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| <!-- Copyright © 1991-2018 Unicode, Inc. |
| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. |
| CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) |
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| <localeDisplayNames> |
| <languages> |
| <language type="af" draft="unconfirmed">Afirkanci</language> |
| <language type="ak">Akan</language> |
| <language type="am">Amharik</language> |
| <language type="ar">Larabci</language> |
| <language type="as" draft="unconfirmed">Asamisanci</language> |
| <language type="az" draft="unconfirmed">Azerbaijanci</language> |
| <language type="be">Belarusanci</language> |
| <language type="bg">Bulgaranci</language> |
| <language type="bn">Bengali</language> |
| <language type="br" draft="unconfirmed">Buretananci</language> |
| <language type="bs" draft="unconfirmed">Bosniyanci</language> |
| <language type="ca" draft="unconfirmed">Kataloniyanci</language> |
| <language type="cs">Harshen Cak</language> |
| <language type="cy" draft="unconfirmed">Kabilar Welsh</language> |
| <language type="da" draft="unconfirmed">Danish</language> |
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| <language type="el">Girkanci</language> |
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| <language type="et" draft="unconfirmed">Istoniyanci</language> |
| <language type="eu" draft="unconfirmed">Dan/ʼYar Kabilar Bas</language> |
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| <language type="fi" draft="unconfirmed">Yaren mutanen Finland</language> |
| <language type="fil" draft="unconfirmed">Dan Filifin</language> |
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| <language type="ha">Hausa</language> |
| <language type="he" draft="unconfirmed">Yahudanci</language> |
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| <language type="hy" draft="unconfirmed">Armeniyanci</language> |
| <language type="ia" draft="unconfirmed">Yare Tsakanin Kasashe</language> |
| <language type="id">Harshen Indunusiya</language> |
| <language type="ie" draft="unconfirmed">Intagulanci</language> |
| <language type="ig">Inyamuranci</language> |
| <language type="is" draft="unconfirmed">Yaren mutanen Iceland</language> |
| <language type="it">Italiyanci</language> |
| <language type="ja">Japananci</language> |
| <language type="jv">Jabananci</language> |
| <language type="ka" draft="unconfirmed">Jojiyanci</language> |
| <language type="km">Harshen Kimar</language> |
| <language type="kn" draft="unconfirmed">Dan/ʼYar Kabilar Kannada</language> |
| <language type="ko">Harshen Koreya</language> |
| <language type="ku" draft="unconfirmed">Kurdanci</language> |
| <language type="ky" draft="unconfirmed">Kirgizanci</language> |
| <language type="la" draft="unconfirmed">Dan Kabilar Latin</language> |
| <language type="ln" draft="unconfirmed">Lingala</language> |
| <language type="lo" draft="unconfirmed">Laothian</language> |
| <language type="lt" draft="unconfirmed">Lituweniyanci</language> |
| <language type="lv" draft="unconfirmed">Latbiyanci</language> |
| <language type="mk" draft="unconfirmed">Dan Masedoniya</language> |
| <language type="ml" draft="unconfirmed">Kabilar Maleyalam</language> |
| <language type="mn" draft="unconfirmed">Mongolian</language> |
| <language type="mr" draft="unconfirmed">Kʼabilan Marathi</language> |
| <language type="ms">Harshen Malai</language> |
| <language type="mt" draft="unconfirmed">Harshen Maltis</language> |
| <language type="my">Burmanci</language> |
| <language type="ne">Nepali</language> |
| <language type="nl">Holanci</language> |
| <language type="nn" draft="unconfirmed">Yaren Kasar Norway</language> |
| <language type="no" draft="unconfirmed">Yaren mutanen Norway</language> |
| <language type="oc" draft="unconfirmed">Ositanci</language> |
| <language type="or" draft="unconfirmed">Oriyanci</language> |
| <language type="pa">Punjabi</language> |
| <language type="pl">Harshen Polan</language> |
| <language type="ps" draft="unconfirmed">Pashtanci</language> |
| <language type="pt">Harshen Portugal</language> |
| <language type="pt_BR" draft="unconfirmed">Fotigis (Burazil)</language> |
| <language type="pt_PT" draft="unconfirmed">Yaren Kasar Portugal</language> |
| <language type="ro">Romaniyanci</language> |
| <language type="ru">Rashanci</language> |
| <language type="rw">Kiniyaruwanda</language> |
| <language type="sa" draft="unconfirmed">sanskrit</language> |
| <language type="sd" draft="unconfirmed">Sindiyanci</language> |
| <language type="sh" draft="unconfirmed">Kuroweshiyancin-Sabiya</language> |
| <language type="si" draft="unconfirmed">Sinhalanci</language> |
| <language type="sk" draft="unconfirmed">Basulake</language> |
| <language type="sl" draft="unconfirmed">Basulabe</language> |
| <language type="so">Somali</language> |
| <language type="sq" draft="unconfirmed">Dʼan/ʼYar Kabilar Albaniya</language> |
| <language type="sr" draft="unconfirmed">Sabiyan</language> |
| <language type="st" draft="unconfirmed">Sesotanci</language> |
| <language type="su" draft="unconfirmed">Sundanese</language> |
| <language type="sv">Harshen Suwedan</language> |
