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| <territory type="HR">क्रोयेशीया</territory> |
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| <territory type="IC">कॅनरी आयलैंड्स</territory> |
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| <territory type="IL">इज़राइल</territory> |
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| <territory type="IR">इरान</territory> |
| <territory type="IS">आइसलैंड</territory> |
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| <territory type="JM">जमैका</territory> |
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| <territory type="KM">कोमोरोस</territory> |
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| <territory type="PN">पिटकॅरन आयलँड्स</territory> |
| <territory type="PR">पिर्टो रिको</territory> |
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| <territory type="SR">सुरीनाम</territory> |
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| <territory type="ST">साओ टोम आनी प्रिन्सिप</territory> |
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| <territory type="SX">सिंट मार्टेन</territory> |
| <territory type="SY">सिरिया</territory> |
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| <territory type="TA">त्रिस्तान दा कुन्हा</territory> |
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| <territory type="TF">फ्रेंच दक्षिणी प्रांत</territory> |
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| <territory type="TH">थायलँड</territory> |
| <territory type="TJ">तजीकिस्तान</territory> |
| <territory type="TK">टोकलाऊ</territory> |
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| <territory type="TO">टोंगा</territory> |
| <territory type="TR">तुर्की</territory> |
| <territory type="TT">ट्रिनीडाड आनी टोबॅगो</territory> |
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| <territory type="TW">तायवान</territory> |
| <territory type="TZ">तांझानिया</territory> |
| <territory type="UA">युक्रेन</territory> |
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| <territory type="UM">यु. एस. मायनर आवटलायींग आयलँड्स</territory> |
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| <territory type="VC">सेंट विंसेंट ऐंड द ग्रेनेडाइंस</territory> |
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| <territory type="VG">ब्रिटिश वर्जिन आयलँड्स</territory> |
| <territory type="VI">यु. एस. वर्जिन आयलँड्स</territory> |
| <territory type="VN">व्हिएतनाम</territory> |
| <territory type="VU">वनातू</territory> |
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| <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic">इथियोपिक दिनदर्शिका</type> |
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| <type key="calendar" type="roc">मिंगुआ दिनदर्शिका (अणकाराची कुरू: जाका चिनी दिनदर्शिकेचें प्रजासत्ताक", "रिपब्लिकन दिनदर्शिका")</type> |
| <type key="cf" type="account">लेखा चलन स्वरूप</type> |
| <type key="cf" type="standard">प्रमाणित चलन स्वरुप</type> |
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| <type key="collation" type="search">सामान्य-उद्देशान केल्लो सोद</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="standard">प्रमाणित वर्गवारी क्रम</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h11">12 वरांची यंत्रणा (0–11)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h12">12 वरांची यंत्रणा (1–12)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h23">24 वरांची यंत्रणा (0–23)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h24">24 वरांची यंत्रणा (1–24)</type> |
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| <type key="lb" type="normal">सामान्य रेग खंड शैली</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="arabext">विस्तारीत अरेबीक-भारतीय अंक</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="armnlow">आर्मेनियन लोवरकेस संख्या</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="deva">देवनागरी अंक</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="ethi">इथियोपिक संख्या</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="fullwide">पूर्ण-रुंदी अंक</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="geor">जॉर्जियन संख्या</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="hansfin">सोंपी केल्ली चिनी महसूल संख्या</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="hantfin">पारंपारीक चिनी महसूल संख्या</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="jpan">जपानी संख्या</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="jpanfin">जपानी महसूल संख्या</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="taml">पारंपारीक तमिळ संख्या</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tamldec">तमिळ अंक</type> |
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| <type key="numbers" type="tibt">तिबेतियन अंक</type> |
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| <exemplarCharacters type="numbers">[\- ‑ , . % ‰ + 0० 1१ 2२ 3३ 4४ 5५ 6६ 7७ 8८ 9९]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="punctuation" draft="contributed">[\- ‐ ‑ – — , ; \: ! ? . … ' ‘ ’ " “ ” ( ) \[ \] § @ * / \& # † ‡ ′ ″]</exemplarCharacters> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">E HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">E d, MMM y G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">h a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">HH</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">HH:mm</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">LLL</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">d MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">E d, MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">d MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMEd">E, d/M/y GGGGG</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMd">d MMM y G</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQQ">QQQQ y G</dateFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="B">h:mm B – h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">y–y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="G">MM-yGGGG – MM-y GGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM-y GGGGG – MM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MM-y GGGGG – MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">dd-MM-y GGGGG – dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">dd-MM-y GGGGG – dd-MM-Y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">dd-MM-y GGGGG – dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d-M-y – d-M-y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, dd-MM-Y GGGGG – E-dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">E, dd-MM-y GGGGG – E, dd-MM-y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E,dd-MM-y GGGGG – E, dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E,dd-MM-y GGGGG – E,dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="G">MMM y G – MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM y G–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y G – MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">d-MMM y G–d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">d MMM y G – d MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d MMM y G –d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d MMM y G – d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">e, d MMM y G – e, d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d MMM y G – E, d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM–MM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d/M–d/M</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d/M – d/M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d/M – E, d/M</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, dd-MM, E dd-MM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d MMM – d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d MMM – E, d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d MMM – E, d MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y–y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M/y – M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M/y – M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d/M/y – d/M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d/M/y – E, d/M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y G – MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d MMM, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d MMM – d MMM, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d, MMM y – d, MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d MMM – E, d MMM, yG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d, MMM y – E, d, MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d, MMM y – E, d, MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMMM – MMMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMMM y – MMMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| </intervalFormats> |
| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="gregorian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">जानेवारी</month> |
| <month type="2">फेब्रुवारी</month> |
| <month type="3">मार्च</month> |
| <month type="4">एप्रिल</month> |
| <month type="5">मे</month> |
| <month type="6">जून</month> |
| <month type="7">जुलाय</month> |
| <month type="8">आगोस्त</month> |
| <month type="9">सप्टेंबर</month> |
| <month type="10">ऑक्टोबर</month> |
| <month type="11">नोव्हेंबर</month> |
| <month type="12">डिसेंबर</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">1</month> |
| <month type="2">2</month> |
| <month type="3">3</month> |
| <month type="4">4</month> |
| <month type="5">5</month> |
| <month type="6">6</month> |
| <month type="7">7</month> |
| <month type="8">8</month> |
| <month type="9">9</month> |
| <month type="10">10</month> |
| <month type="11">11</month> |
| <month type="12">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">जानेवारी</month> |
| <month type="2">फेब्रुवारी</month> |
| <month type="3">मार्च</month> |
| <month type="4">एप्रिल</month> |
| <month type="5">मे</month> |
| <month type="6">जून</month> |
| <month type="7">जुलाय</month> |
| <month type="8">आगोस्त</month> |
| <month type="9">सप्टेंबर</month> |
| <month type="10">ऑक्टोबर</month> |
| <month type="11">नोव्हेंबर</month> |
| <month type="12">डिसेंबर</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">जानेवारी</month> |
| <month type="2">फेब्रुवारी</month> |
| <month type="3">मार्च</month> |
| <month type="4">एप्रिल</month> |
| <month type="5">मे</month> |
| <month type="6">जून</month> |
| <month type="7">जुलाय</month> |
| <month type="8">आगोस्त</month> |
| <month type="9">सप्टेंबर</month> |
| <month type="10">ऑक्टोबर</month> |
| <month type="11">नोव्हेंबर</month> |
| <month type="12">डिसेंबर</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">1</month> |
| <month type="2">2</month> |
| <month type="3">3</month> |
| <month type="4">4</month> |
| <month type="5">5</month> |
| <month type="6">6</month> |
| <month type="7">7</month> |
| <month type="8">8</month> |
| <month type="9">9</month> |
| <month type="10">10</month> |
| <month type="11">11</month> |
| <month type="12">12</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">जानेवारी</month> |
| <month type="2">फेब्रुवारी</month> |
| <month type="3">मार्च</month> |
| <month type="4">एप्रिल</month> |
| <month type="5">मे</month> |
| <month type="6">जून</month> |
| <month type="7">जुलाय</month> |
| <month type="8">आगोस्त</month> |
| <month type="9">सप्टेंबर</month> |
| <month type="10">ऑक्टोबर</month> |
| <month type="11">नोव्हेंबर</month> |
| <month type="12">डिसेंबर</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <days> |
| <dayContext type="format"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">आयतार</day> |
| <day type="mon">सोमार</day> |
| <day type="tue">मंगळार</day> |
| <day type="wed">बुधवार</day> |
| <day type="thu">गुरुवार</day> |
| <day type="fri">शुक्रार</day> |
| <day type="sat">शेनवार</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">आ</day> |
| <day type="mon">सो</day> |
| <day type="tue">मं</day> |
| <day type="wed">बु</day> |
| <day type="thu">गु</day> |
| <day type="fri">शु</day> |
| <day type="sat">शे</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">आय</day> |
| <day type="mon">सोम</day> |
| <day type="tue">मंगळ</day> |
| <day type="wed">बुध</day> |
| <day type="thu">गुरु</day> |
| <day type="fri">शुक्र</day> |
| <day type="sat">शेन</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">आयतार</day> |
| <day type="mon">सोमार</day> |
| <day type="tue">मंगळार</day> |
| <day type="wed">बुधवार</day> |
| <day type="thu">गुरुवार</day> |
| <day type="fri">शुक्रार</day> |
| <day type="sat">शेनवार</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| <dayContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">आयतार</day> |
| <day type="mon">सोमार</day> |
| <day type="tue">मंगळार</day> |
| <day type="wed">बुधवार</day> |
| <day type="thu">गुरुवार</day> |
| <day type="fri">शुक्रार</day> |
| <day type="sat">शेनवार</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">आ</day> |
| <day type="mon">सो</day> |
| <day type="tue">मं</day> |
| <day type="wed">बु</day> |
| <day type="thu">गु</day> |
| <day type="fri">शु</day> |
| <day type="sat">शे</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">आय</day> |
| <day type="mon">सोम</day> |
| <day type="tue">मंगळ</day> |
| <day type="wed">बुध</day> |
| <day type="thu">गुरु</day> |
| <day type="fri">शुक्र</day> |
| <day type="sat">शेन</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">आयतार</day> |
| <day type="mon">सोमार</day> |
| <day type="tue">मंगळार</day> |
| <day type="wed">बुधवार</day> |
| <day type="thu">गुरुवार</day> |
| <day type="fri">शुक्रार</day> |
| <day type="sat">शेनवार</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| </days> |
| <quarters> |
| <quarterContext type="format"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">Q1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">Q2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">Q3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">Q4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">1लें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2रें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3रें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4थें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| <quarterContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">Q1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">Q2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">Q3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">Q4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">1लें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2रें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3रें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4थें त्रैमासीक</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| </quarters> |
| <dayPeriods> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="format"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">a</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">p</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">AM</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">PM</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| </dayPeriods> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0">क्रिस्तपूर्व</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">BCE</era> |
| <era type="1">क्रिस्तशखा</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">CE</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">क्रिस्तपूर्व</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">BCE</era> |
| <era type="1">क्रिस्तशखा</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">CE</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>EEEE d MMMM y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d MMMM y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>dd-MM-y</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d-M-yy</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
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| <timeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>h:mm:ss a zzzz</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>h:mm:ss a z</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>h:mm:ss a</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>h:mm a</pattern> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| </timeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
