blob: 5c865dcf2964fc4c809b1011d45fdbe45c9f3f65 [file] [log] [blame]
* gfio - gui front end for fio - the flexible io tester
* Copyright (C) 2012 Stephen M. Cameron <[email protected]>
* The license below covers all files distributed with fio unless otherwise
* noted in the file itself.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cairo.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "tickmarks.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "flist.h"
#include "lib/prio_tree.h"
#include "cairo_text_helpers.h"
* Allowable difference to show tooltip
#define TOOLTIP_DELTA 0.08
struct xyvalue {
double x, y;
enum {
struct graph_value {
struct flist_head list;
struct prio_tree_node node;
struct flist_head alias;
unsigned int flags;
char *tooltip;
void *value;
struct graph_label {
struct flist_head list;
char *label;
struct flist_head value_list;
struct prio_tree_root prio_tree;
double r, g, b;
int hide;
int value_count;
struct graph *parent;
struct tick_value {
unsigned int offset;
double value;
struct graph {
char *title;
char *xtitle;
char *ytitle;
unsigned int xdim, ydim;
double xoffset, yoffset;
struct flist_head label_list;
int per_label_limit;
const char *font;
graph_axis_unit_change_callback x_axis_unit_change_callback;
graph_axis_unit_change_callback y_axis_unit_change_callback;
unsigned int base_offset;
unsigned int dont_graph_all_zeroes;
double left_extra;
double right_extra;
double top_extra;
double bottom_extra;
double xtick_zero;
double xtick_delta;
double xtick_zero_val;
double xtick_one_val;
double ytick_zero;
double ytick_delta;
double ytick_zero_val;
double ytick_one_val;
void graph_set_size(struct graph *g, unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim)
g->xdim = xdim;
g->ydim = ydim;
void graph_set_position(struct graph *g, double xoffset, double yoffset)
g->xoffset = xoffset;
g->yoffset = yoffset;
struct graph *graph_new(unsigned int xdim, unsigned int ydim, const char *font)
struct graph *g;
g = calloc(1, sizeof(*g));
graph_set_size(g, xdim, ydim);
g->per_label_limit = -1;
g->font = font;
if (!g->font)
return g;
void graph_set_font(struct graph *g, const char *font)
g->font = font;
void graph_x_axis_unit_change_notify(struct graph *g, graph_axis_unit_change_callback f)
g->x_axis_unit_change_callback = f;
void graph_y_axis_unit_change_notify(struct graph *g, graph_axis_unit_change_callback f)
g->y_axis_unit_change_callback = f;
static int count_labels(struct graph *g)
struct flist_head *entry;
int count = 0;
flist_for_each(entry, &g->label_list)
return count;
static int count_values(struct graph_label *l)
struct flist_head *entry;
int count = 0;
flist_for_each(entry, &l->value_list)
return count;
typedef double (*double_comparator)(double a, double b);
static double mindouble(double a, double b)
return a < b ? a : b;
static double maxdouble(double a, double b)
return a < b ? b : a;
static double find_double_values(struct graph_label *l, double_comparator cmp)
struct flist_head *entry;
double answer = 0.0, tmp;
int first = 1;
if (flist_empty(&l->value_list))
return 0.0;
flist_for_each(entry, &l->value_list) {
struct graph_value *i;
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_value, list);
tmp = *(double *) i->value;
if (first) {
answer = tmp;
first = 0;
} else {
answer = cmp(answer, tmp);
return answer;
static double find_double_data(struct graph *g, double_comparator cmp)
struct flist_head *entry;
struct graph_label *i;
int first = 1;
double answer, tmp;
if (flist_empty(&g->label_list))
return 0.0;
flist_for_each(entry, &g->label_list) {
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_label, list);
tmp = find_double_values(i, cmp);
if (first) {
answer = tmp;
first = 0;
} else {
answer = cmp(tmp, answer);
return answer;
static double find_min_data(struct graph *g)
return find_double_data(g, mindouble);
static double find_max_data(struct graph *g)
