| import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens |
| |
| plugins { |
| kotlin("jvm") |
| id("jps-compatible") |
| } |
| |
| val kotlinVersion: String by rootProject.extra |
| |
| repositories { |
| maven("https://jetbrains.bintray.com/markdown") |
| } |
| |
| sourceSets { |
| "main" { |
| projectDefault() |
| java.srcDirs( |
| "idea-completion/src", |
| "idea-live-templates/src", |
| "idea-repl/src" |
| ) |
| resources.srcDirs( |
| "idea-completion/resources", |
| "idea-live-templates/resources", |
| "idea-repl/resources", |
| "resources-en" |
| ) |
| } |
| "test" { |
| projectDefault() |
| java.srcDirs( |
| "idea-completion/tests", |
| "idea-live-templates/tests" |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dependencies { |
| testRuntime(intellijDep()) |
| testRuntime(intellijRuntimeAnnotations()) |
| |
| compile(kotlinStdlib("jdk8")) |
| compileOnly(project(":kotlin-reflect-api")) |
| compile(project(":core:descriptors")) |
| compile(project(":core:descriptors.jvm")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:backend")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:frontend")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:frontend.common")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:frontend.java")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:ir.backend.common")) // TODO: fix import (workaround for jps build) |
| compile(project(":js:js.frontend")) |
| compile(project(":js:js.serializer")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:light-classes")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:util")) |
| compile(project(":kotlin-build-common")) |
| compile(project(":daemon-common")) |
| compile(project(":daemon-common-new")) |
| compile(projectRuntimeJar(":kotlin-daemon-client")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:plugin-api")) |
| compile(project(":idea:jvm-debugger:jvm-debugger-util")) |
| compile(project(":idea:jvm-debugger:jvm-debugger-core")) |
| compile(project(":idea:jvm-debugger:jvm-debugger-evaluation")) |
| compile(project(":idea:jvm-debugger:jvm-debugger-sequence")) |
| compile(project(":idea:jvm-debugger:jvm-debugger-coroutine")) |
| compile(project(":j2k")) |
| compile(project(":idea:idea-j2k")) |
| compile(project(":idea:formatter")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:fir:fir2ir")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:fir:resolve")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:fir:checkers")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:fir:java")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:fir:jvm")) |
| compile(project(":idea:idea-core")) |
| compile(project(":idea:ide-common")) |
| compile(project(":idea:idea-jps-common")) |
| compile(project(":idea:kotlin-gradle-tooling")) |
| compile(project(":plugins:uast-kotlin")) |
| compile(project(":plugins:uast-kotlin-idea")) |
| compile(project(":kotlin-script-util")) { isTransitive = false } |
| compile(project(":kotlin-scripting-intellij")) |
| compile(project(":compiler:backend.jvm")) // Do not delete, for Pill |
| |
| compile(commonDep("org.jetbrains.kotlinx", "kotlinx-coroutines-core")) { isTransitive = false } |
| |
| compileOnly(project(":kotlin-daemon-client")) |
| |
| compileOnly(intellijDep()) |
| Platform[192].orHigher { |
| compileOnly(intellijPluginDep("java")) |
| testCompileOnly(intellijPluginDep("java")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("java")) |
| } |
| |
| Platform[193].orHigher { |
| implementation(commonDep("org.jetbrains.intellij.deps.completion", "completion-ranking-kotlin")) |
| Ide.IJ { |
| implementation(intellijPluginDep("stats-collector")) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| compileOnly(commonDep("org.jetbrains", "markdown")) |
| compileOnly(commonDep("com.google.code.findbugs", "jsr305")) |
| compileOnly(intellijPluginDep("IntelliLang")) |
| compileOnly(intellijPluginDep("copyright")) |
| compileOnly(intellijPluginDep("properties")) |
| compileOnly(intellijPluginDep("java-i18n")) |
| compileOnly(intellijPluginDep("gradle")) |
| |
| testCompileOnly(toolsJar()) |
| testCompileOnly(project(":kotlin-reflect-api")) // TODO: fix import (workaround for jps build) |
| testCompile(project(":kotlin-test:kotlin-test-junit")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":compiler:tests-common")) |