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| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>{1} {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bh">h B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhm">h:mm B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhms">h:mm:ss B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">ccc</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhm">E h:mm B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhms">E h:mm:ss B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">d, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">E h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">E HH:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">E HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">G y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">G y MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">G y MMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">G y MMM d, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">h a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">HH</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">HH:mm</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">HH:mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmsv">h:mm:ss a v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmsv">HH:mm:ss v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmv">h:mm a v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmv">HH:mm v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">L</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">MM-dd</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">MM-dd, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">LLL</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">MMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">MMM d, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">MMMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="other">'week' W 'of' MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">mm:ss</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yM">y-MM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMd">y-MM-dd</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMEd">y-MM-dd, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMM">y MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMd">y MMM d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMEd">y MMM d, E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMM">y MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQ">y QQQ</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQQ">y QQQQ</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="other">'week' w 'of' Y</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <appendItems> |
| <appendItem request="Timezone">{0} {1}</appendItem> |
| </appendItems> |
| <intervalFormats> |
| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bh"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">h B – h B</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">h:mm B – h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Gy"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">G y – G y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y–y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">GGGGG y-MM – GGGGG y-MM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">GGGGG y-MM – y-MM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">GGGGG y-MM – y-MM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">GGGGG y-MM-dd – GGGGG y-MM-dd</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">GGGGG y-MM-dd – y-MM-dd</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – GGGGG y-MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">GGGGG y-MM-dd, E – y-MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">G y MMM – G y MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y MMM – y MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">G y MMM d–d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">G y MMM d – G y MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y MMM d – MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y MMM d – y MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">G y MMM d, E – G y MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">G y MMM d, E – MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">G y MMM d, E – y MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="H"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH–HH</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm–HH:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm–HH:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm–HH:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm–HH:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH–HH v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM–MM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">dd-MM –dd-MM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">dd-MM –dd-MM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM-dd, E – MM-dd, E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM – MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d–d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d – MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d, E – MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d, E – MMM d, E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y–y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MM-y – MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MM-y – MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">dd-MM-y – dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">dd-MM-y – dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">dd-MM-y – dd-MM-y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">dd-MM-y, E – dd-MM-y, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">dd-MM-y, E – dd-MM-y, E</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">dd-MM-y, E – dd-MM-y, E</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y– MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d MMM – d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d MMM y – d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d MMM –E, d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d MMM – E, d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d MMM y – E, d MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMMM – MMMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMMM y – MMMM y</greatestDifference> |
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| <displayName>शक</displayName> |
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| <relative type="0">हें वर्स</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलें वर्स</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} वर्सांनीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} वर्सांनीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <field type="year-narrow"> |
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| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} वर्सांनीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="quarter"> |
| <displayName>त्रैमासीक</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">फाटलो त्रैमासीक</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो त्रैमासीक</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो त्रैमासीक</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} त्रैमासीकांत</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <field type="quarter-short"> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} त्रैमासीकांत</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <field type="month"> |
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| <relative type="0">हो म्हयनो</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो म्हयनो</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} म्हयन्यानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="month-short"> |
| <displayName>म्हयनो</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} म्हयन्यानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </field> |
| <field type="month-narrow"> |
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| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} म्हयन्यानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <field type="week"> |
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| <relative type="0">हो सप्तक</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो सप्तक</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सप्तकांनीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सप्तकां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativePeriod>{0} चो सप्तक</relativePeriod> |
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| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सप्तकां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>{0} चो सप्तक</relativePeriod> |
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| <field type="week-narrow"> |
| <displayName>सप्तक</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सप्तकांनीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सप्त. आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>{0} चो सप्तक</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
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| <displayName>म्हयन्यातलो सप्तक</displayName> |
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| <displayName>म्हयन्यातलो सप्तक</displayName> |
| </field> |
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| </field> |
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| <relative type="1">फाल्यां</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} दिसानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} दीस आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <field type="day-short"> |
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| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} दिसानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} दीस आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
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| <field type="day-narrow"> |
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| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} दिसानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} दीस आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear"> |
| <displayName>वर्साचो दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear-short"> |
| <displayName>वर्साचो दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear-narrow"> |
| <displayName>वर्साचो दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday"> |
| <displayName>सप्तकाचो दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday-short"> |
| <displayName>सप्तकाचो दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday-narrow"> |
| <displayName>सप्तकाचो दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth"> |
| <displayName>म्हयन्यातलो सप्तकीय दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth-short"> |
| <displayName>म्हयन्यातलो सप्तकीय दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth-narrow"> |
| <displayName>म्हयन्यातलो सप्तकीय दीस</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो आयतार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो आयतार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो आयतार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} आयतारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
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| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो आयतार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो आयतार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो आयतार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} आयतारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} आयतारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो आयतार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो आयतार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो आयतार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} आयतारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} आयतारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो सोमार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो सोमार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो सोमार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सोमारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सोमारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो सोम.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो सोम.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो सोम.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सोमारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सोमारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो सो.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो सो.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो सो.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सोमारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} सोमारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो मंगळार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो मंगळार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो मंगळार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} मंगळारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} मंगळारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो मंगळ.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो मंगळ.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो मंगळ.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} मंगळारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} मंगळारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो मं.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो मं.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो मं.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} मंगळारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} मंगळारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो बुधवार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो बुधवार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो बुधवार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} बुधवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} बुधवारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो बुध.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो बुध.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो बुध.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} बुधवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} बुधवारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो बु.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो बु.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो बु.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} बुधवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} बुधवारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो गुरुवार</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो गुरुवार</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो गुरुवार</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} गुरुवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} गुरुवारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">निमाणो गुरु.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">हो गुरु.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">फुडलो गुरु.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} गुरुवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} गुरुवारां आदीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} शुक्रारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} शेनवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| <relativeTimePattern count="other">{0} शेनवारानीं</relativeTimePattern> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| </zone> |
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| <exemplarCity>द्युमाँ दूरवीय</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
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| <exemplarCity>मॅकमुर्दो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"> |
| <exemplarCity>रियो गलेगॉस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mendoza"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेन्डोझा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/San_Juan"> |
| <exemplarCity>सान जुआन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Ushuaia"> |
| <exemplarCity>उशुआइया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/La_Rioja"> |
| <exemplarCity>ला रियोजा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/San_Luis"> |
| <exemplarCity>सान लुईस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Catamarca"> |
| <exemplarCity>काटामारका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Salta"> |
| <exemplarCity>साल्टा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jujuy"> |
| <exemplarCity>जुजेय</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Tucuman"> |
| <exemplarCity>टुकुमॅन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cordoba"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोरडोबा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Buenos_Aires"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्यूनस आयर्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Pago_Pago"> |
| <exemplarCity>पागो पागो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vienna"> |
| <exemplarCity>वियेना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Perth"> |
| <exemplarCity>पर्थ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Eucla"> |
| <exemplarCity>उक्ला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Darwin"> |
| <exemplarCity>डार्विन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Adelaide"> |
| <exemplarCity>एडिलेड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Broken_Hill"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्रोकन हिल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Currie"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्युरी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Melbourne"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेलबर्न</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Hobart"> |
| <exemplarCity>होबार्ट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Lindeman"> |
| <exemplarCity>लिडेमॅन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Sydney"> |
