| 0 - exit with no error |
| 1 - Cen't access witch right mode (read or write) configuration file. |
| 2 - (not used), |
| 3 - Variable of given path not found (path not found). |
| 4 - Variable path not given. |
| 5 - Can't remove root element (cused if someone try to unset it) |
| 6 - Can't find parent element |
| 7 - Variable unset failed. |
| 8 - Configuration file write failed. |
| 9 - Variable value not given. |
| 10 - Inconsistent value type (caused if set exisitng variablen and give type another then saved). |
| 11 - Variable set failed. |
| 12 - Incorrect data format. |
| 13 - Variable type not given (in som cases tu set variable, giving his type are necesery). |
| 14 - Inlegal data type (caused if user give type thet not known for libconfig9). |
| 15 - Bad name of variable (curently chcecking only if enpty stringa are given). |
| 16 - Inavlid configuration variable path. |
| 17 - New named configuration variable can be added only to group element. |
| 18 - Prohibited data type (caused when use type then connot be use in given case). |
| |