| testCompile(projectTests(":idea:idea-test-framework")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testCompile(project(":idea:idea-jvm")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testCompile(project(":idea:idea-gradle")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testCompile(project(":idea:idea-maven")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testCompile(project(":idea:idea-native")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testCompile(project(":idea:idea-gradle-native")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testCompile(commonDep("junit:junit")) |
| testCompileOnly(intellijPluginDep("coverage")) |
| |
| testRuntimeOnly(toolsJar()) |
| testRuntime(commonDep("org.jetbrains", "markdown")) |
| testRuntime(project(":plugins:kapt3-idea")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-reflect")) |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-preloader")) |
| |
| testCompile(project(":kotlin-sam-with-receiver-compiler-plugin")) { isTransitive = false } |
| |
| testRuntime(project(":plugins:android-extensions-compiler")) |
| testRuntimeOnly(project(":kotlin-android-extensions-runtime")) // TODO: fix import (workaround for jps build) |
| testRuntime(project(":plugins:android-extensions-ide")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":allopen-ide-plugin")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-allopen-compiler-plugin")) |
| testRuntime(project(":noarg-ide-plugin")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-noarg-compiler-plugin")) |
| testRuntime(project(":plugins:annotation-based-compiler-plugins-ide-support")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-scripting-idea")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlin-scripting-compiler-impl")) |
| testRuntime(project(":sam-with-receiver-ide-plugin")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlinx-serialization-compiler-plugin")) |
| testRuntime(project(":kotlinx-serialization-ide-plugin")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":idea:idea-android")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":plugins:lint")) { isTransitive = false } |
| testRuntime(project(":plugins:uast-kotlin")) |
| testRuntime(project(":nj2k:nj2k-services")) { isTransitive = false } |
| |
| (rootProject.extra["compilerModules"] as Array<String>).forEach { |
| testRuntime(project(it)) |
| } |
| |
| testCompile(intellijPluginDep("IntelliLang")) |
| testCompile(intellijPluginDep("copyright")) |
| testCompile(intellijPluginDep("properties")) |
| testCompile(intellijPluginDep("java-i18n")) |
| testCompile(intellijPluginDep("junit")) |
| |
| testCompileOnly(intellijDep()) |
| testCompileOnly(commonDep("com.google.code.findbugs", "jsr305")) |
| testCompileOnly(intellijPluginDep("gradle")) |
| testCompileOnly(intellijPluginDep("Groovy")) |
| |
| if (Ide.IJ()) { |
| testCompileOnly(intellijPluginDep("maven")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("maven")) |
| |
| if (Ide.IJ201.orHigher()) { |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("repository-search")) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("junit")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("gradle")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("Groovy")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("coverage")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("android")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("smali")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("testng")) |
| |
| if (Ide.AS36.orHigher()) { |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("android-layoutlib")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("git4idea")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("google-cloud-tools-core-as")) |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("google-login-as")) |
| } |
| |
| if (Ide.AS41.orHigher()) { |
| testRuntime(intellijPluginDep("platform-images")) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| tasks.named<Copy>("processResources") { |
| val currentIde = IdeVersionConfigurator.currentIde |
| val pluginPatchNumber = findProperty("pluginPatchNumber") as String? ?: "1" |
| val defaultPluginVersion = "$kotlinVersion-${currentIde.displayVersion}-$pluginPatchNumber" |
| val pluginVersion = findProperty("pluginVersion") as String? ?: defaultPluginVersion |
| |
| inputs.property("pluginVersion", pluginVersion) |
| |
| filesMatching("META-INF/plugin.xml") { |
| filter<ReplaceTokens>("tokens" to mapOf("snapshot" to pluginVersion)) |
| } |
| |
| from(provider { project(":compiler:cli-common").mainSourceSet.resources }) { |
| include("META-INF/extensions/compiler.xml") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| projectTest(parallel = true) { |
| dependsOn(":dist") |
| workingDir = rootDir |
| } |
| |
| configureFormInstrumentation() |
| |
| testsJar() |