| .\" |
| .\" "$Id: backend.man 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $" |
| .\" |
| .\" Backend man page for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). |
| .\" |
| .\" Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc. |
| .\" Copyright 1997-2006 by Easy Software Products. |
| .\" |
| .\" These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the |
| .\" property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright |
| .\" law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt" |
| .\" which should have been included with this file. If this file is |
| .\" file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/". |
| .\" |
| .TH backend 7 "Common UNIX Printing System" "20 March 2006" "Apple Inc." |
| |
| .SH NAME |
| backend \- cups backend transmission interfaces |
| |
| .B backend |
| .br |
| .B backend |
| job user title num-copies options [ |
| .I filename |
| ] |
| |
| Backends are a special type of \fIfilter(7)\fR which is used to |
| send print data to and discover different devices on the system. |
| |
| .LP |
| Like filters, backends must be capable of reading from a filename |
| on the command-line or from the standard input, copying the |
| standard input to a temporary file as required by the physical |
| interface. |
| |
| .LP |
| The command name (argv[0]) is set to the device URI of the |
| destination printer. Starting with CUPS 1.1.22, any |
| authentication information in argv[0] is removed, so |
| backend developers are urged to use the DEVICE_URI environment |
| variable whenever authentication information is required. The |
| CUPS API includes a \fIcupsBackendDeviceURI\fR function for |
| retrieving the correct device URI. |
| |
| .LP |
| Back-channel data from the device should be relayed to the job |
| filters by writing to file descriptor 3. The CUPS API includes |
| the \fIcupsBackChannelWrite\fR function for this purpose. |
| |
| When run with no arguments, the backend should list the devices |
| and schemes it supports or is advertising to stdout. The output |
| consists of zero or more lines consisting of any of the following |
| forms: |
| |
| .nf |
| device-class scheme "Unknown" "device-info" |
| device-class device-uri "device-make-and-model" "device-info" |
| device-class device-uri "device-make-and-model" "device-info" "device-id" |
| .fi |
| |
| .LP |
| The \fIdevice-class\fR field is one of the following values: |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| direct |
| .br |
| The device-uri refers to a specific direct-access device with no |
| options, such as a parallel, USB, or SCSI device. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| file |
| .br |
| The device-uri refers to a file on disk. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| network |
| .br |
| The device-uri refers to a networked device and conforms to the |
| general form for network URIs. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| serial |
| .br |
| The device-uri refers to a serial device with configurable baud |
| rate and other options. If the device-uri contains a baud value, |
| it represents the maximum baud rate supported by the device. |
| |
| .LP |
| The \fIscheme\fR field provides the URI scheme that is supported |
| by the backend. Backends should use this form only when the |
| backend supports any URI using that scheme. The \fIdevice-uri\fR |
| field specifies the full URI to use when communicating with the |
| device. |
| |
| .LP |
| The \fIdevice-make-and-model\fR field specifies the make and |
| model of the device, e.g. "Acme Foojet 2000". If the make and |
| model is not known, you must report "Unknown". |
| |
| .LP |
| The \fIdevice-info\fR field specifies additional information |
| about the device. Typically this includes the make and model |
| along with the port number or network address, e.g. "Acme Foojet |
| 2000 USB #1". |
| |
| .LP |
| The optional \fIdevice-id\fR field specifies the IEEE-1284 device |
| ID string for the device, which is used to select a matching |
| driver. |
| |
| Backends without world execute permissions are run as the root |
| user. Otherwise, the backend is run using the unprivileged user |
| account, typically "lp". |
| |
| The following exit codes are defined for backends; C API |
| constants defined in the <cups/backend.h> header file are defined |
| in parenthesis: |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| .br |
| The print file was successfully transmitted to the device or |
| remote server. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| .br |
| The print file was not successfully transmitted to the device or |
| remote server. The scheduler will respond to this by canceling |
| the job, retrying the job, or stopping the queue depending on the |
| state of the error-policy attribute. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| .br |
| The print file was not successfully transmitted because valid |
| authentication information is required. The scheduler will |
| respond to this by holding the job and adding the |
| authentication-required job-reasons keyword. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| .br |
| The print file was not successfully transmitted because it cannot |
| be printed at this time. The scheduler will respond to this by |
| holding the job. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| .br |
| The print file was not successfully transmitted because it cannot |
| be printed at this time. The scheduler will respond to this by |
| stopping the queue. |
| |
| .TP 5 |
| .br |
| The print file was not successfully transmitted because one or |
| more attributes are not supported. The scheduler will respond to |
| this by canceling the job. |
| |
| .PP |
| All other exit code values are reserved. |
| |
| \fIcupsd(8)\fR, \fIcupsd.conf(5)\fR, \fIfilter(7)\fR |
| .br |
| http://localhost:631/help |
| |
| Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc. |
| .\" |
| .\" End of "$Id: backend.man 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $". |
| .\" |