blob: c0f649a5082e1b3f21db8d244cc434c7e2ff5259 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Simon Kelley
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991, or
(at your option) version 3 dated 29 June, 2007.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "dnsmasq.h"
#ifdef HAVE_DHCP
#define BOOTREPLY 2
#define DHCP_COOKIE 0x63825363
/* The Linux in-kernel DHCP client silently ignores any packet
smaller than this. Sigh........... */
#define MIN_PACKETSZ 300
#define OPTION_PAD 0
#define OPTION_T1 58
#define OPTION_T2 59
#define OPTION_SNAME 66
#define OPTION_AGENT_ID 82
#define OPTION_ARCH 93
#define OPTION_PXE_UUID 97
#define OPTION_END 255
#define SUBOPT_SUBNET_SELECT 5 /* RFC 3527 */
#define SUBOPT_SUBSCR_ID 6 /* RFC 3393 */
#define SUBOPT_SERVER_OR 11 /* RFC 5107 */
#define SUBOPT_PXE_BOOT_ITEM 71 /* PXE standard */
#define DHCPOFFER 2
#define DHCPACK 5
#define DHCPNAK 6
#define DHCPINFORM 8
#define have_config(config, mask) ((config) && ((config)->flags & (mask)))
#define option_len(opt) ((int) (((unsigned char*) (opt))[1]))
#define option_ptr(opt, i) ((void*) &(((unsigned char*) (opt))[2u + (unsigned int) (i)]))
static int sanitise(unsigned char* opt, char* buf);
static struct in_addr server_id(struct dhcp_context* context, struct in_addr override,
struct in_addr fallback);
static unsigned int calc_time(struct dhcp_context* context, struct dhcp_config* config,
unsigned char* opt);
static void option_put(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, int opt, int len,
unsigned int val);
static void option_put_string(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, int opt, char* string,
int null_term);
static struct in_addr option_addr(unsigned char* opt);
static struct in_addr option_addr_arr(unsigned char* opt, int offset);
static unsigned int option_uint(unsigned char* opt, int i, int size);
static void log_packet(char* type, void* addr, unsigned char* ext_mac, int mac_len, char* interface,
char* string, u32 xid);
static unsigned char* option_find(struct dhcp_packet* mess, size_t size, int opt_type, int minsize);
static unsigned char* option_find1(unsigned char* p, unsigned char* end, int opt, int minsize);
static size_t dhcp_packet_size(struct dhcp_packet* mess, struct dhcp_netid* netid,
unsigned char* agent_id, unsigned char* real_end);
static void clear_packet(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end);
static void do_options(struct dhcp_context* context, struct dhcp_packet* mess,
unsigned char* real_end, unsigned char* req_options, char* hostname,
char* domain, char* config_domain, struct dhcp_netid* netid,
struct in_addr subnet_addr, unsigned char fqdn_flags, int null_term,
int pxearch, unsigned char* uuid);
static void match_vendor_opts(unsigned char* opt, struct dhcp_opt* dopt);
static void do_encap_opts(struct dhcp_opt* opts, int encap, int flag, struct dhcp_packet* mess,
unsigned char* end, int null_term);
static void pxe_misc(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, unsigned char* uuid);
static int prune_vendor_opts(struct dhcp_netid* netid);
static struct dhcp_opt* pxe_opts(int pxe_arch, struct dhcp_netid* netid);
struct dhcp_boot* find_boot(struct dhcp_netid* netid);
size_t dhcp_reply(struct dhcp_context* context, char* iface_name, int int_index, size_t sz,
time_t now, int unicast_dest, int* is_inform) {
unsigned char *opt, *clid = NULL;
struct dhcp_lease *ltmp, *lease = NULL;
struct dhcp_vendor* vendor;
struct dhcp_mac* mac;
struct dhcp_netid_list* id_list;
int clid_len = 0, ignore = 0, do_classes = 0, selecting = 0, pxearch = -1;
struct dhcp_packet* mess = (struct dhcp_packet*) daemon->dhcp_packet.iov_base;
unsigned char* end = (unsigned char*) (mess + 1);
unsigned char* real_end = (unsigned char*) (mess + 1);
char *hostname = NULL, *offer_hostname = NULL, *client_hostname = NULL, *domain = NULL;
int hostname_auth = 0, borken_opt = 0;
unsigned char* req_options = NULL;
char* message = NULL;
unsigned int time;
struct dhcp_config* config;
struct dhcp_netid* netid;
struct in_addr subnet_addr, fallback, override;
unsigned short fuzz = 0;
unsigned int mess_type = 0;
unsigned char fqdn_flags = 0;
unsigned char *agent_id = NULL, *uuid = NULL;
unsigned char* emac = NULL;
int emac_len = 0;
struct dhcp_netid known_id, iface_id;
struct dhcp_opt* o;
unsigned char pxe_uuid[17];
subnet_addr.s_addr = override.s_addr = 0;
/* set tag with name == interface */ = iface_name; = NULL;
netid = &iface_id;
if (mess->op != BOOTREQUEST || mess->hlen > DHCP_CHADDR_MAX) return 0;
if (mess->htype == 0 && mess->hlen != 0) return 0;
/* check for DHCP rather than BOOTP */
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1))) {
mess_type = option_uint(opt, 0, 1);
/* only insist on a cookie for DHCP. */
if (*((u32*) &mess->options) != htonl(DHCP_COOKIE)) return 0;
/* two things to note here: expand_buf may move the packet,
so reassign mess from daemon->packet. Also, the size
sent includes the IP and UDP headers, hence the magic "-28" */
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_MAXMESSAGE, 2))) {
size_t size = (size_t) option_uint(opt, 0, 2) - 28;
if (size > DHCP_PACKET_MAX)
else if (size < sizeof(struct dhcp_packet))
size = sizeof(struct dhcp_packet);
if (expand_buf(&daemon->dhcp_packet, size)) {
mess = (struct dhcp_packet*) daemon->dhcp_packet.iov_base;
real_end = end = ((unsigned char*) mess) + size;
/* Some buggy clients set ciaddr when they shouldn't, so clear that here since
it can affect the context-determination code. */
if ((option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_REQUESTED_IP, INADDRSZ) || mess_type == DHCPDISCOVER))
mess->ciaddr.s_addr = 0;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_AGENT_ID, 1))) {
/* Any agent-id needs to be copied back out, verbatim, as the last option
in the packet. Here, we shift it to the very end of the buffer, if it doesn't
get overwritten, then it will be shuffled back at the end of processing.