| <exemplarCity>सिडनी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Brisbane"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्रिस्बेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Macquarie"> |
| <exemplarCity>मॅक्वेरी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Lord_Howe"> |
| <exemplarCity>लॉर्ड होवे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Aruba"> |
| <exemplarCity>अरुबा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Mariehamn"> |
| <exemplarCity>मॅरीहाम्न</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baku"> |
| <exemplarCity>बाकू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Sarajevo"> |
| <exemplarCity>साराजिवो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Barbados"> |
| <exemplarCity>बारबाडोस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dhaka"> |
| <exemplarCity>ढाका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Brussels"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्रुसेल्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ouagadougou"> |
| <exemplarCity>ओगादौगो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Sofia"> |
| <exemplarCity>सोफिया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bahrain"> |
| <exemplarCity>बेहरेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bujumbura"> |
| <exemplarCity>बुजुमबुरा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Porto-Novo"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोर्टो-नोवो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Barthelemy"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेंट बार्थेलेमी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Bermuda"> |
| <exemplarCity>बर्मुडा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Brunei"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्रूनेई</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/La_Paz"> |
| <exemplarCity>ला पाझ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kralendijk"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्रालेनडीक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Eirunepe"> |
| <exemplarCity>ईरुनेपे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rio_Branco"> |
| <exemplarCity>रियो ब्रांको</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Porto_Velho"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोर्टो वेल्हो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Boa_Vista"> |
| <exemplarCity>बाओ विस्टा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Manaus"> |
| <exemplarCity>मनौस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cuiaba"> |
| <exemplarCity>कुययबा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santarem"> |
| <exemplarCity>सांतारेम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Campo_Grande"> |
| <exemplarCity>कॅम्पो ग्रांड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Belem"> |
| <exemplarCity>बेलेम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Araguaina"> |
| <exemplarCity>अरगुयेना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sao_Paulo"> |
| <exemplarCity>साओ पावलो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bahia"> |
| <exemplarCity>बहिया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Fortaleza"> |
| <exemplarCity>फोर्टालेझा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Maceio"> |
| <exemplarCity>मासियो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Recife"> |
| <exemplarCity>रेसीफ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Noronha"> |
| <exemplarCity>नोरोन्हा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nassau"> |
| <exemplarCity>नसाऊ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Thimphu"> |
| <exemplarCity>थिम्फू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Gaborone"> |
| <exemplarCity>गाबोरोन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Minsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>मिंस्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Belize"> |
| <exemplarCity>बेलिझ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dawson"> |
| <exemplarCity>डौसन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Whitehorse"> |
| <exemplarCity>व्हायटहॉर्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Inuvik"> |
| <exemplarCity>इनुविक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Vancouver"> |
| <exemplarCity>व्हँकुव्हर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Fort_Nelson"> |
| <exemplarCity>फोर्ट नेल्सन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dawson_Creek"> |
| <exemplarCity>डौसन क्रिक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Creston"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्रेस्टोन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Yellowknife"> |
| <exemplarCity>यलोक्नायफ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Edmonton"> |
| <exemplarCity>ऍडमोंटन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Swift_Current"> |
| <exemplarCity>स्विफ्ट करंट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cambridge_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>केंब्रिज बे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Regina"> |
| <exemplarCity>रेजीना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Winnipeg"> |
| <exemplarCity>विनीपेग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Resolute"> |
| <exemplarCity>रिसोल्युट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rainy_River"> |
| <exemplarCity>पावसाळी न्हंय</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rankin_Inlet"> |
| <exemplarCity>रँकिन इनलॅट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Coral_Harbour"> |
| <exemplarCity>अतिकोकॉन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Thunder_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>थंडर बे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nipigon"> |
| <exemplarCity>निपिगोन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Toronto"> |
| <exemplarCity>टॉरंटो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Iqaluit"> |
| <exemplarCity>इकालुयीट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Pangnirtung"> |
| <exemplarCity>पंगनिर्टुंग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Moncton"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोंक्टॉन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Halifax"> |
| <exemplarCity>हेलिफॅक्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Goose_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>गूस बे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Glace_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्लेस बे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Blanc-Sablon"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्लांक-साब्लोन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Johns"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेंट जॉन्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Cocos"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोकोस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kinshasa"> |
| <exemplarCity>किनशासा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lubumbashi"> |
| <exemplarCity>लुबुमबाशी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bangui"> |
| <exemplarCity>बांगी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Brazzaville"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्राझाविले</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zurich"> |
| <exemplarCity>झुरिच</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Abidjan"> |
| <exemplarCity>अबिदजान</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Rarotonga"> |
| <exemplarCity>रारोटोंगा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Easter"> |
| <exemplarCity>ईस्टर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Punta_Arenas"> |
| <exemplarCity>पुंटा अरेनास</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santiago"> |
| <exemplarCity>सँटियागो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Douala"> |
| <exemplarCity>डौआला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Urumqi"> |
| <exemplarCity>उरुम्की</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Shanghai"> |
| <exemplarCity>शांघाय</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bogota"> |
| <exemplarCity>बोगोटा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Costa_Rica"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोस्ता रिका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Havana"> |
| <exemplarCity>हवाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Cape_Verde"> |
| <exemplarCity>केप वर्दे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Curacao"> |
| <exemplarCity>कुराकाओ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Christmas"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्रिसमस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Nicosia"> |
| <exemplarCity>निकोसिया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Famagusta"> |
| <exemplarCity>फमागुस्ता</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Prague"> |
| <exemplarCity>प्राग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Busingen"> |
| <exemplarCity>बुसिंजेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Berlin"> |
| <exemplarCity>बर्लिन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Djibouti"> |
| <exemplarCity>जिबूती</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Copenhagen"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोपनहेगन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dominica"> |
| <exemplarCity>डोमिनीका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santo_Domingo"> |
| <exemplarCity>सांतो डोमिंगो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Algiers"> |
| <exemplarCity>आल्जियार्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Galapagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>गालापागोस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guayaquil"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्वायेकिल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Tallinn"> |
| <exemplarCity>टॅलिन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Cairo"> |
| <exemplarCity>कायरो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/El_Aaiun"> |
| <exemplarCity>अल आयुन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Asmera"> |
| <exemplarCity>अस्मारा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Canary"> |
| <exemplarCity>कॅनरी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ceuta"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेउटा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Madrid"> |
| <exemplarCity>माद्रीद</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Addis_Ababa"> |
| <exemplarCity>आदीस अबाबा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Helsinki"> |
| <exemplarCity>हेलसिंकी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fiji"> |
| <exemplarCity>फिजी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Stanley"> |
| <exemplarCity>स्टेन्ले</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Truk"> |
| <exemplarCity>चुक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Ponape"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोह्नपेई</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kosrae"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोसरे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Faeroe"> |
| <exemplarCity>फैरो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Paris"> |
| <exemplarCity>पॅरिस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Libreville"> |
| <exemplarCity>लिब्रेविले</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/London"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>ब्रिटिश ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <exemplarCity>लंडन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Grenada"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्रेनॅडा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tbilisi"> |
| <exemplarCity>तुबलीसी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayenne"> |
| <exemplarCity>केइन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Guernsey"> |
| <exemplarCity>गर्नसी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Accra"> |
| <exemplarCity>आकरा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Gibraltar"> |
| <exemplarCity>जिब्राल्टर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Thule"> |
| <exemplarCity>थुले</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Godthab"> |
| <exemplarCity>नूक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Scoresbysund"> |
| <exemplarCity>इटोकॉरटॉर्मीट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Danmarkshavn"> |
| <exemplarCity>डेन्मार्कशॉन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Banjul"> |
| <exemplarCity>बानजुल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Conakry"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोनाक्रा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guadeloupe"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्वाडेलोप</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Malabo"> |
| <exemplarCity>मलाबो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Athens"> |
| <exemplarCity>अथेन्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/South_Georgia"> |
| <exemplarCity>दक्षिण जॉर्जिया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guatemala"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्वाटेमाला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Guam"> |
| <exemplarCity>गुआम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bissau"> |
| <exemplarCity>बिसाउ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guyana"> |
| <exemplarCity>गुयाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hong_Kong"> |
| <exemplarCity>हाँग काँग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tegucigalpa"> |
| <exemplarCity>तेगुसिगल्पा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zagreb"> |
| <exemplarCity>झाग्रेब</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port-au-Prince"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोर्ट-औ-प्रिन्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Budapest"> |
| <exemplarCity>बुडापेस्ट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jakarta"> |
| <exemplarCity>जकार्ता</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pontianak"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोण्टीअनाक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Makassar"> |
| <exemplarCity>मकास्सार</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jayapura"> |
| <exemplarCity>जायापुरा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Dublin"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>आयरिश प्रमाणित वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <exemplarCity>डब्लिन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jerusalem"> |
| <exemplarCity>जेरुसालेम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Isle_of_Man"> |
| <exemplarCity>इसले ऑफ मॅन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Calcutta"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोलकाता</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Chagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>चागोस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baghdad"> |
| <exemplarCity>बगदाद</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tehran"> |
| <exemplarCity>तेहरान</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Reykjavik"> |
| <exemplarCity>रिक्जेविक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Rome"> |
| <exemplarCity>रोम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Jersey"> |
| <exemplarCity>जर्सी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jamaica"> |
| <exemplarCity>जमैका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Amman"> |
| <exemplarCity>अम्मान</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tokyo"> |
| <exemplarCity>तोक्यो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Nairobi"> |
| <exemplarCity>नायरोबी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bishkek"> |
| <exemplarCity>बिश्केक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Phnom_Penh"> |
| <exemplarCity>फ्नोम पेन्ह</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Enderbury"> |
| <exemplarCity>इंडरबरी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kiritimati"> |
| <exemplarCity>किरितिमाती</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tarawa"> |
| <exemplarCity>तारवा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Comoro"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोमोरो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Kitts"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेंट किट्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pyongyang"> |
| <exemplarCity>प्योंगयांग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Seoul"> |
| <exemplarCity>सोल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuwait"> |
| <exemplarCity>कुवेत</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayman"> |
| <exemplarCity>कैमेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtau"> |
| <exemplarCity>ऍक्टो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Oral"> |
| <exemplarCity>ओरल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Atyrau"> |
| <exemplarCity>अत्यारो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtobe"> |
| <exemplarCity>अक्टोबे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qostanay"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोस्टानाय</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qyzylorda"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्य्ज्यलॉरडा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Almaty"> |
| <exemplarCity>अल्माटी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vientiane"> |
| <exemplarCity>व्हिएन्टियन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Beirut"> |
| <exemplarCity>बेरूत</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Lucia"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेंट लुसीया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vaduz"> |
| <exemplarCity>वडुज</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Colombo"> |
| <exemplarCity>कोलंबो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Monrovia"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोनरोविया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Maseru"> |
| <exemplarCity>मासेरु</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vilnius"> |
| <exemplarCity>विल्नियस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Luxembourg"> |
| <exemplarCity>लक्सेमबर्ग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Riga"> |
| <exemplarCity>रीगा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tripoli"> |
| <exemplarCity>त्रिपोली</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Casablanca"> |
| <exemplarCity>कासाब्लांका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Monaco"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोनॅको</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Chisinau"> |
| <exemplarCity>चिसीनाऊ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Podgorica"> |
| <exemplarCity>पॉडगोरिका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Marigot"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेरीगॉट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Antananarivo"> |
| <exemplarCity>अंटानानारिवो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kwajalein"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्वाजलेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Majuro"> |
| <exemplarCity>माजुरो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Skopje"> |
| <exemplarCity>स्कोप्जे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bamako"> |
| <exemplarCity>बामाको</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Rangoon"> |
| <exemplarCity>यानगॉन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hovd"> |
| <exemplarCity>होव्हड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ulaanbaatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>उलानबतार</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Choibalsan"> |
| <exemplarCity>चोईबाल्सन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Macau"> |
| <exemplarCity>मकाव</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Saipan"> |
| <exemplarCity>सायपान</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Martinique"> |
| <exemplarCity>मार्टिनिक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Nouakchott"> |
| <exemplarCity>नवाकसुत</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Montserrat"> |
| <exemplarCity>मॉन्टसेराट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Malta"> |
| <exemplarCity>माल्टा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mauritius"> |
| <exemplarCity>मॉरिशस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Maldives"> |
| <exemplarCity>मालदीव</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Blantyre"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्लानटायर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tijuana"> |
| <exemplarCity>तिजुआना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Hermosillo"> |
| <exemplarCity>हर्मोसिलो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mazatlan"> |
| <exemplarCity>माझाट्लान</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Chihuahua"> |
| <exemplarCity>चिहुआहुआ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bahia_Banderas"> |
| <exemplarCity>बहिया बंदेरस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Ojinaga"> |
| <exemplarCity>ओजिनागा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Monterrey"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोंटेरी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mexico_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेक्सिको शार</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Matamoros"> |
| <exemplarCity>माटामोरोस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Merida"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेरिडा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cancun"> |
| <exemplarCity>कानकुन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"> |
| <exemplarCity>कुआलालम्पूर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuching"> |
| <exemplarCity>कुचींग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Maputo"> |
| <exemplarCity>मापुटो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Windhoek"> |
| <exemplarCity>विंडहोक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Noumea"> |
| <exemplarCity>नूमेआ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Niamey"> |
| <exemplarCity>नियामी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Norfolk"> |
| <exemplarCity>नॉरफोक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>लागोस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Managua"> |
| <exemplarCity>मॅनाग्वा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Amsterdam"> |
| <exemplarCity>ऍम्स्टरडॅम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Oslo"> |
| <exemplarCity>ओस्लो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Katmandu"> |
| <exemplarCity>काठमांडू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Nauru"> |
| <exemplarCity>नावरू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Niue"> |
| <exemplarCity>नीयू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Chatham"> |
| <exemplarCity>चॅथम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Auckland"> |
| <exemplarCity>ऑकलँड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Muscat"> |
| <exemplarCity>मस्कट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Panama"> |
| <exemplarCity>पनामा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lima"> |
| <exemplarCity>लिमा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tahiti"> |
| <exemplarCity>ताहिती</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Marquesas"> |
| <exemplarCity>मार्किसस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Gambier"> |
| <exemplarCity>गाम्बियर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Port_Moresby"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोर्ट मॉरेस्बी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Bougainville"> |
| <exemplarCity>बोगेनविले</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Manila"> |
| <exemplarCity>मनिला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Karachi"> |
| <exemplarCity>कराची</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Warsaw"> |
| <exemplarCity>वारसॉ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Miquelon"> |
| <exemplarCity>मिक्वेलोन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Pitcairn"> |
| <exemplarCity>पिटकॅरन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Puerto_Rico"> |
| <exemplarCity>पिर्टो रिको</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Gaza"> |
| <exemplarCity>गाझा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hebron"> |
| <exemplarCity>हेब्रॉन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Azores"> |
| <exemplarCity>अझोरेस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Madeira"> |
| <exemplarCity>मदिरा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Lisbon"> |
| <exemplarCity>लिस्बन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Palau"> |
| <exemplarCity>पलाऊ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Asuncion"> |
| <exemplarCity>असंसियन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>कतार</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Reunion"> |
| <exemplarCity>रियुनियन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bucharest"> |
| <exemplarCity>बुखारेस्ट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Belgrade"> |
| <exemplarCity>बेलग्रेड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kaliningrad"> |
| <exemplarCity>कालिनिनग्राड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Simferopol"> |
| <exemplarCity>सिमफरोपोल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Moscow"> |
| <exemplarCity>मॉस्को</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Volgograd"> |
| <exemplarCity>व्होल्गोग्राड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Saratov"> |
| <exemplarCity>साराटोव</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Astrakhan"> |
| <exemplarCity>आस्ट्रखन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Ulyanovsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>उल्यानोव्स्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kirov"> |
| <exemplarCity>किरोव</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Samara"> |
| <exemplarCity>समारा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yekaterinburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>येकातेरिनबर्ग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Omsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>ओम्स्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novosibirsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>नोवोसिबिर्स्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Barnaul"> |
| <exemplarCity>बरनौल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tomsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>टॉमस्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novokuznetsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>नोवोकुझनेत्स्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>क्रास्नोयार्स्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Irkutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>इर्कुटस्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Chita"> |
| <exemplarCity>चिटा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yakutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>यकुत्स्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vladivostok"> |
| <exemplarCity>व्लादिवोस्तोक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Khandyga"> |
| <exemplarCity>खा़ंडिगा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Sakhalin"> |
| <exemplarCity>सखलिन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ust-Nera"> |
| <exemplarCity>उस्त नेरा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Magadan"> |
| <exemplarCity>मगादान</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Srednekolymsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>स्रेदनेकॉलय्मस्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kamchatka"> |
| <exemplarCity>कामचाट्का</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Anadyr"> |
| <exemplarCity>अनादिर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kigali"> |
| <exemplarCity>किगाली</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Riyadh"> |
| <exemplarCity>रियाध</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Guadalcanal"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्वादालकॅनाल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mahe"> |
| <exemplarCity>माहे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Khartoum"> |
| <exemplarCity>खार्टोम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Stockholm"> |
| <exemplarCity>स्टॉकहोम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Singapore"> |
| <exemplarCity>सिंगापूर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/St_Helena"> |
| <exemplarCity>सें. हेलेना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Ljubljana"> |
| <exemplarCity>जुब्लजाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Arctic/Longyearbyen"> |
| <exemplarCity>लोंगयेअरब्येन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bratislava"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्राटिस्लाव्हा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Freetown"> |
| <exemplarCity>फ्रिटावन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/San_Marino"> |
| <exemplarCity>सॅन मारीनो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dakar"> |
| <exemplarCity>डकार</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mogadishu"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोगादिशू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Paramaribo"> |
| <exemplarCity>परामारिबो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Juba"> |
| <exemplarCity>जुबा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Sao_Tome"> |
| <exemplarCity>साओ टोम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/El_Salvador"> |
| <exemplarCity>एल साल्वाडोर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lower_Princes"> |
| <exemplarCity>लोवर प्रिंसेस क्वार्टर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Damascus"> |
| <exemplarCity>दमस्कस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mbabane"> |
| <exemplarCity>एमबाबेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Grand_Turk"> |
| <exemplarCity>ग्रँड तुर्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ndjamena"> |
| <exemplarCity>एनजामेना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Kerguelen"> |
| <exemplarCity>केरगुलेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lome"> |
| <exemplarCity>लोम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bangkok"> |
| <exemplarCity>बँकॉक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dushanbe"> |
| <exemplarCity>दुशान्बे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fakaofo"> |
| <exemplarCity>फाकाओफो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dili"> |
| <exemplarCity>दिली</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ashgabat"> |
| <exemplarCity>अशगाबाट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tunis"> |
| <exemplarCity>टुनिस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tongatapu"> |
| <exemplarCity>टोंगाटापू</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Istanbul"> |
| <exemplarCity>इस्तंबूल</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port_of_Spain"> |
| <exemplarCity>पोर्ट ऑफ स्पेन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Funafuti"> |
| <exemplarCity>फुनाफुटी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Taipei"> |
| <exemplarCity>तैपेई</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"> |
| <exemplarCity>दार इ सलाम</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Uzhgorod"> |
| <exemplarCity>उझगोरोड</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kiev"> |
| <exemplarCity>कीव</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zaporozhye"> |
| <exemplarCity>झापोरोझे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kampala"> |
| <exemplarCity>काम्पाला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Midway"> |
| <exemplarCity>मिडवे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Wake"> |
| <exemplarCity>वैक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Adak"> |
| <exemplarCity>अडाक</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nome"> |
| <exemplarCity>नोमे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Johnston"> |
| <exemplarCity>जॉन्स्टन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Anchorage"> |
| <exemplarCity>ऐंकरज</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Yakutat"> |
| <exemplarCity>याकुटाट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sitka"> |
| <exemplarCity>सिट्का</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Juneau"> |
| <exemplarCity>जूनो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Metlakatla"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेट्लाकाट्ला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Los_Angeles"> |
| <exemplarCity>लॉस एंजलीस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Boise"> |
| <exemplarCity>बोयस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Phoenix"> |
| <exemplarCity>फिनिक्स</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Denver"> |
| <exemplarCity>डेन्वेर</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Beulah"> |
| <exemplarCity>ब्यूल्लाह, उत्तर डाकोटा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"> |
| <exemplarCity>न्यु सालेम, उत्तर डाकोटा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Center"> |
| <exemplarCity>मध्य, उत्तर डाकोटा</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Chicago"> |
| <exemplarCity>शिकागो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Menominee"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेनोमिनी</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vincennes"> |
| <exemplarCity>विंसेनस, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Petersburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>पिटर्सबर्ग, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Tell_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>टेल सिटी, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Knox"> |
| <exemplarCity>नॉक्स, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Winamac"> |
| <exemplarCity>विनामॅक, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Marengo"> |
| <exemplarCity>मारेंगो, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indianapolis"> |
| <exemplarCity>इंडियानापोलीस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Louisville"> |
| <exemplarCity>लुईजविले</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vevay"> |
