| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
| <!DOCTYPE keyboard SYSTEM "../dtd/ldmlKeyboard.dtd"> |
| <keyboard locale="fi-t-k0-chromeos"> |
| <version platform="33" number="$Revision$"/> |
| <names> |
| <name value="Finland"/> |
| </names> |
| <settings transformFailure="omit" transformPartial="hide"/> |
| <keyMap> |
| <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="1"/> |
| <map iso="E02" to="2"/> |
| <map iso="E03" to="3"/> |
| <map iso="E04" to="4"/> |
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| <map iso="E08" to="8"/> |
| <map iso="E09" to="9"/> |
| <map iso="E10" to="0"/> |
| <map iso="E11" to="+"/> <!-- - --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- = to= ́ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="w"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="e"/> |
| <map iso="D04" to="r"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="t"/> |
| <map iso="D06" to="y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="u"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="i"/> |
| <map iso="D09" to="o"/> |
| <map iso="D10" to="p"/> |
| <map iso="D11" to="å"/> <!-- [ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="'"/> <!-- \ --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="a"/> |
| <map iso="C02" to="s"/> |
| <map iso="C03" to="d"/> |
| <map iso="C04" to="f"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="g"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="h"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="j"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="k"/> |
| <map iso="C09" to="l"/> |
| <map iso="C10" to="ö"/> <!-- ; --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="ä"/> <!-- ' --> |
| <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="z"/> |
| <map iso="B02" to="x"/> |
| <map iso="B03" to="c"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="v"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="b"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="n"/> |
| <map iso="B07" to="m"/> |
| <map iso="B08" to=","/> |
| <map iso="B09" to="."/> |
| <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="shift"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="½"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="!"/> <!-- 1 --> |
| <map iso="E02" to="\u{22}"/> <!-- 2 to= " --> |
| <map iso="E03" to="#"/> <!-- 3 --> |
| <map iso="E04" to="¤"/> <!-- 4 --> |
| <map iso="E05" to="%"/> <!-- 5 --> |
| <map iso="E06" to="&"/> <!-- 6 --> |
| <map iso="E07" to="/"/> <!-- 7 --> |
| <map iso="E08" to="("/> <!-- 8 --> |
| <map iso="E09" to=")"/> <!-- 9 --> |
| <map iso="E10" to="="/> <!-- 0 --> |
| <map iso="E11" to="?"/> <!-- - base=+ --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{300}"/> <!-- = base=́ to= ̀ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="Q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="W"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="E"/> |
| <map iso="D04" to="R"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="T"/> |
| <map iso="D06" to="Y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="U"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="I"/> |
| <map iso="D09" to="O"/> |
| <map iso="D10" to="P"/> |
| <map iso="D11" to="Å"/> <!-- [ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- ] base=̈ to= ̂ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="*"/> <!-- \ base=' --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="A"/> |
| <map iso="C02" to="S"/> |
| <map iso="C03" to="D"/> |
| <map iso="C04" to="F"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="G"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="H"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="J"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="K"/> |
| <map iso="C09" to="L"/> |
| <map iso="C10" to="Ö"/> <!-- ; --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="Ä"/> <!-- ' --> |
| <map iso="B00" to=">"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) base=< --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="Z"/> |
| <map iso="B02" to="X"/> |
| <map iso="B03" to="C"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="V"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="B"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="N"/> |
| <map iso="B07" to="M"/> |
| <map iso="B08" to=";"/> <!-- , --> |
| <map iso="B09" to=":"/> <!-- . --> |
| <map iso="B10" to="_"/> <!-- / base=- --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="caps"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="1"/> |
| <map iso="E02" to="2"/> |
| <map iso="E03" to="3"/> |
| <map iso="E04" to="4"/> |
| <map iso="E05" to="5"/> |
| <map iso="E06" to="6"/> |
| <map iso="E07" to="7"/> |
| <map iso="E08" to="8"/> |
| <map iso="E09" to="9"/> |
| <map iso="E10" to="0"/> |
| <map iso="E11" to="+"/> <!-- - --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- = to= ́ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="Q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="W"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="E"/> |
| <map iso="D04" to="R"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="T"/> |
| <map iso="D06" to="Y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="U"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="I"/> |
| <map iso="D09" to="O"/> |
| <map iso="D10" to="P"/> |
| <map iso="D11" to="Å"/> <!-- [ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="'"/> <!-- \ --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="A"/> |
| <map iso="C02" to="S"/> |
| <map iso="C03" to="D"/> |
