blob: 21cb8818d3c2bbf288ecfab82e2e4a733be57c37 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE supplementalData SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd">
<!-- Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode, Inc.
CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (
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<version number="$Revision$" />
<transform source="nv" target="nv_FONIPA" direction="forward" alias="nv-fonipa-t-nv">
# References
# [1]
# [2]
$apostrophe = [’ ʼ \'];
ą́ą́ → ɑ̃́ː;
áá → ɑ́ː;
ąą → ɑ̃ː;
aa → ɑː;
ą́ → ɑ̃́;
á → ɑ́;
ą → ɑ̃;
a → ɑ;
ę́ę́ → ẽ́ː;
éé → éː;
ęę → ẽː;
ee → eː;
ę́ → ẽ́;
é → é;
ę → ẽ;
e → e;
į́į́ → ɪ̃́ː;
íí → ɪ́ː;
įį → ɪ̃ː;
ii → ɪː;
į́ → ɪ̃́;
í → ɪ́;
į → ɪ̃;
i → ɪ;
ǫ́ǫ́ → ṍː;
óó → óː;
ǫǫ → õː;
oo → oː;
ǫ́ → ṍ;
ó → ó;
ǫ → õ;
o → o;
$apostrophe → ʔ;
b → p;
ch $apostrophe → t͡ʃʼ;
ch → t͡ʃʰ;
dl → tˡ;
dz → t͡s;
d → t;
gh → ɣ;
g → k;
hw → xʷ;
h → h;
j → t͡ʃ;
k $apostrophe → kʼ;
kw → k͡xʷ;
k → k͡x;
l → l;
ł → ɬ;
m → m;
n → n;
sh → ʃ;
s → s;
tł $apostrophe → t͡ɬʼ;
tł → t͡ɬʰ;
ts $apostrophe → t͡sʼ;
ts → t͡sʰ;
t $apostrophe → tʼ;
t → t͡x;
w → w;
x → x;
y → j;
zh → ʒ;
z → z;
{ɣ} [{ṍ} {ó} {õ} {o}] → ɣʷ;