blob: 9c805b39a186c27d01fa63fda2fe5f49752ea377 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "ValueFormat.hh"
namespace OT {
namespace Layout {
namespace GPOS_impl {
template <typename Types>
struct PairPosFormat2_4 : ValueBase
HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
typename Types::template OffsetTo<Coverage>
coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
* beginning of subtable */
ValueFormat valueFormat1; /* ValueRecord definition--for the
* first glyph of the pair--may be zero
* (0) */
ValueFormat valueFormat2; /* ValueRecord definition--for the
* second glyph of the pair--may be
* zero (0) */
typename Types::template OffsetTo<ClassDef>
classDef1; /* Offset to ClassDef table--from
* beginning of PairPos subtable--for
* the first glyph of the pair */
typename Types::template OffsetTo<ClassDef>
classDef2; /* Offset to ClassDef table--from
* beginning of PairPos subtable--for
* the second glyph of the pair */
HBUINT16 class1Count; /* Number of classes in ClassDef1
* table--includes Class0 */
HBUINT16 class2Count; /* Number of classes in ClassDef2
* table--includes Class0 */
ValueRecord values; /* Matrix of value pairs:
* class1-major, class2-minor,
* Each entry has value1 and value2 */
DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (10 + 3 * Types::size, values);
bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
if (!(c->check_struct (this)
&& coverage.sanitize (c, this)
&& classDef1.sanitize (c, this)
&& classDef2.sanitize (c, this))) return_trace (false);
unsigned int len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
unsigned int len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
unsigned int stride = HBUINT16::static_size * (len1 + len2);
unsigned int count = (unsigned int) class1Count * (unsigned int) class2Count;
return_trace (c->check_range ((const void *) values,
stride) &&
(c->lazy_some_gpos ||
(valueFormat1.sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (c, this, &values[0], count, stride) &&
valueFormat2.sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (c, this, &values[len1], count, stride))));
bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
return (this+coverage).intersects (glyphs) &&
(this+classDef2).intersects (glyphs);
void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
void collect_variation_indices (hb_collect_variation_indices_context_t *c) const
if (!intersects (c->glyph_set)) return;
if ((!valueFormat1.has_device ()) && (!valueFormat2.has_device ())) return;
hb_set_t klass1_glyphs, klass2_glyphs;
if (!(this+classDef1).collect_coverage (&klass1_glyphs)) return;
if (!(this+classDef2).collect_coverage (&klass2_glyphs)) return;
hb_set_t class1_set, class2_set;
for (const unsigned cp : + c->glyph_set->iter () | hb_filter (this + coverage))
if (!klass1_glyphs.has (cp)) class1_set.add (0);
unsigned klass1 = (this+classDef1).get (cp);
class1_set.add (klass1);
class2_set.add (0);
for (const unsigned cp : + c->glyph_set->iter () | hb_filter (klass2_glyphs))
unsigned klass2 = (this+classDef2).get (cp);
class2_set.add (klass2);
if (class1_set.is_empty ()
|| class2_set.is_empty ()
|| (class2_set.get_population() == 1 && class2_set.has(0)))
unsigned len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
unsigned len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
const hb_array_t<const Value> values_array = values.as_array ((unsigned)class1Count * (unsigned) class2Count * (len1 + len2));
for (const unsigned class1_idx : class1_set.iter ())
for (const unsigned class2_idx : class2_set.iter ())
unsigned start_offset = (class1_idx * (unsigned) class2Count + class2_idx) * (len1 + len2);
if (valueFormat1.has_device ())
valueFormat1.collect_variation_indices (c, this, values_array.sub_array (start_offset, len1));
if (valueFormat2.has_device ())
valueFormat2.collect_variation_indices (c, this, values_array.sub_array (start_offset+len1, len2));
void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
if (unlikely (!(this+classDef2).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
hb_buffer_t *buffer = c->buffer;
unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (buffer->cur().codepoint);
if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
hb_ot_apply_context_t::skipping_iterator_t &skippy_iter = c->iter_input;
skippy_iter.reset_fast (buffer->idx);
unsigned unsafe_to;
if (unlikely (! (&unsafe_to)))
buffer->unsafe_to_concat (buffer->idx, unsafe_to);
return_trace (false);
unsigned int klass2 = (this+classDef2).get_class (buffer->info[skippy_iter.idx].codepoint);
if (!klass2)
buffer->unsafe_to_concat (buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx + 1);
return_trace (false);
unsigned int klass1 = (this+classDef1).get_class (buffer->cur().codepoint);
if (unlikely (klass1 >= class1Count || klass2 >= class2Count))
buffer->unsafe_to_concat (buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx + 1);
return_trace (false);
unsigned int len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
unsigned int len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
unsigned int record_len = len1 + len2;
const Value *v = &values[record_len * (klass1 * class2Count + klass2)];
bool applied_first = false, applied_second = false;
/* Isolate simple kerning and apply it half to each side.
* Results in better cursor positioning / underline drawing.
