blob: e103c50393b6056dabf0f5dded6fc8a7d8ea3fd5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/************************* MPEG-2 NBC Audio Decoder **************************
* *
"This software module was originally developed by
AT&T, Dolby Laboratories, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft IIS and edited by
Yoshiaki Oikawa (Sony Corporation),
Mitsuyuki Hatanaka (Sony Corporation),
in the course of development of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio standard ISO/IEC 13818-7,
14496-1,2 and 3. This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more
MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio tools as specified by the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4
Audio standard. ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio
standards free license to this software module or modifications thereof for use in
hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4
Audio standards. Those intending to use this software module in hardware or
software products are advised that this use may infringe existing patents.
The original developer of this software module and his/her company, the subsequent
editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software
module or modifications thereof in an implementation. Copyright is not released for
non MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products.The original developer
retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose, assign or donate the
code to a third party and to inhibit third party from using the code for non
MPEG-2 NBC/MPEG-4 Audio conforming products. This copyright notice must
be included in all copies or derivative works."
* *
#ifndef _all_h_
#define _all_h_
//#include "mpeg4ip.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <conio.h>
#include <io.h>
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 u_int32_t;
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef uint32_t u_int32_t;
#include <math.h>
#include "interface.h"
#include "tns.h"
#include "nok_ltp_common.h"
#include "monopred.h"
#include "bits.h"
#define _POSIX_SOURCE /* stops repeat typdef of ulong */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef float Float;
typedef unsigned char byte;
* channels for 5.1 main profile configuration
* (modify for any desired decoder configuration)
FChans = 15, /* front channels: left, center, right */
FCenter = 1, /* 1 if decoder has front center channel */
SChans = 18, /* side channels: */
BChans = 15, /* back channels: left surround, right surround */
BCenter = 1, /* 1 if decoder has back center channel */
LChans = 1, /* LFE channels */
XChans = 1, /* scratch space for parsing unused channels */
FChans = 3, /* front channels: left, center, right */
FCenter = 0, /* 1 if decoder has front center channel */
SChans = 2, /* side channels: */
BChans = 1, /* back channels: left surround, right surround */
BCenter = 0, /* 1 if decoder has back center channel */
LChans = 1, /* LFE channels */
XChans = 1, /* scratch space for parsing unused channels */
Chans = FChans + SChans + BChans + LChans + XChans
/* #define is required in order to use these args in #if () directive */
#if 0
#define ICChans 1 /* independently switched coupling channels */
#define DCChans 2 /* dependently switched coupling channels */
#define XCChans 1 /* scratch space for parsing unused coupling channels */
#define CChans (ICChans + DCChans + XCChans)
#define ICChans 0
#define DCChans 0
#define XCChans 0
#define CChans 0
/* block switch windows for single channels or channel pairs */
Winds = Chans,
/* average channel block length, bytes */
Avjframe = 341,
TEXP = 128, /* size of exp cache table */
MAX_IQ_TBL = 8192+15, /* size of inv quant table */
typedef struct
int islong; /* true if long block */
int nsbk; /* sub-blocks (SB) per block */
int bins_per_bk; /* coef's per block */
int sfb_per_bk; /* sfb per block */
int bins_per_sbk[MAX_SBK]; /* coef's per SB */
int sfb_per_sbk[MAX_SBK]; /* sfb per SB */
int sectbits[MAX_SBK];
int *sbk_sfb_top[MAX_SBK]; /* top coef per sfb per SB */
int *sfb_width_128; /* sfb width for short blocks */
int bk_sfb_top[200]; /* cum version of above */
int num_groups;
int group_len[8];
int group_offs[8];
} Info;
typedef struct {
int samp_rate;
int nsfb1024;
int *SFbands1024;
int nsfb128;
int *SFbands128;
} SR_Info;
typedef struct
byte this_bk;
byte prev_bk;
} Wnd_Shape;
typedef struct
int len;
unsigned long cw;
char x, y, v, w;
} Huffman;
typedef struct
int len;
unsigned long cw;
int scl;
} Huffscl;
typedef struct
int dim;
int signed_cb;
Huffman *hcw;
} Hcb;
typedef struct
int present; /* channel present */
int tag; /* element tag */
int cpe; /* 0 if single channel, 1 if channel pair */
int common_window; /* 1 if common window for cpe */
int ch_is_left; /* 1 if left channel of cpe */
int paired_ch; /* index of paired channel in cpe */
int widx; /* window element index for this channel */
int is_present; /* intensity stereo is used */
int ncch; /* number of coupling channels for this ch */
char *fext; /* filename extension */
