነው | የአይሮፕላን አስተራረፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛬" type="tts">የአይሮፕላን አስተራረፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪂">መስቀያ | ዝላይ | የሰማይ ዝላይ | ጃንጥላ | ፓራሹት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪂" type="tts">ጃንጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💺">ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💺" type="tts">ወንበር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚁">ሄሊኮፕተር | ተሽከርካሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚁" type="tts">ሄሊኮፕተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚟">በአየር ላይ የሚጎተት ባቡር | ተሽከርካሪ | ተጎታች | የባቡር ሐዲድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚟" type="tts">በአየር ላይ የሚጎተት ባቡር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚠">ተራራ | ተሽከርካሪ | የተራራ የባቡር መሳቢያ ገመድ | ገመድ | ጎንዳላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚠" type="tts">የተራራ የባቡር መሳቢያ ገመድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚡">መኪና | በአየር ላይ የሚጎተት ባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ | ባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ | የአየር | የገመድ መንገድ | ጎንዳላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚡" type="tts">በአየር ላይ የሚጎተት ባቡር መሰል አውቶቡስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛰">ህዋ | ሳተላይት | ተሽከርካሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛰" type="tts">ሳተላይት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚀">ህዋ | ሮኬት | ተሽከርካሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚀" type="tts">ሮኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛸">በራሪ ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛸" type="tts">በራሪ ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛎">ሆቴል | የሆቴል ሻንጣ ተቀባይ ደወል | ደወል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛎" type="tts">የሆቴል ሻንጣ ተቀባይ ደወል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧳">መሸከፍ | መጓዝ | ሻንጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧳" type="tts">ሻንጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⌛">ሰዓት ቆጣሪ | አሸዋ | የሰዓት ቆጣሪ ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⌛" type="tts">የሰዓት ቆጣሪ ብርጭቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏳">ሰዓት መነጽር | ሰዓት ቆጣሪ | አሸዋ | የሰዓት ቆጣሪ ብርጭቆ ከፈሳሽ አሸዋ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏳" type="tts">የሰዓት ቆጣሪ ብርጭቆ ከፈሳሽ አሸዋ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⌚">ሰዓት | የእጅ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⌚" type="tts">የእጅ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏰">ማንቂያ | ማንቂያ ደወል ያለው ሰዓት | ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏰" type="tts">ማንቂያ ደወል ያለው ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏱">ሰዓት | የሩጫ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏱" type="tts">የሩጫ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏲">ሰዓት | ሰዓት ቆጣሪ | ጊዜ ቆጣሪ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏲" type="tts">ጊዜ ቆጣሪ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕰">ሰዓት | የብፌ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕰" type="tts">የብፌ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕛">00 | 12 | 12:00 | ሰዓት | አስራ ሁለት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕛" type="tts">አስራ ሁለት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕧">12 | 12:30 | 30 | ሰዓት | አስራ ሁለት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕧" type="tts">አስራ ሁለት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕐">00 | 1 | 1:00 | ሰዓት | አንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕐" type="tts">አንድ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕜">1 | 1:30 | 30 | ሰዓት | ተኩል | አንድ ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕜" type="tts">አንድ ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕑">00 | 2 | 2:00 | ሁለት | ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕑" type="tts">ሁለት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕝">2 | 2:30 | 30 | ሁለት | ሁለት ሰዓት ተኩል | ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕝" type="tts">ሁለት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕒">00 | 3 | 3:00 | ሰዓት | ሶስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕒" type="tts">ሶስት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕞">3 | 3:30 | 30 | ሶስት | ሶስት ሰዓት ተኩል | ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕞" type="tts">ሶስት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕓">00 | 4 | 4:00 | ሰዓት | አራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕓" type="tts">አራት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕟">30 | 4 | 4:30 | ተኩል | አራት | አራት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕟" type="tts">አራት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕔">00 | 5 | 5:00 | ሰዓት | አምስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕔" type="tts">አምስት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕠">30 | 5 | 5:30 | ተኩል | አምስት | አምስት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕠" type="tts">አምስት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕕">00 | 6 | 6:00 | ሰዓት | ስድስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕕" type="tts">ስድስት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕡">30 | 6 | 6:30 | ሰባት | ስድስት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕡" type="tts">ስድስት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕖">00 | 7 | 7:00 | ሰባት | ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕖" type="tts">ሰባት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕢">30 | 7 | 7:30 | ሰባት | ሰባት ሰዓት ተኩል | ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕢" type="tts">ሰባት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕗">00 | 8 | 8:00 | ሰዓት | ስምንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕗" type="tts">ስምንት ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕣">30 | 8 | 8:30 | ስምንት | ስምንት ሰዓት ተኩል | ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕣" type="tts">ስምንት ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕘">00 | 9 | 9:00 | ሰዓት | ዘጠኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕘" type="tts">ዘጠኝ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕤">30 | 9 | 9:30 | ተኩል | ዘጠኝ | ዘጠኝ ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕤" type="tts">ዘጠኝ ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕙">00 | 10 | 10:00 | ሰዓት | አስር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕙" type="tts">አስር ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕥">10 | 10:30 | 30 | ተኩል | አስር | አስር ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕥" type="tts">አስር ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕚">00 | 11 | 11:00 | አስራ አንድ | አስራ አንድ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕚" type="tts">አስራ አንድ ሰዓት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕦">11 | 11:30 | 30 | ተኩል | አስራ አንድ ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕦" type="tts">አስራ አንድ ሰዓት ተኩል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌑">ህዋ | አዲስ ጨረቃ | የአየር ንብረት | ጨለማ | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌑" type="tts">አዲስ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌒">ህዋ | ትንሽ የበራች ግማሽ ጨረቃ | የበራች | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌒" type="tts">ትንሽ የበራች ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌓">ህዋ | ሩብ | የመጀመሪያ ሩብ ጨረቃ | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌓" type="tts">የመጀመሪያ ሩብ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌔">ህዋ | ትንሽ የተቀባ | ትንሽ የጠቆረ | ትንሽ የጠቆረች | ትንሽ የጠቆረች ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌔" type="tts">ትንሽ የጠቆረች ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌕">ህዋ | ሙሉ | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌕" type="tts">ሙሉ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌖">ህዋ | በቀኝ በኩል ትንሽ የጠቆረች ግማሽ ጨረቃ | ትንሽ የጠቆረ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌖" type="tts">በቀኝ በኩል ትንሽ የጠቆረች ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌗">ህዋ | ሩብ | የመጨረሻ ሩብ ጨረቃ | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌗" type="tts">የመጨረሻ ሩብ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌘">ህዋ | በግራ በኩል ትንሽ የበራች ግማሽ ጨረቃ | የአየር ንብረት | የደበዘዘ | ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌘" type="tts">በግራ በኩል ትንሽ የበራች ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌙">ህዋ | የአየር ንብረት | ግማሽ ጨረቃ | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌙" type="tts">ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌚">ህዋ | አዲስ ጨረቃ ፊት | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረቃ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌚" type="tts">አዲስ ጨረቃ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌛">ህዋ | ሩብ | የመጀመሪያ ሩብ ጨረቃ ከፊት ጋር | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌛" type="tts">የመጀመሪያ ሩብ ጨረቃ ከፊት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌜">ህዋ | ሩብ | የመጨረሻ ሩብ ጨረቃ ከፊት ጋር | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌜" type="tts">የመጨረሻ ሩብ ጨረቃ ከፊት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌡">ቴርሞሜትር | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌡" type="tts">ቴርሞሜትር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☀">ህዋ | ብሩህ | የአየር ንብረት | ጨረሮች | ፀሐያማ | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☀" type="tts">ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌝">ህዋ | ሙሉ | ሙሉ ጨረቃ ከፊት ጋር | ብሩህ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌝" type="tts">ሙሉ ጨረቃ ከፊት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌞">ህዋ | ብሩህ | የአየር ንብረት | ፀሐይ | ፀሐይ ከፊት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌞" type="tts">ፀሐይ ከፊት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪐">ሳተርን | ባለቀለበት ፕላኔት | የጨለመ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪐" type="tts">ባለቀለበት ፕላኔት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⭐">ነጭ መካከለኛ ኮከብ | ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⭐" type="tts">ነጭ መካከለኛ ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌟">ማብራት | ማንጸባረቅ | ብልጭ ድርግም | ብልጭ ድርግም የሚል ኮከብ | አብለጭለጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌟" type="tts">ብልጭ ድርግም የሚል ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌠">ህዋ | መወርወር | መውደቅ | ተወርዋሪ ኮከብ | ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌠" type="tts">ተወርዋሪ ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌌">ህዋ | የአየር ንብረት | ፍኖተ ሐሊብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌌" type="tts">ፍኖተ ሐሊብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☁">የአየር ንብረት | ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☁" type="tts">ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛅">ከደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛅" type="tts">ከደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛈">መብረቅ | ከመብረቅ እና ዝናብ ጋር ያለ ደመና | ዝናብ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛈" type="tts">ከመብረቅ እና ዝናብ ጋር ያለ ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌤">ከትንሽ ደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌤" type="tts">ከትንሽ ደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌥">ከትልቅ ደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌥" type="tts">ከትልቅ ደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌦">ዝናብ | ዝናብ ካለው ደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌦" type="tts">ዝናብ ካለው ደመና ጀርባ ያለች ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌧">ዝናብ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ደመና ከዝናብ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌧" type="tts">ደመና ከዝናብ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌨">ቀዝቃዛ | በረዶ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ደመና ከበረዶ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌨" type="tts">ደመና ከበረዶ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌩">ነጎድጓድ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ደመና ከመብረቅ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌩" type="tts">ደመና ከመብረቅ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌪">ቶርኔዶ | አውሎ ነፋስ | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌪" type="tts">ቶርኔዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌫">የአየር ንብረት | ደመና | ጉም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌫" type="tts">ጉም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌬">መንፈስ | ነፋስ | የነፋስ ፊት | የአየር ንብረት | ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌬" type="tts">የነፋስ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌀">ሳይክሎን | ታይፉን | ትዊስተር | የአየር ንብረት | ዲዚ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌀" type="tts">ሳይክሎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌈">ቀስተ ደመና | ዝናብ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌈" type="tts">ቀስተ ደመና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌂">አልባሳት | ዝናብ | ዣንጥላ | የታጠፈ ዣንጥላ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌂" type="tts">የታጠፈ ዣንጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☂">አልባሳት | ዝናብ | ዣንጥላ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☂" type="tts">ዣንጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☔">አልባሳት | ዝናብ | ዣንጥላ | የአየር ንብረት | የዝናብ ጠብታዎች ያሉበት ዣንጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☔" type="tts">የዝናብ ጠብታዎች ያሉበት ዣንጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛱">ዝናብ | ዣንጥላ | የመሬት ዣንጥላ | የአየር ንብረት | ፀሐይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛱" type="tts">የመሬት ዣንጥላ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚡">ቮልቴጅ | ነጎድጓድ | አደጋ | ኤሌክትሪክ | ኤሌክትሪክሲቲ | ከፍተኛ ቮልቴጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚡" type="tts">ከፍተኛ ቮልቴጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❄">ስኖውፍሌክ | ቀዝቃዛ | በረዶ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❄" type="tts">ስኖውፍሌክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☃">ቀዝቃዛ | በረዶ | በበረዶ ግግር የተሠራ ሰው | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☃" type="tts">በበረዶ ግግር የተሠራ ሰው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛄">ቀዝቃዛ | በረዶ | በበረዶ ግግር የተሠራ ሰው | በበረዶ ግግር የተሠራ ሰው ያለበረዶ | የአየር ንብረት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛄" type="tts">በበረዶ ግግር የተሠራ ሰው ያለበረዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☄">ህዋ | ኮሜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☄" type="tts">ኮሜት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔥">መሣሪያ | ነበልባል | እሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔥" type="tts">እሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💧">ላብ | ቀዝቃዛ | አስቂኝ | የአየር ንብረት | ጠብታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💧" type="tts">ጠብታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌊">ሞገድ | ውሃ | ውቅያኖስ | የአየር ንብረት | የውሃ ሞገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🌊" type="tts">የውሃ ሞገድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎃">ሃሎዊን | ላንተርን | ክብረ በዓል | ጃክ | ጆክ-ኦ-ላንተርን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎃" type="tts">ጆክ-ኦ-ላንተርን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎄">ክብረ በዓል | ዛፍ | የገና ዛፍ | ገና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎄" type="tts">የገና ዛፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎆">ርችት | ክብረ በዓል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎆" type="tts">ርችት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎇">ርችት | ክብረ በዓል | የእሳት ፍንጣሪ | የእሳት ፍንጣሪ መሥሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎇" type="tts">የእሳት ፍንጣሪ መሥሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧨">ርችቶች | የሚፈነዳ | ደማሚት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧨" type="tts">ርችቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✨">ብልጭታ | ኮከብ | የእሳት ፍንጣሪዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✨" type="tts">የእሳት ፍንጣሪዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎈">አፉፋ | ክብረ በዓል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎈" type="tts">አፉፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎉">ታዳ | ክብረ በዓል | የድግስ ኮፍያ | ግብዣ | ፖፐር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎉" type="tts">የድግስ ኮፍያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎊">ክብረ በዓል | ኮንፌቲ ከረሜላ | ኳስ | የከረሜላ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎊" type="tts">የከረሜላ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎋">ሰንደቅ | ታንባታ ዛፍ | ክብረ በዓል | ዛፍ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎋" type="tts">ታንባታ ዛፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎍">ቀርቅሃ | ተክል | ክብረ በዓል | የጃፓን | የጽድ ጌጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎍" type="tts">የጽድ ጌጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎎">አሻንጉሊት | ክብረ በዓል | የጃፓን | የጃፓን አሻንጉሊቶች | ፌስቲቫል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎎" type="tts">የጃፓን አሻንጉሊቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎏">ስትሪመር | ካርፕ | ካርፕ ተወርዋሪ ዓሣዎች | ክብረ በዓል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎏" type="tts">ካርፕ ተወርዋሪ ዓሣዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎐">ቺም | ነፋስ | ክብረ በዓል | የነፋስ ቺም | ደወል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎐" type="tts">የነፋስ ቺም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎑">ክብረ በዓል | የበዓል ሥነ ሥርዓት | የጨረቃ በዓል | ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎑" type="tts">የጨረቃ በዓል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧧">መልካም ዕድል | ስጦታ | ቀይ ፖስታ | የቻይና ፖስታ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧧" type="tts">ቀይ ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎀">ሪባን | ክብረ በዓል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎀" type="tts">ሪባን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎁">ሣጥን | ስጦታ | ተጠቅልሏል | አስቀድሞ ተልኳል | ክብረ በዓል | የተጠቀለለ ስጦታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎁" type="tts">የተጠቀለለ ስጦታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎗">ሪባን | አስታዋሽ | ክብረ በዓል | የመታሰቢያ ሪባን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎗" type="tts">የመታሰቢያ ሪባን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎟">መግቢያ ፈቃድ | ትኬት | የመግቢያ ትኬቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎟" type="tts">የመግቢያ ትኬቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎫">መግቢያ ፈቃድ | ትኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎫" type="tts">ትኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎖">ሜዳይ | ክብረ በዓል | ወታደራዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎖" type="tts">ወታደራዊ ሜዳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏆">ሽልማት | ዋንጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏆" type="tts">ዋንጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏅">ሜዳሊያ | የስፖርት ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏅" type="tts">የስፖርት ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥇">ሜዳሊያ | አንደኛ | ወርቅ | የ1ኛ ስፍራ ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥇" type="tts">የ1ኛ ስፍራ ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥈">ሁለተኛ | ሜዳሊያ | ብር | የ2ኛ ስፍራ ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥈" type="tts">የ2ኛ ስፍራ ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥉">መዳብ | ሜዳሊያ | ሶስተኛ | የ3ኛ ስፍራ ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥉" type="tts">የ3ኛ ስፍራ ሜዳሊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚽">እግር ኳስ | ኳስ | የእግር ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚽" type="tts">የእግር ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚾">ቤዝቦል | ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚾" type="tts">ቤዝቦል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥎">ስስ ኳስ | ብብት | ኳስ | ጓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥎" type="tts">ስስ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏀">ኳስ | የቅርጫት ኳስ | የቅርጫት ኳስ ጨዋታ ግብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏀" type="tts">የቅርጫት ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏐">ኳስ | የመረብ ኳስ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏐" type="tts">የመረብ ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏈">እግር ኳስ | ኳስ | የአሜሪካ | የአሜሪካ እግር ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏈" type="tts">የአሜሪካ እግር ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏉">ራግቢ | እግር ኳስ | ኳስ | የራግቢ እግር ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏉" type="tts">የራግቢ እግር ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎾">ራኬት | ቴኒስ | ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎾" type="tts">ቴኒስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥏">የሚበር ዲስክ | ጭርስታዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥏" type="tts">የሚበር ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎳">ቦውሊንግ | ኳስ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎳" type="tts">ቦውሊንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏏">ባት | ኳስ | የክሪኬት ጨዋታ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏏" type="tts">የክሪኬት ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏑">ሆኪ | መስክ | ኳስ | ዘንግ | የሜዳ ሆኪ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏑" type="tts">የሜዳ ሆኪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏒">ሆኪ | መስክ | ኳስ | ዘንግ | የበረዶ ሆኪ ዘንግ እና ፑክ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏒" type="tts">የበረዶ ሆኪ ዘንግ እና ፑክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥍">ላክሮስ | ሽመል | ኳስ | ጎል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥍" type="tts">ላክሮስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏓">ባት | ኳስ | ጠረጴዛ ቴኒስ | ጨዋታ | ፓድል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏓" type="tts">ጠረጴዛ ቴኒስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏸">ራኬት | ሻትልኮክ | በርዲ | ባድሜንተን | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏸" type="tts">ባድሜንተን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥊">ስፖርት | ቦክስ | የቦክስ ጓንት | ጓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥊" type="tts">የቦክስ ጓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥋">ልብስ | ማርሻል አርት | ስፖርት | ቴኩዋንዶ | ካራቴ | የማርሻል አርት ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥋" type="tts">የማርሻል አርት ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥅">መረብ | ስፖርት | የጎል መረብ | ጎል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥅" type="tts">የጎል መረብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛳">ቀዳዳ | በቀዳዳ የተሰካ ሰንደቅ ዓላማ | ጎልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛳" type="tts">በቀዳዳ የተሰካ ሰንደቅ ዓላማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛸">ስኬት | አይስ | የበረዶ መንሸራተት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛸" type="tts">የበረዶ መንሸራተት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎣">ስልክ እንጨት | ዓሣ | የዓሣ ማጥመጃ ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎣" type="tts">የዓሣ ማጥመጃ ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤿">መጥለቅ | ስኖርሊንግ | ስኩባ | የመጥለቂያ ጭምብል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🤿" type="tts">የመጥለቂያ ጭምብል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎽">መሮጫ ቀሚስ | ሩጫ | ሳሽ | ሸሚዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎽" type="tts">መሮጫ ቀሚስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎿">ስኪ | በረዶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎿" type="tts">ስኪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛷">የበረዶ መንሸራተቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛷" type="tts">የበረዶ መንሸራተቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥌">የተጠረበ ድንጋይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥌" type="tts">የተጠረበ ድንጋይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎯">ምት | ቀጥታ የዳርት ውርወራ ውጤት | ዒላማ | የበሬ ዓይን | ዳርት | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎯" type="tts">ቀጥታ የዳርት ውርወራ ውጤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪀">መጫወቻ | በከራ | ተለዋዋጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪀" type="tts">በከራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪁">ሰማይ ወጣ | አንዣበበ | ካይት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪁" type="tts">ካይት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎱">8 | ስምንት | ከረንቦላ | ኳስ | የከረንቦላ ድንጋይ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎱" type="tts">የከረንቦላ ድንጋይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔮">ሀብት | ምናባዊ | ተረት ተረት | ክሪስታል | ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔮" type="tts">ክሪስታል ኳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪄">ምትሃተኛ ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪄" type="tts">ምትሃተኛ ዘንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧿">ሰይጣን የሚያርቅ ድንጋይ | ናዛር | ናዛር አምዩሌት | አስደሳች | ዛጎል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧿" type="tts">ናዛር አምዩሌት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎮">መቆጣጠሪያ | የቪዲዮ ጨዋታ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎮" type="tts">የቪዲዮ ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕹">ቪዲዮ ጨዋታ | ጆይስቲክ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕹" type="tts">ጆይስቲክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎰">ቀዳዳ | በሳንቲም የሚሠራ ማሽን | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎰" type="tts">በሳንቲም የሚሠራ ማሽን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎲">የጨዋታ ዳይ | ዳይ | ዳዮች | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎲" type="tts">የጨዋታ ዳይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧩">መስቀለኛ | ምልክት | ቁራጭ | እንቆቅልሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧩" type="tts">እንቆቅልሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧸">መጫወቻ | ቴዲ ቢር | አሻንጉሊት | የተነፋ | የተጠቀጠቀ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧸" type="tts">ቴዲ ቢር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪅">ፒናታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪅" type="tts">ፒናታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪆">የመረብ አሻንጉሊቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪆" type="tts">የመረብ አሻንጉሊቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♠">ካርታ | የካርታ እሽግ | የካርታ ጦር | ጦር | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♠" type="tts">የካርታ ጦር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♥">ልብ | ካርታ | የካርታ ልብ | የካርታ እሽግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♥" type="tts">የካርታ ልብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♦">አልማዝ | ካርታ | የካርታ አልማዝ | የካርታ እሽግ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♦" type="tts">የካርታ አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♣">አበቦች | ካርታ | የካርታ አበባ | የካርታ እሽግ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♣" type="tts">የካርታ አበባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♟">ሞኝ | ቼዝ | አላቂ | የቼዝ መጫወቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♟" type="tts">የቼዝ መጫወቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🃏">በመጫወት ላይ | ካርታ | የካርታ ጆከር | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🃏" type="tts">የካርታ ጆከር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🀄">ማህጆንግ | ማህጆንግ ቀይ ድራጎን | ቀይ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🀄" type="tts">ማህጆንግ ቀይ ድራጎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎴">በመጫወት ላይ | አበባ | ካርታ | የጃፓን | ጀርባው አበባ መጫወቻ ካርታ | ጨዋታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎴" type="tts">ጀርባው አበባ መጫወቻ ካርታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎭">ሙዚቃና ትያትር | ሥነ ጥበብ | ቲያትር | ትወና | ጭንብል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎭" type="tts">ሙዚቃና ትያትር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖼">ምስል | ሥነ ጥበብ | ሥዕል | ባለክፈፍ | ቤተ መዘክር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖼" type="tts">ባለክፈፍ ሥዕል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎨">ሥነ ጥበብ | ቤተ መዘክር | የሠዓሊ ሳሕን | የሥዕል ቅብ ሥራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎨" type="tts">የሠዓሊ ሳሕን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧵">መርፌ | መስፋት | ክር | ገመድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧵" type="tts">ክር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪡">የመስፊያ መርፌ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪡" type="tts">የመስፊያ መርፌ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧶">ስፌት | ኳስ | የስፌት ክር | ደንቴል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧶" type="tts">የስፌት ክር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪢">ቋጠሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪢" type="tts">ቋጠሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👓">መነጽር | አልባሳት | ዓይን | ዓይን ተለባሽ | ዓይንመነጽር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👓" type="tts">መነጽር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕶">መነጽር | ዓይን | ዓይን ተለባሽ | የፀሐይ መነጽር | ጨለማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕶" type="tts">የፀሐይ መነጽር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥽">መበየድ | መዋኘት | የመዋኛ መነጽር | የአይን መከላከያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥽" type="tts">የመዋኛ መነጽር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥼">ሙከራ | ሳይንቲስት | የቤተ ሙከራ ቤት | ዶክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥼" type="tts">የቤተ ሙከራ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦺">ልብስ | የአደጋ መከላከያ ልብስ | ደህንነት | ድንገተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦺" type="tts">የአደጋ መከላከያ ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👔">አልባሳት | ከረባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👔" type="tts">ከረባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👕">ሸሚዝ | ቲሸርት | አልባሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👕" type="tts">ቲሸርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👖">ሱሪ | አልባሳት | ጂንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👖" type="tts">ጂንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧣">ስካርፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧣" type="tts">ስካርፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧤">ጓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧤" type="tts">ጓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧥">ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧥" type="tts">ኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧦">ካልሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧦" type="tts">ካልሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👗">ቀሚስ | አልባሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👗" type="tts">ቀሚስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👘">አልባሳት | የጃፓን ቀሚስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👘" type="tts">የጃፓን ቀሚስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥻">ልብስ | ሴሪ | ቀሚስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥻" type="tts">ሴሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩱">ወጥ የዋና ልብስ | የዋና ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩱" type="tts">ወጥ የዋና ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩲">አጭር መግለጫ | ወጥ | የመዋኛ ልብስ | የዋና ልብስ | ፓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩲" type="tts">አጭር መግለጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩳">ሙታንታና ካናቴራ | ቁምጣ | የዋና ልብስ | ፓንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩳" type="tts">ቁምጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👙">ቢኪኒ | አልባሳት | ዋና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👙" type="tts">ቢኪኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👚">ሴት | አልባሳት | የሴት ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👚" type="tts">የሴት ልብስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👛">ሳንቲም | አልባሳት | የሴት የእጅ ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👛" type="tts">የሴት የእጅ ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👜">ቦርሳ | አልባሳት | የእጅ ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👜" type="tts">የእጅ ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👝">ቦርሳ | አልባሳት | የሴት ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👝" type="tts">የሴት ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛍">ሆቴል | ቦርሳ | የመገበያያ ቦርሳዎች | ገበያ መውጣት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛍" type="tts">የመገበያያ ቦርሳዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎒">ቦርሳ | ትምህርት ቤት | ክርታስ | የትምህርት ቤት ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎒" type="tts">የትምህርት ቤት ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩴">የነጠላ ጫማ ማሰሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩴" type="tts">የነጠላ ጫማ ማሰሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👞">አልባሳት | ወንድ | የወንድ ጫማ | ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👞" type="tts">የወንድ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👟">አልባሳት | አትሌታዊ | የሩጫ ጫማ | ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👟" type="tts">የሩጫ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥾">ካምፕ | የእግር ሽርሽር | የእግር ሽርሽር ጫማ | የጀርባ ቦርሳ | ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥾" type="tts">የእግር ሽርሽር ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥿">ባሌ ዳንስ | ነጠላ ጫማ | ጠለቅ አደረገ | ጠፍጣፋ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥿" type="tts">ጠፍጣፋ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👠">ሴት | ባለ ተረከዝ የሴት ጫማ | ተረከዝ | አልባሳት | ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👠" type="tts">ባለ ተረከዝ የሴት ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👡">ሰንደል | ሴት | አልባሳት | የሴት ሰንደል ጫማ | ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👡" type="tts">የሴት ሰንደል ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩰">የባሌ ዳንስ | የባሌ ዳንስ ጫማ | ዳንስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩰" type="tts">የባሌ ዳንስ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👢">ሴት | ቡትስ | አልባሳት | የሴት ቡትስ ጫማ | ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👢" type="tts">የሴት ቡትስ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👑">ንጉሥ | ንግሥት | አልባሳት | ዘውድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👑" type="tts">ዘውድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👒">ሴት | አልባሳት | ኮፊያ | የሴት ባርኔጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="👒" type="tts">የሴት ባርኔጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎩">ቶፕ ኮፊያ | አልባሳት | ከላይ ተለባሽ | ኮፊያ | የወንድ የሙሉ ልብስ ባርኔጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎩" type="tts">የወንድ የሙሉ ልብስ ባርኔጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎓">ምርቃት | አልባሳት | ኬፕ | ክብረ በዓል | ኮፊያ | የምርቃት ኮፍያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎓" type="tts">የምርቃት ኮፍያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧢">የተከፈለበት ባርኔጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧢" type="tts">የተከፈለበት ባርኔጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪖">የወታደር ቆብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪖" type="tts">የወታደር ቆብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛑">መስቀል | ብረት ኮፍያ | ነጭ መስቀል ያለበት ብረት ኮፍያ | እርዳታ | ኮፊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛑" type="tts">ነጭ መስቀል ያለበት ብረት ኮፍያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📿">መቁጸሪያ | ኃይማኖት | አልባሳት | የአንገት ሀብል | ጨሌዎች | ጸሎት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📿" type="tts">መቁጸሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💄">መዋቢያ | ሜክአፕ | የከንፈር ቀለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💄" type="tts">የከንፈር ቀለም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💍">አልማዝ | የጣት ቀለበት | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💍" type="tts">የጣት ቀለበት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💎">አልማዝ | ጄም | ጌጥ | ፍቅር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💎" type="tts">አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔇">ስፒከር | ስፒከር ጠፍቷል | ዝም ያለ | ድምፀ ከል | ጸጥታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔇" type="tts">ስፒከር ጠፍቷል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔈">ስፒከር | ድምፅ መጠን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔈" type="tts">ስፒከር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔉">ሞገድ | ስፒከር | ስፒከር በርቷል | ዝቅ | ድምፅ መጠን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔉" type="tts">ስፒከር በርቷል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔊">ስፒከር | ስፒከር ድምፁ ከፍ ብሏል | ከፍተኛ | ድምፅ መጠን | ጮክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔊" type="tts">ስፒከር ድምፁ ከፍ ብሏል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📢">ላውድ ስፒከር | ይፋ አድራሻ | ጮክ ያለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📢" type="tts">ላውድ ስፒከር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📣">ሜጋፎን | ቺሪንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📣" type="tts">ሜጋፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📯">የፖስተኛ ጥሩንባ | ጥሩንባ | ፖስታ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📯" type="tts">የፖስተኛ ጥሩንባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔔">ደውል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔔" type="tts">ደውል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔕">ዝም ያለ | የተሰረዘ ደወል | ደወል | ድምጸ ከል | ጸጥታ ክልክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔕" type="tts">የተሰረዘ ደወል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎼">ሙዚቃ | ሙዚቃዊ ውጤት | ውጤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎼" type="tts">ሙዚቃዊ ውጤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎵">ሙዚቃ | ሙዚቃዊ ኖታ | ማስታወሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎵" type="tts">ሙዚቃዊ ኖታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎶">ሙዚቃ | ሙዚቃዊ ኖታዎች | ማስታወሻ | ማስታወሻዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎶" type="tts">ሙዚቃዊ ኖታዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎙">ሙዚቃ | ማይክ | ማይክራፎን | ስቲዲዮ | የስቲዲዮ ማይክራፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎙" type="tts">የስቲዲዮ ማይክራፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎚">ሙዚቃ | ማመጣጠኛ | አንሸራታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎚" type="tts">ማመጣጠኛ አንሸራታች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎛">መቆጣጠሪያ | መቆጣጠሪያ ቁልፎች | ሙዚቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎛" type="tts">መቆጣጠሪያ ቁልፎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎤">ማይክ | ማይክራፎን | ካሮኬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎤" type="tts">ማይክራፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎧">የጆሮ ማዳመጫ | ጆሮ ተሰኪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎧" type="tts">የጆሮ ማዳመጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📻">ሬዲዮ | ቪዲዮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📻" type="tts">ሬዲዮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎷">መሣሪያ | ሙዚቃ | ሳክስ | ሳክስፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎷" type="tts">ሳክስፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪗">አኮርዲዮን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪗" type="tts">አኮርዲዮን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎸">መሣሪያ | ሙዚቃ | ጊታር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎸" type="tts">ጊታር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎹">መሣሪያ | ሙዚቃ | ቁልፍ ሰሌዳ | የሙዚቃ ቁልፍ ሰሌዳ | ፒያኖ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎹" type="tts">የሙዚቃ ቁልፍ ሰሌዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎺">መሣሪያ | ሙዚቃ | ትራምፔት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎺" type="tts">ትራምፔት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎻">መሣሪያ | ሙዚቃ | ቫዮሊን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎻" type="tts">ቫዮሊን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪕">ሙዚቃ | ባለ ጭራ | ባንጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪕" type="tts">ባንጆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥁">ሙዚቃ | ከበሮ | የከበሮ እንጨት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🥁" type="tts">ከበሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪘">ረጅም ከበሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪘" type="tts">ረጅም ከበሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📱">ሞባይል | ስልክ | ተንቀሳቃሽ | ቴሌፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📱" type="tts">ሞባይል ስልክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📲">ሞባይል ስልክ ከቀስት ጋር | ስልክ | ቀስት | ተቀበል ሞባይል | ጥሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📲" type="tts">ሞባይል ስልክ ከቀስት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☎">ስልክ | ቴሌፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☎" type="tts">ቴሌፎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📞">ሪሲቨር | ስልክ | ቴሌፎን | የቴሌፎን መነጋገሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📞" type="tts">የቴሌፎን መነጋገሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📟">ወረቀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📟" type="tts">ወረቀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📠">ፋክስ | ፋክስ ማሽን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📠" type="tts">ፋክስ ማሽን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔋">ባትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔋" type="tts">ባትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔌">ሶኬት | ኤሌክትሪክ | ኤሌክትሪክሲቲ | የኤሌክትሪክ ሶኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔌" type="tts">የኤሌክትሪክ ሶኬት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💻">ላፕቶፕ ኮምፒውተር | ኮምፒውተር | የግል | ፒሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💻" type="tts">ላፕቶፕ ኮምፒውተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖥">ኮምፒውተር | ዴስክቶፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖥" type="tts">ዴስክቶፕ ኮምፒውተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖨">ማተሚያ | ኮምፒውተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖨" type="tts">ማተሚያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⌨">ኮምፒውተር | የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⌨" type="tts">የቁልፍ ሰሌዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖱">ኮምፒውተር | የኮምፒውተር መዳፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖱" type="tts">የኮምፒውተር መዳፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖲">ትራክቦል | ኮምፒውተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖲" type="tts">ትራክቦል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💽">ሚኒዲስክ | ኦፕቲካል | ኮምፒውተር | ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💽" type="tts">ሚኒዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💾">ኮምፒውተር | ዲስክ | ፍሎፒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💾" type="tts">ፍሎፒ ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💿">ሲዲ | ኦፕቲካል | ኮምፒውተር | ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💿" type="tts">ኦፕቲካል ዲስክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📀">ሉ-ሬይ | ኦፕቲካል | ኮምፒውተር | ዲስክ | ዲቪዲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📀" type="tts">ዲቪዲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧮">ሂሳብ ማስሊያ | አባከስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧮" type="tts">አባከስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎥">ሲኒማ | ካሜራ | የፊልም ካሜራ | ፊልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎥" type="tts">የፊልም ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎞">ሲኒማ | የፊልም ፍሬሞች | ፊልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎞" type="tts">የፊልም ፍሬሞች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📽">ሲኒማ | ቪዲዮ | የፊልም ፕሮጄክተር | ፊልም | ፕሮጄክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📽" type="tts">የፊልም ፕሮጄክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎬">የፊልም ቀረጻ መቀንጠቢያ ሰሌዳ | ፊልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎬" type="tts">የፊልም ቀረጻ መቀንጠቢያ ሰሌዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📺">ቪዲዮ | ቲቪ | ቴሌቪዥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📺" type="tts">ቴሌቪዥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📷">ቪዲዮ | ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📷" type="tts">ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📸">ባለፍላሽ ካሜራ | ቪዲዮ | ካሜራ | ፍላሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📸" type="tts">ባለፍላሽ ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📹">ቪዲዮ | ካሜራ | የቪዲዮ ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📹" type="tts">የቪዲዮ ካሜራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📼">ቪዲዮ | ቴፕ | የቪዲዮ ካሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📼" type="tts">የቪዲዮ ካሴት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔍">መሣሪያ | መነጽር | ማጉያ | ግራ ጠቋሚ ማጉያ መነጽር | ፍለጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔍" type="tts">ግራ ጠቋሚ ማጉያ መነጽር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔎">መሣሪያ | መነጽር | ማጉያ | ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ማጉያ መነጽር | ፍለጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔎" type="tts">ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ማጉያ መነጽር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕯">ሻማ | ብርሃን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕯" type="tts">ሻማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💡">ሐሳብ | ብርሃን | አምፖል | አስቂኝ | ኤሌክትሪክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💡" type="tts">አምፖል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔦">መሣሪያ | ብርሃን | ኤሌክትሪክ | የእጅ ባትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔦" type="tts">የእጅ ባትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏮">መብራት | ሬድ ፔፐር መብራት | ቀይ | አሞሌ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏮" type="tts">ሬድ ፔፐር መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪔">መብራት | ኩራዝ | ዘይት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪔" type="tts">ኩራዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📔">መጽሐፍ | ማስታወሻ ደብተር | ሽፋን | ባለጌጥ ሽፋን ማስታወሻ ደብተር | ያጌጠ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📔" type="tts">ባለጌጥ ሽፋን ማስታወሻ ደብተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📕">መጽሐፍ | የተዘጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📕" type="tts">የተዘጋ መጽሐፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📖">መጽሐፍ | ክፍት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📖" type="tts">ክፍት መጽሐፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📗">መጽሐፍ | አረንጓዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📗" type="tts">አረንጓዴ መጽሐፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📘">መጽሐፍ | ሰማያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📘" type="tts">ሰማያዊ መጽሐፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📙">መጽሐፍ | ብርትኳናማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📙" type="tts">ብርትኳናማ መጽሐፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📚">መጽሐፍ | መጽሐፍት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📚" type="tts">መጽሐፍት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📓">ማስታወሻ ደብተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📓" type="tts">ማስታወሻ ደብተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📒">መዝገብ | ማስታወሻ ደብተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📒" type="tts">መዝገብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📃">ሰነድ | ሸብለል ያለ ወረቀት | ገጽ | ጥቅልል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📃" type="tts">ሸብለል ያለ ወረቀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📜">ሽብልል | ወረቀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📜" type="tts">ሽብልል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📄">ሰነድ | ወደ ላይ የተቀመጠ ወረቀት | ገጽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📄" type="tts">ወደ ላይ የተቀመጠ ወረቀት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📰">ወረቀት | ዜና | ጋዜጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📰" type="tts">ጋዜጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗞">ወረቀት | ዜና | የተጠቀለለ ጋዜጣ | ጋዜጣ | ጥቅል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗞" type="tts">የተጠቀለለ ጋዜጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📑">መጽሐፍምልክት | ማርከር | ምልክት | ትሮች | እልባት ማድረጊያ ትሮች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📑" type="tts">እልባት ማድረጊያ ትሮች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔖">ምልክት | እልባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔖" type="tts">እልባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏷">መለያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏷" type="tts">መለያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💰">ቦርሳ | የገንዘብ ከረጢት | ዶላር | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💰" type="tts">የገንዘብ ከረጢት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪙">ሳንቲም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪙" type="tts">ሳንቲም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💴">መክፈያ | ምንዛሬ | የን የወረቀት ገንዘብ | የወረቀት ገንዘብ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💴" type="tts">የን የወረቀት ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💵">መክፈያ | ምንዛሬ | የወረቀት ገንዘብ | ዶላር | ዶላር የወረቀት ገንዘብ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💵" type="tts">ዶላር የወረቀት ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💶">መክፈያ | ምንዛሬ | ወረቀት ገንዘብ | ዩሮ | ዩሮ የወረቀት ገንዘብ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💶" type="tts">ዩሮ የወረቀት ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💷">መክፈያ | ምንዛሬ | የወረቀት ገንዘብ | ገንዘብ | ፓውንድ የወረቀት ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💷" type="tts">ፓውንድ የወረቀት ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💸">መክፈያ | ብረር | ክንፍ ያለው ገንዘብ | የወረቀት ገንዘብ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💸" type="tts">ክንፍ ያለው ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💳">ባንክ | ካርታ | ክሬዲት | ክሬዲት ካርድ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💳" type="tts">ክሬዲት ካርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧾">ሂሳብ አያያዝ | ማረጋገጫ | ማስረጃ | የመዝገብ አያያዝ | ደረሰኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧾" type="tts">ደረሰኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💹">ሰንጠረዥ | ከየን ጋር የሚጨምር ሰንጠረዥ | ዕድገት | የን | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💹" type="tts">ከየን ጋር የሚጨምር ሰንጠረዥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✉">ኢሜይል | ኤንቨሎፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✉" type="tts">ኤንቨሎፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📧">ኢሜይል | ደብዳቤ | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📧" type="tts">ኢሜይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📨">ተቀበል | ኢሜይል | ኤንቬሎፕ | ደብዳቤ | ገቢ | ገቢ ኤንቨሎፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📨" type="tts">ገቢ ኤንቨሎፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📩">ሜይል | ቀስት | ባለ ቀስት ኤንቨሎፕ | ወጪ | ደብዳቤ | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📩" type="tts">ባለ ቀስት ኤንቨሎፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📤">ሣጥን | ተልኳል | ወጪ መልእክት ሣጥን | የወጪ ኤንቨሎፕ ማስቀመጫ ትሪ | ደብዳቤ | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📤" type="tts">የወጪ ኤንቨሎፕ ማስቀመጫ ትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📥">ሣጥን | ተቀበል | የገቢ ኤንቨሎፕ ማስቀመጫ ትሪ | ደብዳቤ | ገቢ መልእክት ሣጥን | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📥" type="tts">የገቢ ኤንቨሎፕ ማስቀመጫ ትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📦">ሣጥን | ጥቅል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📦" type="tts">ጥቅል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📫">ባንዲራ የተሰቀለበት የተዘጋ የፖስታ ሳጥን | የተዘጋ | ፖስታ | ፖስታ ሣጥን | ፖስታ ቤት ሣጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📫" type="tts">ባንዲራ የተሰቀለበት የተዘጋ የፖስታ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📪">ባንዲራ የወረደበት የተዘጋ የፖስታ ሳጥን | ዝቅ ያለ | የተዘጋ | ፖስታ | ፖስታ ሣጥን | ፖስታ ቤት ሣጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📪" type="tts">ባንዲራ የወረደበት የተዘጋ የፖስታ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📬">ባንዲራ የተሰቀለበት ክፍት የፖስታ ሳጥን | ክፍት | ፖስታ | ፖስታ ሣጥን | ፖስታ ቤት ሣጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📬" type="tts">ባንዲራ የተሰቀለበት ክፍት የፖስታ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📭">ባንዲራ የወረደበት ክፍት የፖስታ ሳጥን | ክፍት | ዝቅ ያለ | ፖስታ | ፖስታ ሣጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📭" type="tts">ባንዲራ የወረደበት ክፍት የፖስታ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📮">ፖስታ | ፖስታ ሣጥን | ፖስታ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📮" type="tts">ፖስታ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗳">ሣጥን | የድምፅ መስጫ ሳጥን ከድምፅ መስጫ ካርድ ጋር | የድምፅ ካርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗳" type="tts">የድምፅ መስጫ ሳጥን ከድምፅ መስጫ ካርድ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✏">እርሳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✏" type="tts">እርሳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✒">እስኪብርቶ | የብዕር ጫፍ | ጥቁር የብዕር ጫፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✒" type="tts">ጥቁር የብዕር ጫፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖋">እስኪብርቶ | ፋውንቴን | ፋውንቴን ፔን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖋" type="tts">ፋውንቴን ፔን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖊">እስኪብርቶ | ኳስነጥብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖊" type="tts">እስኪብርቶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖌">ቅብ ሥዕል ሥራ | የሠዓሊ ብሩሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖌" type="tts">የሠዓሊ ብሩሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖍">የመጻፊያ ከለር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖍" type="tts">የመጻፊያ ከለር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📝">ማስታወሻ | እርሳስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📝" type="tts">ማስታወሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💼">ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💼" type="tts">ቦርሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📁">አቃፊ | የፋይል አቃፊ | ፋይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📁" type="tts">የፋይል አቃፊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📂">አቃፊ | ክፍት | ክፍት የፋይል አቃፊ | ፋይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📂" type="tts">ክፍት የፋይል አቃፊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗂">መጥቁም | ከፋፋዮች | ካርታ | ካርድ መጥቁም ከፋፋዮች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗂" type="tts">ካርድ መጥቁም ከፋፋዮች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📅">ቀን መቁጠሪያ | ዕለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📅" type="tts">ቀን መቁጠሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📆">ቀን መቁጠሪያ | ተቀዳጅ ቀን መቁጠሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📆" type="tts">ተቀዳጅ ቀን መቁጠሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗒">ማስታወሻ | ሰሌዳ | ባለሽቦ | ባለሽቦ ማስታወሻ ደብተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗒" type="tts">ባለሽቦ ማስታወሻ ደብተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗓">ሰሌዳ | ቀን መቁጠሪያ | ባለሽቦ | ባለሽቦ ቀን መቁጠሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗓" type="tts">ባለሽቦ ቀን መቁጠሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📇">መጥቁም | ሮሎዴክስ | ካርታ | ካርድ መጥቁም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📇" type="tts">ካርድ መጥቁም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📈">ሰንጠረዥ | አዝማሚያ | ዕድገት | የሚጨምር ገበታ | ገበታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📈" type="tts">የሚጨምር ገበታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📉">ሰንጠረዥ | ታች | አዝማሚያ | የሚቀንስ ገበታ | ገበታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📉" type="tts">የሚቀንስ ገበታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📊">ሰንጠረዥ | ባለ አሞሌ ገበታ | አሞሌ | ገበታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📊" type="tts">ባለ አሞሌ ገበታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📋">ወረቀት ማስደገፊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📋" type="tts">ወረቀት ማስደገፊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📌">እስፒል | ፑሽ እስፒል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📌" type="tts">ፑሽ እስፒል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📍">እስፒል | ክብ ፑሽ እስፒል | ፑሽ እስፒል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📍" type="tts">ክብ ፑሽ እስፒል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📎">ወረቀት ማያያዣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📎" type="tts">ወረቀት ማያያዣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖇">አያይዝ | የተያያዙ የወረቀት ክሊፖች | የወረቀት ክሊፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🖇" type="tts">የተያያዙ የወረቀት ክሊፖች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📏">ማስመሪያ | ቀጥ ያለ ማስመሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📏" type="tts">ቀጥ ያለ ማስመሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📐">ማስመሪያ | ሦስት ማዕዘን | ስብስብ | ባለ ሦስት ማዕዘን ማስመሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📐" type="tts">ባለ ሦስት ማዕዘን ማስመሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✂">መሣሪያ | መቀስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✂" type="tts">መቀስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗃">ሣጥን | ካርታ | የካርድ ፋይል ሳጥን | ፋይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗃" type="tts">የካርድ ፋይል ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗄">ካቢኔት | ፋይል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗄" type="tts">ፋይል ካቢኔት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗑">የቆሻሻ መጣያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗑" type="tts">የቆሻሻ መጣያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔒">መሸጎጫ | የተዘጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔒" type="tts">መሸጎጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔓">መክፈት | ቁልፍ | ክፍት | ክፍት መሸጎጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔓" type="tts">ክፍት መሸጎጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔏">መሸጎጫ ከብዕር ጋር | ቀለም | ቁልፍ | እስኪብርቶ | የብዕር ጫፍ | ግላዊነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔏" type="tts">መሸጎጫ ከብዕር ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔐">ቁልፍ | በቁልፍ የተዘጋ መሸጎጫ | የተዘጋ | ደህንነቱ አስተማማኝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔐" type="tts">በቁልፍ የተዘጋ መሸጎጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔑">ቁልፍ | የይለፍ ቃል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔑" type="tts">ቁልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗝">ሽማግሌ | ቁልፍ | አሮጌ ቁልፍ | ፍንጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗝" type="tts">አሮጌ ቁልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔨">መሣሪያ | መዶሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔨" type="tts">መዶሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪓">መቁረጥ | መክፈል | መጥረቢያ | እንጨት | ፋስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪓" type="tts">መጥረቢያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛏">መሣሪያ | ማዕድን ማውጣት | አነስተኛ ዶማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛏" type="tts">አነስተኛ ዶማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚒">መሣሪያ | መዶሻ | መዶሻ እና አነስተኛ ዶማ | አነስተኛ ዶማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚒" type="tts">መዶሻ እና አነስተኛ ዶማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛠">መሣሪያ | መዶሻ | መዶሻ እና መፍቻ | መፍቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛠" type="tts">መዶሻ እና መፍቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗡">ቢላዋ | አነስተኛ ሰይፍ | ጦር መሣሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗡" type="tts">አነስተኛ ሰይፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚔">ሰይፎች | የተጠላለፉ ሰይፎች | የተጣመረ | ጦር መሣሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚔" type="tts">የተጠላለፉ ሰይፎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔫">መሣሪያ | ሪቮልቨር | ሽጉጥ | ጦር መሣሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔫" type="tts">ሽጉጥ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪃">ቡምራንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪃" type="tts">ቡምራንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏹">መልህቅ | ሳጂታሪየስ | ቀስት | ዞዲያክ | ደጋን እና ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏹" type="tts">ደጋን እና ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛡">ጋሻ | ጦር መሣሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛡" type="tts">ጋሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪚">የአናጢ መጋዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪚" type="tts">የአናጢ መጋዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔧">መሣሪያ | መፍቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔧" type="tts">መፍቻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪛">መፍቻ መሳሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪛" type="tts">መፍቻ መሳሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔩">መሣሪያ | ማፈኛ | ዳዶ | ዳዶ እና ማፈኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔩" type="tts">ዳዶ እና ማፈኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚙">መሣሪያ | ሞተር ጥርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚙" type="tts">ሞተር ጥርስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗜">መሣሪያ | መጨፍለቂያ | ክፋት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗜" type="tts">መጨፍለቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚖">ሊብራ | ሚዛን | ክብደት | ዞዲያክ | የተመጣጠነ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚖" type="tts">ሚዛን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦯">ተደራሽነት | እውር | ከዘራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🦯" type="tts">ከዘራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔗">ማገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔗" type="tts">ማገናኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛓">ሰንሰለት | ሰንሰለቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛓" type="tts">ሰንሰለቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪝">መንጠቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪝" type="tts">መንጠቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧰">መሳሪያ | ሜካኒክ | ሳጥን | የመፍቻ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧰" type="tts">የመፍቻ ሳጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧲">መሳሳብ | ማግኔቲክ | ማግኔት | የፈረስ ጫማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧲" type="tts">ማግኔት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪜">መሰላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪜" type="tts">መሰላል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚗">መሣሪያ | አለምቢክ | ኬምስትሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚗" type="tts">አለምቢክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧪">መፈተኛ ቱቦ | ሙከራ | ሳይንስ | ቀማሚ | ኬሚስትሪ | የሙከራ ክፍል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧪" type="tts">መፈተኛ ቱቦ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧫">ባህል | ባክቴሪያ | ባዮሎጂ | ቤተ ሙከራ | የፔትሪ ዲሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧫" type="tts">የፔትሪ ዲሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧬">ህይወት | ለውጥ | የባዮሎጂ ሰው | ዲኤንኤ | ጄኔቲክስ | ጅን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧬" type="tts">ዲኤንኤ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔬">መሣሪያ | ማይክሮስኮፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔬" type="tts">ማይክሮስኮፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔭">መሣሪያ | ቴሌስኮፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔭" type="tts">ቴሌስኮፕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📡">ሳተላይት | አንቴና | ዲሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📡" type="tts">ሳተላይት አንቴና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💉">ሕክምና | መርፌ | ስሪንጅ | ተኩስ | የታመመ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💉" type="tts">ስሪንጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩸">ህክምና | የወር አበባ | የደም ጠብታ | ደም ልገሳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩸" type="tts">የደም ጠብታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💊">ሕክምና | ክኒን | የታመመ | ዶክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💊" type="tts">ክኒን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩹">ፋሻ | ፋሻ ማጣበቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩹" type="tts">ፋሻ ማጣበቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩺">ህክምና | ልብ | ማዳመጫ | ዶክተር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🩺" type="tts">ማዳመጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚪">በር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚪" type="tts">በር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛗">አሳንሱር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛗" type="tts">አሳንሱር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪞">መስታወት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪞" type="tts">መስታወት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪟">መስኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪟" type="tts">መስኮት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛏">ሆቴል | አልጋ | እንቅልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛏" type="tts">አልጋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛋">ሆቴል | መብራት | ሶፋ | ሶፋ እና መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛋" type="tts">ሶፋ እና መብራት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪑">መቀመጫ | ተቀመጠ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪑" type="tts">መቀመጫ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚽">ሽንት ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚽" type="tts">ሽንት ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪠">መወርወሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪠" type="tts">መወርወሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚿">ሻወር | ውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚿" type="tts">ሻወር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛁">የገላ መታጠቢያ ገንዳ | ገላን መታጠብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛁" type="tts">የገላ መታጠቢያ ገንዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪤">የአይጥ ማጥመጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪤" type="tts">የአይጥ ማጥመጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪒">መላጨት | ምላጭ | ሹል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪒" type="tts">ምላጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧴">ሻምፖ | ቅባት | የቅባት ጠርሙስ | የጸሃይ ቅባት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧴" type="tts">የቅባት ጠርሙስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧷">መርፌ ቁልፍ | የተልባ እግር | ፐንክ ሮክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧷" type="tts">መርፌ ቁልፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧹">መጥረጊያ | መጥረግ | ማጽዳት | አስማተኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧹" type="tts">መጥረጊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧺">ልብስ ማጠቢያ | ሽርሽር | ቅርጫት | እርሻ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧺" type="tts">ቅርጫት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧻">ሶፍት | የወረቀት ጥቅል | የወረቀት ፎጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧻" type="tts">የወረቀት ጥቅል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪣">ባልዲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪣" type="tts">ባልዲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧼">ማጽዳት | ሳሙና | ሻወር | አሞሌ | አረፋ | የሳሙና ሳህን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧼" type="tts">ሳሙና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪥">የጥርስ ብሩሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪥" type="tts">የጥርስ ብሩሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧽">መምጠጥ | ማጽዳት | ስፖንጅ | ወንፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧽" type="tts">ስፖንጅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧯">ማጥፊያ | አጠፋ | እሳት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🧯" type="tts">እሳት ማጥፊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛒">መገብየት | የመገብያ ጋሪ | ጋሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛒" type="tts">የመገብያ ጋሪ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚬">ማጨስ | ሲጋራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚬" type="tts">ሲጋራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚰">ሞት | ሬሳ ሣጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚰" type="tts">ሬሳ ሣጥን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪦">ሃውልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪦" type="tts">ሃውልት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚱">ማሰሮ | ሞት | ቀብር | የቀብር ማሰሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚱" type="tts">የቀብር ማሰሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗿">ሐውልት | ማኦዬ ፊት | ሞያዬ | ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🗿" type="tts">ማኦዬ ፊት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪧">ማስታወቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🪧" type="tts">ማስታወቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏧">ራስ-ሰር | ባንክ | ኤቲኤም | የኤቲኤም ምልክት | ገንዘብ ከፋይ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏧" type="tts">የኤቲኤም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚮">ቆሻሻ | ቆሻሻሣጥን | በቆሻሻ መጣያ ጣሉ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚮" type="tts">በቆሻሻ መጣያ ጣሉ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚰">ውሃ | የሚጠጣ | ጠጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚰" type="tts">የሚጠጣ ውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♿">መዳረሻ | የአካል ጉዳተኛ ዊልቸር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♿" type="tts">የአካል ጉዳተኛ ዊልቸር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚹">መጸዳጃ | ሽንት ቤት | ወንድ | የወንድ መጸዳጃ | ደብልዩ ሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚹" type="tts">የወንድ መጸዳጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚺">መጸዳጃ | ሴት | ሽንት ቤት | የሴት መጸዳጃ | ደብልዩ ሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚺" type="tts">የሴት መጸዳጃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚻">መጸዳጃ ቤት | ሽንት ቤት | ደብልዩ ሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚻" type="tts">መጸዳጃ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚼">ሕፃን | መለወጥ | የሕፃን ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚼" type="tts">የሕፃን ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚾">መጸዳጃ | ቁም ሣጥን | ባኞ ቤት | ውሃ | ደብልዩ ሲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚾" type="tts">ባኞ ቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛂">መቆጣጠሪያ | የፖስፖርት መቆጣጠሪያ | ፖስፖርት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛂" type="tts">የፖስፖርት መቆጣጠሪያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛃">ጉምሩክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛃" type="tts">ጉምሩክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛄">መጠየቂያ | ሻንጣ | ሻንጣ መረከቢያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛄" type="tts">ሻንጣ መረከቢያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛅">ሻንጣ | ተቆላፊ የግድግዳ ሣጥን | የተረሳ ሻንጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛅" type="tts">የተረሳ ሻንጣ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚠">ማስጠንቀቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚠" type="tts">ማስጠንቀቂያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚸">ልጅ | ሕፃናት መንገድ ያቋርጣሉ | መሻገር | ትራፊክ | እግረኛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚸" type="tts">ሕፃናት መንገድ ያቋርጣሉ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛔">መግቢያ | መግባት አይቻልም | ትራፊክ | አይደለም | ክልክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛔" type="tts">መግባት አይቻልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚫">መግቢያ | አይ | አይደለም | የተከለከለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚫" type="tts">የተከለከለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚳">ብስክሌት | ብስክሌት አይፈቀድም | ተሽከርካሪ | አይደለም | ክልክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚳" type="tts">ብስክሌት አይፈቀድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚭">ማጨስ | ማጨስ ክልክል ነው | አይደለም | ክልክል | የተከለከለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚭" type="tts">ማጨስ ክልክል ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚯">ቆሻሻ | ቆሻሻ መጣል ክልክል ነው | አይ | አይደለም | ክልክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚯" type="tts">ቆሻሻ መጣል ክልክል ነው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚱">ውሃ | የማይንቀሳቀስ | የማይጠጣ ውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚱" type="tts">የማይጠጣ ውሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚷">ለእግረኞች አይፈቀድም | አይ | አይደለም | እግረኛ | ክልክል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚷" type="tts">ለእግረኞች አይፈቀድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📵">ሞባይል | ሞባይል ስልኮች አይፈቀዱም | ስልክ | የተከለከለ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📵" type="tts">ሞባይል ስልኮች አይፈቀዱም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔞">18 | አስራ ስምንት | ከአስራ ስምንት ዓመት በታ አይፈቀድም | ከአስራ ስምንት ዓመት በታች አይፈቀድም | ከዕድሜ በታች | ዕድሜ ገደብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔞" type="tts">ከአስራ ስምንት ዓመት በታ አይፈቀድም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☢">ራዲዮአክቲቭ | ሬዲዮአክቲቭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☢" type="tts">ራዲዮአክቲቭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☣">ምልክት | የባዮሎጂካል አደገኛ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☣" type="tts">የባዮሎጂካል አደገኛ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬆">ሰሜን | ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ካርዲናል | ወደ ላይ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬆" type="tts">ወደ ላይ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↗">ሰሜን ምሥራቅ | ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ኢንተርካርዲናል | ወደ ላይ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↗" type="tts">ወደ ላይ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➡">ምሥራቅ | ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ካርዲናል | ወደ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➡" type="tts">ወደ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↘">ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ኢንተርካርዲናል | ወደ ታች ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት | ደቡብ ምሥራቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↘" type="tts">ወደ ታች ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬇">ቀስት | ታች | አቅጣጫ | ካርዲናል | ወደ ታች ጠቋሚ ቀስት | ደቡብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬇" type="tts">ወደ ታች ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↙">ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ኢንተርካርዲናል | ወደ ታች ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት | ደቡብ ምዕራብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↙" type="tts">ወደ ታች ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬅">ምዕራብ | ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ካርዲናል | ወደ ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬅" type="tts">ወደ ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↖">ሰሜን ምዕራብ | ቀስት | አቅጣጫ | ኢንተርካርዲናል | ወደ ላይ ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↖" type="tts">ወደ ላይ ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↕">ቀስት | ወደ ላይ ታች ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↕" type="tts">ወደ ላይ ታች ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↔">ቀስት | ግራ-ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↔" type="tts">ግራ-ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↮" draft="contributed">ግራ ቀኝ የቀስት ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↮" type="tts" draft="contributed">ግራ ቀኝ የቀስት ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↩">ቀስት | ወደ ግራ ታጣፊ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↩" type="tts">ወደ ግራ ታጣፊ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↪">ቀስት | ወደ ቀኝ ታጣፊ ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="↪" type="tts">ወደ ቀኝ ታጣፊ ግራ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⤴">ቀስት | ወደ ላይ ታጣፊ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⤴" type="tts">ወደ ላይ ታጣፊ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⤵">ቀስት | ታች | ወደ ታች ታጣፊ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⤵" type="tts">ወደ ታች ታጣፊ ቀኝ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔃">ቀስት | በሰዓት አቆጣጠር አቅጣጫ | በሰዓት አዟዟር አቅጣጫ ያሉ ቀጥ ያሉ ቀስቶች | ዳግም ጫን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔃" type="tts">በሰዓት አዟዟር አቅጣጫ ያሉ ቀጥ ያሉ ቀስቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔄">ቀስት | በሰዓት አቆጣጠር አቅጣጫ ተቃራኒ | በሰዓት አዟዟር አቅጣጫ ተቃራኒ ያሉ ቀስቶች አዝራር | ኋልዮሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔄" type="tts">በሰዓት አዟዟር አቅጣጫ ተቃራኒ ያሉ ቀስቶች አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔙">ቀስት | ተመለስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔙" type="tts">ተመለስ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔚">መጨረሻ | ማብቂያ ቀስት | ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔚" type="tts">ማብቂያ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔛">ምልክት | ቀስት | በርቷል! ቀስት | አብራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔛" type="tts">በርቷል! ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔜">ቀስት | በቅርቡ | በቅርቡ ይመጣል ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔜" type="tts">በቅርቡ ይመጣል ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔝">ላይ | ቀስት | ከፍተኛ | ከፍተኛ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔝" type="tts">ከፍተኛ ጠቋሚ ቀስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛐">ማምለክ | ኃይማኖት | የአምልኮ ቦታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🛐" type="tts">የአምልኮ ቦታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚛">መናፍቅ | አተም | የአቶም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚛" type="tts">የአቶም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕉">ሂንዱ | ኃይማኖት | ኦኤም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕉" type="tts">ኦኤም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✡">ኃይማኖት | አይሁዳዊ | አይሁድ | ኮከብ | የዳዊት ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✡" type="tts">የዳዊት ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☸">መዘውር | ቡድሂስት | ኃይማኖት | የዳርማ መዘውር | ዳህርማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☸" type="tts">የዳርማ መዘውር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☯">ታኦ | ታኦይስት | ኃይማኖት | ዩን ያንግ | ዪን | ያንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☯" type="tts">ዩን ያንግ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✝">መስቀል | ኃይማኖት | ክርስትያን | የላቲን መስቀል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✝" type="tts">የላቲን መስቀል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☦">መስቀል | ኃይማኖት | ክርስትያን | የኦርቶዶክስ መስቀል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☦" type="tts">የኦርቶዶክስ መስቀል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☪">ሙስሊም | ኃይማኖት | እስላም | ኮከብ እና ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☪" type="tts">ኮከብ እና ግማሽ ጨረቃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☮">ሰላም | የሰላም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☮" type="tts">የሰላም ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕎">ሜኖራሃ | ኃይማኖት | ካንድልቡረም | የሻማ መቅረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🕎" type="tts">ሜኖራሃ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔯">ሀብት | ባለነጥብ ስድስት አንጓ ኮከብ | ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔯" type="tts">ባለነጥብ ስድስት አንጓ ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♈">ኤሪስ | ወንድ በግ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♈" type="tts">ኤሪስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♉">በሬ | ታውረስ | ኮርማ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♉" type="tts">ታውረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♊">መንትዮች | ዞዲያክ | ጄሚኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♊" type="tts">ጄሚኒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♋">ካንሰር | ክራብ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♋" type="tts">ካንሰር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♌">ሊዮ | አንበሳ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♌" type="tts">ሊዮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♍">ቪርጎ | ኮረዳ | ዞዲያክ | ድንግል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♍" type="tts">ቪርጎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♎">ሊብራ | ሚዛን | ዞዲያክ | የተመጣጠነ | ፍትሕ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♎" type="tts">ሊብራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♏">ስኮርፒዮ | ስኮርፒዮን | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♏" type="tts">ስኮርፒዮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♐">መልህቅ | ሳጂታሪየስ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♐" type="tts">ሳጂታሪየስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♑">ካፕሪኮርን | ዞዲያክ | ፍየል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♑" type="tts">ካፕሪኮርን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♒">ተሸካሚ | አኳይረስ | ውሃ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♒" type="tts">አኳይረስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♓">ዓሣ | ዞዲያክ | ፓይሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♓" type="tts">ፓይሲስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛎">ተሸካሚ | እባብ | ኦፊዩቹስ | ዞዲያክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⛎" type="tts">ኦፊዩቹስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔀">ቀስት | ትራኮችን በውዝ አዝራር | የተጣመረ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔀" type="tts">ትራኮችን በውዝ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔁">ቀስት | በሰዓት አቆጣጠር አቅጣጫ | ድገም | ድገም አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔁" type="tts">ድገም አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔂">ቀስት | በሰዓት አቆጣጠር አቅጣጫ | ነጠላ ድገም አዝራር | አንዴ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔂" type="tts">ነጠላ ድገም አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▶">ሦስት