| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> |
| <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC |
| "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" |
| "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [ |
| <!ENTITY homepage "http://catb.org/~esr/"> |
| <!ENTITY email "[email protected]"> |
| ]> |
| <article><title>The GIFLIB Library</title> |
| |
| <articleinfo> |
| |
| <author> |
| <firstname>Eric</firstname> |
| <othername>Steven</othername> |
| <surname>Raymond</surname> |
| <affiliation> |
| <orgname><ulink url="&homepage;"> |
| Thyrsus Enterprises</ulink></orgname> |
| <address> |
| <email>&email;</email> |
| </address> |
| </affiliation> |
| </author> |
| <copyright> |
| <year>2012</year> |
| <holder role="mailto:&email;">Eric S. Raymond</holder> |
| </copyright> |
| |
| </articleinfo> |
| |
| <!-- |
| Gershon Elber, May 1991 |
| Eric S. Raymond, Sep 1992 |
| Toshio Kuratomi, May 2004 |
| --> |
| |
| <sect1><title>Introduction</title> |
| |
| <para>The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of |
| CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe |
| Incorporated.</para> |
| |
| <para>This document explains the GIF library code in directory `lib'. The |
| code is collected into a service library which is used in all the utilities in |
| `util'. It can be used in any application needs to read/write the GIF |
| file format. This document does <emphasis>not</emphasis> explain the GIF file |
| format and assumes you know it, at least to the level of the GIF file |
| structure.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Credit and Blame</title> |
| |
| <para>Gershon wrote: "This library was written because I couldn't find |
| anything similar and I wanted one. I was inspired by the RLE Utah tool kit, |
| which I hoped to port to an IBM PC, but found it to be too machine specific, |
| and its compression ratio too low. I compromised on the GIF format, but I am |
| not sure how long 8 bits per pixel will be enough."</para> |
| |
| <para>During his first spell of maintainership between 1989 and 1994, Eric |
| S. Raymond (aka "ESR") ported the code to Unix, wrote the high-level |
| DGIfSlurp()/EGifSpew() interface, rationalized the internal data |
| structures, and did a lot of general cleanup and refactoring to |
| improve the code quality.</para> |
| |
| <para>Between 1994 and 2012 Toshio Kuratomi fixed various tool bugs, |
| build-recipe problems and rare segfaults. He partially untangled the |
| somewhat misdesigned extension-block handling in earlier versions. |
| The core code was very stable during this period.</para> |
| |
| <para>During his second spell of maintainership, ESR fixed the |
| extension API, made the library re-entrant and thread-safe, wrote a |
| regression-test suite, greatly improved the documentation, and |
| discarded a lot of obsolete code.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>The GIF descriptor</title> |
| |
| <para>When a GIF file is opened, a GIF file descriptor is created which |
| is a pointer to GifFileType structure as follows:</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| typedef struct GifFileType { |
| GifWord SWidth, SHeight; /* Size of virtual canvas */ |
| GifWord SColorResolution; /* How many colors can we generate? */ |
| GifWord SBackGroundColor; /* Background color for virtual canvas */ |
| GifByteType AspectByte; /* Used to compute pixel aspect ratio */ |
| ColorMapObject *SColorMap; /* Global colormap, NULL if nonexistent. */ |
| int ImageCount; /* Number of current image (both APIs) */ |
| GifImageDesc Image; /* Current image (low-level API) */ |
| SavedImage *SavedImages; /* Image sequence (high-level API) */ |
| int ExtensionBlockCount; /* Count extensions past last image */ |
| ExtensionBlock *ExtensionBlocks; /* Extensions past last image */ |
| int Error; /* Last error condition reported */ |
| void *UserData; /* hook to attach user data (TVT) */ |
| void *Private; /* Don't mess with this! */ |
| } GifFileType; |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>This structure was copied from gif_lib.h - the header file for the GIF |
| library. Any application program that uses the libgif.a library should |
| include it. Members beginning with S refer to the GIF screen; others hold |
| properties of the current image (a GIF file may have more than one image) |
| or point to allocated store used by various routines.</para> |
| |
| <para>The user almost never writes into this structure (exception: it |
| may occasionally be useful to alter things in the SavedImages array and |
| Trailing member), but can read any of these items at any time it is |
| valid (Image information is invalid until the first image has been read; |
| read; SavedImages information is valid only after a DGifSlurp() call).</para> |
| |
| <para>As the library needs to keep its own internal data, a Private pointer |
| to hidden data is included. Applications should ignore this.</para> |
| |
| <para>The library allocates its own memory dynamically, on opening of files, |
| and releases that once closed. The user is never required to allocate |
| any memory for any of the functions of this library, and is almost never |
| required to free them directly. The "almost" in the latter clause is because |
| one manual free() call may be required on a failed file close; see the |
| documentation of DGifClose() and EGifClose() for details.</para> |
| |
| <para>Here is a module summary:</para> |
| |
| <variablelist> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>egif_lib.c</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Encoding routines, all prefixed with E.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>dgif_lib.c</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Decoding routines, all prefixed with D.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>gifalloc.c</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Routines for colormap handling and GIF record allocation.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>gif_font.c</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>The 8x8 font table for the GIF utility font.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| </variablelist> |
