| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?> |
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| <!-- (http://www.jdiff.org) --> |
| <!-- on Tue May 19 17:01:51 PDT 2009 --> |
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| <api |
| xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' |
| xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='api.xsd' |
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| <package name="com.google.inject"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.AbstractModule --> |
| <class name="AbstractModule" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="com.google.inject.Module"/> |
| <constructor name="AbstractModule" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="configure" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="true" |
| static="false" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="builder" type="com.google.inject.Binder"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="configure" |
| abstract="true" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Configures a {@link Binder} via the exposed methods.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="binder" return="com.google.inject.Binder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets direct access to the underlying {@code Binder}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindScope" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="scopeAnnotation" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <param name="scope" type="com.google.inject.Scope"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#bindScope(Class, Scope)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bind" return="com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="key" type="com.google.inject.Key<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#bind(Key)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bind" return="com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="typeLiteral" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#bind(TypeLiteral)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bind" return="com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="clazz" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#bind(Class)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindConstant" return="com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedConstantBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#bindConstant()]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="install" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="module" type="com.google.inject.Module"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#install(Module)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="addError" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="message" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <param name="arguments" type="java.lang.Object[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#addError(String, Object[])]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="addError" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="t" type="java.lang.Throwable"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#addError(Throwable)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="requestStaticInjection" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="types" type="java.lang.Class[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#requestStaticInjection(Class[])]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindInterceptor" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="classMatcher" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super java.lang.Class<?>>"/> |
| <param name="methodMatcher" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super java.lang.reflect.Method>"/> |
| <param name="interceptors" type="MethodInterceptor[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[@see Binder#bindInterceptor(com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher, |
| com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher, |
| org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor[])]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A support class for {@link Module}s which reduces repetition and results in |
| a more readable configuration. Simply extend this class, implement {@link |
| #configure()}, and call the inherited methods which mirror those found in |
| {@link Binder}. For example: |
| |
| <pre> |
| import static com.google.inject.Names.named; |
| |
| public class MyModule extends AbstractModule { |
| protected void configure() { |
| bind(Foo.class).to(FooImpl.class).in(Scopes.SINGLETON); |
| bind(BarImpl.class); |
| link(Bar.class).to(BarImpl.class); |
| bindConstant(named("port")).to(8080); |
| } |
| } |
| </pre> |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.AbstractModule --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.Binder --> |
| <interface name="Binder" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="bindInterceptor" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="classMatcher" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super java.lang.Class<?>>"/> |
| <param name="methodMatcher" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super java.lang.reflect.Method>"/> |
| <param name="interceptors" type="MethodInterceptor[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds a method interceptor to methods matched by class and method |
| matchers. |
| |
| @param classMatcher matches classes the interceptor should apply to. For |
| example: {@code only(Runnable.class)}. |
| @param methodMatcher matches methods the interceptor should apply to. For |
| example: {@code annotatedWith(Transactional.class)}. |
| @param interceptors to bind]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindScope" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <param name="scope" type="com.google.inject.Scope"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds a scope to an annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bind" return="com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="key" type="com.google.inject.Key<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a binding to a key.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bind" return="com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="typeLiteral" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a binding to a type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bind" return="com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a binding to a type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindConstant" return="com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedConstantBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds a constant value to an annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="requestStaticInjection" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="types" type="java.lang.Class[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Upon successful creation, the {@link Injector} will inject static fields |
| and methods in the given classes. |
| |
| @param types for which static members will be injected]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="install" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="module" type="com.google.inject.Module"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Uses the given module to configure more bindings.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="currentStage" return="com.google.inject.Stage" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the current stage.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="addError" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="message" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <param name="arguments" type="java.lang.Object[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Records an error message which will be presented to the user at a later |
| time. Unlike throwing an exception, this enable us to continue |
| configuring the Injector and discover more errors. Uses {@link |
| String#format(String, Object[])} to insert the arguments into the |
| message.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="addError" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="t" type="java.lang.Throwable"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Records an exception, the full details of which will be logged, and the |
| message of which will be presented to the user at a later |
| time. If your Module calls something that you worry may fail, you should |
| catch the exception and pass it into this.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Collects configuration information (primarily <i>bindings</i>) which will be |
| used to create an {@link Injector}. Guice provides this object to your |
| application's {@link Module}s so they may each contribute |
| their own bindings. |
| |
| <p>The bindings contributed by {@code Module}s define how the {@code |
| Injector} resolves dependencies. A {@link Key} consisting of a type |
| and optional annotation uniquely identifies a binding within an {@code |
| Injector}. |
| |
| <p>You may bind from a key to: |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Another binding, which this binding's key is now "aliased to" |
| <li>Another binding, which references a {@link Provider} for this key |
| <li>A preconstructed instance |
| <li>A preconstructed instance which should be used as the {@link Provider} |
| for this binding |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p>In addition, a binding may have an associated scope, such as |
| {@link Scopes#SINGLETON}, and singleton bindings may specify eager or lazy |
| initialization. |
| |
| <p>See the users' guide appendix, "How the Injector resolves injection |
| requests," to better understand binding resolution. |
| |
| <p>After an {@code Injector} has been created, its bindings may be |
| examined using methods like {@link Injector#getBinding(Key)}, but this |
| read-only {@link Binding} type is not used when <i>creating</i> the |
| bindings.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.Binder --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.Binding --> |
| <interface name="Binding" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="getKey" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns the key for this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getSource" return="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns an arbitrary object containing information about the "place" |
| where this binding was configured. Used by Guice in the production of |
| descriptive error messages.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getProvider" return="com.google.inject.Provider<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns the provider guice uses to fulfill requests for this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A mapping from a key (type and optional annotation) to a provider of |
| instances of that type. This interface is part of the {@link Injector} |
| introspection API and is intended primary for use by tools. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.Binding --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.BindingAnnotation --> |
| <class name="BindingAnnotation" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Annotates annotations which are used for binding. Only one such annotation |
| may apply to a single injection point. You must also annotate binder |
| annotations with {@code @Retention(RUNTIME)}. For example: |
| |
| <pre> |
| {@code @}Retention(RUNTIME) |
| {@code @}Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER }) |
| {@code @}BindingAnnotation |
| public {@code @}interface Transactional {} |
| </pre> |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.BindingAnnotation --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.CreationException --> |
| <class name="CreationException" extends="java.lang.RuntimeException" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="CreationException" type="java.util.Collection<com.google.inject.spi.Message>" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Constructs a new exception for the given errors.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="getMessage" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getErrorMessages" return="java.util.Collection<com.google.inject.spi.Message>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the error messages which resulted in this exception.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Thrown when errors occur while creating a {@link Injector}. Includes a list |
| of encountered errors. Typically, a client should catch this exception, log |
| it, and stop execution. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.CreationException --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.Guice --> |
| <class name="Guice" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="createInjector" return="com.google.inject.Injector" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="modules" type="com.google.inject.Module[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates an injector for the given set of modules. |
| |
| @throws CreationException from which you can retrieve the individual error |
| messages]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="createInjector" return="com.google.inject.Injector" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="modules" type="java.lang.Iterable<com.google.inject.Module>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates an injector for the given set of modules. |
| |
| @throws CreationException from which you can retrieve the individual error |
| messages]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="createInjector" return="com.google.inject.Injector" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="stage" type="com.google.inject.Stage"/> |
| <param name="modules" type="com.google.inject.Module[]"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development |
| stage. |
| |
| @throws CreationException from which you can retrieve the individual error |
| messages.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="createInjector" return="com.google.inject.Injector" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="stage" type="com.google.inject.Stage"/> |
| <param name="modules" type="java.lang.Iterable<com.google.inject.Module>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates an injector for the given set of modules, in a given development |
| stage. |
| |
| @throws CreationException from which you can retrieve the individual error |