Note that the incoming options must not be overwritten here, so there has to
be enough free space at the end of the packet to copy the option. */
unsigned char* sopt;
unsigned int total = option_len(opt) + 2;
unsigned char* last_opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_END, 0);
if (last_opt && last_opt < end - total) {
end -= total;
agent_id = end;
memcpy(agent_id, opt, total);
/* look for RFC3527 Link selection sub-option */
if ((sopt = option_find1(option_ptr(opt, 0), option_ptr(opt, option_len(opt)),
subnet_addr = option_addr(sopt);
/* look for RFC5107 server-identifier-override */
if ((sopt = option_find1(option_ptr(opt, 0), option_ptr(opt, option_len(opt)),
override = option_addr(sopt);
/* if a circuit-id or remote-is option is provided, exact-match to options. */
for (vendor = daemon->dhcp_vendors; vendor; vendor = vendor->next) {
int search;
if (vendor->match_type == MATCH_CIRCUIT)
else if (vendor->match_type == MATCH_REMOTE)
else if (vendor->match_type == MATCH_SUBSCRIBER)
if ((sopt = option_find1(option_ptr(opt, 0), option_ptr(opt, option_len(opt)),
search, 1)) &&
vendor->len == option_len(sopt) &&
memcmp(option_ptr(sopt, 0), vendor->data, vendor->len) == 0) {
vendor-> = netid;
netid = &vendor->netid;
/* Check for RFC3011 subnet selector - only if RFC3527 one not present */
if (subnet_addr.s_addr == 0 && (opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_SUBNET_SELECT, INADDRSZ)))
subnet_addr = option_addr(opt);
/* If there is no client identifier option, use the hardware address */
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_CLIENT_ID, 1))) {
clid_len = option_len(opt);
clid = option_ptr(opt, 0);
/* do we have a lease in store? */
lease = lease_find_by_client(mess->chaddr, mess->hlen, mess->htype, clid, clid_len);
/* If this request is missing a clid, but we've seen one before,
use it again for option matching etc. */
if (lease && !clid && lease->clid) {
clid_len = lease->clid_len;
clid = lease->clid;
/* find mac to use for logging and hashing */
emac = extended_hwaddr(mess->htype, mess->hlen, mess->chaddr, clid_len, clid, &emac_len);
for (mac = daemon->dhcp_macs; mac; mac = mac->next)
if (mac->hwaddr_len == mess->hlen &&
(mac->hwaddr_type == mess->htype || mac->hwaddr_type == 0) &&
memcmp_masked(mac->hwaddr, mess->chaddr, mess->hlen, mac->mask)) {
mac-> = netid;
netid = &mac->netid;
/* Determine network for this packet. Our caller will have already linked all the
contexts which match the addresses of the receiving interface but if the
machine has an address already, or came via a relay, or we have a subnet selector,
we search again. If we don't have have a giaddr or explicit subnet selector,
use the ciaddr. This is necessary because a machine which got a lease via a
relay won't use the relay to renew. If matching a ciaddr fails but we have a context
from the physical network, continue using that to allow correct DHCPNAK generation later. */
if (mess->giaddr.s_addr || subnet_addr.s_addr || mess->ciaddr.s_addr) {
struct dhcp_context *context_tmp, *context_new = NULL;
struct in_addr addr;
int force = 0;
if (subnet_addr.s_addr) {
addr = subnet_addr;
force = 1;
} else if (mess->giaddr.s_addr) {
addr = mess->giaddr;
force = 1;
} else {
/* If ciaddr is in the hardware derived set of contexts, leave that unchanged */
addr = mess->ciaddr;
for (context_tmp = context; context_tmp; context_tmp = context_tmp->current)
if (context_tmp->netmask.s_addr &&
is_same_net(addr, context_tmp->start, context_tmp->netmask) &&
is_same_net(addr, context_tmp->end, context_tmp->netmask)) {
context_new = context;
if (!context_new)
for (context_tmp = daemon->dhcp; context_tmp; context_tmp = context_tmp->next)
if (context_tmp->netmask.s_addr &&
is_same_net(addr, context_tmp->start, context_tmp->netmask) &&
is_same_net(addr, context_tmp->end, context_tmp->netmask)) {
context_tmp->current = context_new;
context_new = context_tmp;
if (context_new || force) context = context_new;
if (!context) {
// my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("no address range available for DHCP request %s
// %s"),
// subnet_addr.s_addr ? _("with subnet selector") : _("via"),
// subnet_addr.s_addr ? inet_ntoa(subnet_addr) : (mess->giaddr.s_addr ?
//inet_ntoa(mess->giaddr) : iface_name));
return 0;
/* keep _a_ local address available. */
fallback = context->local;
if (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) {
struct dhcp_context* context_tmp;
for (context_tmp = context; context_tmp; context_tmp = context_tmp->current) {
strcpy(daemon->namebuff, inet_ntoa(context_tmp->start));
if (context_tmp->flags & (CONTEXT_STATIC | CONTEXT_PROXY))
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u Available DHCP subnet: %s/%s"),
ntohl(mess->xid), daemon->namebuff, inet_ntoa(context_tmp->netmask));
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u Available DHCP range: %s -- %s"),
ntohl(mess->xid), daemon->namebuff, inet_ntoa(context_tmp->end));
mess->op = BOOTREPLY;
config = find_config(daemon->dhcp_conf, context, clid, clid_len, mess->chaddr, mess->hlen,
mess->htype, NULL);
/* set "known" tag for known hosts */
if (config) { = "known"; = netid;
netid = &known_id;
if (mess_type == 0) {
/* BOOTP request */
struct dhcp_netid id, bootp_id;
struct in_addr* logaddr = NULL;
/* must have a MAC addr for bootp */
if (mess->htype == 0 || mess->hlen == 0 || (context->flags & CONTEXT_PROXY)) return 0;
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_DISABLE)) message = _("disabled");
end = mess->options + 64; /* BOOTP vend area is only 64 bytes */
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_NAME)) {
hostname = config->hostname;
domain = config->domain;
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_NETID)) {
config-> = netid;
netid = &config->netid;
/* Match incoming filename field as a netid. */
if (mess->file[0]) {
memcpy(daemon->dhcp_buff2, mess->file, sizeof(mess->file));
daemon->dhcp_buff2[sizeof(mess->file) + 1] = 0; /* ensure zero term. */ = (char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2; = netid;
netid = &id;
/* Add "bootp" as a tag to allow different options, address ranges etc
for BOOTP clients */ = "bootp"; = netid;
netid = &bootp_id;
for (id_list = daemon->dhcp_ignore; id_list; id_list = id_list->next)
if (match_netid(id_list->list, netid, 0)) message = _("ignored");
if (!message) {
int nailed = 0;
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_ADDR)) {
nailed = 1;
logaddr = &config->addr;
mess->yiaddr = config->addr;
if ((lease = lease_find_by_addr(config->addr)) &&
(lease->hwaddr_len != mess->hlen || lease->hwaddr_type != mess->htype ||
memcmp(lease->hwaddr, mess->chaddr, lease->hwaddr_len) != 0))
message = _("address in use");
} else {
if (!(lease = lease_find_by_client(mess->chaddr, mess->hlen, mess->htype, NULL, 0)) ||
!address_available(context, lease->addr, netid)) {
if (lease) {
/* lease exists, wrong network. */
lease_prune(lease, now);
lease = NULL;
if (!address_allocate(context, &mess->yiaddr, mess->chaddr, mess->hlen, netid,
message = _("no address available");
} else
mess->yiaddr = lease->addr;
if (!message && !(context = narrow_context(context, mess->yiaddr, netid)))
message = _("wrong network");
else if (context-> {
context-> = netid;
netid = &context->netid;
if (!message && !nailed) {
for (id_list = daemon->bootp_dynamic; id_list; id_list = id_list->next)
if ((!id_list->list) || match_netid(id_list->list, netid, 0)) break;
if (!id_list) message = _("no address configured");
if (!message && !lease && (!(lease = lease_allocate(mess->yiaddr))))
message = _("no leases left");
if (!message) {
logaddr = &mess->yiaddr;
lease_set_hwaddr(lease, mess->chaddr, NULL, mess->hlen, mess->htype, 0);
if (hostname) lease_set_hostname(lease, hostname, 1);
/* infinite lease unless nailed in dhcp-host line. */
lease, have_config(config, CONFIG_TIME) ? config->lease_time : 0xffffffff, now);
lease_set_interface(lease, int_index);
clear_packet(mess, end);
do_options(context, mess, end, NULL, hostname, get_domain(mess->yiaddr), domain,
netid, subnet_addr, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
log_packet("BOOTP", logaddr, mess->chaddr, mess->hlen, iface_name, message, mess->xid);
return message ? 0 : dhcp_packet_size(mess, netid, agent_id, real_end);
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_CLIENT_FQDN, 4))) {
/* */
int len = option_len(opt);
char* pq = daemon->dhcp_buff;
unsigned char *pp, *op = option_ptr(opt, 0);
fqdn_flags = *op;
len -= 3;
op += 3;
pp = op;
/* Always force update, since the client has no way to do it itself. */
if (!(fqdn_flags & 0x01)) fqdn_flags |= 0x02;
fqdn_flags &= ~0x08;
fqdn_flags |= 0x01;
if (fqdn_flags & 0x04)
while (*op != 0 && ((op + (*op) + 1) - pp) < len) {
memcpy(pq, op + 1, *op);
pq += *op;
op += (*op) + 1;
*(pq++) = '.';
else {
memcpy(pq, op, len);
if (len > 0 && op[len - 1] == 0) borken_opt = 1;
pq += len + 1;
if (pq != daemon->dhcp_buff) pq--;
*pq = 0;
if (legal_hostname(daemon->dhcp_buff)) offer_hostname = client_hostname = daemon->dhcp_buff;
} else if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_HOSTNAME, 1))) {
int len = option_len(opt);
memcpy(daemon->dhcp_buff, option_ptr(opt, 0), len);
/* Microsoft clients are broken, and need zero-terminated strings
in options. We detect this state here, and do the same in
any options we send */
if (len > 0 && daemon->dhcp_buff[len - 1] == 0)
borken_opt = 1;
daemon->dhcp_buff[len] = 0;
if (legal_hostname(daemon->dhcp_buff)) client_hostname = daemon->dhcp_buff;
if (client_hostname && daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u client provides name: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_NAME)) {
hostname = config->hostname;
domain = config->domain;
hostname_auth = 1;
/* be careful not to send an OFFER with a hostname not matching the DISCOVER. */
if (fqdn_flags != 0 || !client_hostname || hostname_isequal(hostname, client_hostname))
offer_hostname = hostname;
} else if (client_hostname) {
domain = strip_hostname(client_hostname);
if (strlen(client_hostname) != 0) {
hostname = client_hostname;
if (!config) {
/* Search again now we have a hostname.
