blob: c1c84e3c8e25e6602dfb559232ec99198de165f4 [file] [log] [blame]
package kotlinx.coroutines.testing
import kotlinx.atomicfu.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.internal.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.time.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds
* The number of milliseconds that is sure not to pass [assertRunsFast].
const val SLOW = 100_000L
* Asserts that a block completed within [timeout].
inline fun <T> assertRunsFast(timeout: Duration, block: () -> T): T {
val result: T
val elapsed = TimeSource.Monotonic.measureTime { result = block() }
assertTrue("Should complete in $timeout, but took $elapsed") { elapsed < timeout }
return result
* Asserts that a block completed within two seconds.
inline fun <T> assertRunsFast(block: () -> T): T = assertRunsFast(2.seconds, block)
* Whether the tests should trace their calls to `expect` and `finish` with `println`.
* `false` by default. On the JVM, can be set to `true` by setting the `test.verbose` system property.
expect val VERBOSE: Boolean
interface OrderedExecution {
/** Expect the next action to be [index] in order. */
fun expect(index: Int)
/** Expect this action to be final, with the given [index]. */
fun finish(index: Int)
/** * Asserts that this line is never executed. */
fun expectUnreached()
* Checks that [finish] was called.
* By default, it is allowed to not call [finish] if [expect] was not called.
* This is useful for tests that don't check the ordering of events.
* When [allowNotUsingExpect] is set to `false`, it is an error to not call [finish] in any case.
fun checkFinishCall(allowNotUsingExpect: Boolean = true)
class Impl : OrderedExecution {
private val actionIndex = atomic(0)
override fun expect(index: Int) {
val wasIndex = actionIndex.incrementAndGet()
if (VERBOSE) println("expect($index), wasIndex=$wasIndex")
check(index == wasIndex) {
if (wasIndex < 0) "Expecting action index $index but it is actually finished"
else "Expecting action index $index but it is actually $wasIndex"
override fun finish(index: Int) {
val wasIndex = actionIndex.getAndSet(Int.MIN_VALUE) + 1
if (VERBOSE) println("finish($index), wasIndex=${if (wasIndex < 0) "finished" else wasIndex}")
check(index == wasIndex) {
if (wasIndex < 0) "Finished more than once"
else "Finishing with action index $index but it is actually $wasIndex"
override fun expectUnreached() {
error("Should not be reached, ${
actionIndex.value.let {
when {
it < 0 -> "already finished"
it == 0 -> "'expect' was not called yet"
else -> "the last executed action was $it"
override fun checkFinishCall(allowNotUsingExpect: Boolean) {
actionIndex.value.let {
it < 0 || allowNotUsingExpect && it == 0,
"Expected `finish(${actionIndex.value + 1})` to be called, but the test finished"
interface ErrorCatching {
* Returns `true` if errors were logged in the test.
fun hasError(): Boolean
* Directly reports an error to the test catching facilities.
fun reportError(error: Throwable)
class Impl : ErrorCatching {
private val errors = mutableListOf<Throwable>()
private val lock = SynchronizedObject()
private var closed = false
override fun hasError(): Boolean = synchronized(lock) {
override fun reportError(error: Throwable) {
synchronized(lock) {
if (closed) {
} else {
fun close() {
synchronized(lock) {
if (closed) {
lastResortReportException(IllegalStateException("ErrorCatching closed more than once"))
closed = true
errors.firstOrNull()?.let {
for (error in errors.drop(1))
throw it
* Reports an error *somehow* so that it doesn't get completely forgotten.
internal expect fun lastResortReportException(error: Throwable)
* Throws [IllegalStateException] when `value` is false, like `check` in stdlib, but also ensures that the
* test will not complete successfully even if this exception is consumed somewhere in the test.
public inline fun ErrorCatching.check(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any) {
if (!value) error(lazyMessage())
* Throws [IllegalStateException], like `error` in stdlib, but also ensures that the test will not
* complete successfully even if this exception is consumed somewhere in the test.
fun ErrorCatching.error(message: Any, cause: Throwable? = null): Nothing {
throw IllegalStateException(message.toString(), cause).also {
* A class inheriting from which allows to check the execution order inside tests.