| messages.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[The entry point to the Guice framework. Creates {@link Injector}s from |
| {@link Module}s.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.Guice --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.ImplementedBy --> |
| <class name="ImplementedBy" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A pointer to the default implementation of a type. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.ImplementedBy --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.Inject --> |
| <class name="Inject" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Annotates members of your implementation class (constructors, methods |
| and fields) into which the {@link Injector} should inject values. |
| The Injector fulfills injection requests for: |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Every instance it constructs. The class being constructed must have |
| exactly one of its constructors marked with {@code @Inject} or must have a |
| constructor taking no parameters. The Injector then proceeds to perform |
| method and field injections. |
| |
| <li>Pre-constructed instances passed to {@link Injector#injectMembers}, |
| {@link com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder#toInstance(Object)} and |
| {@link com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder#toProvider(Provider)}. |
| In this case all constructors are, of course, ignored. |
| |
| <li>Static fields and methods of classes which any {@link Module} has |
| specifically requested static injection for, using |
| {@link Binder#requestStaticInjection}. |
| </ul> |
| |
| In all cases, a member can be injected regardless of its Java access |
| specifier (private, default, protected, public). |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.Inject --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.Injector --> |
| <interface name="Injector" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="injectMembers" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="o" type="java.lang.Object"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Injects dependencies into the fields and methods of an existing object. |
| Does not inject the constructor.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getBindings" return="java.util.Map<com.google.inject.Key<?>, com.google.inject.Binding<?>>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets all explicit bindings.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getBinding" return="com.google.inject.Binding<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="key" type="com.google.inject.Key<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a binding for the given key.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="findBindingsByType" return="java.util.List<com.google.inject.Binding<T>>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Finds all bindings to the given type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getProvider" return="com.google.inject.Provider<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="key" type="com.google.inject.Key<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the provider bound to the given key.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getProvider" return="com.google.inject.Provider<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the provider bound to the given type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getInstance" return="T" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="key" type="com.google.inject.Key<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets an instance bound to the given key; equivalent to |
| {@code getProvider(key).get()}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getInstance" return="T" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets an instance bound to the given type; equivalent to |
| {@code getProvider(type).get()}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Fulfills requests for the object instances that make up your application, |
| always ensuring that these instances are properly injected before they are |
| returned. The {@code Injector} is the heart of the Guice framework, |
| although you don't typically interact with it directly very often. This |
| "behind-the-scenes" operation is what distinguishes the dependency |
| injection pattern from its cousin, service locator. |
| |
| <p>The {@code Injector} API has a few additional features: it allows |
| pre-constructed instances to have their fields and methods injected and |
| offers programmatic introspection to support tool development. |
| |
| <p>Contains several default bindings: |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>This {@link Injector} instance itself |
| <li>A {@code Provider<T>} for each binding of type {@code T} |
| <li>The {@link java.util.logging.Logger} for the class being injected |
| <li>The {@link Stage} in which the Injector was created |
| </ul> |
| |
| Injectors are created using the facade class {@link Guice}. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.Injector --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.Key --> |
| <class name="Key" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="Key" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter. |
| |
| <p>Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type |
| parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it |
| at runtime despite erasure. |
| |
| <p>Example usage for a binding of type {@code Foo} annotated with |
| {@code @Bar}: |
| |
| <p>{@code new Key<Foo>(Bar.class) {}}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </constructor> |
| <constructor name="Key" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter. |
| |
| <p>Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type |
| parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it |
| at runtime despite erasure. |
| |
| <p>Example usage for a binding of type {@code Foo} annotated with |
| {@code @Bar}: |
| |
| <p>{@code new Key<Foo>(new Bar()) {}}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </constructor> |
| <constructor name="Key" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter. |
| |
| <p>Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type |
| parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it |
| at runtime despite erasure. |
| |
| <p>Example usage for a binding of type {@code Foo}: |
| |
| <p>{@code new Key<Foo>() {}}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="getTypeLiteral" return="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the key type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getAnnotationType" return="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the annotation type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getAnnotation" return="java.lang.annotation.Annotation" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="hashCode" return="int" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="equals" return="boolean" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="o" type="java.lang.Object"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toString" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <param name="annotation" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<?>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.reflect.Type"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<?>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.reflect.Type"/> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<?>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.reflect.Type"/> |