| <language type="sw" draft="unconfirmed">Harshen Suwahili</language> |
| <language type="ta">Tamil</language> |
| <language type="te" draft="unconfirmed">Dʼan/ʼYar Kabilar Telug</language> |
| <language type="th">Thai</language> |
| <language type="ti" draft="unconfirmed">Tigriyanci</language> |
| <language type="tk" draft="unconfirmed">Tukmenistanci</language> |
| <language type="tlh" draft="unconfirmed">Klingon</language> |
| <language type="tr">Harshen Turkiyya</language> |
| <language type="tw" draft="unconfirmed">Tiwiniyanci</language> |
| <language type="ug" draft="unconfirmed">Ugiranci</language> |
| <language type="uk">Harshen Yukuren</language> |
| <language type="ur">Harshen Urdu</language> |
| <language type="uz" draft="unconfirmed">Uzbek</language> |
| <language type="vi">Harshen Biyetinam</language> |
| <language type="xh" draft="unconfirmed">Bazosa</language> |
| <language type="yo">Yarbanci</language> |
| <language type="zh">Harshen Sin</language> |
| <language type="zu">Harshen Zulu</language> |
| </languages> |
| <territories> |
| <territory type="AD">Andora</territory> |
| <territory type="AE">Haɗaɗɗiyar Daular Larabawa</territory> |
| <territory type="AF">Afaganistan</territory> |
| <territory type="AG">Antigwa da Barbuba</territory> |
| <territory type="AI">Angila</territory> |
| <territory type="AL">Albaniya</territory> |
| <territory type="AM">Armeniya</territory> |
| <territory type="AO">Angola</territory> |
| <territory type="AR">Arjantiniya</territory> |
| <territory type="AS">Samowa Ta Amurka</territory> |
| <territory type="AT">Ostiriya</territory> |
| <territory type="AU">Ostareliya</territory> |
| <territory type="AW">Aruba</territory> |
| <territory type="AZ">Azarbaijan</territory> |
| <territory type="BA">Bosniya Harzagobina</territory> |
| <territory type="BB">Barbadas</territory> |
| <territory type="BD">Bangiladas</territory> |
| <territory type="BE">Belgiyom</territory> |
| <territory type="BF">Burkina Faso</territory> |
| <territory type="BG">Bulgariya</territory> |
| <territory type="BH">Baharan</territory> |
| <territory type="BI">Burundi</territory> |
| <territory type="BJ">Binin</territory> |
| <territory type="BM">Barmuda</territory> |
| <territory type="BN">Burune</territory> |
| <territory type="BO">Bolibiya</territory> |
| <territory type="BR">Birazil</territory> |
| <territory type="BS">Bahamas</territory> |
| <territory type="BT">Butan</territory> |
| <territory type="BW">Baswana</territory> |
| <territory type="BY">Belarus</territory> |
| <territory type="BZ">Beliz</territory> |
| <territory type="CA">Kanada</territory> |
| <territory type="CD">Jamhuriyar Dimokuraɗiyyar Kongo</territory> |
| <territory type="CF">Jamhuriyar Afirka Ta Tsakiya</territory> |
| <territory type="CG">Kongo</territory> |
| <territory type="CH">Suwizalan</territory> |
| <territory type="CI">Aibari Kwas</territory> |
| <territory type="CK">Tsibiran Kuku</territory> |
| <territory type="CL">Cayile</territory> |
| <territory type="CM">Kamaru</territory> |
| <territory type="CN">Caina, Sin</territory> |
| <territory type="CO">Kolambiya</territory> |
| <territory type="CR">Kwasta Rika</territory> |
| <territory type="CU">Kyuba</territory> |
| <territory type="CV">Tsibiran Kap Barde</territory> |
| <territory type="CY">Sifurus</territory> |
| <territory type="CZ">Jamhuriyar Cak</territory> |
| <territory type="DE">Jamus</territory> |
| <territory type="DJ">Jibuti</territory> |
| <territory type="DK">Danmark</territory> |
| <territory type="DM">Dominika</territory> |
| <territory type="DO">Jamhuriyar Dominika</territory> |
| <territory type="DZ">Aljeriya</territory> |
| <territory type="EC">Ekwador</territory> |
| <territory type="EE">Estoniya</territory> |
| <territory type="EG">Misira</territory> |
| <territory type="ER">Eritireya</territory> |
| <territory type="ES">Sipen</territory> |
| <territory type="ET">Habasha</territory> |
| <territory type="FI">Finlan</territory> |
| <territory type="FJ">Fiji</territory> |
| <territory type="FK">Tsibiran Falkilan</territory> |
| <territory type="FM">Mikuronesiya</territory> |
| <territory type="FR">Faransa</territory> |
| <territory type="GA">Gabon</territory> |
| <territory type="GB">Birtaniya</territory> |
| <territory type="GD">Girnada</territory> |
| <territory type="GE">Jiwarjiya</territory> |
| <territory type="GF">Gini Ta Faransa</territory> |
| <territory type="GH">Gana</territory> |
| <territory type="GI">Jibaraltar</territory> |
| <territory type="GL">Grinlan</territory> |
| <territory type="GM">Gambiya</territory> |
| <territory type="GN">Gini</territory> |
| <territory type="GP">Gwadaluf</territory> |
| <territory type="GQ">Gini Ta Ikwaita</territory> |
| <territory type="GR">Girka</territory> |
| <territory type="GT">Gwatamala</territory> |
| <territory type="GU">Gwam</territory> |
| <territory type="GW">Gini Bisau</territory> |
| <territory type="GY">Guyana</territory> |
| <territory type="HN">Honduras</territory> |
| <territory type="HR">Kurowaishiya</territory> |
| <territory type="HT">Haiti</territory> |
| <territory type="HU">Hungari</territory> |
| <territory type="ID">Indunusiya</territory> |
| <territory type="IE">Ayalan</territory> |