Only accept configs without CLID and HWADDR here, (they won't match)
to avoid impersonation by name. */
struct dhcp_config* new =
find_config(daemon->dhcp_conf, context, NULL, 0, mess->chaddr, mess->hlen,
mess->htype, hostname);
if (new && !have_config(new, CONFIG_CLID) && !new->hwaddr) {
config = new;
/* set "known" tag for known hosts */ = "known"; = netid;
netid = &known_id;
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_NETID)) {
config-> = netid;
netid = &config->netid;
/* dhcp-match. If we have hex-and-wildcards, look for a left-anchored match.
Otherwise assume the option is an array, and look for a matching element.
If no data given, existance of the option is enough. */
for (o = daemon->dhcp_match; o; o = o->next) {
int i, matched = 0;
if (!(opt = option_find(mess, sz, o->opt, 1)) || o->len > option_len(opt)) continue;
if (o->len == 0)
matched = 1;
else if (o->flags & DHOPT_HEX) {
if (memcmp_masked(o->val, option_ptr(opt, 0), o->len, o->u.wildcard_mask)) matched = 1;
} else
for (i = 0; i <= (option_len(opt) - o->len);) {
if (memcmp(o->val, option_ptr(opt, i), o->len) == 0) {
matched = 1;
if (o->flags & DHOPT_STRING)
i += o->len;
if (matched) {
o->netid->next = netid;
netid = o->netid;
/* user-class options are, according to RFC3004, supposed to contain
a set of counted strings. Here we check that this is so (by seeing
if the counts are consistent with the overall option length) and if
so zero the counts so that we don't get spurious matches between
the vendor string and the counts. If the lengths don't add up, we
assume that the option is a single string and non RFC3004 compliant
and just do the substring match. dhclient provides these broken options.
The code, later, which sends user-class data to the lease-change script
relies on the transformation done here.
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_USER_CLASS, 1))) {
unsigned char* ucp = option_ptr(opt, 0);
int tmp, j;
for (j = 0; j < option_len(opt); j += ucp[j] + 1)
if (j == option_len(opt))
for (j = 0; j < option_len(opt); j = tmp) {
tmp = j + ucp[j] + 1;
ucp[j] = 0;
for (vendor = daemon->dhcp_vendors; vendor; vendor = vendor->next) {
int mopt;
if (vendor->match_type == MATCH_VENDOR)
else if (vendor->match_type == MATCH_USER)
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, mopt, 1))) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= (option_len(opt) - vendor->len); i++)
if (memcmp(vendor->data, option_ptr(opt, i), vendor->len) == 0) {
vendor-> = netid;
netid = &vendor->netid;
/* mark vendor-encapsulated options which match the client-supplied vendor class */
match_vendor_opts(option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_VENDOR_ID, 1), daemon->dhcp_opts);
if (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) {
if (sanitise(option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_VENDOR_ID, 1), daemon->namebuff))
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u Vendor class: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
if (sanitise(option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_USER_CLASS, 1), daemon->namebuff))
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u User class: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
/* if all the netids in the ignore list are present, ignore this client */
for (id_list = daemon->dhcp_ignore; id_list; id_list = id_list->next)
if (match_netid(id_list->list, netid, 0)) ignore = 1;
/* Can have setting to ignore the client ID for a particular MAC address or hostname */
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_NOCLID)) clid = NULL;
/* Check if client is PXE client. */
if (daemon->enable_pxe && (opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_VENDOR_ID, 9)) &&
strncmp(option_ptr(opt, 0), "PXEClient", 9) == 0) {
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_PXE_UUID, 17))) {
memcpy(pxe_uuid, option_ptr(opt, 0), 17);
uuid = pxe_uuid;
/* Check if this is really a PXE bootserver request, and handle specially if so. */
if ((mess_type == DHCPREQUEST || mess_type == DHCPINFORM) &&
(opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS_OPT, 1)) &&
(opt = option_find1(option_ptr(opt, 0), option_ptr(opt, option_len(opt)),
struct pxe_service* service;
int type = option_uint(opt, 0, 2);
int layer = option_uint(opt, 2, 2);
unsigned char save71[4];
struct dhcp_opt opt71;
if (ignore) return 0;
if (layer & 0x8000) {
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_ERR, _("PXE BIS not supported"));
return 0;
memcpy(save71, option_ptr(opt, 0), 4);
for (service = daemon->pxe_services; service; service = service->next)
if (service->type == type) break;
if (!service || !service->basename) return 0;
clear_packet(mess, end);
mess->yiaddr = mess->ciaddr;
mess->ciaddr.s_addr = 0;
if (service->server.s_addr != 0)
mess->siaddr = service->server;
mess->siaddr = context->local;
snprintf((char*) mess->file, sizeof(mess->file), "%s.%d", service->basename, layer);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCPACK);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, INADDRSZ, htonl(context->local.s_addr));
pxe_misc(mess, end, uuid);
opt71.val = save71;
opt71.len = 4;
opt71.flags = DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH;
opt71.netid = NULL; = daemon->dhcp_opts;
do_encap_opts(&opt71, OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS_OPT, DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH, mess, end, 0);
log_packet("PXE", &mess->yiaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, (char*) mess->file,
return dhcp_packet_size(mess, netid, agent_id, real_end);
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_ARCH, 2))) {
pxearch = option_uint(opt, 0, 2);
/* proxy DHCP here. The DHCPREQUEST stuff is for gPXE */
if ((mess_type == DHCPDISCOVER || mess_type == DHCPREQUEST) &&
(context->flags & CONTEXT_PROXY)) {
struct dhcp_boot* boot = find_boot(netid);
mess->yiaddr.s_addr = 0;
if (mess_type == DHCPDISCOVER || mess->ciaddr.s_addr == 0) {
mess->ciaddr.s_addr = 0;
mess->flags |= htons(0x8000); /* broadcast */
clear_packet(mess, end);
/* Provide the bootfile here, for gPXE, and in case we have no menu items
and set discovery_control = 8 */
if (boot) {
if (boot->next_server.s_addr) mess->siaddr = boot->next_server;
if (boot->file) strncpy((char*) mess->file, boot->file, sizeof(mess->file) - 1);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1,
pxe_misc(mess, end, uuid);
do_encap_opts(pxe_opts(pxearch, netid), OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS_OPT, DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH,
mess, end, 0);
log_packet("PXE", NULL, emac, emac_len, iface_name,
ignore ? "proxy" : "proxy-ignored", mess->xid);
return ignore ? 0 : dhcp_packet_size(mess, netid, agent_id, real_end);
/* if we're just a proxy server, go no further */
if (context->flags & CONTEXT_PROXY) return 0;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_REQUESTED_OPTIONS, 0))) {
req_options = (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2;
memcpy(req_options, option_ptr(opt, 0), option_len(opt));
req_options[option_len(opt)] = OPTION_END;
switch (mess_type) {
if (!(opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, INADDRSZ)) ||
option_addr(opt).s_addr != server_id(context, override, fallback).s_addr)
return 0;
/* sanitise any message. Paranoid? Moi? */
sanitise(option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_MESSAGE, 1), daemon->dhcp_buff);
if (!(opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_REQUESTED_IP, INADDRSZ))) return 0;
log_packet("DHCPDECLINE", option_ptr(opt, 0), emac, emac_len, iface_name,
daemon->dhcp_buff, mess->xid);
if (lease && lease->addr.s_addr == option_addr(opt).s_addr) lease_prune(lease, now);
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_ADDR) && config->addr.s_addr == option_addr(opt).s_addr) {
prettyprint_time(daemon->dhcp_buff, DECLINE_BACKOFF);
