| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinCompile |
| import java.io.File |
| |
| plugins { |
| kotlin("jvm") |
| id("jps-compatible") |
| } |
| |
| val compilerModules: Array<String> by rootProject.extra |
| val otherCompilerModules = compilerModules.filter { it != path } |
| |
| val effectSystemEnabled: Boolean by rootProject.extra |
| val newInferenceEnabled: Boolean by rootProject.extra |
| |
| configureFreeCompilerArg(effectSystemEnabled, "-Xeffect-system") |
| configureFreeCompilerArg(newInferenceEnabled, "-Xnew-inference") |
| configureFreeCompilerArg(true, "-Xuse-mixed-named-arguments") |
| |
| fun configureFreeCompilerArg(isEnabled: Boolean, compilerArgument: String) { |
| if (isEnabled) { |
| allprojects { |
| tasks.withType<KotlinCompile<*>> { |
| kotlinOptions { |
| freeCompilerArgs += listOf(compilerArgument) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val antLauncherJar by configurations.creating |
| |
| dependencies { |
| testRuntime(intellijDep()) // Should come before compiler, because of "progarded" stuff needed for tests |
| |
| testCompile(project(":kotlin-script-runtime")) |
| testCompile(project(":kotlin-test:kotlin-test-jvm")) |
| |
| testCompile(kotlinStdlib()) |
| |
| testCompile(commonDep("junit:junit")) |
| testCompileOnly(project(":kotlin-test:kotlin-test-jvm")) |
| testCompileOnly(project(":kotlin-test:kotlin-test-junit")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:tests-common")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:fir:raw-fir:psi2fir")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:fir:raw-fir:light-tree2fir")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:fir:fir2ir")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:fir:analysis-tests")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:visualizer")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":generators:test-generator")) |
| testCompile(project(":compiler:ir.ir2cfg")) |
| testCompile(project(":compiler:ir.tree")) // used for deepCopyWithSymbols call that is removed by proguard from the compiler TODO: make it more straightforward |
| testCompile(project(":kotlin-scripting-compiler")) |
| testCompile(project(":kotlin-script-util")) |
| testCompileOnly(project(":kotlin-reflect-api")) |
| otherCompilerModules.forEach { |
| testCompileOnly(project(it)) |
| } |
| testCompileOnly(intellijCoreDep()) { includeJars("intellij-core") } |
| Platform[193].orLower { |
| testCompileOnly(intellijDep()) { includeJars("openapi", rootProject = rootProject) } |
| } |
| testCompileOnly(intellijDep()) { includeJars("idea", "idea_rt", "util", "asm-all", rootProject = rootProject) } |
| |
| Platform[192].orHigher { |
| testRuntimeOnly(intellijPluginDep("java")) |
| } |
| |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-reflect")) |
| testRuntime(androidDxJar()) |
| testRuntime(toolsJar()) |
| |
| antLauncherJar(commonDep("org.apache.ant", "ant")) |
| antLauncherJar(toolsJar()) |
| } |
| |
| sourceSets { |
| "main" {} |
| "test" { |
| projectDefault() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| projectTest(parallel = true) { |
| dependsOn(":dist") |
| |
| workingDir = rootDir |
| systemProperty("kotlin.test.script.classpath", testSourceSet.output.classesDirs.joinToString(File.pathSeparator)) |
| doFirst { |
| systemProperty("kotlin.ant.classpath", antLauncherJar.asPath) |
| systemProperty("kotlin.ant.launcher.class", "org.apache.tools.ant.Main") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val generateTests by generator("org.jetbrains.kotlin.generators.tests.GenerateCompilerTestsKt") |
| |
| testsJar() |