blob: cb2619e762be64f4563adaa9bcdbffb480f7cc2a [file] [log] [blame]
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%%Creator: Michael Sweet, Apple Inc.
%%CreationDate: D:20070620123000+0700
%%Title: Test Page
%%BeginResource procset bannerprint 1.3 0
% PostScript banner page for the Common UNIX Printing System ("CUPS").
% Copyright 2007 Apple Inc.
% Copyright 1993-2005 Easy Software Products
% These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
% property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright law.
% Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
% which is included with the CUPS source distribution.
/CENTER { % Draw centered text
% (name) CENTER -
dup stringwidth pop % Get the width of the string
0.5 mul neg 0 rmoveto % Shift left 1/2 of the distance
show % Show the string
} bind def
/RIGHT { % Draw right-justified text
% (name) RIGHT -
dup stringwidth pop % Get the width of the string
neg 0 rmoveto % Shift left the entire distance
show % Show the string
} bind def
/NUMBER { % Draw a number
% power n NUMBER -
1 index 1 eq { % power == 1?
round cvi exch pop % Convert "n" to integer
} {
1 index mul round exch div % Truncate extra decimal places
} ifelse
100 string cvs show % Convert to a string and show it...
} bind def
%%Page: 1 1
% Determine the imageable area and device resolution...
initclip newpath clippath pathbbox % Get bounding rectangle
72 div /pageTop exch def % Get top margin in inches
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/pageHeight pageTop pageBottom sub def% pageHeight = pageTop - pageBottom
/boxWidth % width of text box
pageWidth pageHeight lt
{ pageWidth 54 mul }
{ pageHeight 42 mul }
ifelse def
newpath % Clear bounding path
% Create fonts...
/bigFont /Helvetica-Bold findfont % bigFont = Helvetica-Bold
pageHeight 3 mul scalefont def % size = pageHeight * 3 (nominally 33)
/mediumFont /Helvetica findfont % mediumFont = Helvetica
pageHeight 1.5 mul scalefont def % size = pageHeight * 1.5 (nominally 16.5)
% Offset page to account for lower-left margin...
pageLeft 72 mul
pageBottom 72 mul
% Draw the label at the top and bottom...
0 setgray % Color
pageWidth 36 mul % Center of page
pageHeight 72 mul % Top of page
pageWidth 9 mul sub % - 3 lines
moveto % Position text
bigFont setfont % Font
(Secret) CENTER % Show text centered
pageWidth 36 mul % Center of page
pageHeight 6 mul % Bottom of page
moveto % Position text
bigFont setfont % Font
(Secret) CENTER % Show text centered
% Job information box...
pageWidth 36 mul 9 add % x = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72 + 9
boxWidth 0.5 mul sub % x-= 1/2 box width
pageHeight 30 mul 9 sub % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72 - 9
boxWidth % w = box width
pageHeight 14 mul % h = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
0.5 setgray rectfill % Draw a shadow
pageWidth 36 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72
boxWidth 0.5 mul sub % x-= 1/2 box width
pageHeight 30 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/4 * 72
boxWidth % w = box width
pageHeight 14 mul % h = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
4 copy 1 setgray rectfill % Clear the box to white
0 setgray rectstroke % Draw a black box around it...
% Job information text...
mediumFont setfont % Medium sized font
pageWidth 36 mul % x = pageWidth * 1/2 * 72
pageHeight 36 mul % y = pageHeight * 1/2 * 72
pageHeight 5 mul add % y += 3.333 lines
2 copy % Copy X & Y
(Job ID: ) RIGHT
2 copy % Copy X & Y
({printer-name}-{job-id}) show
pageHeight 3 mul sub % y -= 2 lines
2 copy % Copy X & Y
(Title: ) RIGHT
2 copy % Copy X & Y
({job-name}) show
pageHeight 3 mul sub % y -= 2 lines
2 copy % Copy X & Y
(Requesting User: ) RIGHT
2 copy % Copy X & Y
({job-originating-user-name}) show
({?job-billing}) () ne {
pageHeight 3 mul sub % y -= 2 lines
2 copy % Copy X & Y
(Billing Info: ) RIGHT
2 copy % Copy X & Y
({job-billing}) show
} if
% Show the page...
% End of "$Id: secret 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $".