| # Mercurial's .hgignore files can only be used in the root directory. |
| # You can still apply these rules by adding |
| # include:path/to/this/directory/.hgignore to the top-level .hgignore file. |
| |
| # Ensure same syntax as in .gitignore can be used |
| syntax:glob |
| |
| # Android generated |
| bin |
| gen |
| libs |
| obj |
| lint.xml |
| |
| # IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio |
| .idea |
| *.iml |
| *.ipr |
| *.iws |
| classes |
| gen-external-apklibs |
| *.li |
| |
| # Eclipse |
| .project |
| .classpath |
| .settings |
| .checkstyle |
| .cproject |
| |
| # Gradle |
| .gradle |
| build |
| buildout |
| out |
| |
| # Maven |
| target |
| release.properties |
| pom.xml.* |
| |
| # Ant |
| ant.properties |
| local.properties |
| proguard.cfg |
| proguard-project.txt |
| |
| # Bazel |
| bazel-bin |
| bazel-genfiles |
| bazel-out |
| bazel-testlogs |
| |
| # Other |
| .DS_Store |
| cmake-build-debug |
| dist |
| tmp |
| |
| # VP9 extension |
| extensions/vp9/src/main/jni/libvpx |
| extensions/vp9/src/main/jni/libvpx_android_configs |
| extensions/vp9/src/main/jni/libyuv |
| |
| # AV1 extension |
| extensions/av1/src/main/jni/libgav1 |
| |
| # Opus extension |
| extensions/opus/src/main/jni/libopus |
| |
| # FLAC extension |
| extensions/flac/src/main/jni/flac |
| |
| # FFmpeg extension |
| extensions/ffmpeg/src/main/jni/ffmpeg |
| |
| # Cronet extension |
| extensions/cronet/jniLibs/* |
| !extensions/cronet/jniLibs/README.md |
| extensions/cronet/libs/* |
| !extensions/cronet/libs/README.md |