blob: affd6fcba3624ac2016158a0cee5a34f4b4abc5f [file] [log] [blame]
* "$Id: mantohtml.c 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $"
* Man page to HTML conversion program.
* Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.
* Copyright 2004-2006 by Easy Software Products.
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
* property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
* law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
* which should have been included with this file. If this file is
* file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
* Contents:
* main() - Convert a man page to HTML.
* putc_entity() - Put a single character, using entities as needed.
* strmove() - Move characters within a string.
* Include necessary headers.
#include <cups/string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
* Local functions...
static void putc_entity(int ch, FILE *fp);
static void strmove(char *d, const char *s);
* 'main()' - Convert a man page to HTML.
int /* O - Exit status */
main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */
char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */
FILE *infile, /* Input file */
*outfile; /* Output file */
char line[1024], /* Line from file */
*lineptr, /* Pointer into line */
*endptr, /* Pointer to end of current */
endchar, /* End character */
*paren, /* Pointer to parenthesis */
name[1024]; /* Man page name */
int section, /* Man page section */
pre, /* Preformatted */
font, /* Current font */
blist, /* In a bullet list? */
list, /* In a list? */
linenum; /* Current line number */
const char *post; /* Text to add after the current line */
static const char /* Start/end tags for fonts */
* const start_fonts[] = { "", "<b>", "<i>" },
* const end_fonts[] = { "", "</b>", "</i>" };
* Check arguments...
if (argc > 3)
fputs("Usage: mantohtml [ [filename.html]]\n", stderr);
return (1);
* Open files as needed...
if (argc > 1)
if ((infile = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
return (1);
infile = stdin;
if (argc > 2)
if ((outfile = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL)
return (1);
outfile = stdout;
* Read from input and write the output...
fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\" "
"<!-- SECTION: Man Pages -->\n"
"\t<style type='text/css'><!--\n"
"\th1, h2, h3, p { font-family: sans-serif; text-align: justify; }\n"
"\ttt, pre a:link, pre a:visited, tt a:link, tt a:visited { font-weight: bold; color: #7f0000; }\n"
"\tpre { font-weight: bold; color: #7f0000; margin-left: 2em; }\n"
"\th1.title, h2.title, h3.title { border-bottom: solid 2px #000000; }\n"
"\t--></style>\n", outfile);
blist = 0;
font = 0;
list = 0;
linenum = 0;
pre = 0;
post = NULL;
section = -1;
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
linenum ++;
if (line[0] == '.')
* Strip leading whitespace...
while (line[1] == ' ' || line[1] == '\t')
strmove(line + 1, line + 2);
* Process man page commands...
if (!strncmp(line, ".TH ", 4) && section < 0)
* Grab man page title...
sscanf(line + 4, "%s%d", name, &section);
name, section, start_fonts[font]);
else if (section < 0)
else if (!strncmp(line, ".SH ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".Sh ", 4))
* Grab heading...
int first = 1;
fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
if (blist)
fputs("</li>\n</ul>\n", outfile);
blist = 0;
if (list)
if (list == 1)
fputs("</dt>\n", outfile);
else if (list)
fputs("</dd>\n", outfile);
fputs("</dl>\n", outfile);
list = 0;
line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; /* Strip LF */
if (line[2] == 'H')
fputs("<h2><a name='", outfile);
fputs("<h3><a name='", outfile);
for (lineptr = line + 4; *lineptr; lineptr ++)
if (*lineptr == '\"')
else if (*lineptr == ' ')
putc_entity('_', outfile);
putc_entity(*lineptr, outfile);
fputs("'>", outfile);
for (lineptr = line + 4; *lineptr; lineptr ++)
if (*lineptr == '\"')
else if (*lineptr == ' ')
putc_entity(' ', outfile);
first = 1;
if (first)
putc_entity(*lineptr, outfile);
putc_entity(tolower(*lineptr), outfile);
first = 0;
if (line[2] == 'H')
fprintf(outfile, "</a></h2>\n%s", start_fonts[font]);
fprintf(outfile, "</a></h3>\n%s", start_fonts[font]);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".LP", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".PP", 3))
* New paragraph...
fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
if (blist)
fputs("</li>\n</ul>\n", outfile);
blist = 0;
if (list)
if (list == 1)
fputs("</dt>\n", outfile);
else if (list)
fputs("</dd>\n", outfile);
fputs("</dl>\n", outfile);
list = 0;
fputs("<p>", outfile);
font = 0;
else if (!strncmp(line, ".TP ", 4))
* Grab list...
fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
if (blist)
fputs("</li>\n</ul>\n", outfile);
blist = 0;
if (!list)
fputs("<dl>\n", outfile);
else if (list == 1)
fputs("</dt>\n", outfile);
else if (list)
fputs("</dd>\n", outfile);
fputs("<dt>", outfile);
list = 1;
font = 0;
else if (!strncmp(line, ".br", 3))
* Grab line break...
if (list == 1)
fputs("</dt>\n<dd>", outfile);
list = 2;
else if (list)
fputs("</dd>\n<dd>", outfile);
fputs("<br>\n", outfile);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".de ", 4))
* Define macro - ignore...
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
linenum ++;
if (!strncmp(line, "..", 2))
else if (!strncmp(line, ".RS", 3))
* Indent...
fputs("<div style='margin-left: 3em;'>\n", outfile);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".RE", 3))
* Unindent...
fputs("</div>\n", outfile);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".ds ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".rm ", 4) ||
!strncmp(line, ".tr ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".hy ", 4) ||
!strncmp(line, ".IX ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".PD", 3) ||
!strncmp(line, ".Sp", 3))
* Ignore unused commands...
else if (!strncmp(line, ".Vb", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".nf", 3))
* Start preformatted...
pre = 1;
fputs("<pre>\n", outfile);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".Ve", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".fi", 3))
* End preformatted...
if (pre)
pre = 0;
fputs("</pre>\n", outfile);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".IP \\(bu", 8))
* Bullet list...
if (blist)
fputs("</li>\n", outfile);
fputs("<ul>\n", outfile);
blist = 1;
fputs("<li>", outfile);
else if (!strncmp(line, ".IP ", 4))
* Indented paragraph...
if (blist)
fputs("</li>\n</ul>\n", outfile);
blist = 0;
fputs("<p style='margin-left: 3em;'>", outfile);
for (lineptr = line + 4; isspace(*lineptr); lineptr ++);
if (*lineptr == '\"')
strmove(line, lineptr + 1);
if ((lineptr = strchr(line, '\"')) != NULL)
*lineptr = '\0';
strmove(line, lineptr);
if ((lineptr = strchr(line, ' ')) != NULL)
*lineptr = '\0';
* Process the text as if it was in-line...
post = "\n<br />\n<br />";
goto process_text;
else if (!strncmp(line, ".\\}", 3))
* Ignore close block...
else if (!strncmp(line, ".ie", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".if", 3) ||
!strncmp(line, ".el", 3))
* If/else - ignore...
if (strchr(line, '{') != NULL)
* Skip whole block...
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
linenum ++;
if (strchr(line, '}') != NULL)
#if 0
else if (!strncmp(line, ". ", 4))
* Grab ...
