blob: c6223e28e816339efa73d2a6b44cf765210331ed [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.coroutines.testing
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.js.*
actual typealias NoJs = Ignore
actual val VERBOSE = false
actual val isStressTest: Boolean = false
actual val stressTestMultiplier: Int = 1
actual val stressTestMultiplierSqrt: Int = 1
external class MyPromise {
fun then(onFulfilled: ((Unit) -> Unit), onRejected: ((Throwable) -> Unit)): MyPromise
fun then(onFulfilled: ((Unit) -> Unit)): MyPromise
/** Always a `Promise<Unit>` */
public actual typealias TestResult = MyPromise
internal actual fun lastResortReportException(error: Throwable) {
actual open class TestBase(
private val errorCatching: ErrorCatching.Impl
): OrderedExecutionTestBase(), ErrorCatching by errorCatching {
private var lastTestPromise: Promise<*>? = null
actual constructor(): this(errorCatching = ErrorCatching.Impl())
actual fun println(message: Any?) {
actual fun runTest(
expected: ((Throwable) -> Boolean)?,
unhandled: List<(Throwable) -> Boolean>,
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
): TestResult {
var exCount = 0
var ex: Throwable? = null
* This is an additional sanity check against `runTest` mis-usage on JS.
* The only way to write an async test on JS is to return Promise from the test function.
* _Just_ launching promise and returning `Unit` won't suffice as the underlying test framework
* won't be able to detect an asynchronous failure in a timely manner.
* We cannot detect such situations, but we can detect the most common erroneous pattern
* in our code base, an attempt to use multiple `runTest` in the same `@Test` method,
* which typically is a premise to the same error:
* ```
* @Test
* fun incorrectTestForJs() { // <- promise is not returned
* for (parameter in parameters) {
* runTest {
* runTestForParameter(parameter)
* }
* }
* }
* ```
if (lastTestPromise != null) {
error("Attempt to run multiple asynchronous test within one @Test method")
val result = GlobalScope.promise(block = block, context = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, e ->
if (e is CancellationException) return@CoroutineExceptionHandler // are ignored
when {
exCount > unhandled.size ->
error("Too many unhandled exceptions $exCount, expected ${unhandled.size}, got: $e", e)
!unhandled[exCount - 1](e) ->
error("Unhandled exception was unexpected: $e", e)
}).catch { e ->
ex = e
if (expected != null) {
if (!expected(e)) {
error("Unexpected exception $e", e)
} else
throw e
}.finally {
if (ex == null && expected != null) error("Exception was expected but none produced")
if (exCount < unhandled.size)
error("Too few unhandled exceptions $exCount, expected ${unhandled.size}")
lastTestPromise = result
return result as MyPromise
actual val isNative = false
actual val isBoundByJsTestTimeout = true
actual val isJavaAndWindows: Boolean get() = false
actual val usesSharedEventLoop: Boolean = false