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# Copyright 2013-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Relax NG schema for Khronos Registry XML
# See
# Last modified 2017/02/03
# This definition is subject to change (mostly in the form of additions)
namespace xsd = ""
# Toplevel is a <registry> tag.
# May be led by an optional <comment> tag containing e.g. copyrights.
start = element registry {
element comment { text } ? |
Types * |
Groups * |
Enums * |
Commands * |
Feature * |
Extensions *
) *
# <types> defines a group of types
Types = element types {
Type *
# <type> defines a single type. It is usually a C typedef but
# may contain arbitrary C code.
# name - name of this type, if not present in the <name> tag
# api - matches a <feature> api attribute, if present
# requires - name of another type definition required by this one
# type - "group", if present, indicating a group of values in the
# corresponding <enums> definition.
# comment - unused
# <apientry /> - substitutes for an APIENTRY-style macro on output
# <name> - contains typename
Type = element type {
attribute api { text } ? ,
attribute requires { text } ? ,
attribute name { TypeName } ? ,
attribute type { text } ? ,
Comment ? ,
text ,
element apientry { text } ? ,
text ,
element name { TypeName } ? ,
# <groups> defines a group of enum groups
Groups = element groups {
Group *
# <group> defines a single enum group. Enums may
# be in multiple groups.
# name - group name
# comment - unused
# <enum name=""> - members of the group
Group = element group {
Name ,
Comment ? ,
element enum { Name } *
# <enums> defines a group of enumerants
# namespace - identifies a numeric namespace
# group - identifies a functional subset of the namespace - same as <group name="">
# start, end - beginning and end of a numeric range in the namespace
# vendor - owner of the numeric range
# type - "bitmask", if present
# comment - unused
Enums = element enums {
attribute namespace { text } ? ,
attribute group { text } ? ,
attribute type { text } ? ,
attribute start { Integer } ? ,
attribute end { Integer } ? ,
Vendor ? ,
Comment ? ,
(Enum | Unused) *
# <enum> defines a single enumerant
# value - integer (including hex) value of the enumerant
# api - matches a <feature> api attribute, if present
# type - "u" (unsigned), "ull" (uint64), or integer if not present
# name - enumerant name
# alias - another enumerant this is semantically identical to
# comment - unused
Enum = element enum {
attribute value { Integer } &
attribute api { text } ? &
attribute type { TypeSuffix } ? &
attribute name { text } &
attribute alias { text } ? &
Comment ?
# <unused> defines a range of enumerants not currently being used
# start, end - beginning and end of an unused numeric range
# vendor - unused
# comment - unused
Unused = element unused {
attribute start { Integer } ,
attribute end { Integer } ? ,
Vendor ? ,
Comment ?
# <commands> defines a group of commands
# namespace - identifies a function namespace
Commands = element commands {
attribute namespace { text } ? ,
Command *
# <command> defines a single command
# <proto> is the C function prototype, including the return type
# <param> are function parameters, in order
# <ptype> is a <type> name, if present
# <name> is the function / parameter name
# The textual contents of <proto> and <param> should be legal C
# for those parts of a function declaration.
# <alias> - denotes function aliasing
# name - name of aliased function
# <vecequiv> - denotes scalar / vector function equivalence
# name - name of corresponding vector form, e.g. (glColor3f -> glColor3fv)
# <glx> - information about GLX protocol
# type - "render", "single", or "vendor" for GLXRender, GLXSingle, GLXVendorPrivate{WithReply}
# opcode - numeric opcode of specified type for this function
# name - if present, protocol name (defaults to command name)
# comment - unused
Command = element command {
Comment ? ,
element proto {
attribute group { text } ? ,
text ,
element ptype { TypeName } ? ,
text ,
element name { text } ,
} ,
element param {
attribute group { text } ? ,
attribute len { text } ? ,
text ,
element ptype { TypeName } ? ,
text ,
element name { text } ,
} * ,
element alias {
} ? &
element vecequiv {
} ? &
element glx {
attribute type { text } ,
attribute opcode { xsd:integer } ,
Name ? ,
Comment ?
} *
# Each <feature> defines the interface of an API version (e.g. OpenGL 1.2)
# api - API tag (e.g. 'gl', 'gles2', etc. - used internally, not
# neccessarily an actual API name
# name - version name (C preprocessor name, e.g. GL_VERSION_4_2)
# number - version number, e.g. 4.2
# protect - additional #ifdef symbol to place around the feature
# <require> / <remove> contains features to require or remove in
# this version
# profile - only require/remove when generated profile matches
# comment - unused
Feature = element feature {
attribute api { text } ,
Name ,
attribute number { xsd:float } ,
attribute protect { text } ?,
Comment ? ,
element require {
ProfileName ? ,
Comment ? ,
InterfaceElement *
} |
element remove {
ProfileName ? ,
Comment ? ,
InterfaceElement *
) *
Extensions = element extensions {
Extension *
# Defines the interface of an API <extension>. Like a <feature>
# tag, but with a slightly different api attribute.
# api - regexp pattern matching one or more API tags, indicating
# which APIs the extension is known to work with. The only
# syntax supported is <name>{|<name>}* and each name must
# exactly match an API being generated (implicit ^$ surrounding).
# In addition, <require> / <remove> tags also support an
# api attribute:
# api - only require/remove these features for the matching API.
# Not a regular expression.
Extension = element extension {
Name ,
attribute protect { text } ?,
attribute supported { StringGroup } ? ,
Comment ? ,
element require {
attribute api { text } ? ,
ProfileName ? ,
Comment ? ,
InterfaceElement *
} |
element remove {
attribute api { text } ? ,
ProfileName ? ,
Comment ? ,
InterfaceElement *
) *
# Contents of a <require> / <remove> tag, defining a group
# of features to require or remove.
# <type> / <enum> / <command> all have attributes
# name - feature name which must match
InterfaceElement =
element type {
Name ,
Comment ?
} |
element enum {
Name ,
Comment ?
} |
element command {
Name ,
Comment ?
# Integers are allowed to be either decimal or C-hex (0x[0-9A-F]+), but
# XML Schema types don't seem to support hex notation, so we use this
# as a placeholder.
Integer = text
# TypeName is an argument/return value C type name
TypeName = text
# TypeSuffix is a C numeric type suffix, e.g. 'u' or 'ull'
TypeSuffix = text
# StringGroup is a regular expression with an implicit
# '^(' and ')$' bracketing it.
StringGroup = text
# Repeatedly used attributes
ProfileName = attribute profile { text }
Vendor = attribute vendor { text }
Comment = attribute comment { text }
Name = attribute name { text }