return find_double_data(g, maxdouble);
static void draw_bars(struct graph *bg, cairo_t *cr, struct graph_label *lb,
double label_offset, double bar_width,
double mindata, double maxdata)
struct flist_head *entry;
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int bar_num = 0;
double domain, range, v;
domain = (maxdata - mindata);
range = (double) bg->ydim * 0.80; /* FIXME */
flist_for_each(entry, &lb->value_list) {
struct graph_value *i;
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_value, list);
x1 = label_offset + (double) bar_num * bar_width + (bar_width * 0.05);
x2 = x1 + bar_width * 0.90;
y2 = bg->ydim * 0.90;
v = *(double *) i->value;
y1 = y2 - (((v - mindata) / domain) * range);
cairo_move_to(cr, x1, y1);
cairo_line_to(cr, x1, y2);
cairo_line_to(cr, x2, y2);
cairo_line_to(cr, x2, y1);
static void graph_draw_common(struct graph *g, cairo_t *cr, double *x1,
double *y1, double *x2, double *y2)
const double shade_col[3][3] = { { 0.55, 0.54, 0.54 },
{ 0.80, 0.78, 0.78 },
{ 0.93, 0.91, 0.91 } };
int i;
*x1 = 0.10 * g->xdim;
*x2 = 0.95 * g->xdim;
*y1 = 0.10 * g->ydim;
*y2 = 0.90 * g->ydim;
* Add shade
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
float offset = i + 1.0;
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, shade_col[i][0], shade_col[i][1], shade_col[i][2]);
cairo_move_to(cr, offset + *x1, *y1 - offset);
cairo_line_to(cr, *x2 + offset, *y1 - offset);
cairo_line_to(cr, *x2 + offset, *y2 - offset);
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.2);
cairo_move_to(cr, *x1, *y1);
cairo_line_to(cr, *x1, *y2);
cairo_line_to(cr, *x2, *y2);
cairo_line_to(cr, *x2, *y1);
cairo_line_to(cr, *x1, *y1);
draw_centered_text(cr, g->font, g->xdim / 2, g->ydim / 20, 20.0, g->title);
draw_centered_text(cr, g->font, g->xdim / 2, g->ydim * 0.97, 14.0, g->xtitle);
draw_vertical_centered_text(cr, g->font, g->xdim * 0.02, g->ydim / 2, 14.0, g->ytitle);
static void graph_draw_x_ticks(struct graph *g, cairo_t *cr,
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
double minx, double maxx, int nticks, int add_tm_text)
struct tickmark *tm;
double tx;
int i, power_of_ten;
static double dash[] = { 1.0, 2.0 };
nticks = calc_tickmarks(minx, maxx, nticks, &tm, &power_of_ten,
g->x_axis_unit_change_callback == NULL, g->base_offset);
if (g->x_axis_unit_change_callback)
g->x_axis_unit_change_callback(g, power_of_ten);
for (i = 0; i < nticks; i++) {
tx = (((tm[i].value) - minx) / (maxx - minx)) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
* Update tick delta
if (!i) {
g->xtick_zero = tx;
g->xtick_zero_val = tm[0].value;
} else if (i == 1) {
g->xtick_delta = (tm[1].value - tm[0].value) / (tx - g->xtick_zero);
g->xtick_one_val = tm[1].value;
/* really tx < yx || tx > x2, but protect against rounding */
if (x1 - tx > 0.01 || tx - x2 > 0.01)
/* Draw tick mark */
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.0);
cairo_move_to(cr, tx, y2);
cairo_line_to(cr, tx, y2 + (y2 - y1) * 0.03);
/* draw grid lines */
cairo_set_dash(cr, dash, 2, 0.66);
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 0.33);
cairo_move_to(cr, tx, y1);
cairo_line_to(cr, tx, y2);
if (!add_tm_text)
/* draw tickmark label */
draw_centered_text(cr, g->font, tx, y2 * 1.04, 12.0, tm[i].string);
static double graph_draw_y_ticks(struct graph *g, cairo_t *cr,
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
double miny, double maxy, int nticks, int add_tm_text)
struct tickmark *tm;
double ty;
int i, power_of_ten;
static double dash[] = { 1.0, 2.0 };
nticks = calc_tickmarks(miny, maxy, nticks, &tm, &power_of_ten,
g->y_axis_unit_change_callback == NULL, g->base_offset);
if (g->y_axis_unit_change_callback)
g->y_axis_unit_change_callback(g, power_of_ten);
* Use highest tickmark as top of graph, not highest value. Otherwise
* it's impossible to see what the max value is, if the graph is
* fairly flat.
