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"$Id: api-cups.shtml 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $"
CUPS API introduction for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
Copyright 2007-2008 by Apple Inc.
Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
which should have been included with this file. If this file is
file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
<h2 class='title'><a name='OVERVIEW'>Overview</a></h2>
<p>The CUPS API provides the convenience functions needed to support
applications, filters, printer drivers, and backends that need to interface
with the CUPS scheduler.</p>
<h3><a name='CLIENTS_AND_SERVERS'>Clients and Servers</a></h3>
<p>CUPS is based on the Internet Printing Protocol ("IPP"), which allows
clients (applications) to communicate with a server (the scheduler) to get a
list of printers, send print jobs, and so forth. You identify which server
you want to communicate with using a pointer to the opaque structure
<code>http_t</code>. All of the examples in this document use the
<code>CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT</code> constant, referring to the default connection
to the scheduler. The <a href='api-httpipp.html' target='_top'>HTTP and IPP
APIs</a> document provides more information on server connections.</p>
<h3><a name='PRINTERS_AND_CLASSES'>Printers and Classes</a></h3>
<p>Printers and classes (collections of printers) are accessed through
the <a href="#cups_dest_t"><code>cups_dest_t</code></a> structure which
includes the name (<code>name</code>), instance (<code>instance</code> -
a way of selecting certain saved options/settings), and the options and
attributes associated with that destination (<code>num_options</code> and
<code>options</code>). Destinations are created using the
<a href="#cupsGetDests"><code>cupsGetDests</code></a> function and freed
using the <a href='#cupsFreeDests'><code>cupsFreeDests</code></a> function.
The <a href='#cupsGetDest'><code>cupsGetDest</code></a> function finds a
specific destination for printing:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dests;
int num_dests = <a href='#cupsGetDests'>cupsGetDests</a>(&amp;dests);
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest = <a href='#cupsGetDest'>cupsGetDest</a>("name", NULL, num_dests, dests);
/* do something wiith dest */
<a href='#cupsFreeDests'>cupsFreeDests</a>(num_dests, dests);
<p>Passing <code>NULL</code> to
<a href='#cupsGetDest'><code>cupsGetDest</code></a> for the destination name
will return the default destination. Similarly, passing a <code>NULL</code>
instance will return the default instance for that destination.</p>
<div class='table'><table summary='Table 1: Printer Attributes' width='80%'>
<caption>Table 1: <a name='TABLE1'>Printer Attributes</a></caption>
<th>Attribute Name</th>
<td>The type of authentication required for printing to this
destination: "none", "username,password", "domain,username,password",
or "negotiate" (Kerberos)</td>
<td>The human-readable description of the destination such as "My
Laser Printer".</td>
<td>"1" if the destination is accepting new jobs, "0" if not.</td>
<td>"1" if the destination is being shared with other computers, "0" if
<td>The human-readable location of the destination such as "Lab 4".</td>
<td>The human-readable make and model of the destination such as "HP
LaserJet 4000 Series".</td>
<td>"3" if the destination is idle, "4" if the destination is printing
a job, and "5" if the destination is stopped.</td>
<td>The UNIX time when the destination entered the current state.</td>
<td>Additional comma-delimited state keywords for the destination
such as "media-tray-empty-error" and "toner-low-warning".</td>
<td>The <a href='#cups_printer_t'><code>cups_printer_t</code></a>
value associated with the destination.</td>
<h3><a name='OPTIONS'>Options</a></h3>
<p>Options are stored in arrays of
<a href='#cups_option_t'><code>cups_option_t</code></a> structures. Each
option has a name (<code>name</code>) and value (<code>value</code>)
associated with it. The <a href='#cups_dest_t'><code>cups_dest_t</code></a>
<code>num_options</code> and <code>options</code> members contain the
default options for a particular destination, along with several informational
attributes about the destination as shown in <a href='#TABLE1'>Table 1</a>.
