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| <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> |
| |
| <groupId>com.github.shyiko.ktlint</groupId> |
| <artifactId>pom</artifactId> |
| <version>0.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version> |
| <packaging>pom</packaging> |
| |
| <name>pom</name> |
| <description>An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter</description> |
| <url>https://github.com/shyiko/ktlint</url> |
| <licenses> |
| <license> |
| <name>MIT</name> |
| <url>https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT</url> |
| <distribution>repo</distribution> |
| </license> |
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| <url>[email protected]:shyiko/ktlint.git</url> |
| </scm> |
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| <developer> |
| <id>shyiko</id> |
| <email>[email protected]</email> |
| <name>Stanley Shyiko</name> |
| </developer> |
| </developers> |
| <distributionManagement> |
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| <id>maven-central</id> |
| <name>Sonatype Nexus Staging</name> |
| <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2</url> |
| </repository> |
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| <id>maven-central</id> |
| <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name> |
| <url>https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> |
| </snapshotRepository> |
| </distributionManagement> |
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| <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding> |
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| <kotlin.compiler.languageVersion>1.1</kotlin.compiler.languageVersion> |
| <kotlin.compiler.apiVersion>1.1</kotlin.compiler.apiVersion> |
| <aether.version>1.1.0</aether.version> |
| <aether.maven.provider.version>3.3.9</aether.maven.provider.version> |
| <picocli.version>2.3.0</picocli.version> |
| <kolor.version>0.0.2</kolor.version> |
| <testng.version>6.8.21</testng.version> |
| <assertj.version>3.9.0</assertj.version> |
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| <gpg.skip>false</gpg.skip> |
| <github.description>${project.version}</github.description> |
| </properties> |
| |
| <modules> |
| <module>ktlint-core</module> |
| <module>ktlint-test</module> |
| <module>ktlint-ruleset-standard</module> |
| <module>ktlint-reporter-plain</module> |
| <module>ktlint-reporter-json</module> |
| <module>ktlint-reporter-checkstyle</module> |
| <module>ktlint</module> |
| </modules> |
| |
| <repositories> |
| <repository> |
| <id>bintray</id> |
| <name>JCenter</name> |
| <url>https://jcenter.bintray.com</url> |
| </repository> |
| </repositories> |
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| <pluginRepository> |
| <id>bintray</id> |
| <name>JCenter</name> |
| <url>https://jcenter.bintray.com</url> |
| </pluginRepository> |
| </pluginRepositories> |
| |
| <build> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.7.0</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <source>1.8</source> |
| <target>1.8</target> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <artifactId>kotlin-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <groupId>org.jetbrains.kotlin</groupId> |
| <version>${kotlin.version}</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <jvmTarget>1.8</jvmTarget> |
| <args> |
| <arg>-Xskip-runtime-version-check</arg> |
| </args> |
| </configuration> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>compile</id> |
| <phase>process-sources</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>compile</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| <execution> |
| <id>test-compile</id> |
| <phase>process-test-sources</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>test-compile</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.0.2</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <archive> |
| <manifestEntries> |
| <!-- for class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion() --> |
| <Implementation-Version>${project.version}</Implementation-Version> |
| </manifestEntries> |
| </archive> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>3.0.0-M1</version> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>enforce</id> |
| <configuration> |
| <rules> |
| <dependencyConvergence/> |
| </rules> |
| </configuration> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>enforce</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-deploy-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>2.8.2</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <skip>true</skip> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>com.github.shyiko.usage-maven-plugin</groupId> |