| <param name="annotation" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="typeLiteral" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="typeLiteral" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>"/> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.Key<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="typeLiteral" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>"/> |
| <param name="annotation" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binding key consisting of an injection type and an optional annotation. |
| Matches the type and annotation at a point of injection. |
| |
| <p>For example, {@code Key.get(Service.class, Transactional.class)} will |
| match: |
| |
| <pre> |
| {@literal @}Inject |
| public void setService({@literal @}Transactional Service service) { |
| ... |
| } |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>{@code Key} supports generic types via subclassing just like {@link |
| TypeLiteral}. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.Key --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.Module --> |
| <interface name="Module" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="configure" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="binder" type="com.google.inject.Binder"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Contributes bindings and other configurations to a {@code Binder}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A module contributes configuration information, typically interface |
| bindings, which will be used to create an {@link Injector}. A guice-based |
| application is ultimately composed of little more than a set of |
| {@code Module}s and some bootstrapping code. |
| |
| <p>Your Module classes can use a more streamlined syntax by extending |
| {@link AbstractModule} rather than implementing this interface directly.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.Module --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.ProvidedBy --> |
| <class name="ProvidedBy" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A pointer to the default provider type for a type. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.ProvidedBy --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.Provider --> |
| <interface name="Provider" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="get" return="T" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Provides an instance of {@code T}. Must never return {@code null}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Simply, any object capable of providing instances of type {@code T}. |
| Providers are used in numerous ways by the Guice framework: |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>When the default means for obtaining instances (an injectable or |
| parameterless constructor) is insufficient for a particular binding, the |
| module can specify a custom {@code Provider} instead, to control exactly how |
| Guice creates or obtains instances for the binding. |
| |
| <li>An implementation class may always choose to have a {@code Provider<T>} |
| instance injected, rather than having a {@code T} injected directly. This |
| may give you access to multiple instances, instances you wish to safely |
| mutate and discard, instances which are out of scope (e.g. using a |
| {@code @RequestScoped} object from within a {@code @SessionScoped} object), |
| or instances you don't want to initialize until they are absolutely needed. |
| |
| <li>A custom {@link Scope} is implemented as a decorator of |
| {@code Provider<T>}, which decides when to delegate to the backing provider |
| and when to provide the instance some other way. |
| |
| <li>The {@link Injector} offers access to the {@code Provider<T>} it uses |
| to fulfill requests for a given key, via the {@link Injector#getProvider} |
| methods. |
| </ul> |
| |
| @param <T> the type of object this provider provides |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.Provider --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.Scope --> |
| <interface name="Scope" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="scope" return="com.google.inject.Provider<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="key" type="com.google.inject.Key<T>"/> |
| <param name="unscoped" type="com.google.inject.Provider<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Scopes a provider. The returned locator returns objects from this scope. If |
| an object does not exist in this scope, the provider can use the given |
| unscoped provider to retrieve one. |
| |
| <p>Scope implementations are strongly encouraged to override |
| {@link Object#toString} in the returned provider and include the backing |
| provider's {@code toString()} output. |
| |
| @param key binding key |
| @param unscoped locates an instance when one doesn't already exist in this |
| scope. |
| @return a new provider which only delegates to the given unscoped provider |
| when an instance of the requested object doesn't already exist in this |
| scope]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toString" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A short but useful description of this scope. For comparison, the standard |
| scopes that ship with guice use the descriptions |
| {@code "Scopes.SINGLETON"}, {@code "ServletScopes.SESSION"} and |
| {@code "ServletScopes.REQUEST"}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A scope is a level of visibility that instances provided by Guice may have. |
| By default, an instance created by the {@link Injector} has <i>no |
| scope</i>, meaning it has no state from the framework's perspective -- the |
| {@code Injector} creates it, injects it once into the class that required it, |
| and then immediately forgets it. Associating a scope with a particular binding |
| allows the created instance to be "remembered" and possibly used again for |
| other injections. |
| |
| @see Scopes#SINGLETON |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.Scope --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.ScopeAnnotation --> |
| <class name="ScopeAnnotation" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Annotates annotations which are used for scoping. Only one such annotation |
| may apply to a single implementation class. You must also annotate scope |
| annotations with {@code @Retention(RUNTIME)}. For example: |
| |
| <pre> |
| {@code @}Retention(RUNTIME) |
| {@code @}Target(TYPE) |
| {@code @}ScopeAnnotation |
| public {@code @}interface SessionScoped {} |
| </pre> |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.ScopeAnnotation --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.Scopes --> |
| <class name="Scopes" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <field name="SINGLETON" type="com.google.inject.Scope" |
| transient="false" volatile="false" |
| static="true" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[One instance per {@link Injector}. Also see {@code @}{@link Singleton}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </field> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Built in scope implementations. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.Scopes --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.Singleton --> |