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("disabling DHCP static address %s for %s"),
inet_ntoa(config->addr), daemon->dhcp_buff);
config->flags |= CONFIG_DECLINED;
config->decline_time = now;
} else
/* make sure this host gets a different address next time. */
for (; context; context = context->current) context->addr_epoch++;
return 0;
if (!(context = narrow_context(context, mess->ciaddr, netid)) ||
!(opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, INADDRSZ)) ||
option_addr(opt).s_addr != server_id(context, override, fallback).s_addr)
return 0;
if (lease && lease->addr.s_addr == mess->ciaddr.s_addr)
lease_prune(lease, now);
message = _("unknown lease");
log_packet("DHCPRELEASE", &mess->ciaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, message, mess->xid);
return 0;
if (ignore || have_config(config, CONFIG_DISABLE)) {
message = _("ignored");
opt = NULL;
} else {
struct in_addr addr, conf;
addr.s_addr = conf.s_addr = 0;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_REQUESTED_IP, INADDRSZ)))
addr = option_addr(opt);
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_ADDR)) {
char* addrs = inet_ntoa(config->addr);
if ((ltmp = lease_find_by_addr(config->addr)) && ltmp != lease &&
!config_has_mac(config, ltmp->hwaddr, ltmp->hwaddr_len, ltmp->hwaddr_type)) {
int len;
unsigned char* mac =
extended_hwaddr(ltmp->hwaddr_type, ltmp->hwaddr_len, ltmp->hwaddr,
ltmp->clid_len, ltmp->clid, &len);
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING,
_("not using configured address %s because it is leased to %s"),
addrs, print_mac(daemon->namebuff, mac, len));
} else {
struct dhcp_context* tmp;
for (tmp = context; tmp; tmp = tmp->current)
if (context->router.s_addr == config->addr.s_addr) break;
if (tmp)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING,
_("not using configured address %s because it is in use by "
"the server or relay"),
else if (have_config(config, CONFIG_DECLINED) &&
difftime(now, config->decline_time) < (float) DECLINE_BACKOFF)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING,
_("not using configured address %s because it was previously "
conf = config->addr;
if (conf.s_addr)
mess->yiaddr = conf;
else if (lease && address_available(context, lease->addr, netid) &&
!config_find_by_address(daemon->dhcp_conf, lease->addr))
mess->yiaddr = lease->addr;
else if (opt && address_available(context, addr, netid) &&
!lease_find_by_addr(addr) &&
!config_find_by_address(daemon->dhcp_conf, addr))
mess->yiaddr = addr;
else if (emac_len == 0)
message = _("no unique-id");
else if (!address_allocate(context, &mess->yiaddr, emac, emac_len, netid, now))
message = _("no address available");
log_packet("DHCPDISCOVER", opt ? option_ptr(opt, 0) : NULL, emac, emac_len, iface_name,
message, mess->xid);
if (message || !(context = narrow_context(context, mess->yiaddr, netid))) return 0;
log_packet("DHCPOFFER", &mess->yiaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, NULL, mess->xid);
if (context-> {
context-> = netid;
netid = &context->netid;
time = calc_time(context, config, option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_LEASE_TIME, 4));
clear_packet(mess, end);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCPOFFER);
ntohl(server_id(context, override, fallback).s_addr));
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_LEASE_TIME, 4, time);
/* T1 and T2 are required in DHCPOFFER by HP's wacky Jetdirect client. */
if (time != 0xffffffff) {
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_T1, 4, (time / 2));
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_T2, 4, (time * 7) / 8);
do_options(context, mess, end, req_options, offer_hostname, get_domain(mess->yiaddr),
domain, netid, subnet_addr, fqdn_flags, borken_opt, pxearch, uuid);
return dhcp_packet_size(mess, netid, agent_id, real_end);
if (ignore || have_config(config, CONFIG_DISABLE)) return 0;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_REQUESTED_IP, INADDRSZ))) {
mess->yiaddr = option_addr(opt);
/* send vendor and user class info for new or recreated lease */
do_classes = 1;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, INADDRSZ))) {
selecting = 1;
if (override.s_addr != 0) {
if (option_addr(opt).s_addr != override.s_addr) return 0;
} else {
for (; context; context = context->current)
if (context->local.s_addr == option_addr(opt).s_addr) break;
if (!context) {
/* In auth mode, a REQUEST sent to the wrong server
should be faulted, so that the client establishes
communication with us, otherwise, silently ignore. */
if (!(daemon->options & OPT_AUTHORITATIVE)) return 0;
message = _("wrong server-ID");
/* If a lease exists for this host and another address, squash it. */
if (lease && lease->addr.s_addr != mess->yiaddr.s_addr) {
lease_prune(lease, now);
lease = NULL;
} else {
if (!lease && !(daemon->options & OPT_AUTHORITATIVE)) return 0;
if (lease && lease->addr.s_addr != mess->yiaddr.s_addr) {
message = _("wrong address");
/* avoid loops when client brain-dead */
lease_prune(lease, now);
lease = NULL;
} else {
/* Check existing lease for this address.
We allow it to be missing if dhcp-authoritative mode
as long as we can allocate the lease now - checked below.
This makes for a smooth recovery from a lost lease DB */
if ((lease && mess->ciaddr.s_addr != lease->addr.s_addr) ||
(!lease && !(daemon->options & OPT_AUTHORITATIVE))) {
message = _("lease not found");
/* ensure we broadcast NAK */
unicast_dest = 0;
/* desynchronise renewals */
fuzz = rand16();
mess->yiaddr = mess->ciaddr;
log_packet("DHCPREQUEST", &mess->yiaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, NULL, mess->xid);
if (!message) {
struct dhcp_config* addr_config;
struct dhcp_context* tmp = NULL;
if (have_config(config, CONFIG_ADDR))
for (tmp = context; tmp; tmp = tmp->current)
if (context->router.s_addr == config->addr.s_addr) break;
if (!(context = narrow_context(context, mess->yiaddr, netid))) {
/* If a machine moves networks whilst it has a lease, we catch that here. */
message = _("wrong network");
/* ensure we broadcast NAK */
unicast_dest = 0;
/* Check for renewal of a lease which is outside the allowed range. */
else if (!address_available(context, mess->yiaddr, netid) &&
(!have_config(config, CONFIG_ADDR) ||
config->addr.s_addr != mess->yiaddr.s_addr))
message = _("address not available");
/* Check if a new static address has been configured. Be very sure that
when the client does DISCOVER, it will get the static address, otherwise
an endless protocol loop will ensue. */
else if (!tmp && !selecting && have_config(config, CONFIG_ADDR) &&
(!have_config(config, CONFIG_DECLINED) ||
difftime(now, config->decline_time) > (float) DECLINE_BACKOFF) &&
config->addr.s_addr != mess->yiaddr.s_addr &&
(!(ltmp = lease_find_by_addr(config->addr)) || ltmp == lease))
message = _("static lease available");
/* Check to see if the address is reserved as a static address for another host */
else if ((addr_config = config_find_by_address(daemon->dhcp_conf, mess->yiaddr)) &&
addr_config != config)
message = _("address reserved");
else if (!lease && (ltmp = lease_find_by_addr(mess->yiaddr))) {
/* If a host is configured with more than one MAC address, it's OK to 'nix
a lease from one of it's MACs to give the address to another. */
if (config &&
config_has_mac(config, ltmp->hwaddr, ltmp->hwaddr_len, ltmp->hwaddr_type)) {
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("abandoning lease to %s of %s"),
print_mac(daemon->namebuff, ltmp->hwaddr, ltmp->hwaddr_len),
lease = ltmp;
} else
message = _("address in use");
if (!message) {
if (emac_len == 0)
message = _("no unique-id");
else if (!lease) {
if ((lease = lease_allocate(mess->yiaddr)))
do_classes = 1;
message = _("no leases left");
if (message) {
log_packet("DHCPNAK", &mess->yiaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, message, mess->xid);
mess->yiaddr.s_addr = 0;
