| // Copyright 2021 The Grafeas Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| syntax = "proto3"; |
| |
| package grafeas.v1; |
| |
| import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; |
| import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; |
| |
| option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/grafeas/v1;grafeas"; |
| option java_multiple_files = true; |
| option java_package = "io.grafeas.v1"; |
| option objc_class_prefix = "GRA"; |
| option java_outer_classname = "SlsaProvenanceProto"; |
| |
| message SlsaProvenance { |
| // Steps taken to build the artifact. |
| // For a TaskRun, typically each container corresponds to one step in the |
| // recipe. |
| message SlsaRecipe { |
| // URI indicating what type of recipe was performed. It determines the |
| // meaning of recipe.entryPoint, recipe.arguments, recipe.environment, and |
| // materials. |
| string type = 1; |
| // Index in materials containing the recipe steps that are not implied by |
| // recipe.type. For example, if the recipe type were "make", then this would |
| // point to the source containing the Makefile, not the make program itself. |
| // Set to -1 if the recipe doesn't come from a material, as zero is default |
| // unset value for int64. |
| int64 defined_in_material = 2; |
| // String identifying the entry point into the build. |
| // This is often a path to a configuration file and/or a target label within |
| // that file. The syntax and meaning are defined by recipe.type. For |
| // example, if the recipe type were "make", then this would reference the |
| // directory in which to run make as well as which target to use. |
| string entry_point = 3; |
| // Collection of all external inputs that influenced the build on top of |
| // recipe.definedInMaterial and recipe.entryPoint. For example, if the |
| // recipe type were "make", then this might be the flags passed to make |
| // aside from the target, which is captured in recipe.entryPoint. Depending |
| // on the recipe Type, the structure may be different. |
| google.protobuf.Any arguments = 4; |
| // Any other builder-controlled inputs necessary for correctly evaluating |
| // the recipe. Usually only needed for reproducing the build but not |
| // evaluated as part of policy. Depending on the recipe Type, the structure |
| // may be different. |
| google.protobuf.Any environment = 5; |
| } |
| |
| // Indicates that the builder claims certain fields in this message to be |
| // complete. |
| message SlsaCompleteness { |
| // If true, the builder claims that recipe.arguments is complete, meaning |
| // that all external inputs are properly captured in the recipe. |
| bool arguments = 1; |
| // If true, the builder claims that recipe.environment is claimed to be |
| // complete. |
| bool environment = 2; |
| // If true, the builder claims that materials are complete, usually through |
| // some controls to prevent network access. Sometimes called "hermetic". |
| bool materials = 3; |
| } |
| |
| // Other properties of the build. |
| message SlsaMetadata { |
| // Identifies the particular build invocation, which can be useful for |
| // finding associated logs or other ad-hoc analysis. The value SHOULD be |
| // globally unique, per in-toto Provenance spec. |
| string build_invocation_id = 1; |
| // The timestamp of when the build started. |
| google.protobuf.Timestamp build_started_on = 2; |
| // The timestamp of when the build completed. |
| google.protobuf.Timestamp build_finished_on = 3; |
| // Indicates that the builder claims certain fields in this message to be |
| // complete. |
| SlsaCompleteness completeness = 4; |
| // If true, the builder claims that running the recipe on materials will |
| // produce bit-for-bit identical output. |
| bool reproducible = 5; |
| } |
| |
| message SlsaBuilder { |
| string id = 1; |
| } |
| |
| message Material { |
| string uri = 1; |
| map<string, string> digest = 2; |
| } |
| |
| SlsaBuilder builder = 1; // required |
| // Identifies the configuration used for the build. |
| // When combined with materials, this SHOULD fully describe the build, |
| // such that re-running this recipe results in bit-for-bit identical output |
| // (if the build is reproducible). |
| SlsaRecipe recipe = 2; // required |
| SlsaMetadata metadata = 3; |
| // The collection of artifacts that influenced the build including sources, |
| // dependencies, build tools, base images, and so on. This is considered to be |
| // incomplete unless metadata.completeness.materials is true. Unset or null is |
| // equivalent to empty. |
| repeated Material materials = 4; |
| } |