| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| |
| """Generator of the function to prohibit certain vowel sequences. |
| |
| It creates ``_hb_preprocess_text_vowel_constraints``, which inserts dotted |
| circles into sequences prohibited by the USE script development spec. |
| This function should be used as the ``preprocess_text`` of an |
| ``hb_ot_complex_shaper_t``. |
| |
| usage: ./gen-vowel-constraints.py ms-use/IndicShapingInvalidCluster.txt Scripts.txt |
| |
| Input file: |
| * https://unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/Scripts.txt |
| """ |
| |
| import collections |
| def write (s): |
| sys.stdout.flush () |
| sys.stdout.buffer.write (s.encode ('utf-8')) |
| import sys |
| |
| if len (sys.argv) != 3: |
| sys.exit (__doc__) |
| |
| with open (sys.argv[2], encoding='utf-8') as f: |
| scripts_header = [f.readline () for i in range (2)] |
| scripts = {} |
| script_order = {} |
| for line in f: |
| j = line.find ('#') |
| if j >= 0: |
| line = line[:j] |
| fields = [x.strip () for x in line.split (';')] |
| if len (fields) == 1: |
| continue |
| uu = fields[0].split ('..') |
| start = int (uu[0], 16) |
| if len (uu) == 1: |
| end = start |
| else: |
| end = int (uu[1], 16) |
| script = fields[1] |
| for u in range (start, end + 1): |
| scripts[u] = script |
| if script not in script_order: |
| script_order[script] = start |
| |
| class ConstraintSet (object): |
| """A set of prohibited code point sequences. |
| |
| Args: |
| constraint (List[int]): A prohibited code point sequence. |
| |
| """ |
| def __init__ (self, constraint): |
| # Either a list or a dictionary. As a list of code points, it |
| # represents a prohibited code point sequence. As a dictionary, |
| # it represents a set of prohibited sequences, where each item |
| # represents the set of prohibited sequences starting with the |
| # key (a code point) concatenated with any of the values |
| # (ConstraintSets). |
| self._c = constraint |
| |
| def add (self, constraint): |
| """Add a constraint to this set.""" |
| if not constraint: |
| return |
| first = constraint[0] |
| rest = constraint[1:] |
| if isinstance (self._c, list): |
| if constraint == self._c[:len (constraint)]: |
| self._c = constraint |
| elif self._c != constraint[:len (self._c)]: |
| self._c = {self._c[0]: ConstraintSet (self._c[1:])} |
| if isinstance (self._c, dict): |
| if first in self._c: |
| self._c[first].add (rest) |
| else: |
| self._c[first] = ConstraintSet (rest) |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def _indent (depth): |
| return (' ' * depth).replace (' ', '\t') |
| |
| def __str__ (self, index=0, depth=4): |
| s = [] |
| indent = self._indent (depth) |
| if isinstance (self._c, list): |
| if len (self._c) == 0: |
| assert index == 2, 'Cannot use `matched` for this constraint; the general case has not been implemented' |
| s.append ('{}matched = true;\n'.format (indent)) |
| elif len (self._c) == 1: |
| assert index == 1, 'Cannot use `matched` for this constraint; the general case has not been implemented' |
| s.append ('{}matched = 0x{:04X}u == buffer->cur ({}).codepoint;\n'.format (indent, next (iter (self._c)), index or '')) |
| else: |
| s.append ('{}if (0x{:04X}u == buffer->cur ({}).codepoint &&\n'.format (indent, self._c[0], index or '')) |
| if index: |
| s.append ('{}buffer->idx + {} < count &&\n'.format (self._indent (depth + 2), index + 1)) |
| for i, cp in enumerate (self._c[1:], start=1): |
| s.append ('{}0x{:04X}u == buffer->cur ({}).codepoint{}\n'.format ( |
| self._indent (depth + 2), cp, index + i, ')' if i == len (self._c) - 1 else ' &&')) |
| s.append ('{}{{\n'.format (indent)) |
| for i in range (index): |
| s.append ('{}buffer->next_glyph ();\n'.format (self._indent (depth + 1))) |
| s.append ('{}matched = true;\n'.format (self._indent (depth + 1))) |
| s.append ('{}}}\n'.format (indent)) |
| else: |
| s.append ('{}switch (buffer->cur ({}).codepoint)\n'.format(indent, index or '')) |
| s.append ('{}{{\n'.format (indent)) |
| cases = collections.defaultdict (set) |
| for first, rest in sorted (self._c.items ()): |
| cases[rest.__str__ (index + 1, depth + 2)].add (first) |