| <map iso="C04" to="F"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="G"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="H"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="J"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="K"/> |
| <map iso="C09" to="L"/> |
| <map iso="C10" to="Ö"/> <!-- ; --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="Ä"/> <!-- ' --> |
| <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="Z"/> |
| <map iso="B02" to="X"/> |
| <map iso="B03" to="C"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="V"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="B"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="N"/> |
| <map iso="B07" to="M"/> |
| <map iso="B08" to=","/> |
| <map iso="B09" to="."/> |
| <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="caps+shift"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="½"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="!"/> <!-- 1 --> |
| <map iso="E02" to="\u{22}"/> <!-- 2 to= " --> |
| <map iso="E03" to="#"/> <!-- 3 --> |
| <map iso="E04" to="¤"/> <!-- 4 --> |
| <map iso="E05" to="%"/> <!-- 5 --> |
| <map iso="E06" to="&"/> <!-- 6 --> |
| <map iso="E07" to="/"/> <!-- 7 --> |
| <map iso="E08" to="("/> <!-- 8 --> |
| <map iso="E09" to=")"/> <!-- 9 --> |
| <map iso="E10" to="="/> <!-- 0 --> |
| <map iso="E11" to="?"/> <!-- - base=+ --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{300}"/> <!-- = base=́ to= ̀ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="w"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="e"/> |
| <map iso="D04" to="r"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="t"/> |
| <map iso="D06" to="y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="u"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="i"/> |
| <map iso="D09" to="o"/> |
| <map iso="D10" to="p"/> |
| <map iso="D11" to="å"/> <!-- [ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- ] base=̈ to= ̂ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="*"/> <!-- \ base=' --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="a"/> |
| <map iso="C02" to="s"/> |
| <map iso="C03" to="d"/> |
| <map iso="C04" to="f"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="g"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="h"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="j"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="k"/> |
| <map iso="C09" to="l"/> |
| <map iso="C10" to="ö"/> <!-- ; --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="ä"/> <!-- ' --> |
| <map iso="B00" to=">"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) base=< --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="z"/> |
| <map iso="B02" to="x"/> |
| <map iso="B03" to="c"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="v"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="b"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="n"/> |
| <map iso="B07" to="m"/> |
| <map iso="B08" to=";"/> <!-- , --> |
| <map iso="B09" to=":"/> <!-- . --> |
| <map iso="B10" to="_"/> <!-- / base=- --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="altR"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="﹣"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="1"/> |
| <map iso="E02" to="@"/> <!-- 2 --> |
| <map iso="E03" to="£"/> <!-- 3 --> |
| <map iso="E04" to="$"/> <!-- 4 --> |
| <map iso="E05" to="‰"/> <!-- 5 --> |
| <map iso="E06" to="‚"/> <!-- 6 --> |
| <map iso="E07" to="{"/> <!-- 7 --> |
| <map iso="E08" to="["/> <!-- 8 --> |
| <map iso="E09" to="]"/> <!-- 9 --> |
| <map iso="E10" to="}"/> <!-- 0 --> |
| <map iso="E11" to="\"/> <!-- - base=+ --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{327}"/> <!-- = base=́ to= ̧ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="w"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="€"/> <!-- E --> |
| <map iso="D04" to="r"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="þ"/> <!-- T --> |
| <map iso="D06" to="y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="u"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="ı"/> |
| <map iso="D09" to="œ"/> <!-- O --> |
| <map iso="D10" to="\u{31B}"/> <!-- P to= ̛ --> |
| <map iso="D11" to="\u{30B}"/> <!-- [ base=å to= ̋ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{303}"/> <!-- ] base=̈ to= ̃ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="\u{30C}"/> <!-- \ base=' to= ̌ --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="ə"/> <!-- A --> |
| <map iso="C02" to="ß"/> <!-- S --> |
| <map iso="C03" to="ð"/> <!-- D --> |
| <map iso="C04" to="f"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="g"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="h"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="j"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="ĸ"/> <!-- K --> |
| <map iso="C09" to="﹣"/> <!-- L --> |
| <map iso="C10" to="ø"/> <!-- ; base=ö --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="æ"/> <!-- ' base=ä --> |
| <map iso="B00" to="|"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) base=< --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="ʒ"/> <!-- Z --> |
| <map iso="B02" to="×"/> <!-- X --> |
| <map iso="B03" to="c"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="v"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="b"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="ŋ"/> <!-- N --> |
| <map iso="B07" to="µ"/> <!-- M --> |
| <map iso="B08" to="’"/> <!-- , --> |
| <map iso="B09" to="\u{323}"/> <!-- . to= ̣ --> |
| <map iso="B10" to="–"/> <!-- / base=- --> |
| <map iso="A03" to="\u{A0}"/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="altR+shift"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="¡"/> <!-- 1 --> |
| <map iso="E02" to="”"/> <!-- 2 --> |
| <map iso="E03" to="»"/> <!-- 3 --> |
| <map iso="E04" to="«"/> <!-- 4 --> |
| <map iso="E05" to="“"/> <!-- 5 --> |
| <map iso="E06" to="„"/> <!-- 6 --> |
| <map iso="E07" to="7"/> |
| <map iso="E08" to="<"/> <!-- 8 --> |
| <map iso="E09" to=">"/> <!-- 9 --> |
| <map iso="E10" to="°"/> <!-- 0 --> |
| <map iso="E11" to="¿"/> <!-- - base=+ --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{328}"/> <!-- = base=́ to= ̨ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="Q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="W"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="e"/> |
| <map iso="D04" to="R"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="Þ"/> <!-- T --> |
| <map iso="D06" to="Y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="U"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="|"/> <!-- I --> |
| <map iso="D09" to="Œ"/> <!-- O --> |
| <map iso="D10" to="\u{309}"/> <!-- P to= ̉ --> |
| <map iso="D11" to="\u{30A}"/> <!-- [ base=å to= ̊ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{304}"/> <!-- ] base=̈ to= ̄ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="\u{306}"/> <!-- \ base=' to= ̆ --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="Ə"/> <!-- A --> |
| <map iso="C02" to="s"/> |
| <map iso="C03" to="Ð"/> <!-- D --> |
| <map iso="C04" to="F"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="G"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="H"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="J"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="k"/> |
| <map iso="C09" to="l"/> |
| <map iso="C10" to="Ø"/> <!-- ; base=ö --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="Æ"/> <!-- ' base=ä --> |
| <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="Ʒ"/> <!-- Z --> |
| <map iso="B02" to="·"/> <!-- X --> |
| <map iso="B03" to="C"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="V"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="B"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="Ŋ"/> <!-- N --> |
| <map iso="B07" to="—"/> <!-- M --> |
| <map iso="B08" to="‘"/> <!-- , --> |
| <map iso="B09" to="\u{307}"/> <!-- . to= ̇ --> |
| <map iso="B10" to="\u{326}"/> <!-- / base=- to= ̦ --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="altR+caps"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="1"/> |
| <map iso="E02" to="2"/> |
| <map iso="E03" to="3"/> |
| <map iso="E04" to="4"/> |
| <map iso="E05" to="5"/> |
| <map iso="E06" to="6"/> |
| <map iso="E07" to="7"/> |
| <map iso="E08" to="8"/> |
| <map iso="E09" to="9"/> |
| <map iso="E10" to="0"/> |
| <map iso="E11" to="+"/> <!-- - --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- = to= ́ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="Q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="W"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="€"/> <!-- E --> |
| <map iso="D04" to="R"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="Þ"/> <!-- T --> |
| <map iso="D06" to="Y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="U"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="ı"/> |
| <map iso="D09" to="Œ"/> <!-- O --> |
| <map iso="D10" to="\u{31B}"/> <!-- P to= ̛ --> |
| <map iso="D11" to="\u{30B}"/> <!-- [ base=å to= ̋ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="'"/> <!-- \ --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="Ə"/> <!-- A --> |
| <map iso="C02" to="ß"/> <!-- S --> |
| <map iso="C03" to="Ð"/> <!-- D --> |
| <map iso="C04" to="F"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="G"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="H"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="J"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="ĸ"/> <!-- K --> |
| <map iso="C09" to="﹣"/> <!-- L --> |
| <map iso="C10" to="Ø"/> <!-- ; base=ö --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="Æ"/> <!-- ' base=ä --> |
| <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="Ʒ"/> <!-- Z --> |
| <map iso="B02" to="×"/> <!-- X --> |
| <map iso="B03" to="C"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="V"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="B"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="Ŋ"/> <!-- N --> |
| <map iso="B07" to="µ"/> <!-- M --> |
| <map iso="B08" to=","/> |
| <map iso="B09" to="."/> |
| <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <keyMap modifiers="altR+caps+shift"> |
| <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> |
| <map iso="E01" to="1"/> |
| <map iso="E02" to="2"/> |
| <map iso="E03" to="3"/> |
| <map iso="E04" to="4"/> |
| <map iso="E05" to="5"/> |
| <map iso="E06" to="6"/> |
| <map iso="E07" to="7"/> |
| <map iso="E08" to="8"/> |
| <map iso="E09" to="9"/> |
| <map iso="E10" to="0"/> |
| <map iso="E11" to="+"/> <!-- - --> |
| <map iso="E12" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- = to= ́ --> |
| <map iso="D01" to="q"/> |
| <map iso="D02" to="w"/> |
| <map iso="D03" to="e"/> |
| <map iso="D04" to="r"/> |
| <map iso="D05" to="þ"/> <!-- T --> |
| <map iso="D06" to="y"/> |
| <map iso="D07" to="u"/> |
| <map iso="D08" to="|"/> <!-- I --> |
| <map iso="D09" to="œ"/> <!-- O --> |
| <map iso="D10" to="\u{309}"/> <!-- P to= ̉ --> |
| <map iso="D11" to="\u{30A}"/> <!-- [ base=å to= ̊ --> |
| <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> |
| <map iso="D13" to="'"/> <!-- \ --> |
| <map iso="C01" to="ə"/> <!-- A --> |
| <map iso="C02" to="s"/> |
| <map iso="C03" to="ð"/> <!-- D --> |
| <map iso="C04" to="f"/> |
| <map iso="C05" to="g"/> |
| <map iso="C06" to="h"/> |
| <map iso="C07" to="j"/> |
| <map iso="C08" to="k"/> |
| <map iso="C09" to="l"/> |
| <map iso="C10" to="ø"/> <!-- ; base=ö --> |
| <map iso="C11" to="æ"/> <!-- ' base=ä --> |
| <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> |
| <map iso="B01" to="ʒ"/> <!-- Z --> |
| <map iso="B02" to="·"/> <!-- X --> |
| <map iso="B03" to="c"/> |
| <map iso="B04" to="v"/> |
| <map iso="B05" to="b"/> |
| <map iso="B06" to="ŋ"/> <!-- N --> |
| <map iso="B07" to="—"/> <!-- M --> |
| <map iso="B08" to=","/> |
| <map iso="B09" to="."/> |
| <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> |
| <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> |
| </keyMap> |
| <transforms type="simple"> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{301}" to="´"/> <!-- ́́ → ´ --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}\u{300}" to="`"/> <!-- ̀̀ → ` --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}\u{306}" to="˘"/> <!-- ̆̆ → ˘ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}\u{302}" to="^"/> <!-- ̂̂ → ^ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}\u{30C}" to="ˇ"/> <!-- ̌̌ → ˇ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A}\u{30A}" to="°"/> <!-- ̊̊ → ° --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{308}" to="¨"/> <!-- ̈̈ → ¨ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B}\u{30B}" to="˝"/> <!-- ̋̋ → ˝ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}\u{303}" to="~"/> <!-- ̃̃ → ~ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}\u{307}" to="˙"/> <!-- ̇̇ → ˙ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}\u{327}" to="¸"/> <!-- ̧̧ → ¸ --> |
| <transform from="\u{328}\u{328}" to="˛"/> <!-- ̨̨ → ˛ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{304}" to="¯"/> <!-- ̄̄ → ¯ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}\u{309}" to="\u{309}"/> <!-- ̉̉ → ̉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}\u{31B}" to="\u{31B}"/> <!-- ̛̛ → ̛ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}\u{323}" to="\u{323}"/> <!-- ̣̣ → ̣ --> |
| <transform from="\u{326}\u{326}" to=","/> <!-- ̦̦ → , --> |
| <transform from="\u{301} " to="'"/> <!-- ́ → ' --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{A0}" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- ́ → ́ --> |
| <transform from="\u{300} " to="`"/> <!-- ̀ → ` --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}\u{A0}" to="\u{300}"/> <!-- ̀ → ̀ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306} " to="˘"/> <!-- ̆ → ˘ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}\u{A0}" to="\u{306}"/> <!-- ̆ → ̆ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302} " to="^"/> <!-- ̂ → ^ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}\u{A0}" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- ̂ → ̂ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C} " to="ˇ"/> <!-- ̌ → ˇ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}\u{A0}" to="\u{30C}"/> <!-- ̌ → ̌ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A} " to="°"/> <!-- ̊ → ° --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A}\u{A0}" to="\u{30A}"/> <!-- ̊ → ̊ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308} " to=""/> <!-- ̈ → --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{A0}" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ̈ → ̈ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B} " to="˝"/> <!-- ̋ → ˝ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B}\u{A0}" to="\u{30B}"/> <!-- ̋ → ̋ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303} " to="~"/> <!-- ̃ → ~ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}\u{A0}" to="\u{303}"/> <!-- ̃ → ̃ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307} " to="˙"/> <!-- ̇ → ˙ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}\u{A0}" to="\u{307}"/> <!-- ̇ → ̇ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327} " to="¸"/> <!-- ̧ → ¸ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}\u{A0}" to="\u{327}"/> <!-- ̧ → ̧ --> |
| <transform from="\u{328} " to="˛"/> <!-- ̨ → ˛ --> |
| <transform from="\u{328}\u{A0}" to="\u{328}"/> <!-- ̨ → ̨ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304} " to="¯"/> <!-- ̄ → ¯ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{A0}" to="\u{304}"/> <!-- ̄ → ̄ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309} " to="\u{309}"/> <!-- ̉ → ̉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}\u{A0}" to="\u{309}"/> <!-- ̉ → ̉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B} " to="\u{31B}"/> <!-- ̛ → ̛ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}\u{A0}" to="\u{31B}"/> <!-- ̛ → ̛ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323} " to="\u{323}"/> <!-- ̣ → ̣ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}\u{A0}" to="\u{323}"/> <!-- ̣ → ̣ --> |
| <transform from="\u{326} " to=","/> <!-- ̦ → , --> |
| <transform from="\u{326}\u{A0}" to="\u{326}"/> <!-- ̦ → ̦ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}-" to="⁻"/> <!-- ̂- → ⁻ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}-" to="₋"/> <!-- ̌- → ₋ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}-" to="⨪"/> <!-- ̣- → ⨪ --> |
| <transform from="﹣ " to="/"/> |
| <transform from="﹣\u{A0}" to="\u{338}"/> <!-- ﹣ → ̸ --> |
| <transform from="﹣﹣" to="/"/> |
| <transform from="﹣<" to="≮"/> |
| <transform from="﹣=" to="≠"/> |
| <transform from="﹣>" to="≯"/> |
