blob: 97513636653371510708da22d4c4b9bab1be75e1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Copyright 2020 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Author: Hans Verkuil <>
#include "edid-decode.h"
void edid_state::parse_digital_interface(const unsigned char *x)
data_block = "Digital Interface";
printf(" %s:\n", data_block.c_str());
printf(" Supported Digital Interface: ");
unsigned short v = x[2];
switch (v) {
case 0x00:
printf("Analog Video Input\n");
if (!memchk(x + 2, 12))
fail("Bytes 0x02-0x0d should be 0.\n");
case 0x01: printf("DVI\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("DVI Single Link\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("DVI Dual Link - High Resolution\n"); break;
case 0x04: printf("DVI Dual Link - High Color\n"); break;
case 0x05: printf("DVI - Consumer Electronics\n"); break;
case 0x06: printf("Plug & Display\n"); break;
case 0x07: printf("DFP\n"); break;
case 0x08: printf("Open LDI - Single Link\n"); break;
case 0x09: printf("Open LDI - Dual Link\n"); break;
case 0x0a: printf("Open LDI - Consumer Electronics\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Digital Interface 0x%02x.\n", v);
switch ((x[3]) >> 6) {
case 0x00:
if (!memchk(x + 3, 4))
fail("Bytes 0x03-0x06 should be 0.\n");
case 0x01:
printf(" Version: %u.%u\n Release: %u.%u\n", x[3] & 0x3f, x[4], x[5], x[6]);
if (x[4] > 99)
fail("Version number > 99.\n");
if (x[6] > 99)
fail("Release number > 99.\n");
case 0x02:
if (x[3] & 0x3f)
fail("Bits 5-0 of byte 0x03 should be 0.\n");
if (x[5] || x[6])
fail("Bytes 0x05-0x06 should be 0.\n");
printf(" Letter Designation: %c\n", x[4]);
case 0x03:
if (x[3] & 0x3f)
fail("Bits 5-0 of byte 0x03 should be 0.\n");
printf(" Date Code: Year %u Week %u Day %u\n", 1990 + x[4], x[5], x[6]);
if (!x[5] || x[5] > 12)
fail("Bad month number.\n");
if (!x[6] || x[6] > 31)
fail("Bad day number.\n");
v = x[7];
printf(" Data Enable Signal Usage %sAvailable\n",
(v & 0x80) ? "" : "Not ");
if (v & 0x80)
printf(" Data Enable Signal %s\n",
(v & 0x40) ? "High" : "Low");
else if (v & 0x40)
fail("Bit 6 of byte 0x07 should be 0.\n");
printf(" Edge of Shift Clock: ");
switch ((v >> 4) & 0x03) {
case 0: printf("Not specified\n"); break;
case 1: printf("Use rising edge of shift clock\n"); break;
case 2: printf("Use falling edge of shift clock\n"); break;
case 3: printf("Use both edges of shift clock\n"); break;
printf(" HDCP is %ssupported\n", (v & 0x08) ? "" : "not ");
printf(" Digital Receivers %ssupport Double Clocking of Input Data\n",
(v & 0x04) ? "" : "do not ");
printf(" Packetized Digital Video is %ssupported\n", (v & 0x02) ? "" : "not ");
if (v & 0x01)
fail("Bit 0 of byte 0x07 should be 0.\n");
v = x[8];
printf(" Data Formats: ");
switch (v) {
case 0x15: printf("8-Bit Over 8-Bit RGB\n"); break;
case 0x19: printf("12-Bit Over 12-Bit RGB\n"); break;
case 0x24: printf("24-Bit MSB-Aligned RGB (Single Link)\n"); break;
case 0x48: printf("48-Bit MSB-Aligned RGB (Dual Link - High Resolution)\n"); break;
case 0x49: printf("48-Bit MSB-Aligned RGB (Dual Link - High Color)\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Data Format 0x%02x.\n", v);
if (x[2] == 0x03 && v != 0x48)
fail("Data Format should be 0x48, not 0x%02x.\n", v);
if (x[2] == 0x04 && v != 0x49)
fail("Data Format should be 0x49, not 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[9];
if (v) {
printf(" Minimum Pixel Clock Frequency Per Link: %u MHz\n", v);
if (v == 0xff)
fail("Invalid Min-PCF 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[10] | (x[11] << 8);
if (v) {
printf(" Maximum Pixel Clock Frequency Per Link: %u MHz\n", v);
if (v == 0xffff)
fail("Invalid Max-PCF 0x%04x.\n", v);
v = x[12] | (x[13] << 8);
if (v == 0xffff)
printf(" Crossover Frequency: None - Single Link\n");
else if (v)
printf(" Crossover Frequency: %u MHz\n", v);
void edid_state::parse_display_device(const unsigned char *x)
data_block = "Display Device";
printf(" %s:\n", data_block.c_str());
printf(" Sub-Pixel Layout: ");
unsigned char v = x[0x0e];
switch (v) {
case 0x00: printf("Not defined\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("RGB\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("BGR\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Quad Pixel - G at bottom left & top right\n"); break;
case 0x04: printf("Quad Pixel - G at bottom right & top left\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Sub-Pixel Layout 0x%02x.\n", v);