maxy = tm[nticks - 1].value;
for (i = 0; i < nticks; i++) {
ty = y2 - (((tm[i].value) - miny) / (maxy - miny)) * (y2 - y1);
* Update tick delta
if (!i) {
g->ytick_zero = ty;
g->ytick_zero_val = tm[0].value;
} else if (i == 1) {
g->ytick_delta = (tm[1].value - tm[0].value) / (ty - g->ytick_zero);
g->ytick_one_val = tm[1].value;
/* really ty < y1 || ty > y2, but protect against rounding */
if (y1 - ty > 0.01 || ty - y2 > 0.01)
/* draw tick mark */
cairo_move_to(cr, x1, ty);
cairo_line_to(cr, x1 - (x2 - x1) * 0.02, ty);
/* draw grid lines */
cairo_set_dash(cr, dash, 2, 0.66);
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 0.33);
cairo_move_to(cr, x1, ty);
cairo_line_to(cr, x2, ty);
if (!add_tm_text)
/* draw tickmark label */
draw_right_justified_text(cr, g->font, x1 - (x2 - x1) * 0.025, ty, 12.0, tm[i].string);
* Return new max to use
return maxy;
void bar_graph_draw(struct graph *bg, cairo_t *cr)
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
double space_per_label, bar_width;
double label_offset, mindata, maxdata;
int i, nlabels;
struct graph_label *lb;
struct flist_head *entry;
cairo_translate(cr, bg->xoffset, bg->yoffset);
graph_draw_common(bg, cr, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
nlabels = count_labels(bg);
space_per_label = (x2 - x1) / (double) nlabels;
* Start bars at 0 unless we have negative values, otherwise we
* present a skewed picture comparing label X and X+1.
mindata = find_min_data(bg);
if (mindata > 0)
mindata = 0;
maxdata = find_max_data(bg);
if (fabs(maxdata - mindata) < 1e-20) {
draw_centered_text(cr, bg->font,
x1 + (x2 - x1) / 2.0,
y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2.0, 20.0, "No good data");
maxdata = graph_draw_y_ticks(bg, cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, mindata, maxdata, 10, 1);
i = 0;
flist_for_each(entry, &bg->label_list) {
int nvalues;
lb = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_label, list);
nvalues = count_values(lb);
bar_width = (space_per_label - space_per_label * 0.2) / (double) nvalues;
label_offset = bg->xdim * 0.1 + space_per_label * (double) i + space_per_label * 0.1;
draw_bars(bg, cr, lb, label_offset, bar_width, mindata, maxdata);
// draw_centered_text(cr, label_offset + (bar_width / 2.0 + bar_width * 0.1), bg->ydim * 0.93,
draw_centered_text(cr, bg->font, x1 + space_per_label * (i + 0.5), bg->ydim * 0.93,
12.0, lb->label);
typedef double (*xy_value_extractor)(struct graph_value *v);
static double getx(struct graph_value *v)
struct xyvalue *xy = v->value;
return xy->x;
static double gety(struct graph_value *v)
struct xyvalue *xy = v->value;
return xy->y;
static double find_xy_value(struct graph *g, xy_value_extractor getvalue, double_comparator cmp)
double tmp, answer = 0.0;
struct graph_label *i;
struct graph_value *j;
struct flist_head *jentry, *entry;
int first = 1;
flist_for_each(entry, &g->label_list) {
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_label, list);
flist_for_each(jentry, &i->value_list) {
j = flist_entry(jentry, struct graph_value, list);
tmp = getvalue(j);
if (first) {
first = 0;
answer = tmp;
answer = cmp(tmp, answer);
return answer;
void line_graph_draw(struct graph *g, cairo_t *cr)
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
double minx, miny, maxx, maxy, gminx, gminy, gmaxx, gmaxy;
double tx, ty, top_extra, bottom_extra, left_extra, right_extra;
struct graph_label *i;
struct graph_value *j;
int good_data = 1, first = 1;
struct flist_head *entry, *lentry;
cairo_translate(cr, g->xoffset, g->yoffset);
graph_draw_common(g, cr, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
minx = find_xy_value(g, getx, mindouble);
maxx = find_xy_value(g, getx, maxdouble);
miny = find_xy_value(g, gety, mindouble);
* Start graphs at zero, unless we have a value below. Otherwise
* it's hard to visually compare the read and write graph, since
* the lowest valued one will be the floor of the graph view.
