blob: 0d8acabf9ba3122a885178cb79de2a93ac0a40ad [file] [log] [blame]
#include <unistd.h>
#include "cn-cbor.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ERROR(msg, p) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: " msg " %s\n", (p));
static char* load_file(const char* filepath, char **end) {
struct stat st;
if (stat(filepath, &st)==-1) {
// ERROR("can't find file", filepath);
return 0;
int fd=open(filepath, O_RDONLY);
if (fd==-1) {
ERROR("can't open file", filepath);
return 0;
char* text=malloc(st.st_size+1); // this is not going to be freed
if (st.st_size!=read(fd, text, st.st_size)) {
ERROR("can't read file", filepath);
return 0;
*end = text + st.st_size;
return text;
static void dump(const cn_cbor* cb, char* out, char** end, int indent) {
if (!cb)
goto done;
int i;
cn_cbor* cp;
char finchar = ')'; /* most likely */
#define CPY(s, l) memcpy(out, s, l); out += l;
#define OUT(s) CPY(s, sizeof(s)-1)
#define PRF(f, a) out += sprintf(out, f, a)
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) *out++ = ' ';
switch (cb->type) {
case CN_CBOR_TEXT_CHUNKED: OUT("(_\n"); goto sequence;
case CN_CBOR_BYTES_CHUNKED: OUT("(_\n\n"); goto sequence;
case CN_CBOR_TAG: PRF("%ld(\n", cb->v.sint); goto sequence;
case CN_CBOR_ARRAY: finchar = ']'; OUT("[\n"); goto sequence;
case CN_CBOR_MAP: finchar = '}'; OUT("{\n"); goto sequence;
for (cp = cb->first_child; cp; cp = cp->next) {
dump(cp, out, &out, indent+2);
for (i=0; i<indent; i++) *out++ = ' ';
*out++ = finchar;
case CN_CBOR_BYTES: OUT("h'");
for (i=0; i<cb->length; i++)
PRF("%02x", cb->v.str[i] & 0xff);
*out++ = '\'';
case CN_CBOR_TEXT: *out++ = '"';
CPY(cb->v.str, cb->length); /* should escape stuff */
*out++ = '"';
case CN_CBOR_NULL: OUT("null"); break;
case CN_CBOR_TRUE: OUT("true"); break;
case CN_CBOR_FALSE: OUT("false"); break;
case CN_CBOR_INT: PRF("%ld", cb->v.sint); break;
case CN_CBOR_UINT: PRF("%lu", cb->v.uint); break;
case CN_CBOR_DOUBLE: PRF("%e", cb->v.dbl); break;
case CN_CBOR_SIMPLE: PRF("simple(%ld)", cb->v.sint); break;
default: PRF("???%d???", cb->type); break;
*out++ = '\n';
*end = out;
char *err_name[] = {
void cn_cbor_decode_test(char *buf, int len) {
struct cn_cbor_errback back;
const cn_cbor *ret = cn_cbor_decode(buf, len, &back);
if (ret)
printf("oops 1");
printf("%s at %d\n", err_name[back.err], back.pos);
int main() {
char buf[100000];
char *end;
char *s = load_file("cases.cbor", &end);
printf("%zd\n", end-s);
const cn_cbor *cb = cn_cbor_decode(s, end-s, 0);
if (cb) {
dump(cb, buf, &end, 0);
*end = 0;
printf("%s\n", buf);
cb = 0; /* for leaks testing */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\xff", 1); /* break outside indef */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\x1f", 1); /* mt undef for indef */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\x00\x00", 2); /* not all data consumed */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\x81", 1); /* out of data */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\x1c", 1); /* reserved ai */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\xbf\x00\xff", 3); /* odd size indef map */
cn_cbor_decode_test("\x7f\x40\xff", 3); /* wrong nesting in indef string */
system("leaks test");
/* cn-cbor.c:112: CN_CBOR_FAIL("out of memory"); */