| /* |
| * Copyright 2016-2021 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license. |
| */ |
| |
| pluginManagement { |
| plugins { |
| id "org.openjfx.javafxplugin" version javafx_plugin_version |
| id "me.champeau.jmh" version "0.6.8" |
| } |
| |
| repositories { |
| maven { url "https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/kotlin/p/dokka/dev/" } |
| gradlePluginPortal() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| rootProject.name = 'kotlinx.coroutines' |
| |
| def module(String path) { |
| int i = path.lastIndexOf('/') |
| def name = path.substring(i + 1) |
| include(name) |
| project(":$name").projectDir = file(path) |
| } |
| def prop = System.getProperty("build_snapshot_train") |
| ext.build_snapshot_train = prop != null && prop != "" |
| // --------------------------- |
| |
| include('benchmarks') |
| |
| include "kotlinx-coroutines-core" |
| |
| module('kotlinx-coroutines-test') |
| module('kotlinx-coroutines-debug') |
| module('kotlinx-coroutines-bom') |
| |
| |
| module('integration/kotlinx-coroutines-guava') |
| module('integration/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8') |
| module('integration/kotlinx-coroutines-slf4j') |
| module('integration/kotlinx-coroutines-play-services') |
| |
| module('reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-reactive') |
| module('reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-reactor') |
| module('reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-jdk9') |
| module('reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-rx2') |
| module('reactive/kotlinx-coroutines-rx3') |
| module('ui/kotlinx-coroutines-android') |
| module('ui/kotlinx-coroutines-android/android-unit-tests') |
| if (JavaVersion.current().isJava11Compatible()) { |
| module('ui/kotlinx-coroutines-javafx') |
| } |
| module('ui/kotlinx-coroutines-swing') |
| |
| if (!build_snapshot_train) { |
| module('js/example-frontend-js') |
| } |