blob: c347480abc6a5de2461e319d28a15f23cee85b2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
// Helper class to represent the sequence of bytes in an IP address.
// A vector<uint8_t> would be simpler but incurs heap allocation, so
// IPAddressBytes uses a fixed size array.
class NET_EXPORT IPAddressBytes {
IPAddressBytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_len);
IPAddressBytes(const IPAddressBytes& other);
// Copies |data_len| elements from |data| into this object.
void Assign(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_len);
// Returns the number of elements in the underlying array.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Sets the size to be |size|. Does not actually change the size
// of the underlying array or zero-initialize the bytes.
void Resize(size_t size) {
DCHECK_LE(size, 16u);
size_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(size);
// Returns true if the underlying array is empty.
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
// Returns a pointer to the underlying array of bytes.
const uint8_t* data() const { return; }
uint8_t* data() { return; }
// Returns a pointer to the first element.
const uint8_t* begin() const { return data(); }
uint8_t* begin() { return data(); }
// Returns a pointer past the last element.
const uint8_t* end() const { return data() + size_; }
uint8_t* end() { return data() + size_; }
// Returns a reference to the last element.
uint8_t& back() {
return bytes_[size_ - 1];
const uint8_t& back() const {
return bytes_[size_ - 1];
// Appends |val| to the end and increments the size.
void push_back(uint8_t val) {
DCHECK_GT(16, size_);
bytes_[size_++] = val;
// Appends the range [`first`, `last`) to the end and increments the size.
void Append(const uint8_t* first, const uint8_t* last);
// Returns a reference to the byte at index |pos|.
uint8_t& operator[](size_t pos) {
DCHECK_LT(pos, size_);
return bytes_[pos];
const uint8_t& operator[](size_t pos) const {
DCHECK_LT(pos, size_);
return bytes_[pos];
bool operator<(const IPAddressBytes& other) const;
bool operator!=(const IPAddressBytes& other) const;
bool operator==(const IPAddressBytes& other) const;
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
// Underlying sequence of bytes
std::array<uint8_t, 16> bytes_;
// Number of elements in |bytes_|. Should be either kIPv4AddressSize
// or kIPv6AddressSize or 0.
uint8_t size_;
class NET_EXPORT IPAddress {
enum : size_t { kIPv4AddressSize = 4, kIPv6AddressSize = 16 };
// Nullopt if `value` is malformed to be deserialized to IPAddress.
static absl::optional<IPAddress> FromValue(const base::Value& value);
// Parses an IP address literal (either IPv4 or IPv6). Returns the resulting
// IPAddress on success, or nullopt on error.
static absl::optional<IPAddress> FromIPLiteral(base::StringPiece ip_literal);
// Creates a zero-sized, invalid address.
IPAddress(const IPAddress& other);
// Copies the input address to |ip_address_|.
explicit IPAddress(const IPAddressBytes& address);
// Copies the input address to |ip_address_|. The input is expected to be in
// network byte order.
explicit IPAddress(base::span<const uint8_t> address)
: IPAddress(, address.size()) {}
// Copies the input address to |ip_address_| taking an additional length
// parameter. The input is expected to be in network byte order.
IPAddress(const uint8_t* address, size_t address_len);
// Initializes |ip_address_| from the 4 bX bytes to form an IPv4 address.
// The bytes are expected to be in network byte order.
IPAddress(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3);
// Initializes |ip_address_| from the 16 bX bytes to form an IPv6 address.
// The bytes are expected to be in network byte order.
IPAddress(uint8_t b0,
uint8_t b1,
uint8_t b2,
uint8_t b3,
uint8_t b4,
uint8_t b5,
uint8_t b6,
uint8_t b7,
uint8_t b8,
uint8_t b9,
uint8_t b10,
uint8_t b11,
uint8_t b12,
uint8_t b13,
uint8_t b14,
uint8_t b15);
// Returns true if the IP has |kIPv4AddressSize| elements.
bool IsIPv4() const;
// Returns true if the IP has |kIPv6AddressSize| elements.
bool IsIPv6() const;
// Returns true if the IP is either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. This function
// only checks the address length.
bool IsValid() const;
// Returns true if the IP is not in a range reserved by the IANA for
// local networks. Works with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
// IPv4-mapped-to-IPv6 addresses are considered publicly routable.
bool IsPubliclyRoutable() const;
// Returns true if the IP is "zero" (e.g. the IPv4 address).
bool IsZero() const;
// Returns true if |ip_address_| is an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
bool IsIPv4MappedIPv6() const;
// Returns true if |ip_address_| is or ::1/128
bool IsLoopback() const;
// Returns true if |ip_address_| is or fe80::/10, or
// ::ffff: (IPv4 mapped IPv6 link-local).
bool IsLinkLocal() const;
// Returns true if `ip_address_` is a unique local IPv6 address (fc00::/7).
bool IsUniqueLocalIPv6() const;
// The size in bytes of |ip_address_|.
size_t size() const { return ip_address_.size(); }
// Returns true if the IP is an empty, zero-sized (invalid) address.
bool empty() const { return ip_address_.empty(); }
// Returns the canonical string representation of an IP address.
// For example: "" or "::1". Returns the empty string when
// |ip_address_| is invalid.
std::string ToString() const;
// Parses an IP address literal (either IPv4 or IPv6) to its numeric value.
// Returns true on success and fills |ip_address_| with the numeric value.
// When parsing fails, the original value of |this| will be overwritten such
// that |this->empty()| and |!this->IsValid()|.