| <territory type="IL">Iziraʼila</territory> |
| <territory type="IN">Indiya</territory> |
| <territory type="IO">Yankin Birtaniya Na Tekun Indiya</territory> |
| <territory type="IQ">Iraƙi</territory> |
| <territory type="IR">Iran</territory> |
| <territory type="IS">Aisalan</territory> |
| <territory type="IT">Italiya</territory> |
| <territory type="JM">Jamaika</territory> |
| <territory type="JO">Jordan</territory> |
| <territory type="JP">Japan</territory> |
| <territory type="KE">Kenya</territory> |
| <territory type="KG">Kirgizistan</territory> |
| <territory type="KH">Kambodiya</territory> |
| <territory type="KI">Kiribati</territory> |
| <territory type="KM">Kwamoras</territory> |
| <territory type="KN">San Kiti Da Nebis</territory> |
| <territory type="KP">Koreya Ta Arewa</territory> |
| <territory type="KR">Koreya Ta Kudu</territory> |
| <territory type="KW">Kwiyat</territory> |
| <territory type="KY">Tsibiran Kaiman</territory> |
| <territory type="KZ">Kazakistan</territory> |
| <territory type="LA">Lawas</territory> |
| <territory type="LB">Labanan</territory> |
| <territory type="LC">San Lusiya</territory> |
| <territory type="LI">Licansitan</territory> |
| <territory type="LK">Siri Lanka</territory> |
| <territory type="LR">Laberiya</territory> |
| <territory type="LS">Lesoto</territory> |
| <territory type="LT">Lituweniya</territory> |
| <territory type="LU">Lukusambur</territory> |
| <territory type="LV">latibiya</territory> |
| <territory type="LY">Libiya</territory> |
| <territory type="MA">Maroko</territory> |
| <territory type="MC">Monako</territory> |
| <territory type="MD">Maldoba</territory> |
| <territory type="MG">Madagaskar</territory> |
| <territory type="MH">Tsibiran Marshal</territory> |
| <territory type="MK">Masedoniya</territory> |
| <territory type="ML">Mali</territory> |
| <territory type="MM">Burma, Miyamar</territory> |
| <territory type="MN">Mangoliya</territory> |
| <territory type="MP">Tsibiran Mariyana Na Arewa</territory> |
| <territory type="MQ">Martinik</territory> |
| <territory type="MR">Moritaniya</territory> |
| <territory type="MS">Manserati</territory> |
| <territory type="MT">Malta</territory> |
| <territory type="MU">Moritus</territory> |
| <territory type="MV">Maldibi</territory> |
| <territory type="MW">Malawi</territory> |
| <territory type="MX">Makasiko</territory> |
| <territory type="MY">Malaisiya</territory> |
| <territory type="MZ">Mozambik</territory> |
| <territory type="NA">Namibiya</territory> |
| <territory type="NC">Kaledoniya Sabuwa</territory> |
| <territory type="NE">Nijar</territory> |
| <territory type="NF">Tsibirin Narfalk</territory> |
| <territory type="NG">Najeriya</territory> |
| <territory type="NI">Nikaraguwa</territory> |
| <territory type="NL">Holan</territory> |
| <territory type="NO">Norwe</territory> |
| <territory type="NP">Nefal</territory> |
| <territory type="NR">Nauru</territory> |
| <territory type="NU">Niyu</territory> |
| <territory type="NZ">Nuzilan</territory> |
| <territory type="OM">Oman</territory> |
| <territory type="PA">Panama</territory> |
| <territory type="PE">Peru</territory> |
| <territory type="PF">Folinesiya Ta Faransa</territory> |
| <territory type="PG">Papuwa Nugini</territory> |
| <territory type="PH">Filipin</territory> |
| <territory type="PK">Pakistan</territory> |
| <territory type="PL">Polan</territory> |
| <territory type="PM">San Piyar Da Mikelan</territory> |
| <territory type="PN">Pitakarin</territory> |
| <territory type="PR">Porto Riko</territory> |
| <territory type="PS">Palasɗinu</territory> |
| <territory type="PT">Portugal</territory> |
| <territory type="PW">Palau</territory> |
| <territory type="PY">Paragai</territory> |
| <territory type="QA">Kwatar</territory> |
| <territory type="RE">Rawuniyan</territory> |
| <territory type="RO">Romaniya</territory> |
| <territory type="RU">Rasha</territory> |
| <territory type="RW">Ruwanda</territory> |
| <territory type="SA">Ƙasar Makka</territory> |
| <territory type="SB">Tsibiran Salaman</territory> |
| <territory type="SC">Saishal</territory> |
| <territory type="SD">Sudan</territory> |
| <territory type="SE">Suwedan</territory> |
| <territory type="SG">Singapur</territory> |
| <territory type="SH">San Helena</territory> |
| <territory type="SI">Sulobeniya</territory> |
| <territory type="SK">Sulobakiya</territory> |
| <territory type="SL">Salewo</territory> |
| <territory type="SM">San Marino</territory> |
| <territory type="SN">Sinigal</territory> |
| <territory type="SO">Somaliya</territory> |
| <territory type="SR">Suriname</territory> |
| <territory type="ST">Sawo Tome Da Paransip</territory> |
| <territory type="SV">El Salbador</territory> |
| <territory type="SY">Sham, Siriya</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ">Suwazilan</territory> |
| <territory type="TC">Turkis Da Tsibiran Kaikwas</territory> |
| <territory type="TD">Cadi</territory> |
| <territory type="TG">Togo</territory> |
| <territory type="TH">Tailan</territory> |
| <territory type="TJ">Tajikistan</territory> |
| <territory type="TK">Takelau</territory> |
| <territory type="TL">Timor Ta Gabas</territory> |
| <territory type="TM">Turkumenistan</territory> |
