blob: a85abe3da2b4ee5b34ed9081748bdc20c96db050 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/completion_repeating_callback.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "net/base/net_error_details.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/request_priority.h"
#include "net/base/upload_progress.h"
#include "net/http/http_raw_request_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "net/socket/connection_attempts.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_handshake_stream_base.h"
namespace net {
class AuthCredentials;
struct HttpRequestInfo;
class HttpResponseInfo;
class IOBuffer;
struct TransportInfo;
struct LoadTimingInfo;
class NetLogWithSource;
class QuicServerInfo;
class SSLPrivateKey;
class X509Certificate;
// Represents a single HTTP transaction (i.e., a single request/response pair).
// HTTP redirects are not followed and authentication challenges are not
// answered. Cookies are assumed to be managed by the caller.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE HttpTransaction {
// If |*defer| is set to true, the transaction will wait until
// ResumeNetworkStart is called before establishing a connection.
using BeforeNetworkStartCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool* defer)>;
// Called each time a connection is obtained, before any data is sent.
// |info| describes the newly-obtained connection.
// This can be called multiple times for a single transaction, in the case of
// retries, auth challenges, and split range requests.
// If this callback returns an error, the transaction fails with that error.
// Otherwise the transaction continues unimpeded.
// Must not return ERR_IO_PENDING.
// TODO( Fix handling of OnConnected() when proxy
// authentication is required. We should notify this callback that a
// connection was established, even though the stream might not be ready for
// us to send data through it.
using ConnectedCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<int(const TransportInfo& info,
CompletionOnceCallback callback)>;
// Stops any pending IO and destroys the transaction object.
virtual ~HttpTransaction() = default;
// Starts the HTTP transaction (i.e., sends the HTTP request).
// TODO( The consumer should ensure that request_info points
// to a valid value till final response headers are received; after that
// point, the HttpTransaction will not access |*request_info| and it may be
// deleted.
// Returns OK if the transaction could be started synchronously, which means
// that the request was served from the cache. ERR_IO_PENDING is returned to
// indicate that |callback| will be notified once response info is available
// or if an IO error occurs. Any other return value indicates that the
// transaction could not be started.
// Regardless of the return value, the caller is expected to keep the
// request_info object alive until Destroy is called on the transaction.
// NOTE: The transaction is not responsible for deleting the callback object.
// Profiling information for the request is saved to |net_log| if non-NULL.
virtual int Start(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const NetLogWithSource& net_log) = 0;
// Restarts the HTTP transaction, ignoring the last error. This call can
// only be made after a call to Start (or RestartIgnoringLastError) failed.
// Once Read has been called, this method cannot be called. This method is
// used, for example, to continue past various SSL related errors.
// Not all errors can be ignored using this method. See error code
// descriptions for details about errors that can be ignored.
// NOTE: The transaction is not responsible for deleting the callback object.
virtual int RestartIgnoringLastError(CompletionOnceCallback callback) = 0;
// Restarts the HTTP transaction with a client certificate.
virtual int RestartWithCertificate(
scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> client_cert,
scoped_refptr<SSLPrivateKey> client_private_key,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) = 0;
// Restarts the HTTP transaction with authentication credentials.
virtual int RestartWithAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) = 0;
// Returns true if auth is ready to be continued. Callers should check
// this value anytime Start() completes: if it is true, the transaction
// can be resumed with RestartWithAuth(L"", L"", callback) to resume
// the automatic auth exchange. This notification gives the caller a
// chance to process the response headers from all of the intermediate
// restarts needed for authentication.
virtual bool IsReadyToRestartForAuth() = 0;
// Once response info is available for the transaction, response data may be
// read by calling this method.
// Response data is copied into the given buffer and the number of bytes
// copied is returned. ERR_IO_PENDING is returned if response data is not yet
// available. |callback| is notified when the data copy completes, and it is
// passed the number of bytes that were successfully copied. Or, if a read
// error occurs, |callback| is notified of the error. Any other negative
// return value indicates that the transaction could not be read.
