| # Linux Build Configuration for Travis |
| sudo: false # Use Travis docker infrastructure |
| language: cpp |
| compiler: |
| - clang |
| - gcc |
| env: |
| global: |
| - CPPFLAGS="" |
| - CFLAGS="-Werror --coverage" |
| - CXXFLAGS="-Werror --coverage" |
| - LDFLAGS="--coverage" |
| # The next declaration is the encrypted COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN, created |
| # via the "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key |
| - secure: "RoR4NtzEDTR8QKmLVuy2wN+YGXuq8VcgVvDuFJDdOdIbtX+kQStesJXDcf1y0G1T8Ripjn9JGXBd9eoUwNc8sJpxNwKZBkIPi42FuK6e/cZZRYlgUyi5df0fQJ8VSCDU7OoZJq3pAtTe8mQPeeuk5G7cKRSsJVt8e03K7PQcU6Y=" |
| install: |
| - pip install --user nose |
| - pip install --user cpp-coveralls # for coveralls.io code coverage tracking |
| - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH # Make sure we can find the above Python packages |
| script: |
| - NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh |
| - ./configure --with-freetype --with-glib --with-gobject --with-cairo --with-icu --with-graphite2 |
| - make && make check && { rm -f src/.libs/NONE.gcov; touch src/NONE; test $CC != gcc || coveralls; } |
| notifications: |
| irc: "irc.freenode.org#harfbuzz" |
| email: [email protected] |
| |
| addons: |
| apt: |
| packages: |
| - pkg-config # for autogen.sh |
| - ragel |
| - gtk-doc-tools |
| - libfreetype6-dev # for font function |
| - libglib2.0-dev # for font functions / tests / utils |
| - libcairo2-dev # for utils |
| - libicu-dev # for extra unicode functions |
| - libgraphite2-dev # for extra shapers |
| - # libgirepository1.0-dev # for gobject-introspection |
| coverity_scan: |
| project: |
| name: "behdad/harfbuzz" |
| description: "Build submitted via Travis CI" |
| notification_email: [email protected] |
| build_command_prepend: "./configure; make clean" |
| build_command: "make -j 4" |
| branch_pattern: coverity_scan |