* @see TestBase
open class OrderedExecutionTestBase : OrderedExecution
// TODO: move to by-delegation when [reset] is no longer needed.
private var orderedExecutionDelegate = OrderedExecution.Impl()
fun checkFinished() { orderedExecutionDelegate.checkFinishCall() }
/** Resets counter and finish flag. Workaround for parametrized tests absence in common */
public fun reset() {
orderedExecutionDelegate = OrderedExecution.Impl()
override fun expect(index: Int) = orderedExecutionDelegate.expect(index)
override fun finish(index: Int) = orderedExecutionDelegate.finish(index)
override fun expectUnreached() = orderedExecutionDelegate.expectUnreached()
override fun checkFinishCall(allowNotUsingExpect: Boolean) =
fun <T> T.void() {}
expect annotation class NoJs()
expect annotation class NoNative()
expect annotation class NoWasmJs()
expect annotation class NoWasmWasi()
expect val isStressTest: Boolean
expect val stressTestMultiplier: Int
expect val stressTestMultiplierSqrt: Int
* The result of a multiplatform asynchronous test.
* Aliases into Unit on K/JVM and K/N, and into Promise on K/JS.
public expect class TestResult
public expect open class TestBase(): OrderedExecutionTestBase, ErrorCatching {
public fun println(message: Any?)
public fun runTest(
expected: ((Throwable) -> Boolean)? = null,
unhandled: List<(Throwable) -> Boolean> = emptyList(),
block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> Unit
): TestResult
override fun hasError(): Boolean
override fun reportError(error: Throwable)
public suspend inline fun hang(onCancellation: () -> Unit) {
try {
suspendCancellableCoroutine<Unit> { }
} finally {
suspend inline fun <reified T : Throwable> assertFailsWith(flow: Flow<*>) = assertFailsWith<T> { flow.collect() }
public suspend fun Flow<Int>.sum() = fold(0) { acc, value -> acc + value }
public suspend fun Flow<Long>.longSum() = fold(0L) { acc, value -> acc + value }
// data is added to avoid stacktrace recovery because CopyableThrowable is not accessible from common modules
public class TestException(message: String? = null, private val data: Any? = null) : Throwable(message)
public class TestException1(message: String? = null, private val data: Any? = null) : Throwable(message)
public class TestException2(message: String? = null, private val data: Any? = null) : Throwable(message)
public class TestException3(message: String? = null, private val data: Any? = null) : Throwable(message)
public class TestCancellationException(message: String? = null, private val data: Any? = null) :
public class TestRuntimeException(message: String? = null, private val data: Any? = null) : RuntimeException(message)
public class RecoverableTestException(message: String? = null) : RuntimeException(message)
public class RecoverableTestCancellationException(message: String? = null) : CancellationException(message)
// Erases identity and equality checks for tests
public fun wrapperDispatcher(context: CoroutineContext): CoroutineContext {
val dispatcher = context[ContinuationInterceptor] as CoroutineDispatcher
return object : CoroutineDispatcher() {
override fun isDispatchNeeded(context: CoroutineContext): Boolean =
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) =
dispatcher.dispatch(context, block)
public suspend fun wrapperDispatcher(): CoroutineContext = wrapperDispatcher(coroutineContext)
class BadClass {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = error("equals")
override fun hashCode(): Int = error("hashCode")
override fun toString(): String = error("toString")
public expect val isJavaAndWindows: Boolean
public expect val isNative: Boolean
* In common tests we emulate parameterized tests
* by iterating over parameters space in the single @Test method.
* This kind of tests is too slow for JS and does not fit into
* the default Mocha timeout, so we're using this flag to bail-out
* and run such tests only on JVM and K/N.
public expect val isBoundByJsTestTimeout: Boolean
* `true` if this platform has the same event loop for `DefaultExecutor` and [Dispatchers.Unconfined]
public expect val usesSharedEventLoop: Boolean