blob: ebb7915d6967fa906b99a719eba1ce2af4ab9eb6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Security/Security.h>
#include <optional>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "crypto/crypto_export.h"
namespace crypto {
using AppleSecKeychainItemRef = void*;
using AppleSecKeychainItemRef = SecKeychainItemRef;
// Wraps the KeychainServices API in a very thin layer, to allow it to be
// mocked out for testing.
// See Keychain Services documentation for function documentation, as these call
// through directly to their Keychain Services equivalents (Foo ->
// SecKeychainFoo). The only exception is Free, which should be used for
// anything returned from this class that would normally be freed with
// CFRelease (to aid in testing).
class CRYPTO_EXPORT AppleKeychain {
AppleKeychain(const AppleKeychain&) = delete;
AppleKeychain& operator=(const AppleKeychain&) = delete;
virtual ~AppleKeychain();
virtual OSStatus FindGenericPassword(UInt32 service_name_length,
const char* service_name,
UInt32 account_name_length,
const char* account_name,
UInt32* password_length,
void** password_data,
AppleSecKeychainItemRef* item) const;
virtual OSStatus ItemFreeContent(void* data) const;
virtual OSStatus AddGenericPassword(UInt32 service_name_length,
const char* service_name,
UInt32 account_name_length,
const char* account_name,
UInt32 password_length,
const void* password_data,
AppleSecKeychainItemRef* item) const;
virtual OSStatus ItemDelete(AppleSecKeychainItemRef item) const;
#endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_MAC)
// Sets whether Keychain Services is permitted to display UI if needed by
// calling SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed. This operates in a scoped
// fashion: on destruction, the previous state will be restored. This is useful
// to interact with the Keychain on a best-effort basis, without displaying any
// Keychain Services UI (which is beyond the application's control) to the user.
class CRYPTO_EXPORT ScopedKeychainUserInteractionAllowed {
const ScopedKeychainUserInteractionAllowed&) = delete;
ScopedKeychainUserInteractionAllowed& operator=(
const ScopedKeychainUserInteractionAllowed&) = delete;
explicit ScopedKeychainUserInteractionAllowed(Boolean allowed,
OSStatus* status = nullptr);
std::optional<Boolean> was_allowed_;
} // namespace crypto