if (miny > 0)
miny = 0;
maxy = find_xy_value(g, gety, maxdouble);
if (fabs(maxx - minx) < 1e-20 || fabs(maxy - miny) < 1e-20) {
good_data = 0;
minx = 0.0;
miny = 0.0;
maxx = 10.0;
maxy = 100.0;
top_extra = 0.0;
bottom_extra = 0.0;
left_extra = 0.0;
right_extra = 0.0;
if (g->top_extra > 0.001)
top_extra = fabs(maxy - miny) * g->top_extra;
if (g->bottom_extra > 0.001)
bottom_extra = fabs(maxy - miny) * g->bottom_extra;
if (g->left_extra > 0.001)
left_extra = fabs(maxx - minx) * g->left_extra;
if (g->right_extra > 0.001)
right_extra = fabs(maxx - minx) * g->right_extra;
gminx = minx - left_extra;
gmaxx = maxx + right_extra;
gminy = miny - bottom_extra;
gmaxy = maxy + top_extra;
graph_draw_x_ticks(g, cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, gminx, gmaxx, 10, good_data);
gmaxy = graph_draw_y_ticks(g, cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, gminy, gmaxy, 10, good_data);
if (!good_data)
goto skip_data;
cairo_set_line_width(cr, 1.5);
cairo_set_line_join(cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
flist_for_each(lentry, &g->label_list) {
i = flist_entry(lentry, struct graph_label, list);
first = 1;
if (i->hide || i->r < 0) /* invisible data */
cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, i->r, i->g, i->b);
flist_for_each(entry, &i->value_list) {
j = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_value, list);
tx = ((getx(j) - gminx) / (gmaxx - gminx)) * (x2 - x1) + x1;
ty = y2 - ((gety(j) - gminy) / (gmaxy - gminy)) * (y2 - y1);
if (first) {
cairo_move_to(cr, tx, ty);
first = 0;
} else
cairo_line_to(cr, tx, ty);
static void setstring(char **str, const char *value)
*str = strdup(value);
void graph_title(struct graph *bg, const char *title)
setstring(&bg->title, title);
void graph_x_title(struct graph *bg, const char *title)
setstring(&bg->xtitle, title);
void graph_y_title(struct graph *bg, const char *title)
setstring(&bg->ytitle, title);
static struct graph_label *graph_find_label(struct graph *bg,
const char *label)
struct flist_head *entry;
struct graph_label *i;
flist_for_each(entry, &bg->label_list) {
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_label, list);
if (strcmp(label, i->label) == 0)
return i;
return NULL;
graph_label_t graph_add_label(struct graph *bg, const char *label)
struct graph_label *i;
i = graph_find_label(bg, label);
if (i)
return i; /* already present. */
i = calloc(1, sizeof(*i));
i->parent = bg;
setstring(&i->label, label);
flist_add_tail(&i->list, &bg->label_list);
return i;
static void __graph_value_drop(struct graph_label *l, struct graph_value *v)
if (v->tooltip)
static void graph_value_drop(struct graph_label *l, struct graph_value *v)
if (v->flags & GV_F_PRIO_SKIP) {
__graph_value_drop(l, v);
* Find head, the guy that's on the prio tree
while (!(v->flags & GV_F_ON_PRIO)) {
v = flist_entry(v->, struct graph_value, alias);
prio_tree_remove(&l->prio_tree, &v->node);
* Free aliases
while (!flist_empty(&v->alias)) {
struct graph_value *a;
a = flist_entry(v->, struct graph_value, alias);
__graph_value_drop(l, a);
__graph_value_drop(l, v);
static void graph_label_add_value(struct graph_label *i, void *value,
const char *tooltip)
struct graph *g = i->parent;
struct graph_value *x;
x = malloc(sizeof(*x));
memset(x, 0, sizeof(*x));
flist_add_tail(&x->list, &i->value_list);