| |
| <para>The library includes a sixth file of hash-function code which is accessed |
| internally only.</para> |
| |
| <para>Most of the routines return GIF_ERROR (see gif_lib.h) if something |
| went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise. After an error return, all routines that |
| take a pointer-to-GifFileType argument set the Error member with a code that |
| can be interpreted into an explanatory string with the function |
| GifErrorString() in gif_err.c. (The exception to this is the |
| DGifClose() and EGifClose() routines, which deallocate that structure |
| and must therefore return any error code through a pointer argument.)</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Decoding (dgif_lib.c)</title> |
| |
| <para>The following functions are used to set up input from a GIF:</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifOpenFileName"> |
| GifFileType *DGifOpenFileName(char *GifFileName, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Open a new GIF file (in binary mode, if under Windows) using the |
| given GifFileName, and read its Screen information.</para> |
| |
| <para>If any error occurs, NULL is returned and ErrorCode is set (if |
| non-NULL).</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifOpenFileHandle"> |
| GifFileType *DGifOpenFileHandle(int FileHandle, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Open a new GIF file using the given FileHandle, and read its Screen |
| information.</para> |
| |
| <para>If any error occurs, NULL is returned and ErrorCode is set (if |
| non-NULL).</para> |
| |
| <para>Once you have acquired a handle on a GIF, the high-level |
| function</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifSlurp"> |
| int DGifSlurp(GifFileType) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>reads the rest of a complete (possibly multi-image) GIF file from the |
| indicated file handle into in-core allocated structures. It returns |
| GIF_OK on success, GIF_ERROR on failure; on failure, the Error member |
| will be set.</para> |
| |
| <para>Once you have done this, all image, raster, and extension-block |
| data in the GIF is accessable in the SavedImages member (see the |
| structures in gif_lib.h). When you have modified the image to taste, |
| write it out with EGifSpew().</para> |
| |
| <para>One detail that may not be clear from just looking at the |
| structures is how extension blocks and sub-blocks are stored. Each |
| ExtensionBlock structure represents an extension data block. Those |
| with a zero function code represent continuation data blocks attached |
| to previous blocks with nonzero function codes.</para> |
| |
| <para>You can read from a GIF file through a function hook. Initialize |
| with </para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifOpen"> |
| GifFileType *DGifOpen(void *userPtr, InputFunc readFunc, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>and see the library header file for the type of InputFunc.</para> |
| |
| <para>There is also a set of deprecated functions for sequential I/O, |
| described in a later section.</para> |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Encoding (egif_lib.c)</title> |
| |
| <para>The high-level function</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifSpew"> |
| int EGifSpew(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>writes a complete (possibly multi-image) GIF file to the indicated file |
| handle from in-core allocated structures created by a previous DGifSlurp() |
| or equivalent operations. Its argument is a GIF file descriptor, which |
| imnplicitly points to storage previously allocated by DGifSlurp().</para> |
| |
| <para>The file is written with a GIF87 stamp unless it contains one of the four |
| special extension blocks defined in GIF89, in which case it is written |
| with a GIF89 stamp.</para> |
| |
| <para>EGifSpew() finishes by closing the GIF (writing a termination |
| record to it) and deallocating the associated storage.</para> |
| |
| <para>You can write to a GIF file through a function hook. Initialize |
| with </para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifOpen"> |
| GifFileType *EGifOpen(void *userPtr, OutputFunc writeFunc, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>and see the library header file for the type of OutputFunc.</para> |
| |
| <para>There is also a set of deprecated functions for sequential I/O, |
| described in a later section.</para> |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Color map handling and allocation routines</title> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifMakeMapObject"> |
| ColorMapObject *GifMakeMapObject(int ColorCount, GifColorType *ColorMap) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Allocate storage for a color map object with the given number of |
| RGB triplet slots. If the second argument is non-NULL, initialize |
| the color table portion of the new map from it. Returns NULL if |
| memory is exhausted or if the size is not a power of 2 <= 256.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifFreeMapObject"> |
| void GifFreeMapObject(ColorMapObject *Object) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Free the storage occupied by a ColorMapObject that is no longer |
| needed.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifUnionColorMap"> |
| ColorMapObject *GifUnionColorMap( |
| ColorMapObject *ColorIn1, ColorMapObject *ColorIn2, |
| GifPixelType ColorTransIn2[]) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Create the union of two given color maps and return it. If the result |
| won't fit into 256 colors, NULL is returned, the allocated union |
| otherwise. ColorIn1 is copied as it to ColorUnion, while colors from |
| ColorIn2 are copied if they didn't exist before. ColorTransIn2 maps |
| the old ColorIn2 into ColorUnion color map table.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifAttachImage"> |
| SavedImage *GifAttachImage(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Add an image block to the SavedImages array. The image block is |
| initially zeroed out. This image block will be seen by any following |
| EGifSpew() calls.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Graphics control extension handling</title> |
| |
| <para>GIF89 added a graphics control extension block, but versions |
| of GIFLIB before 5.0 weren't much help in reading or modifying them. |
| This lack has been remedied with the following structure and functions:</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| typedef struct GraphicsControlBlock { |
| int DisposalMode; |
| #define DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED 0 /* No disposal specified. */ |
| #define DISPOSE_DO_NOT 1 /* Leave image in place */ |
| #define DISPOSE_BACKGROUND 2 /* Set area too background color */ |
| #define DISPOSE_PREVIOUS 3 /* Restore to previous content */ |
| bool UserInputFlag; /* User confirmation required before disposal */ |
| int DelayTime; /* pre-display delay in 0.01sec units */ |
| int TransparentColor; /* Palette index for transparency, -1 if none */ |
| } GraphicsControlBlock; |
| |
| int DGifSavedExtensionToGCB(GifFileType *GifFile, |
| int ImageIndex, |
| GraphicsControlBlock *GCB); |
| int EGifGCBToSavedExtension(const GraphicsControlBlock *GCB, |
| GifFileType *GifFile, |
| int ImageIndex); |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>With these functions you can extract the data from a graphics |
| control extension associated with a saved image into a |
| GraphicsControlBlock, modify it, and write it back out. Note that if |
| the specified saved image doesn't have a graphics control extension, |
| DGifSavedExtensionToGCB() will fill the GCB with default values and |
| return GIF_ERROR (which can be ignored); EGifGCBToSavedExtension() |
| will create a new leading extension block.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Error Handling (gif_err.c)</title> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| int GifErrorString(int ErrCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Returns a sting describing the specified GIFLIB error code. |
| Return NULL if the argument is not a valid error code.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>The GIF Utility Font</title> |
| |
| <para>The 8x8 utility font used in the (obsolete, no longer installed) |
| gifecho and gifcolor lives in the library module gif_font.c, in a |
| table called GifAsciiTable. The library header file includes suitable |
| externs and defines.</para> |
| |
| <para>The GIF utility font support includes entry points for drawing legends |
| on in-core images, drawing boxes and rectangles, and boxing text. |
| These entry points are as follows:</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifDrawText"> |
| void GifDrawText8x8( |
| SavedImage *Image, |
| const int x, const int y, |
| const char *legend, |
| const int color) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Draw text using the 8x8 utility font on the saved image. Upper |
| left corner of the text is at image pixel (x, y). Use the specified |
| color index.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifDrawBox"> |
| void GifDrawBox(SavedImage *Image, |
| const int x, const int y, |
| const int w, const int h, |
| const int color) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Draw a box on the saved image. Upper left corner of the box is at |
| image pixels (x, y), width is w, height is h. Use the specified color |
| index.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifDrawRectangle"> |
| void GifDrawRectangle(SavedImage *Image, |
| const int x, const int y, |
| const int w, const int h, |
| const int color) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Draw a (filled) rectangle on the saved image. Upper left corner of |
| the box is at image pixels (x, y), width is w, height is h. Use the |
| specified color index.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GifDrawBoxedText"> |
| void GifDrawBoxedText8x8(SavedImage *Image, |
| const int x, const int y, |
| const char *legend, |
| const int border, |
| const int bg, const int fg) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Draw text on a filled rectangle. The rectangle will be sized to fit |
| the text, with upper left hand corner at (x, y) on the saved image. |
| The `border' argument specifies a pixel margin around the text. The |
| `bg' argument is the color table index to fill the rectangle with; |
| `fg' is the color table index to draw the text with.</para> |
| |
| <para>This function interprets some characters in the legend string |
| specially. A tab (\t) is interpreted as a command to center the |
| following text in the box. A carriage return (\r) is interpreted |
| as a request for a line break.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Error codes</title> |
| |
| <para>Errors as reported from the GIFLIB library are divided to two major |
| categories: the encoder (errors prefixed by E_GIF_ERR), and the |
| decoder (errors prefixed by D_GIF_ERR). This document explains them |
| briefly.</para> |
| |
| <sect2><title>Encoding errors</title> |
| |
| <variablelist> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_OPEN_FAILED</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to open given file" |
| IO error result when attempt to open the given GIF file.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_WRITE_FAILED</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to Write to given file" |
| IO error result when attempt to write to the given GIF file.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_HAS_SCRN_DSCR</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Screen Descriptor |
| already been set" Attempt to write second screen descriptor to same |
| GIF file. GIF file should have exactly one screen descriptor which |
| should be set directly after the file is opened.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_HAS_IMAG_DSCR</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Image Descriptor is still active" |
| Image descriptor should be sent before and image dump, and no second |
| image descriptor should be sent before current image dump ended. This error |