| <class name="Singleton" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Apply this to implementation classes when you want only one instance |
| (per {@link Injector}) to be reused for all injections for that binding. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.Singleton --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.Stage --> |
| <class name="Stage" extends="java.lang.Enum<com.google.inject.Stage>" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="values" return="com.google.inject.Stage[]" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="valueOf" return="com.google.inject.Stage" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="name" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[The stage we're running in. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.Stage --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.TypeLiteral --> |
| <class name="TypeLiteral" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="TypeLiteral" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Constructs a new type literal. Derives represented class from type |
| parameter. |
| |
| <p>Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type |
| parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it |
| at runtime despite erasure.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="getType" return="java.lang.reflect.Type" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets underlying {@code Type} instance.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="hashCode" return="int" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="equals" return="boolean" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="o" type="java.lang.Object"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toString" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<?>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.reflect.Type"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets type literal for the given {@code Type} instance.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="get" return="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets type literal for the given {@code Class} instance.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Represents a generic type {@code T}. Java doesn't yet provide a way to |
| represent generic types, so this class does. Forces clients to create a |
| subclass of this class which enables retrieval the type information even at |
| runtime. |
| |
| <p>For example, to create a type literal for {@code List<String>}, you can |
| create an empty anonymous inner class: |
| |
| <p> |
| {@code TypeLiteral<List<String>> list = new TypeLiteral<List<String>>() {};} |
| |
| <p>Assumes that type {@code T} implements {@link Object#equals} and |
| {@link Object#hashCode()} as value (as opposed to identity) comparison. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.TypeLiteral --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.binder"> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedBindingBuilder --> |
| <interface name="AnnotatedBindingBuilder" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder<T>"/> |
| <method name="annotatedWith" return="com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies an annotation type for this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="annotatedWith" return="com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotation" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies an annotation value for this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies the annotation for a binding. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedBindingBuilder --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedConstantBindingBuilder --> |
| <interface name="AnnotatedConstantBindingBuilder" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="annotatedWith" return="com.google.inject.binder.ConstantBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies an annotation type for this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="annotatedWith" return="com.google.inject.binder.ConstantBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotation" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies an annotation value for this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies the annotation for a constant binding. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.binder.AnnotatedConstantBindingBuilder --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.binder.ConstantBindingBuilder --> |
| <interface name="ConstantBindingBuilder" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="int"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="long"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="boolean"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="double"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="float"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="short"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="char"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="java.lang.Class<?>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="value" type="E extends java.lang.Enum<E>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds constant to the given value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to a constant value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.binder.ConstantBindingBuilder --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder --> |
| <interface name="LinkedBindingBuilder" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder"/> |
| <method name="to" return="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="implementation" type="java.lang.Class<? extends T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to another binding with the specified type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" return="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="implementation" type="com.google.inject.TypeLiteral<? extends T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to another binding with the specified type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="to" return="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="targetKey" type="com.google.inject.Key<? extends T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to another binding with the specified key.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toInstance" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="instance" type="T"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to the given instance. The Injector will automatically inject the |
| members of this instance when it is first created. See {@link |
| com.google.inject.Injector#injectMembers(Object)}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toProvider" return="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="provider" type="com.google.inject.Provider<? extends T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to instances generated by the given Provider. The Injector will |
| automatically inject the members of this provider instance when it is first |
| created. See {@link com.google.inject.Injector#injectMembers(Object)}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toProvider" return="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="providerType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends com.google.inject.Provider<? extends T>>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to instances from the provider bound to the given provider type.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toProvider" return="com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="providerKey" type="com.google.inject.Key<? extends com.google.inject.Provider<? extends T>>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds to instances from the provider bound to the given key.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Links a binding to another binding or an instance. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.binder.LinkedBindingBuilder --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder --> |
| <interface name="ScopedBindingBuilder" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="in" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="scopeAnnotation" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies the scope. References the annotation passed to {@link |
| com.google.inject.Binder#bindScope(Class, com.google.inject.Scope)}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="in" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="scope" type="com.google.inject.Scope"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies the scope.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="asEagerSingleton" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Instructs the {@link com.google.inject.Injector} to eagerly initialize this |
| singleton-scoped binding upon creation. Useful for application |
| initialization logic.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Specifies the scope for a binding. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.binder.ScopedBindingBuilder --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.jndi"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.jndi.JndiIntegration --> |
| <class name="JndiIntegration" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="fromJndi" return="com.google.inject.Provider<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <param name="name" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a provider which looks up objects in JNDI using the given name. |
| Example usage: |
| |
| <pre> |
| bind(DataSource.class).toProvider(fromJndi(DataSource.class, "java:...")); |
| </pre>]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Integrates Guice with JNDI. Requires a binding to |
| {@link javax.naming.Context}. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.jndi.JndiIntegration --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.matcher"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.matcher.AbstractMatcher --> |
| <class name="AbstractMatcher" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<T>"/> |
| <constructor name="AbstractMatcher" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="and" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="other" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super T>"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="or" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="other" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super T>"/> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Implements {@code and()} and {@code or()}. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.matcher.AbstractMatcher --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher --> |
| <interface name="Matcher" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="matches" return="boolean" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="t" type="T"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns {@code true} if this matches {@code t}, {@code false} otherwise.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="and" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="other" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a new matcher which returns {@code true} if both this and the |
| given matcher return {@code true}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="or" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="other" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a new matcher which returns {@code true} if either this or the |
| given matcher return {@code true}.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns {@code true} or {@code false} for a given input. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.matcher.Matchers --> |
| <class name="Matchers" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="any" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.Object>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches any input.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="not" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="p" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super T>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Inverts the given matcher.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="annotatedWith" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotationType" type="java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches elements (methods, classes, etc.) |
| with a given annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="annotatedWith" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="annotation" type="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches elements (methods, classes, etc.) |
| with a given annotation.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="subclassesOf" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.Class>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="superclass" type="java.lang.Class<?>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches subclasses of the given type (as well as |
| the given type).]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="only" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.Object>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="o" type="java.lang.Object"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches objects equal to the given object.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="identicalTo" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.Object>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="o" type="java.lang.Object"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches only the given object.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="inPackage" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.Class>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="p" type="java.lang.Package"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches classes in the given package.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="returns" return="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<java.lang.reflect.Method>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="returnType" type="com.google.inject.matcher.Matcher<? super java.lang.Class<?>>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a matcher which matches methods with matching return types.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Matcher implementations. Supports matching classes and methods. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.matcher.Matchers --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.name"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.name.Named --> |
