blob: 76264a0d255a83a28473f28514254fa6b950b665 [file] [log] [blame]
# "repository" here is for Bazel builds that span multiple WORKSPACES.
def _path_ignoring_repository(f):
if len(f.owner.workspace_root) == 0:
return f.short_path
return f.path[f.path.find(f.owner.workspace_root) + len(f.owner.workspace_root) + 1:]
def _create_include_path(include):
return "-I{0}={1}".format(_path_ignoring_repository(include), include.path)
def _java_rpc_library_impl(ctx):
if len(ctx.attr.srcs) != 1:
fail("Exactly one src value supported", "srcs")
if ctx.attr.srcs[0].label.package != ctx.label.package:
print(("in srcs attribute of {0}: Proto source with label {1} should be in " +
"same package as consuming rule").format(ctx.label, ctx.attr.srcs[0].label))
srcs = ctx.attr.srcs[0].proto.direct_sources
includes = ctx.attr.srcs[0].proto.transitive_imports
flavor = ctx.attr.flavor
if flavor == "normal":
flavor = ""
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add(ctx.executable._java_plugin.path, format = "--plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=%s")
args.add("--grpc-java_out={0}:{1}".format(flavor, ctx.outputs.srcjar.path))
args.add_all(includes, map_each = _create_include_path)
args.add_all(srcs, map_each = _path_ignoring_repository)
inputs = depset([ctx.executable._java_plugin] + srcs, transitive = [includes]),
outputs = [ctx.outputs.srcjar],
executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
arguments = [args],
deps_java_info = java_common.merge([dep[JavaInfo] for dep in ctx.attr.deps])
java_info = java_common.compile(
java_toolchain = ctx.attr._java_toolchain,
host_javabase = ctx.attr._host_javabase,
source_jars = [ctx.outputs.srcjar],
output = ctx.outputs.jar,
deps = [
return [java_info]
_java_rpc_library = rule(
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
mandatory = True,
non_empty = True,
providers = ["proto"],
"deps": attr.label_list(
mandatory = True,
non_empty = True,
providers = [JavaInfo],
"flavor": attr.string(
values = [
default = "normal",
"runtime": attr.label(
mandatory = True,
"_protoc": attr.label(
default = Label("@com_google_protobuf//:protoc"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"_java_plugin": attr.label(
default = Label("//compiler:grpc_java_plugin"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"_java_toolchain": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_java_toolchain"),
"_host_javabase": attr.label(
cfg = "host",
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:current_host_java_runtime"),
fragments = ["java"],
outputs = {
"jar": "lib%{name}.jar",
"srcjar": "lib%{name}-src.jar",
provides = [JavaInfo],
implementation = _java_rpc_library_impl,
def java_grpc_library(
flavor = None,
tags = None,
visibility = None,
"""Generates and compiles gRPC Java sources for services defined in a proto
file. This rule is compatible with proto_library with java_api_version,
java_proto_library, and java_lite_proto_library.
Do note that this rule only scans through the proto file for RPC services. It
does not generate Java classes for proto messages. You will need a separate
proto_library with java_api_version, java_proto_library, or
java_lite_proto_library rule.
name: (str) A unique name for this rule. Required.
srcs: (list) a single proto_library target that contains the schema of the
service. Required.
deps: (list) a single java_proto_library target for the proto_library in
srcs. Required.
flavor: (str) "normal" (default) for normal proto runtime. "lite"
for the lite runtime.
visibility: (list) the visibility list
**kwargs: Passed through to generated targets
if len(deps) > 1:
print("Multiple values in 'deps' is deprecated in " + name)
if flavor == "lite":
inner_name = name + "__do_not_reference"
inner_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]
inner_tags = ["avoid_dep"]
runtime = "@io_grpc_grpc_java//:java_lite_grpc_library_deps__do_not_reference"
inner_name = name
inner_visibility = visibility
inner_tags = tags
runtime = "@io_grpc_grpc_java//:java_grpc_library_deps__do_not_reference"
name = inner_name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps,
flavor = flavor,
runtime = runtime,
visibility = inner_visibility,
tags = inner_tags,
if flavor == "lite":
# Use java_import to work around error with android_binary:
# Dependencies on .jar artifacts are not allowed in Android binaries,
# please use a java_import to depend on...
name = name,
deps = deps + [runtime],
jars = [":lib{}.jar".format(inner_name)],
srcjar = ":lib{}-src.jar".format(inner_name),
visibility = visibility,
tags = tags,