#endif /* 0 */
else if (!strncmp(line, ".B ", 3))
* Grab bold text...
fprintf(outfile, "%s<b>%s</b>%s", end_fonts[font], line + 3,
else if (!strncmp(line, ".I ", 3))
* Grab italic text...
fprintf(outfile, "%s<i>%s</i>%s", end_fonts[font], line + 3,
else if (strncmp(line, ".\\\"", 3))
* Unknown...
if ((lineptr = strchr(line, ' ')) != NULL)
*lineptr = '\0';
else if ((lineptr = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL)
*lineptr = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, "mantohtml: Unknown man page command \'%s\' on line %d!\n",
line, linenum);
* Skip continuation lines...
lineptr = line + strlen(line) - 2;
if (lineptr >= line && *lineptr == '\\')
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
linenum ++;
lineptr = line + strlen(line) - 2;
if (lineptr < line || *lineptr != '\\')
* Process man page text...
for (lineptr = line; *lineptr; lineptr ++)
if (!strncmp(lineptr, "http://", 7))
* Embed URL...
for (endptr = lineptr + 7;
*endptr && !isspace(*endptr & 255);
endptr ++);
endchar = *endptr;
*endptr = '\0';
fprintf(outfile, "<a href='%s'>%s</a>", lineptr, lineptr);
*endptr = endchar;
lineptr = endptr - 1;
else if (!strncmp(lineptr, "\\fI", 3) &&
(endptr = strstr(lineptr, "\\fR")) != NULL &&
(paren = strchr(lineptr, '(')) != NULL &&
paren < endptr)
* Link to man page?
char manfile[1024], /* Man page filename */
manurl[1024]; /* Man page URL */
* See if the man file is available locally...
lineptr += 3;
endchar = *paren;
*paren = '\0';
snprintf(manfile, sizeof(manfile), "", lineptr);
snprintf(manurl, sizeof(manurl), "man-%s.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages",
*paren = endchar;
endchar = *endptr;
*endptr = '\0';
if (access(manfile, 0))
* Not a local man page, just do it italic...
fputs("<i>", outfile);
while (*lineptr)
putc_entity(*lineptr++, outfile);
fputs("</i>", outfile);
* Local man page, do a link...
fprintf(outfile, "<a href='%s'>", manurl);
while (*lineptr)
putc_entity(*lineptr++, outfile);
fputs("</a>", outfile);
*endptr = endchar;
lineptr = endptr + 2;
else if (*lineptr == '\\')
lineptr ++;
if (!*lineptr)
else if (isdigit(lineptr[0]) && isdigit(lineptr[1]) &&
fprintf(outfile, "&#%d;", ((lineptr[0] - '0') * 8 +
lineptr[1] - '0') * 8 +
lineptr[2] - '0');
lineptr += 2;
else if (*lineptr == '&')
else if (*lineptr == 's')
while (lineptr[1] == '-' || isdigit(lineptr[1]))
lineptr ++;
else if (*lineptr == '*')
lineptr += 2;
else if (*lineptr != 'f')
putc_entity(*lineptr, outfile);
lineptr ++;
if (!*lineptr)
fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
switch (*lineptr)
default : /* Regular */
font = 0;
case 'B' : /* Bold */
case 'b' :
font = 1;
case 'I' : /* Italic */
case 'i' :
font = 2;
fputs(start_fonts[font], outfile);
putc_entity(*lineptr, outfile);
if (post)
fputs(post, outfile);
post = NULL;
fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", end_fonts[font]);
if (blist)
fputs("</li>\n</ul>\n", outfile);
blist = 0;
if (list)
if (list == 1)
fputs("</dt>\n", outfile);
else if (list)
fputs("</dd>\n", outfile);
fputs("</dl>\n", outfile);
list = 0;
"</html>\n", outfile);
* Close files...
if (infile != stdin)
if (outfile != stdout)
* Return with no errors...
return (0);
* 'putc_entity()' - Put a single character, using entities as needed.
static void
putc_entity(int ch, /* I - Character */
FILE *fp) /* I - File */
if (ch == '&')
fputs("&amp;", fp);
else if (ch == '<')
fputs("&lt;", fp);
putc(ch, fp);
* 'strmove()' - Move characters within a string.
static void
strmove(char *d, /* I - Destination */
const char *s) /* I - Source */
while (*s)
*d++ = *s++;
*d = '\0';
* End of "$Id: mantohtml.c 6649 2007-07-11 21:46:42Z mike $".