clear_packet(mess, end);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCPNAK);
ntohl(server_id(context, override, fallback).s_addr));
option_put_string(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE, message, borken_opt);
/* This fixes a problem with the DHCP spec, broadcasting a NAK to a host on
a distant subnet which unicast a REQ to us won't work. */
if (!unicast_dest || mess->giaddr.s_addr != 0 || mess->ciaddr.s_addr == 0 ||
is_same_net(context->local, mess->ciaddr, context->netmask)) {
mess->flags |= htons(0x8000); /* broadcast */
mess->ciaddr.s_addr = 0;
} else {
if (do_classes) {
if (mess->giaddr.s_addr) lease->giaddr = mess->giaddr;
lease->changed = 1;
/* copy user-class and vendor class into new lease, for the script */
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_USER_CLASS, 1))) {
int len = option_len(opt);
unsigned char* ucp = option_ptr(opt, 0);
/* If the user-class option started as counted strings, the first byte will
* be zero. */
if (len != 0 && ucp[0] == 0) ucp++, len--;
if ((lease->userclass = whine_malloc(len + 1))) {
memcpy(lease->userclass, ucp, len);
lease->userclass[len] = 0;
lease->userclass_len = len + 1;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_VENDOR_ID, 1))) {
int len = option_len(opt);
unsigned char* ucp = option_ptr(opt, 0);
if ((lease->vendorclass = whine_malloc(len + 1))) {
memcpy(lease->vendorclass, ucp, len);
lease->vendorclass[len] = 0;
lease->vendorclass_len = len + 1;
if ((opt = option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_HOSTNAME, 1))) {
int len = option_len(opt);
unsigned char* ucp = option_ptr(opt, 0);
if ((lease->supplied_hostname = whine_malloc(len + 1))) {
memcpy(lease->supplied_hostname, ucp, len);
lease->supplied_hostname[len] = 0;
lease->supplied_hostname_len = len + 1;
if (!hostname_auth && (client_hostname = host_from_dns(mess->yiaddr))) {
hostname = client_hostname;
hostname_auth = 1;
if (context-> {
context-> = netid;
netid = &context->netid;
time = calc_time(context, config, option_find(mess, sz, OPTION_LEASE_TIME, 4));
lease_set_hwaddr(lease, mess->chaddr, clid, mess->hlen, mess->htype, clid_len);
/* if all the netids in the ignore_name list are present, ignore client-supplied name */
if (!hostname_auth) {
for (id_list = daemon->dhcp_ignore_names; id_list; id_list = id_list->next)
if ((!id_list->list) || match_netid(id_list->list, netid, 0)) break;
if (id_list) hostname = NULL;
if (hostname) lease_set_hostname(lease, hostname, hostname_auth);
lease_set_expires(lease, time, now);
lease_set_interface(lease, int_index);
if (override.s_addr != 0)
lease->override = override;
override = lease->override;
log_packet("DHCPACK", &mess->yiaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, hostname,
clear_packet(mess, end);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCPACK);
ntohl(server_id(context, override, fallback).s_addr));
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_LEASE_TIME, 4, time);
if (time != 0xffffffff) {
while (fuzz > (time / 16)) fuzz = fuzz / 2;
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_T1, 4, (time / 2) - fuzz);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_T2, 4, ((time / 8) * 7) - fuzz);
do_options(context, mess, end, req_options, hostname, get_domain(mess->yiaddr),
domain, netid, subnet_addr, fqdn_flags, borken_opt, pxearch, uuid);
return dhcp_packet_size(mess, netid, agent_id, real_end);
if (ignore || have_config(config, CONFIG_DISABLE)) message = _("ignored");
log_packet("DHCPINFORM", &mess->ciaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, message, mess->xid);
if (message || mess->ciaddr.s_addr == 0) return 0;
/* For DHCPINFORM only, cope without a valid context */
context = narrow_context(context, mess->ciaddr, netid);
/* Find a least based on IP address if we didn't
get one from MAC address/client-d */
if (!lease && (lease = lease_find_by_addr(mess->ciaddr)) && lease->hostname)
hostname = lease->hostname;
if (!hostname) hostname = host_from_dns(mess->ciaddr);
log_packet("DHCPACK", &mess->ciaddr, emac, emac_len, iface_name, hostname, mess->xid);
if (context && context-> {
context-> = netid;
netid = &context->netid;
if (lease) {
if (override.s_addr != 0)
lease->override = override;
override = lease->override;
clear_packet(mess, end);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_MESSAGE_TYPE, 1, DHCPACK);
ntohl(server_id(context, override, fallback).s_addr));
if (lease) {
if (lease->expires == 0)
time = 0xffffffff;
time = (unsigned int) difftime(lease->expires, now);
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_LEASE_TIME, 4, time);
lease_set_interface(lease, int_index);
do_options(context, mess, end, req_options, hostname, get_domain(mess->ciaddr), domain,
netid, subnet_addr, fqdn_flags, borken_opt, pxearch, uuid);
*is_inform = 1; /* handle reply differently */
return dhcp_packet_size(mess, netid, agent_id, real_end);
return 0;
/* find a good value to use as MAC address for logging and address-allocation hashing.
This is normally just the chaddr field from the DHCP packet,
but eg Firewire will have hlen == 0 and use the client-id instead.
This could be anything, but will normally be EUI64 for Firewire.
We assume that if the first byte of the client-id equals the htype byte
then the client-id is using the usual encoding and use the rest of the
client-id: if not we can use the whole client-id. This should give
sane MAC address logs. */
unsigned char* extended_hwaddr(int hwtype, int hwlen, unsigned char* hwaddr, int clid_len,
unsigned char* clid, int* len_out) {
if (hwlen == 0 && clid && clid_len > 3) {
if (clid[0] == hwtype) {
*len_out = clid_len - 1;
return clid + 1;
#if defined(ARPHRD_EUI64) && defined(ARPHRD_IEEE1394)
if (clid[0] == ARPHRD_EUI64 && hwtype == ARPHRD_IEEE1394) {
*len_out = clid_len - 1;
return clid + 1;
*len_out = clid_len;
return clid;
*len_out = hwlen;
return hwaddr;
static unsigned int calc_time(struct dhcp_context* context, struct dhcp_config* config,
unsigned char* opt) {
unsigned int time = have_config(config, CONFIG_TIME) ? config->lease_time : context->lease_time;
if (opt) {
unsigned int req_time = option_uint(opt, 0, 4);
if (req_time < 120) req_time = 120; /* sanity */
if (time == 0xffffffff || (req_time != 0xffffffff && req_time < time)) time = req_time;
return time;
static struct in_addr server_id(struct dhcp_context* context, struct in_addr override,
struct in_addr fallback) {
if (override.s_addr != 0)
return override;
else if (context)
return context->local;
return fallback;
static int sanitise(unsigned char* opt, char* buf) {
char* p;
int i;
*buf = 0;
if (!opt) return 0;
p = option_ptr(opt, 0);
for (i = option_len(opt); i > 0; i--) {
char c = *p++;
if (isprint((int) c)) *buf++ = c;
*buf = 0; /* add terminator */
return 1;
static void log_packet(char* type, void* addr, unsigned char* ext_mac, int mac_len, char* interface,
char* string, u32 xid) {
struct in_addr a;
/* addr may be misaligned */
if (addr) memcpy(&a, addr, sizeof(a));
print_mac(daemon->namebuff, ext_mac, mac_len);
if (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, "%u %s(%s) %s%s%s %s", ntohl(xid), type, interface,
addr ? inet_ntoa(a) : "", addr ? " " : "", daemon->namebuff, string ? string : "");
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, "%s(%s) %s%s%s %s", type, interface, addr ? inet_ntoa(a) : "",
addr ? " " : "", daemon->namebuff, string ? string : "");
static void log_options(unsigned char* start, u32 xid) {
while (*start != OPTION_END) {
int is_ip, is_name, i;
char* text = option_string(start[0], &is_ip, &is_name);
unsigned char trunc = option_len(start);
if (is_ip)
for (daemon->namebuff[0] = 0, i = 0; i <= trunc - INADDRSZ; i += INADDRSZ) {
if (i != 0) strncat(daemon->namebuff, ", ", 256 - strlen(daemon->namebuff));
strncat(daemon->namebuff, inet_ntoa(option_addr_arr(start, i)),
256 - strlen(daemon->namebuff));
else if (!is_name || !sanitise(start, daemon->namebuff)) {
if (trunc > 13) trunc = 13;