| <transform from="﹣2" to="ƻ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣a" to="ⱥ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣A" to="Ⱥ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣b" to="ƀ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣B" to="Ƀ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣c" to="ȼ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣C" to="Ȼ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣d" to="đ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣D" to="Đ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣e" to="ɇ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣E" to="Ɇ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣g" to="ǥ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣G" to="Ǥ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣h" to="ħ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣H" to="Ħ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣i" to="ɨ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣I" to="Ɨ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣j" to="ɉ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣J" to="Ɉ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣\u{307}j" to="ɟ"/> <!-- ﹣̇j → ɟ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}﹣j" to="ɟ"/> <!-- ̇﹣j → ɟ --> |
| <transform from="﹣l" to="ł"/> |
| <transform from="﹣L" to="Ł"/> |
| <transform from="﹣o" to="ø"/> |
| <transform from="﹣O" to="Ø"/> |
| <transform from="﹣\u{301}o" to="ǿ"/> <!-- ﹣́o → ǿ --> |
| <transform from="﹣\u{301}O" to="Ǿ"/> <!-- ﹣́O → Ǿ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}﹣o" to="ǿ"/> <!-- ́﹣o → ǿ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}﹣O" to="Ǿ"/> <!-- ́﹣O → Ǿ --> |
| <transform from="﹣p" to="ᵽ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣P" to="Ᵽ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣r" to="ɍ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣R" to="Ɍ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣t" to="ŧ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣T" to="Ŧ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣u" to="ʉ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣U" to="Ʉ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣y" to="ɏ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣Y" to="Ɏ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣z" to="ƶ"/> |
| <transform from="﹣Z" to="Ƶ"/> |
| <transform from="\u{308}'" to="\u{344}"/> <!-- ̈' → ̈́ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}(" to="⁽"/> <!-- ̂( → ⁽ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}(" to="₍"/> <!-- ̌( → ₍ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302})" to="⁾"/> <!-- ̂) → ⁾ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C})" to="₎"/> <!-- ̌) → ₎ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}+" to="⁺"/> <!-- ̂+ → ⁺ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}+" to="₊"/> <!-- ̌+ → ₊ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}+" to="⨥"/> <!-- ̣+ → ⨥ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}<" to="≲"/> <!-- ̃< → ≲ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}=" to="⁼"/> <!-- ̂= → ⁼ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}=" to="₌"/> <!-- ̌= → ₌ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}=" to="≃"/> <!-- ̃= → ≃ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}=" to="⩦"/> <!-- ̣= → ⩦ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}>" to="≳"/> <!-- ̃> → ≳ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}0" to="⁰"/> <!-- ̂0 → ⁰ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}0" to="₀"/> <!-- ̌0 → ₀ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}1" to="¹"/> <!-- ̂1 → ¹ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}1" to="₁"/> <!-- ̌1 → ₁ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}2" to="²"/> <!-- ̂2 → ² --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}2" to="₂"/> <!-- ̌2 → ₂ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}3" to="³"/> <!-- ̂3 → ³ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}3" to="₃"/> <!-- ̌3 → ₃ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}4" to="⁴"/> <!-- ̂4 → ⁴ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}4" to="₄"/> <!-- ̌4 → ₄ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}5" to="⁵"/> <!-- ̂5 → ⁵ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}5" to="₅"/> <!-- ̌5 → ₅ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}6" to="⁶"/> <!-- ̂6 → ⁶ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}6" to="₆"/> <!-- ̌6 → ₆ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}7" to="⁷"/> <!-- ̂7 → ⁷ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}7" to="₇"/> <!-- ̌7 → ₇ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}8" to="⁸"/> <!-- ̂8 → ⁸ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}8" to="₈"/> <!-- ̌8 → ₈ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}9" to="⁹"/> <!-- ̂9 → ⁹ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}9" to="₉"/> <!-- ̌9 → ₉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}a" to="á"/> <!-- ́a → á --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}A" to="Á"/> <!-- ́A → Á --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{306}a" to="ắ"/> <!-- ́̆a → ắ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{306}A" to="Ắ"/> <!-- ́̆A → Ắ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}a" to="ấ"/> <!-- ́̂a → ấ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}A" to="Ấ"/> <!-- ́̂A → Ấ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{30A}a" to="ǻ"/> <!-- ́̊a → ǻ --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{30A}A" to="Ǻ"/> <!-- ́̊A → Ǻ --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}a" to="à"/> <!-- ̀a → à --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}A" to="À"/> <!-- ̀A → À --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}\u{306}a" to="ằ"/> <!-- ̀̆a → ằ --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}\u{306}A" to="Ằ"/> <!-- ̀̆A → Ằ --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}a" to="ầ"/> <!-- ̀̂a → ầ --> |
| <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}A" to="Ầ"/> <!-- ̀̂A → Ầ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}a" to="ă"/> <!-- ̆a → ă --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}A" to="Ă"/> <!-- ̆A → Ă --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}\u{301}a" to="ắ"/> <!-- ̆́a → ắ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}\u{301}A" to="Ắ"/> <!-- ̆́A → Ắ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}\u{300}a" to="ằ"/> <!-- ̆̀a → ằ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}\u{300}A" to="Ằ"/> <!-- ̆̀A → Ằ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{306}\u{303}A" to="Ẵ"/> <!-- ̆̃A → Ẵ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{306}\u{309}A" to="Ẳ"/> <!-- ̆̉A → Ẳ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{306}\u{323}A" to="Ặ"/> <!-- ̣̆A → Ặ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}a" to="â"/> <!-- ̂a → â --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}A" to="Â"/> <!-- ̂A → Â --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}\u{301}a" to="ấ"/> <!-- ̂́a → ấ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}\u{301}A" to="Ấ"/> <!-- ̂́A → Ấ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}\u{300}a" to="ầ"/> <!-- ̂̀a → ầ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}a" to="ǎ"/> <!-- ̌a → ǎ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}A" to="Ǎ"/> <!-- ̌A → Ǎ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A}a" to="å"/> <!-- ̊a → å --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A}A" to="Å"/> <!-- ̊A → Å --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A}\u{301}a" to="ǻ"/> <!-- ̊́a → ǻ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30A}\u{301}A" to="Ǻ"/> <!-- ̊́A → Ǻ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}A" to="Ä"/> <!-- ̈A → Ä --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}a" to="ǟ"/> <!-- ̈̄a → ǟ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}A" to="Ǟ"/> <!-- ̈̄A → Ǟ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}a" to="ã"/> <!-- ̃a → ã --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}A" to="Ã"/> <!-- ̃A → Ã --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}\u{306}a" to="ẵ"/> <!-- ̃̆a → ẵ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}a" to="ȧ"/> <!-- ̇a → ȧ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}A" to="Ȧ"/> <!-- ̇A → Ȧ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}\u{304}a" to="ǡ"/> <!-- ̇̄a → ǡ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}\u{304}A" to="Ǡ"/> <!-- ̇̄A → Ǡ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{328}A" to="Ą"/> <!-- ̨A → Ą --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}A" to="Ā"/> <!-- ̄A → Ā --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}A" to="Ǟ"/> <!-- ̄̈A → Ǟ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}a" to="ǡ"/> <!-- ̄̇a → ǡ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}A" to="Ǡ"/> <!-- ̄̇A → Ǡ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}A" to="Ả"/> <!-- ̉A → Ả --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}A" to="Ạ"/> <!-- ̣A → Ạ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}B" to="Ḃ"/> <!-- ̇B → Ḃ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}b" to="ɓ"/> <!-- ̉b → ɓ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}B" to="Ɓ"/> <!-- ̉B → Ɓ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}B" to="Ḅ"/> <!-- ̣B → Ḅ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}C" to="Ć"/> <!-- ́C → Ć --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}c" to="ĉ"/> <!-- ̂c → ĉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}C" to="Ĉ"/> <!-- ̂C → Ĉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}c" to="č"/> <!-- ̌c → č --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}C" to="Č"/> <!-- ̌C → Č --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}c" to="ċ"/> <!-- ̇c → ċ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}C" to="Ċ"/> <!-- ̇C → Ċ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}c" to="ç"/> <!-- ̧c → ç --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}C" to="Ç"/> <!-- ̧C → Ç --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}\u{301}c" to="ḉ"/> <!-- ̧́c → ḉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}\u{301}C" to="Ḉ"/> <!-- ̧́C → Ḉ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}c" to="ƈ"/> <!-- ̉c → ƈ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}C" to="Ƈ"/> <!-- ̉C → Ƈ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}d" to="ď"/> <!-- ̌d → ď --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}D" to="Ď"/> <!-- ̌D → Ď --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}d" to="ḋ"/> <!-- ̇d → ḋ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}D" to="Ḋ"/> <!-- ̇D → Ḋ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}d" to="ḑ"/> <!-- ̧d → ḑ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}D" to="Ḑ"/> <!-- ̧D → Ḑ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}d" to="ɗ"/> <!-- ̉d → ɗ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}D" to="Ɗ"/> <!-- ̉D → Ɗ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}d" to="ḍ"/> <!-- ̣d → ḍ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}D" to="Ḍ"/> <!-- ̣D → Ḍ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}E" to="É"/> <!-- ́E → É --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}e" to="ế"/> <!-- ́̂e → ế --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}E" to="Ế"/> <!-- ́̂E → Ế --> |
| <transform from="\u{301}\u{304}e" to="ḗ"/> <!-- ́̄e → ḗ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}E" to="È"/> <!-- ̀E → È --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}\u{304}E" to="Ḕ"/> <!-- ̀̄E → Ḕ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}e" to="ĕ"/> <!-- ̆e → ĕ --> |