| occurred probably because current image was not complete.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Neither Global Nor |
| Local color map" An image must have either global (screen) or local |
| (image) color map. Neither were given in this case.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "#Pixels bigger than |
| Width * Height" The number of pixels dumped for this image is |
| bigger than specified by image Height times image Width.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Fail to allocate |
| required memory" Once an attemp is made to open GIF file, special |
| structures are allocated to hold internal data for it. If |
| allocation fails this error is returned.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_DISK_IS_FULL</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Write failed (disk full?)" |
| Writing encoded data failed.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>E_GIF_ERR_CLOSE_FAILED</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to close given file" |
| Closing file failed.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname> E_GIF_ERR_NOT_WRITEABLE</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Given file was not |
| opened for write" GIF files can be opened both for read (DGIF part |
| of library) and write (EGIF part of library). This error occurs |
| when a file is opened for read (using DGIF) is given to one of the |
| encoding (EGIF) routines.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| </variablelist> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| <sect2><title>Decoding errors</title> |
| |
| <variablelist> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_OPEN_FAILED</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to open given file" |
| IO error result when attempt to open the given GIF file.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_READ_FAILED</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to read from given file" |
| IO error result when attempt to write to the given GIF file.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_NOT_GIF_FILE</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Data is not a GIF file" |
| GIF files should have special stamp identifies them as such, If that stamp |
| is not found, this error is issued.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_NO_SCRN_DSCR</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "No screen descriptor detected" |
| Each GIF file should have screen descriptor in its header. This error will |
| be generated if no such descriptor was found.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_NO_IMAG_DSCR</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "No image descriptor detected" |
| Each image should have image descriptor in its header. This error will |
| be generated if no such descriptor was found.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_NO_COLOR_MAP</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Neither global nor |
| local color map" An image must have either global (screen) or local |
| (image) color map. Neither were given in this case.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_WRONG_RECORD</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Wrong record type detected" |
| Each record in a GIF file has a special identifier in its header. If the |
| record has an unrecognized identifier, this error is generated.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_DATA_TOO_BIG</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Number of pixels bigger than |
| width * height" The number of pixels dumped for this image is |
| bigger than specified by image Height times image Width.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to allocate |
| required memory" Once an attemp is made to open GIF file, special |
| structures are allocated to hold internal data for it. If |
| allocation fails this error is returned.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_CLOSE_FAILED</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Failed to close given file" |
| Closing file failed.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_NOT_READABLE</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Given file was not |
| opened for read" GIF files can be opened both for read (DGIF part |
| of library) and write (EGIF part of library). This error occurs |
| when a file is opened for write (using EGIF) is given to one of the |
| decoding (DGIF) routines.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_IMAGE_DEFECT</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Image is defective, |
| decoding aborted" This error is generated, once the decoding failed |
| - probably image is defect.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term><errorname>D_GIF_ERR_EOF_TOO_SOON</errorname></term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>Message printed using PrintGifError: "Image EOF detected, |
| before image complete" This error is generated once EOF errorname |
| is detected in encoded image before all the pixels (Width * |
| Height) has be decoded.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| </variablelist> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Utility support library</title> |
| |
| <para>These functions are not part of the core GIF library. They are part |
| of the getarg library that supports the utilities.</para> |
| |
| <sect2><title>Error Handling</title> |
| |
| <programlisting id="PrintGifError"> |
| void PrintGifError(void) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Print a one-line diagnostic on the last giflib error to stderr.</para> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| <sect2><title>Command Line Parsing</title> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GAGetArgs"> |
| bool GAGetArgs(int argc, char **argv, char *CtrlStr, ...) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Main routine of this module. Given argc & argv as received by |
| the main procedure, the command line CtrlStr, and the addresses of |
| all parameters, parse the command line, and update the parameters.</para> |
| |
| <para>The CtrlStr defines what types of variables should follow. Look at the |
