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| <month type="6">Pipiri</month> |
| <month type="7">Hōngongoi</month> |
| <month type="8">Hereturikōkā</month> |
| <month type="9">Mahuru</month> |
| <month type="10">Whiringa-ā-nuku</month> |
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| <month type="7">Hōngo</month> |
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| <month type="9">Mahu</month> |
| <month type="10">Nuku</month> |
| <month type="11">Rangi</month> |
| <month type="12">Haki</month> |
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| <month type="12">H</month> |
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| <month type="7">Hōngongoi</month> |
| <month type="8">Hereturikōkā</month> |
| <month type="9">Mahuru</month> |
| <month type="10">Whiringa-ā-nuku</month> |
| <month type="11">Whiringa-ā-rangi</month> |
| <month type="12">Hakihea</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
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| <day type="wed">Apa</day> |
| <day type="thu">Par</day> |
| <day type="fri">Mer</day> |
| <day type="sat">Hor</day> |
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| <day type="sat">Hor</day> |
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