The <a href='#cupsGetOption'><code>cupsGetOption</code></a> function gets
the value for the named option. For example, the following code lists the
available destinations and their human-readable descriptions:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dests;
int num_dests = <a href='#cupsGetDests'>cupsGetDests</a>(&amp;dests);
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
int i;
const char *value;
for (i = num_dests, dest = dests; i > 0; i --, dest ++)
if (dest->instance == NULL)
value = <a href='#cupsGetOption'>cupsGetOption</a>("printer-info", dest->num_options, dest->options);
printf("%s (%s)\n", dest->name, value ? value : "no description");
<a href='#cupsFreeDests'>cupsFreeDests</a>(num_dests, dests);
<p>You can create your own option arrays using the
<a href='#cupsAddOption'><code>cupsAddOption</code></a> function, which
adds a single named option to an array:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
int num_options = 0;
<a href='#cups_option_t'>cups_option_t</a> *options = NULL;
/* The returned num_options value is updated as needed */
num_options = <a href='#cupsAddOption'>cupsAddOption</a>("first", "value", num_options, &amp;options);
/* This adds a second option value */
num_options = <a href='#cupsAddOption'>cupsAddOption</a>("second", "value", num_options, &amp;options);
/* This replaces the first option we added */
num_options = <a href='#cupsAddOption'>cupsAddOption</a>("first", "new value", num_options, &amp;options);
<p>Use a <code>for</code> loop to copy the options from a destination:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
int i;
int num_options = 0;
<a href='#cups_option_t'>cups_option_t</a> *options = NULL;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
for (i = 0; i < dest->num_options; i ++)
num_options = <a href='#cupsAddOption'>cupsAddOption</a>(dest->options[i].name, dest->options[i].value,
num_options, &amp;options);
<p>Use the <a href='#cupsFreeOptions'><code>cupsFreeOptions</code></a>
function to free the options array when you are done using it:</p>
<pre class='example'>
<a href='#cupsFreeOptions'>cupsFreeOptions</a>(num_options, options);
<h3><a name='PRINT_JOBS'>Print Jobs</a></h3>
<p>Print jobs are identified by a locally-unique job ID number from 1 to
2<sup>31</sup>-1 and have options and one or more files for printing to a
single destination. The <a href='#cupsPrintFile'><code>cupsPrintFile</code></a>
function creates a new job with one file. The following code prints the CUPS
test page file:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
int num_options;
<a href='#cups_option_t'>cups_option_t</a> *options;
int job_id;
/* Print a single file */
job_id = <a href='#cupsPrintFile'>cupsPrintFile</a>(dest->name, "/usr/share/cups/data/",
"Test Print", num_options, options);
<p>The <a href='#cupsPrintFiles'><code>cupsPrintFiles</code></a> function
creates a job with multiple files. The files are provided in a
<code>char *</code> array:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
int num_options;
<a href='#cups_option_t'>cups_option_t</a> *options;
int job_id;
char *files[3] = { "file1.pdf", "file2.pdf", "file3.pdf" };
/* Print three files */
job_id = <a href='#cupsPrintFiles'>cupsPrintFiles</a>(dest->name, 3, files, "Test Print", num_options, options);
<p>Finally, the <a href='#cupsCreateJob'><code>cupsCreateJob</code></a>
function creates a new job with no files in it. Files are added using the
<a href='#cupsStartDocument'><code>cupsStartDocument</code></a>,
<a href='api-httpipp.html#cupsWriteRequestData'><code>cupsWriteRequestData</code></a>,
and <a href='#cupsFinishDocument'><code>cupsFinishDocument</code></a> functions.
The following example creates a job with 10 text files for printing:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
int num_options;
<a href='#cups_option_t'>cups_option_t</a> *options;
int job_id;
int i;
char buffer[1024];
/* Create the job */
job_id = <a href='#cupsCreateJob'>cupsCreateJob</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, dest->name, "10 Text Files",
num_options, options);
/* If the job is created, add 10 files */
if (job_id > 0)
for (i = 1; i &lt;= 10; i ++)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "file%d.txt", i);
<a href='#cupsStartDocument'>cupsStartDocument</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, dest->name, job_id, buffer,
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
"File %d\n"
"One fish,\n"
"Two fish,\n
"Red fish,\n
"Blue fish\n", i);
/* cupsWriteRequestData can be called as many times as needed */
<a href='#cupsWriteRequestData'>cupsWriteRequestData</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, buffer, strlen(buffer));
<a href='#cupsFinishDocument'>cupsFinishDocument</a>(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, dest->name);
<p>Once you have created a job, you can monitor its status using the
<a href='#cupsGetJobs'><code>cupsGetJobs</code></a> function, which returns
an array of <a href='#cups_job_t'><code>cups_job_t</code></a> structures.
