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.\" "$Id: 5099 2006-02-13 02:46:10Z mike $"
.\" subscriptions.conf man page for the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS).
.\" Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.
.\" Copyright 2006 by Easy Software Products.
.\" These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
.\" property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
.\" law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
.\" which should have been included with this file. If this file is
.\" file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
.TH subscriptions.conf 5 "Common UNIX Printing System" "30 April 2006" "Apple Inc."
subscriptions.conf \- subscriptions file for cups
The \fIsubscriptions.conf\fR file defines the local subscriptions
that are active. It is normally located in the \fI/etc/cups\fR
directory and is generated automatically by the \fIcupsd(8)\fR
program when subscriptions are created, renewed, or cancelled.
Each line in the file can be a configuration directive, a blank line,
or a comment. Comment lines start with the # character.
.TP 5
<Subscription NNN> ... </Subscription>
Defines a subscription.
.TP 5
Events name [ ... name ]
Specifies the events that are subscribed.
.TP 5
ExpirationTime unix-time
Specifies the expiration time of a subscription as a UNIX time
value in seconds since January 1st, 1970.
.TP 5
Interval seconds
Specifies the preferred time interval for event notifications in
.TP 5
JobId job-id
Specifies the job ID associated with the subscription.
.TP 5
LeaseDuration seconds
Specifies the number of seconds that the subscription is valid
for. If 0, the subscription does not expire.
.TP 5
NextEventId number
Specifies the next notify-sequence-number to use for the
.TP 5
NextSubscriptionId number
Specifies the next subscription-id to use.
.TP 5
Owner username
Specifies the user that owns the subscription.
.TP 5
PrinterName printername
Specifies the printer or class associated with the subscription.
.TP 5
Recipient uri
Specifies the notify-recipient-uri value for push-type notifications.
.TP 5
UserData hex-escaped-data
Specifies user data to be included in event notifications. This
is typically the "from" address in mailto: notifications.
\fIclasses.conf(5)\fR, \fIcupsd(8)\fR, \fIcupsd.conf(5)\fR,
\fImime.convs(5)\fR, \fImime.types(5)\fR, \fRprinters.conf(5)\fR
Copyright 2007 by Apple Inc.
.\" End of "$Id: 5099 2006-02-13 02:46:10Z mike $".