| version: 2 |
| |
| jobs: |
| |
| distcheck: |
| docker: |
| - image: ubuntu:17.10 |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install -y ninja-build binutils libtool autoconf automake make cmake gcc g++ pkg-config ragel gtk-doc-tools libfreetype6-dev libglib2.0-dev libcairo2-dev libicu-dev libgraphite2-dev python python-pip |
| - run: pip install fonttools |
| - run: ./autogen.sh |
| - run: make |
| - run: make distcheck || .ci/fail.sh |
| - run: rm -rf harfbuzz-* |
| - run: make distdir && cd harfbuzz-* && cmake -DHB_CHECK=ON -Bbuild -H. -GNinja && ninja -Cbuild && CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 ninja -Cbuild test && ninja -Cbuild install |
| |
| alpine: |
| docker: |
| - image: alpine |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apk update && apk add ragel make pkgconfig libtool autoconf automake gettext gcc g++ glib-dev freetype-dev cairo-dev |
| - run: ./autogen.sh |
| - run: make |
| - run: make check || .ci/fail.sh |
| |
| archlinux: |
| docker: |
| - image: base/devel |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: pacman --noconfirm -Syu freetype2 cairo icu gettext gobject-introspection gcc gcc-libs glib2 graphite pkg-config ragel python |
| - run: ./autogen.sh --with-freetype --with-glib --with-gobject --with-cairo --with-icu --with-graphite2 |
| - run: make |
| - run: make check || .ci/fail.sh |
| |
| fedora-outoftreebuild: |
| docker: |
| - image: fedora |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: dnf install -y pkg-config ragel gcc gcc-c++ automake autoconf libtool make which glib2-devel freetype-devel cairo-devel libicu-devel gobject-introspection-devel graphite2-devel redhat-rpm-config python || true |
| - run: NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh --with-freetype --with-glib --with-gobject --with-cairo --with-icu --with-graphite2 |
| - run: mkdir build && cd build && ../configure && make && (make check || ../.ci/fail.sh) |
| |
| cmake-gcc: |
| docker: |
| - image: ubuntu:17.10 |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install -y ninja-build binutils cmake gcc g++ pkg-config ragel gtk-doc-tools libfreetype6-dev libglib2.0-dev libcairo2-dev libicu-dev libgraphite2-dev python python-pip |
| - run: pip install fonttools |
| - run: cmake -DHB_CHECK=ON -Bbuild -H. -GNinja |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild |
| - run: CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 ninja -Cbuild test |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild install |
| |
| cmake-oracledeveloperstudio: |
| docker: |
| - image: fedora |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: dnf install -y gcc ragel cmake make which glib2-devel freetype-devel cairo-devel libicu-devel graphite2-devel wget tar bzip2 python || true |
| - run: wget http://$ODSUSER:[email protected]/harfbuzz-private/OracleDeveloperStudio12.6-linux-x86-bin.tar.bz2 && tar xf OracleDeveloperStudio12.6-linux-x86-bin.tar.bz2 --owner root --group root --no-same-owner |
| - run: CC=/root/project/OracleDeveloperStudio12.6-linux-x86-bin/developerstudio12.6/bin/suncc CXX=/root/project/OracleDeveloperStudio12.6-linux-x86-bin/developerstudio12.6/bin/sunCC cmake -DHB_HAVE_GRAPHITE2=ON -DHB_BUILTIN_UCDN=ON -DHB_HAVE_GLIB=ON -DHB_HAVE_ICU=ON -DHB_HAVE_FREETYPE=ON -Bbuild -H. |
| - run: make -Cbuild |
| - run: CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make -Cbuild test |
| - run: make -Cbuild install |
| |
| crosscompile-notest-djgpp: |
| docker: |
| - image: quay.io/ebraminio/djgpp |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install -y ragel pkg-config libtool autoconf |
| - run: CFLAGS="-Wno-attributes" CXXFLAGS="-Wno-attributes" ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local/djgpp --host=i586-pc-msdosdjgpp |
| - run: make |
| |
| crosscompile-notest-freebsd9: |
| docker: |
| - image: donbowman/freebsd-cross-build |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install -y pkg-config ragel |
| - run: ./autogen.sh --prefix=/freebsd --host=x86_64-pc-freebsd9 |
| - run: make |
| |
| crosscompile-notest-psvita: |
| docker: |
| - image: dockcross/base |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install ragel |
| - run: git clone https://github.com/vitasdk/vdpm && cd vdpm && ./bootstrap-vitasdk.sh |
| - run: ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local/vitasdk/arm-vita-eabi --host=arm-vita-eabi |
| - run: make |
| |
| crosscompile-cmake-notest-android-arm: |
| docker: |
| - image: dockcross/android-arm |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install ragel |
| - run: cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild |
| |
| crosscompile-cmake-notest-browser-asmjs: |
| docker: |
| - image: dockcross/browser-asmjs |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install ragel |
| - run: cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild |
| |
| crosscompile-cmake-notest-linux-arm64: |
| docker: |
| - image: dockcross/linux-arm64 |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install ragel |
| - run: cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild |
| |
| crosscompile-cmake-notest-linux-mips: |
| docker: |
| - image: dockcross/linux-mips |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install ragel |
| - run: cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild |
| |
| crosscompile-cmake-notest-windows-x64: |
| docker: |
| - image: dockcross/windows-x64 |
| steps: |
| - checkout |
| - run: apt update && apt install ragel |
| - run: cmake -Bbuild -H. -GNinja |
| - run: ninja -Cbuild |
| |
| workflows: |
| version: 2 |
| build: |
| jobs: |
| # both autotools and cmake |
| - distcheck |
| |
| # autotools based builds |
| - alpine |
| - archlinux |
| - fedora-outoftreebuild |
| |
| # cmake based builds |
| - cmake-gcc |
| - cmake-oracledeveloperstudio |
| |
| # crosscompiles |
| # they can't be test thus are without tests |
| ## autotools |
| - crosscompile-notest-djgpp |
| - crosscompile-notest-freebsd9 |
| - crosscompile-notest-psvita |
| |
| ## cmake |
| - crosscompile-cmake-notest-android-arm |
| - crosscompile-cmake-notest-browser-asmjs |
| - crosscompile-cmake-notest-linux-arm64 |
| - crosscompile-cmake-notest-linux-mips |
| - crosscompile-cmake-notest-windows-x64 |