| <artifactId>usage-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.0.0</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <usage> |
| # build "./ktlint/target/ktlint" (executable jar) |
| ./mvnw -Pcapsule clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true |
| |
| # test (& check code style) |
| ./mvnw clean verify |
| |
| # publish a new version |
| ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=<version> |
| ./mvnw -Ddeploy=maven-central |
| ./mvnw -Ddeploy=github |
| ./mvnw -Ddeploy=github-release-notes -N |
| ./mvnw -Ddeploy=homebrew -N |
| ./mvnw -Ddeploy=refs -N |
| </usage> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| <extensions> |
| <extension> |
| <groupId>com.github.shyiko.servers-maven-extension</groupId> |
| <artifactId>servers-maven-extension</artifactId> |
| <version>1.3.1</version> |
| </extension> |
| <extension> |
| <groupId>com.github.shyiko.usage-maven-plugin</groupId> |
| <artifactId>usage-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.0.0</version> |
| </extension> |
| </extensions> |
| </build> |
| |
| <profiles> |
| <profile> |
| <id>deploy-to-maven-central</id> |
| <activation> |
| <property> |
| <name>deploy</name> |
| <value>maven-central</value> |
| </property> |
| </activation> |
| <build> |
| <defaultGoal>clean deploy</defaultGoal> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-gpg-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.6</version> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>sign-artifacts</id> |
| <phase>verify</phase> |
| <goals> |
| <goal>sign</goal> |
| </goals> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.sonatype.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>nexus-staging-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.6.8</version> |
| <extensions>true</extensions> |
| <configuration> |
| <nexusUrl>https://oss.sonatype.org/</nexusUrl> |
| <serverId>maven-central</serverId> |
| <!--<skipStagingRepositoryClose>true</skipStagingRepositoryClose>--> |
| <!--<autoReleaseAfterClose>true</autoReleaseAfterClose>--> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| <profile> |
| <id>deploy-to-github</id> |
| <activation> |
| <property> |
| <name>deploy</name> |
| <value>github</value> |
| </property> |
| </activation> |
| <build> |
| <defaultGoal>clean deploy</defaultGoal> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| <profile> |
| <!-- |
| https://github.com/mattbrictson/chandler must be installed and available on PATH |
| --> |
| <id>update-github-release-notes</id> |
| <activation> |
| <property> |
| <name>deploy</name> |
| <value>github-release-notes</value> |
| </property> |
| </activation> |
| <build> |
| <defaultGoal>antrun:run</defaultGoal> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.8</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <target name="update-github-release-notes"> |
| <exec executable="chandler" dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true"> |
| <arg value="push"/> |
| <arg value="${project.version}"/> |
| <env key="CHANDLER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN" value="${settings.servers.github.privateKey}"/> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| <profile> |
| <id>deploy-to-homebrew</id> |
| <activation> |
| <property> |
| <name>deploy</name> |
| <value>homebrew</value> |
| </property> |
| </activation> |
| <build> |
| <defaultGoal>antrun:run</defaultGoal> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> |
| <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.8</version> |
| <configuration> |
| <target name="deploy-to-homebrew"> |
| <exec executable="${project.basedir}/.deploy-to-homebrew" failonerror="true"> |
| <env key="VERSION" value="${project.version}"/> |
| <env key="GITHUB_TOKEN" value="${settings.servers.github.privateKey}"/> |
| </exec> |
| </target> |
| </configuration> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| <profile> |
| <id>announce</id> |
| <activation> |
| <property> |
| <name>deploy</name> |
| <value>refs</value> |
| </property> |
| </activation> |
| <build> |
| <defaultGoal>exec:exec@announce</defaultGoal> |
| <plugins> |
| <plugin> |
| <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> |
| <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> |
| <version>1.6.0</version> |
| <executions> |
| <execution> |
| <id>announce</id> |
| <configuration> |
| <executable>${project.basedir}/.announce</executable> |
| <environmentVariables> |
| <VERSION>${project.version}</VERSION> |
| <GITHUB_TOKEN>${settings.servers.github.privateKey}</GITHUB_TOKEN> |
| </environmentVariables> |
| </configuration> |
| </execution> |
| </executions> |
| </plugin> |
| </plugins> |
| </build> |
| </profile> |
| </profiles> |
| |
| </project> |