| beginning of getarg.c for exact usage.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns false if successful, returns true on failure.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GAPrintErrMsg"> |
| void GAPrintErrMsg(int Error) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>If an error occurred in GAGetARgs, this routine may be used to print |
| one line diagnostic to stderr.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="GAPrintHowTo"> |
| void GAPrintHowTo(char *CtrlStr) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Given the same CtrlStr as for GAGetArgs, can be used to print a one line |
| 'how to use'. </para> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1 id="sequential"><title>Sequential access</title> |
| |
| <para>If you are handling large images on an extremely memory-limited |
| machine, you may need to use the following functions for sequential |
| read and write. It's better to avoid them and use the simpler |
| DGifSlurp()/EGifSpew() interface.</para> |
| |
| <sect2><title>Sequential reading</title> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifGetScreenDesc"> |
| int DGifGetScreenDesc(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Reads the screen information into the GifFile structure. Note this |
| routine is automatically called once a file is opened, and therefore |
| usually need not be called explicitly.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifGetRecordType"> |
| int DGifGetRecordType(GifFileType *GifFile, GifRecordType *GifType) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>As the GIF file can have different records in arbitrary order, this |
| routine should be called once the file was open to detect the next |
| record type, and act upon it. It can return these types in GifType:</para> |
| |
| <variablelist> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>1. UndefinedRecordType </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>something is wrong!</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>2. ScreenDescRecordType </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>screen information. As the screen info is automatically read in when the file is open, this should not happen.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>3. ImageDescRecordType </term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> next record is an image descriptor.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>4. ExtensionRecordType</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> next record is extension block.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>5. TrailerRecordType</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para>last record reached, can close the file.</para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| </variablelist> |
| |
| <para>The first two types can usually be ignored. The function |
| returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifGetImageDesc"> |
| int DGifGetImageDesc(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Reads image information into the GifFile structure. |
| Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifGetLine"> |
| int DGifGetLine(GifFileType *GifFile, PixelType *GifLine, int GifLineLen) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Load a block of pixels from the GIF file. The line can be |
| of any length. More than that, this routine may be interleaved with |
| DGifGetPixel until all pixels have been read.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| int DGifGetPixel(GifFileType *GifFile, PixelType GifPixel) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Loads one pixel from the GIF file. This routine may be interleaved |
| with <link linkend="DGifGetLine">DGifGetLine()</link>, until all pixels are |
| read. Because of the overhead per each call, use of this routine is |
| not recommended.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| int DGifGetExtension( |
| GifFileType *GifFile, |
| int *GifExtCode, |
| ByteType **GifExtension) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Loads an extension block from the GIF file. Extension blocks |
| are optional in GIF files. This routine should be followed by |
| <link linkend="DGifGetExtensionNext">DGifGetExtensionNext</link>.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <para><programlisting id="DGifGetExtensionNext"> |
| int DGifGetExtensionNext(GifFileType *GifFile, ByteType **GifExtension) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| As extensions may contain more than one block, use this routine to |
| continue after DGifGetExtension, until *GifExtension is NULL.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| int DGifGetCode( |
| GifFileType *GifFile, |
| int *GifCodeSize, ByteType **GifCodeBlock) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>It sometimes may be desired to read the compressed code as is |
| without decoding it. This routine does exactly that (with |
| DGifGetCodeNext), and can be used instead of DGifGetLine.</para> |
| |
| <para>This compressed code information can be written out using the |
| EGifPutCode/EGifPutCodeNext sequence (see gifpos.c for example). |
| Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifGetCodeNext"> |
| int DGifGetCodeNext(GifFileType *GifFile, ByteType **GifCodeBlock) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>See DGifGetCode above.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifGetLZCodes"> |
| int DGifGetLZCodes(GifFileType *GifFile, int *GifCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>This routine can be called instead of DGifGetLine/DGifGetPixel or |
| DGifGetCode/DGifGetCodeNext to get the 12 bits LZ codes of the images. |
| It will be used mainly for debugging purposes (see GifText.c for |
| example).</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGifCloseFile"> |
| int DGifCloseFile(GifFileType *GifFile, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Write a termination block to the GIF, close the GIF file and |
| free all memory allocated for managing it. GifFile should not be used after |
| this routine has been called.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise. When |