| <exemplarCity>वेवय, इंडियाना</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kentucky/Monticello"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोंटीसॅलो, केंटुकाय</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Detroit"> |
| <exemplarCity>डेट्रॉईट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/New_York"> |
| <exemplarCity>न्यु यॉर्क</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Montevideo"> |
| <exemplarCity>मोंटेव्हिडियो</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Samarkand"> |
| <exemplarCity>समरकंद</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tashkent"> |
| <exemplarCity>ताश्कंद</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vatican"> |
| <exemplarCity>वॅटिकन</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Vincent"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेंट विन्सेंट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Caracas"> |
| <exemplarCity>कराकस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tortola"> |
| <exemplarCity>टोरटोला</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Thomas"> |
| <exemplarCity>सेंट थॉमस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Saigon"> |
| <exemplarCity>हो ची मिन्ह</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Efate"> |
| <exemplarCity>इफेट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Wallis"> |
| <exemplarCity>वालिस</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Apia"> |
| <exemplarCity>अपिया</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aden"> |
| <exemplarCity>Aden</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mayotte"> |
| <exemplarCity>मेयोट</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Johannesburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>जोहान्सबर्ग</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lusaka"> |
| <exemplarCity>लुसाका</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Harare"> |
| <exemplarCity>हरारे</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <metazone type="Afghanistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>अफगानिस्तान वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मध्य आफ्रिका वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>उदेंत आफ्रिका वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>दक्षिण आफ्रिका प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अस्तंत आफ्रिका वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अस्तंत आफ्रिका प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अस्तंत आफ्रिका ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Alaska"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अलास्का वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अलास्का प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अलास्का डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Amazon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अमेझोन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अमेझोन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अमेझोन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मध्य वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>मध्य प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>मध्य डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उदेंत वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>उदेंत प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>उदेंत डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Mountain"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>पर्वतीय वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>पर्वतीय प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>पर्वतीय डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>प्रशांत वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>प्रशांत प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>प्रशांत डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Apia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अपिया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अपिया प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अपिया डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Arabian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अरबी वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अरबी प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अरबी डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अर्जेंटिना वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अर्जेंटिना प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अर्जेंटिना ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अस्तंत अर्जेंटिना वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अस्तंत अर्जेंटिना प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अस्तंत अर्जेंटिना ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Armenia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>आर्मेनिया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>आर्मेनिया प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>आर्मेनिया ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Atlantic"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अटलांटीक वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अटलांटीक प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अटलांटीक डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मध्य ऑस्ट्रेलीया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन मध्य प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन मध्य डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_CentralWestern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन मध्य अस्तंत वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन मध्य अस्तंत प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन मध्य अस्तंत डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उदेंत ऑस्ट्रेलीया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन उदेंत प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन उदेंत डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अस्तंत ऑस्ट्रेलीया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन अस्तंत प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ऑस्ट्रेलीयन अस्तंत डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azerbaijan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अजरबैजान वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अजरबैजान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अजरबैजान ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azores"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अझोरेस</generic> |
| <standard>अझोरेस प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अझोरेस ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bangladesh"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>बांगलादेश वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>बांगलादेश प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>बांगलादेश ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bhutan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>भूतान</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bolivia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>बोलिव्हिया वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brasilia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>ब्राझिलिया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ब्राझिलिया प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ब्राझिलिया ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brunei"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>ब्रुनेइ दारूस्सलाम वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cape_Verde"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>केप वर्दे वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>केप वर्दे प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>केप वर्दे ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chamorro"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>कॅमोरा प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chatham"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>चॅथम वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>चॅथम प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>चॅथम डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chile"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>चिली वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>चिली प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>चिली ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="China"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>चीन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>चीन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>चीन डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Choibalsan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>चोईबाल्सन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>चोईबाल्सन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>चोईबाल्सन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Christmas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>क्रिसमस आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cocos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>कोकोस आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Colombia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>कोलंबिया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>कोलंबिया प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>कोलंबिया ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cook"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>कूक आयलँड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>कूक आयलँड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>कूक आयलँड अर्द ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cuba"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>क्युबा वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>क्युबा प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>क्युबा डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Davis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>डेव्हीस वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="DumontDUrville"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>द्युमाँ दूरवीय वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="East_Timor"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>उदेंत तिमोर वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Easter"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>ईस्टर आयलँड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ईस्टर आयलँड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ईस्टर आयलँड ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ecuador"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>इक्वेडोर वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मध्य युरोपियन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>मध्य युरोपियन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>मध्य युवरोपियन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उदेंत युरोपियन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>उदेंत युरोपियन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>उदेंत युरोपियन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Further_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>आनीक-उदेंत युरोपियन वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अस्तंत युरोपियन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अस्तंत युरोपियन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अस्तंत युरोपियन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Falkland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>फॉकलँड आयलँड्स वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>फॉकलँड आयलँड्स प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>फॉकलँड आयलँड्स ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Fiji"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>फिजी वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>फिजी प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>फिजी ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Guiana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>फ्रेंच गयाना वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>फ्रेन्च दक्षिण आनी अंटार्क्टिक वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Galapagos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>गालापागोस वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gambier"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>गाम्बियर वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>जॉर्जिया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>जॉर्जिया प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>जॉर्जिया ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gilbert_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>गिल्बर्ट आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="GMT"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>ग्रीनविच मध्यc वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उदेंत ग्रीनलँड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>उदेंत ग्रीनलँड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>उदेंत ग्रीनलँड ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अस्तंत ग्रीनलँड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>अस्तंत ग्रीनलँड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>अस्तंत ग्रीनलँड ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gulf"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>गल्फ प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Guyana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>गुयाना वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hawaii_Aleutian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>हवाई-अलेयुशिन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>हवाई-अलेयुशिन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>हवाई-अलेयुशिन डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hong_Kong"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>हाँग काँग वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>हाँग काँग प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>हाँग काँग ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hovd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>होव्हड</generic> |
| <standard>होव्हड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>होव्हड ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="India"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>भारतीय प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <standard>IST</standard> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indian_Ocean"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>हिंद म्हासागर वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indochina"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>इंडोचीन वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मध्य इंडोनेशिया वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>उदेंत इंडोनेशिया वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>अस्तंत इंडोनेशिया वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Iran"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>इरान</generic> |