printf(" Sub-Pixel Configuration: ");
v = x[0x0f];
switch (v) {
case 0x00: printf("Not defined\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Delta (Tri-ad)\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Stripe\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Stripe Offset\n"); break;
case 0x04: printf("Quad Pixel\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Sub-Pixel Configuration 0x%02x.\n", v);
printf(" Sub-Pixel Shape: ");
v = x[0x10];
switch (v) {
case 0x00: printf("Not defined\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Round\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Square\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Rectangular\n"); break;
case 0x04: printf("Oval\n"); break;
case 0x05: printf("Elliptical\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Sub-Pixel Shape 0x%02x.\n", v);
if (x[0x11])
printf(" Horizontal Dot/Pixel Pitch: %.2f mm\n",
x[0x11] / 100.0);
if (x[0x12])
printf(" Vertical Dot/Pixel Pitch: %.2f mm\n",
x[0x12] / 100.0);
v = x[0x13];
printf(" Display Device %s a Fixed Pixel Format\n",
(v & 0x80) ? "has" : "does not have");
printf(" View Direction: ");
switch ((v & 0x60) >> 5) {
case 0x00: printf("Not specified\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Direct\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Reflected\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Direct & Reflected\n"); break;
printf(" Display Device uses %stransparent background\n",
(v & 0x10) ? "" : "non-");
printf(" Physical Implementation: ");
switch ((v & 0x0c) >> 2) {
case 0x00: printf("Not specified\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Large Image device for group viewing\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Desktop or personal display\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Eyepiece type personal display\n"); break;
printf(" Monitor/display does %ssupport DDC/CI\n",
(v & 0x02) ? "" : "not ");
if (v & 0x01)
fail("Bit 0 of byte 0x13 should be 0.\n");
void edid_state::parse_display_caps(const unsigned char *x)
data_block = "Display Capabities & Feature Support Set";
printf(" %s:\n", data_block.c_str());
unsigned short v = x[0x14];
printf(" Legacy Modes: %s VGA/DOS Legacy Timing Modes are supported\n",
(v & 0x80) ? "All" : "Not all");
printf(" Stereo Video: ");
switch ((v & 0x70) >> 4) {
case 0x00: printf("No direct stereo\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Field seq. stereo via stereo sync signal\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("auto-stereoscopic, column interleave\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("auto-stereoscopic, line interleave\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", (v & 0x70) >> 4);
fail("Unknown Stereo Video 0x%02x.\n", (v & 0x70) >> 4);
printf(" Scaler On Board: %s\n", (v & 0x08) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Image Centering: %s\n", (v & 0x04) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Conditional Update: %s\n", (v & 0x02) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Interlaced Video: %s\n", (v & 0x01) ? "Yes" : "No");
v = x[0x15];
printf(" Frame Lock: %s\n", (v & 0x80) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Frame Rate Conversion: ");
switch ((v & 0x60) >> 5) {
case 0x00: printf("Not supported\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Vertical is converted to a single frequency\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Horizontal is convertred to a single frequency\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Both Vertical & Horizontal are converted to single frequencies\n"); break;
if (v & 0x1f)
fail("Bits 4-0 of byte 0x15 should be 0.\n");
v = x[0x16] | (x[0x17] << 8);
printf(" Vertical Frequency: ");
if (!v) {
printf("Not available\n");
} else if (v == 0xffff) {
fail("Vertical Frequency uses 0xffff (reserved value).\n");
} else {
printf("%.2f kHz\n", v / 100.0);
v = x[0x18] | (x[0x19] << 8);
printf(" Horizontal Frequency: ");
if (!v) {
printf("Not available\n");
} else if (v == 0xffff) {
fail("Horizontal Frequency uses 0xffff (reserved value).\n");
} else {
printf("%.2f kHz\n", v / 100.0);
v = x[0x1a];
printf(" Display/Scan Orientation Definition Type: ");
switch ((v & 0xc0) >> 6) {