| GIF_ERROR is returned, the diagnostic error code is left in ErrorCode. |
| The GifFile structure is unconditionally freed.</para> |
| |
| <para>(Note: In versions before 5.1.0, the ErrorCode argument was |
| absent and the GifFile structure was not freed so that the |
| diagnostic error code will remain accessible in GifFile->Error. |
| This behavior was changed because it caused problems for the |
| implementation of library wrappers in dynamic languages.)</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="DGetGifVersion"> |
| const char * DGifGetGifVersion(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Get the GIF version collected during sequential read. This is |
| handy for sequential API users who want to set an encoder's version |
| from a decoder (e.g. for gif resizing). For the all-at-once users this |
| isn't necessary because gif encoder inspects all the extension blocks, |
| but sequential users do not have that luxury.</para> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| <sect2><title>Sequential writing</title> |
| |
| <para>If you are handling large images on a memory-limited machine, you may need |
| to use the following functions for sequential write.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifOpenFileName"> |
| GifFileType *EGifOpenFileName(char *GifFileName, bool GifTestExistance, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Open a new GIF file using the given GifFileName (in binary mode, |
| if under Windows). If GifTestExistance is TRUE, and file exists, the |
| file is not destroyed, and NULL returned.</para> |
| |
| <para>If any error occurs, NULL is returned and the ErrorCode is set.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifOpenFileHandle"> |
| GifFileType *EGifOpenFileHandle(int GifFileHandle, int *ErrorCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Open a new GIF file using the given GifFileHandle.</para> |
| |
| <para>If any error occurs, NULL is returned and ErrorCode is set.</para> |
| |
| <para>The file is opened in binary mode, and its buffer size is set to |
| FILE_BUFFER_SIZE bytes.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| char *EGifGetGifVersion(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>That version computation is available through this function.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifSetGifVersion"> |
| void EGifSetGifVersion(GifFileType *GifFile, bool gif89) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Set the GIF type, to GIF89 if the argument is true and GIF87 if |
| it is false. The default type is GIF87. This function may be called |
| aftert the GifFile record is allocated but before |
| EGifPutScreenDesc().</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| int EGifPutScreenDesc(GifFileType *GifFile, |
| const int GifWidth, const GifHeight, |
| const int GifColorRes, const int GifBackGround, |
| ColorMapObject *GifColorMap) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Update the GifFile Screen parameters, in GifFile structure and in |
| the real file. If error occurs, returns GIF_ERROR (see gif_lib.h), |
| otherwise GIF_OK.</para> |
| |
| <para>This routine should be called immediately after the GIF file was |
| opened.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting> |
| int EGifPutImageDesc(GifFileType *GifFile, |
| const int GifLeft, const int GifTop, |
| const int GifWidth, const GifHeight, |
| const bool GifInterlace, |
| ColorMapObject *GifColorMap) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Update GifFile Image parameters, in GifFile structure and in the real |
| file. if error occurs returns GIF_ERROR (see gif_lib.h), otherwise |
| GIF_OK.</para> |
| |
| <para>This routine should be called each time a new image must be |
| dumped to the file.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutLine"> |
| int EGifPutLine(GifFileType *GifFile, PixelType *GifLine, int GifLineLen) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Dumps a block of pixels out to the GIF file. The slab can be of |
| any length. More than that, this routine may be interleaved with |
| <link linkend="EGifPutPixel">EGifPutPixel()</link>, until all pixels |
| have been sent.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutPixel"> |
| int EGifPutPixel(GifFileType *GifFile, const PixelType GifPixel) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Dumps one pixel to the GIF file. This routine may be interleaved with |
| <link linkend="EGifPutLine">EGifPutLine()</link>, until all pixels were sent. |
| Because of the overhead for each call, use of this routine is not |
| recommended.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutComment"> |
| int EGifPutComment(GifFileType *GifFile, char *GifComment) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Uses extension GIF records to save a string as a comment is the file. |
| The extension code is 'C' (for Comment).</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutExtension"> |
| int EGifPutExtension( |
| GifFileType *GifFile, |
| const int GifExtCode, |
| const int GifExtLen, |
| void *GifExtension) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Dumps the given extension block into the GIF file. Extension blocks |
| are optional in GIF file. Extension blocks of more than 255 bytes or |
| more than one block are not supported in this function. Please use |
| EGifPutExtensionFirst, EGifPutExtensionBlock, and EGifPutExtensionTrailer |
| if your extension blocks may fall into this category.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutExtensionLeader"> |
| int EGifPutExtensionLeader( |
| GifFileType * GifFile, |
| const int GifExtCode) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Dumps the beginning of a GIF extension block to a GIF file. |
| Extension blocks are optional in GIF files. This function outputs the |
| type code information necessary for a GIF extension block.</para> |
| |
| <para>Further blocks of the GIF Extension should be dumped using |
| EGifPutExtensionBlock. When finished with this extension block, |
| EGifPutExtensionTrailer should be called to output the block termination.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutExtensionBlock"> |