| <territory type="TN">Tunisiya</territory> |
| <territory type="TO">Tanga</territory> |
| <territory type="TR">Turkiyya</territory> |
| <territory type="TT">Tirinidad Da Tobago</territory> |
| <territory type="TV">Tubalu</territory> |
| <territory type="TW">Taiwan</territory> |
| <territory type="TZ">Tanzaniya</territory> |
| <territory type="UA">Yukaran</territory> |
| <territory type="UG">Yuganda</territory> |
| <territory type="US">Amurka</territory> |
| <territory type="UY">Yurugai</territory> |
| <territory type="UZ">Uzubekistan</territory> |
| <territory type="VA">Batikan</territory> |
| <territory type="VC">San Binsan Da Girnadin</territory> |
| <territory type="VE">Benezuwela</territory> |
| <territory type="VG">Tsibirin Birjin Na Birtaniya</territory> |
| <territory type="VI">Tsibiran Birjin Ta Amurka</territory> |
| <territory type="VN">Biyetinam</territory> |
| <territory type="VU">Banuwatu</territory> |
| <territory type="WF">Walis Da Futuna</territory> |
| <territory type="WS">Samowa</territory> |
| <territory type="YE">Yamal</territory> |
| <territory type="YT">Mayoti</territory> |
| <territory type="ZA">Afirka Ta Kudu</territory> |
| <territory type="ZM">Zambiya</territory> |
| <territory type="ZW">Zimbabuwe</territory> |
| </territories> |
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| <characters> |
| <exemplarCharacters>[a b ɓ c d ɗ e f g h i j k ƙ l m n o r s {sh} t {ts} u w y {ʼy} z ʼ]</exemplarCharacters> |
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| <month type="4">Afi</month> |
| <month type="5">May</month> |
| <month type="6">Yun</month> |
| <month type="7">Yul</month> |
| <month type="8">Agu</month> |
| <month type="9">Sat</month> |
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| <month type="5">Mayu</month> |
| <month type="6">Yuni</month> |
| <month type="7">Yuli</month> |
| <month type="8">Agusta</month> |
| <month type="9">Satumba</month> |
| <month type="10">Oktoba</month> |
| <month type="11">Nuwamba</month> |
| <month type="12">Disamba</month> |
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| <month type="3">Mar</month> |
| <month type="4">Afi</month> |
| <month type="5">May</month> |
| <month type="6">Yun</month> |
| <month type="7">Yul</month> |
| <month type="8">Agu</month> |
| <month type="9">Sat</month> |
| <month type="10">Okt</month> |
| <month type="11">Nuw</month> |
| <month type="12">Dis</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">J</month> |
| <month type="2">F</month> |
| <month type="3">M</month> |
| <month type="4">A</month> |
| <month type="5">M</month> |
| <month type="6">Y</month> |
| <month type="7">Y</month> |
| <month type="8">A</month> |
| <month type="9">S</month> |
| <month type="10">O</month> |
| <month type="11">N</month> |
| <month type="12">D</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Janairu</month> |
| <month type="2">Faburairu</month> |
| <month type="3">Maris</month> |
| <month type="4">Afirilu</month> |
| <month type="5">Mayu</month> |
| <month type="6">Yuni</month> |
| <month type="7">Yuli</month> |
| <month type="8">Agusta</month> |
| <month type="9">Satumba</month> |
| <month type="10">Oktoba</month> |
| <month type="11">Nuwamba</month> |
| <month type="12">Disamba</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <days> |
| <dayContext type="format"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">Lah</day> |
| <day type="mon">Lit</day> |
| <day type="tue">Tal</day> |
| <day type="wed">Lar</day> |
| <day type="thu">Alh</day> |
| <day type="fri">Jum</day> |
| <day type="sat">Asa</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">L</day> |
| <day type="mon">L</day> |
| <day type="tue">T</day> |
| <day type="wed">L</day> |
| <day type="thu">A</day> |
| <day type="fri">J</day> |
| <day type="sat">A</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">Lh</day> |
| <day type="mon">Li</day> |
| <day type="tue">Ta</day> |
| <day type="wed">Lr</day> |
| <day type="thu">Al</day> |
| <day type="fri">Ju</day> |
| <day type="sat">As</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">Lahadi</day> |
| <day type="mon">Litinin</day> |
| <day type="tue">Talata</day> |
| <day type="wed">Laraba</day> |
| <day type="thu">Alhamis</day> |
| <day type="fri">Jummaʼa</day> |
| <day type="sat">Asabar</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| <dayContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">Lah</day> |
| <day type="mon">Lit</day> |
| <day type="tue">Tal</day> |
| <day type="wed">Lar</day> |
| <day type="thu">Alh</day> |
| <day type="fri">Jum</day> |
| <day type="sat">Asa</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">L</day> |
| <day type="mon">L</day> |
| <day type="tue">T</day> |
| <day type="wed">L</day> |
| <day type="thu">A</day> |
| <day type="fri">J</day> |
| <day type="sat">A</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">Lh</day> |
| <day type="mon">Li</day> |
| <day type="tue">Ta</day> |
| <day type="wed">Lr</day> |
| <day type="thu">Al</day> |
| <day type="fri">Ju</day> |
| <day type="sat">As</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">Lahadi</day> |
| <day type="mon">Litinin</day> |
| <day type="tue">Talata</day> |