* Disabled, because causes issues... :-(
if (false)
if (!len2)
const hb_direction_t dir = buffer->props.direction;
const bool horizontal = HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (dir);
const bool backward = HB_DIRECTION_IS_BACKWARD (dir);
unsigned mask = horizontal ? ValueFormat::xAdvance : ValueFormat::yAdvance;
if (backward)
mask |= mask >> 2; /* Add eg. xPlacement in RTL. */
/* Add Devices. */
mask |= mask << 4;
if (valueFormat1 & ~mask)
goto bail;
/* Is simple kern. Apply value on an empty position slot,
* then split it between sides. */
hb_glyph_position_t pos{};
if (valueFormat1.apply_value (c, this, v, pos))
hb_position_t *src = &pos.x_advance;
hb_position_t *dst1 = &buffer->cur_pos().x_advance;
hb_position_t *dst2 = &buffer->pos[skippy_iter.idx].x_advance;
unsigned i = horizontal ? 0 : 1;
hb_position_t kern = src[i];
hb_position_t kern1 = kern >> 1;
hb_position_t kern2 = kern - kern1;
if (!backward)
dst1[i] += kern1;
dst2[i] += kern2;
dst2[i + 2] += kern2;
dst1[i] += kern1;
dst1[i + 2] += src[i + 2] - kern2;
dst2[i] += kern2;
applied_first = applied_second = kern != 0;
goto success;
goto boring;
if (HB_BUFFER_MESSAGE_MORE && c->buffer->messaging ())
c->buffer->message (c->font,
"try kerning glyphs at %u,%u",
c->buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx);
applied_first = len1 && valueFormat1.apply_value (c, this, v, buffer->cur_pos());
applied_second = len2 && valueFormat2.apply_value (c, this, v + len1, buffer->pos[skippy_iter.idx]);
if (applied_first || applied_second)
if (HB_BUFFER_MESSAGE_MORE && c->buffer->messaging ())
c->buffer->message (c->font,
"kerned glyphs at %u,%u",
c->buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx);
if (HB_BUFFER_MESSAGE_MORE && c->buffer->messaging ())
c->buffer->message (c->font,
"tried kerning glyphs at %u,%u",
c->buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx);
if (applied_first || applied_second)
buffer->unsafe_to_break (buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx + 1);
buffer->unsafe_to_concat (buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx + 1);
if (len2)
buffer->unsafe_to_break (buffer->idx, skippy_iter.idx + 1);
buffer->idx = skippy_iter.idx;
return_trace (true);
bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
out->format = format;
hb_map_t klass1_map;
out->classDef1.serialize_subset (c, classDef1, this, &klass1_map, true, true, &(this + coverage));
out->class1Count = klass1_map.get_population ();
hb_map_t klass2_map;
out->classDef2.serialize_subset (c, classDef2, this, &klass2_map, true, false);
out->class2Count = klass2_map.get_population ();
unsigned len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
unsigned len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
hb_pair_t<unsigned, unsigned> newFormats = hb_pair (valueFormat1, valueFormat2);
if (c->plan->normalized_coords)
/* in case of full instancing, all var device flags will be dropped so no
* need to strip hints here */
newFormats = compute_effective_value_formats (klass1_map, klass2_map, false, false, &c->plan->layout_variation_idx_delta_map);
/* do not strip hints for VF */
else if (c->plan->flags & HB_SUBSET_FLAGS_NO_HINTING)
hb_blob_t* blob = hb_face_reference_table (c->plan->source, HB_TAG ('f','v','a','r'));
bool has_fvar = (blob != hb_blob_get_empty ());
hb_blob_destroy (blob);
bool strip = !has_fvar;
/* special case: strip hints when a VF has no GDEF varstore after
* subsetting*/
if (has_fvar && !c->plan->has_gdef_varstore)
strip = true;
newFormats = compute_effective_value_formats (klass1_map, klass2_map, strip, true);
out->valueFormat1 = newFormats.first;
out->valueFormat2 = newFormats.second;
unsigned total_len = len1 + len2;
hb_vector_t<unsigned> class2_idxs (+ hb_range ((unsigned) class2Count) | hb_filter (klass2_map));
for (unsigned class1_idx : + hb_range ((unsigned) class1Count) | hb_filter (klass1_map))
for (unsigned class2_idx : class2_idxs)
unsigned idx = (class1_idx * (unsigned) class2Count + class2_idx) * total_len;
valueFormat1.copy_values (c->serializer, out->valueFormat1, this, &values[idx], &c->plan->layout_variation_idx_delta_map);
valueFormat2.copy_values (c->serializer, out->valueFormat2, this, &values[idx + len1], &c->plan->layout_variation_idx_delta_map);
bool ret = out->coverage.serialize_subset(c, coverage, this);
return_trace (out->class1Count && out->class2Count && ret);
hb_pair_t<unsigned, unsigned> compute_effective_value_formats (const hb_map_t& klass1_map,
const hb_map_t& klass2_map,
bool strip_hints, bool strip_empty,
const hb_hashmap_t<unsigned, hb_pair_t<unsigned, int>> *varidx_delta_map = nullptr) const
unsigned len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
unsigned len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
unsigned record_size = len1 + len2;
unsigned format1 = 0;
unsigned format2 = 0;
for (unsigned class1_idx : + hb_range ((unsigned) class1Count) | hb_filter (klass1_map))
for (unsigned class2_idx : + hb_range ((unsigned) class2Count) | hb_filter (klass2_map))
unsigned idx = (class1_idx * (unsigned) class2Count + class2_idx) * record_size;
format1 = format1 | valueFormat1.get_effective_format (&values[idx], strip_hints, strip_empty, this, varidx_delta_map);
format2 = format2 | valueFormat2.get_effective_format (&values[idx + len1], strip_hints, strip_empty, this, varidx_delta_map);
if (format1 == valueFormat1 && format2 == valueFormat2)
return hb_pair (format1, format2);