ማዕዘን | ቀስት | ቀኝ | አጫውት | የአጫውት አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▶" type="tts">የአጫውት አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏩">ቀስት | ወደፊት አሳልፍ | ወደፊት አሳልፍ አዝራር | ድርብ | ፈጣን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏩" type="tts">ወደፊት አሳልፍ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏭">ሦስት ማዕዘን | ቀስት | ቀጣይ ትራክ | ቀጣይ ትራክ አዝራር | ቀጣይ ትዕይንት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏭" type="tts">ቀጣይ ትራክ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏯">ላፍታ ግታ | ሦስት ማዕዘን | ቀስት | አጫውት | አጫውት ወይም ላፍታ ግታ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏯" type="tts">አጫውት ወይም ላፍታ ግታ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◀">ሦስት ማዕዘን | ቀስት | ወደ ኋላ መልስ አዝራር | ገልብጥ | ግራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◀" type="tts">ወደ ኋላ መልስ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏪">ቀስት | ወደ ኋላ አጠንጥን | ወደኋላ በፍጥነት መልስ አዝራር | ድርብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏪" type="tts">ወደኋላ በፍጥነት መልስ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏮">ሦስት ማዕዘን | ቀስት | ቀዳሚ ትራክ | ቀዳሚ ትዕይንት | የመጨረሻው ትራክ ላይ ሂድ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏮" type="tts">የመጨረሻው ትራክ ላይ ሂድ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔼">ቀስት | ቀይ | አዝራር | የላይ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔼" type="tts">የላይ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏫">ቀስት | ወደ ላይ በፍጥነት ሂድ አዝራር | ድርብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏫" type="tts">ወደ ላይ በፍጥነት ሂድ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔽">ቀስት | ቀይ | ታች | አዝራር | ወደ ታች አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔽" type="tts">ወደ ታች አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏬">ቀስት | ታች | ወደ ታች በፍጥነት ሂድ አዝራር | ድርብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏬" type="tts">ወደ ታች በፍጥነት ሂድ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏸">ላፍታ ግታ | ላፍታ ግታ አዝራር | ቁልቁል | አሞሌ | ድርብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏸" type="tts">ላፍታ ግታ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏹">አቁም | አቁም አዝራር | ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏹" type="tts">አቁም አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏺">ቅዳ | ቅዳ አዝራር | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏺" type="tts">ቅዳ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏏">አስወጣ | አስወጣ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⏏" type="tts">አስወጣ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎦">ሲኒማ | ካሜራ | ፊልም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎦" type="tts">ሲኒማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔅">ብሩህነት | አጨልም | አጨልም አዝራር | ዝቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔅" type="tts">አጨልም አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔆">ብሩህ | ብሩህ አድርግ አዝራር | ብሩህነት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔆" type="tts">ብሩህ አድርግ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📶">ሞባይል | ስልክ | አሞሌ | አንቴና | አንቴና አሞሌዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📶" type="tts">አንቴና አሞሌዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📳">ሁነታ | ሞባይል | ስልክ | ቴሌፎን | ንዝረት | የንዝረት ሁነታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📳" type="tts">የንዝረት ሁነታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📴">ሞባይል | ሞባይል ስልክ ይጥፋ | ስልክ | ተንቀሳቃሽ | ቴሌፎን | አጥፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📴" type="tts">ሞባይል ስልክ ይጥፋ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♀">ሴት | የሴት ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♀" type="tts">የሴት ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♂">ሰው | ወንድ | የወንድ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♂" type="tts">የወንድ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚧">የትራንስጀንደር ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚧" type="tts">የትራንስጀንደር ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✖">× | x | ማባዛት | ምልክት | ተወው | አባዛ | የማባዛት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✖" type="tts">የማባዛት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➕">+ | ሒሳብ | ምልክት | ወፍራም የመደመር ምልክት | የመደመር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➕" type="tts">ወፍራም የመደመር ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➖">- | − | ሒሳብ | ማይነስ | ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➖" type="tts">ማይነስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➗">÷ | ሒሳብ | ማካፈል | ምልክት | የማካፈል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➗" type="tts">ማካፈል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♾">አለም አቀፍ | እስከ መጨራሻው | ወሰን የሌለው | ያልተገደበ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♾" type="tts">ወሰን የሌለው</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‼">ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ቃለ አጋኖ | ድርብ ቃለ አጋኖ | ድርብ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="‼" type="tts">ድርብ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁉">ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ቃለ አጋኖ | ቃለ አጋኖ ከጥያቄ ምልክት ጋር | ጥያቄ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⁉" type="tts">ቃለ አጋኖ ከጥያቄ ምልክት ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❓">ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | የጥያቄ ምልክት | ጥያቄ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❓" type="tts">የጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❔">ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ነጭ የጥያቄ ምልክት | የተነደፈ | ጥያቄ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❔" type="tts">ነጭ የጥያቄ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❕">ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ቃለ አጋኖ | ነጭ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት | የተነደፈ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❕" type="tts">ነጭ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❗">ምልክት | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ቀይ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት | ቃለ አጋኖ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❗" type="tts">ቀይ የቃለ አጋኖ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〰">ሞገዳማ | ሞገዳማ ሰረዝ | ሥርዓተ ነጥብ | ሰርዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〰" type="tts">ሞገዳማ ሰረዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💱">ምንዛሬ | ባንክ | የውጭ ምንዛሬ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💱" type="tts">የውጭ ምንዛሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💲">ምንዛሬ | ወፍራም የዶላር ምልክት | ዶላር | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💲" type="tts">ወፍራም የዶላር ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚕">መድሃኒት | የመድሃኒት ምልክት | የስራ ባልደረባ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚕" type="tts">የመድሃኒት ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♻">መልሶ መጠቀም | የመልሶ ጥቅም ላይ ማዋል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="♻" type="tts">የመልሶ ጥቅም ላይ ማዋል ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚜">የማጌጫ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚜" type="tts">የማጌጫ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔱">መልህቅ | መሣሪያ | መርከብ | ትሪደንት | አርማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔱" type="tts">ትሪደንት አርማ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📛">ስም | የስም መለያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="📛" type="tts">የስም መለያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔰">ቅጠል | የጃፓን | የጃፓን የጀማሪ ምልክት | ጀማሪ ሼቭሮን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔰" type="tts">የጃፓን የጀማሪ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⭕">ኦ | ክብ | ወፍራም ግዙፍ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⭕" type="tts">ወፍራም ግዙፍ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✅">ምልክት | ነጭ ወፍራም ምልክት ማድረጊያ | ፈትሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✅" type="tts">ነጭ ወፍራም ምልክት ማድረጊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☑">ሣጥን | የድምፅ መስጫ ሳጥን ከምልክት ማድረጊያ ጋር | የድምፅ ካርድ | ፈትሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="☑" type="tts">የድምፅ መስጫ ሳጥን ከምልክት ማድረጊያ ጋር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✔">ምልክት | ወፍራም ምልክት ማድረጊያ | ፈትሽ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✔" type="tts">ወፍራም ምልክት ማድረጊያ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❌">ማባዛት | ምልክት | ተወው | አባዛ | የስረዛ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❌" type="tts">የስረዛ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❎">ምልክት | ካሬ | የስረዛ ምልክት አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❎" type="tts">የስረዛ ምልክት አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➰">ሸምቀቆ | ጥቅልል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➰" type="tts">ጥቅልል ሸምቀቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➿">ሸምቀቆ | ድርብ | ጥቅልል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="➿" type="tts">ድርብ ጥቅልል ሸምቀቆ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〽">ምልክት | ክፍል | የክፍል መቀየሪያ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="〽" type="tts">የክፍል መቀየሪያ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✳">ባለ ስምንት ቀስት አስትሪክስ | አስትሪክስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✳" type="tts">ባለ ስምንት ቀስት አስትሪክስ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✴">ባለስምንት ነጥብ ኮከብ | ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="✴" type="tts">ባለስምንት ነጥብ ኮከብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❇">አንጸባራቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="❇" type="tts">አንጸባራቂ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="©">የቅጂ መብት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="©" type="tts">የቅጂ መብት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="®">ተመዝግቧል | የተመዘገበ ንግድ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="®" type="tts">የተመዘገበ ንግድ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="™">ምልክት | ንግድ ምልክት | የንግድ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="™" type="tts">የንግድ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔠">ላቲን | ዓቢይ ፊደል | የላቲን ዓቢይ ፊደል ግቤት | ግቤት | ፊደላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔠" type="tts">የላቲን ዓቢይ ፊደል ግቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔡">ላቲን | ንዑስ ፊደላት | የላቲን ንዑስ ፊደል ግቤት | ግቤት | ፊደላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔡" type="tts">የላቲን ንዑስ ፊደል ግቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔢">1234 | ቁጥሮች | የቁጥር ግቤት | ግቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔢" type="tts">የቁጥር ግቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔣">የግቤት ምልክቶች | ግቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔣" type="tts">የግቤት ምልክቶች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔤">ላቲን | የላቲን ፊደላት ግቤት | የፊደል ገበታ | ግቤት | ፊደላት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔤" type="tts">የላቲን ፊደላት ግቤት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅰">ኤ አዝራር | ደም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅰" type="tts">ኤ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆎">ኤቢ አዝራር | ደም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆎" type="tts">ኤቢ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅱">ቢ አዝራር | ደም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅱" type="tts">ቢ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆑">መቆጣጠሪያ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆑" type="tts">መቆጣጠሪያ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆒">ቀዝቃዛ ካሬ | አሪፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆒" type="tts">ቀዝቃዛ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆓">ነጻ | ነጻ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆓" type="tts">ነጻ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="ℹ">መረጃ | የመረጃ ምንጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="ℹ" type="tts">የመረጃ ምንጭ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆔">መለያ ማንነት | አይዲ | አይዲ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆔" type="tts">አይዲ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="Ⓜ">በክብ ውስጥ ያለ ኤም ፊደል | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="Ⓜ" type="tts">በክብ ውስጥ ያለ ኤም ፊደል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆕">አዲስ | አዲስ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆕" type="tts">አዲስ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆖">ኤንጂ | ኤንጂ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆖" type="tts">ኤንጂ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅾">ኦ | ኦ አዝራር | ደም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅾" type="tts">ኦ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆗">እሺ | ኦኬ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆗" type="tts">ኦኬ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅿">መኪና ማቆሚያ | ፒ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🅿" type="tts">ፒ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆘">ኤስኦኤስ | ኤስኦኤስ ካሬ | እገዛ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆘" type="tts">ኤስኦኤስ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆙">ላይ | ምልክት | ወደላይ! አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆙" type="tts">ወደላይ! አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆚">ቪኤስ ካሬ | ይጋጠማል ከ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🆚" type="tts">ቪኤስ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈁">ካታካና ኮኮ ካሬ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈁" type="tts">ካታካና ኮኮ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈂">ካታካና ሳ ካሬ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈂" type="tts">ካታካና ሳ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈷">የጃፓን | የጨረቃ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈷" type="tts">የጨረቃ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈶">የጃፓን | ያኖረ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈶" type="tts">ያኖረ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈯">የጃፓን | የጣት ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈯" type="tts">የጣት ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🉐">ባለክብ ዕድል አይዶግራፍ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🉐" type="tts">ባለክብ ዕድል አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈹">የተከፋፈለ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈹" type="tts">የተከፋፈለ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈚">የአሉታ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈚" type="tts">የአሉታ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈲">የተከለከለ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የጃፓን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈲" type="tts">የተከለከለ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🉑">ክብ የተቀበል አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🉑" type="tts">ክብ የተቀበል አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈸">የተግብር ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈸" type="tts">የተግብር ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈴">አንድነት ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈴" type="tts">አንድነት ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈳">ባዶ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈳" type="tts">ባዶ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="㊗">አይዶግራፍ | ክብ የደስታ መግለጫ አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና | የደስታ መግለጫ | የደስታ መግለጫዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="㊗" type="tts">ክብ የደስታ መግለጫ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="㊙">ምስጢር | አይዶግራፍ | ክብ የምስጢር አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="㊙" type="tts">ክብ የምስጢር አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈺">የስርዓተ ክወና ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈺" type="tts">የስርዓተ ክወና ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈵">ሙሉ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ | የቻይና</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🈵" type="tts">ሙሉ ካሬ አይዶግራፍ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔴">ቀይ | ክብ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔴" type="tts">ቀይ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟠">ብርቱካን | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟠" type="tts">ብርቱካን ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟡">ቢጫ | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟡" type="tts">ቢጫ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟢">አረንጓዴ | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟢" type="tts">አረንጓዴ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔵">ሰማያዊ | ክብ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔵" type="tts">ሰማያዊ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟣">ሐምራዊ | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟣" type="tts">ሐምራዊ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟤">ቡናማ | ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟤" type="tts">ቡናማ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚫">ክብ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ | ጥቁር ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚫" type="tts">ጥቁር ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚪">ነጭ ክብ | ክብ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⚪" type="tts">ነጭ ክብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟥">ቀይ | ቀይ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟥" type="tts">ቀይ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟧">ብርቱካናማ | ብርቱካናማ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟧" type="tts">ብርቱካናማ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟨">ቢጫ | ቢጫ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟨" type="tts">ቢጫ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟩">አረንጓዴ | አረንጓዴ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟩" type="tts">አረንጓዴ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟦">ሰማያዊ | ሰማያዊ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟦" type="tts">ሰማያዊ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟪">ሐምራዊ | ሐምራዊ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟪" type="tts">ሐምራዊ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟫">ቡናማ | ቡናማ አራት ማእዝን | አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🟫" type="tts">ቡናማ አራት ማእዝን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬛">ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ | ጥቁር ትልቅ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬛" type="tts">ጥቁር ትልቅ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬜">ነጭ ትልቅ ካሬ | ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="⬜" type="tts">ነጭ ትልቅ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◼">ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ | ጥቁር መካከለኛ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◼" type="tts">ጥቁር መካከለኛ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◻">ነጭ መካከለኛ ካሬ | ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◻" type="tts">ነጭ መካከለኛ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◾">ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ | ጥቁር መካከለኛ-ትንሽ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◾" type="tts">ጥቁር መካከለኛ-ትንሽ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◽">ነጭ መካከለኛ- ትንሽ ካሬ | ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="◽" type="tts">ነጭ መካከለኛ- ትንሽ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▪">ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ | ጥቁር ትንሽ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▪" type="tts">ጥቁር ትንሽ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▫">ነጭ ትንሽ ካሬ | ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="▫" type="tts">ነጭ ትንሽ ካሬ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔶">ብርትኳናማ | ትልቅ ብርትኳናማ አልማዝ | አልማዝ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔶" type="tts">ትልቅ ብርትኳናማ አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔷">ሰማያዊ | ትልቅ ሰማያዊ አልማዝ | አልማዝ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔷" type="tts">ትልቅ ሰማያዊ አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔸">ብርትኳናማ | ትንሽ ብርትኳናማ አልማዝ | አልማዝ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔸" type="tts">ትንሽ ብርትኳናማ አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔹">ሰማያዊ | ትንሽ ሰማያዊ አልማዝ | አልማዝ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔹" type="tts">ትንሽ ሰማያዊ አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔺">ቀይ | ቀይ ሶስት ማዕዘን ወደ ላይ ጠቋሚ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔺" type="tts">ቀይ ሶስት ማዕዘን ወደ ላይ ጠቋሚ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔻">ቀይ | ቀይ ሶስት ማዕዘን ወደ ታች ጠቋሚ | ታች | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔻" type="tts">ቀይ ሶስት ማዕዘን ወደ ታች ጠቋሚ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💠">ባለ ነቁጥ አልማዝ | አልማዝ | አስቂኝ | ከውስጥ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="💠" type="tts">ባለ ነቁጥ አልማዝ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔘">ሬዲዮ | አዝራር | የሬዲዮ አዝራር | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔘" type="tts">የሬዲዮ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔳">በነጭ የተከበበ ካሬ አዝራር | አዝራር | ካሬ | የተነደፈ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔳" type="tts">በነጭ የተከበበ ካሬ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔲">በጥቁር የተከበበ ካሬ አዝራር | አዝራር | ካሬ | ጂኦሜትሪያዊ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🔲" type="tts">በጥቁር የተከበበ ካሬ አዝራር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏁">እሽቅድድም | የዳማ ሰሌዳ መሰል ባንዴራ | ዳማ | ዳማ ሰሌዳ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏁" type="tts">የዳማ ሰሌዳ መሰል ባንዴራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚩">የፖስታ ምልክት ባንዲራ | ፖስታ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🚩" type="tts">የፖስታ ምልክት ባንዲራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎌">መስቀል | ክብረ በዓል | የተጣመረ | የጃፓን | ጥሙር ሰንደቅ ዓላማዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🎌" type="tts">ጥሙር ሰንደቅ ዓላማዎች</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏴">ማውለብለብ | ጥቁር ባንዴራ ማውለብለብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏴" type="tts">ጥቁር ባንዴራ ማውለብለብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏳">ማውለብለብ | ነጭ ባንዴራ ማውለብለብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏳" type="tts">ነጭ ባንዴራ ማውለብለብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏳🌈">ቀስተ ደመና | ባንዲራ | የቀስተ ደመና ባንዲራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏳🌈" type="tts">የቀስተ ደመና ባንዲራ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏳⚧" draft="contributed">ሰማያዊ ፤ ሓምራዊ እና ነጭ ሰንደቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏳⚧" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሰማያዊ ፤ ሓምራዊ እና ነጭ ሰንደቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏴☠">ማዕድን | ምርኮ | የባሕር ወንበዴ | የባሕር ወንበዴ ሰንደቅ | ጆሊ ሮጀር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="🏴☠" type="tts">የባሕር ወንበዴ ሰንደቅ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¢">ሳንቲም | ሴንቲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¢" type="tts">ሴንቲ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="$">ዶላር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="$" type="tts">ዶላር</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="£">ኢግፓ | ገንዘብ | ግብፓ | ፓውንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="£" type="tts">ፓውንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¥">ሲኤንዋይ | የን | ዩኣን | ጄፒዋይ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¥" type="tts">የን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₢" draft="contributed">ክርውዜሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₢" type="tts" draft="contributed">ክርውዜሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₣" draft="contributed">የፈረንሳይ ፍራንክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₣" type="tts" draft="contributed">የፈረንሳይ ፍራንክ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₤" draft="contributed">ሊራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₤" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሊራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₥">ሚል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₥" type="tts">ሚል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₩">KPW | KRW | ዎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₩" type="tts">ዎን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="€">ዩሮ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="€" type="tts">ዩሮ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₰" draft="contributed">የጀርመን ሳንቲም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₰" type="tts" draft="contributed">የጀርመን ሳንቲም</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₱">ፔሶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₱" type="tts">ፔሶ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₳" draft="contributed">አውስትራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₳" type="tts" draft="contributed">አውስትራል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₶" draft="contributed">ሊቭሬ ቱርኗ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₶" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሊቭሬ ቱርኗ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₷" draft="contributed">ስፕስሚሎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₷" type="tts" draft="contributed">ስፕስሚሎ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₹">ሩፒ | የህንድ ሩፒ | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₹" type="tts">የህንድ ሩፒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₽">ሩብለ | ሩብል | ገንዘብ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₽" type="tts">ሩብል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₿">BTC | ቢትኮን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₿" type="tts">ቢትኮን</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₨" draft="contributed">ሩፒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="₨" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሩፒ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="﷼" draft="contributed">ሪያል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="﷼" type="tts" draft="contributed">ሪያል</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¹">ራስጌ ምልክት | ራስጌ ምልክት አንድ | አንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="¹" type="tts">ራስጌ ምልክት አንድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="²">ሁለት | ራስጌ ምልክት | ራስጌ ምልክት ሁለት | ስኴርድ</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="²" type="tts">ራስጌ ምልክት ሁለት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="³">ራስጌ ምልክት | ራስጌ ምልክት ሶስት | ሳልስ ርቢ | ሶስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="³" type="tts">ራስጌ ምልክት ሶስት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="µ">መለኪያ | ማይክሮ ምልክት | የማይክሮ ምልክት</annotation> |
| <annotation cp="µ" type="tts">የማይክሮ ምልክት</annotation> |
| </annotations> |
| </ldml> |