x->value = value;
if (tooltip) {
double xval = getx(x);
double minx = xval - (g->xtick_one_val * TOOLTIP_DELTA);
double maxx = xval + (g->xtick_one_val * TOOLTIP_DELTA);
struct prio_tree_node *ret;
* use msec to avoid dropping too much precision when
* storing as an integer.
minx = minx * 1000.0;
maxx = maxx * 1000.0;
x->node.start = minx;
x->node.last = maxx;
x->tooltip = strdup(tooltip);
if (x->node.last == x->node.start) {
x->node.last += fabs(g->xtick_delta);
if (x->node.last == x->node.start)
* If ret != &x->node, we have an alias. Since the values
* should be identical, we can drop it
ret = prio_tree_insert(&i->prio_tree, &x->node);
if (ret != &x->node) {
struct graph_value *alias;
alias = container_of(ret, struct graph_value, node);
flist_add_tail(&x->alias, &alias->alias);
} else
x->flags = GV_F_ON_PRIO;
} else
x->flags = GV_F_PRIO_SKIP;
if (g->per_label_limit != -1 &&
i->value_count > g->per_label_limit) {
int to_drop = 1;
* If the limit was dynamically reduced, making us more
* than 1 entry ahead after adding this one, drop two
* entries. This will make us (eventually) reach the
* specified limit.
if (i->value_count - g->per_label_limit >= 2)
to_drop = 2;
while (to_drop-- && !flist_empty(&i->value_list)) {
x = flist_entry(i->, struct graph_value, list);
graph_value_drop(i, x);
* If we have aliases, we could drop > 1 above.
if (i->value_count <= g->per_label_limit)
int graph_add_data(struct graph *bg, graph_label_t label, const double value)
struct graph_label *i = label;
double *d;
d = malloc(sizeof(*d));
*d = value;
graph_label_add_value(i, d, NULL);
return 0;
static int graph_nonzero_y(struct graph_label *l)
struct flist_head *entry;
flist_for_each(entry, &l->value_list) {
struct graph_value *v;
v = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_value, list);
if (gety(v) != 0.0)
return 1;
return 0;
int graph_add_xy_data(struct graph *bg, graph_label_t label,
const double x, const double y, const char *tooltip)
struct graph_label *i = label;
struct xyvalue *xy;
if (bg->dont_graph_all_zeroes && y == 0.0 && !graph_nonzero_y(i))
i->hide = 1;
i->hide = 0;
xy = malloc(sizeof(*xy));
xy->x = x;
xy->y = y;
graph_label_add_value(i, xy, tooltip);
return 0;
static void graph_free_values(struct graph_label *l)
struct graph_value *i;
while (!flist_empty(&l->value_list)) {
i = flist_entry(l->, struct graph_value, list);
graph_value_drop(l, i);
static void graph_free_labels(struct graph *g)
struct graph_label *i;
while (!flist_empty(&g->label_list)) {
i = flist_entry(g->, struct graph_label, list);
void graph_clear_values(struct graph *g)
struct flist_head *node;
struct graph_label *i;
flist_for_each(node, &g->label_list) {
i = flist_entry(node, struct graph_label, list);
void graph_set_color(struct graph *gr, graph_label_t label, double red,
double green, double blue)
struct graph_label *i = label;
double r, g, b;
if (red < 0.0) { /* invisible color */
r = -1.0;
g = -1.0;
b = -1.0;
} else {
r = fabs(red);
g = fabs(green);
b = fabs(blue);
if (r > 1.0)
r = 1.0;
if (g > 1.0)
g = 1.0;
if (b > 1.0)
b = 1.0;
i->r = r;
i->g = g;
i->b = b;
void graph_free(struct graph *bg)
/* For each line in the line graph, up to per_label_limit segments may
* be added. After that, adding more data to the end of the line
* causes data to drop off of the front of the line.