| <day type="wed">Laraba</day> |
| <day type="thu">Alhamis</day> |
| <day type="fri">Jummaʼa</day> |
| <day type="sat">Asabar</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| </days> |
| <quarters> |
| <quarterContext type="format"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">K1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">K2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">K3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">K4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">Kwata na ɗaya</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">Kwata na biyu</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">Kwata na uku</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">Kwata na huɗu</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| <quarterContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">K1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">K2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">K3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">K4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">Kwata na ɗaya</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">Kwata na biyu</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">Kwata na uku</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">Kwata na huɗu</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| </quarters> |
| <dayPeriods> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="format"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="stand-alone"> |
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| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| </dayPeriods> |
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| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0">Kafin haihuwar annab</era> |
| <era type="1">Bayan haihuwar annab</era> |
| </eraNames> |
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| <era type="0">KHAI</era> |
| <era type="1">BHAI</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
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| <pattern>d MMMM, y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
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| </dateFormat> |
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| <pattern>HH:mm:ss z</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
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| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>HH:mm:ss</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
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| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>HH:mm</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">E, d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">HH:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">L</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">M/d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">E, M/d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">LLL</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">MMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">E, MMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">MMMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMEd">E, MMMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yM">M/y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMd">y-MM-dd</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMEd">E, M/d/y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMM">MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMd">d MMM, y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMEd">y MMM d, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMM">MMMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQ">QQQ y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQQ">QQQQ y</dateFormatItem> |
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| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="H">HH–HH</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm–HH:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm–HH:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, dd/M – E, dd/M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">MM/y – MM/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MM/y – MM/y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">dd/MM/y – dd/MM/y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
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| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">y MMM d – y MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">y MMMM – y MMMM</greatestDifference> |
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| </field> |
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| <displayName>Mako</displayName> |
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| </field> |