print_mac(daemon->namebuff, option_ptr(start, 0), trunc);
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, "%u sent size:%3d option:%3d%s%s%s%s%s", ntohl(xid),
option_len(start), start[0], text ? ":" : "", text ? text : "",
trunc == 0 ? "" : " ", trunc == 0 ? "" : daemon->namebuff,
trunc == option_len(start) ? "" : "...");
start += start[1] + 2;
static unsigned char* option_find1(unsigned char* p, unsigned char* end, int opt, int minsize) {
while (1) {
if (p > end)
return NULL;
else if (*p == OPTION_END)
return opt == OPTION_END ? p : NULL;
else if (*p == OPTION_PAD)
else {
int opt_len;
if (p > end - 2) return NULL; /* malformed packet */
opt_len = option_len(p);
if (p > end - (2 + opt_len)) return NULL; /* malformed packet */
if (*p == opt && opt_len >= minsize) return p;
p += opt_len + 2;
static unsigned char* option_find(struct dhcp_packet* mess, size_t size, int opt_type, int minsize) {
unsigned char *ret, *overload;
/* skip over DHCP cookie; */
if ((ret = option_find1(&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32), ((unsigned char*) mess) + size,
opt_type, minsize)))
return ret;
/* look for overload option. */
if (!(overload = option_find1(&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32), ((unsigned char*) mess) + size,
return NULL;
/* Can we look in filename area ? */
if ((overload[2] & 1) &&
(ret = option_find1(&mess->file[0], &mess->file[128], opt_type, minsize)))
return ret;
/* finally try sname area */
if ((overload[2] & 2) &&
(ret = option_find1(&mess->sname[0], &mess->sname[64], opt_type, minsize)))
return ret;
return NULL;
static struct in_addr option_addr_arr(unsigned char* opt, int offset) {
/* this worries about unaligned data in the option. */
/* struct in_addr is network byte order */
struct in_addr ret;
memcpy(&ret, option_ptr(opt, offset), INADDRSZ);
return ret;
static struct in_addr option_addr(unsigned char* opt) {
return option_addr_arr(opt, 0);
static unsigned int option_uint(unsigned char* opt, int offset, int size) {
/* this worries about unaligned data and byte order */
unsigned int ret = 0;
int i;
unsigned char* p = option_ptr(opt, offset);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) ret = (ret << 8) | *p++;
return ret;
static unsigned char* dhcp_skip_opts(unsigned char* start) {
while (*start != 0) start += start[1] + 2;
return start;
/* only for use when building packet: doesn't check for bad data. */
static unsigned char* find_overload(struct dhcp_packet* mess) {
unsigned char* p = &mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32);
while (*p != 0) {
if (*p == OPTION_OVERLOAD) return p;
p += p[1] + 2;
return NULL;
static size_t dhcp_packet_size(struct dhcp_packet* mess, struct dhcp_netid* netid,
unsigned char* agent_id, unsigned char* real_end) {
unsigned char* p = dhcp_skip_opts(&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32));
unsigned char* overload;
size_t ret;
struct dhcp_netid_list* id_list;
struct dhcp_netid* n;
/* move agent_id back down to the end of the packet */
if (agent_id) {
memmove(p, agent_id, real_end - agent_id);
p += real_end - agent_id;
memset(p, 0, real_end - p); /* in case of overlap */
/* We do logging too */
if (netid && (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS)) {
char* s = daemon->namebuff;
for (*s = 0; netid; netid = netid->next) {
/* kill dupes. */
for (n = netid->next; n; n = n->next)
if (strcmp(netid->net, n->net) == 0) break;
if (!n) {
strncat(s, netid->net, (MAXDNAME - 1) - strlen(s));
if (netid->next) strncat(s, ", ", (MAXDNAME - 1) - strlen(s));
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u tags: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid), s);
/* add END options to the regions. */
overload = find_overload(mess);
if (overload && (option_uint(overload, 0, 1) & 1)) {
*dhcp_skip_opts(mess->file) = OPTION_END;
if (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) log_options(mess->file, mess->xid);
} else if ((daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) && strlen((char*) mess->file) != 0)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u bootfile name: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
(char*) mess->file);
if (overload && (option_uint(overload, 0, 1) & 2)) {
*dhcp_skip_opts(mess->sname) = OPTION_END;
if (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) log_options(mess->sname, mess->xid);
} else if ((daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) && strlen((char*) mess->sname) != 0)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u server name: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
(char*) mess->sname);
*p++ = OPTION_END;
if (daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) {
if (mess->siaddr.s_addr != 0)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u next server: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
log_options(&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32), mess->xid);
for (id_list = daemon->force_broadcast; id_list; id_list = id_list->next)
if (match_netid(id_list->list, netid, 0))
mess->flags |= htons(0x8000); /* force broadcast */
ret = (size_t)(p - (unsigned char*) mess);
return ret;
static unsigned char* free_space(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, int opt, int len) {
unsigned char* p = dhcp_skip_opts(&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32));
if (p + len + 3 >= end)
/* not enough space in options area, try and use overload, if poss */
unsigned char* overload;
if (!(overload = find_overload(mess)) && (mess->file[0] == 0 || mess->sname[0] == 0)) {
/* attempt to overload fname and sname areas, we've reserved space for the
overflow option previuously. */
overload = p;
*(p++) = 1;
p = NULL;
/* using filename field ? */
if (overload) {
if (mess->file[0] == 0) overload[2] |= 1;
if (overload[2] & 1) {
p = dhcp_skip_opts(mess->file);
if (p + len + 3 >= mess->file + sizeof(mess->file)) p = NULL;
if (!p) {
/* try to bring sname into play (it may be already) */
if (mess->sname[0] == 0) overload[2] |= 2;
if (overload[2] & 2) {
p = dhcp_skip_opts(mess->sname);
if (p + len + 3 >= mess->sname + sizeof(mess->file)) p = NULL;
if (!p)
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING,
_("cannot send DHCP/BOOTP option %d: no space left in packet"), opt);
if (p) {
*(p++) = opt;
*(p++) = len;
return p;
static void option_put(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, int opt, int len,
unsigned int val) {
int i;
unsigned char* p = free_space(mess, end, opt, len);
if (p)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) *(p++) = val >> (8 * (len - (i + 1)));
static void option_put_string(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, int opt, char* string,
int null_term) {
unsigned char* p;
size_t len = strlen(string);
if (null_term && len != 255) len++;
if ((p = free_space(mess, end, opt, len))) memcpy(p, string, len);
/* return length, note this only does the data part */
static int do_opt(struct dhcp_opt* opt, unsigned char* p, struct dhcp_context* context,
int null_term) {
int len = opt->len;
if ((opt->flags & DHOPT_STRING) && null_term && len != 255) len++;
if (p && len != 0) {
if (context && (opt->flags & DHOPT_ADDR)) {
int j;
struct in_addr* a = (struct in_addr*) opt->val;
for (j = 0; j < opt->len; j += INADDRSZ, a++) {
/* zero means "self" (but not in vendorclass options.) */
if (a->s_addr == 0)
memcpy(p, &context->local, INADDRSZ);
memcpy(p, a, INADDRSZ);
} else
memcpy(p, opt->val, len);
return len;
static int in_list(unsigned char* list, int opt) {
int i;
/* If no requested options, send everything, not nothing. */
if (!list) return 1;
for (i = 0; list[i] != OPTION_END; i++)
if (opt == list[i]) return 1;
return 0;
static struct dhcp_opt* option_find2(struct dhcp_netid* netid, struct dhcp_opt* opts, int opt) {
struct dhcp_opt* tmp;
for (tmp = opts; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
