blob: 89300095a4e795ab9182560aa6c4922f0cb5625f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Illustrates how a fonttools script can construct variable fonts.
# This script reads Roboto-Thin.ttf, Roboto-Regular.ttf, and
# Roboto-Black.ttf from /tmp/Roboto, and writes a Multiple Master GX
# font named "Roboto.ttf" into the current working directory.
# This output font supports interpolation along the Weight axis,
# and it contains named instances for "Thin", "Light", "Regular",
# "Bold", and "Black".
# All input fonts must contain the same set of glyphs, and these glyphs
# need to have the same control points in the same order. Note that this
# is *not* the case for the normal Roboto fonts that can be downloaded
# from Google. This demo script prints a warning for any problematic
# glyphs; in the resulting font, these glyphs will not be interpolated
# and get rendered in the "Regular" weight.
# Usage:
# $ mkdir /tmp/Roboto && cp Roboto-*.ttf /tmp/Roboto
# $ ./ && open Roboto.ttf
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._n_a_m_e import NameRecord
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._f_v_a_r import table__f_v_a_r, Axis, NamedInstance
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_v_a_r import table__g_v_a_r, TupleVariation
import logging
def AddFontVariations(font):
assert "fvar" not in font
fvar = font["fvar"] = table__f_v_a_r()
weight = Axis()
weight.axisTag = "wght"
weight.nameID = AddName(font, "Weight").nameID
weight.minValue, weight.defaultValue, weight.maxValue = (100, 400, 900)
for name, wght in (
("Thin", 100),
("Light", 300),
("Regular", 400),
("Bold", 700),
("Black", 900),
inst = NamedInstance()
inst.nameID = AddName(font, name).nameID
inst.coordinates = {"wght": wght}
def AddName(font, name):
"""(font, "Bold") --> NameRecord"""
nameTable = font.get("name")
namerec = NameRecord()
namerec.nameID = 1 + max([n.nameID for n in nameTable.names] + [256])
namerec.string = name.encode("mac_roman")
namerec.platformID, namerec.platEncID, namerec.langID = (1, 0, 0)
return namerec
def AddGlyphVariations(font, thin, regular, black):
assert "gvar" not in font
gvar = font["gvar"] = table__g_v_a_r()
gvar.version = 1
gvar.reserved = 0
gvar.variations = {}
for glyphName in regular.getGlyphOrder():
regularCoord = GetCoordinates(regular, glyphName)
thinCoord = GetCoordinates(thin, glyphName)
blackCoord = GetCoordinates(black, glyphName)
if not regularCoord or not blackCoord or not thinCoord:
logging.warning("glyph %s not present in all input fonts", glyphName)
if len(regularCoord) != len(blackCoord) or len(regularCoord) != len(thinCoord):
"glyph %s has not the same number of "
"control points in all input fonts",
thinDelta = []
blackDelta = []
for (regX, regY), (blackX, blackY), (thinX, thinY) in zip(
regularCoord, blackCoord, thinCoord
thinDelta.append(((thinX - regX, thinY - regY)))
blackDelta.append((blackX - regX, blackY - regY))
thinVar = TupleVariation({"wght": (-1.0, -1.0, 0.0)}, thinDelta)
blackVar = TupleVariation({"wght": (0.0, 1.0, 1.0)}, blackDelta)
gvar.variations[glyphName] = [thinVar, blackVar]
def GetCoordinates(font, glyphName):
"""font, glyphName --> glyph coordinates as expected by "gvar" table
The result includes four "phantom points" for the glyph metrics,
as mandated by the "gvar" spec.
glyphTable = font["glyf"]
glyph = glyphTable.glyphs.get(glyphName)
if glyph is None:
return None
if glyph.isComposite():
coord = [c.getComponentInfo()[1][-2:] for c in glyph.components]
coord = [c for c in glyph.getCoordinates(glyphTable)[0]]
# Add phantom points for (left, right, top, bottom) positions.
horizontalAdvanceWidth, leftSideBearing = font["hmtx"].metrics[glyphName]
leftSideX = glyph.xMin - leftSideBearing
rightSideX = leftSideX + horizontalAdvanceWidth
# XXX these are incorrect. Load vmtx and fix.
topSideY = glyph.yMax
bottomSideY = -glyph.yMin
coord.extend([(leftSideX, 0), (rightSideX, 0), (0, topSideY), (0, bottomSideY)])
return coord
def main():
logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
thin = TTFont("/tmp/Roboto/Roboto-Thin.ttf")
regular = TTFont("/tmp/Roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf")
black = TTFont("/tmp/Roboto/Roboto-Black.ttf")
out = regular
AddGlyphVariations(out, thin, regular, black)"./Roboto.ttf")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys