blob: f3666b125d92a8bbdb06ab91db23561e8f16bc76 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
plugins {
// ASSUMES GRADLE 5.6 OR HIGHER. Use plugin version 0.8.10 with earlier gradle versions
id '' version '0.8.17'
// Generate IntelliJ IDEA's .idea & .iml project files
id 'idea'
id 'war'
repositories {
maven { // The google mirror is less flaky than mavenCentral()
url "" }
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8
def grpcVersion = '1.56.1-SNAPSHOT' // CURRENT_GRPC_VERSION
def protocVersion = '3.22.3'
dependencies {
implementation "io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:${grpcVersion}",
compileOnly "javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:4.0.1",
protobuf {
protoc { artifact = "${protocVersion}" }
plugins { grpc { artifact = "io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:${grpcVersion}" } }
generateProtoTasks {
all()*.plugins { grpc {} }
// Inform IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse or NetBeans about the generated code.
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs 'build/generated/source/proto/main/grpc'
srcDirs 'build/generated/source/proto/main/java'