if (tmp->opt == opt && !(tmp->flags & (DHOPT_ENCAPSULATE | DHOPT_VENDOR)))
if (match_netid(tmp->netid, netid, netid ? 0 : 1)) return tmp;
return netid ? option_find2(NULL, opts, opt) : NULL;
/* mark vendor-encapsulated options which match the client-supplied or
config-supplied vendor class */
static void match_vendor_opts(unsigned char* opt, struct dhcp_opt* dopt) {
for (; dopt; dopt = dopt->next) {
dopt->flags &= ~DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH;
if (opt && (dopt->flags & DHOPT_VENDOR)) {
int i, len = 0;
if (dopt->u.vendor_class) len = strlen((char*) dopt->u.vendor_class);
for (i = 0; i <= (option_len(opt) - len); i++)
if (len == 0 || memcmp(dopt->u.vendor_class, option_ptr(opt, i), len) == 0) {
dopt->flags |= DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH;
static void do_encap_opts(struct dhcp_opt* opt, int encap, int flag, struct dhcp_packet* mess,
unsigned char* end, int null_term) {
int len, enc_len;
struct dhcp_opt* start;
unsigned char* p;
/* find size in advance */
for (enc_len = 0, start = opt; opt; opt = opt->next)
if (opt->flags & flag) {
int new = do_opt(opt, NULL, NULL, null_term) + 2;
if (enc_len + new <= 255)
enc_len += new;
else {
p = free_space(mess, end, encap, enc_len);
for (; start && start != opt; start = start->next)
if (p && (start->flags & flag)) {
len = do_opt(start, p + 2, NULL, null_term);
*(p++) = start->opt;
*(p++) = len;
p += len;
enc_len = new;
start = opt;
if (enc_len != 0 && (p = free_space(mess, end, encap, enc_len + 1))) {
for (; start; start = start->next)
if (start->flags & flag) {
len = do_opt(start, p + 2, NULL, null_term);
*(p++) = start->opt;
*(p++) = len;
p += len;
static void pxe_misc(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end, unsigned char* uuid) {
unsigned char* p;
option_put_string(mess, end, OPTION_VENDOR_ID, "PXEClient", 0);
if (uuid && (p = free_space(mess, end, OPTION_PXE_UUID, 17))) memcpy(p, uuid, 17);
static int prune_vendor_opts(struct dhcp_netid* netid) {
int force = 0;
struct dhcp_opt* opt;
/* prune vendor-encapsulated options based on netid, and look if we're forcing them to be sent */
for (opt = daemon->dhcp_opts; opt; opt = opt->next)
if (opt->flags & DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH) {
if (!match_netid(opt->netid, netid, 1))
opt->flags &= ~DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH;
else if (opt->flags & DHOPT_FORCE)
force = 1;
return force;
static struct dhcp_opt* pxe_opts(int pxe_arch, struct dhcp_netid* netid) {
#define NUM_OPTS 4
unsigned char *p, *q;
struct pxe_service* service;
static struct dhcp_opt *o, *ret;
int i, j = NUM_OPTS - 1;
/* We pass back references to these, hence they are declared static */
static unsigned char discovery_control;
static unsigned char fake_prompt[] = {0, 'P', 'X', 'E'};
static struct dhcp_opt* fake_opts = NULL;
/* We are found by broadcast, so disable multicast. It gets switched on again
if we point to other servers and don't give a unicast address. Note that
we don't provide our own address for services we are the boot server for because unicast
discovery is to port 4011 and we don't listen there. If you are using proxy DHCP
and DHCP relays, the relay will need to forward to the proxy too. */
discovery_control = 2;
ret = daemon->dhcp_opts;
if (!fake_opts && !(fake_opts = whine_malloc(NUM_OPTS * sizeof(struct dhcp_opt)))) return ret;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_OPTS; i++) {
fake_opts[i].flags = DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH;
fake_opts[i].netid = NULL;
fake_opts[i].next = i == (NUM_OPTS - 1) ? ret : &fake_opts[i + 1];
/* create the data for the PXE_MENU and PXE_SERVERS options. */
p = (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff;
q = (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2;
for (i = 0, service = daemon->pxe_services; service; service = service->next)
if (pxe_arch == service->CSA && match_netid(service->netid, netid, 1)) {
size_t len = strlen(service->menu);
/* opt 43 max size is 255. encapsulated option has type and length
bytes, so its max size is 253. */
if (p - (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff + len + 3 < 253) {
*(p++) = service->type >> 8;
*(p++) = service->type;
*(p++) = len;
memcpy(p, service->menu, len);
p += len;
} else {
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_ERR, _("PXE menu too large"));
return daemon->dhcp_opts;
if (!service->basename) {
if (service->server.s_addr != 0) {
if (q - (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2 + 3 + INADDRSZ >= 253) goto toobig;
/* Boot service with known address - give it */
*(q++) = service->type >> 8;
*(q++) = service->type;
*(q++) = 1;
/* dest misaligned */
memcpy(q, &service->server.s_addr, INADDRSZ);
} else if (service->type != 0)
/* We're not supplying a server, so let the client multicast.
type zero is "local boot" so no need for M/C on that. */
discovery_control = 0;
/* if no prompt, wait forever if there's a choice */
fake_prompt[0] = (i > 1) ? 255 : 0;
if (i == 0)
discovery_control = 8; /* no menu - just use use mess->filename */
else {
ret = &fake_opts[j--];
ret->len = p - (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff;
ret->val = (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff;
ret->opt = SUBOPT_PXE_MENU;
if (q - (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2 != 0) {
ret = &fake_opts[j--];
ret->len = q - (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2;
ret->val = (unsigned char*) daemon->dhcp_buff2;
for (o = daemon->dhcp_opts; o; o = o->next)
if ((o->flags & DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH) && o->opt == SUBOPT_PXE_MENU_PROMPT) break;
if (!o) {
ret = &fake_opts[j--];
ret->len = sizeof(fake_prompt);
ret->val = fake_prompt;
if (discovery_control != 0) {
ret = &fake_opts[j--];
ret->len = 1;
ret->val = &discovery_control;
return ret;
static void clear_packet(struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end) {
memset(mess->sname, 0, sizeof(mess->sname));
memset(mess->file, 0, sizeof(mess->file));
memset(&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32), 0, end - (&mess->options[0] + sizeof(u32)));
mess->siaddr.s_addr = 0;
struct dhcp_boot* find_boot(struct dhcp_netid* netid) {
struct dhcp_boot* boot;
/* decide which dhcp-boot option we're using */
for (boot = daemon->boot_config; boot; boot = boot->next)
if (match_netid(boot->netid, netid, 0)) break;
if (!boot) /* No match, look for one without a netid */
for (boot = daemon->boot_config; boot; boot = boot->next)
if (match_netid(boot->netid, netid, 1)) break;
return boot;
static void do_options(struct dhcp_context* context, struct dhcp_packet* mess, unsigned char* end,
unsigned char* req_options, char* hostname, char* domain,
char* config_domain, struct dhcp_netid* netid, struct in_addr subnet_addr,
unsigned char fqdn_flags, int null_term, int pxe_arch, unsigned char* uuid) {
struct dhcp_opt *opt, *config_opts = daemon->dhcp_opts;
struct dhcp_boot* boot;
unsigned char* p;
int i, len, force_encap = 0;
unsigned char f0 = 0, s0 = 0;
int done_file = 0, done_server = 0;
if (config_domain && (!domain || !hostname_isequal(domain, config_domain)))
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("Ignoring domain %s for DHCP host name %s"),
config_domain, hostname);
/* logging */
if ((daemon->options & OPT_LOG_OPTS) && req_options) {
char* q = daemon->namebuff;
for (i = 0; req_options[i] != OPTION_END; i++) {
char* s = option_string(req_options[i], NULL, NULL);
q += snprintf(q, MAXDNAME - (q - daemon->namebuff), "%d%s%s%s", req_options[i],
s ? ":" : "", s ? s : "", req_options[i + 1] == OPTION_END ? "" : ", ");
if (req_options[i + 1] == OPTION_END || (q - daemon->namebuff) > 40) {
q = daemon->namebuff;
my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_INFO, _("%u requested options: %s"), ntohl(mess->xid),
if (context) mess->siaddr = context->local;
/* See if we can send the boot stuff as options.