| <class name="Named" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Annotates named things. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.name.Named --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.name.Names --> |
| <class name="Names" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="named" return="com.google.inject.name.Named" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="name" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a {@link Named} annotation with {@code name} as the value.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindProperties" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="binder" type="com.google.inject.Binder"/> |
| <param name="properties" type="java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a constant binding to {@code @Named(key)} for each property.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindProperties" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="binder" type="com.google.inject.Binder"/> |
| <param name="properties" type="java.util.Properties"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a constant binding to {@code @Named(key)} for each property.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Utility methods for use with {@code @}{@link Named}. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.name.Names --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.servlet"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter --> |
| <class name="GuiceFilter" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="GuiceFilter" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="doFilter" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="servletRequest" type="ServletRequest"/> |
| <param name="servletResponse" type="ServletResponse"/> |
| <param name="filterChain" type="FilterChain"/> |
| <exception name="IOException" type="java.io.IOException"/> |
| <exception name="ServletException" type="ServletException"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="init" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="filterConfig" type="FilterConfig"/> |
| <exception name="ServletException" type="ServletException"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="destroy" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Apply this filter to all requests where you plan to use servlet scopes. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.servlet.RequestParameters --> |
| <class name="RequestParameters" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Apply this to field or parameters of type {@code Map<String, String[]>} |
| when you want the HTTP request parameter map to be injected. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.servlet.RequestParameters --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.servlet.RequestScoped --> |
| <class name="RequestScoped" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Apply this to implementation classes when you want one instance per request. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.servlet.RequestScoped --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.servlet.ServletModule --> |
| <class name="ServletModule" extends="com.google.inject.AbstractModule" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="ServletModule" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="configure" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="protected" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Configures the servlet scopes and creates bindings for the servlet API |
| objects so you can inject the request, response, session, etc. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.servlet.ServletModule --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.servlet.ServletScopes --> |
| <class name="ServletScopes" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <field name="REQUEST" type="com.google.inject.Scope" |
| transient="false" volatile="false" |
| static="true" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[HTTP servlet request scope.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </field> |
| <field name="SESSION" type="com.google.inject.Scope" |
| transient="false" volatile="false" |
| static="true" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[HTTP session scope.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </field> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Servlet scopes. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.servlet.ServletScopes --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.servlet.SessionScoped --> |
| <class name="SessionScoped" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <implements name="java.lang.annotation.Annotation"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Apply this to implementation classes when you want one instance per session. |
| |
| @see com.google.inject.Scopes#SINGLETON |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.servlet.SessionScoped --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.spi"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.spi.Message --> |
| <class name="Message" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="Message" type="java.lang.Object, java.lang.String" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <constructor name="Message" type="java.lang.String" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="getSource" return="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the source of the configuration which resulted in this error message.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getSourceString" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns a string representation of the source object.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getMessage" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the error message text.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="toString" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="hashCode" return="int" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="equals" return="boolean" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="o" type="java.lang.Object"/> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[A message. Contains a source pointing to the code which resulted |
| in this message and a text message. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.spi.Message --> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.spi.SourceProvider --> |
| <interface name="SourceProvider" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="source" return="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates an object pointing to the current location within the |
| configuration. If we run into a problem later, we'll be able to trace it |
| back to the original source. Useful for debugging.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Provides source objects to the {@link com.google.inject.Binder}. |
| A source object is any object which points back to the current location |
| within the configuration. Guice uses source objects in error messages |
| and associates them with bindings. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.spi.SourceProvider --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.spi.SourceProviders --> |
