blob: a9a72337ae951647af57d40b568afe22a632f040 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.schema.generator;
// serial name 'kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.schema.GenerationTest.NestedCollections'
message NestedCollections {
repeated NestedCollections_intList intList = 1;
repeated NestedCollections_messageList messageList = 2;
repeated NestedCollections_mapInList mapInList = 3;
map<string, NestedCollections_listInMap> listInMap = 4;
// This message was generated to support nested collection in list and does not present in Kotlin.
// Containing message 'NestedCollections', field 'intList'
message NestedCollections_intList {
repeated int32 value = 1;
// This message was generated to support nested collection in list and does not present in Kotlin.
// Containing message 'NestedCollections', field 'messageList'
message NestedCollections_messageList {
repeated OptionsClass value = 1;
// This message was generated to support nested collection in list and does not present in Kotlin.
// Containing message 'NestedCollections', field 'mapInList'
message NestedCollections_mapInList {
map<string, OptionsClass> value = 1;
// This message was generated to support nested collection in map value and does not present in Kotlin.
// Containing message 'NestedCollections', field 'listInMap'
message NestedCollections_listInMap {
repeated int32 value = 1;
// serial name 'kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.schema.GenerationTest.OptionsClass'
message OptionsClass {
required int32 i = 1;