| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
| <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> |
| <!-- |
| Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc. |
| CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) |
| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| --> |
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| <collation type="standard" references="Sri Lanka standard 1134 Part 1 - 2007 edition - Sri Lanka Standards Institution"> |
| <cr><![CDATA[ |
| [normalization on] |
| [reorder Sinh Deva Beng Guru Gujr Orya Taml Telu Knda Mlym] |
| &ඖ<ං<ඃ |
| &ඥ<ඤ |
| ]]></cr> |
| </collation> |
| <collation type="dictionary" references="Sri Lanka standard 1134 Part 1 - 2007 edition - Sri Lanka Standards Institution"> |
| <cr><![CDATA[ |
| [normalization on] |
| [reorder Sinh Deva Beng Guru Gujr Orya Taml Telu Knda Mlym] |
| &ඖ<ං<ඃ |
| &ජ්ඤ<<ඥ |
| ]]></cr> |
| </collation> |
| </collations> |
| </ldml> |