| <standard>इरान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>इरान डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Irkutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>इर्कुटस्क वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ईर्कुटस्क प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ईर्कुटस्क ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Israel"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>इज़राइल वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>इज़राइल प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>इज़राइल डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Japan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>जपान वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>जपान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>जपान डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>उदेंत कझाकस्तान वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>अस्तंत कझाकस्तान वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Korea"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>कोरियन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>कोरियन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>कोरियन डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kosrae"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>कोसरे वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>क्रास्नोयार्स्क वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>क्रास्नोयार्स्क प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>क्रास्नोयार्स्क ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kyrgystan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>किर्गिज़स्तान वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Line_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>लायन आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Lord_Howe"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>लॉर्ड होवे वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>लॉर्ड होवे प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>लॉर्ड होवे डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Macquarie"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मॅक्वेरी आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Magadan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मगादान वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>मगादान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>मगादान ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Malaysia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मलेशिया वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Maldives"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मालदीव वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marquesas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मार्किसस वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marshall_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मार्शल आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mauritius"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मॉरिशस वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>मॉरिशस प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>मॉरिशस ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mawson"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>मॉसन वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Northwest"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>वायव्य मेक्सिको वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>वायव्य मेक्सिको प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>वायव्य मेक्सिको डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मेक्सिकन प्रशांत वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>मेक्सिकन प्रशांत प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>मेक्सिकन प्रशांत डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mongolia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उलानबतार वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>उलानबतार प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>उलानबतार ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Moscow"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>मॉस्को वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>मॉस्को प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>मॉस्को ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Myanmar"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>म्यानमार वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nauru"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>नरू वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nepal"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>नेपाळ वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Caledonia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>न्यु कॅलेडोनिया वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>न्यु कॅलेडोनिया प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>न्यु कॅलेडोनिया ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Zealand"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>न्युझीलॅन्ड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>न्युझीलॅन्ड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>न्युझीलॅन्ड डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Newfoundland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>न्युफावंडलँड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>न्युफावंडलँड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>न्युफावंडलँड डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Niue"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>न्युए वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Norfolk"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>नॉरफॉक आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Noronha"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>फर्नांडो दी नोरोन्हा वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>फर्नांडो दी नोरोन्हा प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>फर्नांडो दी नोरोन्हा ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Novosibirsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>नोवोसिबिर्स्क</generic> |
| <standard>नोवोसिबिर्स्क प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>नोवोसिबिर्स्क ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Omsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>ओम्स्क वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>ओम्स्क प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>ओम्स्क ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pakistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>पाकिस्तान</generic> |
| <standard>पाकिस्तान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>पाकिस्तान ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Palau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>पलाऊ वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Papua_New_Guinea"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>पापुआ न्यु गिनी वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Paraguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>परागुआ वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>परागुआ प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>परागुआ ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Peru"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>पेरू वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>पेरू प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>पेरू ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Philippines"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>फिलिपायन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>फिलिपायन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>फिलिपायन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Phoenix_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>फिनिक्स आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pierre_Miquelon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>सेंट पियर आनी मिकलान वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>सेंट पियर आनी मिकलान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>सेंट पियर आनी मिकलान डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pitcairn"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>पिटकॅरन वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ponape"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>पोनेप वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pyongyang"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>प्योंगयांग वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Reunion"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>रियुनियन वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Rothera"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>रोथेरा वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Sakhalin"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>सखलिन वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>सखलिन प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>सखलिन ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Samoa"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>सामोआ वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>सामोआ प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>सामोआ डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Seychelles"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>सेशेल्स वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Singapore"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>सिंगापूर प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Solomon"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>सोलोमन आइलँड्स वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="South_Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>दक्षिण जॉर्जिया वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Suriname"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>सुरिनाम वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Syowa"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>स्योवा वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tahiti"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>ताहिती वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Taipei"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>तैपेई वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>तैपेई प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>तैपेई डेलायट वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tajikistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>तजीकिस्तान वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tokelau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>टोकलाऊ वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tonga"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>टोंगा वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>टोंगा प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>टोंगा ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Truk"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>चुक वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Turkmenistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>तुर्कमेनिस्तान</generic> |
| <standard>तुर्कमेनिस्तान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>तुर्कमेनिस्तान ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tuvalu"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>टुवालू वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uruguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उरुग्वे वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>उरुग्वे प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>उरुग्वे ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uzbekistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उज़्बेकिस्तान वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>उज़्बेकिस्तान प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>उज़्बेकिस्तान ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vanuatu"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>वनातू वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>वनातू प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>वनातू ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Venezuela"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>वेनेझुएला वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vladivostok"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>व्लादिवोस्तोक वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>व्लादिवोस्तोक प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>व्लादिवोस्तोक ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Volgograd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>व्होल्गोग्राड वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>व्होल्गोग्राड प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>व्होल्गोग्राड ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vostok"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>वोस्तोक वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wake"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>वैक आयलँड वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wallis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>वालिस आनी फ्यूचूना वेळ</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yakutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>यकुत्स्क वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>यकुत्स्क प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>यकुत्स्क ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yekaterinburg"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>येकातेरिनबर्ग वेळ</generic> |
| <standard>येकातेरिनबर्ग प्रमाणित वेळ</standard> |
| <daylight>येकातेरिनबर्ग ग्रीष्म वेळ</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| </timeZoneNames> |
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| <displayName count="other">युएई दिरहम्स</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="other">अंगोलन क्वॉन्ज्स</displayName> |
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| </currency> |
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| <displayName count="other">अर्जेंटिना पेसोस</displayName> |
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| </currency> |
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| <displayName>ऑस्ट्रेलियाई डॉलर</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">ऑस्ट्रेलियाई डॉलर्स</displayName> |
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| </currency> |
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| </currency> |
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| <displayName>जिब्राल्टर पावंड</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} अंश</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <displayName>आर्कमिनीट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} आर्कमिनीट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <displayName>आर्कसेकंद</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} आर्कसेकंद</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>चौरस किलोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस किलोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर चौरस किलोमीटर {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <displayName>हॅक्टर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} हॅक्टर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <displayName>चौरस मीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस मीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर चौरस मिटर {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>चौरस सेंटिमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस सेंटिमीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर चौरस सेंटिमीटर {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>चौरस मायल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस मायल</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर चौरस मायल {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>एकर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} एकर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>चौरस यार्ड</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस यार्ड</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>चौरस फूट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस फूट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>चौरस इंच</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौरस इंच</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर चौरस इंच {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>डुनाम्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} डुनाम्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>कॅरट्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कॅरट्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>मिलिग्राम/डेसिलिटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिग्राम/डेसिलिटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <displayName>मिलिमोल्स/लि</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिमोल्स/लि</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-part-per-million"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>टक्को</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} टक्को</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName>दरमायल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} दरमायल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <displayName>मोल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मोल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>लिटर/किलोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लिटर/किलोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100kilometers"> |