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| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Angola</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Dalar Ostareliya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Baharan</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BIF"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Burundi</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BWP"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Baswana</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Dalar Kanada</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Kongo</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Suwizalan</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Caina/Sin</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CVE"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Tsibiran Kap Barde</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DJF"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Jibuti</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DZD"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Aljeriya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EGP"> |
| <displayName>Fam kin Masar</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ERN"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Eritireya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ETB"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Habasha</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Fam kin Ingila</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Cedi</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GMD"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Gambiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Gini</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Indiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Japan</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Sulen Kenya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Kwamoras</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LRD"> |
| <displayName>Dalar Laberiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LSL"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Lesoto</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LYD"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Libiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MAD"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Maroko</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MGA"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Madagaskar</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRO"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Moritaniya (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Kuɗin Moritaniya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MUR"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Moritus</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MWK"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Malawi</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZM"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Mozambik</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NAD"> |
| <displayName>Dalar Namibiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NGN"> |
| <displayName>Naira</displayName> |
| <symbol>₦</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RWF"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Ruwanda</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SAR"> |
| <displayName>Riyal</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SCR"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Saishal</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDG"> |
| <displayName>Fam kin Sudan</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SHP"> |
| <displayName>Fam kin San Helena</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLL"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Salewo</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SOS"> |
| <displayName>Sulen Somaliya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STD"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Sawo Tome da Paransip (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STN"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Sawo Tome da Paransip</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SZL"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Lilangeni</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TND"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Tunisiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TZS"> |
| <displayName>Sulen Tanzaniya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGX"> |
| <displayName>Sule Yuganda</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USD"> |
| <displayName>Dalar Amurka</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAF"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Sefa na Afirka Ta Tsakiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XOF"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Sefa na Afirka Ta Yamma</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZAR"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Afirka Ta Kudu</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMK"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Zambiya (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMW"> |
| <displayName>Kuɗin Zambiya</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWD"> |
| <displayName>Dalar zimbabuwe</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| </currencies> |
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