| <class name="SourceProviders" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="skip" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="true" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="clazz" type="java.lang.Class<?>"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Instructs stacktrace-based providers to skip the given class in the stack |
| trace when determining the source. Use this to keep the binder from |
| logging utility methods as the sources of bindings (i.e. it will skip to |
| the utility methods' callers instead). |
| |
| <p>Skipping only takes place after this method is called.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getSkippedClassNames" return="java.util.Set<java.lang.String>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="true" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the set of class names which should be skipped by stacktrace-based |
| providers.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="defaultSource" return="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Returns the current source obtained from the default provider.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="withDefault" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="sourceProvider" type="com.google.inject.spi.SourceProvider"/> |
| <param name="r" type="java.lang.Runnable"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Sets the default source provider, runs the given command, and then |
| restores the previous default source provider.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <field name="UNKNOWN_SOURCE" type="java.lang.Object" |
| transient="false" volatile="false" |
| static="true" final="true" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </field> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Provides access to the default {@link SourceProvider} implementation and |
| common controls for certain implementations. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.spi.SourceProviders --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.spring"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.spring.SpringIntegration --> |
| <class name="SpringIntegration" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="fromSpring" return="com.google.inject.Provider<T>" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="type" type="java.lang.Class<T>"/> |
| <param name="name" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Creates a provider which looks up objects from Spring using the given name. |
| Expects a binding to {@link |
| org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory}. Example usage: |
| |
| <pre> |
| bind(DataSource.class) |
| .toProvider(fromSpring(DataSource.class, "dataSource")); |
| </pre>]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="bindAll" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="binder" type="com.google.inject.Binder"/> |
| <param name="beanFactory" type="ListableBeanFactory"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Binds all Spring beans from the given factory by name. For a Spring bean |
| named "foo", this method creates a binding to the bean's type and |
| {@code @Named("foo")}. |
| |
| @see com.google.inject.name.Named |
| @see com.google.inject.name.Names#named(String)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Integrates Guice with Spring. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.spring.SpringIntegration --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.struts2"> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.struts2.GuiceObjectFactory --> |
| <class name="GuiceObjectFactory" extends="ObjectFactory" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="GuiceObjectFactory" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="isNoArgConstructorRequired" return="boolean" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getClassInstance" return="java.lang.Class" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="name" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <exception name="ClassNotFoundException" type="java.lang.ClassNotFoundException"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="buildBean" return="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="clazz" type="java.lang.Class"/> |
| <param name="extraContext" type="java.util.Map"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="buildInterceptor" return="Interceptor" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="interceptorConfig" type="InterceptorConfig"/> |
| <param name="interceptorRefParams" type="java.util.Map"/> |
| <exception name="ConfigurationException" type="ConfigurationException"/> |
| </method> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.struts2.GuiceObjectFactory --> |
| </package> |
| <package name="com.google.inject.tools.jmx"> |
| <!-- start interface com.google.inject.tools.jmx.ManagedBindingMBean --> |
| <interface name="ManagedBindingMBean" abstract="true" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <method name="getSource" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the source of this binding.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getProvider" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the provider to which this binding is bound.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="getKey" return="java.lang.String" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Gets the binding key.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[JMX interface to bindings. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </interface> |
| <!-- end interface com.google.inject.tools.jmx.ManagedBindingMBean --> |
| <!-- start class com.google.inject.tools.jmx.Manager --> |
| <class name="Manager" extends="java.lang.Object" |
| abstract="false" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <constructor name="Manager" |
| static="false" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| </constructor> |
| <method name="manage" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="domain" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <param name="injector" type="com.google.inject.Injector"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Registers all the bindings of an Injector with the platform MBean server. |
| Consider using the name of your root {@link Module} class as the domain.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="manage" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="server" type="javax.management.MBeanServer"/> |
| <param name="domain" type="java.lang.String"/> |
| <param name="injector" type="com.google.inject.Injector"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Registers all the bindings of an Injector with the given MBean server. |
| Consider using the name of your root {@link Module} class as the domain.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <method name="main" |
| abstract="false" native="false" synchronized="false" |
| static="true" final="false" visibility="public" |
| deprecated="not deprecated"> |
| <param name="args" type="java.lang.String[]"/> |
| <exception name="Exception" type="java.lang.Exception"/> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Run with no arguments for usage instructions.]]> |
| </doc> |
| </method> |
| <doc> |
| <![CDATA[Provides a JMX interface to Guice. |
| |
| @author [email protected] (Bob Lee)]]> |
| </doc> |
| </class> |
| <!-- end class com.google.inject.tools.jmx.Manager --> |
| </package> |
| |
| </api> |