| <displayName>लिटर/100किलोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लिटर/100किलोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName>पेटाबायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पेटाबायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>टेराबायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} टेराबायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>टेराबिट्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} टेराबिट्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>गिगाबायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} गिगाबायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>गिगाबिट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} गिगाबिट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>मॅगाबायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅगाबायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>मॅगाबिट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅगाबिट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>किलोबायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोबायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>किलोबिट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोबिट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName>बायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} बायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>बिट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} बिट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>शतकां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} शतकां</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <displayName>दशकां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} दशकां</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>वर्सां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वर्सां</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर वर्सा {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>म्हयने</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} म्हयने</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर म्हयनो {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>सप्तक</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सप्तक</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर सप्तकाक {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>दीस</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} दीस</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर दिसा {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>वरां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वरां</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर वरा {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>मिण्टां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिण्टां</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर मिनीट {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>सेकंद</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेकंदांनी</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर सेकंद {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>मिलिसेकंदांनी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिसेकंदांनी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName>मायक्रोसेकंदांनी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मायक्रोसेकंदांनी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName>नॅनोसेकंदांनी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} नॅनोसेकंदांनी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName>एम्पियर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} एम्पियर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName>ओम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName>वोल्ट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वो</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>किलोकॅलरीज</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोकॅल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>कॅलरीज</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कॅलरीज</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>कॅलरीज</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कॅलरीज</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>किलोज्युल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोज्युल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>ज्युल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ज्युल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>किलोवॅट-वरां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोवॅट-वरां</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <displayName>न्युटन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} न्युटन</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>गिगाहर्ट्झ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} गिगाहर्ट्झ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>मॅगाहर्ट्झ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅगाहर्ट्झ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>किलोहर्ट्झ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोहर्ट्झ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>हर्ट्झ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} हर्ट्झ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName>टायपोग्रॅफिक एम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ems</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <displayName>पिक्सेल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पिक्सेल्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName>मॅगोपिक्सेल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅगोपिक्सेल्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>दर सेंटिमीटराक पिक्सेल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">दर सेंटिमीटराक पिक्सेल {0}</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>दर इंचाक पिक्सेल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">दर इंचाक पिक्सेल {0}</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>दर सेंटिमीटर ठिपके</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">दर सेंटिमीटर ठिपके {0}</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>दर इंचाक ठिपके</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">दर इंचाक ठिपके {0}</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>किलोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर किलोमीटर {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>मीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर मिटर {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName>डेसीमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} डेसीमीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>सेंटिमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेंटिमीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर सेंटिमीटर {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>मिलिमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिमिटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>मायक्रोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मायक्रोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>नॅनोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} नॅनोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>पिकोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पिकोमिटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>मायल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मायल्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>यार्ड</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} यार्ड</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>फूट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} फूट</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर फूट {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>इंच</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} इंच</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर इंच {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>पॅरासे</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पॅरासे</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>प्रकाश वर्सां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} प्रकाश वर्सां</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>खगोलशास्त्रीय प्रमाण</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} खगोलशास्त्रीय प्रमाण</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>नॉटिकल मायल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} नॉटिकल्स मायल्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName>मायल-स्कँडिनेव्हियन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मायल्स-स्कँडिनेव्हियन</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-point"> |
| <displayName>पॉयंट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पॉयंट्स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-solar-radius"> |
| <displayName>सौर त्रिज्या</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सौर त्रिज्या</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName>मॅट्रिक टन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅट्रिक टन</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>किलोग्राम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोग्राम</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/किलोग्राम</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>ग्राम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ग्राम</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/ग्रा</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>मिलिग्राम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिग्राम</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>टन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} टन</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>पौंड</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पौंड</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>कॅरट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कॅरट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>मेगावॅट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मेगावॅट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>किलोवॅट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोवॅट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>वॅट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वॅट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>मिलिवॅट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिवॅट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>हॉर्सपावर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} हॉर्सपावर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-hg"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName>पट्टी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पट्ट्यो</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <displayName>अटमोसपियर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} अटमोसपियर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName>पास्कल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पास्कल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>किमी/व</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी/व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>मी/से</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मी/से</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>मा/व</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मा/व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>अंश सेल्सियस</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} अंश सेल्सियस</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>अंश फारेनहायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} अंश फारेनहायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>केल्वीन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} केल्वीन</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <displayName>न्युटन-मीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} न्युटन-मीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>क्युबीक किलोमीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} क्युबीक किलोमीटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>क्युबीक मीटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} क्युबीक मीटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/मी³</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>सेमी³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेमी³</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/सेमी³</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>मा³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मा³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>या³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} या³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>फू³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} फू³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>इं³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} इं³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>मॅगालिटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅगालिटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>लिटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लिटर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/लिटर</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>मिलिलिटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिलिटर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <displayName>मॅट्रिक कप</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मॅट्रिक कप</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>एकर-फूट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} एकर-फूट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>गॅलोन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} गॅलोन</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>दर गॅलोन {0}</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>क्वार्त</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} क्वार्त</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>कप</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} क</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>फ्लुइड औंस</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} फ्लुइड औंस</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>व्हडलें कुलेर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} व्हडलें कुलेर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>कुलेर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कुलेर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-barrel"> |
| <displayName>बॅरल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} बॅरल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <coordinateUnit> |
| <displayName>मुख्य दिका</displayName> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="east">{0} उदेंत</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="north">{0} उत्तर</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="south">{0} दक्षिण</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="west">{0} अस्तंत</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| </coordinateUnit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="short"> |
| <compoundUnit type="per"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>{0}/{1}</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="times"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>{0}⋅{1}</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <displayName>g-force</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} G</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-second-squared"> |
| <displayName>मी/से²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मी/से²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-revolution"> |
| <displayName>rev</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} rev</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <displayName>रेडियन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} रे</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-degree"> |
| <displayName>अंश</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <displayName>आमि</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}′</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <displayName>आसे</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}″</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>किमी²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/किमी²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <displayName>हॅक्टर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ha</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <displayName>मीटर²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मी²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/मी²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>सेमी²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेमी²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/सेमी²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>चौ मायल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौ मा</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/mi²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>एकर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ac</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>यार्ड²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd²</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>चौ फूट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} चौ फू</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>in²</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in²</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/in²</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>डुनाम्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} डुनाम</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>कॅरट्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>मिग्रा/डेलि</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिग्रा/डेलि</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <displayName>मिमो/लि</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिमो/लि</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-part-per-million"> |
| <displayName>ppm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ppm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>%</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}%</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName>‰</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}‰</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <displayName>‱</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}‱</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <displayName>मोल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मोल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>लि/किमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लि/किमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100kilometers"> |