case 0x00: printf("Not defined\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Fixed Orientation\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Pivots: Default Orientation\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Pivots: Current Orientation (requires multiple EDID Extension Tables)\n"); break;
printf(" Screen Orientation: %s\n",
(v & 0x20) ? "Portrait" : "Landscape");
printf(" Zero Pixel Location: ");
switch ((v & 0x18) >> 3) {
case 0x00: printf("Upper Left\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Upper Right\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Lower Left\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Lower Right\n"); break;
printf(" Scan Direction: ");
switch ((v & 0x06) >> 1) {
case 0x00: printf("Not defined\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("Fast Scan is on the Major (Long) Axis and Slow Scan is on the Minor Axis\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Fast Scan is on the Minor (Short) Axis and Slow Scan is on the Major Axis\n"); break;
case 0x03:
fail("Scan Direction used the reserved value 0x03.\n");
printf(" Standalone Projector: %s\n",
(v & 0x01) ? "Yes" : "No");
v = x[0x1b];
printf(" Default Color/Luminance Decoding: ");
switch (v) {
case 0x00: printf("Not defined\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("BGR\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Y/C (S-Video) NTSC\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Y/C (S-Video) PAL\n"); break;
case 0x04: printf("Y/C (S-Video) SECAM\n"); break;
case 0x05: printf("YCrCb 4:4:4 per SMPTE 293M & 294M\n"); break;
case 0x06: printf("YCrCb 4:2:2 per SMPTE 293M & 294M\n"); break;
case 0x07: printf("YCrCb 4:2:0 per SMPTE 293M & 294M\n"); break;
case 0x08: printf("YCrCb per SMPTE 260M (Legacy HDTV)\n"); break;
case 0x09: printf("YPbPr per SMPTE 240M (Legacy HDTV)\n"); break;
case 0x0a: printf("YCrCb per SMPTE 274M (Modern HDTV)\n"); break;
case 0x0b: printf("YPbPr per SMPTE 274M (Modern HDTV)\n"); break;
case 0x0c: printf("Y B-Y R-Y BetaCam (Sony)\n"); break;
case 0x0d: printf("Y B-Y R-Y M-2 (Matsushita)\n"); break;
case 0x0e: printf("Monochrome\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Default Color/Luminance Decoding 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x1c];
printf(" Preferred Color/Luminance Decoder: ");
switch (v) {
case 0x00: printf("Uses Default Decoding\n"); break;
case 0x01: printf("BGR\n"); break;
case 0x02: printf("Y/C (S-Video)\n"); break;
case 0x03: printf("Yxx (SMPTE 2xxM)\n"); break;
case 0x04: printf("Monochrome\n"); break;
printf("Unknown (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Unknown Preferred Color/Luminance Decoding 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x1d];
if (v && (x[0x1e] & 0xfc)) {
printf(" Color/Luminance Decoding Capabilities:\n");
printf(" BGR: %s\n", (v & 0x80) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Y/C (S-Video) NTSC: %s\n", (v & 0x40) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Y/C (S-Video) PAL: %s\n", (v & 0x20) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Y/C (S-Video) SECAM: %s\n", (v & 0x10) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" YCrCb 4:4:4 per SMPTE 293M & 294M: %s\n", (v & 0x08) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" YCrCb 4:2:2 per SMPTE 293M & 294M: %s\n", (v & 0x04) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" YCrCb 4:2:0 per SMPTE 293M & 294M: %s\n", (v & 0x02) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" YCrCb per SMPTE 260M (Legacy HDTV): %s\n", (v & 0x01) ? "Yes" : "No");
v = x[0x1e];
printf(" YPbPr per SMPTE 240M (Legacy HDTV): %s\n", (v & 0x80) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" YCrCb per SMPTE 274M (Modern HDTV): %s\n", (v & 0x40) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" YPbPr per SMPTE 274M (Modern HDTV): %s\n", (v & 0x20) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Y B-Y R-Y BetaCam (Sony): %s\n", (v & 0x10) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Y B-Y R-Y M-2 (Matsushita): %s\n", (v & 0x08) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Monochrome: %s\n", (v & 0x04) ? "Yes" : "No");
} else {
printf(" Color/Luminance Decoding Capabilities: None\n");
if (v & 0x03)
fail("Bits 1-0 of byte 0x1e should be 0.\n");
v = x[0x1f];
printf(" Dithering: %s\n", (v & 0x80) ? "Yes" : "No");
if (v & 0x7f)
fail("Bits 6-0 of byte 0x1f should be 0.\n");