| int EGifPutExtensionBlock( |
| GifFileType * GifFile, |
| const int GifExtLen, |
| const VoidPtr GifExtension) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Dumps a subblock of a GIF extension to a GIF File; should be |
| used only following an initializing call to EGifPutExtensionLeader(). |
| Extension blocks are optional in GIF files. This function will write |
| the Extension Data in GifExtension to the file as a subblock of the |
| preceding Extension Block. Repeat calling of this function until all |
| data subblocks have been output.</para> |
| |
| <para>Note that EGifPutExtensionLeader needs to be called before any |
| calls to this function. EGifPutExtensionTrailer should be called to |
| finish the Extension block after all data subblocks have been |
| output.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutExtensionTrailer"> |
| int EGifPutExtensionTrailer( |
| GifFileType * GifFile, |
| const VoidPtr GifExtension) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Dumps the GIF extension block terminator to a GIF File to end |
| the current Extension block.</para> |
| |
| <para>Note that a call to EGifPutExtensionLeader is needed to open the GIF |
| Extension Block prior to calling this function.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutCode"> |
| int EGifPutCode( |
| GifFileType *GifFile, |
| int *GifCodeSize, |
| ByteType **GifCodeBlock) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>It sometimes may be desired to write the compressed code as is |
| without decoding it. For example a filter for a GIF file that change |
| only screen size (GifPos), does not need the exact pixel values. |
| Piping out the compressed image as is makes this process much |
| faster.</para> |
| |
| <para>This routine does exactly that (with EGifPutCodeNext), and can be |
| used instead of EGifPutLine. You'll usually use this with the |
| DGifGetCode/DgifGetCodeNext routines, which reads the compressed |
| code, while EGifPutCode/EGifPutCodeNext write it out. See gifpos.c |
| for example.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifPutCodeNext"> |
| int EGifPutCodeNext(GifFileType *GifFile, ByteType **GifCodeBlock) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>See EGifPutCode above.</para> |
| |
| <programlisting id="EGifCloseFile"> |
| int EGifCloseFile(GifFileType *GifFile) |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para>Write a termination block to the GIF, close the GIF file, and |
| free all memory allocated for managing it. GifFile should not be used |
| after this routine has been called.</para> |
| |
| <para>Returns GIF_ERROR if something went wrong, GIF_OK otherwise. When |
| GIF_ERROR is returned, the diagnostic error code is left in ErrorCode. |
| The GifFile structure is unconditionally freed.</para> |
| |
| <para>(Note: In versions before 5.1.0, the ErrorCode argument was |
| absent and the GifFile structure was not freed so that the |
| diagnostic error code will remain accessible in GifFile->Error. |
| This behavior was changed because it caused problems for the |
| implementation of library wrappers in dynamic languages.)</para> |
| </sect2> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1 id="compatibility"><title>Forward and Backward Compatibility</title> |
| |
| <para>Except for some details of extension-block handling and the addition |
| of read/write function hooks, the DGifSlurp()/EGifSpew() interface has |
| been stable since 1990. It is expected to remain so.</para> |
| |
| <para>However, the signatures of the file-opener functions were changed in 5.0 |
| in order to make the library fully reentrant and thread-safe - earlier library |
| versions did not feature the final pointer-to-error-code argument in |
| DGifOpen() and friends. For the same reason, the static storage queried by |
| GifLastError() in older versions is gone, and that function abolished.</para> |
| |
| <para>The library header contains some version #defines you can use if you |
| need to condition your code so it can compile with different library |
| versions</para> |
| |
| <para>Versions up to 4.1.6 defined a GIF_LIB_VERSION macro that was |
| string-valued with a tricky format to parse. This macro has been |
| retired.</para> |
| |
| <para>Versions after 4.1.6 define integer-valued GIFLIB_MAJOR, GIFLIB_MINOR, |
| and GIFLIB_RELEASE macros for the three components of the version. See the |
| NEWS file in the GIFLIB distribution to track API changes.</para> |
| |
| <para>The following functions are entirely new:</para> |
| |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem><para>New functions DGifSavedExtensionToGCB() and |
| EGifGCBToSavedExtension() make it easy to read and edit GIF89 graphics |
| control blocks in saved images.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>The new function DGifGetGifVersion() is convenient |
| for people doing sequential reads.</para></listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| |
| <para>A few changes in behavior were introduced in 5.0:</para> |
| |
| <sect2><title>General behavior</title> |
| |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem><para>The library is now fully re-entrant and |
| thread-safe.</para></listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem><para> All functions exported by this library now have DGif, |
| EGif, or Gif as a name prefix.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>The default GIF version to write is now computed at |
| write time from the types of an image's extension blocks. (Formerly |
| EGifSpew() behaved this way, but the sequential-writing code didn't.) |
| The result of this computation is available through the new function |
| EGifGetGifVersion().</para></listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| <sect2><title>In documented functions:</title> |
| |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem><para>GIF file openers and closers - DGifOpenFileName(), |
| DGifOpenFileHandle(), DGifOpen(), DGifClose(), EGifOpenFileName(), |
| EGifOpenFileHandle(), EGifOpen(), and EGifClose() - all now take a |
