blob: 705bc5602e5c0f9a416f352766ca94adc9b8124f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// TEST PROCESSOR: AnnotationsInDependenciesProcessor
// main.KotlinClass ->
// class main.KotlinClass : annotations.ClassTarget{[value = onClass]}
// class main.KotlinClass : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onClass]}
// function myFun : annotations.FunctionTarget{[value = onMyFun]}
// function myFun : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onMyFun]}
// getter of property prop : annotations.PropertyGetterTarget{[value = get:]}
// parameter <set-?> : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onPropSetter]}
// parameter <set-?> : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onProp]}
// parameter param1 : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onParam1]}
// parameter param1 : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onParam1]}
// parameter param2 : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onParam2]}
// parameter param2 : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onParam2]}
// property prop : annotations.FieldTarget2{[value = field:]}
// property prop : annotations.FieldTarget{[value = onProp]}
// property prop : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onProp]}
// property prop : annotations.PropertyTarget{[value = onProp]}
// setter of property prop : annotations.PropertySetterTarget{[value = set:]}
// lib.KotlinClass ->
// class lib.KotlinClass : annotations.ClassTarget{[value = onClass]}
// class lib.KotlinClass : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onClass]}
// function myFun : annotations.FunctionTarget{[value = onMyFun]}
// function myFun : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onMyFun]}
// getter of property prop : annotations.PropertyGetterTarget{[value = get:]}
// parameter param1 : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onParam1]}
// parameter param1 : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onParam1]}
// parameter param2 : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onParam2]}
// parameter param2 : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onParam2]}
// parameter propInConstructor : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = propInConstructor]}
// property prop : annotations.FieldTarget2{[value = field:]}
// property prop : annotations.FieldTarget{[value = onProp]}
// property prop : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onProp]}
// property prop : annotations.PropertyTarget{[value = onProp]}
// setter of property prop : annotations.PropertySetterTarget{[value = set:]}
// main.DataClass ->
// class main.DataClass : annotations.ClassTarget{[value = onDataClass]}
// class main.DataClass : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onDataClass]}
// getter of property constructorParam : annotations.PropertyGetterTarget{[value = get:]}
// parameter <set-?> : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// parameter constructorParam : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// parameter constructorParam : annotations.ValueParameterTarget{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.FieldTarget2{[value = field:]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.FieldTarget{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.PropertyTarget{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.ValueParameterAndFieldTarget{[value = valueParameterAndField]}
// setter of property constructorParam : annotations.PropertySetterTarget{[value = set:]}
// lib.DataClass ->
// class lib.DataClass : annotations.ClassTarget{[value = onDataClass]}
// class lib.DataClass : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onDataClass]}
// getter of property constructorParam : annotations.PropertyGetterTarget{[value = get:]}
// parameter constructorParam : annotations.NoTargetAnnotation{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.FieldTarget2{[value = field:]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.FieldTarget{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// property constructorParam : annotations.PropertyTarget{[value = onConstructorParam]}
// setter of property constructorParam : annotations.PropertySetterTarget{[value = set:]}
// END
// MODULE: annotations
// FILE: Annotations.kt
package annotations;
annotation class NoTargetAnnotation(val value:String)
annotation class FieldTarget(val value:String)
annotation class FieldTarget2(val value:String)
annotation class PropertyTarget(val value:String)
annotation class PropertySetterTarget(val value:String)
annotation class PropertyGetterTarget(val value:String)
annotation class ClassTarget(val value:String)
annotation class FunctionTarget(val value:String)
annotation class ValueParameterTarget(val value:String)
@Target(AnnotationTarget.VALUE_PARAMETER, AnnotationTarget.FIELD)
annotation class ValueParameterAndFieldTarget(val value: String)
// MODULE: lib(annotations)
// FILE: ClassInLib.kt
package lib;
import annotations.*;
class KotlinClass(@ValueParameterTarget("propInConstructor") val propInConstructor: String ) {
var prop : String = ""
fun myFun(
param1: String,
param2: Int
) {
class DataClass(
var constructorParam : String = ""
// FILE: lib/
package lib;
import annotations.*;
public class JavaClass {}
// MODULE: main(lib, annotations)
// FILE: ClassInModule2.kt
package main;
import annotations.*;
class KotlinClass {
var prop : String = ""
fun myFun(
param1: String,
param2: Int
) {
class DataClass(
var constructorParam : String = ""
// FILE: main/
pakage main;
import annotations.*;
class JavaClassInMain {