To do this we need a requested option list, BOOTP
and very old DHCP clients won't have this, we also
provide an manual option to disable it.
Some PXE ROMs have bugs (surprise!) and need zero-terminated
names, so we always send those. */
if ((boot = find_boot(netid))) {
if (boot->sname) {
if (!(daemon->options & OPT_NO_OVERRIDE) && req_options &&
in_list(req_options, OPTION_SNAME))
option_put_string(mess, end, OPTION_SNAME, boot->sname, 1);
strncpy((char*) mess->sname, boot->sname, sizeof(mess->sname) - 1);
if (boot->file) {
if (!(daemon->options & OPT_NO_OVERRIDE) && req_options &&
in_list(req_options, OPTION_FILENAME))
option_put_string(mess, end, OPTION_FILENAME, boot->file, 1);
strncpy((char*) mess->file, boot->file, sizeof(mess->file) - 1);
if (boot->next_server.s_addr) mess->siaddr = boot->next_server;
} else
/* Use the values of the relevant options if no dhcp-boot given and
they're not explicitly asked for as options. OPTION_END is used
as an internal way to specify siaddr without using dhcp-boot, for use in
dhcp-optsfile. */
if ((!req_options || !in_list(req_options, OPTION_FILENAME)) && mess->file[0] == 0 &&
(opt = option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_FILENAME)) &&
!(opt->flags & DHOPT_FORCE)) {
strncpy((char*) mess->file, (char*) opt->val, sizeof(mess->file) - 1);
done_file = 1;
if ((!req_options || !in_list(req_options, OPTION_SNAME)) &&
(opt = option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_SNAME)) && !(opt->flags & DHOPT_FORCE)) {
strncpy((char*) mess->sname, (char*) opt->val, sizeof(mess->sname) - 1);
done_server = 1;
if ((opt = option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_END)))
mess->siaddr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr*) opt->val)->s_addr;
/* We don't want to do option-overload for BOOTP, so make the file and sname
fields look like they are in use, even when they aren't. This gets restored
at the end of this function. */
if (!req_options || (daemon->options & OPT_NO_OVERRIDE)) {
f0 = mess->file[0];
mess->file[0] = 1;
s0 = mess->sname[0];
mess->sname[0] = 1;
/* At this point, if mess->sname or mess->file are zeroed, they are available
for option overload, reserve space for the overload option. */
if (mess->file[0] == 0 || mess->sname[0] == 0) end -= 3;
/* rfc3011 says this doesn't need to be in the requested options list. */
if (subnet_addr.s_addr)
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_SUBNET_SELECT, INADDRSZ, ntohl(subnet_addr.s_addr));
/* replies to DHCPINFORM may not have a valid context */
if (context) {
if (!option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_NETMASK))
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_NETMASK, INADDRSZ, ntohl(context->netmask.s_addr));
/* May not have a "guessed" broadcast address if we got no packets via a relay
from this net yet (ie just unicast renewals after a restart */
if (context->broadcast.s_addr && !option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_BROADCAST))
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_BROADCAST, INADDRSZ, ntohl(context->broadcast.s_addr));
/* Same comments as broadcast apply, and also may not be able to get a sensible
default when using subnet select. User must configure by steam in that case. */
if (context->router.s_addr && in_list(req_options, OPTION_ROUTER) &&
!option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_ROUTER))
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_ROUTER, INADDRSZ, ntohl(context->router.s_addr));
if (in_list(req_options, OPTION_DNSSERVER) &&
!option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_DNSSERVER))
option_put(mess, end, OPTION_DNSSERVER, INADDRSZ, ntohl(context->local.s_addr));
if (domain && in_list(req_options, OPTION_DOMAINNAME) &&
!option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_DOMAINNAME))
option_put_string(mess, end, OPTION_DOMAINNAME, domain, null_term);
/* Note that we ignore attempts to set the fqdn using --dhc-option=81,<name> */
if (hostname) {
if (in_list(req_options, OPTION_HOSTNAME) &&
!option_find2(netid, config_opts, OPTION_HOSTNAME))
option_put_string(mess, end, OPTION_HOSTNAME, hostname, null_term);
if (fqdn_flags != 0) {
len = strlen(hostname) + 3;
if (fqdn_flags & 0x04)
len += 2;
else if (null_term)
if (domain) len += strlen(domain) + 1;
if ((p = free_space(mess, end, OPTION_CLIENT_FQDN, len))) {
*(p++) = fqdn_flags;
*(p++) = 255;
*(p++) = 255;
if (fqdn_flags & 0x04) {
p = do_rfc1035_name(p, hostname, NULL);
if (domain) p = do_rfc1035_name(p, domain, NULL);
*p++ = 0;
} else {
memcpy(p, hostname, strlen(hostname));
p += strlen(hostname);
if (domain) {
*(p++) = '.';
memcpy(p, domain, strlen(domain));
p += strlen(domain);
if (null_term) *(p++) = 0;
for (opt = config_opts; opt; opt = opt->next) {
int optno = opt->opt;
/* was it asked for, or are we sending it anyway? */
if (!(opt->flags & DHOPT_FORCE) && !in_list(req_options, optno)) continue;
/* prohibit some used-internally options */
if (optno == OPTION_CLIENT_FQDN || optno == OPTION_MAXMESSAGE || optno == OPTION_OVERLOAD ||
optno == OPTION_PAD || optno == OPTION_END)
if (optno == OPTION_SNAME && done_server) continue;
if (optno == OPTION_FILENAME && done_file) continue;
/* netids match and not encapsulated? */
if (opt != option_find2(netid, config_opts, optno)) continue;
/* For the options we have default values on
dhc-option=<optionno> means "don't include this option"
not "include a zero-length option" */
if (opt->len == 0 &&
(optno == OPTION_NETMASK || optno == OPTION_BROADCAST || optno == OPTION_ROUTER ||
/* vendor-class comes from elsewhere for PXE */
if (pxe_arch != -1 && optno == OPTION_VENDOR_ID) continue;
/* always force null-term for filename and servername - buggy PXE again. */
len = do_opt(opt, NULL, context,
(optno == OPTION_SNAME || optno == OPTION_FILENAME) ? 1 : null_term);
if ((p = free_space(mess, end, optno, len))) {
do_opt(opt, p, context,
(optno == OPTION_SNAME || optno == OPTION_FILENAME) ? 1 : null_term);
/* If we send a vendor-id, revisit which vendor-ops we consider
it appropriate to send. */
if (optno == OPTION_VENDOR_ID) match_vendor_opts(p - 2, config_opts);
/* Now send options to be encapsulated in arbitrary options,
eg dhcp-option=encap:172,17,.......
The may be more that one "outer" to do, so group
all the options which match each outer in turn. */
for (opt = config_opts; opt; opt = opt->next) opt->flags &= ~DHOPT_ENCAP_DONE;
for (opt = config_opts; opt; opt = opt->next)
struct dhcp_opt* o;
int found = 0;
for (o = config_opts; o; o = o->next) {
o->flags &= ~DHOPT_ENCAP_MATCH;
if ((o->flags & DHOPT_ENCAPSULATE) && opt->u.encap == o->u.encap) {
o->flags |= DHOPT_ENCAP_DONE;
if (match_netid(o->netid, netid, 1) &&
(o->flags & DHOPT_FORCE || in_list(req_options, o->u.encap))) {
o->flags |= DHOPT_ENCAP_MATCH;
found = 1;
if (found)
do_encap_opts(config_opts, opt->u.encap, DHOPT_ENCAP_MATCH, mess, end, null_term);
/* Must precede pxe_opts, since it overwrites req_options */
force_encap = prune_vendor_opts(netid);
if (in_list(req_options, OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS_OPT)) force_encap = 1;
if (pxe_arch != -1) {
pxe_misc(mess, end, uuid);
config_opts = pxe_opts(pxe_arch, netid);
if (force_encap)
do_encap_opts(config_opts, OPTION_VENDOR_CLASS_OPT, DHOPT_VENDOR_MATCH, mess, end,
/* restore BOOTP anti-overload hack */
if (!req_options || (daemon->options & OPT_NO_OVERRIDE)) {
mess->file[0] = f0;
mess->sname[0] = s0;