v = x[0x20];
printf(" Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel 0 (Blue): ");
if (!v) {
printf("No Information\n");
} else if (v <= 16) {
printf("%u\n", v);
} else {
printf("Reserved (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel Blue value is 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x21];
printf(" Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel 1 (Green): ");
if (!v) {
printf("No Information\n");
} else if (v <= 16) {
printf("%u\n", v);
} else {
printf("Reserved (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel Green value is 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x22];
printf(" Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel 2 (Red): ");
if (!v) {
printf("No Information\n");
} else if (v <= 16) {
printf("%u\n", v);
} else {
printf("Reserved (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel Red value is 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x23];
printf(" Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel 0 (Cb/Pb): ");
if (!v) {
printf("No Information\n");
} else if (v <= 16) {
printf("%u\n", v);
} else {
printf("Reserved (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel Cb/Pb value is 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x24];
printf(" Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel 1 (Y): ");
if (!v) {
printf("No Information\n");
} else if (v <= 16) {
printf("%u\n", v);
} else {
printf("Reserved (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel Y value is 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x25];
printf(" Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel 2 (Cr/Pr): ");
if (!v) {
printf("No Information\n");
} else if (v <= 16) {
printf("%u\n", v);
} else {
printf("Reserved (0x%02x)\n", v);
fail("Supported Color Bit-Depth of Sub-Channel Cr/Pr value is 0x%02x.\n", v);
v = x[0x26];
printf(" Aspect Ratio Conversion Modes:");
if (!v) {
printf(" None\n");
} else {
printf(" Full Mode: %s\n", (v & 0x80) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Zoom Mode: %s\n", (v & 0x40) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Squeeze (Side Bars/Letterbox) Mode: %s\n", (v & 0x20) ? "Yes" : "No");
printf(" Variable (Expand/Shrink) Mode: %s\n", (v & 0x10) ? "Yes" : "No");
if (v & 0x0f)
fail("Bits 3-0 of byte 0x26 should be 0.\n");
void edid_state::parse_display_xfer(const unsigned char *x)
data_block = "Display Transfer Characteristics - Gamma";
printf(" %s:\n", data_block.c_str());
unsigned char v = x[0x51];
unsigned num_entries = v & 0x3f;
switch ((v & 0xc0) >> 6) {
case 0x00:
printf(" No Display Transfer Characteristics\n");
if (!memchk(x + 0x51, 46))
fail("Bytes 0x51-0x7e should be 0.\n");
case 0x03:
fail("Bits 7-6 of byte 0x51 cannot be 0x03.\n");
if (((v & 0xc0) >> 6) == 0x01) {
if (!num_entries || num_entries > 45)
fail("White Curve with %u entries.\n", num_entries);
if (num_entries > 45)
num_entries = 45;
if (!memchk(x + 0x52 + num_entries, 45 - num_entries))
fail("Bytes 0x%02x-0x7e should be 0.\n", 0x52 + num_entries);
printf(" White Curve (%u entries):\n", num_entries);
hex_block(" ", x + 0x52, num_entries, false, 15);
} else {
if (!num_entries || num_entries > 15)
fail("Sub-Channel Curve with %u entries.\n", num_entries);
if (num_entries > 15)
num_entries = 15;
printf(" Sub-Channel 0 (Blue) Curve with %u entries:\n", num_entries);
hex_block(" ", x + 0x52, num_entries, false);
if (!memchk(x + 0x52 + num_entries, 15 - num_entries))
fail("Bytes 0x%02x-0x7e should be 0.\n", 0x52 + num_entries);
printf(" Sub-Channel 1 (Green) Curve with %u entries:\n", num_entries);
hex_block(" ", x + 0x52 + 15, num_entries, false);
if (!memchk(x + 0x52 + 15 + num_entries, 15 - num_entries))
fail("Bytes 0x%02x-0x7e should be 0.\n", 0x52 + 15 + num_entries);
printf(" Sub-Channel 2 (Red) Curve with %u entries:\n", num_entries);
hex_block(" ", x + 0x52 + 30, num_entries, false);
if (!memchk(x + 0x52 + 30 + num_entries, 15 - num_entries))
fail("Bytes 0x%02x-0x7e should be 0.\n", 0x52 + 30 + num_entries);
void edid_state::parse_di_ext_block(const unsigned char *x)
printf(" Version: %u\n", x[1]);
if (!x[1])
fail("Invalid version 0.\n");
if (!memchk(x + 0x27, 16))
fail("Bytes 0x27-0x36 should be 0.\n");
if (!memchk(x + 0x37, 17))
fail("Bytes 0x37-0x47 should be 0.\n");
if (!memchk(x + 0x48, 9))
fail("Bytes 0x48-0x50 should be 0.\n");