Each contains the job ID (<code>id</code>), destination name
(<code>dest</code>), title (<code>title</code>), and other information
associated with the job. The job array is freed using the
<a href='#cupsFreeJobs'><code>cupsFreeJobs</code></a> function. The following
example monitors a specific job ID, showing the current job state once every
5 seconds until the job is completed:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
int job_id;
int num_jobs;
<a href='#cups_job_t'>cups_job_t</a> *jobs;
int i;
ipp_jstate_t job_state = IPP_JOB_PENDING;
while (job_state &lt; IPP_JOB_STOPPED)
/* Get my jobs (1) with any state (-1) */
num_jobs = <a href='#cupsGetJobs'>cupsGetJobs</a>(&amp;jobs, dest->name, 1, -1);
/* Loop to find my job */
job_state = IPP_JOB_COMPLETED;
for (i = 0; i &lt; num_jobs; i ++)
if (jobs[i].id == job_id)
job_state = jobs[i].state;
/* Free the job array */
<a href='#cupsFreeJobs'>cupsFreeJobs</a>(num_jobs, jobs);
/* Show the current state */
switch (job_state)
printf("Job %d is pending.\n", job_id);
printf("Job %d is held.\n", job_id);
printf("Job %d is processing.\n", job_id);
printf("Job %d is stopped.\n", job_id);
printf("Job %d is canceled.\n", job_id);
printf("Job %d is aborted.\n", job_id);
printf("Job %d is completed.\n", job_id);
/* Sleep if the job is not finished */
if (job_state &lt; IPP_JOB_STOPPED)
<p>To cancel a job, use the
<a href='#cupsCancelJob'><code>cupsCancelJob</code></a> function with the
job ID:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
<a href='#cups_dest_t'>cups_dest_t</a> *dest;
int job_id;
<a href='#cupsCancelJob'>cupsCancelJob</a>(dest->name, job_id);
<h3><a name='ERROR_HANDLING'>Error Handling</a></h3>
<p>If any of the CUPS API printing functions returns an error, the reason for
that error can be found by calling the
<a href='#cupsLastError'><code>cupsLastError</code></a> and
<a href='#cupsLastErrorString'><code>cupsLastErrorString</code></a> functions.
<a href='#cupsLastError'><code>cupsLastError</code></a> returns the last IPP
error code
(<a href='api-httpipp.html#ipp_status_t'><code>ipp_status_t</code></a>)
that was encountered, while
<a href='#cupsLastErrorString'><code>cupsLastErrorString</code></a> returns
a (localized) human-readable string that can be shown to the user. For example,
if any of the job creation functions returns a job ID of 0, you can use
<a href='#cupsLastErrorString'><code>cupsLastErrorString</code></a> to show
the reason why the job could not be created:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
int job_id;
if (job_id == 0)
<h3><a name='PASSWORDS_AND_AUTHENTICATION'>Passwords and Authentication</a></h3>
<p>CUPS supports authentication of any request, including submission of print
jobs. The default mechanism for getting the username and password is to use the
login user and a password from the console.</p>
<p>To support other types of applications, in particular Graphical User
Interfaces ("GUIs"), the CUPS API provides functions to set the default
username and to register a callback function that returns a password string.</p>
<p>The <a href="#cupsSetPasswordCB"><code>cupsSetPasswordCB</code></a>
function is used to set a password callback in your program. Only one
function can be used at any time.</p>
<p>The <a href="#cupsSetUser"><code>cupsSetUser</code></a> function sets the
current username for authentication. This function can be called by your
password callback function to change the current username as needed.</p>
<p>The following example shows a simple password callback that gets a
username and password from the user:</p>
<pre class='example'>
#include &lt;cups/cups.h&gt;
const char *
my_password_cb(const char *prompt)
char user[65];
/* Get a username from the user */
printf("Username: ");
if (fgets(user, sizeof(user), stdin) == NULL)
return (NULL);
/* Strip the newline from the string and set the user */
user[strlen(user) - 1] = '\0';
<a href='#cupsSetUser'>cupsSetUser</a>(user);
/* Use getpass() to ask for the password... */
return (getpass("Password: "));
<a href='#cupsSetPasswordCB'>cupsSetPasswordCB</a>(my_password_cb);
<p>Similarly, a GUI could display the prompt string in a window with input
fields for the username and password. The username should default to the
string returned by the <a href="#cupsUser"><code>cupsUser</code></a>