blob: d5faef35d7619a25a56805bfc38626a2071e00c8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation_traits.h"
namespace base {
// `ScopedObservation` is used to keep track of a singular observation, i.e.,
// where an observer observes a single source only. Use
// `base::ScopedMultiSourceObservation` for objects that observe multiple
// sources.
// When a `ScopedObservation` is destroyed, it unregisters the observer from the
// observable if it was currently observing something. Otherwise it does
// nothing.
// Using a `ScopedObservation` instead of manually observing and unobserving has
// the following benefits:
// - The observer cannot accidentally forget to stop observing when it is
// destroyed.
// - By calling `Reset`, an ongoing observation can be stopped before the
// `ScopedObservation` is destroyed. If nothing was currently observed, then
// calling `Reset` does nothing. This can be useful for when the observable is
// destroyed before the observer is destroyed, because it prevents the
// observer from accidentally unregistering itself from the destroyed
// observable a second time when it itself is destroyed. Without
// `ScopedObservation`, one might need to keep track of whether one has
// already stopped observing in a separate boolean.
// A complete usage example can be found below.
// `observer.h`:
// class Observer {
// public:
// virtual ~Observer() {}
// virtual void OnEvent() {}
// };
// `source.h`:
// class Observer;
// class Source {
// public:
// void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// };
// `observer_impl.h`:
// #include "observer.h"
// class Source;
// class ObserverImpl: public Observer {
// public:
// ObserverImpl(Source* source);
// // Note how there is no need to stop observing in the destructor.
// ~ObserverImpl() override {}
// void OnEvent() override {
// ...
// }
// private:
// // Note that |obs_| can be instantiated with forward-declared Source.
// base::ScopedObservation<Source, Observer> obs_{this};
// };
// ``:
// #include "observer_impl.h"
// #include "source.h"
// ObserverImpl::ObserverImpl(Source* source) {
// // After the call |this| starts listening to events from |source|.
// obs_.Observe(source);
// }
// By default `ScopedObservation` only works with sources that expose
// `AddObserver` and `RemoveObserver`. However, it's also possible to
// adapt it to custom function names (say `AddFoo` and `RemoveFoo` accordingly)
// by tailoring ScopedObservationTraits<> for the given Source and Observer --
// see `base/scoped_observation_traits.h` for details.
template <class Source, class Observer>
class ScopedObservation {
explicit ScopedObservation(Observer* observer) : observer_(observer) {}
ScopedObservation(const ScopedObservation&) = delete;
ScopedObservation& operator=(const ScopedObservation&) = delete;
~ScopedObservation() { Reset(); }
// Adds the object passed to the constructor as an observer on |source|.
// IsObserving() must be false.
void Observe(Source* source) {
DCHECK_EQ(source_, nullptr);
source_ = source;
Traits::AddObserver(source_, observer_);
// Remove the object passed to the constructor as an observer from |source_|
// if currently observing. Does nothing otherwise.
void Reset() {
if (source_) {
Traits::RemoveObserver(std::exchange(source_, nullptr), observer_);
// Returns true if any source is being observed.
bool IsObserving() const { return source_ != nullptr; }
// Returns true if |source| is being observed.
bool IsObservingSource(Source* source) const {
return source_ == source;
// Gets a pointer to the observed source, or nullptr if no source is being
// observed.
Source* GetSource() { return source_; }
const Source* GetSource() const { return source_; }
using Traits = ScopedObservationTraits<Source, Observer>;
const raw_ptr<Observer, DanglingUntriaged> observer_;
// The observed source, if any.
raw_ptr<Source, LeakedDanglingUntriaged> source_ = nullptr;
} // namespace base