blob: fa1cbb0e8f78cbc6587f294faa27ea786dc6ccbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "perf_counters.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#if defined HAVE_LIBPFM
#include "perfmon/pfmlib.h"
#include "perfmon/pfmlib_perf_event.h"
namespace benchmark {
namespace internal {
constexpr size_t PerfCounterValues::kMaxCounters;
#if defined HAVE_LIBPFM
size_t PerfCounterValues::Read(const std::vector<int>& leaders) {
// Create a pointer for multiple reads
const size_t bufsize = values_.size() * sizeof(values_[0]);
char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(;
size_t size = bufsize;
for (int lead : leaders) {
auto read_bytes = ::read(lead, ptr, size);
if (read_bytes >= ssize_t(sizeof(uint64_t))) {
// Actual data bytes are all bytes minus initial padding
std::size_t data_bytes =
static_cast<std::size_t>(read_bytes) - sizeof(uint64_t);
// This should be very cheap since it's in hot cache
std::memmove(ptr, ptr + sizeof(uint64_t), data_bytes);
// Increment our counters
ptr += data_bytes;
size -= data_bytes;
} else {
int err = errno;
GetErrorLogInstance() << "Error reading lead " << lead << " errno:" << err
<< " " << ::strerror(err) << "\n";
return 0;
return (bufsize - size) / sizeof(uint64_t);
const bool PerfCounters::kSupported = true;
// Initializes libpfm only on the first call. Returns whether that single
// initialization was successful.
bool PerfCounters::Initialize() {
// Function-scope static gets initialized only once on first call.
static const bool success = []() {
return pfm_initialize() == PFM_SUCCESS;
return success;
bool PerfCounters::IsCounterSupported(const std::string& name) {
perf_event_attr_t attr;
std::memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
pfm_perf_encode_arg_t arg;
std::memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));
arg.attr = &attr;
const int mode = PFM_PLM3; // user mode only
int ret = pfm_get_os_event_encoding(name.c_str(), mode, PFM_OS_PERF_EVENT_EXT,
return (ret == PFM_SUCCESS);
PerfCounters PerfCounters::Create(
const std::vector<std::string>& counter_names) {
if (!counter_names.empty()) {
// Valid counters will populate these arrays but we start empty
std::vector<std::string> valid_names;
std::vector<int> counter_ids;
std::vector<int> leader_ids;
// Resize to the maximum possible
const int kCounterMode = PFM_PLM3; // user mode only
// Group leads will be assigned on demand. The idea is that once we cannot
// create a counter descriptor, the reason is that this group has maxed out
// so we set the group_id again to -1 and retry - giving the algorithm a
// chance to create a new group leader to hold the next set of counters.
int group_id = -1;
// Loop through all performance counters
for (size_t i = 0; i < counter_names.size(); ++i) {
// we are about to push into the valid names vector
// check if we did not reach the maximum
if (valid_names.size() == PerfCounterValues::kMaxCounters) {
// Log a message if we maxed out and stop adding
<< counter_names.size() << " counters were requested. The maximum is "
<< PerfCounterValues::kMaxCounters << " and " << valid_names.size()
<< " were already added. All remaining counters will be ignored\n";
// stop the loop and return what we have already
// Check if this name is empty
const auto& name = counter_names[i];
if (name.empty()) {
<< "A performance counter name was the empty string\n";
// Here first means first in group, ie the group leader
const bool is_first = (group_id < 0);
// This struct will be populated by libpfm from the counter string
// and then fed into the syscall perf_event_open
struct perf_event_attr attr {};
attr.size = sizeof(attr);
// This is the input struct to libpfm.
pfm_perf_encode_arg_t arg{};
arg.attr = &attr;
const int pfm_get = pfm_get_os_event_encoding(name.c_str(), kCounterMode,
if (pfm_get != PFM_SUCCESS) {
<< "Unknown performance counter name: " << name << "\n";
// We then proceed to populate the remaining fields in our attribute struct
// Note: the man page for perf_event_create suggests inherit = true and
// read_format = PERF_FORMAT_GROUP don't work together, but that's not the
// case.
attr.disabled = is_first;
attr.inherit = true;
attr.pinned = is_first;
attr.exclude_kernel = true;
attr.exclude_user = false;
attr.exclude_hv = true;
// Read all counters in a group in one read.
int id = -1;
while (id < 0) {
static constexpr size_t kNrOfSyscallRetries = 5;
// Retry syscall as it was interrupted often (b/64774091).
for (size_t num_retries = 0; num_retries < kNrOfSyscallRetries;
++num_retries) {
id = perf_event_open(&attr, 0, -1, group_id, 0);
if (id >= 0 || errno != EINTR) {
if (id < 0) {
// If the file descriptor is negative we might have reached a limit
// in the current group. Set the group_id to -1 and retry
if (group_id >= 0) {
// Create a new group
group_id = -1;
} else {
// At this point we have already retried to set a new group id and
// failed. We then give up.
// We failed to get a new file descriptor. We might have reached a hard
// hardware limit that cannot be resolved even with group multiplexing
if (id < 0) {
GetErrorLogInstance() << "***WARNING** Failed to get a file descriptor "
"for performance counter "
<< name << ". Ignoring\n";
// We give up on this counter but try to keep going
// as the others would be fine
if (group_id < 0) {
// This is a leader, store and assign it to the current file descriptor
group_id = id;
// This is a valid counter, add it to our descriptor's list
// Loop through all group leaders activating them
// There is another option of starting ALL counters in a process but
// that would be far reaching an intrusion. If the user is using PMCs
// by themselves then this would have a side effect on them. It is
// friendlier to loop through all groups individually.
for (int lead : leader_ids) {
if (ioctl(lead, PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE) != 0) {
// This should never happen but if it does, we give up on the
// entire batch as recovery would be a mess.
GetErrorLogInstance() << "***WARNING*** Failed to start counters. "
"Claring out all counters.\n";
// Close all peformance counters
for (int id : counter_ids) {
// Return an empty object so our internal state is still good and
// the process can continue normally without impact
return NoCounters();
return PerfCounters(std::move(valid_names), std::move(counter_ids),
void PerfCounters::CloseCounters() const {
if (counter_ids_.empty()) {
for (int lead : leader_ids_) {
for (int fd : counter_ids_) {
#else // defined HAVE_LIBPFM
size_t PerfCounterValues::Read(const std::vector<int>&) { return 0; }
const bool PerfCounters::kSupported = false;
bool PerfCounters::Initialize() { return false; }
bool PerfCounters::IsCounterSupported(const std::string&) { return false; }
PerfCounters PerfCounters::Create(
const std::vector<std::string>& counter_names) {
if (!counter_names.empty()) {
GetErrorLogInstance() << "Performance counters not supported.\n";
return NoCounters();
void PerfCounters::CloseCounters() const {}
#endif // defined HAVE_LIBPFM
const std::vector<std::string>& counter_names)
: start_values_(counter_names.size()), end_values_(counter_names.size()) {
counters_ = PerfCounters::Create(counter_names);
PerfCounters& PerfCounters::operator=(PerfCounters&& other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
counter_ids_ = std::move(other.counter_ids_);
leader_ids_ = std::move(other.leader_ids_);
counter_names_ = std::move(other.counter_names_);
return *this;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace benchmark