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.TH CAP_CLEAR 3 "2021-03-06" "" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
cap_clear, cap_clear_flag, cap_get_flag, cap_set_flag, cap_fill, cap_compare \- capability data object manipulation
#include <sys/capability.h>
int cap_clear(cap_t cap_p);
int cap_clear_flag(cap_t cap_p, cap_flag_t flag);
int cap_get_flag(cap_t cap_p, cap_value_t cap,
cap_flag_t flag, cap_flag_value_t *value_p);
int cap_set_flag(cap_t cap_p, cap_flag_t flag, int ncap,
const cap_value_t *caps, cap_flag_value_t value);
int cap_fill(cap_t cap_p, cap_flag_t to, cap_flag_t from);
int cap_compare(cap_t cap_a, cap_t cap_b);
Link with \fI\-lcap\fP.
These functions work on a capability state held in working storage.
.I cap_t
holds information about the capabilities in each of the three sets,
Permitted, Inheritable, and Effective.
Each capability in a set may be clear (disabled, 0) or set (enabled, 1).
These functions work with the following data types:
.TP 18
.I cap_value_t
identifies a capability, such as
.I cap_flag_t
identifies one of the three flags associated with a capability
(i.e., it identifies one of the three capability sets).
Valid values for this type are
.I cap_flag_value_t
identifies the setting of a particular capability flag
(i.e, the value of a capability in a set).
Valid values for this type are
(0) or
.BR cap_clear ()
initializes the capability state in working storage identified by
.I cap_p
so that all capability flags are cleared.
.BR cap_clear_flag ()
clears all of the capabilities of the specified capability flag,
.IR flag .
.BR cap_get_flag ()
obtains the current value of the capability flag,
.IR flag ,
of the capability,
.IR cap ,
from the capability state identified by
.I cap_p
and places it in the location pointed to by
.IR value_p .
.BR cap_set_flag ()
sets the flag,
.IR flag ,
of each capability in the array
.I caps
in the capability state identified by
.I cap_p
.IR value .
The argument,
.IR ncap ,
is used to specify the number of capabilities in the array,
.IR caps .
.BR cap_fill ()
fills the to flag values by copying all of the from flag values.
.BR cap_compare ()
compares two full capability sets and, in the spirit of
.BR memcmp (),
returns zero if the two capability sets are identical. A positive
return value,
.BR status ,
indicates there is a difference between them. The
returned value carries further information about which of three sets,
.I cap_flag_t
.BR flag ,
differ. Specifically, the macro
.RI ( status ", " flag )
evaluates to non-zero if the returned status differs in its
.I flag
.BR cap_clear (),
.BR cap_clear_flag (),
.BR cap_get_flag ()
.BR cap_set_flag ()
.BR cap_compare ()
return zero on success, and \-1 on failure. Other return values for
.BR cap_compare ()
are described above.
On failure,
.I errno
is set to
indicating that one of the arguments is invalid.
These functions are as per the withdrawn POSIX.1e draft specification.
.BR cap_clear_flag ()
.BR cap_compare ()
are Linux extensions.
.BR libcap (3),
.BR cap_copy_ext (3),
.BR cap_from_text (3),
.BR cap_get_file (3),
.BR cap_get_proc (3),
.BR cap_init (3),
.BR capabilities (7)