[[nodiscard]] bool AssignFromIPLiteral(base::StringPiece ip_literal);
// Returns the underlying bytes.
const IPAddressBytes& bytes() const { return ip_address_; }
// Copies the bytes to a new vector. Generally callers should be using
// |bytes()| and the IPAddressBytes abstraction. This method is provided as a
// convenience for call sites that existed prior to the introduction of
// IPAddressBytes.
std::vector<uint8_t> CopyBytesToVector() const;
// Returns an IPAddress instance representing the address.
static IPAddress IPv4Localhost();
// Returns an IPAddress instance representing the ::1 address.
static IPAddress IPv6Localhost();
// Returns an IPAddress made up of |num_zero_bytes| zeros.
static IPAddress AllZeros(size_t num_zero_bytes);
// Returns an IPAddress instance representing the address.
static IPAddress IPv4AllZeros();
// Returns an IPAddress instance representing the :: address.
static IPAddress IPv6AllZeros();
bool operator==(const IPAddress& that) const;
bool operator!=(const IPAddress& that) const;
bool operator<(const IPAddress& that) const;
// Must be a valid address (per IsValid()).
base::Value ToValue() const;
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
IPAddressBytes ip_address_;
// This class is copyable and assignable.
using IPAddressList = std::vector<IPAddress>;
// Returns the canonical string representation of an IP address along with its
// port. For example: "" or "[::1]:80".
NET_EXPORT std::string IPAddressToStringWithPort(const IPAddress& address,
uint16_t port);
// Returns the address as a sequence of bytes in network-byte-order.
NET_EXPORT std::string IPAddressToPackedString(const IPAddress& address);
// Converts an IPv4 address to an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.
// For example would be converted to ::ffff:
NET_EXPORT IPAddress ConvertIPv4ToIPv4MappedIPv6(const IPAddress& address);
// Converts an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address to IPv4 address. Should only be called
// on IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.
NET_EXPORT IPAddress ConvertIPv4MappedIPv6ToIPv4(const IPAddress& address);
// Compares an IP address to see if it falls within the specified IP block.
// Returns true if it does, false otherwise.
// The IP block is given by (|ip_prefix|, |prefix_length_in_bits|) -- any
// IP address whose |prefix_length_in_bits| most significant bits match
// |ip_prefix| will be matched.
// In cases when an IPv4 address is being compared to an IPv6 address prefix
// and vice versa, the IPv4 addresses will be converted to IPv4-mapped
// (IPv6) addresses.
NET_EXPORT bool IPAddressMatchesPrefix(const IPAddress& ip_address,
const IPAddress& ip_prefix,
size_t prefix_length_in_bits);
// Parses an IP block specifier from CIDR notation to an
// (IP address, prefix length) pair. Returns true on success and fills
// |*ip_address| with the numeric value of the IP address and sets
// |*prefix_length_in_bits| with the length of the prefix. On failure,
// |ip_address| will be cleared to an empty value.
// CIDR notation literals can use either IPv4 or IPv6 literals. Some examples:
// a:b:c::/46
// ::1/128
NET_EXPORT bool ParseCIDRBlock(base::StringPiece cidr_literal,
IPAddress* ip_address,
size_t* prefix_length_in_bits);
// Parses a URL-safe IP literal (see RFC 3986, Sec 3.2.2) to its numeric value.
// Returns true on success, and fills |ip_address| with the numeric value.
// In other words, |hostname| must be an IPv4 literal, or an IPv6 literal
// surrounded by brackets as in [::1]. On failure |ip_address| may have been
// overwritten and could contain an invalid IPAddress.
[[nodiscard]] NET_EXPORT bool ParseURLHostnameToAddress(
base::StringPiece hostname,
IPAddress* ip_address);
// Returns number of matching initial bits between the addresses |a1| and |a2|.
NET_EXPORT size_t CommonPrefixLength(const IPAddress& a1, const IPAddress& a2);
// Computes the number of leading 1-bits in |mask|.
NET_EXPORT size_t MaskPrefixLength(const IPAddress& mask);
// Checks whether |address| starts with |prefix|. This provides similar
// functionality as IPAddressMatchesPrefix() but doesn't perform automatic IPv4
// to IPv4MappedIPv6 conversions and only checks against full bytes.
template <size_t N>
bool IPAddressStartsWith(const IPAddress& address, const uint8_t (&prefix)[N]) {
if (address.size() < N)
return false;
return std::equal(prefix, prefix + N, address.bytes().begin());
// According to RFC6052 Section 2.2 IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Address Format.
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |PL| 0-------------32--40--48--56--64--72--80--88--96--104---------|
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |32| prefix |v4(32) | u | suffix |
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |40| prefix |v4(24) | u |(8)| suffix |
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |48| prefix |v4(16) | u | (16) | suffix |
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |56| prefix |(8)| u | v4(24) | suffix |
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |64| prefix | u | v4(32) | suffix |
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// |96| prefix | v4(32) |
// +--+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
// The NAT64/DNS64 translation prefixes has one of the following lengths.
enum class Dns64PrefixLength {
// Extracts the NAT64 translation prefix from the IPv6 address using the well
// known address and
// Returns prefix length on success, or Dns64PrefixLength::kInvalid on failure
// (when the IPv4 address is not found)
NET_EXPORT Dns64PrefixLength
ExtractPref64FromIpv4onlyArpaAAAA(const IPAddress& address);
// Converts an IPv4 address to an IPv4-embedded IPv6 address using the given
// prefix. For example and 64:ff9b::/96 would be converted to
// 64:ff9b::
// Returns converted IPv6 address when prefix_length is not
// Dns64PrefixLength::kInvalid, and returns the original IPv4 address when
// prefix_length is Dns64PrefixLength::kInvalid.
ConvertIPv4ToIPv4EmbeddedIPv6(const IPAddress& ipv4_address,
const IPAddress& ipv6_address,
Dns64PrefixLength prefix_length);
} // namespace net