| <transform from="\u{306}E" to="Ĕ"/> <!-- ̆E → Ĕ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}E" to="Ê"/> <!-- ̂E → Ê --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}\u{301}E" to="Ế"/> <!-- ̂́E → Ế --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}\u{300}e" to="ề"/> <!-- ̂̀e → ề --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}E" to="Ě"/> <!-- ̌E → Ě --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}E" to="Ë"/> <!-- ̈E → Ë --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}e" to="ẽ"/> <!-- ̃e → ẽ --> |
| <transform from="\u{303}E" to="Ẽ"/> <!-- ̃E → Ẽ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}E" to="Ė"/> <!-- ̇E → Ė --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}e" to="ȩ"/> <!-- ̧e → ȩ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}E" to="Ȩ"/> <!-- ̧E → Ȩ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}\u{306}e" to="ḝ"/> <!-- ̧̆e → ḝ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}\u{306}E" to="Ḝ"/> <!-- ̧̆E → Ḝ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{328}E" to="Ę"/> <!-- ̨E → Ę --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}E" to="Ē"/> <!-- ̄E → Ē --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}\u{301}E" to="Ḗ"/> <!-- ̄́E → Ḗ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}E" to="Ẻ"/> <!-- ̉E → Ẻ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}E" to="Ẹ"/> <!-- ̣E → Ẹ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}F" to="Ḟ"/> <!-- ̇F → Ḟ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}F" to="Ƒ"/> <!-- ̉F → Ƒ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}G" to="Ǵ"/> <!-- ́G → Ǵ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{306}G" to="Ğ"/> <!-- ̆G → Ğ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}g" to="ĝ"/> <!-- ̂g → ĝ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}H" to="Ȟ"/> <!-- ̌H → Ȟ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{327}H" to="Ḩ"/> <!-- ̧H → Ḩ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}I" to="Í"/> <!-- ́I → Í --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}I" to="Ì"/> <!-- ̀I → Ì --> |
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| <transform from="\u{306}I" to="Ĭ"/> <!-- ̆I → Ĭ --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}i" to="î"/> <!-- ̂i → î --> |
| <transform from="\u{302}I" to="Î"/> <!-- ̂I → Î --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}i" to="ǐ"/> <!-- ̌i → ǐ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}I" to="Ǐ"/> <!-- ̌I → Ǐ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}I" to="Ï"/> <!-- ̈I → Ï --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}I" to="Ĩ"/> <!-- ̃I → Ĩ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}I" to="İ"/> <!-- ̇I → İ --> |
| <transform from="\u{328}i" to="į"/> <!-- ̨i → į --> |
| <transform from="\u{328}I" to="Į"/> <!-- ̨I → Į --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}I" to="Ỉ"/> <!-- ̉I → Ỉ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}I" to="Ị"/> <!-- ̣I → Ị --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}J" to="Ĵ"/> <!-- ̂J → Ĵ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}j" to="ǰ"/> <!-- ̌j → ǰ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}j" to="ȷ"/> <!-- ̇j → ȷ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}K" to="Ḱ"/> <!-- ́K → Ḱ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}k" to="ǩ"/> <!-- ̌k → ǩ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}K" to="Ǩ"/> <!-- ̌K → Ǩ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{327}K" to="Ķ"/> <!-- ̧K → Ķ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}K" to="Ƙ"/> <!-- ̉K → Ƙ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}k" to="ḳ"/> <!-- ̣k → ḳ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}K" to="Ḳ"/> <!-- ̣K → Ḳ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}L" to="Ĺ"/> <!-- ́L → Ĺ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}l" to="ľ"/> <!-- ̌l → ľ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30C}L" to="Ľ"/> <!-- ̌L → Ľ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}l" to="ŀ"/> <!-- ̇l → ŀ --> |
| <transform from="\u{307}L" to="Ŀ"/> <!-- ̇L → Ŀ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{327}L" to="Ļ"/> <!-- ̧L → Ļ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}\u{323}L" to="Ḹ"/> <!-- ̣̄L → Ḹ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}l" to="ḷ"/> <!-- ̣l → ḷ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}L" to="Ḷ"/> <!-- ̣L → Ḷ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}l" to="ḹ"/> <!-- ̣̄l → ḹ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}L" to="Ḹ"/> <!-- ̣̄L → Ḹ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}M" to="Ṁ"/> <!-- ̇M → Ṁ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}m" to="ɱ"/> <!-- ̉m → ɱ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}M" to="Ɱ"/> <!-- ̉M → Ɱ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}M" to="Ṃ"/> <!-- ̣M → Ṃ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}N" to="Ń"/> <!-- ́N → Ń --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}N" to="Ǹ"/> <!-- ̀N → Ǹ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}N" to="Ň"/> <!-- ̌N → Ň --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}N" to="Ñ"/> <!-- ̃N → Ñ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}N" to="Ṅ"/> <!-- ̇N → Ṅ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}n" to="ņ"/> <!-- ̧n → ņ --> |