// NOTE: The transaction is not responsible for deleting the callback object.
// If the operation is not completed immediately, the transaction must acquire
// a reference to the provided buffer.
virtual int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) = 0;
// Stops further caching of this request by the HTTP cache, if there is any.
// Note that this is merely a hint to the transaction which it may choose to
// ignore.
virtual void StopCaching() = 0;
// Get the number of bytes received from network.
virtual int64_t GetTotalReceivedBytes() const = 0;
// Get the number of bytes sent over the network.
virtual int64_t GetTotalSentBytes() const = 0;
// Called to tell the transaction that we have successfully reached the end
// of the stream. This is equivalent to performing an extra Read() at the end
// that should return 0 bytes. This method should not be called if the
// transaction is busy processing a previous operation (like a pending Read).
// DoneReading may also be called before the first Read() to notify that the
// entire response body is to be ignored (e.g., in a redirect).
virtual void DoneReading() = 0;
// Returns the response info for this transaction. Must not be called until
// |Start| completes.
virtual const HttpResponseInfo* GetResponseInfo() const = 0;
// Returns the load state for this transaction.
virtual LoadState GetLoadState() const = 0;
// SetQuicServerInfo sets a object which reads and writes public information
// about a QUIC server.
virtual void SetQuicServerInfo(QuicServerInfo* quic_server_info) = 0;
// Populates all of load timing, except for request start times and receive
// headers time.
// |load_timing_info| must have all null times when called. Returns false and
// does not modify |load_timing_info| if there's no timing information to
// provide.
virtual bool GetLoadTimingInfo(LoadTimingInfo* load_timing_info) const = 0;
// Gets the remote endpoint of the socket that the transaction's underlying
// stream is using or did use, if any. Returns true and fills in |endpoint|
// if it is available; returns false and leaves |endpoint| unchanged if it is
// unavailable.
virtual bool GetRemoteEndpoint(IPEndPoint* endpoint) const = 0;
// Populates network error details for this transaction.
virtual void PopulateNetErrorDetails(NetErrorDetails* details) const = 0;
// Called when the priority of the parent job changes.
virtual void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority) = 0;
// Set the WebSocketHandshakeStreamBase::CreateHelper to be used for the
// request. Only relevant to WebSocket transactions. Must be called before
// Start(). Ownership of |create_helper| remains with the caller.
virtual void SetWebSocketHandshakeStreamCreateHelper(
WebSocketHandshakeStreamBase::CreateHelper* create_helper) = 0;
// Sets the callback to receive notification just before network use.
virtual void SetBeforeNetworkStartCallback(
BeforeNetworkStartCallback callback) = 0;
// Sets the callback to receive a notification upon connection.
virtual void SetConnectedCallback(const ConnectedCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void SetRequestHeadersCallback(RequestHeadersCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void SetEarlyResponseHeadersCallback(
ResponseHeadersCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void SetResponseHeadersCallback(ResponseHeadersCallback callback) = 0;
// Sets the callback to modify the request header. The callback will be called
// just before sending the request to the network.
virtual void SetModifyRequestHeadersCallback(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(net::HttpRequestHeaders*)> callback) = 0;
virtual void SetIsSharedDictionaryReadAllowedCallback(
base::RepeatingCallback<bool()> callback) = 0;
// Resumes the transaction after being deferred.
virtual int ResumeNetworkStart() = 0;
virtual ConnectionAttempts GetConnectionAttempts() const = 0;
// Configures the transaction to close the network connection, if any, on
// destruction. Intended for cases where keeping the socket alive may leak
// data. Does not immediately close the socket. If multiple transactions are
// using the same socket, only closes it once all transactions have completed.
// Does not close H2/H3 sessions, but does close H1 tunnels on top of H2/H3
// sessions.
// Only applies to currently in-use connections. Does nothing after the last
// byte of the response body has been read, as the connection is no longer in
// use at that point.
virtual void CloseConnectionOnDestruction() = 0;
} // namespace net