} Ch_Info;
typedef struct {
int nch; /* total number of audio channels */
int nfsce; /* number of front SCE's pror to first front CPE */
int nfch; /* number of front channels */
int nsch; /* number of side channels */
int nbch; /* number of back channels */
int nlch; /* number of lfe channels */
int ncch; /* number of valid coupling channels */
int cch_tag[(1<<LEN_TAG)]; /* tags of valid CCE's */
int object_type;
int sampling_rate_idx;
Ch_Info ch_info[Chans];
} MC_Info;
typedef struct {
int num_ele;
int ele_is_cpe[(1<<LEN_TAG)];
int ele_tag[(1<<LEN_TAG)];
} EleList;
typedef struct {
int present;
int ele_tag;
int pseudo_enab;
} MIXdown;
typedef struct {
int object_type;
int sampling_rate_idx;
EleList front;
EleList side;
EleList back;
EleList lfe;
EleList data;
EleList coupling;
MIXdown mono_mix;
MIXdown stereo_mix;
MIXdown matrix_mix;
char comments[(1<<LEN_PC_COMM)+1];
long buffer_fullness; /* put this transport level info here */
} ProgConfig;
typedef struct {
char adif_id[LEN_ADIF_ID+1];
int copy_id_present;
char copy_id[LEN_COPYRT_ID+1];
int original_copy;
int home;
int bitstream_type;
long bitrate;
int num_pce;
int prog_tags[(1<<LEN_TAG)];
} ADIF_Header;
typedef struct {
int copy_id_bit;
int copy_id_start;
int frame_length;
int buffer_fullness;
int raw_blocks;
} ADTS_Variable;
typedef struct {
int ID;
int layer;
int protection_absent;
int object_type;
int sampling_rate_idx;
int private_bit;
int channel_configuration;
int original_copy;
int home;
int emphasis;
} ADTS_Fixed;
typedef struct {
ADTS_Fixed fixed;
ADTS_Variable variable;
int adts_error_check;
} ADTS_Header;
struct Pulse_Info
int pulse_data_present;
int number_pulse;
int pulse_start_sfb;
int pulse_position[NUM_PULSE_LINES];
int pulse_offset[NUM_PULSE_LINES];
int pulse_amp[NUM_PULSE_LINES];
extern Huffman book1[];
extern Huffman book2[];
extern Huffman book3[];
extern Huffman book4[];
extern Huffman book5[];
extern Huffman book6[];
extern Huffman book7[];
extern Huffman book8[];
extern Huffman book9[];
extern Huffman book10[];
extern Huffman book11[];
extern Huffscl bookscl[];
extern Hcb book[NSPECBOOKS+2];
extern int sfbwidth128[];
extern SR_Info samp_rate_info[];
extern int tns_max_bands_tbl[(1<<LEN_SAMP_IDX)][4];
extern const int SampleRates[];
extern int pred_max_bands_tbl[(1<<LEN_SAMP_IDX)];
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#ifndef FAADAPI
#define FAADAPI __declspec( dllexport )
#define FAADAPI __declspec( dllimport )
// LIB case: #define FAADAPI __stdcall
#ifndef FAADAPI
#define FAADAPI
#define FAAD_OK 0
#define FAAD_ERROR 2
typedef void *faacProgConfig;
typedef struct faacDecConfiguration
unsigned int defObjectType;
unsigned int defSampleRate;
} faacDecConfiguration, *faacDecConfigurationPtr;
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
WT_ADV, /* Advanced flat window */
typedef struct {
int isMpeg4;
int frameNum;
int pceChannels;
int numChannels;
int chans_inited;
/* Configuration data */
faacDecConfiguration config;
bitfile ld;
int adif_header_present;
int adts_header_present;
ADIF_Header adif_header;
ADTS_Header adts_header;
/* decoder data */
Float *coef[Chans];
Float *data[Chans];
Float *state[Chans];
byte hasmask[Winds];
byte *mask[Winds];
byte *group[Chans];
byte wnd[Chans];
byte max_sfb[Chans];
byte *cb_map[Chans];
int *lpflag[Chans];
int *prstflag[Chans];
/* prediction */
int last_rstgrp_num[Chans];
PRED_STATUS *sp_status[Chans];
float *mnt_table;
float *exp_table;
int warn_flag;
/* long term prediction */
NOK_LT_PRED_STATUS *nok_lt_status[Chans];
/* Pulse coding */
struct Pulse_Info pulse_info;
MC_Info mc_info;
MC_Info save_mc_info;
int default_config;
int current_program;
ProgConfig prog_config;
Info eight_short_info;
Info *win_seq_info[NUM_WIN_SEQ];
Info *winmap[NUM_WIN_SEQ];
Info only_long_info;
Wnd_Shape wnd_shape[Chans];
int *factors[Chans];
TNS_frame_info *tns[Chans];
int dolbyShortOffset_f2t;
int dolbyShortOffset_t2f;
int first_cpe;
/* PNS data */
long cur_noise_state;
long noise_state_save[MAXBANDS];
int lp_store[MAXBANDS];
/* tables */
Float *iq_exp_tbl;
Float *exptable;
/* FFT data */
int *unscambled64;
int *unscambled512;
// block.c data
Float *sin_long;
Float *sin_short;
#ifndef WIN_TABLE
Float *kbd_long;
Float *kbd_short;
Float *sin_edler;
Float *kbd_edler;
Float *sin_adv;
Float *kbd_adv;
} faacDecStruct, *faacDecHandle;
faacDecHandle FAADAPI faacDecOpen(void);
faacDecConfigurationPtr FAADAPI faacDecGetCurrentConfiguration(faacDecHandle hDecoder);
int FAADAPI faacDecSetConfiguration(faacDecHandle hDecoder,
faacDecConfigurationPtr config);
int FAADAPI faacDecInit(faacDecHandle hDecoder,
unsigned char *buffer,
unsigned long *samplerate,
unsigned long *channels);
int FAADAPI faacDecGetProgConfig(faacDecHandle hDecoder,
faacProgConfig *progConfig);
int FAADAPI faacDecDecode(faacDecHandle hDecoder,
unsigned char *buffer,
unsigned long *bytesconsumed,
short *sample_buffer,
unsigned long *samples);
void FAADAPI faacDecClose(faacDecHandle hDecoder);
#include "nok_lt_prediction.h"
#include "port.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _all_h_ */