blob: 9fb25c1d089776bff4b111162799f4b7eba82d27 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
public class DocFile {
public static final Pattern LINE = Pattern.compile("(.*)[\r]?\n", Pattern.MULTILINE);
public static final Pattern PROP = Pattern.compile("([^=]+)=(.*)");
public static String readFile(String filename) {
try {
File f = new File(filename);
int length = (int) f.length();
FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8");
char[] buf = new char[length];
int index = 0;
int amt;
while (true) {
amt =, index, length - index);
if (amt < 1) {
index += amt;
return new String(buf, 0, index);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public static String[] DEVSITE_VALID_LANGS = {"en", "es", "id", "in", "ja", "ko",
"ru", "vi", "zh-cn", "zh-tw", "pt-br"};
public static String getPathRoot(String filename) {
//look for a valid lang string in the file path. If found,
//snip the intl/lang from the path.
for (String t : DEVSITE_VALID_LANGS) {
int langStart = filename.indexOf("/" + t + "/");
if (langStart > -1) {
int langEnd = filename.indexOf("/", langStart + 1);
filename = filename.substring(langEnd + 1);
return filename;
public static Data getPageMetadata (String docfile, Data hdf) {
//utility method for extracting metadata without generating file output.
if (hdf == null) {
hdf = Doclava.makeHDF();
String filedata = readFile(docfile);
// The document is properties up until the line "@jd:body".
// Any blank lines are ignored.
int start = -1;
int lineno = 1;
Matcher lines = LINE.matcher(filedata);
String line = null;
while (lines.find()) {
line =;
if (line.length() > 0) {
if (line.equals("@jd:body")) {
start = lines.end();
Matcher prop = PROP.matcher(line);
if (prop.matches()) {
String key =;
String value =;
hdf.setValue(key, value);
} else {
if (start < 0) {
System.err.println(docfile + ":" + lineno + ": error parsing docfile");
if (line != null) {
System.err.println(docfile + ":" + lineno + ":" + line);
return hdf;
public static void writePage(String docfile, String relative, String outfile, Data hdf) {
* System.out.println("docfile='" + docfile + "' relative='" + relative + "'" + "' outfile='" +
* outfile + "'");
if (hdf == null) {
hdf = Doclava.makeHDF();
String filedata = readFile(docfile);
// The document is properties up until the line "@jd:body".
// Any blank lines are ignored.
int start = -1;
int lineno = 1;
Matcher lines = LINE.matcher(filedata);
String line = null;
while (lines.find()) {
line =;
if (line.length() > 0) {
if (line.equals("@jd:body")) {
start = lines.end();
Matcher prop = PROP.matcher(line);
if (prop.matches()) {
String key =;
String value =;
hdf.setValue(key, value);
} else {
if (start < 0) {
System.err.println(docfile + ":" + lineno + ": error parsing docfile");
if (line != null) {
System.err.println(docfile + ":" + lineno + ":" + line);
// if they asked to only be for a certain template, maybe skip it
String fromTemplate = hdf.getValue("template.which", "");
String fromPage = hdf.getValue("page.onlyfortemplate", "");
if (!"".equals(fromPage) && !fromTemplate.equals(fromPage)) {
// and the actual text after that
String commentText = filedata.substring(start);
Comment comment = new Comment(commentText, null, new SourcePositionInfo(docfile, lineno, 1));
TagInfo[] tags = comment.tags();
TagInfo.makeHDF(hdf, "root.descr", tags);
hdf.setValue("commentText", commentText);
// write the page using the appropriate root template, based on the
// whichdoc value supplied by build
String fromWhichmodule = hdf.getValue("android.whichmodule", "");
if (fromWhichmodule.equals("online-pdk")) {
// leaving this in just for temporary compatibility with pdk doc
hdf.setValue("online-pdk", "true");
// add any conditional login for root template here (such as
// for custom left nav based on tab etc.
ClearPage.write(hdf, "docpage.cs", outfile);
} else {
String filename = outfile;
// Special case handling of samples files for devsite
// locale handling -- strip out the en/ root
filename = filename.replaceFirst("^en/", "");
// Strip out the intl and lang id substr and get back just the
// guide, design, distribute, etc.
filename = getPathRoot(filename);
// map types to design, dev, distribute etc.
if (filename.indexOf("design") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("design", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "design");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "design");
} else if (filename.indexOf("develop") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("develop", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "develop");
} else if (filename.indexOf("guide") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("guide", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
if (filename.indexOf("guide/topics/manif") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "app manifest");
} else {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "guide");
} else if (filename.indexOf("training") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("training", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "training");
} else if (filename.indexOf("more") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("more", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("google") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("google", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "google");
} else if (filename.indexOf("samples") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("samples", "true");
hdf.setValue("samplesDocPage", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "samples");
if (Doclava.samplesNavTree != null) {
hdf.setValue("samples_toc_tree", Doclava.samplesNavTree.getValue("samples_toc_tree", ""));
} else if (filename.indexOf("topic/") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("topic", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
if (filename.indexOf("topic/libraries") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "libraries");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("libraries", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("topic/instant-apps") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("instantapps", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "instant apps");
} else if (filename.indexOf("topic/performance") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("perf", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "performance");
} else if (filename.indexOf("topic/arc") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("arc", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "arc");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("distribute", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "distribute");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "distribute");
if (filename.indexOf("distribute/googleplay") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "googleplay");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "distribute");
hdf.setValue("googleplay", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/essentials") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "essentials");
hdf.setValue("essentials", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/users") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "users");
hdf.setValue("users", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/engage") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "engage");
hdf.setValue("engage", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/monetize") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "monetize");
hdf.setValue("monetize", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/analyze") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "analyze");
hdf.setValue("analyze", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/tools") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "essentials");
hdf.setValue("essentials", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("distribute/stories") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.category", "stories");
hdf.setValue("stories", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("about") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("about", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "about");
if ((filename.indexOf("about/versions") == 0)) {
hdf.setValue("versions", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "versions");
//todo remove this because there's no file at this location
} else if ((filename.indexOf("wear") == 0)) {
hdf.setValue("wear", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "wear");
} else if ((filename.indexOf("tv") == 0)) {
hdf.setValue("tv", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "tv");
} else if ((filename.indexOf("auto") == 0)) {
hdf.setValue("auto", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "auto");
} else if (filename.indexOf("wear/preview") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("wearpreview", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "wear preview");
} else if (filename.indexOf("devices") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("devices", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "devices");
} else if (filename.indexOf("source") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("source", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("security") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("security", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("compatibility") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("compatibility", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("wear") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("wear", "true");
hdf.setValue("about", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "wear");
} else if (filename.indexOf("work") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("work", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "work");
} else if (filename.indexOf("preview") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("page.type", "develop");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "preview");
hdf.setValue("preview", "true");
} else if (filename.indexOf("auto") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("auto", "true");
hdf.setValue("about", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "auto");
} else if (filename.indexOf("tv") == 0) {
hdf.setValue("tv", "true");
hdf.setValue("about", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "tv");
} else {
hdf.setValue("about", "true");
hdf.setValue("page.type", "about");
hdf.setValue("page.category", "about");
//set metadata for this file in jd_lists_unified
PageMetadata.setPageMetadata(docfile, relative, outfile, hdf, Doclava.sTaglist);
//for devsite builds, remove 'intl/' from output paths for localized files
outfile = outfile.replaceFirst("^intl/", "");
ClearPage.write(hdf, "docpage.cs", outfile);
} // writePage