blob: f61320222a845cdea1580ba572393762ccf06075 [file] [log] [blame]
# Setup and configure qemu userspace emulator on kokoro worker so that we can seamlessly emulate processes running
# inside docker containers.
set -ex
# show pre-existing qemu registration
cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-aarch64
# Kokoro ubuntu1604 workers have already qemu-user and qemu-user-static packages installed, but it's and old version that:
# * prints warning about some syscalls (e.g "qemu: Unsupported syscall: 278")
# * doesn't register with binfmt_misc with the persistent ("F") flag we need (see below)
# To overcome the above limitations, we use the
# docker image to provide a new enough version of qemu-user-static and register it with
# the desired binfmt_misc flags. The most important flag we need is "F" (set by "--persistent yes"),
# which allows the qemu-aarch64-static binary to be loaded eagerly at the time of registration with binfmt_misc.
# That way, we can emulate aarch64 binaries running inside docker containers transparently, without needing the emulator
# binary to be accessible from the docker image we're emulating.
# Note that on newer distributions (such as glinux), simply "apt install qemu-user-static" is sufficient
# to install qemu-user-static with the right flags.
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:5.2.0-2 --reset --credential yes --persistent yes
# Print current qemu reqistration to make sure everything is setup correctly.
cat /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/qemu-aarch64