| <chapter id="getting-started"> |
| <title>Getting started with HarfBuzz</title> |
| <section> |
| <title>An overview of the HarfBuzz shaping API</title> |
| <para> |
| The core of the HarfBuzz shaping API is the function |
| <function>hb_shape()</function>. This function takes a font, a |
| buffer containing a string of Unicode codepoints and |
| (optionally) a list of font features as its input. It replaces |
| the codepoints in the buffer with the corresponding glyphs from |
| the font, correctly ordered and positioned, and with any of the |
| optional font features applied. |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| In addition to holding the pre-shaping input (the Unicode |
| codepoints that comprise the input string) and the post-shaping |
| output (the glyphs and positions), a HarfBuzz buffer has several |
| properties that affect shaping. The most important are the |
| text-flow direction (e.g., left-to-right, right-to-left, |
| top-to-bottom, or bottom-to-top), the script tag, and the |
| language tag. HarfBuzz can attempt to guess the correct values |
| for the buffer based on its contents if you do not set them |
| explicitly. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| For input string buffers, flags are available to denote when the |
| buffer represents the beginning or end of a paragraph, to |
| indicate whether or not to visibly render Unicode <literal>Default |
| Ignorable</literal> codepoints, and to modify the cluster-merging |
| behavior for the buffer. For shaped output buffers, the |
| individual X and Y offsets and widths of each glyph are |
| accessible. HarfBuzz also flags glyphs as |
| <literal>UNSAFE_TO_BREAK</literal> if breaking the string at |
| that glyph (e.g., in a line-breaking or hyphenation process) |
| would alter the shaping output for the buffer. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| HarfBuzz also provides methods to compare the contents of |
| buffers, join buffers, normalize buffer contents, and handle |
| invalid codepoints, as well as to determine the state of a |
| buffer (e.g., input codepoints or output glyphs). Buffer |
| lifecycles are managed and all buffers are reference-counted. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| Although the default <function>hb_shape()</function> function is |
| sufficient for most use cases, a variant is also provide that |
| lets you specify which of HarfBuzz's shapers to use on a buffer. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| HarfBuzz can read TrueType fonts, TrueType collections, OpenType |
| fonts, and OpenType collections. Functions are provided to query |
| font objects about metrics, Unicode coverage, available tables and |
| features, and variation selectors. Individual glyphs can also be |
| queried for metrics, variations, and glyph names. OpenType |
| variable fonts are supported, and HarfBuzz allows you to set |
| variation-axis coordinates on font objects. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| HarfBuzz provides glue code to integrate with FreeType, GObject, |
| Uniscribe, and CoreText. Support for integrating with |
| DirectWrite is experimental at present. |
| </para> |
| </section> |
| |
| <section> |
| <title>Terminology</title> |
| <variablelist> |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>shaper</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| In HarfBuzz, a <emphasis>shaper</emphasis> is a |
| handler for a specific script shaping model. HarfBuzz |
| implements separate shapers for Indic, Arabic, Thai and |
| Lao, Khmer, Myanmar, Tibetan, Hangul, Hebrew, the |
| Universal Shaping Engine (USE), and a default shaper for |
| non-complex scripts. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| <varlistentry> |
| <term>cluster</term> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| In text shaping, a <emphasis>cluster</emphasis> is a |
| sequence of codepoints that must be handled as an |
| indivisible unit. Clusters can include codepoint |
| sequences that form a ligature or base-and-mark |
| sequences. Tracking and preserving clusters is important |
| when shaping operations might separate or reorder |
| codepoints. |
| </para> |
| <para> |
| HarfBuzz provides three cluster |
| <emphasis>levels</emphasis> that implement different |
| approaches to the problem of preserving clusters during |
| shaping operations. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </varlistentry> |
| |
| |
| </variablelist> |
| |
| </section> |
| |
| |
| <section> |
| <title>A simple shaping example</title> |
| |
| <para> |
| Below is the simplest HarfBuzz shaping example possible. |
| </para> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem> |
| <para> |
| Create a buffer and put your text in it. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting language="C"> |
| #include <hb.h> |
| hb_buffer_t *buf; |
| buf = hb_buffer_create(); |
| hb_buffer_add_utf8(buf, text, strlen(text), 0, strlen(text)); |
| </programlisting> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem override="2"> |
| <para> |
| Guess the script, language and direction of the buffer. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting language="C"> |
| hb_buffer_guess_segment_properties(buf); |
| </programlisting> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem override="3"> |
| <para> |
| Create a face and a font, using FreeType for now. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting language="C"> |
| #include <hb-ft.h> |
| FT_New_Face(ft_library, font_path, index, &face) |
| hb_font_t *font = hb_ft_font_create(face); |
| </programlisting> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem override="4"> |
| <para> |
| Shape! |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting> |
| hb_shape(font, buf, NULL, 0); |
| </programlisting> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem override="5"> |
| <para> |
| Get the glyph and position information. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting language="C"> |
| hb_glyph_info_t *glyph_info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buf, &glyph_count); |
| hb_glyph_position_t *glyph_pos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buf, &glyph_count); |
| </programlisting> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem override="6"> |
| <para> |
| Iterate over each glyph. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting language="C"> |
| for (i = 0; i < glyph_count; ++i) { |
| glyphid = glyph_info[i].codepoint; |
| x_offset = glyph_pos[i].x_offset / 64.0; |
| y_offset = glyph_pos[i].y_offset / 64.0; |
| x_advance = glyph_pos[i].x_advance / 64.0; |
| y_advance = glyph_pos[i].y_advance / 64.0; |
| draw_glyph(glyphid, cursor_x + x_offset, cursor_y + y_offset); |
| cursor_x += x_advance; |
| cursor_y += y_advance; |
| } |
| </programlisting> |
| <orderedlist numeration="arabic"> |
| <listitem override="7"> |
| <para> |
| Tidy up. |
| </para> |
| </listitem> |
| </orderedlist> |
| <programlisting language="C"> |
| hb_buffer_destroy(buf); |
| hb_font_destroy(hb_ft_font); |
| </programlisting> |
| |
| <para> |
| This example shows enough to get us started using HarfBuzz. In |
| the sections that follow, we will use the remainder of |
| HarfBuzz's API to refine and extend the example and improve its |
| text-shaping capabilities. |
| </para> |
| </section> |
| </chapter> |