void line_graph_set_data_count_limit(struct graph *g, int per_label_limit)
g->per_label_limit = per_label_limit;
void graph_add_extra_space(struct graph *g, double left_percent,
double right_percent, double top_percent,
double bottom_percent)
g->left_extra = left_percent;
g->right_extra = right_percent;
g->top_extra = top_percent;
g->bottom_extra = bottom_percent;
* Normally values are logged in a base unit of 0, but for other purposes
* it makes more sense to log in higher unit. For instance for bandwidth
* purposes, you may want to log in KB/sec (or MB/sec) rather than bytes/sec.
void graph_set_base_offset(struct graph *g, unsigned int base_offset)
g->base_offset = base_offset;
int graph_has_tooltips(struct graph *g)
struct flist_head *entry;
struct graph_label *i;
flist_for_each(entry, &g->label_list) {
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_label, list);
if (!prio_tree_empty(&i->prio_tree))
return 1;
return 0;
int graph_contains_xy(struct graph *g, int x, int y)
int first_x = g->xoffset;
int last_x = g->xoffset + g->xdim;
int first_y = g->yoffset;
int last_y = g->yoffset + g->ydim;
return (x >= first_x && x <= last_x) && (y >= first_y && y <= last_y);
const char *graph_find_tooltip(struct graph *g, int ix, int iy)
double x = ix, y = iy;
struct prio_tree_iter iter;
struct prio_tree_node *n;
struct graph_value *best = NULL;
struct flist_head *entry;
double best_delta;
double maxy, miny;
x -= g->xoffset;
y -= g->yoffset;
x = g->xtick_zero_val + ((x - g->xtick_zero) * g->xtick_delta);
y = g->ytick_zero_val + ((y - g->ytick_zero) * g->ytick_delta);
x = x * 1000.0;
maxy = y + (g->ytick_one_val * TOOLTIP_DELTA);
miny = y - (g->ytick_one_val * TOOLTIP_DELTA);
best_delta = UINT_MAX;
flist_for_each(entry, &g->label_list) {
struct graph_label *i;
i = flist_entry(entry, struct graph_label, list);
if (i->hide)
prio_tree_iter_init(&iter, &i->prio_tree, x, x);
n = prio_tree_next(&iter);
if (!n)
do {
struct graph_value *v, *rootv;
double yval, ydiff;
v = container_of(n, struct graph_value, node);
rootv = v;
do {
yval = gety(v);
ydiff = fabs(yval - y);
* zero delta, or within or match critera, break
if (ydiff < best_delta) {
best_delta = ydiff;
if (!best_delta ||
(yval >= miny && yval <= maxy)) {
best = v;
if (!flist_empty(&v->alias))
v = flist_entry(v->, struct graph_value, alias);
} while (v != rootv);
} while ((n = prio_tree_next(&iter)) != NULL);
* If we got matches in one label, don't check others.
if (best)
if (best)
return best->tooltip;
return NULL;
void graph_set_graph_all_zeroes(struct graph *g, unsigned int set)
g->dont_graph_all_zeroes = !set;