| <displayName>लि/100किमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लि/100किमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>mpg US</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg US</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>mpg Imp.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg Imp.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName>PB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} PB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>TB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} TB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>Tb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Tb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>GB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>Gb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Gb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>MB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>Mb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Mb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>kB</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kB</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>kb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kb</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName>बायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} बायट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>बिट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} बिट</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>श</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} श</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <displayName>दशक</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} दशक</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>वर्सां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वर्सां</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/वर्सां</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>म्हयने</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} म्हयने</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/म्ह</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>सप्तक</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सप्तक</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/स</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>दीस</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} दीस</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/दी</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>वरां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वर</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/वर</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>मिण्टां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिनीट</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/मिनीट</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>सेकंदांनी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेकंद</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/से</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>मिलिसेकंदांनी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलिसेकंद</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName>μsecs</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} μs</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName>नॅनोसेकंदांनी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} नॅसे</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName>एम्प्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ए</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName>mA</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mA</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName>ओम्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Ω</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName>वोल्ट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वो</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>kcal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kcal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>cal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>Cal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Cal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>किलोज्युल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोज्युल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>ज्युल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ज्यु</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>किवॅटवर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}किवॅटवर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>eV</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} eV</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>Btu</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Btu</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>US therm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} US therm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>lbf</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lbf</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <displayName>न्युटन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} न्यु</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>GHz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>MHz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>kHz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kHz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>Hz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Hz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName>em</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} em</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <displayName>पिक्सेल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} px</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName>मॅगोपिक्सेल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MP</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>ppcm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ppcm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>ppi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ppi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>dpcm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dpcm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>dpi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dpi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>किमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/किमी</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>मी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मी</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/मी</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName>डेमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} डेमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>सेमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेमी</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/सेमी</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>मिमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>µm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} µm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>nm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>pm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>मायल्स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>यार्ड</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>फूट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} फूट</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/ft</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>इंच</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/in</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>pc</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>प्रकाश वर्सां</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>au</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} au</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>nmi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} nmi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName>smi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} smi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>पॉयंट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>सौर त्रिज्या</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} R☉</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>lx</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lx</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>L☉</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} L☉</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-metric-ton"> |
| <displayName>t</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} t</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>किलोग्राम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलोग्राम</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/किलोग्राम</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>ग्राम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ग्राम</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/ग्रा</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>मिग्रा</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिग्रा</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>µg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} µg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>टन</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} टन</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>lb</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lb</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/lb</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} oz</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/oz</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>oz t</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} oz t</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>कॅरट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कॅ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>Da</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Da</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>M⊕</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} M⊕</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>M☉</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} M☉</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>GW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} GW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>मेवॅ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मेवॅ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>किवॅ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किवॅ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>वॅट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} वॅ</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>mW</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mW</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>हॉर्सपावर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} हॉर्सपावर</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-of-mercury"> |
| <displayName>mm Hg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mm Hg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>psi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} psi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-hg"> |
| <displayName>inHg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} inHg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName>पट्टी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} पट्टी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>mbar</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mbar</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>atm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} atm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName>Pa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Pa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>hPa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hPa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>kPa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kPa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName>MPa</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} MPa</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>किमी/व</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी/व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>मी/से</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मी/से</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>मा/व</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मा/व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>kn</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} kn</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>°</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>अं. से</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} अंसे</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>अंश फारेनहायट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°फा</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>के</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} के</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-foot"> |
| <displayName>lbf⋅ft</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} lbf⋅ft</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <displayName>N⋅m</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} N⋅m</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>किमी³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>मी³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मी³</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/मी³</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>सेमी³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेमी³</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/सेमी³</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>mi³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mi³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>या³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} या³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>फू³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} फू³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>इंच³</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} इ³</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>ML</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ML</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>hL</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} hL</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>लिटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लि</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/लि</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>dL</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dL</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>cL</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} cL</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>मिलि</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिलि</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <displayName>mpt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <displayName>mcup</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mc</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>एकर फू</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ए फू</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>गॅ</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} गॅ</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/गॅलो युएस</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>Imp. gal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gal Imp.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/gal Imp.</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>क्वा</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} क्वा</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>pt</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pt</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>कप</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} क</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>US fl oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl oz US</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>Imp. fl oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl oz Imp.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>tbsp</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} tbsp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>कु</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} कु</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>बॅरल</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} बॅरल</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
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| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100kilometers"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0}व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0}म्ह</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>स</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}स</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>दीस</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}दी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>वर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>मिनीट</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मि</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>सेकंद</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}से</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>मिलिसे</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}मिसे</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>किमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>मी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}मी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} सेमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>मिमी</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} मिमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किलो</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>ग्राम</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ग्रा</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>किमी/व</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किमी/व</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>°से</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}°से</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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| <displayName>लिटर</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} लि</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
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