| for body, labels in sorted (cases.items (), key=lambda b_ls: sorted (b_ls[1])[0]): |
| for i, cp in enumerate (sorted (labels)): |
| if i % 4 == 0: |
| s.append (self._indent (depth + 1)) |
| else: |
| s.append (' ') |
| s.append ('case 0x{:04X}u:{}'.format (cp, '\n' if i % 4 == 3 else '')) |
| if len (labels) % 4 != 0: |
| s.append ('\n') |
| s.append (body) |
| s.append ('{}break;\n'.format (self._indent (depth + 2))) |
| s.append ('{}}}\n'.format (indent)) |
| return ''.join (s) |
| |
| constraints = {} |
| with open (sys.argv[1], encoding='utf-8') as f: |
| constraints_header = [] |
| while True: |
| line = f.readline ().strip () |
| if line == '#': |
| break |
| constraints_header.append(line) |
| for line in f: |
| j = line.find ('#') |
| if j >= 0: |
| line = line[:j] |
| constraint = [int (cp, 16) for cp in line.split (';')[0].split ()] |
| if not constraint: continue |
| assert 2 <= len (constraint), 'Prohibited sequence is too short: {}'.format (constraint) |
| script = scripts[constraint[0]] |
| if script in constraints: |
| constraints[script].add (constraint) |
| else: |
| constraints[script] = ConstraintSet (constraint) |
| assert constraints, 'No constraints found' |
| |
| print ('/* == Start of generated functions == */') |
| print ('/*') |
| print (' * The following functions are generated by running:') |
| print (' *') |
| print (' * %s ms-use/IndicShapingInvalidCluster.txt Scripts.txt' % sys.argv[0]) |
| print (' *') |
| print (' * on files with these headers:') |
| print (' *') |
| for line in constraints_header: |
| print (' * %s' % line.strip ()) |
| print (' *') |
| for line in scripts_header: |
| print (' * %s' % line.strip ()) |
| print (' */') |
| |
| print () |
| print ('#include "hb.hh"') |
| print () |
| print ('#ifndef HB_NO_OT_SHAPE') |
| print () |
| print ('#include "hb-ot-shape-complex-vowel-constraints.hh"') |
| print () |
| print ('static void') |
| print ('_output_dotted_circle (hb_buffer_t *buffer)') |
| print ('{') |
| print (' hb_glyph_info_t &dottedcircle = buffer->output_glyph (0x25CCu);') |
| print (' _hb_glyph_info_reset_continuation (&dottedcircle);') |
| print ('}') |
| print () |
| print ('static void') |
| print ('_output_with_dotted_circle (hb_buffer_t *buffer)') |
| print ('{') |
| print (' _output_dotted_circle (buffer);') |
| print (' buffer->next_glyph ();') |
| print ('}') |
| print () |
| |
| print ('void') |
| print ('_hb_preprocess_text_vowel_constraints (const hb_ot_shape_plan_t *plan HB_UNUSED,') |
| print ('\t\t\t\t hb_buffer_t *buffer,') |
| print ('\t\t\t\t hb_font_t *font HB_UNUSED)') |
| print ('{') |
| print (' return;') |
| print ('#endif') |
| print (' if (buffer->flags & HB_BUFFER_FLAG_DO_NOT_INSERT_DOTTED_CIRCLE)') |
| print (' return;') |
| print () |
| print (' /* UGLY UGLY UGLY business of adding dotted-circle in the middle of') |
| print (' * vowel-sequences that look like another vowel. Data for each script') |
| print (' * collected from the USE script development spec.') |
| print (' *') |
| print (' * https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues/1019') |
| print (' */') |
| print (' bool processed = false;') |
| print (' buffer->clear_output ();') |
| print (' unsigned int count = buffer->len;') |
| print (' switch ((unsigned) buffer->props.script)') |
| print (' {') |
| |
| for script, constraints in sorted (constraints.items (), key=lambda s_c: script_order[s_c[0]]): |
| print (' case HB_SCRIPT_{}:'.format (script.upper ())) |
| print (' for (buffer->idx = 0; buffer->idx + 1 < count && buffer->successful;)') |
| print (' {') |
| print ('\tbool matched = false;') |
| write (str (constraints)) |
| print ('\tbuffer->next_glyph ();') |
| print ('\tif (matched) _output_with_dotted_circle (buffer);') |
| print (' }') |
| print (' processed = true;') |
| print (' break;') |
| print () |
| |
| print (' default:') |
| print (' break;') |
| print (' }') |
| print (' if (processed)') |
| print (' {') |
| print (' if (buffer->idx < count)') |
| print (' buffer->next_glyph ();') |
| print (' buffer->swap_buffers ();') |
| print (' }') |
| print ('}') |
| |
| print () |
| print () |
| print ('#endif') |
| print ('/* == End of generated functions == */') |