| <transform from="\u{327}N" to="Ņ"/> <!-- ̧N → Ņ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}O" to="Ó"/> <!-- ́O → Ó --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}O" to="Ò"/> <!-- ̀O → Ò --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}O" to="Ồ"/> <!-- ̀̂O → Ồ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}O" to="Ô"/> <!-- ̂O → Ô --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}O" to="Ö"/> <!-- ̈O → Ö --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}o" to="ȫ"/> <!-- ̈̄o → ȫ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}O" to="Ȫ"/> <!-- ̈̄O → Ȫ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B}o" to="ő"/> <!-- ̋o → ő --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B}O" to="Ő"/> <!-- ̋O → Ő --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}\u{308}O" to="Ṏ"/> <!-- ̃̈O → Ṏ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}\u{31B}O" to="Ỡ"/> <!-- ̛̃O → Ỡ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}O" to="Ȯ"/> <!-- ̇O → Ȯ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{328}O" to="Ǫ"/> <!-- ̨O → Ǫ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}o" to="ō"/> <!-- ̄o → ō --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}O" to="Ō"/> <!-- ̄O → Ō --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}\u{303}o" to="ȭ"/> <!-- ̄̃o → ȭ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{303}O" to="Ȭ"/> <!-- ̄̃O → Ȭ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}o" to="ȱ"/> <!-- ̄̇o → ȱ --> |
| <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}O" to="Ȱ"/> <!-- ̄̇O → Ȱ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}O" to="Ỏ"/> <!-- ̉O → Ỏ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{31B}o" to="ơ"/> <!-- ̛o → ơ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}O" to="Ơ"/> <!-- ̛O → Ơ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}\u{301}o" to="ớ"/> <!-- ̛́o → ớ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}\u{301}O" to="Ớ"/> <!-- ̛́O → Ớ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}O" to="Ọ"/> <!-- ̣O → Ọ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}\u{31B}o" to="ợ"/> <!-- ̛̣o → ợ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}P" to="Ṗ"/> <!-- ̇P → Ṗ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}P" to="Ƥ"/> <!-- ̉P → Ƥ --> |
| <transform from="\u{309}q" to="ʠ"/> <!-- ̉q → ʠ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}R" to="Ŕ"/> <!-- ́R → Ŕ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}R" to="Ř"/> <!-- ̌R → Ř --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}R" to="Ṙ"/> <!-- ̇R → Ṙ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{327}R" to="Ŗ"/> <!-- ̧R → Ŗ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}R" to="Ṛ"/> <!-- ̣R → Ṛ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}R" to="Ṝ"/> <!-- ̣̄R → Ṝ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{301}S" to="Ś"/> <!-- ́S → Ś --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}S" to="Ŝ"/> <!-- ̂S → Ŝ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}S" to="Š"/> <!-- ̌S → Š --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}S" to="Ṡ"/> <!-- ̇S → Ṡ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}\u{30C}s" to="ṧ"/> <!-- ̇̌s → ṧ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{327}S" to="Ş"/> <!-- ̧S → Ş --> |
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| <transform from="\u{326}S" to="Ș"/> <!-- ̦S → Ș --> |
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| <transform from="\u{307}T" to="Ṫ"/> <!-- ̇T → Ṫ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{327}T" to="Ţ"/> <!-- ̧T → Ţ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}T" to="Ƭ"/> <!-- ̉T → Ƭ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}t" to="ṭ"/> <!-- ̣t → ṭ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}T" to="Ṭ"/> <!-- ̣T → Ṭ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{300}U" to="Ù"/> <!-- ̀U → Ù --> |
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| <transform from="\u{302}U" to="Û"/> <!-- ̂U → Û --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30C}U" to="Ǔ"/> <!-- ̌U → Ǔ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{30A}U" to="Ů"/> <!-- ̊U → Ů --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}U" to="Ü"/> <!-- ̈U → Ü --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}\u{301}U" to="Ǘ"/> <!-- ̈́U → Ǘ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{300}u" to="ǜ"/> <!-- ̈̀u → ǜ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{300}U" to="Ǜ"/> <!-- ̈̀U → Ǜ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{30C}u" to="ǚ"/> <!-- ̈̌u → ǚ --> |
| <transform from="\u{308}\u{30C}U" to="Ǚ"/> <!-- ̈̌U → Ǚ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}U" to="Ṻ"/> <!-- ̈̄U → Ṻ --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B}u" to="ű"/> <!-- ̋u → ű --> |
| <transform from="\u{30B}U" to="Ű"/> <!-- ̋U → Ű --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}U" to="Ũ"/> <!-- ̃U → Ũ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}\u{301}U" to="Ṹ"/> <!-- ̃́U → Ṹ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}\u{31B}U" to="Ữ"/> <!-- ̛̃U → Ữ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{328}U" to="Ų"/> <!-- ̨U → Ų --> |
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| <transform from="\u{304}U" to="Ū"/> <!-- ̄U → Ū --> |
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| <transform from="\u{31B}u" to="ư"/> <!-- ̛u → ư --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}U" to="Ư"/> <!-- ̛U → Ư --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}\u{301}u" to="ứ"/> <!-- ̛́u → ứ --> |
| <transform from="\u{31B}\u{301}U" to="Ứ"/> <!-- ̛́U → Ứ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{323}U" to="Ụ"/> <!-- ̣U → Ụ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}V" to="Ʋ"/> <!-- ̉V → Ʋ --> |
| <transform from="\u{323}v" to="ṿ"/> <!-- ̣v → ṿ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}W" to="Ⱳ"/> <!-- ̉W → Ⱳ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{303}Y" to="Ỹ"/> <!-- ̃Y → Ỹ --> |
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| <transform from="\u{309}Z" to="Ȥ"/> <!-- ̉Z → Ȥ --> |
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