blob: cf3c2a4b5814dda23ec0b6156d1df84708b4c613 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Provide some basic utility functions for libchrome tools."""
import collections
import enum
import os
import re
import subprocess
class DiffOperations(enum.Enum):
Describes operations on files
ADD = 1
DEL = 2
REP = 3
GitFile = collections.namedtuple(
['path', 'mode', 'id',]
GitDiffTree = collections.namedtuple(
['op', 'file',]
GitBlameLine = collections.namedtuple(
['data', 'commit', 'old_line', 'new_line',]
GIT_DIFFTREE_RE_LINE = re.compile(rb'^:([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)\t(.*)$')
def _reverse(files):
"""Creates a reverse map from file path to file.
Asserts if a file path exist only once in files.
files: list of files.
files_map = {}
for i in files:
if i.path in files_map:
assert i.path not in files_map
files_map[i.path] = i
return files_map
def get_file_list(commit):
"""Gets a list of the files of the commit.
commit: commit hash or refs.
output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'ls-tree', '-r',
files = []
# Line looks like
# mode<space>type<space>id<tab>file name
# split by tab first, and by space.
re_line = re.compile(rb'^([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)\t(.*)$')
for line in output:
if not line:
match = re_line.match(line)
mode, gittype, blobhash, path = match.groups()
if gittype == b'commit':
assert gittype == b'blob', '%s\n\n%s' % (str(output), line)
files.append(GitFile(path, mode, blobhash))
return files
def git_difftree(treeish1, treeish2):
"""Gets diffs between treeish1 and treeish2.
It returns a list of GitDiffTree, each GitDiffTree contains an ADD, DEL or
REP operation and a GitFile.
treeish1, treeish2: treeish to diff.
treeish can be tree hash or commit hash. If treeish1 is None, it
generate difftrees with its parent.
out = None
if treeish1 is None:
# Remove first line since it's tree hash printed.
out = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff-tree', '-r',
out = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff-tree', '-r',
treeish1, treeish2]).split(b'\n')
diff = []
for line in out:
if not line:
match = GIT_DIFFTREE_RE_LINE.match(line)
oldmode, newmode, oldhash, newhash, typeofchange, path = match.groups()
assert typeofchange in b'ADMT', (treeish1, treeish2, line)
if typeofchange == b'A':
GitFile(path, newmode, newhash)))
elif typeofchange == b'D':
GitFile(path, oldmode, oldhash)))
elif typeofchange == b'M' or typeofchange == b'T':
GitFile(path, newmode, newhash)))
raise Exception(b"Unsupported type: " + line)
return diff
def gen_op(current_files, target_files):
"""Returns an operation list to convert files to target_files.
Generates list of operations (add/delete/replace files) if we want to
convert current_files in directory to target_files
current_files: list of files in current directory.
target_files: list of files we want it to be in current directory.
current_file_map = _reverse(current_files)
target_file_map = _reverse(target_files)
op = []
for i in sorted(current_file_map):
if i not in target_file_map:
op.append((DiffOperations.DEL, current_file_map[i]))
for i in sorted(target_file_map):
if i in current_file_map and current_file_map[i] != target_file_map[i]:
op.append((DiffOperations.REP, target_file_map[i]))
elif i not in current_file_map:
op.append((DiffOperations.ADD, target_file_map[i]))
return op
def git_mktree(files):
"""Returns a git tree object hash after mktree recursively."""
def recursive_default_dict():
return collections.defaultdict(recursive_default_dict)
tree = recursive_default_dict()
for f in files:
directories = f.path.split(b'/')
directories, filename = directories[:-1], directories[-1]
cwd = tree
for directory in directories:
# If cwd is a GitFile, which means a file and a directory shares the
# same name.
assert type(cwd) == collections.defaultdict
cwd = cwd[directory]
assert filename not in cwd
cwd[filename] = f
def _mktree(prefix, node):
objects = []
for name, val in node.items():
if isinstance(val, collections.defaultdict):
tree_hash = _mktree(prefix, val)
[b' '.join([b'040000', b'tree', tree_hash]), name]))
path = b'/'.join(prefix)
assert path == val.path, '%s\n%s' % (str(path), str(val.path))
[b' '.join([val.mode, b'blob',]), name]))
return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'mktree'],
return _mktree([], tree)
def git_commit(tree, parents, message=b"", extra_env={}):
"""Creates a commit.
tree: tree object id.
parents: parent commit id.
message: commit message.
extra_env: extra environment variables passed to git.
parent_args = []
for parent in parents:
return subprocess.check_output(
['git', 'commit-tree', tree] + parent_args,
env=dict(os.environ, **extra_env)).strip(b'\n')
def git_revlist(from_commit, to_commit):
"""Returns a list of commits and their parents.
Each item in the list is a tuple, containing two elements.
The first element is the commit hash; the second element is a list of parent
commits' hash.
commits = []
ret = None
if from_commit is None:
ret = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-list', to_commit,
'--topo-order', '--parents'])
# b'...'.join() later requires all variable to be binary-typed.
if type(from_commit) == str:
from_commit = from_commit.encode('ascii')
if type(to_commit) == str:
to_commit = to_commit.encode('ascii')
commit_range = b'...'.join([from_commit, to_commit])
ret = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-list', commit_range,
'--topo-order', '--parents'])
ret = ret.split(b'\n')
for line in ret:
if not line:
hashes = line.split(b' ')
commits.append((hashes[0], hashes[1:]))
return list(reversed(commits))
def git_blame(commit, filepath):
"""Returns line-by-line git blame.
Return value is represented by a list of GitBlameLine.
commit: commit hash to blame at.
filepath: file to blame.
output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'blame', '-p',
commit, filepath])
commit, old_line, new_line = None, None, None
blames = []
COMMIT_LINE_PREFIX = re.compile(b'^[0-9a-f]* ')
for line in output.split(b'\n'):
if not line:
if line[0] == ord(b'\t'):
assert commit != None
blames.append(GitBlameLine(line[1:], commit, old_line, new_line))
commit, old_line, new_line = None, None, None
elif COMMIT_LINE_PREFIX.match(line):
commit, old_line, new_line = line.split(b' ', 3)[0:3]
return blames