| final integer address argument. If non-null, this is used to pass |
| back an error code when the function returns NULL.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>EGifSlurp() and EGifSpew() read and write |
| extension blocks trailing after the last image, handle interlaced |
| images properly.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>EGifPutExtensionFirst() has been replaced by |
| EGifPutExtensionLeader(); the difference is the new function doesn't |
| take an optional block, it just writes a block |
| leader.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>EGifPutExtensionNext() has been replaced by |
| EGifPutExtensionBlock(); the difference is that the new function does |
| not take and then discard a function code argument.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>EGifPutExtensionLast() has been replaced by |
| EGifPutExtensionTrailer(); all it does is write the terminator |
| block. Split your old EGifPutExtensionLast() calls into |
| EGifPutExtensionBlock() followed by |
| EGifPutExtensionTrailer().</para></listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| <sect2><title>In undocumented functions:</title> |
| |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem><para>Some undocumented functions have been renamed. |
| AddExtensionBlock() is now GifAddExtensionBlock(), and takes an additional |
| function code argument. ApplyTranslation() is now GifApplyTranslation(); |
| FreeExtension() has become GifFreeExtensions() and takes a different argument |
| type; MakeSavedImage() is now GifMakeSavedImage(), FreeSavedImages() is |
| now GifFreeSavedImages(), and BitSize() is now GifBitSize().</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>Three documented functions - MakeMapObject(), |
| FreeMapObject(), and UnionColorMap() - have been renamed to |
| GifMakeMapObject(), GifFreeMapObject(), and GifUnionColorMap() |
| respectively.</para></listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| |
| </sect2> |
| <sect2><title>Error handling:</title> |
| |
| <itemizedlist> |
| <listitem><para>Library error handling no longer uses a static cell to |
| store the last error code registered; that made the library |
| thread-unsafe.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>For functions other than GIF file openers, the Error |
| code is now put in an Error member of the GifFileType |
| structure.</para></listitem> |
| <listitem><para>The GifError() and |
| GifLastError() functions that referenced that static cell are gone, |
| and the GifErrorString() function introduced in the 4.2 release now |
| takes an explicit error code argument.</para></listitem> |
| </itemizedlist> |
| </sect2> |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Skeletons of GIF filters</title> |
| |
| <para>If you are developing on a virtual-memory OS such as most flavors of |
| UNIX, or are otherwise sure of having enough memory to keep all of GIFs you |
| need to operate in core, writing a filter is trivial. See the file |
| gifsponge.c in util.</para> |
| |
| <para>A sequential filter skeleton will usually look like the example file |
| giffilter.c in util.</para> |
| |
| <para>Please look at the utilities in the util directory for more ideas once |
| you feel comfortable with these skeletons. Also try to follow the coding |
| standards of this package if you want the maintainer to officially add your new |
| utility to it.</para> |
| |
| </sect1> |
| <sect1><title>Unimplemented features</title> |
| |
| <para>Some features of the original GIF specification have not stood the |
| test of time. This library mostly ignores them, but they are described |
| here for completeness.</para> |
| |
| <para>The GIF standard fails to be explicit about a small but crucial detail: |
| the unsigned two-byte integer fields in it are little-endian.</para> |
| |
| <para>The GIF format seems to have been designed with the idea that viewers |
| would render multiple images in a GIF on a common canvas, giving an effect like |
| a picture wall. The 'logical screen descriptor block' (LSDB), 6 bytes right |
| after the 6-byte GIF stamp and version header at the beginning of a |
| GIF file, includes both two-byte canvas width and canvas height |
| fields and a canvas background color. Each image, besides height and |
| width, also has 'left' and 'top' cordinates specifying where it is to |
| be placed on the canvas.</para> |
| |
| <para>GIFLIB can read and set these fields; the gifpos and giftool |
| utilities will enable you to script such changes. But browsers and |
| modern image viewers ignore them. Nowadays multiple-image GIFs are |
| generally used either as animations in which each sub-image is a frame |
| or as image libraries, with the GIF client handling compositing into |
| some canvas about which the GIF format holds no information.</para> |
| |
| <para>Another feature of the LSDB that is generally ignored is the |
| pixel aspect ratio byte. Until 5.0, GIFLIB ignored this flag on input |
| and zeroed it on output; now it is read and preserved if present. The |
| GIF standard doesn't give a rationale for it, but it seems likely that |
| the designers intended it for representing image captures from the |
| analog television of the day, which had rectangular pixel-equivalents.</para> |
| |
| <para>Yet another ignored feature of both the LSDB and sub-images is |
| the sort flag, which is supposed to signal whether the colors in the |
| associated color map are sorted by decreasing importance in case the |
| display device can only render a limited number of them. This feature |
| reflected the high cost of dual-port memory at the time the GIF |
| specification was written in the late 1980s. That kind of limit |
| disappeared in the mid-1990s. Until 5.0, GIFLIB ignored this flag on |
| input and zeroed it on output; now it is read and preserved if |
| present.</para> |
| |
| <para>Finally, the plaintext extension block. This is an extension block |
| that contains instructions for overlaying text captions on a following image. |
| GIFLIB treats these blocks as raw data, not attempting to parse out the |
| location and text data.</para> |
| </sect1> |
| </article> |